C THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thaw, June 10, 1954 Tickets $1.00 Sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary of York County Hospital, Newmarket GATE PRIZES, FLOWER BOOTH. REFRESHMENTS New Toke-Home Colour Selectorâ€" You choose from 148 colour samples in your home! WWWme mmmmmumuuumummmmumumumnmmnunuummmmwnnmwmummummmmmmï¬ RICHMOND HI". Clean, must-be seen to be appreciated 3695.00 BAKER’S SALES & SERVICE Stop 22 Yonge St. II in aid of the York County Hospital Building Fund The right place to choose paint colours is in your home. where you can be sure they‘ll match drapes. rugs and furniture. Pittsburgh‘s new Take-Home Colour Selector gives you 148 actual colour samples for foolproof “at home" selection. It’s the surest, easiest way to buy paint ever developed. You visit your Pittsburgh Dealer only once, to get a full range of colours. You choose your colours at home. Then call your Pittsburgh Dealer and order your paint by phone. The 25c you paid for the Take-Home Colour Selector will be deducted from the price of your order of 1 gallon or more of paint. If painting odours are keeping you from doing your spring paint- ing now, here‘s’ good news! There‘s no lingering “painty†odour with Pittsburgh Rubberized Satin Finish. You can actually paint with the windows closed. It dn'es to the touch in 15 minutes, dries completely in one hour and it glides on the walk. You can paint a room in an afternoon. {WI PITTSBURGH PAINT: choose your colours of homeâ€"Buy your Point by Phone! HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street KER COACH washer, 2-tone RICHMOND HILL SEE THESE DEALERS Thursday - June 17 - 3pm. Climatizer, overdrive, one owner $1350.00 EATON HALL FARM - KING NEW PAINTS WITHOUT “PAINTY†ODOURI FOR “CLOSED WINDOW" PAINTING 1951 STUDEBAKER SEDAN GARDEN PARTY CANADIAN PITTSBURGH 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN Phone TUrner 4-1114 .j M'ONTIAC, 4 dr. Sedan, gclean A-l Car 13995.00 at MU‘YIM WM. Richvale Among the ministerial changes reported at the 30th annual meet- ing of the Toronto Conference of the United Church in Canada held in North Bay last week, was that Rev. A. G. Donald of Strat- iord will assume charge of Mn- ple circuit. He sucoeeds Rev. E. H. Unstead who has served this community well for the past year. Soon! a Personal The June meeting of the W0- men’s Association will take the form of a lawn quilting bee at the home of Mrs. George Poole, Concord, Thursday afternoon, June 17. The last meeting of the season of Hope Community and School Club was held at the school on Wednesday, June 5, with the president, Mrs. Clara Baker op- ening the meeting with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and the treasurer Mrs. G. Ingram reported the results of the tea and Plans are under way for a com- munity strawberry supper to be held later this month. Over 100 members of the Vau- ghan Township Federation of Ag- riculture visited the Department of Lands and Forest: Research Station at Maple on Monday of last week and enjoyed a tour of the grounds and demonstration in the Reforestry Dept. and other points of interest while the day- light lasted. After dark the meet- ing took the form of a tour of the buildings and talks on the experi- ments being undertaken by the personnel of the Lands and For- ests staff. On the following Thursday JUNE 23, 1954, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Prov- ince of Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. United Church Notes Miss Louise Spencer entertain- ed the following little guests at supper on May 24, in celebration of her ï¬fth birthday: Sheila Hen- dry. Teddy George, Donna Thompon, John Lund and Ron- nie Mitchell. Two Organisations Enjoy Tour On the following Thursday afternoon, members of the Edge- ley Women‘s Institute visited the Research station and were con- ducted on a tour of the premises by Dr. C. D. Fowle of the Forest Management Division. In the bi- ology buildin , preceding the tour, Dr. Fow e outlined for the group the important investiga- tions that have been undertaken by the Research Division of the Department, investigations that have contributed in no small way to the immediate and future ec- onomy of the province. These consist mostly of searching out useful facts and ideas for hand- ling our forests and their prod- ucts and to developing new pro- ducts and ï¬nding uses for old Forms of tender with speciï¬ca- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Depart- ment of Public Works. Ottawa, and the Purchasing and Stores Officer, 3 Sullivan Street, Toron- to, Ontario. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 3.00 The Department reserves the right to demand from any suc- cessful tenderer. before au’arding the order. a security deposit in the form of a certiï¬ed cheque draivn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Queâ€" bec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works. equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender. in accordance with the Government Contracts Regula- tions now in force. or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached. of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian Nat- ional Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncondi- tionally guaranteed as to princi- pal and interest by the Governâ€" ment of Canada. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. May 28, 1954. Mn. Bernard Millet. Lilian. Alice, Mrs. George Miller Sr., George Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Miller, Heather and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miller attended the Brown-Baird wedding which took place in Donlands United Church Toronto. Saturday. May 22. Presbyterian W.M.S. St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. James McDonald. Wednesday, June 2. with a good attendance. St. Andrew's Girls' Club were guests and were in charge of the program. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Mary Carson, the prayer given by Mrs. David Martyn. An invitation to attend the 50th anniversary of Nashville W.M.S. on June 8 was accepted. Miss Ann Lawrie introduced Mr. Tilt of the Dept. of Lands and Forests who showed a num- ber of ï¬lms which were much en- joyed. The annual bale was pack- ed, containing a number of quilts, children's clothing, etc, and val- ued at $94.14. Rev. Mr. Bowman dismissed the meeting with prayer. after which lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge ï¬nd a social time was enjoyed. Hope Community anq School p.m. '(E.D.S.T.), WEDNESDAY TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS â€" PROVINCE OF ONTARIO OOIIIBSPONDENT: Mn. Raymond Stuart. B. R. 1 Maple CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. ALLEN Telephone Maple 191 __ l -d Millet, Lilian. bake sale. The Club would like leorge Miller Sr.. to thank the ladies from Maple Mr. and Mrs. Cal. and Hope Community for making er and Mr. and the sale such a success. On June [iller attended the 30, a school picnic will be helq MAPLE NEWS EDGELEY NEWS Telephone Maple 11033 Secretary The Southern Research Stat~ ion at Maple is the headquarters for the ï¬sheries research work of the department. Here in co-oper- ation with the University of Tor- onto, a laboratory is operated where investigations in ï¬sh phys- iology are conducted. A variety of research material collected in the course of ï¬eld operations is ex- amined in this laboratory which also provides facilities for the chemical analysis of waters from lakes in various areas. Also pro- vided here is a mechanical work- shop. space facilities for seed treatment and wild life food plant research. Space is also provided for the Lake Simcoe District on- ‘ice, the central radio station and parts of other divisions of the Department. Mrs. R. Stuart, on behalf of the members thanked Dr. .Fowle for his kindness in conducting the tour and for his very inter- esting lectures. Everyone felt that they had benefltted greatly by the experience, and they now understand more fully some of the problems in connection with the management of our forests and streams and the work of the department in attempting to solve them. products. Dr. C. C. Heimhurger. expert in tree genetics, outlined the work in the tree breeding section. most important of which in the task to produce a strain of forest trees resistant to disease and insects. lï¬ the anerï¬bon on the school grounds and all parents are in- vited to attend. Please bring lunch. The guest speaker of the ev- ening, Mr. Reg. Rouse was intro- duced by Mrs. G. Calder. He out- lined the work of Maple Lions telling of two children in the community who are being helped. He also told of the four schools in the district who at Christmas time are given a treat. He also showed ï¬lms, of people of the community, farmers of Norway and a cartoon. The Club thanked Mr. Rouse for the very enjoyable evening. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Shower The hostess Miss Betty Edgell and Mrs. Foster served a delic- ious lunch. Those present were: Mrs. Cam MacKay, Mrs. J. Neu- feld, Mrs. J. Denby, Mrs. R. Bice, Mrs. R. Horne, Mrs. J. Saigeon and Carol, Mrs. D. Allen. Mr .and Mrs. Del. Rolt were married in St. Stephen's Angli- can Church, Maple. on Friday, May 21. A surprise shower was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Foster last week for Mrs. Del. Rolt. Mr. Rolt thanked the ladies -on behalf of his wife and himself stating that since coming to Can- ada from England six months ago he had received nothing but kindness. The boner you no. the [on you have to prove in Of course it's : spectuulnr performerâ€"a cat with instantly responsive action. It has to be, for it combine: 1 high-compression ZOO-horsepower V8 engine with a nimble weight of only 5866 paunds u it comes off the nucmbly line. That's I power-to-weight ratio that chaflts up a new recordâ€"a. ratio that no other Buick but ever reached before. It can spin your wheels on 1 dry plvement if you give it the gun, but why wute rubber? If some show-oi! wants to get the_ iumg on you Let's be sensible about this subiea ofhonepower; A champion tackle doesn’t gouound tackling people in everyday life. A world-record sprinter doesn't have to demon- stnte his prowess on city sidewalks. u a traï¬c light, why not 1e? him have Inn? He isn't kidding anyone but himself, when the name on your cat is CENTURY. nd that's how it is with a Buick CBNTUR“ Luuria Motor Sales We wish to express our deep- est sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Deska on the death of her mother Mrs. Sidey. Mrs. Sidey came to Canada 3 years ago to make her home with her dau- hter and was stricken early aturday morning with a heart attack. Mrs. Sidey will be bur- ied in Scotland. Late Gordon Leiteh It is with deep regret that we of Thornlea learned of the death of Mr. Gordon C. Leitch. owner of Leitchcroft. Mr. Leitch was one of the great ï¬nancial minds of Canada and one of Toronto's ï¬nest philanthropists; Thornlea and the surrounding communi- ties received many favors and much evidence of his kindness and generosity and especially his great interest in the children and young people to whom he gave a great deal of help in all ways. Mr. Leitch was very in- terested in his church and will be sorely missed. The Thornlea Home and School Association held a very success- ful home baking sale on Satur- day at Caesarbrae when $44 was realized to ï¬nance a picnic on June 28 for the children of the Thornlea Schobl. Many kind things have been said of him by people from all walks of life. but the greatest tribute has been paid by those whom he employed. who unani- mously agree he was Canada's ï¬nest. Everyone here feels the deepest sympathy for Mrs. Leitch and the family that they and we have lost one of the men who has made Canada the great Country that it is. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton attended the anniversary services at Melvllle United Church on Sunday evepjng. _ "TIEâ€"End Mrs'. S. Boynton had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs Ernest Caseley of Un- ionville. The annual memorial service was held on Sunday with a large attendance. The guest soloist was Miss Constance McEwen. Mus. Bac., of Weston. The guest spea- ker was Rev George Robbins of the Melville charge. Home 8: School Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Henry of South Carolina called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton on Friday of last week. “Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- ham spent Sunday- evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and _-_.‘, V We are pleased that Shirley Boynton is able to be home from the hospital, following her recent Operation. Memorial Services Birthday greetings to Miss Rosemary March for June 9; be- lated greetings to Mrs. Carl Walker fqr June 6. Ray‘ THORNLEA NEWS Corrqspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 @hituarp CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle. Victoria Scum VICTOR|A SQUARE NEWS Telephone Stouffville 67509 'lhe real pride of owning such a car is simply this: You know so well what it can do that you never have to prove it. That lets you enjoy the tireless ease of its gait in ordinary driving, when only a fraction of its eager power is working. It gives you a quick reserve for breasting a hillâ€"and the happy knowledge that there’s still more to come in a sudden emergency. Sure, this is more power than most people really have to have. But you can hardly call it extravagant, when you are buying more horsepower per dollar in a CENTURY than you get in any other car in Canada; “MAMMONWAIEWETWWWW BUICK the beautiful buy The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. will be held Wednes- day evening. June 16, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Harvey Coll- ard. All the ladies are invited to attend. The June meeting of the Mis- sion Band will be held on Satur- day. June 12 at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs Percy Bennett. All the children in the community are invited to attend. See the “Coming Events" col- umn re the Strawberry Festival. Sunday School Annivei‘sary The annual Sunday School an- niversary services will be held on bummy. June 20. at 2.30 pm. ‘ H mm, At the afternoon service, the guest speakers will and Mrs. Jordison of mi United Church. There Weinl music. The speaker and special music for will be an- nounced next week. Everyong H. E. Young of Toronto. Every- one welcame. Cancer Society Several ladies of the Cancer Society met at the home of Mrs. S. DeFoe. on Monday evening to make cancer dressings. Mission Band Church News The guest speaker on Sunday afternoon. June 13, at the 2.30 pm. church service will be Rev. A GENERAL MOTORS VAIDI Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Sat. 82 Mon. JUNE 12, 14 WHERE’S CHARLIE? (Technicolor) Ray Bolger Allyn McLerie Thurs. 8; Fri. JUNE 10, 11 Double Feature SERPENT OF THE NILE (Technicolor) Rhonda Flgming William Lundigan BRIDE FOR SALE HERE COME THE MARINES Bowery Boys Claudette Colbert Robert Young Tues. 8; Wed. JUNE 15, 16 Double Feature MARU MARU’ Ruth Roman Errol Flynn News News News 8! SAFE AND SAY - "THE TORONTO LAUNDERERS’ WAY. 68 Yonge St. S. LAUNDERERS 175 OSSING‘I'ON AVE" TORONTO o PHONE LL. 2161 TUrner 4-1395 WILLOWDALE, ONT. HOULE and LeCUYER TU. 4~1116 Two-tone maroon and tan with continental spare wheel. This one will go in a hurry at! Don’ t he chained to you: washday chores mwwmm uvmuow o uan rowan srmcm AUYOMA‘IIC-IOOSTER row: was POWER-POSITION†LWAY FRONT SEAT Pom mama umo ANTENNA - SHADE-LITE nmeo cuss meme mow um - mu VINE!“ - DRAFT-FREE Alkconomoua NIWIH’ VISIBILWY ADVANCEâ€" with buckswepl windshield! that give 19% more visibility. mu WAYION ADVANCI In Buick inurior comfort: new. screened intake iuu below Vindthield. OREAYES‘I’ mum ADVANCE IN YEARS with completely new bodiga actou the board. $1395.00 R. De LITTLE 8c SON LTD. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer RICHMOND HILL All Types of Electrical Work I: In vay ..-. --, , ow "years-away" stylingâ€"howdy u, ck museu- WMI compIeMy n III- dnam-cur duicn of m. panoramic uuwbu . fl“ dloflm" You can rely on Toronto’s leading laundry and dry cleanen. Top quality woxk. ptompt pick-199 and delivery. LOCAL AGENT BARGAIN HUNTERS! 53 Ford Mainline 2 Dr. THE LIBERAL Electrical Contractors 4395 TU rner 4-1381 RICHMOND HILL ' and Ief us "TAKE OVER" TU. 4-1261 HIGNE§1 VI HORSEPOWEIS ‘0 Buick historyâ€"from advanc d verliCaI-vflve V8 engine: Wiï¬l up (0 8.5 to 1 compression And 100 hp. FINEST MILLION DOLLAR RIDEâ€"- from Ill-coil wringing. torque- mbc drive. longer wheelbases. -HUS THE WIDE" SELECTION OF MODERN FEAYURESâ€"oi'hgr a ï¬end- ad oquipmonl or aim-ch option! Richmond Hih EM.’ 6-3166 O l