Lois Allen, Ruth Cannon, Jean Cole, Gary Donald, George Fras- er, Murray Giffen, Doreen Guest, Phyllis Harding (Hon), Don Heise, Richard Hook. Betty John- son, Donald. Johnson, Judith Langstaff (Hon), Betty McLean, Helen Oliver, Ruth Percival, How- ard Pollitt, Carol Rider, Mary Schell (Hon), Bruce Stuart, Mar- get Sundquist (Hon), Delia Tin- ker (HonJ, Edward Vallance, Anne White, Helen White (Hon) Grade 5 to 6 dy, Bette Jane Tomlin, Susan Watsham, Karen Wright, Gordon Adams, Wayne Bettridge, Bruce Buchanan, Raymond Bunce, Geo. Croft, John Edwards, Bobbv Giles. Grant Hallman. Clayton Harrison, Roger Harrison. Allan Hisey, Sandy Keith, Richard Lauâ€" damus, Ralph Mason, Richard Meade, John Partington, Tommy Todd, Billy Turner, Hugh Wise_ ROOM VIII Miss E. Thomas, teacher Grade 5 to Grade 6 Louise Line, John Allen. Doug- las Bowen, Sandra Bunker (H), Garry Carli51e, Lynda Casely, John Clement, John Cook, Mary Ann Donald; Gary Ellis (H). John Haldane (H), Suzanne Higgins, Deirdre Hunt (H), Gerald Lazar (H). Kenneth MacDonald, Will- iam McGarvey. Robert Neal (H), Jim Nicol, David Osmond (H), Robert Owen, Herbert Plewman, Douglas Pratt, David Rabino- Agar, Lily Dawn (H); Archi- bald, John; Bourgaard, Bever- ley (H), Brent, Paul; Burnie, Mi- chael; Clark, Lawrie; Clement, Ross; Cosgrove, Ronald (H); E!- son, Bruce; Foster, Howard; Hall, Linda (H); Hammond, Leonard (H); Haughton, David (H); Hau- ghton, Edward; Hayman, John; Hickman, Bevil (H); Hollaway, Susan; Kingsley, Peter (H); Kyle, Barbara; Lee, Beverley (H); Lew, Fon; Lovell, Robert; Mansbridge, Elinor; McKenzie, David; Muck- le, Stephen; O’Hara, Gordon; Penchoï¬, Kenneth; Quintile, Elio; Ross, Robert; Sanders, Robert; Savage, Roderick; Schrader, Wil- liam; Scrimger. Keith; Stone- house, Donald; Walsh, Fay; Wright, Ross; Wyer, Ardeline; Yeo, Susan. Joe Agg, Joan Bettridée, David Bunce, Peter Ellis. Bill Gibbard, David Gibson (H), Ken Hammond (H), Janet Hlsey, Michael Jan- sen, Gary Kozak, Doug Mills. Joan Robertson, John Sims (H), Louis Stong, John Thomson (H), Dianne Turner, Gerald Warnica, Joanne Wilson. ROOM VI Miss Wilson, Teacher Grade 6 to Grade '1 Gary Coleman, Ernie Dubkow- ski (HonJ, Ruth Guppy. Charles Flynn, Luciana Forli, Billy Furse, Karen Handford, Marie Harrison, Elizabeth McLeod (Hon.), Shirley Milligan (Hon), Duane Patï¬eld, David Urben. Meike de Huis. ROOM VII Linda Bennet, Iva Bovaird, Crystal Bowyer, Dorothy Corner, Karen Coulter, Carol Cox, Shar- on Craigie, Marilyn Dale, Doreen Mabley, Carol Macanuel. Lynda Manuel, Jacqueline Rogerson, Gail Sheardown, Lyn Shorten. Jacqueline §parr9_w, Slum-on Stur- Brian Atkinson, Bruce Bridges (H). Marilyn Burr (H), Barbara Jackman, Jane Pattlson, Joan Pattison, Lois Perkins (H), Bob Rice, Jill Ruffman, Barbara Southwell (H), John Stanley, San- dra Vokes. ' Grade 6 to Grade 8 _ Miss Murphy. Teacher dude 6 to Grade 7 Garry Bougard, Donald Brill- inger, Susanne Butt (Hon.), Chris- topher Cannon, Barbara Corner. Robert Correa (Hon.), Bonnie Cottrill (Hon), Nancy Dean (Hon). Carol Evans, Gayle Full- er (Hon), David Galloway (Hon). ‘Judy Harrison (Hon). Beverley Higgins (Hon), Sheila Hoover, Carol Hull, Arnold Jensen, Anne Keith (Hon), Metro Kozak (Hon), Carol Laurie, Stanley Lewis. Lenora Longworth, Mary Mason, John Phipps, William Rice. Alan Huffman (Hon), Gloria Simmons. Peter Smith (Hon), James Smith (Hon.), Charles Smillie, Joan Stone, Jeanalee Titshall, Mary Williams, Robert Williams. Peter Wilson (Hon), Velta Zar- ins (Ham), Sandra Emberley. ‘ ROOM 11 Grant Nighswander, Teacher To Grade 9 Honours: Dawson, Kenneth; Higgins, Carol; Koning, Wayne. Pass: Smith, David; Wilson, Bruce; Bond, Margaret, Edwards, Jean. Marion Bales, Peter Bawden. Barbara Bone, Gordon Bradshaw (H), Alan Brodrick. Bill Bunker, Win Bu’tlin, Jean Cowe (H), Bob Cunningham (H). David Edwards, Mary Gibson, Susan Gillard, Al- astair Grant (H), Anne Hall, Jim Harvey, Lorna Harvey (H), Mari- lyn Hull, Betty Johnson, Gary Kidd. Bruce Langstaff (H), Don- na Lindsay (H), Shirley McGreg- or, Marian Munroe. Gordon Pi- pher, Doug Ramer (H). Bill Rice (H) Stephen Ripley, Rolf Sund- uist, Kelvin Tonner, Marilyn 1 amica, Bob Whalley, Sam Will- ems. Kolja Panhuyzen. Grade 7 to Grade 8 Miss Young, Teacher Grade 5 to Grade 6 Gnde 6 to Grade '1 Grade Standing For R. H. Public School Honours: Anderson. Betty, An- derson, Berry; Baker, Barbara; Blgelow, William; Dubkowski, Betty; Robinson, Angela; Smith, Barry; Stewart Alice. Pass: Bond, Betty; Charity, Gordon; Clement, Williams; Cooper, Ronald; Coul- ter, Douglas; Deighton, Robert; Dewsbury, Gary; Edwards, Dav- id; Fail-hall, Dorothy; Hamilton, Carole; Hisey, Gewn; Kingsley, John; Kyle, Patricia; MacDonald, Robert; Nixey, John; Rose, June. To Grade 8 Grade 'I to 8 ROOM I Passed from Grade 8 to Grade 9 ROOM 1" ROOM IV ROOM V Arthur Archibald, Edith Broad, Ann Bunce, Stanley Carlisle, Marylyn Clarke (H), rtuth prar- ey, Herbert Croft, Kathleen Cur- tls (Hon). David Deighton, Anne Dewsbury, James Doran, Shirley Dubkowski (H), Fraser Dunn, John Flannigan, Lorne Fraser. Marie Fuller, Peter Gry DAD, at“, te ""‘ntï¬v Houle. lan Hunt (H), John Liggitt, Donald Mabley, ._-‘.. “Hm, nnna Meade, Beatty, Ruth; Bovaird, Jim; Brillinger, Peter; Buchanan, J can; Clement, David; Clement, Jane (H); Correa, Eleanor (H); Cos- grove, Joan; Crarey, Marie; Dor- an, peclan; Etherington, Robert (H); Furse. Helen; Gates, Patric- ia; Hall, Christine; Harvey, Bet- tina; Hastie, Richard; Hoover, Donald; Hudson, Carolyn; Mills, Carol (H); Quirk, Lorraine; Schell, Jimmy; Self, Sharon; Smith, Charleen (H); Stanley, Leslie; Stott, Brad; Thatcher, Christine; Waters, Fred; Willis, Tommy; Wilson, Joylynn (H); Wilson, Penny (H); Wilson, Ste- phen; Yerex, Diane (H). Grade 3 to Grade 4 David Allen, Shirley Brownlee (H), John Caseley (H), John Col- lier, Linda Dunn (H), Doreen Crarey, Gary Everatt, Jimmy Fleming, Tina Grubko, Shirley Guest, Fred Guppy, Karen Heise, Allan Howard (H), Michael Hughes, Caroline Iwanciow, Su- san Kaye (H), Frances LaRusso, Bernard Linstead, Joan Mabley (H), Arlene Maclienzie (w, you;- las Mirrlees, John Mowat, Muck- le, Chris; Katja Panhuijzen, Brian Purnell, Diane Rumble, Carol Smith, Bruce Stride, Craig Sully (H), Eskil Sundquist (H), Linda Taylor (H), Billy Waters, Nancy Wharton (H), Linda Whal- ley (H), David Williams. Paul Webster, Peggy Canon (H), Joan Cowe. “fliers: Kerry Barker, Garry 3e, Kenn; parlisie, Carol Emberley, Barbara Haldane, Dawn Kingéley, Sharon Nastasi, Michael Paxton, Nancy Ripley, Terry Rogerson, Ruth Scrimger, Alastair Sweeney. Kendall Wain- man, Sandra Young. Pass: Rob- ert Allan, John Bamford. Barry Connor. Lynn Elliott, Michael Flannigan. George Graham, Gary Kirkpatrick. Jack Madden, Pauli Kirkpatrick, Jack Madden, Paul Brian Skov, Wayne Smith, Billy Stone, Peter Tomlinson, Jonathan Watsham, Judy Williams, Derek Calverley. Wendy Fahey, Norma Stonehouse, Donald Lavoie. ROOM XVI Anderson, Robin (H); Bales, Margaret; Burr, Carol (H); Ellis, Janet (H); Godfrey, Dick (H); Heather, Bobby (H); Henry, Su- san (H); Jones, Marlene; Perkins John (H); Richards, Violet; Rice. Gerald (H); Rumble, Billy (H); Stride, Bill H); Tilt. Susan (H). To Grade 4 ' Andrews, Diane; Brent, Heath- er; Bradshaw, Graham; Carlisle, Margaret; Cartier, Suzanne; Charles,. Paul; Featherstonhaugh, Joan; Hal-grave, Alan; Langstaï¬, Miles; Lecuyer, Peter; Lough- ridge, Lois (H); Matthews, Eliza- beth; Morley, Patricia; Morrow, John (H); Olsen. Lois; Panhuyâ€" zen, Ineke; Roberts, Glenna; Smith, John; Taylor, Charles; Thomas, Beverley; Tonner, Jan; Wood. John. Grade 3 to Grade 4 (H), Suzanne Paterson, Lorraine Phillips, Ray Shier, Vernon Sey- ffert, Edwin Simmons, Glen Swindlehurst, Judith Vokes, Ray- mond Whitten, Dorothy Wood (H), Oscar Young. ROOM XIV Mrs. anx‘y, Grade 2 to Gradn 3 _ .-.1ors: Kerry E David Agg (H), Audrey Beatty (H), Joanne Bonner. Mary Lou Corner (H), Marlie Cox, Grant Dunn (H), Billy Fahey, David Grant, Tommy Gibbard, Roger Hambley (H), Jack Hammond, Gayle Hansen, Molly Hardwick (H). Larry Hawkins, Sharon Hay- rnan, Gary Jones, Fred Kyle (H), Gary Leach, Bobby Lewis, An- drea Maitland (H), Stuart Muckle, Leste Paxton (H), Sandra Phil- lips (H), Keith Sayers, John Schell, Brian Stapley, David Sims, Douglas Simpson (H). Jan- et Thomson (H), David Walter, Bernie Warnica (H), Druscilla Watsham (H), Jack White (H), El- izabeth Williams, Leonard Wood- cock (H), Diane Hayes (H), Kay PreSsley (H), Paul Leggitt. Her- bert Harden. Tommy Evans. ROOM XI J. F. Mcwhirter. Teacher To Grade 5 Grade 2 to 3 Elinor Irwin, Teacher Grade 2 to Grade 3 Gary Arbon. John Bagley. Shir- ley Banks, Bobby Blanchard. Kar- en Boyer. Philip Bury, Margaret Cornell (H). Jackie Dubkowski, Teddy Eastman, Pauline Ellis, Gordon Fyfe. Joanne Flynn, Ir- ene Gamble (H), Lynda Giffen, Norma Hamilton (H); Lynda Harte, Patsy Laughlin (H). Terry Banks, Nancy; Barber, Joanne; Beatty, George; Bone, Arlene; Bostock, Annette; Burnie, Steph- en (Hon); Campbell, Billy; Car- lisle, Billy; Carlisle. Terry; Cook, David; Dawson, Glen, George, Carol (Hon); Harden, John; Har- ding, Ray; Johnson, Gordon; Kingsley, Jimmy; Metcalfe, Pet- er; McKenzie, Paulette, McLean, Evelyn; Percival, Robert (Hon); Rider, Catherine; Ronnie, Ronald; Russel, Eddy; Tinker, Brian; Todd, John; Upton, Robert. Promoted to Grade 6 Maxwell, Brian. Grade 4 to Grade 5 witch, Royden Rabinowitch. Fred Rance, Shelagh Robinson, Robert Rooney, Susan Savage, Cheryl Schrader, Barbara Schrader, Pat- ricia Stone, Bruce Teetzel (H), Bruce Waters. Margaret Waters. ROOM IX Miss M. Rowe, Teacher Grade 4 to Grade 5 Miss Shaw, Teacher ROOM XIII ROOM XI! ROOM XV ROOM X 1 eacher Ray Aston, Donna Mae Boyer, Carinda Burns, Shirley Flanni- gan, Peter Gates, Donald Gibson (H), Frances Hambly, Robert Harman, Mary Henry (H), John Higgins (H), Judith Hook (H), Carol Lee, Lorraine Lindsay, Patsy McFadzean (H), Thelma McGarvey, Linda McKenzie (H). Wayne Mills, Rosemary Mowat, Nancy Munroe, Sharon Pearson '(H), David Pratt (H), Paul Ram- er, Rosemary Ross (H), Richard Shorten, Robert Thomson, John Warnica, Gordon Westover. Jean Wilson. Deborah Anderson (H), David Barrow (H), David Brown, Linda Charles, Paul Chote (H), Doug- las Clement, Linda Fairhall, Joan Fettes \(H), Gloria Fuller, Robert Graham, Russellene Gray, Mich- ael Graves. Freddie Goodchild, Inspector of Public Schools' for York 9, Maynard Hallman, presented to the Board of T.S.A. No. 1 Markham and Vaughan at its meeting Tuesday night, a re- port on a recent questionnaire to teachers to determine reasons for changes of staff. Those leaving their present teaching positions were invited to state reasons 101‘ making the change, the report re- vealing 17.6 per cent of the tea- chers within the inspectorate of York 9 have left their present employment. The School Area ranked very favourably in the re- port with only 10 per cent loss in staï¬ following the end of the schol term. In his report Mr. Hallman stat- ed he hoped this data would help Boards to take steps to reduce the excessive turnover in the teaching staff. “There is always a loss of continuity where there is a change of teachers,†he said, and continued, “and with such a lack of continuity, pupils’ progâ€" ress is bound to be adversely af- fected. The situation is the more urgent during a time of extreme teacher shortage when suburban and rural Boards are in competi- tion with Metropolitan Boards for the best teachers. I would urge that your Board give con- siderable consideration to the matter of teacher turnover which so materially affects the welfare of the children in the hope that the best teachers may be induced to remain in their positions.†Consider Ontario Hospital Land Trustees are considering land on the Ontario Hospital property at Langstaff as a possible site for a proposed four-room school. It had been hoped to purchase land Lazar (H), Andrew Lewis, David Maitland, Sharon Manuel (H). Jamie Macanuel, Jimmie Muckle. Robert Munroe (H), George Neal, Sandra Pollard, Ian Ross, Carolyn Sayers (H), Beverley Self, Caro- lyn Shannon (H), Norine Simp- son, David Smith (H), Paul Tom- linson (H). Paul Urben (H), Rob- in Wilkie (H). Andrews, Judith H); Bawden, Janice; Beresford, Barbara-Jo (H); Coleman, Lee (H); Dale, Ronald; Fleming, John; Hart, Douglas; Hogge, Roger (H); Holl- owell, Ronald; Howe, Linda (H); Knox, John; Lamonby, Roger (H); Lavender, David; Mabley, Shirley (H); March; Timothy; Mills. Harold; Morrow, Joan (H); Parker, Carol; Pearson, Gordon (H); Reynolds, Jane (H); Rollin- son, Paul; Ruse, Ann; Sayean, Sharon; Schell, Louise; Smith, Donald; Sturdy, Gail;‘ Todd, Pat- ricia; Turner, Donald; White, Ste- ven. ROOM XVIII M. Fockler, Teacher From Grade 1 to Grade 2 Area Schools Rank Favorany In Staff-Changes Census Reasons stated by teachers for leaving the employ of the Boards concerned were given as follows: excessive enrolment 3 per cent; transportation difficulties 3 per cent; deterioration of school ac- commodation 3 per cent; difficul- ty with discipline 3 per cent; ac- cepting a position nearer home 14 per cent; temporary leave for further training 16 per cent; lea- ving the profession for personal reasons 25 per cent; leaving to secure better salaries elsewhere 33 per cent. The loss in the town of Mark- ham was reported as 11 per cent; King Township (excluding T.S.‘ A. 1 King) 25 per cent; T.S A. 1 King 0 per cent; Vaughan Town- ship 31 per cent; Markham Town- ship 45 per cent; all gr ded schools (6 teachers and over 12 per cent; ungraded and semi- graded ( 1 to 5 teachers) 31 per cent. ROOM XVII Mrs. E. M. Steen, Teacher Grade 1 to Grade 2 Mrs. Cottrill. Teacher Grade 1 to Grade 2 8 YONGE ST. S. “Sign of Service†~ . VACANT LAND . BUSINESSES ROOM XIX CANADA’S LARGEST REALTORS Offices Throughout Ontario tisting Now or Expert Appraisals For Anything Suburban â€" Call , SELLING REAL ESTATE LIMITED BUYING Ruth Hunter, Elizabeth Hutchis- on (H), Bobby Leishman, Diana McKenzie (H), Wendy McKenzie. Norman Meval, Dalene O’Hara. Rosemary Paget (H). Lucretia Penny, Gordon Pratt (H), Peggy Savage (H), Danny Smith, Terry Thiel, Jimmy Walter, Mary Wil- son, Lavina Yake. ROOM XXI Mrs. Swanson, Teacher Honours: Norman McLeod. Marshall Tonner, Vittoria Quin- tella. Brad Hay. Passz‘ Sharon Durant, Linda Gilbert. Douglas Allen, Linda Burbidge. Dianne Calverley, Gary Charity, Susan Dewsbury, Gordon Dyke, Steven Hughes, Ruth Huntley, Maureen O'Brien, Janet Parker. Virgilio Minehella, Bruce Prldham, JOhn Savage, David Southwell, Patsy Stephenson, Laird Tant, Peter Ostopowitch, Dianne Bone. Lav- inia Glanï¬eld. Robert ‘ Hannah. Barbara Smith. Kindergarten to Grade 1 Morning Class Grade 1 to 2 nell. ..... uergarten to Grade 1 Afternoon Class Jean Babineau, David Bagley. Loretta Beatty, Wayne Bowdery. Susan Bovaird, Joan Clement, Billy Cowan, Donna Cridland, Koreen Croft, Gregory Ellis, Da- vid Fettes, Cheryl Fowler, Shar- on Gemmill, Margaret Hansen, Joan Harding, Harry Hardwick, John Hewitt. Wanda Hilts, Valer- ie Howard, Linda Huntley, Sally Kaye, Linda King, Hugh Mcâ€" Glade, Billy McVean, Richard Mathews, Nancy Mirrlees, Sandra Ogle, Bobby Patï¬eld, Tommy Patterson, Guy Parker, Barry Pollard, David Pollard, David Pressley, Margaret Rice, Patsy Rugman, Donald Ruttan, Jean Sanderson, Norman Schell, Carol Smith. Russel Smith, Stephen The Board secretary is contact- ing Dr. R. J. Steele to enquire if he can undertake examinations of school employees, the maximum number to be examined each year to be 10. Linsey Abbey, Cheryl Andrews, Beverley Baker, Keith Boomhow- er, Bryan Bowen, Carol Brilling- er, Mary Burnie, Wayne Buchan- an, Sharon Caseley, Garland Chassie, Bruce Cook, Susan Cox, Terry Dunn, Bobby Ellis, Janet French, Billie Gilchrist, Betty Hammond, Linda Hayes, Jane Hillaby, Jane Holder, Carol Hun- ter, Murray Hunter, Laura John- son, Bobbie Jones, Ralph Lin- stead, Susan Laughlin, Linda Loughridge, Joanne McKenzie, Donna McLean. Kathie Mason, Heather, Mills, Vicky Morley. Marie (Tudy) Palmer, David Plewman, Raymond Pratt, Joe Quirk, Bobbie Stephens, Jeffery Stocks, Sheila Waters, David Watt, Darlene Williams, Nancy Williams. on the Leitch property on the south-east corner of Bayview and No. 7, but prior to his death. the late Gordon Leitch decided ag- ainst breaking up his farm prop- erty. The Board would like to buy ï¬ve acres of land in this dis- trict and are thus considering the Ontario Hospital property, with an estimated 330 ft. frontage on Bayview and a 600 ft. depth. “re delegation invited trustees to attend the turning of the sod for the new well, which takes place to-night, at the school, and which will mark the first step to- wards a recreation centre for the Charles Howitt area. The goal of the association is a rink to be used for children and adults, a- like, for hockey as well as pleas- ure skating. ' Medical Examination. A delegation from the propos- ed Charles Howitt Recreation As- sociation waited on the Board re- garding their activities in organ- izing sports for the Charles How- itt area, the Board giving its ap- proval of the project, providing safeguards, regarding liability, are made, and providing there is a close liaison between the princi~ pal of the school and school ac- tion. Ihe Board interrupted its meet- ing to inspect the Hospital prop- erty and during a later discussion there was mention of expropria- tion if the City of Toronto. which rents the land to the province, is not willing to sell of its own ac- cord. Trustees will meet with their lawyer before further action is taken Jn the matter. Sanctions Recreation Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. W. Corneil of Pemberton Road, Richvale, celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 27, with a afamily gathering at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell. Sixteen guests were in at- tendance. including six grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coles, a-son Wilfred and family and Mr. and Mrs. Warren. “1ce, Marcia Sully. Bil]y Six-ug- ies and the recreation associa- Celebrate 48th Anniversary . FARMS . HOMES PHONE TU. 4-1131 Must Have Water and Sewers Municipal Board Refuses Stephens’ Subdivision Complaints of dust on the roads has led Council to try a new \type calcium dust layer. Por- tions of the 6th Concession will receive applications of the cal- cium-water mixture. Official Plan The Ontario Municipal Board has refused to approve develop- meqt of the proposed 60-acre E. In its brief presented to Mark ham Township, the Board stated in part: "We are of the opinion that because of the school prob- lem and the effect of the creel; running through the plan of the Proposed subdivision, which creek carries open effluent from the disposal plant of the village of Richmond Hill, it would be im- proper for the Board to approve of the plan atthis time. The Board is- of opinion that the ap- plication is premature and until such time as proper services such as water and sewers are estab- lished in this area of the Town- ship of Markham, that the ap- proval of the plan shall be with- held and the application refused. However, should the services be installed such as water and sew- ers, the applicant may make fur- ther application to the Board for the approval of this proposed plan.†Need Water and Sewers Council decided that the ofl'ic- ial plan for the township will be presented at public meetings at Jefferson on July 14 and at Con- cord on Judy 28. At this time. ratepayers will have an oppor- tunity to look over the plan and to offer suggestions and criti- cisms before it is submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board, for ï¬nal ratiï¬cation. This is an im- portant step in the development of the township and all ratepay- ers are urged to attend. T. Stephens’ Suï¬division located in Richvale. In a ruling handed down this week. the Board based its decis- ion on drainage and educational problems presented by the 132- lot development. States Reasons (Continued from page 1) of Council that the Department of Highways should be contacted regarding the possible enforce- ment of the section of the High- way Act which allows municipal- ities to restrict trucks carrying loads over a certain weight to Class A roads. Council has found that heavy gravel trucks are do- ing a great deal of damage to secondary gravel roads in the township. This is adding con- siderably to the cost of road maintenance. Thus any future development of the area along residential lines as advocated by the Stephens ï¬rm, wlll be dependent on the in- troduction of an adequate ,munic- Vaughan Council Meeting Council turned down a request to establish a trailer camp in the township. The applicants will be referred to the township byâ€"law which restricts trailer occupancy to 60 days in any caienda; year. “WNW-WWW A MOVIE AS POWERFUL LAST 3 DAYS Story by Neil Patterson with IT’S HIRE AT LMT! Mon., Tue., Wed., Thurs., July 12-15 Their story book wonder becomes screen magic OXY THEATR MARKHAM AS IT IS “Heidi†and “White- Mane ’ ’ THURS, FRI., SAT. At the public hearing held last April, both the municipality and the school board concerned, nam- ely. Markham Township and the Richmond Hill Public School Board, objected strenuously to any subdivision development a1- ong purely residential lines. Fur- ther objections to the proposed subdivision were tabled by offic- ials of the Dunlap Observatory and the Markham Federation of Agriculture. ipal water and sewage system The Board based its ï¬nal decis- ion on the following points: (1) that the Planning Board has al- ready zoned the area for indus- try and not for residential pur- poses; (2) that without an ade- quate water and sewage system the development of new lots would seriously affect the health of those people concerned as the land within the area would be- come contaminated from higher land; 13) that unless suitable res- trictions on outdoor lighting in the subdivision were enforced, the value of the Dunlap Observa- tory for research purposes would be seriously affected; (4) the Board gave serious consideration to the objections of the farming interests that rapidly rising edu- cation costs are proving a real threat to the farming industry; (5) that there are 438 vacant lots still in existence in the area ly- ing between the ï¬rst and the fourth concessions; (6) the very great lack of adequate school ac- commodation in the Richmond Hill school section. Principal Investments Ltd., de- velopers of the former Frances- chini property on Yonge near Steeles requested to know Coun- cil’s attitude toward additional subdivision in the area if a suit- able water supply could be found to service the area including some existing areas in the south end. While Council made no de- ï¬nite committments, there was an indication that Council would consider the idea if there were indications of a good water sup- ply. “I feel we should look af- ter the people we’ve got before we allow something new to start,†said Reeve McMurchy. Protest Assessment Reeve Marshall McMurchy add- ed that the educational problem in the township is difficult enough without having trailer families moving in and out of the town- ship, adding tn the present prob- lems of accommodation. Messrs. Cappy and Smith, pro- prietors of the Pinecrest Race Track, met with Council to pro- test the increase in the assess- ment of their property. Council agreed to select an assessor outâ€" side the township and to ask the race track owner to do the same in order to secure other opinions on the assessing of such a struc- ture. Reeve McMurchy said that it was more difficult to establish sets of values for the track, drive- in theatres and similar structures than for ordinary dwellings and business establishments. TENDER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., July 8, 1-954 “Gosh â€"- this saw pulls hard†SELF SERVE HONEST N ED’S LL. 5020 1176 Bloor St. (West of Duï¬erin) Toronto Jeans, Better Make, 36 to 44, reg. $3.00 . . . . . . $1.98 Wool and Nylon Dress Socks, reg. 79c . . 4 pair $1.00 Men’s Dress Shirts, all sizes, reg. $3.00 . . each $1.97 Men’s Sport Shirts, reg. $2.95 . . . . . . . . . . 2 for $3.95 Briefs Top, S-M-L, reg. 69c . . . . . . . . . . . . pair .. .39 Men’s “T†Shirts, S-M-L, reg. $1.00 . . . . . . pair .69 Men’s Work Shirts, Sanforized, reg. $2.95 . . . . . $1.89 Jersey Silk Sport Shirts. reg. $1.95 . . . . . . . . . . .99 Men’s Gabardine Windbreakers, reg. $9.95 . . 5.95 Boys’ Gab. Dress Pants, reg. $3.95 . Boys’ White Shirts (sanforized), reg. Windbreakers, reg. $3.95 . . . . . . . . . Spring Socks, reg. 35c . . . . . . . . . . . . Running Shoes, reg. $3.50 . . . . . . . . Boys’ Jeans, reg. $1.79 . . . . . . . . . . . Boys’ Short Pants, reg. $1.00 . . . Boys' Swim Suits, reg. $1.50 . . . . on. 100% Nylon Blouses, all shades, ï¬rst quality . . Ladies’ Nylon Sockees, reg. 49c pair . . 4 pair Gab. Skirts, 12 to 44, reg. $3.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Cotton Blouses, reg. $2.49 . . . . . . . . . . . Nylon Panties, S-M-L, reg. 89c . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tricot Nylon Slips, 36-44, reg. $3.50 . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Nylon Cardigans, reg. $4.50 . . . . . . . . . . Spring Handbags, reg. $2.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Nylons, ï¬rst quality, reg. $1.19 . . pair Girls’ Dresses, reg. $3.00 . . . . . .. . Girls’ Blouses, reg. $2.00 . . . . . . . . Girls’ Jeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Children’s Better Panties . . . . . . . . . Babies’ Blankets, reg. $1.00 . . . . . . Babies’ Sockees,. reg. 35c . . . . . . . . . Babies’ Shirts, reg. 39c . . . . . . . . . . . Car Blankets, reg. $3.50 each $2.79 Wool Blankets, double bed size, reg. $6.00 each $3.50 Large Size Bath Towels, reg. $2.50 pair . . pair .99 Cotton Sheets, reg. $3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each $1.98 Pillow Cases, reg. $1.79 pair . . . . . . . . . . . . pair .89 Large Size T Towels, reg. 35c each . . . . . . 9 for $1.00 SHOP MON. TO THURS. FROM 10 A.M. T0 7 P.M. FRI. AND SAT. FROM 9 A.M. T0 9 P.M. OUT - 0E - TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 'I'D 0.0.D. or send Money Orders GIRLS’ AND INFANTS’ WEAR Bargain House Branch This Week Only HOUSEHOLD ITEMS F. L. LOWRIE R.0. OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. 8.. ï¬rst door north of Bus Station WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 * :, reg. $1.00 . . . . . . . . . . reg. 35c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eg. 39c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LADIES’ WEAR MEN’S WEAR From 9.30 am. to 12 noon and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home 01!. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre BU. 8-8949 We Can Su‘pply ‘ Everything in ‘ the Building Line .1 ("xl‘vv BOYS’ WEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5for >0 . . . . . . . . . . . . pair 1.00.... . . . . . EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED s . a . . n n . - o n a a n ~ n You’ll be pleased with our thrifty selection of Builders’ Hardware â€" the right styles, shape and size for every need. Call us today. Our Price . . . . . . . . . $1.98 $2.00 . . . . .99 . . . . . . . . . $2.79 . . . . 5 for $1.00 . . pair $2.39 . . . . . . . . . .99 Our Price , . . . . . . . . $1.89 . . . . . . . . V .99 . ‘ .89 . . . . 6 for $1.00 . . . . . . . . . .89 9 for $1.00 Our .Price Our Price Our Price $1.89 $1.00 $1.99 $1.29