Burbidge got a start in the Stop Moore campaign by scoring his ï¬rst 1954 feature triumph on June 26. This together with a third, two fourths and a six- place ï¬nish in previous main ev- ents allowed him to move up to third_spot in the Carling romp. Even at that. Jonathan battled right down to the wire before losing the honor and the dough that went with it to Buï¬alo’s Bill Nugent by a four-point margin. Now, the situation is much the same between the pair at the No. 7 highway oval. Only major diff- erence is that both Burbidge and Nugent have to ï¬gure ways and means to stop Toronto’s Ivan Moore â€" and soon â€" or wind up battling 1r runner-up slot. Iegtmje Triumph. A Suy, who may yet have a lot to say about who wins the Car- ling point trophy at Pinecrest Spedway this season is Brant- ford's Jack Burbidge. Last year. the 27-year~old speed demon looked to be home free at mid- season in the race for the top jockey award until the bug-bear of all stock drivers â€" motor trouble â€" caught up with him. Loses to Noxent Jack BurbidgeTop CandidateFor Pinecrest $2500 Championship The Sports Clinic 6 11115 LIBERAL, Richmond run. ‘1'nurs.. July 5. 1m For a dessert treat after a hard practice, and a won- derful way to replenish the energy and protein stores of your body try a honey sundae. All you have to do is ï¬ll a dish with ice cream and pour liberal amounts of hon- ey over it. This dessert is a favorite of the Sports College Track and Field Testing Group, so why don’t you try it today. In-beiween, Jack hadi hYs ithEEev You should also make sure that your hand enters the water before your elbow. If your elbow enters ï¬rst your forearm will slap down into the water and thus you will be pushing water and slowing yourself down. AN AFTER-PRACTICE TREAT When moving your arm forward in the crawl don’t reach too far â€" the hand should go into the water just before the arm is almost straightened. Actually you should never Eompletely straighten out your arm because a slightly bent arm can produce a lot more power than a straight arm. Before yo.u usé a hook slide inia game ydu should practice until you get it down pat. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR CRAWL For Service at it's Best - . Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY When sliding to the outside of the base you slide with your right foot forward and wide of the base. Your left leg should be bent at the knee and your foot should be hooked so that you hook the base with your left in- step. Your right foot should go well past and outside the base. Your body should be thrown outward away from the base. When you slide you should land on your right hip. When sliding to the inside of the bag everything is just the opposite â€" left footnforward end so on_. _ _ Remember â€" you slide past the bag with your front foot, throwing your body well away from it and you hook theinstep of your bent heer leg on the bag. The hook slide is to enable you to get into a base safe- ly, even when the ï¬elder has the ball before you get there, or if he gets it just as you go into the base. This slide is performed like this: First you decide to which side of the base you will slide. Naturallyfyou choose the one opposite to the side at which the ï¬elder is taking the ball. For example, if the throw is from third to second base, you will slide to the outï¬eld side of second base. If the throw is from centre ï¬eld and the baseman is facing the outï¬eld, you should slide to the inï¬eld side of the base. SAND LOA STONE TOP SO GRAVEL FI] FRON T-EN D , LOADERS & TRUCKS- FOR HIRE BA. 1-4144 THE HOOK SLIDE MILK AT ITS DEUCIOUF i) 5557/ ‘l DALTON HICKS Medina 61 Crosby Ave. RICHMOND H‘ILL TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 An omclal Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival Keep an eye out for Burbidge’s No. 21 It should be one of the top candidates ‘for Plnecrest's second annual $2500 internation- al quartet-mile stock car cham- pionship slated for July 21. Anyhow, the Brantford-ite will be on hand every Saturday night at 8.30 p. . working his head off for a pain Until further notice there will be no Wednesday stock meets at the No. 7 highway track. That night will. be utilized for special events. Top Contender This suggests he doesn't give up easily and as he has three children to support, it is reason- able to assume that Burbldge will soon be his feuding-self again. However. maybe now the brush- cut ace has ï¬nally found the win- ning stride which saw him cop six features and the 50-lap Cana- dian Quarter-Mile champtonship last season. It took this veteran, who was the ï¬rst stock car driver in Brantford, two full years of racing to rack up his initial fea- ture win. Dqgsn’t Give Up Easily of hard luck. After breaking an oil pump at one meet, he came right back to fracture an axle in the fast car heat of the next. LOAM TOP SOIL FILL TU. 4-1764 Bowling Alleys Mr. and Mrs. A. Couper and children attended the Dominion Day celebrations at Kingston. They spent some time sight-see- ing at Ottawa, and visited friends at Valleyï¬eld. Opening Soon Bookings now being arranged Miss' J ackle Richardson, Mor- gan Ave., has been visiting friends at ‘MontrgaLfor _a few‘ days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Artis and their daughters took a trip to Quebec, Kirkland Lake and points north, calling on relatives and old friends. They were away nearly two weeks. Douglas 'Goodchild "fr‘ciï¬i' s'ééfl boro is spending 10 days with his grggdparepts on Henderson Ave. Mrs. H. Wenger and children are spending a month at their cottage at Lake Simcoe. Mrs. E. Daviage. Morgan Ave., is spend- ing the summer at their cottage at Lake Slmcoe. Carolyn Bragen .is visiting them for a week. A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell and family, who have moved into the home formerly occupied by the De- caire family on Henderson Ave. Community Centre Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Flewwell- lug, Glen Cameron Ave., visited rel_ati\{es_at E1911 for a few days. Brenda Kirby is staying a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, Clarke Ave. ' Pamela, Stephen and Lynda Morrison are with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.’Mizen. A brother, Harry, is with his un- cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Morrison, Clarke Ave., this week. Paul Russell, Proctor Ave.. spent the holiday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kiern- ey of Toronto. More iocnl talent Included Da- vid McClure, Mrs. Wm. Turner expressed the appreciation of the audience. After the program a social per- iod was held in the Sunday School It was very gratifying to the W.A. and those interested to see so many people present to enjoy the grand program put on by the Perkins Family and local talent. Rev. Mr. Moddle acted as chair- man and we were very pleased to have him with us for this occas- ion. Miss Ruth Beynon opened the program with a piano solo entitled “Romanceâ€. Her second selection was a waltz. The “Lit- tie Yellow Dog†was sung by John Perkins. Lois Perkins fa- vored with two readings “Auntie Barbara and the Tom Boy. Mrs. W. Faulkner chose Rhapsody in Blue. When your hair has turned to silver and Anniversary Waltz. as her piano selections. A duet was sung by John and Lois Per- kins. Miss Joyce Perkins chose Clair de lune and The Wild Rose for her piano solo. The Strhwben‘y Social held on the evening of June 28 net pro- ceeds amounting to $753.90. Strawberry Social In the Semi Final Jacques Du- Bois defeated Tony Rocci, and Jim Krotcher defeating Hassan Bey and Harold Van Dyke losing out to Stoney Brooks in the openâ€" er. Garner won the ï¬rst fall with a reverse Japanese Leg Lock in 12 minutes. The second went to Mangotich in a like time when he forced Gamer to ive with the seldom seen and v y dangerous Indian death lock. with the last fall going to Red when he caught Mangotich off guard and dropped him with a slam and top spread. Wrestling fans at Richmond Hill Arena were treated to one of the best wrestling matches ev- er witnessed when Red Garner successfully defended his middle- weight championship against Kil- ler Mangotich. This bout had three hard fought falls with nev- er a kick, punch, or any illegal holds used. Here were two of Canada’s really outstanding ath- letes in action with ï¬rst one and then the other having the advan- tage. Mangotich surprised all the fans with his clean-cut efforts and many of the fans were of the opinion that if the match had gone any longer he would have worn the champion down. How- ever. ‘if’ is a mighty big word, and he didn‘t win. but he made a lot of friends by his very ï¬ne effort. MAPLE 1 Garner Successfully Defends Middleweight Championship Contact Alex Strachan Maple 174W after 6 p.m. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON. R. R. 8, KING ._.____â€" Phone TU. 4-3059 DONCASTER Correspondent: Mrs. H. Minn 27 Seccomoe Ave†Phone AVenne 5-1570 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Wednesday, July 21 International Quarter-Mile Championship (75 laps) EVERY SAT. 8:30 p.m. Will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Boys on Thursday, July 15 at 2.30 pm. The topic will be taken by the WA. The roll call is a verse pertaining to Love. Lunch will be provided for by Mrs. F. Bell and Mrs., H. Hut- chinson. ‘ On July 1 Miss Florrle Beynon accompanied by Miss Florence King of Aurora motored to Lonâ€" don where they were to join 120 other teachers for the Teachers Vacation Trip. The group left in three Pullman Buses which will travel 9,000 miles in 52 days. They will visit the Calgary Stampede, Banfl’, Victoria, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Holly- wood, Tijuana in Mexico, Grand Canyon, Salt Lake City and Chi- cago. This trip is managed by the Ontario Branch of the Alberta Recreational Society with head- quarters in Unionville. Personals Congratulations to Miss Bar- bara Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Maple, who form- erly lived at the Romandale Farms. Temperanceville. on her marriage to Mr. Paul Mesley. Mr. 5nd Mrs. Garnet Glaés of Toronto were July 1 guests of Myand Mrs. Joseph Levison. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Beynon took a motor trip to London with their daughter Florrie while there they enjoyed the beautiful gardens and visited relatives at Denfleld. Judith and Wayne Paxton and their mother spent from July 1 to 5 in Toronto visiting friends. W.A. and W.M.S. rooms at which time ice cream strawberries and cake were ser- ved. Tegchefg Yngajlonfl’l‘rlp Another team match is on the card for next week with Killer Mnngotich and Al Orlando meet- ing Jacques DuBois and Ron 'Wildcat’ Osborne in the feature. Tom Sullivan clashes with Stoney Brooks, and the Black Panther locks holds with the giant French- man Jean ValJean. CAR RACES RAlNzSHINE N9 714W! FREE PARKLNG Adu‘ts 911° Children ?Iu£ WITH PARENTS Featuring top US. and Canadian Drivers Completes Champ At 8 Months Glen-El-Tee‘s Little Black Joe took ï¬rst place in the open dog class. winners dog. best of winners, best Canad- ian dog bred in the breed, best Canadian bred puppy in the breed. and best of breed. He was also judged the best puppy in the working group. This completes his champion- ship at the age of eight months. STOC K Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Tay- lor. Glen-El-Tee Kennels, Registered. of Bond Lake. en- tered two of their Shetland Sheep dogs in the London, 0nt., Canine Association All- Breed Dog Show. with Quar- rybrae Little Princess taking ï¬rst prize in the open female class, winners female. and best in opposite sex. Sebond Annual $2500. SELLING OUT PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1541 LARGE STOCK Green Cross Insecticides way below our cost to clear TV is fun. and as the number of TV owners increases. naturally the range and variety of programs is being increased too. But TV can be a lot less than fun if you haven't a quality set in the ï¬rst place, and if a dealer with prompt and experienced servicemen isn‘t handy to know your problems. But some of the larceny has been on the other side of the fence. A New York show that’s now off the air awarded a woman her choice of jewellery. broilers, watches and similar loot. They ran out of prizes before she call; ed. so the station gave her a cer- tiï¬cate for free salami and bolog- na. Now she can't ï¬nd any store that will honor the certiï¬cate. That’s why the New Dumont with the clearest picture yet and Blackburn's Appliance, make such a wonderful combination. A favorite racket is worked by kindly-looking old ladies who write down the name of a winner and drop into the producer's of- ï¬ce explaining they’d like to pick up their prize because they have to leave town, A few weeks later the real win- her shows up anti, sure enough, the old lady has kept her word, she’s left town. Some of the greatest fun nn TV comes from the give~away shows. Or maybe you um... they're a pain in the neck. Whichever way you lean. you must admit nothing has stirred up so much fuss on TV. Not so well known is the little bit of lar- ceny that has grown up around these shows. Maple . . . . . . Concord . . . . Downsvlew . . Richmond Hill Elia . . . . . . Vellore In the ï¬rst part of the game, the Hill was behind 6-1 .but caught ï¬re in the fourth inning. driving in ï¬ve runs. Downsview went ahead two runs only to be stopped by the Hill boys. backing the superb pitching of Tony Ro- man, who took over from How- ard Bennett in the fourth. A home run by Roman started a ï¬ve run rally to ï¬nish the game 11-8 for the Hill. With only one home run scor- ed in an 11 to 8 game on July 5. Richmond Hill outplayed Downs- view following a slow start dur- ing the earlier part of the game, which _wasr played at Downsview. Prize winners names were. drawn and presentations were made by the association president George Brown and secretary R. Robson. Winners were: gate prize lst. a mantel radio, Miss Mary Paxton, Oak Ridges; 2nd five dollars, Mrs. Pete Lorett., King City; 3rd two dollars and fifty cents, Mrs. Bob Derrick, King City. Oldest couple on the grounds prize, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ross, King City. a glass cake server set. Largest family on the grounds, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downing, Maple. a ham. The Lake Marie and King Ath- letic staged a very successful event on July 1 when their an- nual Sports Day was held. Many Prizes Won At King Sports Day Roman’s Pitching Highlights Game Mr. Rose landed a 20 lb. Pike measuring 41 inches in length. Local anglers have quite a record to match. / Pike W. H: Rose, Markham Rd., Richmond Hill, now holds a ï¬shing record hard to top when he recently caught a “Whopper†while ï¬shing at his summer cottage on Victoria Point, Lake Sim- coe. MAPLE AND DISTRICT SOFTBALL LEAGUE By WES. BLACKBURN i Lands Prize (Advertisement) In the Peewee League Hope Bryson played Kinghorn Strange on Friday July 2, Hope Bryson 25 Kinghom 12. Three home runs were made by Hope Bryson team. King Boys baseball team play- ed Humber Summit Monday June 28 at King City, Humber Summit 3 King 1. Sixteen rinks from surround- ing districts bowled for the Greene Memorial Trophy at Rich- mond Hill greens on July 1 in a mixed terlCS tournament. A Stouï¬ville rink. skipped by Geo. Allison captured top honours fol- lowed by Gordon Lemon and a rink from Stouffville second for three wins; Stan. Pipher. skip, Mrs. Stan. Pipher and Mrs. A1. White. Richmond Hill, high for two wins; Jack Rice. skip, Will- iam Scrivener and Miss Marian Scrivener, Richmond Hill, high for one win. Bowling in the Hunt Tourna- ment at Lawrence Park on July 3 were Russell Lynett, skip. Mrs. J. Grainger, Vic Broderick and Miss Marian Scrivener, who won second place in the tournament. Stouffville Rink Wins Greene Trophy MS$EYuHARRE$mFERGUSON rLMITED Shepperton, one of the really top Canadian bred horses owned by Mrs. Fred Shelke, Gormley. died last week at the age of 15. The great hero of the Canadian turf was the winner of many stake races and ranked am- ong the ï¬rst ï¬ve of all-time Canadian money winners. Al- together he won over $35,000. for his owner and the late Fred Shelke refused an offer of $50,000. for him when he was at his peak. Shepperton Great Race Horse Dies Wide-spread and fast has been the swing to modern mechanization. Urgent demands have been made upon implement . engineers to develop new models to keep up with the needs of agnculture. To get information on materials, designs and features in hours and days instead of the usual months and years, Massey-Harris designed and built the ï¬rst full scale, test. track for .tractors and modern power farm equipment. On this test track the machines lug heavy loads, bump and shake, bounce and sway, jolt and jar, climb steep grades, and spin round and round. As they go through the test, electronic instruments write the inside story of stress and strains and complete records are kept of the day to day wear and tear. These controlled supervised tests help Massey-Harris engineers design equiprhent that will oï¬â€˜er more advantages in ease of opera- tion, long life with low upkeep cost and greater ability in saving time and labour. For quality, satisfaction, and service with modern mechanization, equip with Massey-Harris. KING BOYS LOSE "AL ORLANDO Italian Flash DYNAMITE!!! Ringside $1.00 KILLER MANGOTICH Former Canadian Champion and vs MASSEY-HARRIS FIRST WITH FULL SCALE'TEST TRACK FOR FARMEQUIPMENT RICHMOND HILL ARENA munsmw - JULY 15 - 3:30 PM. Makers of high quality farm implements since 1847 Tom Sullivan Brampton vs Stoney Brook Campbellford TEAM MATCH .\munmnum1\\mmunmmmmuuu\x11x1u1unumuuunuummuummmmuuum11muummummIml\\\1uu\mmummmmmmmi: '1 PM. TO' CLOSING WED. 8: SAT. - 2 PM. TO CLOSING llilllllllm SUMMER DRESSES SHORTS, SKIRTS AND BLOUSES At It’s Best At The Comfortable RICHMOND BOWL Enjoy . . . “OPEN BGWLING Also Complete Line of Lingerie JEANMARIE FASHHON General 65c MK}111mm“1mm“\llllm“mll\Hlll\l\ll\\l\llllll\ll\l\\\\lll\ll\l\l\!llllllllll““lluulllllllllllm“l\l1“\l\l\\l\“\l\|ll\lll\\\\\\\|\Ҥ 78 Yonge Street South RICHMOND HILL The Black Panther > Negro Powerhouse 230 lb. vs , Jean Val Jean 260 lbs. French Canadian Giant WILDCAT OSBOREN E Sensation of the Moment JACQUES DU BOIS Sudbury Sensation and Children 25c