NEWMARKET : Twenty-ï¬ve per cent of the Davis Leather Com- pany staff has been laid off re- cently due to a drop in the leath- er market. PICKERING : The Municipal Board has turned down the re- quest of petitioners to split the township into two municipalities. AURORA : Building permits for construction worth a quarter of a million dollars have been issued during the ï¬rst six months of this year. Markham Township Council has reached an agreement with North York Townsmding the wholesale price of water for the Highland Pai‘k water area: STOUFFVILLE : August 1 mark- ed the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Bethesda and Stouï¬ville Telephone Co. Four telephones in 1904 have increas- ed to 2168 today. MUSSELMAN’S : Last week the Fisheries Dept. stocked Mussel- man’s Lake with 10,000 young bass. UNIONVILLE : Bethesda Luth- eran Church observed the 160th anniversary services last Sunday. Four years ago the congregation built a new manse which is now free of debt. ' PICKERING : Township Council has voted to license parks in the township cm the recommendation of Police Chief Hill. PICKERING : Township Council has purchased a six-acre gravel pit for $10,000, TORONTO 2 Harvey Rose‘ widely known and popular Metropolitan Roads Commissioner, died in Sunnybrook Hospital July 25. He was Toronto and York Roads en- gineer since 1927. STOUFFVILLE : Jack Sanders has been sworn in as Postmaster succeeding Eugene Leavens who retired after 27 years service. The new poa‘master is a son of Mrs. Sanders and the late Blake Sand- ers. Before taking over the- com- plete operation of the Highland Park water area, Committee Chairman Councillor Mrs. K. James stated that Markham will have to install a master meter and also a six-inch water main. The six-inch water main will be installed on the north side of Steele’s Avenue East from Yonge Street to the easterly limits of the Highland Park subdivision. It is estimated that the master meter will cost approximately $2,000 and the six-inch water main $12,000. It is expected de- bentures will be issued to cover both these costs. CASH PRIZES FOR SHOPPING CONTEST Markham Township’s Plumbing and Sanitation Com- mittee (Councillors Mrs. K. James and A. Little) reported Tuesday that after further negotiations North York offic- ials had stated that they will Wholesale water to Markham at a price of 32c per thousnd gallons. North York pur- chases the water from the Metro Council at 24 cents per thousand gallons. Highland Park Residents SaveOn NewWaterRates V Councillor Mrs. James stated that water will retail to the con- Stored grain insects of which there are several varieties cause much loss annually to Ontario farmers. The insects when pres- ent eat the kernels, contaminate the grain and may cause much damage through heating. Grain Insects Cause Damage Prevention is better than cure and this is the time of year to clean up and treat the granary. If infested grain is to be held over, it should be moved to an- other storage or if this is not pos- sible, it should be fumigated ac- cording to instructions given in Extension Circular No. 68, avail- able at your Agricultural Repre- sentative’s Oï¬ice in Newmarket. After thoroughly cleaning the empty bin, spray the walls and floors with an insecticide that will kill any insects that remain in or come to the empty bin. While DDT has been used for this pur- pose, it is preferable to use mat- erials that are less toxic to man and animal such as lindane or methoxychlor. Spray the ceiling, walls and floor to the point of run-oï¬ (about 1 gallon to 1,000 sq. ft.) with one of the following: (1) 255/( linQane wettable pow- der 2 pounds 1n 5 gallons of waâ€" ter. (2, 50% methoxyphlor \vettable powder one pound 1n 5 gallons of water. or milling standpoint- Further information may be had by contacting the Department of Agriculture, Newmarket. (3) 50% DDT wettable powder one pound in 5 gallons of water. (4! 259g, DDT emulsion one quart in 5 gallons of water. A relatively new material call- ed a wheat protectant for mixing with grain is now on the market. It is added to the grain as it is binned and gives up to one year's protection against stored grain in- sects. This material does not. harm the grain from a feed. seed. News From Next Door Councillor Kenneth Doyle, a resident in the affected area. en- quired if council felt; a by-law to halt building unless a deep well was drilled in the polluted area until a remedy was found, would be justiï¬ed. But Reeve McMurâ€" chy commented that while the council was at liberty to regulate any further subdividing he hesi- tated to further a motion of this nature until all angles of the 'sit- uation had been investigated. In his letter. Dr. King advised council that further investigation had, revealed that the shallow well “supply was still polluted in an area extending from May Ave. to the Langstaff Sideroad. He added.that tests indicated that the contamination would likely become a permanent condition on the shallow water table. (an Council Halt Building In Polluted Water Area’ Asks Vaughan Tp. Reeve A recommendation made by the York County Health Unit regarding the restriction of building in the Vaughan Township area of water contamination raises a question of what lengths a municipality may go to in case of such an emergency. Replying to the suggestion made by Dr. King in his letter to Council last Monday, Reeve Marshall McMurchy expressed doubts whether the township could actually refuse to issue building permits. The difference between the wholesale and retail price will be made up of the cost of maintenâ€" ance, billing and the debenture issue. sumer at 66 2/3 cents per thous- and gallons. This will mean a considerable saving to Highland Park residents who are presently paying North York 88 cents per thousand gallons. The consumers can look for- ward to a further reduction in the price of water next January 1 at which time the Metropolitan Council is due to make a further drop in the price it charges North York for its water. Naturally any decrease in the wholesale price of water will mean a cor- responding drop in the retail price. The ï¬rst test hole placed in op- eration by the International Wa- ter Supply has proved unsuccess- ful. Drilling on John Street just east of the railway tracks, the drillers failed to reach any water. Council is now negotiating with Mr. J. S. Thompson for permis- sion to commence drilling oper- ations on a section of his proper- ty. Mr. Thompson's farm is lo- cated just inside Markham Town- ship north of the North York wells. Markham Township will confer shortly with the Board of Trust- ees of School Area No. 1 Mark- ham and Vaughan regarding the Board’s decision to purchase a new ï¬ve-acre school site at the corner of Bayview Avenue and No. 7 Highway. Since giving of- ï¬cial notiï¬cation last February. the trustees have been planning to erect a new four-room $100,- 000 school in this general vicin- ity. The members expressed con- cern over the Board’s choice of a site. The area adjacent to the school has already been zoned for industry. Council also felt that a deï¬nite traffic hazard existed as the school will be located close to the two main arteries of No. 7 Highway and Bayview Ave. As a means of comparison, the Committee stated that in 1953 North York serviced approxim- ately 350 homes in the Highland Park water area with an overall consumption of 12,258,400 gall- ons of water at a total billing price of $11,807. Once ï¬nal details are com- pleted, Markham plans to call a public meeting of the Highland Park ratepayers in order to lay the proposal before them. Drilling For Water In Con. 1 To Confer On School Site BROOKLIN : Pickering Township council has been meeting to con- sider piping water to the village from Whitby. The town of Whitby is willing to furnish up to 125.000 gallons of treated wa- ter daily at an estimated cost of 50¢ per thousand. On a suggestion by Councillor VOLUME LXXVI. NUMBER 5 Em mmm Doyle, council decided to ask the Health Unit what measures were being taken to acquaint all house- holders of the area of the serious- ness of the condition and the area of contamination. Thornhill Parking Trustee Allan Sumner met with council to discus the passing of a by-law to restrict parking on Yonge Street in Thornhill to a one hour limit; Mr. Sumner said that he felt many people were parking their cars on Yonge St. and continuing to Toronto via bus and subway. The question of en- forcement of such a bylaw arose when Reeve McMurchy reminded council that township police re- ceived no share of ï¬nes levied on provincial highways and Coun- cillor Agar added that Provincial Policemen did not enforce town- ship by-laws. Council agreed to pass the by- law and Trustee Sumner said he would ask Provincial Police to aid in enforcement. Protest Dust Messrs. Cappy and Smith, pro- prietors of Pinecrest race track approached council on the dust nuisance being suffered from high speed races on a dirt track at the neighboring Speedway Park. Mr. Smith said that extra work was needed to keep their own bleachers clean for their clientele and added that on sev- eral occasions they had been ac- cused by individuals and police of creating a 'dust nuisance. (The Pinecrest oval has a paved sur- face). Reeve McMurchy said he felt the situation warranted a report by the police and instructed the clerk to advise the Speedway Park proprietors that such items in the agreement as safety pre- cautions, dust nuisance, ï¬re equipment and payment of H- cense fees must be adhered to as per the agreement. Woodbridge Annexation They added that they feit the Speedway park did not offer ade- quate protection for spectators and for ï¬ghting ï¬res as is re- quired in the township agree» ment signed by both race track operators. Council was advised that Sep- tember 23 was set as the date far a hearing on a request by'Wood- bridge council to annex an ap- proximate 3500 acres of township land. The area which Woodbridge requests for expansion runs from the hydro line east of the 9th concession south to Steele's Ave, east to the Barrie Highway. north to lot 6, west to concession 7, north'to lot 10 and returning to the hydro line. Council passed a -by-1aw ap- proving the installation of a six inch water main at Pinegrove on Weston Road and Gamble St. under local improvement. A further -by-law approved of Proc- tor and Redfern as engineers for the projcet. It was announced that two lots on Garden Ave. have been ac- quired from the William Rush estate to expedite the extension of Pearson Ave. The sum of $2300 was paid for the proper- ties. EVERY THRUSDAY -â€" Bingo sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. FRIDAY â€" Every Friday Bingo Army. Navy and Air Force Club. Stop 12C Yonge St., at 8 pm. Ad- mission 35c. tfc49 LAKE WILCOX Communlty Hall Jamboree â€" Every Sunday Night 8.30 pm. Refreshment tickets. Adults 50c. children 25c. Enter- tainment free. tfc44 $120 JACKPOT â€" Monday. Aug- ust 9, Bingo, 54 numbers called. Held at Community Hall. Spruce Ave., Stop 22A Yonge St. clw6 AUGUST 9 â€"- Monday. Meeting of Thornhill L.O.L. No. 91 in the Masonic Hall. Thornhill. c1w6 AUGUST 10 â€"- Tuesday. Meeting of Canadian Legion Branch 375 at Memorial Hall, Carrville Road at 8 pm. Coming Events “In Essentials, Unity,- tfc 2 Monroe L. Nute Monroe L. Nute of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania was elect- ed International President of Lions International at the Assoc- iation’s 37th Annual Convention in New York City. Lions Inter- national with more than half a million members in 11,000 clubs in 58 countries and geographical locations is the world’s largest service club organization. Double Check Confirms RichvaleWater Supply Still Widely Polluted Extended sampling of well water supplies in and around the Richvale area of Vaughan Township indicates that contamination of the ground water supplying shallow wells in the area extends as far north as May Avenue and as far south as the Langstaff sideroad, according to a re- port issued thispweek by Dr. R. Mulï¬ing, Director of York County Health Unit. Re-checks of the previous reports of contamination in the Richvale area conï¬rm the earlier conclusion that the shallow ground water supply is widely polluted and must be boiled or chlorinated to be safe for human consumption. Health Unit activities have had their usual increase in the ï¬eld of sanitation, partly due to the aggravation of waste disposal problems during the warm wea- ther and partly due to the in- crease in sanitation problems arising in the summer cottage area along the shore of Lake Sim- coe. At the same time, health unit staff members take some va- cation during the warm weather resulting in a very busy program for the members of the staff who carry on during short periods. Evidence of dangerous pollution in earlier water sam- ples taken during the wet spring season has been conï¬rm ed by the present survey done during the dry summer wea- ther. There is little doubt that the picture is one of more or less permanent pollution of the ground water table. Again, parents are warned to obtain water from a source outside this area for the feeding of infants to avoid the possibility of nitrate poisoning of infants. Water from deep drilled wells, at least 50 feet deep, is safe for use but corflparativ‘ely few homes are fortunate to have, deep drilled we 3. supply. Recommendations are being made to Vaughan Town- ship authorities that further building for residential pur- poses in this area be restricted to premises provided with either deep drilled wells or some other assured safe water Announce Staff Changes York County Health Unit With the increase in popula- tion and territory covered by the York County Health Unit, ï¬ve new appointments have been made to the staff during the last few weeks, according to a report issued this week by Dr. Robt. M. King, Director of the Unit. Four additional Public Health Nurses will join the staff during the summer. Miss Frances Miller, B. Sc. N.. will work in the Town of Aurora. and the north-east portion of King Township, beginning her duties on July 19. Miss Miller is a graduate of the University of Toronto and has worked for two years with the Victorian Order of Nurses in the Toronto area. Miss Jean Arnott. Public Health Nurse, will join the staff on Sep- tember 1, and work in the south- ern portion of King Township and the northern portion of Vaughan Township. Miss Arnott has been with the City of Peterboro Health Department for some time and is a graduate from the University of Toronto public health course of 1953. ‘ Miss Joan Milroy, Public Health Nurse, will be working in the Township of East Gwillim- bury and the northern portion of Whitchurch -- Township and be- gan her duties on August 1. She is a graduate of the Toronto Eastern General Hospital School of Nursing and the University of Toronto course in public health. Miss Dorothea Trann. Public Health Nurse, joined the staff on m Non-essentials, liberty. In 0, Things, Clarity.†lions Elect International President RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5,1954 $500 Prizes Richmond Hill Gooéwill Shopping Club August 1 and will be working in the Newmarket area. Miss Trann is a graduate of the course in public health for nurses4 Univer- sity of Western Ontario, London, and received her basic nursing training at the Toronto General Hospital. Miss Isobel Cody, Public Health Nurse, resigned from the staff of Public Health Nurses to be married in June. John Burnham, C.S.I., joined the staff of Sanitary Inspectors on July 19 and will be working in the Townships of King and Whitchurch. Mr. Burnham has been on the staff of the City of Toronto Department of Health for several years. ‘ While these additions to staff will help to relieve the seriously overloaded Health Unit program produced‘ by the addition of three Townships to the Health Unit in the Spring, it does not quite com- plete the necessary basic staff re- quired and it is hoped'that a complete staff will be available within the next few weeks.’ It is expected excavation for the OM. MacKillop Mem- orial School, to be built at north-west limits of Rich- mond Hill. will begin this week by the Varamae Con- struction Company. 7 The Public School Board has received word of the ap- proval of the tender price for construction of $185,000 by the Ontario Municipal Board, and it is expected the school will be ready for oc- cupancy by the end of Jan- uary of next year. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer, reports that good prices were obtained at the Paul Dubois auction sale in Richmond Hill last Saturday and that bidding was brisk through- out the afternoon. The Du- bois family have purchased a farm in Florida and left early this week to take up residence there. The 8-room house and lot were sold about 3 pm. to 8 Richmond Hill resident, Dr. E. M. Meade, 49 Crosby Ave. for $9,800; with several buy- ers participating in the bid- ding. Contents of the house, including furniture and household effects Were sold, Mr. Farmer reporting good prices received for these arâ€" ticles. Hope To Start Excavation Dubois House Sold Party Enjoyed By Children In Orahgé Home Fifty children from the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home were guests of their neighbors and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bennet at Sky Loft Farms on the Elgin Mills sideroad on Saturday afternoon. Accompanied by the matron Mrs. S. Freethy, and her assistants, nine nursery children under ï¬ve and 44 boys and girls from 5-to 16 years of age, left the home by motor cavalcade at 1.30 pm. and spent the afternoon at the farm. The children enjoyed the pool and pony rides. One of the ponies was Baldy, well-known for his appearance at the Royal Winter Fair. He does 40 tricks, whic include dancing to music, doin problems in addition and subtraction and many more. to the delight of young and old. Baseball games and races were cut short by the showers but the children enjoyed a sing song in the large recreation room and did full justice to the sandwiches, red hots, ice cream and pop. The evening program after returning to the home included ï¬reworks. Mr. Williamson and Mr. Bennet paid their ï¬rst visit to the Loyal True Blue Home last Christmas and left gifts for the children. which had been left over in San- ta's Pack at a Community Christ- mas Tree in Thornhill. They became so interested in the child; ren there, they planned this en- tertainment for them. Business men in Toronto, they enlisted the aid of friends in Toronto, who donated bats, balls and $25.00 for prizes. ‘ Wm. Neilson Co. sup- plied the ice cream and Wilson Soft drinks donated the pop. Sev- eral interested friends made san- dwiches and were in attendance to see that everything went ac- cording to schedule. Ratepayers at Lake Wilcox on Thursday night approved the plans of their school board to er- erect an eight room addition to their foqr room school at a cost of $110,000.00. The principal’s office was made into a classroom the year this ‘school was built and last year ‘three rooms were rented in the old Aurora Public School to accommodate the over- flow of children. This cost the tax- payers over $5,000 in transporta- tion, heating. rent ,etc. With the exception of transportation this all came out of the trustees’ levy. The vote in favor of the addi- tion was 34 to 1. Over 100 resi- dents attended the meeting but only property owners can vote. Clerk Jack Crawford of Whit- church township stated that this $110,000 debenture for the new school would increase the mill rate 29 mills. Property owners ad- jacent to the new road and drain- age ditch built two years ago will ï¬nd their mill rate next year is 1424. 8 Room Addition To Lake Wilcox School Seventy children will start school this fall boosting school attendance to 415. The assess- ment in the area is $292,200 this year. This is increasing all the time as new homes are built. Annual Picnic Members of Branch 375 Cana- dian Legion, Richmond Hill, ac- companied by their families en- joyed their annual picnic last Sunday at Woodland Park. All re‘ port a good time and the program of games and races were enjoyed with enthusiasm. All children re- ceived a gift from the Ladies' Auxiliary. Prize winners in adult events were: ladies’ horseshoe throw, Mrs. Frank Titshall; flat race Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Titshall; clothes- pin in bottle, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Wilfred Sutcliffe: three-legged race, Mr. and Mrs. Linton, Mr. Ellis and Mrs. Williamson; pie plate, lst Mrs. Gregg and John Titshall. 2nd Mrs. Sutcliï¬e and Mr. Ellis; thread-the-needle, Mr. Sanders and Mrs. Linton, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Titshall; horse? shoes, Mr. Titshall and Mr. Wade. Special prizes went to Mrs. Oakley, the oldest lady present, Sid Sparkes the oldest man, Mrs. Sanders won the guessing (on- test and Mr. Sanders and Mr. Titshall were champions at crib- bage. Eight Weeks Contest Will Start Sat. End October 2 Announcement is made elsewhere in this issue of $500. in cash prizes in Richmond Hill Good-Will Shopping Club contest sponsored by The Liberal and which has the co- operation of a large number of local merchants. The ï¬rst prize is$200. in cash and if you are interest- ed in winning this handsome sum or one of many other cash awards turn to the large announcement in this issue which gives all the details. Read the full particulars and then decide to start on opening day. this Saturday, August 7th. ' A goodly number of the lead- ing merchants iii/Richmond Hill are co-operating in this big sales event in which the buying public by patronizing these stores can share in the distribution of priz- es at the end of the eight week’s campaign. wear Jeanmarie Fashions Mansbridge Jewellers E. C. Mansbridge Meat Market Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Ralph's Hardware Richmond Hill Hardwa Simpson’s Dry Goods Thurston’s Men’s West R. D. Little & Son Sheppard & Gill The Liberal I. D. Ramer & Son Canadian Tire Corporation Note -â€" Any other local mer- chant is invited to join the club, but must do so before next Wed- Hereâ€"ls a 11 t of the merchants who have jolifed up to press time Wednesday ight: Armstrong Jewellers Brathwaite Hardware Glass Meat Market Hillcrest Marketerla Hollies’ Ladies' 8:"9hildren’s Concord Residents Endorse Vaughan Twp. Official Plan The ratepayers of Concord School Section voted unanimous- ly to accept in principle the Offic- ial Plan of the Township of Vau- ghan at a meeting held in Con- cord School on Wednesday even- ing, July 28. Reeve Marshall McMurchy, of Vaughan Town- ship stated that the Planning Board has retained the services of Dr. Faludi of Town Planning Consultants. in the future parts of it may be used for parks. A park site has already been purchased by the Humber Valley Conservation Auâ€" thority from J. W. Dalziel at Ed- geley. Industrial Areas An approximate 3000 acre block of land designated for industry is located between No. 7 Highway and Steeles Ave., and from the C.N.R. tracks at Concord to the Barrie Highway. A small indus- trial strip extends 1 mile north of No. 7 Highway along both sides of the Barrie Highway while an- other small area 6351 of the tracks from Steeles Ave, extends to the north of Concord Floral Co. Seek Large Clear Areas ' i'fliér motion to accept the plan was made by L. C. Price and was seconded by R. M. McLean. Conservation The plan‘ provides for residen- tial. industrial and agricultural areas and it is also planned to co- operate with the Don Valley Con- servation Authority to conserve a green belt along the Humber River on the west side of the township and along the branch of the Don River which has its head- waters in the hills of Honeypot. Several hundred acres of land in this area are not first class agricultural land, being sandy and hilly and it is felt that the best policy would be to leave it as a wooded area and reforest barren sections to keep this green belt unbroken and free of build- ings. It is hoped that some time Industry is today seeking large unspoiled areas with Large front;- E N T R Y B L A N K RICHMOND HILL GOOD-WILL SHOPPING awn GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES ' I would like to enter the competition and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the contest. NAME ADDRESS . . . . NOCIOOIIDOI HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 GOODI|DOOCOIO'.&IIOODOIO IT’S RESULTS THAT COUNT and “Eihvral†WANT ADS Bring Results ooooonouo_[u‘,oooco Phone TU. 4-1261 Those entering the contest can do so by depositing votes in the box at The Liberal Office, or betâ€" ter still make out the entry form, which appears in this issue and bring it in. It is good for 1,000 Free Votes. Further information will be an- nounced next week. or may be obtained at The Liberal Office. A good thing is to get an early start. Start right away to save your vote coupons and win one of the valuable prize awards. nesday noon. Phone The Libel-51 Office. TU. 4-1261. if you would like to co-operate. The public by shopping at these stores, will receive vote coupons on a basis of One Vote for One Cent on Cash Sales and the Pay- ment of Accounts. Save all your votes as the largest total at the end of the competition will receive the ï¬rst prize, the second large total the second prize, and so on. Contestants can solicit the help of their friends and neighbors who are not entering the compe- tition. Line up your friends to help you. > A ages where there are good trans- portation facilities and where ample space for parking can be provided. The Planning Board considers this a highly desirable area for the location of industry as it offers many advantages. It is also adjacent to the industrial area of North York. Residential The district from Yonge St. to Bathurst St., is_to remain resiâ€" dential area. The Planning Board is of the opinion that there is enough land available here to take care of the increasing population for years to come. The proximity of residential areas to the industrial areas and future transportation facilities for workers was discussed at length, as a few of the ratepayers thought that it might sometime present a problem. Mr. John Bousefield. assistant to Dr. Faludi of Town Planning Consultants who ex- plained the plan, stated that to the contrary. “It seems to be human nature for workers to travel distances to work". “Sur- veys show that workers in Scar- boro, ‘for instance, drive every day to work in Etobicoke passing on the way people from Etobicoke going to Scarboro to work.†he added. The water supply and a few sub-division problems were also discussed with Reeve McMurchy before the meeting adjourned. James M. McDonald, Clerk of Vaughan Township, was honored at the recent annual convocation of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Ontario by appointment as Grand Stew- and Mr. McDonald is a Past Master of Vaughan Lodge, Maple and last term served as district secretary to Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master Archie Cameron. Honored By Masonic Lodge coo-00.00.0006