Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1954, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL m Mrs. Harold Jones and fumin are holidaying at Lake St. Peter in the Bancroft district. The L.T. B. 8; 0. Home was granted permission by council to hold a Tag Day in Richmond Hill on September 18. Birthday congratulations to Linda Milligan of Bayview Ave.. who celebrated her fourth birth- day, August 4. Mr. William Rumble has been appointed by council as assistant to the superintendent of the Wat- erworks Department and has commenced his new duties. Mr. Alex Little of Weston, formerly of Richmond Hill, is in the Memorial Hospital, Weston, suffering from a hearf attack. His many friends here join in wishing for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. D. S. Bost, Centre St. west, was pleased to welcome, last SaturdayL 1195 daughter and , g ‘1_‘ family, Rev. J. W. E. and Mrs. Newbery, from Trinidad. Rev. Newbery is home on a 10-month furlough and during this time the family will live in Toronto. Miss Barbara Manning Smith was honoured on several occas- ions prior to her marriage on August 18 to Mr. Gerald Paris. Those who entertained on her be- half were Miss Sheila Oxley, Willowdale, Mrs. Walter Norris. Toronto, Miss Jane Tobias and Mr. Peter Tobias, Thornhill, who entertained for the couple, The Prudential Life Insurance Co.. and Mrs. Manning Smith who held a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter on August 11. Now hard water inconvenience need trouble you no longer . . . right here in Richmond Hill Brathwaites can advise you on a complete, modern and inexpen- sive Water Softening service . . the dependable ‘S-P’ way. ‘S-P softened water wlll mean TASTIER COOKING. EASIER DISHWASHING, LONGER LIFE OF PLUMBING AND .A‘LL- ROUND HOUSEHOLD SAV- INGS IN YOUR HOME â€" Find out how an ‘S-P’ installation can make life so very much easier for you and your family. 8-? Soft Water SERVICE IN RICHMOND HILL I'. Y. W. Brathwaite HARDWARE 13 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Now you can have a modern TUrner 4-1331 Theblbenlhalnnghdbmfieaoehl and personal items {or this We and a call to Want 4-1261 will receive eourteou attention. 15;. newspaper will Ilse welcome new reports about church organizations ,women’s and men’s stolen... lodges and other groups. We eon! will be .0. eepted up to Wednesday at each week. It k desirable to have it in earlier it poulble to ensure a. "3n. cation. Forty ladies of the Presbyter- ian Church honored Mrs. Cather- ine Duncan at a party held in the Sunday School room, Wednesday evening, August 18. Mrs. Dun- can was showered with gifts for her home, in appreciation of her services to groups within the church. After the many beauti- ful gifts were opened and admir- ed. games and lunch were en- joyed. Â¥ t t t fi Mr. Peter Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Church St., who visited in the village on Monday, has accepted a positv‘on as Service Department Head for Simpson-Sears’ new retail outlet store in Hamilton. Al , , .r he is in Peterborough for the op- ening of one of the branch stores there. Peter. who was previous- ly employed by Sears-Roebuck in Iowa, Nebraska, and his wife and three children will make their home at Burlington. Mrs. Bob dmunds and son Neil arrived ast Saturday by plane from Montreal to spend a two weeks’ vacation in the vill- age with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook, Roseview Ave. Mr. and Mrs. William Savage spent last week at Cleveland. 0. ---- MACLACHLAN, Ruth â€" At her home in Maple. on Saturday, August 21, 1954, Ruth Kerman, beloved wife of Wills Maciach- Ian, dear mother of Miss Patsy Maclachlan and Mrs. Joanne White of Maple; and Dr. Ian Maclachlan of Syrcuse, N.Y. Resting at her home. Service in St. Stephen's Church, Map- le, on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. In- terment Maple Cemetery. c1w9 Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Kefier of Vellore would like to thank their many friends in the community for the farewell party and pres~ entation extended them on Friâ€" day, August 20. _ *1w9 WILLIAMSON â€"â€" Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and every one who has helped us through the days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy, and deeds of infinite kindness. We can only say thank you so much. Mrs. Wilfred Williamson and family. *1w9 CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0]“ THANKS Mrs. Feet and Mrs. Elsie Brown wish to convey their sincere thankstd appreciation to all who have been so kind during their recent bereavement of a loving husband and brother. *1w9 The chartered bus for the C. N. E. will leave the Post Office on Tuesday, August 31, at 9 am. There are still a few seats. Phone Mrs. J. Pollard or Mrs. L. W, Zuefelt if you wish to go. Don’t forget only two weeks left to earn that Talent Money. CARD 0!" THANKS . IVISON : Mrs. Sarah lvison and daughter Ethel of Thornhill wish to thank their many friends and neighbours <for their kindness, sympathy and floral tributes during, the ill- ness and death of a beloved husband and father. A special thanks to Dr. W. R. Wesley. Women’s Institute Richmond Hill Eeatb c1w9 Aspen and Poplar Tree Grafting In the heart of the wooded hills three miles west of Richmond 'Hill a neighbouring horticulturâ€" ist and forester is carrying out experiments that are watched with interest by the world of sil- viculture. He is Dr. Carl Helm- burger. tree breeding expert with the Department of Lands and Forests at the Southern Re- search Station. Maple. u. u.- aw-.-" _,__, One of the most interesting of Dr. Heimburger’s projects is his work with the hybridization of silver poplar and aspen. This was initiated through the re- quirements of the Pulp and Pap- er industries of southern Ontario for an aspen that is disease re- sistant and that would propagate rapidly from a stemlcutting. Pop- lar is valuable as a wind-break and fence row tree, while both aspen and poplar, with the devel- opment of wood products have proved to be useful for pulp, ven- eer, cellulose products and match stock. Will Not Thrive Out_side_ Habitat Aspen has not so far, been suc- cessfully grown outside its native habitat in the northern latitudes. In an eflort to graft aspen on pop- lar Dr. Helmburger is experi- menting with a large variety of both species obtained from fellow scientists throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. He is exchanging cuttings with world neighbours. The poplar is not originally native to Canada. but was introduced from the Medit- erranean countries sometimes directly, and sometimes via France, England, Germany and Austria. The most successful cross so far has been between the silver poplar and the large-tooth- ed aspen. Using methods devis- ed by himself and now of world interest, Dr. Heimburger has de- veloped hybrids from these two trees that will grow ten feet in two years. ._-. .t . The essential factor is speed, and Dr. Heimburger, a whirlwind of energy himself, has innovated several methods to accelerate pro- duction. It had been the usual practice to make cuttings in the early spring and to graft in Ap- ril. Dr. Heimburger makes his cuttings in November, simulates winter conditions through re- frigeration and snow packing un- til late winter. separates the male from the female clones (branch clusters from parent tree). and makes his grafts in January and February. In the poplar, male and female clones are found on the same parent trees. Distinguishes Buds by August A Where cuttings are concerned, he is able to distinguish male and female buds to be used the fol- lowing year. as early as August. In winter and spring he does cleft grafting with the species of poplar and aspen desired. He has discovered that this is twice as fast as the old bark graft. It consists of making a “V” shaped notch in the ‘popiar, inserting the scion cut in a wedge shape into Mr. Garness, who was 91 years old had pioneered in the Can- adian West where he farmed for many years. After his ret' ement several years ago he came ast to live with his brothers and sister at Elgin Mills. He‘is survived by one sister, Alice and two brothers, Richard and George all of ElginrMillsi. The remains were returned to Bengough, Sash, where he will be laid to rest beside his wife who predeceased him some years ago. EDWARD GARNESS One of Elgin Mills oldest resi- dents, Edward Garness passed away in Toronto General Hospital August 20 after a brief illness Horticultural Highlights @hituarp the notch, and cementing the un- ion with asphalt emulsion. The dwarf variety of trembling aspen. which flowers early, has been most successfully used as stock. Sterilized and well-fertilized soil increases the size of the seed- lings. They remain in the pro- tection of the greenhouse until the fall, when they are placed out- side and completely banked over with soil. When the spring comes. the survivors are tested. Those hY- brids that did not winter through are discarded as being unsati’sâ€" factory. Those that survive are used again in various ways. Some are moved to another site, where they shift for themselves, with- out the tender care of their first year; some are used for further grafting; some are allowed to flower and used for seed: and some are distributed to the sou- thern Ontario Pulp and Paper Companies, and to the world neighbours, who are anxious to obtain an improved strain. Personals Mrs. Wm. Mirrlees and child- ren, Duncan Road, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Armstrong at Stayner last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk, Spruce Ave., and family, accompanied by Mrs. Lockhart. have returned home after spending a week at Lake of Bays, Muskoka._ Mrs. O. Fitchett and Suzie, of Duncan Road and her sister-in- law, Mrs. Marjorie Fitcgett and family have returned home after spending two weeks at their sum- kmel: cottage at Riley Lake, Mus- o a. Jimmie Davenport, London, Ont., is spending two weeks with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davenport, Cayrville Rd; W. day: MMVlss Méry Wark of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Riggs, Carrville Rd. W. on Sun- “.3, . Mr. and Mrs.' James Wood. Murray and Jimmy of Orillia spent the week-end with Mrs. Wood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewston, Carrvilliei Rd. W_. Mrs. Florence Hartley has re- turned home after spending two weeks at Sarnia, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. Donaldson spent last week-end with Cap- tain and Mrs. Meisner at Fenâ€" wick, Ont. g Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. G. Tustin (nee Lettie Don- aldson) on the birth of a son. David Ross, born August 22, and to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jollcoeur on the birth of a son, also on August 22. NEWMARKET : A school for re- tarded children will be opened on September 7 at the Sunday, School room of the Friends’ church. The time of year for corn and Wiener roasts has arrived, and a group of children from Sussex Avenue and vicinity had their first corn roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lepkey, No. 7 Highway last Saturday evening. Among those present were Sus- an and Karen Allen, Marlene Mr. and Mrs. S. Lusher, No. 7 East, have a new granddaughter born at Victoria Hospital, Barrie, to their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.'George Kingston. Corn Roast Congratulations Correspondent: MES. STANLEY ,FICHT Telephone ll‘U. 4-3023 RICHVALE LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY Phone AVenue 5-2496 Birthday greetings to Marlene Simpson. who was five on Friday last. Anniversary congratula- tions also to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rea- man (Ruth Wellman). Mr! And Mrs. James Coulter ldlave returned from a brief holi- ay. An event of interest to many Headford folk took place last Sat- urday when Charles Wesley Well- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wellman, formerly of Richmond Hill and Headford. but now of Cameron. and Vera Adeline dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Harold Palmer, were married. The ceremony took place in Fen- elon Falls United Church. at 2:30 o’clock, with the reception after. wards in the Church parlours. Guests from Headford included Mr. and Mrs. William Wellman and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Well- man. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Hill of Richmond Hill were also present. Mrs. William Wellman spent a few days with her cousin, Mrs. J. A. St. John of Sunderland. Mrs. Wellman's niece. Mrs. Nixon of Manilla, brought her home and left Carol to spend a few days holiday. Joint Church service was held on Sunday in Headford church. Next Sunday the service for all the charge will be in Victoria Square church; after which our minister, Mr. Hutton will be back and services will resume at the regular hour. _ _°.._.._ The weather was very beauti- ful on Saturday for the Deans re- union held at Woodbridge. Those attending from Headford were Mr. and Mrs. William Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Barker and Mr. " and Mrs. George Barker and Charles and Elisabeth. Following the stay in camp, Elisabeth Barker visited her rel- atives, the Nixons, at Manilla. Her father and mother went there to bring her home. _ Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce have returned from their holiday at their cabin at Temagami, and have Mr. Joyce’s mother staying with them. The first meeting of the season of Mark-Vaun Women's Institute will be held on Thursday. Sep- tember 1, at the home of Mrs. C. Ellison, Roosevelt Drive. The topic for the evening is fi-Cana- dian Industries.” The program will be arranged by Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries convenor, Mrs. M. Roy, and roll call will be “Name a Local Industry”. Refreshment commit- tee is Mrs. H.‘Suter, Mrs. M. Roy, Mrs. M. Holmes. Will all mem- bers please make a special effort to attend this first meeting of the season. . A family party which included most of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leuschner was held w"t Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Norman Bell. Lunch wés served on the lawn, the day being -..ceuent. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gay and Betty called on the Hal Acremans this week and later took Mrs. Acreman to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones at their cottage at Franklin Beach. Lake Simcoe. "X Eng}; Ergup o'f friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lockhart on Saturday evening last for a corn and weiner roast. The dancing and community singing were en- joyed by all. First Meeting Of Thu; Season We learn with regret that Mrs. Wm. Knappett has entered To- ronto General Hospital, prepara- tory to an operation. We wish her a speedy recovery. Birthday greetings to Mr. Free- man Barker', Mrs. Isaac Hord, Mrs. Norman Bell and Ruth Clark {who all had ,birthdays on Monday ast. Wake, and her cousin Donna; Ronald and Judy Charles; David Kingston, Bruce Palmer, Geor- gie, Hugh and Doug Lenneville, Bonnie, Elaine and Ray Mountjoy, Billy and Jimmy Roy, and Gay and Ruth Lepkey. Mrs. S. Lush- er assisted Mr. and Mrs. Lepkey in helping the children with the corn, marshmallows soft drinks, etc., enjoyed during the egening. Correspondent; Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2617 Mrs. P. A. Johns spent four days last week visiting friends in Barrie and Mldhurst and on Wed- nesday enjoyed a visit with her sister at Camp Borden, Ontario: Raymond Mayer of Yongehurst Rd., left Sunday for a two week holiday at Nottawasa River as guest .of Bill Dawson. Donald Beaton and his wife of B. and Y. Taxi travelled over 3,000 miles on their holidays travelling through the States and visiting Don’s people in Nova Scotia. A house-warming party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Don Fettes on Saturday night 'at their new home on Lucas St. A large tree was‘ placed in the living room from which hung innumerable gifts. A Lazy Susan serving tray was given them on behalf of their friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Blentz of Yongehurst Rd., left on Friday for a week’s vacation in the Laurentian Mountains. They hope to spend a day or two with friends in {{ipgston, Ontario. _ Gilbert Robinson of Peterboro, Ontario, will be spending the next three weeks with his cousin and wife. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harton. 311‘. Robertson has come here ex- ‘n‘essly for the purpose of emer- 1g his dogs in the Canadian Na- .lonal Exhibition. HEADFORD NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. H. Aoreman B. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4‘2236 NORTH RICHVALE RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH lav. C. G. Higdnson. 3A.. 3.3. S'l'. MARY'S CPUICI RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A., L. Th. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 1954 11th After Trinity “God shall supply your every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’ 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Rev. M. Flint of Little Trinity RICHMOND HILL PBESBYTEBIAN CHURCH Rev: J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 1954 :1 mm. â€" Worship Service Rev. J. N. Hepburn Church, Toronto 11 a.m. â€"-Sunday School and Junior Congregation 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer Mr. Wm. Le“ , B.A. Wycliffe Col ege PLEASE NOTE â€" The Sunday School & Junior Congregation will combine at 11.00 a.m. during the summer months Sunday Evening Services at 7.00 pm. will continue throughout the summer months. Summer vis- itors and newcomers to the Dis- Nitriict are especially welcome. What you do for God lasts for- ever! , RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruzglel SUNDAY, AUGUST 29; 1954 8 am. â€"\ Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer il‘lour, CHML 9 5.111. Sand” 3 pm. â€" Sunday School VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL TRINITY ANGLICAN cm Thornhlll Rev. S. A. R. Wood. 3A.. Beam MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C.. Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 1954 Combined Church Service at Maple at 11.30 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.!!! in. PHILL. 2, v. 5: Letthis mind he in you. which was also in Christ Jesus, ‘MViâ€"s'vaii‘ion Frazer réturned from her holiday at Minden on Sunday eyeqipg. __ _. . . 81'. BABNABAS MISSION Anglican Blehvale - Langstafl District “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you" SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1954 11th After Trinity NOTICE â€" During the summer months this Mission Sunday School will meet with the St. Mary’s Sunday School, Richmond Hill, at 11 am. The Parents can worship at the morning Service while the child- ren are attending their own Ser- vice downstairs. Those children who have not transportation can meet .at the Howitt School at 10.45 am. and cars will take them up to St. Mary's Church. Richmond Hill. “It you love the Lord. you will love His Church. Mr: afidi M175. M. Ward and family are enjoying a weeks’ holl- day at Stayner. Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Inglis on Sat- urday evening for a corn and Weiner roast. Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Congratulations to Miss Marilyn Curtis on her 18th birthday. "Garâ€"fieéflfe} the children and later television was thoroughly enjoyed by 7311. ,__,s., s .. Mr. and Mrs. G. Elmes and family are spending their holidays at Wasaga Beach. Van de Kempâ€"Joice Amid a setting of Gladioli and asters, Deanna Joice youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson of Leitchcroft became the bride of Dennis Van de Kemp on Sunday August 15th. Deanna wore a gown of satin with nylon veil full length and carried a bouquet of carnations and .roses. Her sister, Mrs. R. Aldridge was matron of honour and Misses Thea Thornton and Sylvia Thornycroft were brides maids. Rev. Earl 5. Bull, Ministéi Church of the Light and Life The attendants carried nose- gays of carnations and mums. A delightful evening reception was held at the bride’s lovely home and many friends called to wish them much happiness for the future. Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kemp will make their home in the city. Mlniste'r SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 1954 . a.m. â€" Morning Service The Minister McDONALD â€" In loving memory of a dear mother. Sarah Mc- Donald who passed away Aug- ust 25, 1941; also our dear fa- ther Murdoch McDonald, who entered into rest September 8, 1931. , Quiet memories will linger for- ever. Time cannot change them it’s true Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of them. Oh how patient was their suffer- mg, When no hand could them ease. God the helper of the helpless Saw their pain and gave them peace. â€"â€" Lovingly remembered by Family and Grandchildren. In memoriam ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1954 THORN LEA NEWS at 10 am. August 28 No Service THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Aug. 26, 1954 5 LANGS’I'AFP BAPTIST CHURCH Pub! Rev. A. B. Jones Service. Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all age: 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed.. 8 [1.111 â€"- Prayer Meeting Thurs, 2 pm. â€" Women's Mll- alonary meeting Tuesday. 8 pm. -- Young Peop- le's Meeting _ 11 am. and 7 pm. â€" Mr. Merrett Ingleby will speak at both the morning and the evening services WED., 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Fellowship Meeting All Welcome. Onk Avenue Stop 22 Yonto SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 1954 Frank Wellington Is Coming. The children's favorite, Mr. Frank Wellington. will begin on Sunday. September 5, continu- lng from Tuesday, September 7, to Friday. plus Saturday mornâ€" mg: QNE WEEK oypy. Each program will be packed with surprises. Mr. ‘ Wellington comes prepared with recordings, loud speakers, and Christian movies. Everyone welcome. Watch for further announce- ments. 9.30 ~tun. -â€" The Lord's Supper 11 am. :â€" Fgmily AWoirshlp and Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Service The United, Presbyterian and Baptist Churches of Thornhlll will be holding joint services during the months of July and SUNDAY. AUGUST 29, 1954 Thornhlll United Church Rev. '1‘. W. Hazlewood, B. D.. Exec. Sec. Upper Canada Bible Society ALL WELCOME WOMBOOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block But of You" On Mud-wank: Ave.. Stop 123 Putor P. Vaughn. B. Th. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. 1954 It’s always a pleasure to do business with us, for friendly service and moder- ate prices are the order of the day. RBIJL'N!) SHARE IS NO? THE enema 22mm; YONGE ST. CITY PRICES a For Service at it’; Best 5 Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY JOINT SUMMER SERVICES Richvale Chapel we 4 meter;- awn/ma M14471 HALL’S SERVICE STATION TU. 4--2063 MILK " j; 8: SANDWICHES Always On Call To Meet Your Fuel Needs Domestic Fuel Oil and Stove Oil Consult us for all your heating problems. Four tank trucks at your service . TU. 4-2061 ELGIN MILLS (Opposite the Orange Horne) IELEPHONE TURNER-44622 SPECIALS ROSE SWEET DOLE’S FANCY Fruit Cocktail Mixed Pickles :2,“ 31c AYLMER BOSTON Pork & Beans 22..“ 17c TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Wheaties IN TERLAKE Toilet Tisshe MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 3:- 29c :11“- 49c SPECIAL OFFER Blue Cheef N0. 1 ONTARIO AYLMER N0. 1 FRESH Green Peppers 4 19c Potatoes Raspberry Jam it,“ 39c WEI-YELLOW RIPE Bananas Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S RELIABLE SERVICE 2 m- 25c 200:. 12 o: Pkg. Large Pkg. 8 Qt. Bskt. Rolls 35c 270 30c 45c 25c

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