Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1954, p. 8

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8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Aug. 26, 1954 See Your Local Graham Plow Dealer EDGELEY FARERS CLUB CONTACT LAURANCE KEFFER 0R GEORGE SNIDER We also feature Bale Loaders and Elevators POULTRYMENII â€"- Your Pullets need the BEST FEED for top growth ’ -â€" You need GOOD SERVICE and moder- ate cost. ' THAT IS WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER WITH Master Poultry Feeds If you have never tried MASTER FEEDS, why not give us a try. this summer? BALANCED FE EDS 7 All. CLISSIS Oi POUIJIV "I. D!!! STOCK . I II I I II I l N G Ill-Ali I MISS W. R. DEAN THORNHILI. 43333333333333333 FEEDERS WHO KEEP We’re Always Busy --Thanks > To Our Satisfied Customers ,‘wfifiémg; Always Coming , "Wm “Mml/ Back For More (SOME TO OUR PICNICS ? ems-a . human-s 6. Used Farm Machinery WATERLOO THRESHER, with shredder, grain ele- vator, chaff blower, clover huller 2 MASSEY-HARRIS No. 44 TRACTORS ONE-WAY DISC, 6 foot TRACTOR PLOWS, various makes and sizes AROLDW.MORTSN 95s., we sent/Icewaar we sea I J «wruwm . , .L. 1% FERGUSON YSTEM ........ 4. ....... 4 R “‘4â€" I’ll-IA" ’° 3.333333333333333 the landmarks of King City is eing converted into liv- ing accommodation. The large structure on the Armstrong prop- erty on the west side of Keele Street and south of the "hotel" will provide a spacious second floor apartment including a din- ing-living room with picture win- dows lending a magnificent View of the rolling hills to the west.‘ The ground floor will contain Miss Dorothy Armstrong's musrc studio and facilities to accomm0< date her pupils. Renovate St. Andrews Renovations are being made to the interior of St. Andrew's Presâ€" byterian Church. Strange (known as the Stone Churcht. Pannelling of limed fir plywood has bee applied to the front walls of the church auditorium. The minister Rev. Donald C. Wotherspoon B.A.. this past week constructed a baptismal font of BC. Fir, modern in design and of workmanship that would do credit to many an experienced craftsman. Further improvements to the church are planned, such as the cementing of the furnace room and the building of a new chim- ney on the exterior of the church from basement level. All work including the electric- al work is being done by members . :f the congregation and the min- .cr. The Congregation was founded .l 1837 in a log church within 20 .eet of the present building con- ,tructed in 1860. ‘ Rev. Wotherspoon, minister of the three charges of St. Paul’s ninth line, Eversley and Strange will be on morning devotions this week over CBL at 8.15 am. He chose “Faith in God" as his topic for his first broadcast on Monday morning. Personals Flying Officer Terry Ussher, son of Colonel and Mrs. J. F. H. Ussher. 7th line King returned home on leave last week from Portage La Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. William Carson spent a few days last week with their daughter Mrs. Jack Clift and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Macklin and family spent last week-end at a cottage at Southampton. Miss Lois McBride is having a week's holiday at home in King f her duties as a dietitian in S . Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Art Brown spent a week- end recently at Oakville and Bur- lington. While in Burlington she visited relatives in the new sub- division. One 0 floofagafnsd ' RAIN and REVEUERS ANYONE who ever visited Lon- don knows Piccadilly Circus, and the famous statue of Eros, God of Love, poised above its central fountain. This statue has taken a lot of punishment dur- ing the past sixty years, from both practical jokers and Lon- don smog. But because the sculptor cast it in aluminum â€" it was the first large statue to be cast in the “new metal” â€" it has come safely through the years. When it was cleaned up for the Coronation, it gleamed as fresh- ly as ever. The enduring beauty of aluminum has meanwhile made it a favorite of modem architects, furniture designers. decorators too. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). ‘ 'ru. 4-1103 '1‘ A X 1 1k. FULLY INSURED WEDDINGS t! RICHVALE RICHMOND HILL a: 40WNER-DRIVEN CARS at couereous SERVICE F UNERALS LUNG DISTANCE TRIPS OUR SPECIALi‘Y 24-HOUR SERVICE I TU. 4-1392 Phone King 132M KING CITY NEWS WRRESPONDENT: MRS. DONALD McCALLUM Miss Carol Busby will enter the Women's College Hospital in mid- October to start training as a nurse. Mr. and lVlrsigRoy Bowen King City have returned from a motor trip to the west. At Lenberg. Saskatchewan, they visited Mrs. Bowen's sister. Mrs. Wes. Oble- man and family. While in Cal- gary they had a visit with Mrs. Bowen's sister. Mrs. Norman Mc- Cullogh. In Calgary they met two other King City residents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ratclitfe who told Mr. and Mrs. Bowen they were on a trip to the coast and down to Seattle. Upon leaving Calgary Mr. and Mrs. Bowcn spent a day in Banff. On arriving home they were saddened by the news of the sudden death of Mr.. Bowen‘s brother-in-law. Mr. Wil- fred Williamson of Teston on Monday. August 19. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armitage and family of King City were hol- idaying recently for ten days at a cottage at Georgian Bay. Bar- bara Billings went with them to the cottage. About 20 people attended a weiner roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Luber, Laskay. on Saturday night. August 21. The group had an enjoyable songfest during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hotchen and family of Acton were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mokman. King City. Mrs. Charles Blacx, Mrs. Frank Buddin, Janet and Dannie Buddin went to Centre Island for a picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 18. Trousseau Tea A trousseau tea is being held at the home of Mrs. Harold Hol- linshead, Kinghorn, for her dau- ghter, Miss Ruth Hollinshead. who is to marry Mr. Bruce Mc- Quarrie. Teston, on Saturday, September 4, in Nobleton Angli- can Church. The tea will be held during the afternoon and evening of Saturday, August 28. Kitchen Shower Miss Mary Jane Walker. King City, and Miss Iris Hamilton gave a kitchen shower recently for Mrs. Leslie Watson, the former Margaret Calhoun of Aurora, at Miss Walker‘s home. About 20 school chums presented the re- cent bride with some very useful gifts. Miss Walker wore a pale blue net over taffeta waltz length dress and juliette cap as a brides- maid at the wedding of her friend Miss Margaret Calhound to Mr. Leslie Watson at Trinity An- glican Church, Aurora. in a can- dlelight ceremony on Saturday. August 21. Honour F. Ball & Miss J. Heath The Hobby Club at Sharon gave a presentation and dance for Fred Ball .son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ball, King. and his fiancee Miss Judith Heath of Toronto re- cently. About 100 friends and relatives presented them with a gift of money. Miss Heath will marry Mr. Ball on Sept. 4 at Sharon. After their marriage the' couple will live in Temperance- ville. Miss Marie Ball leaves Sept. 11 for Columbia University, New York City where she is enrolled in a Bachelor of Science course. About 28 neighbours assisted Mr. Orville Diceman. Teston, in a barn raising recently. @hituarg Late Wilfred Williamson . Mr. Wilfred Williamson passed away with a heart attack while eating his evening meal at his farm home in Vaughan Township on Monday, August 16. Mr. Williamson was raised in New- market district and with his fa- ther operated a dairy in New- market. At the time of his mar- riage to Miss Ethel Bowen of Tes- ton he was operating a dairy in Aurora. For over the past 25 years, Mr. Williamson had been farming in the Teston district. He is survived by his wife Edith, his son Donald and his daughter ean. Mr. Williamson was a member of Teston United Church. Because of the absence of Rev. M. R. Jenkinson who is on holi- days. Rev. Dr. Archer Wallace of Maple took the funeral ser- vice on Thursday, August 19. The interment was in King City cem- etery. Anglican Girls Auxiliary Miss Mary Jane Walker. King City was in Toronto on Sunday to welcome the members of the Girls Auxiliaries of the Church of England in Canada to the first Dominion Conference at Camp Couchiching. This is the first conference held in Canada. More than 100 girls from 27 dioceses across Canada representing all provinces including the Yukon will study the theme “Show Us The Path of Life” at the camp. The girls attended the luncheon at St. Paul’s Bloor, before leaving for Couchiching. Miss Walker was a member of the workers’ committee which was responsible for this conference. She is presi- dent of All Saints Anglican Church Girls’ Auxiliary in King City. ‘ Building Increase At King City A recent survey of building has shown that construction in King City is in full swing. this sum- mer. Ten homes are in various stages of construction in the Kingsview sub-diy'ision. among them being the new home of George Billings. In Heritage Park, ten houses are nearing com‘ pletion while five more homes are being built in the east end. The two room addition to the King City Public School is also progressing favourany .\ \ci‘Hr-t- station and 'Jl'lII Jil't' being erected on the property of Harry McBride on the mini. oi the third concession and the King Sideroad. _â€" I ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road. Telephone TUrner 4-2334 Community Club News Mrs. Stanley Leno and Mrs. Edwin Gamble. social convenors for the Jefferson School Com- munity Club are looking forward to seeing many old and new friends at the ladies' meeting which will be held at Mrs. Gam- ble's home. Elgin Mills. next Wednesday night, September 1, at 8.30 pm. Personal Notes Marg. and Bill Hall have movâ€" ed into their new home on the Gormley sideroad. and although son Wayne will be starting to school at Oak Ridges this Fall. we hope Marg. and Bill will still find time to join in the activities of this community. Mrs. Jim Matkin enjoyed a vis- it with her daughter, Mrs. Reg. Kyte of Lisle. Ont.; her grand- daughter, Mrs. Ernest Lawrence of Toronto and her great-grand- daughter. Linda Lawrence. last week. at her Brookside Road home. DONCASTER Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mizen 27 Seccomoe Ave.. Phone AVenue 5-1570 Mr. and Mrs. G. Morrison. Ron- nie and Gloria. with Mrs. Mor- rison‘s sisters, Miss L. and Miss P. Waterson. were holidaying at Lake Simcoe last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gatehouse. Stephen and Clevens are spending their holiday in the Georgian Bay district. Mr. Art Bragan and family with Mr. Vic Rurren with his family are at Muskoka. Mrs. K. A. Shepherd. Proctor Ave. is spending two more weeks at Wasaga Beach. Barbara and Brian twin childâ€" ren of Mr. and Mrs. V. Dale of Proctor Ave. celebrated their 9th birthday on Thursday August 19. Twenty-five children had a won- derful time at a party on the lawn. There was quite an exciting time at Mr. Perrin's home last Thursday morning when a shed was burned. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lemon neighbors saw the haze at 2 3m. and formed a bucket brigade. The fire reels arrived in good time but were further ham- pered by the shortage of water. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Taylor from Brighton Ont. spent a week with their two nieces Mrs. C. H. Turner on Clarke Ave. and Mrs. Shulver on Lilian. Bob and Carol Mason Dudley Ave. entertained six of their friends to a corn and weiner roast on Saturday last. The party ended with a sing song. ,. Mrs. J. Adams of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen on Seccomoe Ave. â€" DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Kitchen Help It is a nutritional mistake to use baking soda to pres- erve the fresh color of veg- etables during cooking â€"â€" ordinary heating with baking soda destroys the vitamin C content completely. The liquidsurrounding the solid vegetables in a can is useful nutritionally. It con- tins dissolved minerals and vitamins and should be used. Vitamin A which promotes growth, builds resistance to infection by keeping the lin- ing tissues of the body or- gans in healthy condition, and is necessary for correct func- tioning of the eyes, is found in liver, fish oils, yellow and green vegetables, milk, cream, butter, egg yolk, green and red peppers. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. Pam and Pat Threlfall returned to their home in Jefferson on Tuesday of last week after a va- cation spent in New England. Accompanying the girls home were their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson of Falmouth. Portland, Maine. and another aunt. Mrs. Miles Lang- ley of South Portland, Maine. Mrs. Threlfall enjoyed a two- day visit with her relatives. whom she had not seen for some years, before they left on their return trip east. on Thursday. Birthday Celebrated Belated birthday greetings to Billy and Bobby Barrow who cel- ebrated their seventh birthday in "twin" style, last Wednesday, August 25. Off To Camp Jimmy Rushlowe left for Pine Crest Camp. Muskoka. on Wed- nesday, to start the week's holi- day he won in hte IGA contest sponsored by Harry Pridham. . . And Home Again John Passmore Jr.. returned home last week from Cadet Camp Ipperwash. after seven weeks of camp life which he enjoyed thor- oughly. Miss Elizabeth Flood. a Physi- cal and Occupational Therapy Nurse. from Montreal. is spend- ing her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Flood, Jefierson. Scouting News The lst Jefferson Group Mo- thers’ Auxiliary will hold a genâ€" eral meeting next Tuesday even- ing at 8.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. .Iack Hall. Naughton Dr., El- gin Mills. All mothers are ur- gently asked to attend. “m. TWOTORISTS! ercise motor TAXES The second instalment of the current year’s taxes is due AUGUST 15 must be added after SEPTEMBER 5 R. LYNETT, I Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which I Village Clerk, Richmond Hill “Sign of Service" . VACANT LAND . BUSINESSES Listing Now or Expert Appraisals For Anything Suburban â€" Cell RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED . FARMS . HOMES 8 YON GE ST. S. PHONE TU. 4-1131 CANADA’S LARGEST REALTORS Offices Throughout Ontario With the end of the Summer Holidays and return of our children to school on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, let us all ex- special care in the operation of our vehicles. Happy, carefree children often momen- tarin forget Safety Rules and dart out in front of an automobile. ' BREWERS smce l832 EVERY DRIVER MUST OBSERVE THE RULES OF SAFE DRIVING Space contributed in the service the community by John Labatt Limited Saving money . . . and writing cheques A bank ofi‘ers you two types of deposit account, Savings and Current. Ifyou write cheques frequently, you will like the many advantages of a Current account. If your main purpose is to save, to accumulate funds. it’s good to have a Savmgs account. The money you leave in a Savings account: earns interest, and your bank book gives you an up-to-date, continuing record of yOur financial progress. If your funds are active, with frequent deposits and withdrawals, a Current account provides a special service; a monthly statement, together with your cancelled chequesâ€"useful as receipts and a ready reference for budgeting, bookkeeping and other purposes. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY

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