accompanying problems has made it necessary to restate some of the regulations The following items are brought to the attention of parents and guardians having children who are attending RiChvale. Charles Howitt, Langstaff, Thornhill, Thornlea, Henderson Avenue and Powell Road Schools. These will be effec- tive commencing Monday, September 13. 1) SCHOOL HOURS : These have been made uniform throughout the School Area. 9.00 A.M. â€" 12-00 Noon and 1.30 P-M- â€" 4.00 P.M. a) There is no 3.30 dismissal. b) Pupils in shift classes Wlll continue on the special hours, i e., 8.30-12.30 or 12,304.30. 2) NOON-HOUR DISMISSAL: All children are expected to return home for the lunch-hour and at commodation cannot be expected at the schools. Buses Will operate on regular routes at this time. 3) PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION: The school yards will be supervised 15 mlnutes before the begin- ning of both the morning and afternoon session. WASHING MACHINES - RADIO - TELEVISION and SMALL APPLIANCES 4)APPRECIATION: The co-operation of each parent on the ï¬rst day of school made this the smooth- est opening day in the history of the Area. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 8 YONGE ST. S. Bayview A ve. Richmond Hill PLOWING , ' DIE CULTIVATING -- ‘ MO' BACKFILLING GRA ’ FRONT END LOADING "Sign of Service" . VACANT LAND -. BUSINESSES Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Cut Rate ALpliance Store T.S.A. No. 1 - Markham I. Vaughan The rapid growth of the th091 Area and its Goodwill Shopping Club Coupons Given Here LANCE WILLIS SCHOOL NOTICE Frigidaire Sales & Service 2 ."ï¬â€˜fk'vu “Temï¬esl' Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes CANADA’S LARGEST REALTORS Offices Throughout Ontario Listing Now or Expert Appraisals For Anything Suburban â€" Call Repaired by Experts REAL ESTATE LIMITED WE STOCK SELLING BUYING . FARMS Q HOMES PHONE TU. 4-1131 DISCING MOWING GRADING TU. 4-1541 TU. 4-2342 Lake Wilcox Girls Softball Team ended their ï¬rst season with a game against Queensville at Lake Wilcox on August 18. Lake Wilcox Ball (lub Plans Winter ActivitiesToRaiseFunds During the season funds were raised amounting to $188.55 and thanks is due to the following for contributions in cash and goods: Miss E. Love. Lakeland Ave, Lake Wilcox, $5; Fred Starr. Cit-‘ ies Service Station, 1179 Yonge St., Toronto, $2.50; Mr. Card. Musselman’s Lake, electric iron and $5; Wonder Bakery, Toronto, rolls; Eric Bunn, Oak Rid es. chicken; Alec Gallagher, 1. .A. Stores. Oak Ridges, chicken; Ful- ler‘s Dry Goods. Oak Ridges, sweaters; Hess’s Drug Store, Aurora, perfume; Stan Hart. Lake Wilcox,, soft drinks; John North- way’s Store. Toronto, necklace; George Gourley, Lake Wilcox, mask. The team was organized and run by C. F. Lacey, Mrs. W. Webb and Mrs. A. Ashby, assisted by Bill Phillips as coach. who was later replaced by Bill Ashby, the present coach and manager. Valle: Pay-off Time: During the winter efforts EVEN BEFORE the turn of the century, polar and other explor- ers found that boxes of light, ~non-rustin g aluminum gave their precious first-aid equipment more protection from rough usage and rough weather. Manufacturers took the tip. Today, especially in factories where industrial processes create humid or corrosive conditions, aluminum boxes are used to keep ï¬rst-aid kits in good shape. Highlymfortiï¬ea FuI-O-Pep Egg Mash is the secret to making more money from your layers. It allows you to feed In: mash . . . more grain . . . :40: money on feed. This year, plan (0 feed bigbly fortiï¬ed FuI-O-Pep Egg Mash. and follow the Ful-O-Pep Egg Produc. tion Plan. run details are nvaï¬able In new folder illustrated abme. Come in and ask us for your free copy . . . Egg Production Record Cards also u'ailable.. I. 1). RAM!!! 8: SON In fact, aluminum is now popular for boxes to hold everything from tools to trout flies. And for countless other containers that must stay clean, bright, free from rust. Alumi- num Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). Well equipped to service English cars Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1313 General repairs to all makes of cars Cities Service Garage 55 Yonge St. S., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-0001 It's Hen-Housing and Motor Tune - Up Lubrication and trucks will The Pul-O-Pep Egg Production Plan oï¬'ers you the means to be made to raise funds for next season. The girls’ team was started from scratch this year with no preparation or funds whatever. Assistance is badly needed in all departments, players (girls up to 20 years of age), coaches and organizers (for fund raising ac- tivities). Will anyone interested in helping please contact C. F. Lacey, Fergus Avenue, Lake Wil- cox or phone TU. 4-2241 or con- tact other members of the team or committee. The season was ended with a balance of $1.35 after all bills had been paid. A Whitchurch Community Centre Harvest Dance will be held at Glendale Favilion Musselmans Lake on Friday September 17. Reeve and Mrs. Ivan McLaughlin are paying for the orchestra, “Del Kidd and his Boys," and Councillor Sid Legge will head a board of judges for a square dance competition. The dance chosen for the competition is “Right left four,.right left, six,†to be danced to the Crooked Stove Pipe. A varied program of round and square dancing. progresâ€" sive Barn Dances and Lucky Partner Paul Jones. has been arranged by the Community Centre Board. FRIDAY. SATURDAY SEPT. 10, 1] TWO FAMILY STYLE FEATURES AUDIE MURPHY in MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SEPT- 13, 14, 15 All Time Winner of 9 Academy Awards “BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES†VIRGINIA MAYO FREDERIC MARCH MYRNA LOY STANLEY CLEMENTS ARMY BOUND RIDE CLEAR, DIABLO KY IHEATR MABKIAM Harvest Dance plus Personals Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hyett, Yonge Street, visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McLaren at Bronte. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brodie, Yonge Street, spent a few days with; friends in Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Leo 'Grant, Stop 20, enjoyed a weekend with their son. William Grant, at Stoney Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson accompanied by Mrs. Patterson’s sister. Mrs. May Cummings. and Mrs. Roy Robertson of Richmond Hill, motored to Niagara Falls and Buffalo for Labor Day week- end. While in Buffalo, they vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cum- mings. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess have sold their house on Garden Avenue and are leaving Langstaff. The new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mo ds, need no introduction to Langstaff residents as they lived on Morgan Drive some time ago. We welcome them back to our district. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ellison, Roose- velt Drive, have received an in- vitation from President and Mrs. Robert Saunders of the Canadi n National Exhibition to tea n 40 Building Permits’ Markham In AugUst In his August report to Mark- ham township Council Building Inspector W. Craig states his de- partment issued 40 permits dur- ing the past month to cover an estimated $240,875.00 in con- struction. Total permit fees col- lected amounted to $378.00. while septic tank fees amounted to $138. A total of 19 homes will cost an estimated $208,700. Commercial and Industrial construction will amount to $26.800.00. In the matter of residential construction. Mr .R. C. Berkinâ€" shaw, President of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company will erect a $45,000 home on lot 21. Concession 3. Mr. R. Roeger plans to build a $12,000 home on lot 20, concession 1. Mr. A. L. Marshall took out permits to cover the construction of eight homes, each of which is to cost $11,000 and are to be lo- cated in the Arnold Subdivision on Concession 4. Mr. F. Wolfe will construct a $12,000 home on lot 6, Con. 5. The largest commercial ‘con- struction will cover an office building to be erected on the pro- perty of the new Holy Cross Ro- man Catholic Cemetery at Lang- staff. The office building will cost an estimated $23,300. Canada's ï¬rst highway was the road between Montreal and Que- bec, built early in the 18th cen- tury. V w ‘mmmw ‘ VA Am : “WA 95% 5V V.» LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY These and other change: have been made Io Improve the appearance of Canada's currency, The notes are printed by new processes which give them a distinctive “feelâ€. The colours of the various denominations are approximately the same as at present but close examination will show that the colour on the face of each note results from the combination of two colours printed one over the other. The allegorical figures which appear on the back panels of the present issue are new re- placed by engravings from photographs of various Iypes of Canadian countryside; In general the new design is less ornate and this simplicity contributes to easier recognition of the various denominations. It also makes it easier to distinguish a genuine note from an attempt at forgery; Other changes include the placing of the portrait of Queen Elizabeth at the right hand side of the note. In this position the engraving of the portrait will not be subiect to the wear from the constant folding of notes through the center. CANADA'S NEW BANK NOTES will begin to replace the present issue this month. The new notes will be put into circulation from time to time as worn and soiled notes of the old issue are withdrawn. It will thus be some time before the new notes have completely replaced the old. Banks will have a limited quantity for distribution in the introductory period. As you come into possession of the new notes you will be aware of a number of new features. ‘ Phone AVenue 5-2496 CANADA’S NEW BANK NOTES Citizens’ and Cadet Day, Satur- day. September 11. Mark Vaun W. I. The September meeting of the Mark Vaun W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. D. Ellison, Roose- velt Drive. on Thursday of last week. Fourteen members and two guests answered the roll call by naming a “Local Industryâ€. After a short business period, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. M. Roy, Agriculture and Canadian Industries convenor. Mrs. Roy read two papers - one on “Canadian Made" goods, and the other on “Care and Bleaching of Nylonâ€. The members took part in the program by giving a one-minute talk on various industries. -A former member, Mrs. G. Mills, Church Street, presented the In- stitute with a pair of ash trays as a memento of her trip to Scotland to be used by the In- stitute in any way they choose to augment their funds. Re- freshments were served by the committee-Mrs. M. Holmes, Mrs. M. Suter, and Mrs. M. Roy. BANK OF CANADA TU. 4-1552 Here are reasons why it is worthwhile to buy your TV SET at Y erex Electric Q 3 MONTHS FREE SERVICE Most stores charge extra for this service â€"â€" an average charge is $3 . OUR SERVICE CHARGE OUT OF WARRANTY IS $3.50 Most stores charge $7.50 to $9.00 Q WE HAVE VERY WELL QUALIFIED SERVICEMEN Some stores have servicemen that can wreck your set in short order and charge well for 11: . ANTENNAS INSTALLED AND GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR AT VERY LOW PRICES Most stores make a good proï¬t on antenna installations. This is why they can drop the sale price. . VERY PROMPT SERVICE 0 N0 DELIVERY CHARGE Some stores charge $5.00 for delivery of TV Set More Difl'erent Makes to Choose From WE HAVE C.G.E., PHILLIPS, R.C.A. VICTOR, MOTOROLA, ADMIRAL, PHILCO, DuMONT, etc. Buy TV With No Down Payment Don’t Be Caught Napping And Buy a Late 1954 TV Model when you can buy a 1955 TV Model from You will marvel at the difference the aluminized picture tube makes to the picture YEREX ELECTRIC YEREX ELECTRIC THE LIBERAL}, Richmond Hill, Thuqu Sept. 9, 1954 A. J. BARRACLOUGH Frames Kin: Sideroad Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hiâ€, TUrner 4-1872 REPRESENTING The best means of distinguishing genuine bank notes from suspected notes is the simplest, namelyâ€"compare a suspected note side-by- side with one known to be genuine. Even small variationsâ€"no one of which might be notice- able by itself-will usually combine to produce an easily distinguishable difference in general appearance. Good notes look "good" because of the skilled craftsmanship behind them.‘ As you come into possession of the new bank notes, study them to become familiar with their general appearance. This will help safeguard one of Canada's most important facilities â€"your currency. Many people ask “Is there not some special means of distinguishing genuine bank notes from caunterfeits?“ The answer is that there are a great many meansâ€"singly and in com- binationâ€"so many that a full description could be confusing and would only help those who might attempt to counterfeit. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS lo lessen the risk of counlerfeiiing,‘ and lo reduce the cost of production. ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE J- A. \X/ILLOUGHBY BRICK SAND FILL Store Fixtures EM. 5- 5373 MAPLE - 6 74 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill HEAD OFFICE: 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES Sash General Woodworking 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN AND SONS TU. 4-2550 TU. 4-255.