Master Poultry Feeds If you have never tried MASTER FEEDS, why not give us a try this summer? BALANCED 3; FE 505 » Au cusses or eoumv »_; ml uv; noon run unmc ~ Ann-Au I was W. R. DEAN THORNHILL -ï¬"‘,‘*¢f¢'9-¢é4 ‘ Phone AV. 5-1344 33333-33333333333 rseosns WHO KEEP RECORDS EVENTUALLY aui-MASTE TUrner 4-2612 MARIO CATENAIO CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workmanship at Reasonable Prices New Work A Bank is useful in so Plumbing & Heating STOUFI‘VILLE T R A D E I' A I R 8000 ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR SEPTEMBER 23 - 24 - 25 Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phones TU. 4-1322 & TU. 4-1879 ANDREWS 8 GRAY top growth .â€" You need GOOD SERVICE and mo‘der- ate cost. THAT IS WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER WITH -â€" Your Pullets need the BEST FEED for 4O EXHIBITORS POULTRY KARI UK noon I’ III I l AIII 6 All-IL! I MES DON’T MISS 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND HILL Alterations Repairs For her going away outfit, the bride wore a pale blue linen two- piece suit with white accessories, and a corsage of pink rosebuds. The bride and groom left on a trip through the New England States. Upon their return they will reside in Newmarket, Ont. For her go bride wore a piece suit wi and a corsag The bride a1 trip through many ways 0 o o The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Ronald Banns. wore a gown of white nylon net, and carried red and white roses. Her headpiece was of white rosebuds and lily-of â€"the-valley. Miss M. Garfltt of Toronto, sister of the bridegroom, who was the maid of honour, wore pale blue taffeta and carried pink rses and blue carnations. The bride was also attended by a flower girl, Susan Newton, who was dressed in pale blue nylon net over taffeta, and carried a posy of pink rosebuds. Mr. H. Newton was best man. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Newton of Sec- comoe Ave ue, Doncaster. The brid ’5 mother came from England to attend the wedding and brought with her the three- Mr. and Mrs. } comoe Ave ue The bid ’5 1 England to ati and brought w tiered wedding gift of the Mk England. Trinity Anglican Church was the setting for the wedding of Peggy Banns, daughter of Mrs. H. Banns of Bungay, Norfolk, England, to Jack Garfitt, son of Mr. J. Garfitt of Bradford, Eng- land. The wedding took place at 4:00 pm. on Monday, August 31. Out of town guests were from Ottawa, Stratford. Brantford, Newmarket, and Holland Land- ing. The Doncaster Mission will be holding Sunday School Classes at a new time commencing Septem- be 12. The new time will be 3:00 pm. waving Thé Rev. 5. A. RI Wooâ€"d offic- iated at the service. Five new teachers have been engaged for the new term; Miss Delmer Cowden from Loring, Ontario; Miss Diane Creighton of Toronto, who formerly taught at the Langstaff School; Mrs. Myrtle MacDonald of Highland Park Blvd., who did supply work at the Charles Howitt school last year; Mrs. Wm. Harding of Toronto, 3 recent graduate from Teachers' College; and Mr. Peter Kurita of Toronto, who has been teaching at Richvale Public School. The school season opens at Henderson Road School this year with the classes attending in three shifts. There will be three classes for the morning shift, 8:15 to 12:15; three classes for the after- noon shift from 12:30 to 4:30 and three classes attending at the reg- ular time, 9:00 to 3:30. Peter Miller, who flew home by 'plane from Ottawa last Thurs- day. will have many interesting things to tell his schoolmates ab- out the camping trip he enjoyed this summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson Miller and his brother Bruce and sister Mar- ney. The Miller family spent four wonderful weeks in northern On- tario, returning home via Ottawa, "Miss Emily Colborrle renewed old acquaintances during her re- cent stay in this community. Mrs. Ross Kerwin and children Judy and Stephen returned home last Tuesday after a pleasant sum- mer spent at gig Bay Point. W'Mrg. W. A. SfPorter. Jefferson, has returned home from a ten-day viflt in New qulg City. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS DONCASTER Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mizen 2'! Seccomoe Ave†Phone AVenue 5-1570 GARFITTâ€"BANNS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON ing cake bride’s s Brookside Road. Telephone TUmer 4-2334 1er came from I the wedding her the three- :e which was a sister, also .of STOUFFVILLE : Mrs. Eleanor Crossen, competing against some six thousand lady bowlers throughout the province of On- tario was awarded the Women's Lawn Bowling Championship in Ottawa last week. St. John's Anglican Sunday School, (Yonge St.,‘at Jefferson) re-opens this Sunday morning, September 12, at 11:15 am. We received a card from Mrs. J. Bayley, Elgin Mills. last week. post-marked Paris. Mrs. Bayley says they are having a wonderful trip. After flying to Ireland from England they went on to Paris wherevthey admired that great piece of architecture the Eiffel Tower, also the Champs Elyseesi' Moving Time This community is as busy as Montreal on May Day, with all th§_movin_g tiaiking plaich recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moses are now living in Newmarket. If you, our readers, have new neighbours. or have said goodbye to old friends and neighbours recently, please give us a call. This district is growing so fast we may overlook such items without your help. Sunday School News Mr. and Mrs. VA. Kirkpatrlc'k and children have moved to Rich- mond Hill from the Gamble Side- road. Mr. and Mrs. A. Love and fam- ily are moving to Richmond Hill from the Summit, next week. The next meeting for bazaar workers will be held at the home of Mrs. Dickson Miller, Jefferson, on Wednesday eveningI Septem- ber 29. From The Mail Bag We had a preview of the bean- tiful quilt the ladies of the Jeff- erson School Community Club are working on for their bazaar on November 6, at the meeting held at the home of l‘Irs. Edwin Gam- ble. Elgin Mills,-last Wednesday. Mrs. Stanley Leno announced tickets for this lovely quilt, which shows the authentic provincial flowers of Canada, will be 10c ea. or 3 for 25c. and will be available very shortly. There were many articles of sewing turned in at last week’s meeting by some of the 26 ladies present and this year’s bazaar promises to be bigger and better than ever. Owing to the inclement weath- er, there was a very poor turnout at the Mothers’ Auxiliary meeting held at the home of Mrs. Jack Hall on Tuesday evening of last week. However, those present got right down to business and plans for the fall and winter season were arranged. The next' general meeting will be held on Tuesday. November 16. The Auxiliary welcomes a new member, Mrs. E. S. Anderson. of Elgin Mills, who joined the group last week. J.S.C.C. Ladies Meeting Mr. and Mrs. E. Sprague, Elgin Mills entertained Mr. and Mrs. Al. Coupland from Warren, Ohio, last week. During Mr. and Mrs. Sprague's stay in Florida last win- ter they stayed at the home of Mr. Coupland, who is a cousin of Mr. Sprague. Wedding Anniversary Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Don Hellings. Elgin Mills. from their many friends and neighbors, when they celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary September 7th. lst Jefferson Group W.A. They visited Mattawa and the Land of- Lakes. spending some time with an uncle of Mr. Miller, Mr. S. J. Mansï¬eld. During their camping trip the Millers visited the Bruce Penin- sula and spent two weeks on Manitoulin Island. Going on to Little Current. where they had a cabin, they met the Carson Whal- ens ,who were also on holiday, and spent several days in their company. where they left Peter at the home of his uncle. Mr. A. L. Mansï¬eld, Meadowbank Farm, Ottawa. Mrs. Clarence Steckley receiv- ed sad news from her step-daugh- ter, Mrs. Foster Gunsolus of Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Gunâ€" solus carried their six small chil- Mr. E. Hunt, Ruth and Mr. Ron Elliott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunklng of Dun- dalk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Countway have returned to Long Branch after spending two weeks’ holi- day with Mrs. Countway's father, Mr. Seth Wideman. Recent guésts of Mr. and Mrs. George Cober were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cober, Mr. John Cober. and Mr. and Mrs. Max Cober and son, all of Sheeley, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Schuyler of Vellore and Mrs. Winnie Blong from Jacksonville, Florida. Misses Patsy hndï¬arbara Suley of Hagersville spent several days with their aunt, Mrs. Norman Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray, Bob and Jean, and Mrs. A. Banks moved to their new home at Long Branch on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Taylor of New Toronto had supper on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McWhir- ter enjoyed a motor trip through the States and Northern Ontario. They called on Mr. and Mrs. T. Christilaw of Blind River. Mrs. Acey is hoiidaying in Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger visited Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott on Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Empringham and Jimmy and Mrs. Allan Heise at- tended the Nix-Housser wedding at Niagara Christian College Chgpel on Saturday. We'wish a speedy recovery for Kenneth Wideman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wideman, who is convalesc'mg from a mild case of polio. Several children in the com- munity have whooping cough. Mr'. Fred Hill of Mount Albert called on a number of friends in thg community. Rev. Edna 'Bowyer of Winni- peg visited Mrs. B. Jones one day last week. Quite a number from our com- munity attended the Camp meet- ing at Niagara Christian College during the last wepk. Mr. and Mrs. Blake DeHart and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ross of Brooklin had supper Sunday ev- ening with Mrs. B. Jones. _ (Held over from last week) Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherk on the birth of their daughter at York Coun- ty Hospital; to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown (Kathleen Barber) on the birth of their son at Grace Hos- pital, Toronto. and to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nigh on the birth of their son at Brierbush Hospital, Stouflville. WILLUWIJALIE, um Luurin Motor Sales 3A, 1.9333 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Phone Stouï¬ville 6710‘ GORMLEY At low, low cost you can enjoy soft water the modern, economic ‘S-P’ way. Contact Charlton’s this week for an obligation-free gizcussion. You’ll be glad you 1 . 13 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill Why put up any longer with the inconveniences and worries of hard water . A . the difficult lathering of soap, the “ring†ar- ound the bathtub, the curds formed on top of washing water, the dull. streaked dishes and glassware? Charlton Hardware here’s what a modern ‘S-P’ Water Softener , will mean in your home Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Moses and girls spent the week-end at Tor- rance and visited the Terrys at Parry Sound on Sunday. Misses Joyce Harvey and Vera Doust spent last week at Camp Pinewagami at Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney John- son and family enjoyed a few days ’holiday last week. dren from their flaming home early Saturday morning in what ï¬remen said was a remarkable rescue operation. They were un- able to save clothing and furni- ture as the large two-storey frame building was destroyed. Mr. Jas. Stévens is nufsing a sore toe these days. Mrs. A. Farmef and Mrs. A. Hutchinson visited Mrs. Sid Tom- linson of Bowm‘anville one day recently. SOFT WATER SERVICE NOW! for Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1331 THE LIBERAII, Ricï¬mond Hi1], Thurs, Sept. 9, 1954 7 13 Yonge Street South GRAND RE-OPENING or LUNGBUAT TRIO JAMBOREE GUARANTEED REPAIRS Armstrong’s Jewellers RICHMOND HILL WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY 1,53; 3“ “WESTERN ENTERTAINMENT Refreshment Tickets at the Door 750 Sunday, September 12 AT YORK FARMERS’ MARKET COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF Children with Adults â€" FREE EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT At 3.30 p.m. WILLOWDALE, ONT. Stop 15 Thornhlll TUrner 4-3152