Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1954, p. 5

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Among those members of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club and their wives who attended the R0- tary Convention at the Royal York Hotel last week were: Presi- dent Jack Rice and Mrs. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McLatchy, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Baird, Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. George Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rablnowitch. Mr. and Mrs. William Schurman, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Savage, Mr. and Mrs. William Gilchrist, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson, Mrs. Walter Deighton and Mrs. Gordon Mar- tin. and Mr. and Mrs. S. Guest. James Grainger, Secretary Public School Bd., Richmond Hill A com roast is planned for Sat- urday. September, 18. Cars will leave the church at 7. pm. All young people are invlt d. Richmond Hill Public School Board is accepting ap- plications for Assistant Caretaker for the ‘School. Applications stating age and salary expected, must be re- ceived by September 23,'and should be addressed to At the re-organization meeting of the Presbyterian Young Peop- le’s Society held Sunday evening in the manse, the following of- ficers were elected: President, Nigel March. vice-president. Wellington Bourne; secretary- treasurer, Sandra Hood; social chairman. May Hepburn. CARETAKER WANTED Recent Baptisms at St. Mary’s Anglican Church included Jenni- fer Frances and Marilyn Helen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Oxley with Mr. and Mrs. A. Goss- man and Mr. and Mrs. P. Kings- ton of Toronto as Godpnrents. Mrs. J. Roden of Leyton, Eng- land, was also a Godparent by proxy_ I Q Q C Mrs. MacIlvine, mother of Mrs. D. Fettes, left for Montreal Mon- day morning, and on Wednesday travelled to London, Ontario, to spend two weeks with friends and relatives before returning home. ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ramer of London, Ont, visited with Mr. Wilfred Jones, Dufierin St. on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Ramer had motored here to attend the Ram_er family re-union at Mark- ham on Saturday. RICHMOND HILL . . Miss Ruth Ann Armstrong left tqday to take up her studies at McDonald College, Guelph. The first Fall meeting of the 2nd Richmond Hill Guide Com- Pany will be held Tuesday, Sep- tember 21, in the Lions Hall, at --...._.-_ __, _._ ...- 7 p.}n._ All girls. 7171 and over, are mvnted to come and join the Company for the Mater season. MARKAY CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. W. H. Markle 159 Richmond St. Richmond Hill 'ANNOUNCES ' A programme of 60 new modern homes is being planned for the Richmond Acres Subdivision (former Mackie Farm) Both the subdivision and the new homes have been designed by and will be under the supervision of competent architects. These attractive homes range i from $11,800. to $12,600. with low d mants ranging from $1960. to $2140. Mortgage sources readily available work to start immediately. Homes in this new development Will of- fer all modern facilities including sewers, water and paved Streets. The Liberal k always glad to receive social and personal items for this pale and a call to ’l'Urner 4-1261 will receive couroeous attention. This aewsplper will also welcome news reports about ehureh organizations ,women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will he go. eepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable to have it in earlier it possible to ensure its nubil- cation. â€" WIDE SELECTION OF DESIGNS â€" Plans, etc., may be seen by contacting October Plant Sale When digging your garden for Fall, please keep in mind the Mr. and Mrs. R. Fred Mitchell returned last week to their home in Miami, Florida. after spending their vacation with Mrs. Mitchâ€" ell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore, Yonge Street South. They were accompanied by Mrs. Mitchell's sister, Mrs. G. E. Ste- phenson and daughter Ann, who on her return will be taking up her studies at the University of Toronto. On Sunday, September 19, folâ€" lowing the Autumn Show, the an- nual "Flower Sunday” will be held at the Presbyterian Church. All friends and members are in- vited to attend the service at 11 The sacrament of baptism was observed on a number of Sundays in the United Church during the _summer. The following children were received: John Burnfield Cumming son of Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Cumming; Hilary Kay Burns .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burns; Carol Ann Parker, Janet‘ Emily Parker. Lois Elaine Parker. Marlene Roberta Parker. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Parker; Gary Charles Carlisle. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Car- lisle; Philip David Bostock and Paul Richard Bostock. sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bostock; Joseph Douglas Harwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Harwood;’Helen Ann Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Wilson; Dale Anita Taggart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Taggart; Anna Marie Kremin, daughter of‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Kremin; Pearl Marie Topley, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Topley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Irwin and family have taken up resi- dence in the apartment above the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. Irwin, who was formerly a mem- ber of the bank staff at Bradford, has now joined the audit staff at the Bank of Commerce Head Of- fice in Toronto. At the September meeting of the Board of Directors held at the home of Mrs Ernst Redelme- ier, Bathurst St, a report on the landscaping of the War Memor- ial was given by William Fergus- on. and plans were made for spring planting. A full and in- teresting program was drawn up for the Fall season. The Autumn Show The last show of the season will be held on Saturday, Septem- ber 18, in the Lions’ Community Hall. Featuring specimen and decorative classes, with sections for new members and juniors, it will be convened by Basil Mundy who hopes that each member will contribute at least one entry. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rossiter of Toronto will act as judges. Entries will be received from 4.30 to 6.30 pm. The show will be open to the pub- lic from 7.30 to 10 pm. Flower Sunday Directors’ Meeting The robing of the Junior Choir of St.’ Mary’s Anglican Church has been completed and they will begin their regular Sunday Ser- vice duties this coming Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock service. Horticultural Highlights D. McKAY LYndhurst 1459 Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a waltz-length gown of white brocaded satin. featuring a tiered skirt with pleat- We don’t know how many clubs you belong to, but we ven- ture to suggest that you don’t get any better value for your mem- bership dollar than in Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. W. Milne of Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Saturday, September 4 at 4 o’clock, at the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill. Rev. J. N. Hepburn officiated at the cereâ€" mony and Mrs. Andrews played the wedding music. Soloist was Mr. Donald Ferguson, who sang The Lord’s .Prayer and I'll Walk Beside You. Amid a setting of multi-colour- ed gladioli, Shirley Isobell Mc- Lean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, Richmond Hill, was united in marriage to Reginald Harris Milne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Plant Sale to be held at the reg- ular meeting on October 28. Any shrubs, perennials. spring-flower- ing bulbs, etc., that you can spare, will be thankfully received by Joe Boyer. Photographic Competition Attention all colour-camera en- thusiasts! William Campbell is counting on your entries for the contest which closes on October 21. Classes include 1. Closeups; 2. General Garden Views; 3. Flow- er Arrangements; 4. Pictures ta- ken at Richmond Hill flower shows. Anyone eligible who has paid hi? 1954 fee of $1.00. Prize- winning slides will be shown at the October meeting. Looking Ahead . Sept. 18 â€" Autumn Show. Sept. 19 â€" Flower Sunday. Oct. 28 â€" “Putting Your Gar- den to Bed." Kodachrome competition Plant Sale. Nov. 25 â€" Fortieth Anniversary Dinner. Dec. â€"- Annual Meeting and Christmas Program. A Passing Thought â€" lagerquist studio Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Milne are shown following their marriage on September 4 at Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church- Mrs. McLean is the former Shirley Mc- Lean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, Richmond Hill. Mr. Milne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Milne of Winnipeg. in prices down pay- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Gillham, 122 Wells Street, Aurora, will be at home to friends and relatives on Tuesday, September 21, 1954. in the afternoon from 2 to 4 and in the evening from 7 to 9, on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. c1w12 .Mr. and Mrs. R. Meikle, Jefierâ€" son, had a most enjoyable visit this summer with Mrs. Meikle’s brother, Howard Curling, his wife and two children Dianne and Donnie, from Victoria, BC. Mrs. Meikle hadn’t seen Mr. Cushing, her only brother, for 8 years and it was a very happy time for all. The Cushings re- turned to Victoria last week. J.S.C.C. To Have Booth At Sale AT HOME The ladies of the Jefferson School Community Club will be in charge of the refreshment booth at Summit Farm’s first Production Sale on Saturday af- ternoon, September 25. Buyers from all over the States and Can- ada are expected to attend this first sale staged by Art Gibson of Summit Farms, which commences at one o’clock. ' Cub News Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Victoria Square. announce the engagement of their .youngest daughter, Helen Bernice to Mr. Lloyd John Curtis Canning, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Canning, Gormley. The marriage to take place on Saturday, Octo- ber 16. 1954, at 3 o’clock in Vic- toria Square United Church. ed inserts. Her fingertip veil was held to a heart-shaped tiara and she carried a white prayer book surrounded by white carna- tions and bouvardia. Maid-ofâ€"honour was Miss Joyce McLean, a sister of the bride. who wore a mauve waltz-length gown. with white lace bodice and bouffant, skirt. She wore a large picture hat as a headdress and carried a bouquet of mauve baby ’mums. The bridesmaids, Miss Joyce Ferguson and Miss Jacque- line McLean, a sister of the bride, were gowned similarly to the maid-ofâ€"honour in green and yel- low. and carried matching bou- quets of baby ‘Mums. _Groomsmafi was Mr. Lloyd Milne and ushers were George Woodruff and Harry Davidson. For the reception which was held at the North York Commun- ity Hall the bride’s mother re- ceived the guests in a black rayon gown with white accessories. She wore a corsage of red and white roses. All xfieetings will be held on the s'ame nights as last year except that the two Scout troops will switch nights. The schedule is: CUBS: The lst Jefferson Cubs resum- ed their weekly meetings last Tuesday night. Cubmaster E. Ensor is looking for new members and extends an invitation to all boys aged 7-11 to meet with the Cubs at the old Jefierson School Tuesday evenings at 6.30 pm. Personals Gail Hallgren now has a baby sister. A little five pound daugh- ter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hallgren at Newmarket Hospital on Friday, September For travelling to Winnipeg. the bride donned a white linen suit. with pale blue accessories and a corsage of white roses. Upon their return. Mr. and Mrs. Milne will live in Richmond Hill. Mon. _â€" A Pack under Walter Smith. Out-of-town guests attended the wedding were from Hamilton, Orangeville, Dundalk, Mount Forest and Guelph. Telegrams of congratulations were received from Toronto and the groom's parents and brother in Winnipeg. Scouts and Cubs of Richmond Hill will begin their meetings next week, meeting at the Scout Hall next to the Post Offic‘e. New boys are invited to enroll at these meetings. (Engagement ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS SCOUt & (U6 News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTS& Brookslde Road. Telephone TUmer 4-2334 c1w12 HORWOOD â€" Phyllis and Allan Horwood wish to announce the birth of a daughter. Judy Anne. September 13. 1954, at York County Hospital, Newmarket. c1w12 WILLOUGHBY â€" Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby? of Kitchener (nee Lucy Mlhorean) announce the birth of a son Thomas Norman first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. T. Mihorean. *1w12 10. and their friends and neigh- bours extend congratulations to the happy family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ensor and family have moved from the Pine Crest Cabins, Yonge St., to Brookside Road. Birthday greetings to Tommy Ratchford. Elgin Mills, who is fiye years old today, September BUDNY â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Budny, Wednesday, Sep- tember 8 .1954, at Newmarket Hospital, a daughter, Elizabeth Eleanore a sister for Richard, Mother and daughter well. CARD 0!“ THANKS Orville and Francis Diceman would like to thank their friends, neighbours and relatives who helped in any way with the building of their new barn and also those who so kindly assisted with the harvest. c1w12 HOOPER â€" To Mr. and Mrs. George Hooper, Buttonville (nee Joan Bourne) a son, at Toronto East General Hospital. on September 14, 1954, David George, 8 pounds. c1w12 RICE â€" Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rice (nee Mary Deciantis) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Lawrence Albert, a brother for Donald, at Wo- men’s College Hospital, Sept. 7, 1954. c1w17 I would llke to express my sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends, Rev. C. G. Higgin- son and the Women’s Association of Richmond Hill United Church for the kindness to me during my stay in Hospital. *1w12 Mr. John Burns CLASSEY â€" Mrs. Classey and family express their gratitude to everyone for the many kindnesses received during their recent be- reavement, especially thanking Mrs. Saunders Findlay. Dr. Allan Smith, Dr. Stanley Glenn and all neighbour-5'. c1w12 PETERSONS â€" Mr. and Mrs. J. Petersons from Oak Ridges, are happy to announce the birth of their son, brother for Ilga, Andris and Mara, on Sep- tember 14, 1954, at York Coun- ty Hospital, Newmarket. CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS CARD 0]“ THANKS Meetings start at 7 pm. (Note the change in the Scout meeting nights). Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers. words of sym- pathy and deeds of infinite kind- ness, cards and letters. We can only say thank you so much. Mrs. Barry Lorimer and family c1w12 Wed. â€" C Pack under Betty Smith. Fri. â€" B Pack under Marg. Styan. SCOUTS: Thurs. â€" lst Troop under Bill Bunker. Tues. â€"â€" 2nd Troop under Alec Reid. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT With the coming of the fall season many will be planning social activities, and Richmond Theatre Grill wishes to remind you that its attractive facilities are always available to assist you with gracious enter- taining. RICHMOND THEATRE BLDG. RICHMOND HILL We specialize in catering to wedding receptions, banquets, etc., and will be happy to discuss your needs for any special events. RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL Finest Quality Food, Tastefully Prepared by Ex- perienced Chefs. â€"Prompt and Polite Service. Lunches, Snacks, Full Course Meals â€" Soda Fountain -â€" Cigarettes and Tobacco. Our beautiful dining room is available for after- noon teas and card parties. OPEN DAILY FROM 8 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS. DAILY SPECIALS AT REASONABLE PRICES- *1w12 “All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer. believing, ye shall receive" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1954 14th After Trinity 8.30 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer ‘Your Church and Mine’ Rev. A. A. Chote Jr. Congregation 4 p.m. â€" Holy Baptism 7 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C., Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 Maple . Sunday School . . ...... 10 am. Edgeley Worship Service ...... 7 pm. Hope Worship Service . . . . . . . . 7 am. W. A. Service - Speaker Miss Ma- rion Donald, “Experiences in China" RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 11 am. â€" Worship Service 10 am. â€" Sunday School The Rector Thanks for mercies past receive; Pardon for my sins renew; Teach me henceforth how to live With eternity in view. Sunday School . . . . . . 11.30 am. The service at Maple United Church has been cancelled this Sunday because of the Anniver- sary Service at Hope. The Ser- vice at Hope will be at 11 am. HCHMOND 1111.]. UNITED CHURCH I». c. G. flirtinson. 8A.} 3.». Minister ’ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 9.30 am. â€" Rally Day in the Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service RICHMOND HILL IREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Buggies Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML 9 am. Sunday 3 pm. â€"â€" Sunday School TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thomhfll Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A.. Rector SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1954 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Minister Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 11 am. â€" Divine Worship 9.45 am. â€"-â€" Intermediate and Sr. Sunday School Nursery School All welcome. Worship Service 104th Anniversary 2.30 pm. â€"- Dr. E. E. Kent Music: Carrville Junior Choir, J. Oliver, tenor soloist 7.30 pm. â€" Rev. A. G. Donald, Maple United Church Music: Thornhill United Sr. Choir All welcome THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH ‘What Faith Can Do’ 7.30 pm. â€" The Young Life Club will meet in the Church Hall. Friday 7 pm. â€" Happy Hour ZION LUTHERAN C303“ (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Chambers, Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1354 11 am. â€"â€" Sermon SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1954 Harvest Home 11 a.m., 7.30 p.m Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th.D. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1954 MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street, Stop 17 Minister, Rev. Percy C. Buck, B.A.. B.Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto 8T. MARY'S QFUICB RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) lav. A. A. Chm. B.A.. L. I'll. All children wélcome. S. S. Rally THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Sept. 16, 1954 5 CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeflnt In Concord School Homo loch Lord's Du evening at 1 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. PHILL. 2, v. 5: Let this mind he in you. which was also in Christ Jesus. Smm‘hy, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 1 13.111. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 p.m â€"- Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€" quen's Ml.- Anglican Mule - Luna! om “God is our refuge. He will be our guide unto death. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER'19, 1954 14th After Trinity 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School NOTICE â€" We welcome all the children of this district to our Mission Sunday School. We need your support. You will be blessed and we will be helped. Pastor/F. Vaughan. B. n. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship ,Great Gospel Words â€"- “Redemption” 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service The Pastor will preach. Special Music. Prayer and Fellowship Meeting â€" Wednesday, 8 pm. On intensive study of Bible doc- trine. g A warm welcome to all. Oak Ave-Io Stop 22 Yonge SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1954 9.30 am. â€" The Lords Supper 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Former Sunday School children are urged to return and new scholars to join on this day. Par- ents are invited to join the adult class. See the coloured slides on India shown by returned mis- sionary, H. A. Warman. 516nm meeting My. 8 pm. â€"â€" Young Peop- le's Meeting family woi-ship 7 pm. â€" J. Hilliard Orton Subject: Where are the Dead? Tues. 8 pm. â€" Bible Study. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 RALLY DAY Save time by coming straight here. You’ll like our merchandise and you’ll like our fair price policy. 0n_ Mung-35. Aye" swp'nl ome and enjoy these services WONBROOK BAPTIS‘I CHURCH >0ne Block, But at In" W IN TH: momma IS NOT THE SAME ASAT mm ,5 fl. BABNABAB MISSION Yonge St., Elgin Mills - For Service at it's Best - . Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHNOND HILL DAIRY Pm: Rev. A. 3. Jane. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH LET US SUPPLY Riclwale TU. 4--2063 Chapel Hall’s Service Station YOUR HEATING REQUIREMENTS With Furnace and Space Heater Oils COLEMAN HEATING EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 (Opposite the Orange Home) Complete Oil Burner Service NEW DOMESTIC Shortening :2: 27¢ CAMPBELL’S KELLOGG’S RICE Crisples 2.1::- 27c Tomato Soup INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue FRAY BENTOS Corned Beef Liquid Soap :53 42c SQUIRREL Peanut Butter $5.,"- 37c Pepper Squash 15c NO. 1 ELBERTA Peaches LIBBY’S ROSE-DALE Peas MAPLE LEAF EXTRA LARGE SPECIALS SNOW WHITE Cauliflower Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S ATTRACTIVELY PRICE. Large Head 10 0|. Tin Rolls CHOICE QUALITY 19c TU. 4-2061 23c 25c

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