Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1954, p. 16

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W. Stewardson. 6th A house east of Yonge St., south side No. 7 Highway. *1w13 Plant A Liberal Want Ad and Reap A Bumper Crap I HOUSEHOLD FURN‘ITURE, good HOTPOINT Range, high oven, serviceable condition, but needs minor repairs, best offer accept- ed. AV. 5-1440. *1w13 X13333 mm St., ' Richmond Hill, afternoons. *1w13 FAIRBANKS-MORSE space heat- er, large size, reasonable; also wood-bIJrning heater. AV. 5-2283. c1w13 #f . TYPEWRITER, Remmgton Port- able, with tabulator, practically new, $85.90. AV. 5-1195. Evenings AV. 5-2315 ELEMAN space heater, as new; Monarch ice box; washing ma- chine, all in good condition. AV. 5-2330. c1w13 RADIO-record player combina- tion, table model. General Elec- tric, $45. TU. 4-1763 after 7p.m. c1w13 COLEMAN Space Heater, will sell cheap or trade for canoe or outboard motor. Apply to W. Stewardson. 6th l house 2 COATS, 2 Skirts, suit 9-10 yr. old. 142 Elmwood Ave., Rich- mond Hill. ’1w13 HAND’POWER washer, wringer and tub stand. New and clean. $12. 54R12 Maple. clw13 GATELEG TABLE. walnut; end tables; kitchen dishes and uten- sils. Phone AV. 5-1860. clw13 ESED LUMBER. sheeting, 4x4’s, 8x8's, 12x12’s, other sizes. Maple 156M. c1w13 ,____7, WHITE ENAMEL cook stove, with reservoir. In good condition. Maple 134W. c1w12 WHITE ENAMEL c931 range, n 11.; A u .4-.. Nu... deep‘ fire box, $30. 'Enameu'ed space heater, coal, $30. AV. 5- 1043. c1w13 WYNDOW VSASAI‘L anllhs‘i‘z'e‘giéftwe; 6‘6 'p.m. W-meurns Sn, Brookside Rd., Elgin Mills. TU'. 4-3154 llv v .4â€"..- v condition. riteâ€"qééhfblyw pri'ced. nut, ate. Hill‘ FROST KING ice box in first class condition, $10.00. J. Law- less, Stop 22B Yonge St. *1w13 .‘______7, USED CLOTHING, in good conâ€" dition, 11-14. Phone TUrner 4- 2262. c1w13 MARTIN 7.2. Outboard Motor. All reconditioned. $135.00. TU. 4-1764. c1w13 24" DELPHINIUM plants, best qual- ity. Large clumps. $1.00 each or 7 for $5.00. Clearing. Property sold. ,C. E. Little 237 Mill Street, Richmond Hill WASHING MACHINE, very cheap. AV. 5-2342. c1w13 :‘dtfiuéHO-vafila\§ 'aund plow. Rea- sonable. TU. 4-2732. c1w13 WATER HEATER, gas, Rut}. {lut- omatic, 24 TU. 4-1447 QUANTITY of potato bags. 89 Clarke Ave., Thornhill or phone AV. 5-2573. *1w13 (TRAND PIANO, china, glass and 2234. mimuff, black seal, size 14, excellent condition, $35. TU. 4-1763 after 7 pm. c1w13 MOFFAT STOVE. 4-burner, high oven, also walnut bed, good con- dition. Best offer. AV. 5-1498. GIRL‘S SKATES, Barbara Ann figure skates, size 8, white, in good condition, worn once, $10. Phone TUrner 41774. c1w13 ENGLISH MADE fblding push cart. Folds along centre. See this sturdy and compact job at NE. corner Yonge and John, Thum- hill. c1w13 3-SPEED record player $7.00; 9- tube console radio, $15.00; Hoov- er vacuum cleaner, $15.00. Bar- gains. 48 Roseview Ave. TU. 4- 1636. *1w13 ‘ROLLAWAY” cot and inner- spring mattress, measures 30” x 72" when opened, practically new, for $15.00. Mrs. T. Jackson, phone 133J Map1_e, Ont. c3w13 FREE KITTENS, 6 weeks old. AV. 5â€"1846. c1w13 NORGE space heater, large, $60. AV. 5-2315. c1w13 WHITE ENAMEL kitchen sink. TU. 4-1284. c1w13 C.C.M. BICYCLE, 20” frame; ex- cellent condition; double bed springs, almost new; “Prefit” window frame, complete. TU. 4- 2070. *1w13 ELECTRIC heavy duty range, 4- burner, $70. AV. 5-1065. *1w13 CEDAR RAILS, will deliver. Ma- ple 156M. . c1w13 1 SIMPLICI_TY gaydefl tracto: 11-- 16 THE LIBERAL, Riehmod Hm, Thurs, Sept. 23, 1954 CARI! RATES, first insertion 30 per word, min. charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c min. charge 500 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50¢ Classified advertisements diould be in as early in the week as posible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. with doors; like new, priv- 94 Church St., Richmond c1w13 TV Crosley Console, wgil- ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS 24.25.,nnnéw ' condition. 4'7 c1w13 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES odd furniture, rugs. TU. f1; fully glazed, *1w13 c1wi3 c1w13 c1w13 c1w13 New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts $65 and up. Best mater- ials used, no down payment nec- essary. A11 boats guaranteed not to leak. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc46 BROWN single bed, spring and mattress, $12.00; one porcela‘gi top table with drawer $2.00; - burner oil stove with oven $5.00} one man‘s fall top coat, $2.00. Apply 128 Hall St., Richmond Hill side entrance). *1w13 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tail- oring C0,, TU. 4-1362, Richmond Hill. ttc28 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish, any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 PORTABLE RADIO, electric or battery; hall bench, with mirror, coat hangers, umbrella stand; girls‘ coats, size 12 to 14; radio; lounge. Reasonable. AV. 5-1548. c1w1 of~ â€"E-lgin Sideroad on Bathurst. Postal address R. R .2 Maple, c/o R. H. Dennis. c1w13 NOW is the time for storm win- dows. Phone for free demons- tration and estimate. Enquire about 10% introductory discount. Phone TU. 4-2447. c1w13 CEDAR TREES for hedges, 3 to 4 ft; 25 trees $12.80. Cedar Poles 40c; Scotch Pine ,3 ft. $2.00. Write 58 McAllister Rd., Wilson ADMIRAL Refrigerator, 1952 model, very good condition; Adâ€" miral Television, 21", 1953 model, blonde wood, very good condition. Phone Mrs. Johnston, AV. 5-2275 after 6 pm. c1w13 ATTENTION, its seeding, trans- planting time. For prompt deliv- ery of rich sandy black loam or rotted barn yard manure. Any qu‘ntity, anywhere. Call TU. 4- 32 7. c1w13 STUDIO COUCH, $35; washing machine, G.E., new motor $75. Apply L. C. Staitez 200 ygs. Anorth MOTHERS The priceless portrait of your baby must be made today for happy memories in the years to come. Keep a portrait record of your baby. BEGIN 'THAT REC- ORD NOW. You’ll be glad you did. You can come to us with confidence. ‘ CORNS - CALLOUSES. Prompt relief from painful cams and callouses with LLOYDS Corn & Callous Salve and Pads. Salve 50c - Pads 25c - at Wight's Phar- macy, Richmond Hill; Thornhill Pharmacy. Thornhill; Perry's Drug Store, Maple. FLAGSTONE in any quantity, $14 per ton. Phone TU. 4-3191}. CLEAN DRY firewood, cut to de- sired length. Free delivery. Tay- lors Saw Mill. TUrner 4-1581. Heights P.O RUGS BROADLOOM Save 50%. New rugs made t/rom your old rugs, carpets, woollens, etc. ivory and gray finish. Has two large surface elements. Complete with oven and accessories. In good condition. Reasonable. AV. 5-1719 Thornhill. c1w13 BROWN Canadian Squirrel fur coat, size 18; Beautifully styled. New last year. Worn only few times. Original price $475, will sell for $390 or nearest offer. AV. 5-1853. c1w13 lagerquist studio 93 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Your guarantee of satisfaction. For appointment â€" TU. 4-2791. -‘ tfc9 TEAM of work horses. Herb Jones, Maple 54R14. c1w13 Hampshire and Rock. Apply TU. 4-3076. c1w13 FURNACES cleaned and servic- Banks on Heating. BA. 1- tfc45 Blankets also made Phone TU. 4-1804. ELECTRIC RANGE, Hotpoint, 50 LAYING PULLETS, New REGISTERED Purebred Holstein Heifer, vaccinated, 20 months best of strain, for sale or ex- change for young Jersey, regis- tered heifer, vaccinated, veter- inary inspection free if necess- ary. TU. 4-2922. clw13 ARTICLES FOR SALE cont. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERSONAL BOATS *4w11 c3w12 tfc 4 tfc45 PLASTERING, repair work a specialty, work guaranteed, no jbb too small. William Faulkner, AV. 5-1932. tfc6 HAIRDRESSER for local salon. TUrner 4â€"1401. *2w13 WANTED person to do twice monthly. AV. 5-1218 HOUSEKEEPER for two adults, good wages, permanent. Aurora district. PA. 7-3545. *1w13 STOUNG LAD willing to learn trade. Good worker. not lazy. Phone TU. 4-1650. c1w13 PICKERS, experienced on chick- CHIMNEYS built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker & Mitchell, AV. 5-1424. tfc45 TRUCK DRIVER wanted. Exper- ienced. 25 years of age or over. To handle feed. Phone AV. 5- 1344. c1w38 AVON PRODUCTS have open- ings in Richmond Hill, Oak Rid- ges and vicinity. Pleasant and profitable work for capable mar- ried women. Write Miss Towers, 182 Bathurst St., Toronto, for personal interview. *3w13 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We have an opening for one en- energetic man with initiative and neat appearance. A late model car is essential but experience not necessary. We offer the adâ€" vantages of‘being active members of the Toronto Real Estate Board and excellent working conditions SAND & GRAVEL, stone, loam, manure and fill. L. Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc51 EAVESTROUGHIN G, roofing and repairs, good workmanship,â€" rea- sonable ,free estimates. Call Ray Sehn, King 1R33. c3w12 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUmer 4-2311. tfc43 A. G. HALL â€" builder of qual- ity, custom and N.H.A. homes; remodelling a specialty. TU. 4â€" 3039. / tfc39 NURSES, day, afternoon, flight duty one relief nurse, one part time nurse, two nurses helpers, cook general. Hours 8 am. to 6 pm. with rest and off duty 1 to 3 pm. Phone Mrs Hannaford or Miss White, TU. 4-2651 or AV. 5- 1766. Past applicants may apply again if they wish. c1w13 en or turkey preferred. HARVEST MOON TURKEY RANCH Concord Dufferin and No. 7 Highway AV. 5-2347 For sand, gravel, manure, loam and fill. TU. 4-3341. tfcl ANYTHINGV in painting, paper- ing, decorating. Phone A. Railin- son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. "1-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES or to buy existing lst or 2nd mort- gages. W. W. Conroy, Broker, 56 Avon- dale Ave., Willowdale, Ontario. Phone BA. 1-7484. ' c5w10 2462 after 6 pm MRS. SCHRETTER’S Hairdress- ing. AVenue 5-1814. tfc50 Rapid delivery of quantity loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. *29w44 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Call Suburban Roofers, AV. 5-1240 or GL. 7368. Experts on shingles, flat or insul-bric siding. Free estimates. tfc50 LOCKS REPAIRED Keyed alike or master keyed. Door closers repaired and ser- viced. Keys cut while U wait. Auto keys cut to “Code.” Craig’s Lock and Key, Oak Ridges (south of The Windmill). tfc52 LEARN TO DRIVE Conveniently and safely. Dual controls. Phone TU. 4-2781. We pick you up at your home. Take advantage of the nice weather. Thompson’s Driving School, Rich- vale. tfc42 personal interview in our busy, long established Thornhill offices. Please call sales manager S. J. Carlisle at AV. 5â€"1176 evenings, TU. 4-1574. David McLean Ltd. DOMESTIC maintenance service. Phone Mape 74R11. tfc7 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. AV. 5- PEAT MOSS, Ontario certified, for sale, by bag or by cubic yard, del‘vered. Phone TU. 4-3276. ROTOTILLING, foundation plan- ting and lawns, weed free nur- sery grown sod, evergreens and shrubs, loam and manure, flag- stone walks and rock gardens. For free estimates call Richmond Sod, TUrner 4-2741. tfc45 T. JERRETT, well digging. sep- tic tanks, TU. 4-1700. *1w13 REPAIRS to radios and all small appliances. TU. 4-2471 after 4 p. m. ‘ c2w13 ELECTRICIAN â€" Installation and repairs of all kinds. AV. 5- 1189 anytime. c1w13 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED NORTH YORK SODDING ERIC FISH floors, c1w13 c2w12 clw11 tfc42 tfc34 tfc39 tfc42 SMALL excavating, tile beds, sep- tic tanks and trenching, etc. Hop- per and Edgar, AV. 5-2041. tfc7 CUSTOM BUILT cupboards, cup- board doors and drawers. TU. 4-2357. *8w7 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. c51w27 R. H. REID, Delivery seniice. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 ALL KINDS carpenter work, trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill TUrner 4-3148. tfc40 LANDSCAPE gardening, all kinds of planting, shrubs, trees, etc. Pruning. Box 72 Liberal. *1w13 ALL KINDS of carpenter work kitchen cupboards a specialty. Gerry Von Beers, Richvale. TU. 4-2384. tfc13 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- OQto EM. 3-3636 or Wpodbridge CUSTOM HAY BALING, hay mowing, grass cutting, combin- ing, also manure loading, plough- ing discing, seeding. John M. Cruickshank, R. R. 2 Gormley, phone Unionville 30J4. *13w50 ROOF, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general re- pair work of all kinds, prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc12 CARPENTER, general re; painting and decorating, e‘ ates free. Phone TU. 4-‘2434 DRESSMAKER - FURRIER Alterations etc. your old fur coat restyled, from $20 up. Best work, estimates cheerfully given. AV. 5-1854. c3w13 LARGE septic tanks installed, drain digging and tile laying, all material supplied. For estimates call between 5.30 and 7 p.m..Mur- ray Baker, Eagle St., Newmarket, Phone 651. c35w40 CUSTOM PLOWING, Mowing, Front End Loading, discing, cul- tivating, back filling and grading. Bayview, 14 mile south of Mark- ham Road. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc41 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Draperies made to measure. Mrs. McPherson, 55 Woodward Ave., phone AV. 5â€"1378. c8w12 FOR FAST, efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges, vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfc13 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-3181. ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks, cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell,_ AV. 5- 1424. I ffc45 GIRL wants office work, typing, filing, etc., for permanent posi- tion. Phone TU. 4-1325. *1w13 RELIABLE WOMAN Will do ba- by sitting evenings. Please call TU. 4-2471 after 4 p.m. c2w13 WAITRESS experienced requires part-time evening work 6-12.30. Box 265, Richvale Post Office. ’ c1w13 USED CARS AND TRUCKS ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. I tfc CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrari and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc7 CHILDREN cared for by the day or week. TU. 4-1250. c1w13 EXPERIENCED baby sitter de- sires work, day or evenings, week- ends. Phone TU. 4-3158. tfcfiO GENERAL housework, preferab- ly with children, in Richmond Hill - Thornhill district. Apply Box 73 Liberal. c1w13 51 PREFECT, good condition, $300.00 or best offer. TU. 4-1402. *1w13 1949 FORD, % ton panel excellent condition. Phone 103W. 1951 CHEVROLET, black sedan, in good condition throughout. TU. 4-1611. c1w13 1936 CHEVROLET, in daily use, only reason for selling owner has two cars. Phone AV. 5-2436. 1948 FORD DeLuxe, new motor with 13,000 miles, new clutch, new tires, general overhaul, $475. G. J. CURRIE CARPENTRY new work and repairs 9f all types. Immediate service, all work guar- anteed. Phone TU. 4-2544. clwlO MISCELLANEOU S TU. 4-2474: EMPLOYMENT WANTED (continued) general repairs, decorating, estim- clw13 truck, Maple c1w13 c3w13 *1w13 tfc13 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 TWO ROOMS, private entrance on Dufferin St. Maple 62R33. c1w13 NEWLY DECORATED heated re- creation réom with cupboards and parking facilities. Apply 302 Hendon Ave., Willowdale. c1w13 3 ROOM self-contained apart« ment, space heater. Langstafi Sideroad. AV. 5â€"2315. c1w13 LARGE furnished room, close to bus. Suit two people. BA. 5-. 1158. c1w13 150 ACRE Dairy Farm on high- way. Large brick house forced air oil heated, hot and cold wat- er, 3-piece bath. 95 foot steel bank barn ties 20 cows. 4 Box stalls. Water bowls. Pig pen. Run- ning water in pasture. Apply L. Herdman, Belhaven, Ont. *1w13 SELLING YOUR HOME? We specialize in selling proper- ties in your community. For prompt efficient service, call Gus Almstedt BA. 1-4343, at night TU. 4-3276. A. E. F. Wright Real Es- tate, 54511/2 Yonge St., Willow- 3 ROOM furnished apartment, suit business couple. TU. 4-1792. Apply after 6 pm. c1w13 FURNISHED bed-sitting room, with grill privileges. Apply 164 Church St. 5., Richmond Hill. Comfortable, warm (room, $8.00 a week, near bus, also beautiful attic, heated. Phone AV. 5-2176. ' c1w13 dale FARMS HOMES LAND For everything in Real Estate, whether buying or selling, call your Local Rep., Charles Reeves, Markham 153M, Ron Hodgson, AV. 5-1275; H. R. Lenhardt, Real Estate Broker, No. 7 Highway, 1 mile west of Village of Markham, phone Markham ofiice 153M. ROOM, furnished or unfurnished, in Richmond Hill. Enquire 226 Ruggles Ave., Richmond Hill. 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS with sunroom, suitable for business couple, all conveniences. TU. 4- 2095. 4 c1wl3 TYPEWRITERS by day, 'week, month, or longer, reasonable rates. I Good selection now on hand. Call TUrner 4-1745. CORNER LOT 103’ x 160’, Scott Subdivision. Reduced for quick sale. Phone TUrner 4-1464 after 6 p.m. *1w13 ROOM TO RENT. with light housekeeping privileges. business lady. Box 74 The Liberal. c1w13 UNFURNISHED room in return for minding 4 year old boy while mother works, lot 32 Hunt’s Lane. clw13 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, oil heat, AURORA 2 bright, comfortably furnished apartment with private bath; equipped kitchen, separate entrance. Lovely large grounds. PA. 7-5597. tfc12 some furnishings. 51'Ha11 St., Richmond Hill. c1w13 CAPONS, toasters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-3351. tfc17 BACHELOR SUITE, warm, fur- ished, self-contained. Executive or professional person, or busi- ness couple. Available Oct. lst. Aurora, PA. 7-5597. tfc12 LAWN ROLLERS, Floor Sander, Post Hole Digger, Extension Lad- der, Blow Torch, Fertilizer and Grass Seed Spreader. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. c3w12 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Wright St., Richmond Hill, arriving King and Yonge 9.30 a. m., leaving 4.30 to 5 pm. TU. 4- 1859. ' *1w13 THORNHILL, unfurnished ap- artment, $65.00 per month, 4- rooms, private entrance, garage, access to garden, suit business or retired couple. Phone AV} 5- 1843. c1w13 IN VILLAGE OF MAPLE â€" 7 room brick home, situated on lot approx. 150’x150'. Both hard and soft water. Small barn suitable for garage or other purposes. Good garden ground, some fruit trees. Price $10,500. Half cash. Terms for balance. Apply Neal Wilson Maple 31R4 or M. J. Kin- nee Maple 123. c2w12 TRANSPORTATION available; leave Richmond Hill 6:40 a.m., leave Toronto, University and Front, 5.10 p.m. TU. 4-1249. *1w13 TRANSPORTATION available, one or two reliable parties wish- ing transportation to Winnipeg, write Box 75 The Liberal. *1w13 TRANSPORTATION available, arriving Adelaide and Univer- sity 7.50 a.m., leaving 5.05 pm. TU. 4-2716. *1w13 TRANSPORTATION desired to University and Dundas Sts., or vicinity. Arriving 8.15 am, leav- ing 5 pm. TUrner 4-1674 or TU. 4-3214. c1w13 ‘RANSPORTATION REAL ESTATE _ FOR" SALE TO RENT POULTRY WANTED THORNHILL c1w13 c1w13 *3w12 c4w12 cawe SUMP PUMP wanted, 60 cycle. Phone BA. 1-3956. , *1w13 FROM CANADA, British Isles. Europe or anywhere a “Brown Owl” to teach and play with some eager Brownies who meet weekly at the Lions Community Hall. Phone TU. 4-3224. c1w13 TUES., SEPT. 28 â€" Important Auction Sale of complete disper- sal of antique articles of house- hold furniture, being the proper- ty of Mrs. T. A. Paterson, at resi- dence, Agincourt, Ont. Terms cash and no reserve whatever, as proprietor is retiring completely. Sale at 12.00 noon sharp. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 25, 1.30 pm. â€" Auc- tion sale of 7-room bungalow and household furniture including el- ectric radio, walnut dining room suite, dishes, glassware, china and antique articles at 127 Yonge St., Aurora. The estate of the late John Woods. Terms on chattels: cash. At the same time and place will be offered for sale, sub- ject to a reserve bid â€" a 7-room bungalow with two piece bath, sink and town water, hydro, doub- le garage and hen-house. The property is in a beautiful loca- tion including a large lot on Yonge Street. Don’t miss looking at this property if you are in the market for a home. 10% of pur- chase price day of sale, balance within 30 days. Property will be sold at 2.30 pm. Leslie Mount, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auction- eer. c2w12 TUES., SEPT. 28 â€" Auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements; 22 head .Holstein Cattle, Case Tractor V.T. and full line of trac- tor equipment; hogs, sheep, poul- try; hay and grain; furniture. At lot 51, Concession 1, Markham Twp. at Elgin Mills. Property of Murray McLean. No reserve, farm leased. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. Alvin S. Farmer, auction- eer ,Gormley, Lloyd Turner, clerk. USED small oil space heaters. AV. 5-1855. c1w13 DEAD 8; CRIPPLED farm ani- mals for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6237 (collect). tfc44 WANTED TO BUY 5 or 6 room cottage on 1/2 acre in Richmond Hill - Thornhill area. Suitable for 100% disabled vet- eran. Property must be able to qualify V.L.A. purchase. Maxi- mum price $8,200. Phone TU. 4- 2990. *2w13 80 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, 5 HOUSE, apartment or cottage, 3 to 5 rooms, 2 children, 1 school age. Phone TU. 4-3100. tfc8 SELF-CONTAINED 2 or 3 bed- room apartment or small house. Unfurnished. For couple with two grown children. Will gladly make improvements to. the property. Reasonable rent. Apply Box 64 The Liberal. c1w12 months, $1.50 each. AV. 5-0089. clw13 THURS., SEPT. 23 â€" Auction sale of 36 head dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on Lot 33, Con. 2, Vaughan Twp. Property belong-. ing to the Estate of the late J. Rodberg. Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SALE REGISTERS SAT., SEPT. 25 â€"- Auction sale of dairy cattle, farm stock, imple- ments, power farm machinery, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on lot 31 & 32 Con. 5 Vaughan Twp. Property of Cliff Coutts. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers, WED., SEPT. 29 â€" Auction sale of registered Holstein cattle, pow- er farm machinery, farm stock implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc. On Lot 6 lst Con. King Twp. at Temperanceville. Property of Roy Folliott. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. THURS, SEPT. 30 â€" Auction sale of dairy cattle, power farm. machinery, farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, etc. on Lot 28, Con. 5, Vaughan Twp., at Teston. Property of Mervil Hare. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 2 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements, 25 head of cattle, some Herefords, 15 sheep, ram, 23 lambs, 7 cows, hog, 50 smaller chunks, 28 x 46 International threshing machine, new condition, Farmall M tractor, full line of tractor equipment, at lot 88, Con. 1, King Twp., the property of Walter D. Terry. Farm sold. Terms cash. Time 1 pm. F. N. Smith, auctioneer phone 187J Newmarket. *3w12 WED., OCT. 6 â€" Extensive auc- tion sale of herd of 36 head of registered, accredited, vaccin- ated and blood-tested Hol- stein cattle, new 44 MH tractor, IHC power take off baler, bale elevator, Clipper combine, new Case forage harvester, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on Lot 29, Con. 4 Vaughan Twp., 1% miles north of Maple on Highway. Property of Robert Ball. Sale at 12.00 noon sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT WANTED $25 WEEKLY. Beautiful grounds. Lovely room or apartment. Excel- lent meals. Kindly care if needed. Think of it. Telephone VIctor 5- 0591. c3w11 SILVER BRACELET (keepsake), on ‘Friday night between RlCh- mond Theatre and Stop 27 Yonge St. north. TUrner 4-1549. *1w13 IRISH SFTTER, may be claimed on proof of oWnéifvsvhi; penses paid. TU. 4-2975. c1w13 ROOM & BOARD the Mighty little WANT AD . ' ,a $500 Million Business that is still YOUR business The Little Want Ad is the granddaddy of all advertising â€" but it is just coming of age! While the importance of these small buck- sters in “the public market place” has long been established, (they originally were front-page news), the potential profit which they are capable of producing has only been fully realized in compar- atively recent years. Once recognized, this profit potential has induced literally millions of people to advertise through the Want Ads. Last year alone, over $500,000,000 was invested in Canada and the United States in successfully bringing buyer and vendor together through the medium of newspaper Classified. This investment was greater than the amount spent in the most modern and ex- pensive medium in advertising today â€" television â€" and was close to the total advertising expenditure in all national maga- zines combined. The little Want Ads proved that they are Big Business! The Want Ads have always been known as “The People’s Market Place”, the method by which the average individual with some- thing to sell from his attic, a room to rent, a lost article to find. could most easily and economically reach the party who was in- terested in that particular offer. Because the cost of LIBERAL Want Ads has remained so low, you, as a small advertiser. will have the opportunity to cash in on the tremendous reader interest and potential for profit that be- longs only to the Want Ads, at a cost that makes even the smallest transaction a profitable one. Stop Car Trouble Heed those little warnings and forestall BIG troubles. Drive up â€"and have our experts check into “tell-tale knocks and whines”. Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 SAME DAY SERVICE Victor Draper Oak RitTges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 Before It Stops Y 0 U! Radio â€" Washer Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION Agencies FOUND LOST We are now in the midst of the active selling season. Due to our unprecedented volume we are in need of houses and building lots in all price classes and districts. Our salesmen, fully quali- fied and equipped with the Toronto Real Estate Board’s most advanced services are available at your conven- ience. We offer a friendly, effec- tive, confidential service as Toronto’s largest north sub- urban realtors. CALL AV- 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121 David McLean Ltd flead Officé, Thomhill Members Toronto Real Estate Board Smallpox vaccination pro- tects against Smallpox. Chil- dren should receive this pro- tection at an early age and vaccination should be re- peated every_s_even years. Your Health Department is planning a Vaccination Campaign in the North‘ York Schools in the near future. Please watch for further an. nouncements in this paper. CARL E. HILL, M.D.. M.O.H. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Smallpox Past and Present Nowadays we tend to for- get that Smallpox was once the most dreaded of diseases because it wiped out a tenth of the population at a time. Those who survived were severely disfigured. Yet Smallpox is still here and there are still cases occur- ring in Canada. People of all ages may catch this disâ€" ease. FALL

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