10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Sept. 30, 1954 TOPPER’ 1 Mile North of Richmond Hill on No. 11 Highway East Side â€" just north of Elgin Mills NO. 1 TOMATOES SQUASH APPLES â€" all varieties FRESH CORN PICKED DAILY (1 Mile North CAULIFLOWER MASSEY-HARRIS NO. 44 TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS “PONY†TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS “COLT†TRACTOR â€" a demon- strator ‘MASSEY-HARRIS ONE-WAY DISC INTERNATIONAL DOUBLE DISC TRACTOR PLOWS â€" various makes and sizes We also have a complete line of NEW equipment on hand for immediate delivery. WHAT IS NIGER THAN FLOWERS ON THE TABLE? MEAT AND POTATOES! Sponsored by North Used Farm Equipment [ile North of No. 7 Highway on Bathurst Street) Everybody Welcome 12 GAUGE SHOTGUNS AND .22 RIFLES REFRESHMENTS these SATURDAY - OCTOBEM at 12 O’CLOCK NOON BAKER FARM Ask your Postmasler About these Exlra Post Office Services 0 AIR PARCEL POST O I’.O. MONEY ORDERS CANADA POST OFFICE Ion. Alcidc C5té.Q.C.,M.P. Pollmute: Geneul Any Quantity 2 for 25¢ will ‘ i KEEP YOUR MA". OUT OF THE DEAD lETTER OFFICE simple precautions Address Your Mail Correctly: Write clearly and state complete address. Include Postal Zone Number in Quebec, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Always Give Friends Your Correct Ad- dress: Get the habit of including your return address on top left corner of envelopes and parcels. Wrap All Parcels Securely: Use strong cord and heavy paper and seal down all loose ends or flaps. Be sure return address is both on the outside and inside the parcel. Have Parcels Weighed at Post Ofï¬ce: In this way, you’re sure of always paying the correct postage. HELP SPEED YOUR MAIL! York Veterans Social Club at You’ll Always Find Us Courteous r We“ As’ Eiï¬Ciï¬ï¬‚t. O OVERSEAS AIR MA". 0 POSTAL REGISTRATION W. I. Tumbull Deputy Palm-Ker Gem-I Fathers & Sons Banquet Next Thursday night, October 5, the 1st Jefferson Group Scouts and Cubs will hold their ï¬rst Fathers & Sons banquet at Jef- ferson School at 6.30 p.m. The Mothers’ Auxiliary is in charge of the supper and a good attendance of ,fathers is looked for by one and all. Neighbourhood Notes Meeting in Canada for the ï¬rst time, the Embed Lutheran Church in America will hold its 19th biennial convention at Toronto Oct. 6â€" 13. Dr. Franklin Clark Fry (upper left), president of the ULCA, will reside Speakers include: Bishop Eivind Berggrav (supper right , former primate of the Church of Norway; Dr. Paul 6. Em-pie (lower left), executive director of the National Lutheran Council, who Win address a United Lutheran rally at Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo Oct. \i and DrL Eltoq ‘Truebloqd (lower right), noted theologian and Glad to report that Mrs. Wm. Espey is able to be up and ar- ound a little bit more each 'day, after her long illness. We oï¬er congratulations to both Mr. and Mrs. Espey with the arrival of another grandson on Tuesday of last week. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. Ma- theson, Maple, on Tuesday, Sep- tember 21. ‘ Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Saul, Naughton Drive, with the birth of their baby son, Sat- urday, September 18. Miss Rosemary Jackson, form- erly Actingâ€"Brown Owl for the lst Jefferson Brownie Recruits, is attending MacDonald Institute, Ontario Agricultural College this year. Miss Jackson was a very popular leader and is missed by all her little Brownie friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. “Dick†Maud- sley moved to York Mills from their former home in Jefferson last week and all those who are acquainted with them were sor- ry to see them go. The Maud- sleys have done a great deal to- wards promoting “neighbourh- ness" in this community. How- ever, Mrs. Maudsley says they will “keep in touchâ€, through the activities of the Jefferson School Community Club and we look for- ward to seeing them at the square-dances. Square Dances Start October 15 Now that the crops are almost in; the canning is pretty well ï¬n- ished for the season, and the 10- cal dancers are beginning to get LUTHERANS TO MEET IN CANADA ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS "THE LONG, lONG TRAILER". .MAT 1X WATCH FOR THE LONG LONG TRAILER COMING TO THE RICHMOND THEATRE FOR 3 DAYS OCTOBER 7, 8, 9 WAS GIVEN- A "DIRTY DEAL" IN “THE LONG, LONG TRAILER." FOR ONE SCENE OF THIS HILARIOUS M-G-M COMEDY, HE HAD TO SPEND A TOTAL OF EIGHT HOURS IMMERSED IN mumA ,m ROSE FROM SODA JERK ]N A BROADWAY DRUG STORE TO HATTIE CARNEGIE MODEL, TO HOLLYWOOD STAR. TO IDOL OF 52-MILLION "LUCY" FANS! 'RE& U. S. PAT. OFF. who ‘W‘Hl address Lutherén Laymén’s Movement dinnér Oct. 7. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. G. ROBERTSON .. Brookside Road. Telephone TUrner 4-2334 .- 23m ARNAZ 4W BALE. LIKES VARIETY'AT VARIOUS STAGES OF HER CAREER SHE HAS PLAYED W. C. FIELDS' WIFE JOAN CRAWFORD'S HOUSEKEEPER, WALLACE BEERY'S SWEETHEART AND MA KETTLE! x "TRAILER “dancing feet", the Jefferson School Community Club announâ€" ces tï¬ey will resume their very popular square-dances othFriday, October 15, at 8 pm. at the school. The club president, Carson Whalen, will be on hand to call ofl? as usual and the conveners look for a record turn-out for the ï¬rst dance of the season. Harvest Sunday at St. John’s Mr. C. G. Tetley preached a very ï¬ne sermon at St. John’s Church last Sunday morning. _ This Sunday, October 3, St. John‘s Anglican Church, (Yonge St. at Jefferson) will celebrate Harvest Sunday at the 11.15 am. service. The ladies of the W.A. are dec- orating the church this Saturday and ask that all donations of fruit, owers or vegetables be left at the church not later than 1.30 pm. on Saturday. Birthday Greetings "ï¬Ã©â€™ï¬ï¬; Birthday" to Billy Nash, who will celebrate his 9th birth- day on Oct. 6. Wilkins; ihéppy returns of Wed- nesday. Oct 6 for Ronnie Mann, who will also be nine ygars 01d. Wedding Anniversary Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ingles (nee Bernice Thom- son), who celebrated their ï¬rst wedding anniversary recently. Bereavements The sincere sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Harry Pridham and Mrs. J. F. Fletcher and their families with the loss of each of their fathers recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. Patton’s son, Maurice visited with them last week-end and has now returned to his sister’s home at Orillia. Mr. J. Bayley, Elgin Mills, is now back home after a flying trip to England. It is 40 years since Mr. Bayley last saw his family. On Saturday, Sept. 25, Tem- peranceville Mission Band with Mrs. W. Turner as superin- tendent. held the ï¬rst fall meet- ing at the Sunday Schol rooms. Twelve children were in attend- ance to hear the stories read by Mrs. Turnte and_Miss Joan Hare. The Junior Congregation on Sunday evening was conducted by Mrs. Jack Macklin. Next Sun- day, Mrs. Stella Paxton will be in charge. Sunday School Mrs. Albert Folliott, mission- ary superintendent, told a most interesting story to the childrén at Sunday School this week. Funds received will be for the M. & M. Fund. Turkey Supper The Temperanceville Turkey Supper will be held Wed.. Oct.- 20, from 6 to 8 pm. The admis- sion is by ticket only. These may be purchased from any W.A. member or Hare’s Store. merï¬ber ( Personals Gerald Jennings and Garrettl Herrima visited Don Brodie of‘ Headford on Sunday. The boys all attended the Headiord United Church anniversary services. Birthday greetings to Miss Marion Simpson, who celebrated her 8th birthday September 24. Her guests who enjoyed a serum- ptuous birthday supper. as well as the games and treats were Peggy Parsons, Sharon Kingsley, Margaret Dui‘ï¬ield, Judith and Wayne Paxton. A speedy recovery is the wish of friends of Mrs. R. L. Cun- ningham who underwent a pain- ful opeation on her knee on Fri- day, Sept. 24. Mrs. Cunningham is in Newmarket hospital. VMrs. E. Paxton ahd children spent the week-end visiting friends in Scarboro. Guests of Mrs. Nelson Thomp- son over the week-end were Mrs. McCullum and Grace of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett with twins Catherine and David, also of Toronto. Mr. Bob Beynon left on Satur- day on the Junior Farmers bus trip to Montreal and Quebec City. (Held from last week) Anniversary Services Temperanceville United Church was beautifully decorated with magniï¬cent blooms of fall flow- ers for the 145th anniversary of CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON. R. B. 3. KING ____.â€"â€"â€"â€"- Phone 'l'U. 4-3059 TU; 4-1116 mon TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS “y {In low. priced CC I' i-haf wil W une Urn/e Says mc /00_0 . . . when l/te ol/rer: go V-J Ford is the only car in Canada at its price with V-8 power now, so it will still be in style'long after other low-priced cars outdate their present models by joining the \f-S swing. What’s more, Ford’s V-8 engine has been owner-proved through millions of miles of driving . . . and it's backed by over 20 years’ experience gained in building more V-8 engines than all other manufacturers combined! . . . kma’ Fora’ w17/5/ay won‘b more, loo Because Ford oï¬â€˜erS you at] these important featunes, and because it has the smoothest, quietest automatic drive on the road and all the modern, eï¬ort-saving power assists, it’s worth more when you buy it and whe‘n yvu sell it. That is, Ford returns a greater portion of its cost than my competitive make! (Certain [emu-u Mmemud av mdmud an "5mm! an mu models. option! a ma am on when) BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY DEAL... the church. Many families of the community as well as those whom we look forward to having as guests on Our anniversary were present to hear Rev. D. L. Sloane, B.A., B.D.. of High Park United Church, Toronto. at the morning service. Using the passage, “Re- member not the former things, neither consider the things of old. behold I will do a new thing,†Rev. Sloan said “Don‘t be imprisoned by custom or tra- dition, but be awake to the ever- present witness of God.†,,4- It was a pleasure to welcome to the service, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Rumble and fémily of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bishop and family, Vellore; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson and family of Kettleby; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Toronto; Mr. Wm. Bar- ker, King and Mr. and Mrs. Ste- venson of Gormley. The evening service was con- ducted by the Rev. Douglas Davis of Stouï¬ville, well known in this community. Friends from King, Laskay, Gormley and Aurora joined in the service with the Temperanceville congregation. A social hour was spent in the Sunday School rooms after the service when lunch was served by members of the W.A. During this period the Zion singers sang several selections. The annual Turkey supper of Temperanceville United Church will be held on Wednesday, Oct- ober 20, from 6 to 8 pm. Admis- sion by ticket only. These may be purchased from any W.A. member or Hare's Store. Thes‘e suppers are well known for qual- ity food, tastefully prepared and served. Personals We were happy to see Miss Donna Jennings attending church services on Sunday after her ill- ness. In a week or so she hopes to attend school. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Glass on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Draper of Paris, Ontr. Mrs. Erik Thomen has moved to Oshawa where she is teaching. Her husband will join her soon when he will work in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner vis- ited Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Moddle at their home in Windimoya last week. Rev. and Mrs. Moddle sent their kind regards to all their friends. our Ford - Monarch Dealer RICHMOND HILL ThornhiJJ, Ont. 'I'HE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. "No, Marie, she didn’t. But I always sweep up whenever I’ve ï¬nished a job, just like you help your Mummy by keeping your room tidy and always putting away your toys when you’re through with them . . 3' WW (“é/M 25W . II 0% def/4w»? Making just that little extra effort is part of the tele- phone job. Bell people everywhere go out of their way to be orderly, courteous, obliging. You can see in the way they work they’re "glad to be of service!†It all adds up to better telephone serviceâ€"service that keeps on giving more and more value to the user. . . . wï¬e; l/Ie oI/Ie/s' get Illa! clean, modern look Ford is the lowest-priced car with styling that‘s up to date in the Modern manner. And in addition Ford offers you a range of model choices, colour oom- binations, glamorous upholsteries and interior trims that no other car at its price can match! . . . now is I/ve Il'me Io make the deal 0/ your life! Drop in and see your Ford Dealer now. You’fl ï¬nd the trade-in value of your present car has never been so high as it is today. You’ll get the biggest money- saving deal in townâ€"on a new Ford V-8, Canada’s “worth-more†cat, with all the ï¬ne-car features. One o’r/i/e says Ina/e 7563/7 /000 mm / Yonge Street At Woodward Avulne (Just North of Stede’l Cornell). SEE YOUR FORD DEALER AVenue 5-1148 EM. 6-3166