Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1954, p. 8

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Members of the Local Assoc- iation for Girl Guides and Brown- ies are planning to have several hostess parties to raise funds for the' association. Anyone who wishes to have a party of any kind may do so. People invite who they wish, charge for the party and this way help to raise 8 m MAL, Richmond 1m, Thurs., Sept. 80, 1954 Mrs. W. H. Glenny of Aubrey Avenue spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. George Newton of Toronto. Fund Raising Mrs. Allen Bodle and Mrs. Gor- don Rowe held a brush party at the home of the latter on Elm Grove Avenue this week. Mrs. J. Mathews of Niagara Falls, N.Y., was a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rule. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gfallacher have returned home from an enjoyable trip to Boston and Cape Cod. The first meeting for the Home and School Association was held Tuesday evening-at the school. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woolley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Styrmo at their cottage in Catchacoma. Girl Guidel Members of the Local Assoc- iation for Girl Guides met at the home of Mrs. Walter Geary on Wednesday, Sept. 22, with lead- ers of the Girl Guides Company and Brownie Pack. Plans were .made to hold meetings for both groups at Oak Ridges Public School on Saturday mornings throughout the year._ Mrs. William Cambell after a year’s absence will again be in charge of the Brownies as Brown Owl and will be assisted by Mrs. H. Severs as Tawny Owl and Mrs. J. Smith as Grey Owl. A large registration is expected for the Brownies and the children are very fortunate to have these three women for leaders. Organization Tuesday, October 5 will be the first meeting of the Ladies‘ Auxil- iary for Scouts and Guides. Mrs. William Boutilier will he in the chair. All parents are very wel- come at all meetings. The meet- ing starts at 8 pm. at the school. Captain of the Guide Company is Mrs. Helen Clarke. The resig- nation of Mrs. Jean Hadcock was regretfully accepted. CARI. WALKEB’ S Service Station THERE IS A OUAKER MODEL FOR EVERY NEED TO FIT YOUR PURSE _ V' 3210? mm: 8 WAYS THE HEATER THAT ACTUALLY PAYS FOR ITSELF FROM THE FUEL IT SAVES! STOUFFVILLE 66106 OAK RIDGES-LAKE WILCUX NEWS VICTORIA SQUARE PATENTED AWOMATIC "All. FEED" feeds burner correct amount of air at all time: . . . turns smoke into hm (smoke is unburned fuel). EXCLUSIVE "SMOKEIESS“ BURNER produces more heat from every penny’s worth of fuel used. EXTRA lAROE BUILT-IN "HEAT-SAVER" reduces chim~ ney heat loss as much as 42%. IUIlT-IN AUTOMATIC FORCED AIR FAN! Gives you com- plete all~ovet comfort . . . turns itself on and off. FUllY AUTOMATIC! Comes complete with thermostat. Set it and forget it! CANADA‘S MOST IEAU’TIM HEATER! Available in two luxury finishes . . . deep, rich mahogany or the new blonde-silver beige finish. I7 OUTSTANDING FEATURES IN All. including Automatic Safety Control, Automatic Dxaft Regulazox. Evr-Clear Flame Door, etc. NO OTHER HEATER IIKE ITI (It’s so good UAKER bus 7 patents on I 1': model.) $76.95 Telephone AND UP CORRESPONDENT : Miss Marilyn Hamil Telephone TU. 4-1912 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frazer were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Covel at a dance on Saturday night at the Armories. Out of town guests were from Jacksonville Florida. Peterboro’, and London. A lively and varied program followed with a show of good talent and clever acting. Social For travelling to Northern On- tario, the bride chose a navy dress with navy and white ac- cessories. On their return, they will live in Oak Ridges. Against a background of white baby mums softly lit by candle- light, St. Mary’s Anglican Church Richmond Hill was the scene of the wedding of Margaret-Diane Childerhose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs-\R. Hedley Childerhose of Bond Lake to Mr. Charles Ains- worth McDaniel of New York City, son of Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Daniel, of Jacksonville Florida. The ceremony which took place on Saturday, September 25 at 7 p.m. was conducted by the Rev. A. A. Chote. Given in marriage by Mr. Alec Gallacher, the bride chose an original gown of brocaded ivory lace. Ivory kid gloves completed her ensemble and she carried a prayer book. Her only attendant was Miss Marilyn Rollo of Montreal who was gowned in pink paper taffeta with matching accessories. She carried a nosegay of pink and white roses. Two main resolutions were passed and a box social was plan- ned {or ‘the ngxt meoting. At the reception, the bride’s mother received in a dress of blue net with blue accessories. She was assisted by the groom’s mother, who chose a navy dress with grey accessories. The groomsman was Mr. Vair Copper of Toronto. Following the reception, the bride and groom left for the Laurentian Mountains. On Sunday, Sept. 19, eight students from Thornlea School took part in a choir singing at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. conducted by Mr. Martin, the music instructor of School Area No. 1. On Friday afternoon the Thorn- lea Junior Red Cross met at the school, Miss Marilyn Frost pre- siding. The groomsman was Robert Malchow and ushers were Mr. Carl Bprns and Murray Judge. Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 School News Mrs. Margaret Malchow matâ€" ron of honour wore a gown of blue net and carried pink glad- ioli. Miss Patsy Malchow was flower girl and wore a yellow ny- lon dress and carried yellow flow- Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride chose a gown of net over white satin. She wore a finger-tip veil and carried red roses. Aurora United Church was the setting on Saturday, September 25, when Elizabeth Isobel, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phil- lips, Oak Ridges, became the bride of Mr. Norman Dent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dent, of Sunderland. The ceremony was conducted against a background of white gladioli by the Rev. J. I. G. Morris and the wedding music was played by Mr. Iltyd Harris. On Friday, Sept. 24, the Boy Scouts and Cubs held a corn and Wiener roast at the home of Tom Hill on the South Lake Rd. For- ty-six boys attended along with Scoutmaster Len Smart, assist- ant Adam Chalmers, Cubmaster Len Hopkins, Doug. Nash chair- man of the group committee and treasurer Tom Hill. Ten fathers of the boys attended. A vilieher roast is going to be held in the near future. Scouts and Cubs money. Some parties. already planned are a television party at the home of Mrs. B. McKenzie, Aubrey Ave, with Mrs. Wm. Campbell and Mrs. H. Severs as- sisting. Mrs. W. S. Appleton will have a TV party. Others sug- gested were morning coffee par- ties and square‘ dance parties. Warm invitation is extended to everyone. Lions News Each‘ week one Lion will give a talk on his life from boyhood days. Lion Jack Blyth was the first and told of attending Oak Ridges school when there were only 75 pupils from both Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. Today there are over 700 from Oak Ridges, alone. Lion Jack told of various jobs he has had and of the beginning of his present real estate business. During the meeting plans were discussed for plowing the com- munity park. Anyone wishing to have a par- ty should contact Mrs. H. K. Styrmo so that dates will not in- terfere. The church bus (Langdon’s) will be available for worshippers from North Yonge St. and Wil- cox Lake area in its usual run around the Lake and return. Members of the Lions Club ga- thered at the Ridge Inn for the second dinner meeting of the season. Guest speaker was Dis- trict Deputy Governor for A7 Andy Snyder, who spoke on Lionism. ' The annual Thanksgiving Serâ€" vice for the Blessings of the Har- vest will be held at St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges tYonge St. at Jefferson) on Sun- day morning next, October 3 at 11.15 am. THORNLEA NEWS McDanieLChildei-hose DENT-PHILLIPS Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray had Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson of Headford. The first euchre of the season will be held Friday evening, Oc- tober 22, in the Community Hall. Bazaar Remember the Couple’s Club Bazaar to be held in the Com- munity Hall on Saturday, Octoâ€" ber 30. The girls are very busy making preparations for it. Church News Rally Day will be observed in the Sunday School on Sunday, October 3, at 1 pm. The church service will be at the regular Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boying- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brum- well, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarâ€" vis spent Saturday at the Lindsay Fair. Rev. A. C. Huston was the an- niversary speaker at the Raven- shoe United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robb 6f Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Grace, David and Donald, Mrs. W. lSandle {dud Margaret spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boynton at Epsom. Sympathy Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Jack Mortson and son Lorne in the passing of a loving husband and father, Mr. Jack Mortson. Sr. Women’s Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Sr. Womens Institute will be held Tuesday evening, October 5, at the home of Mrs. Harvey Collard. Roll call “Something I am thankful for.” The pro- gramme will be supplied by the Bethesda Institute. All ladies in the community are invited to at- tend. Hostesses will be Mrs. Wm. Orr, Mrs. H. McCague and Mrs. H. Collard. Euchre Miss Grace Boynton spent Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gerney and Billie of Richmond Hill. 2. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Rumney will be celebrating their second wedding anniversary, October 4. Congratulations. Birthday greetings to Mrs. F. McRoberts and Miss Marjorie Barber, September 28; P. Wil- lows. Sept. 30; L. Stoutenburgh, October 1; S. Boynton, October 2, Jim Boynton, October 4. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson will be celebrating their third wedding anniversary on Sept. 29; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson will be celebrating their fourth wedding anniversary on Sept. 30; Mr .and Mrs. Treanor Can- ning will be celebrating thier 25th wedding anniversary, Oct. This week in the window of Fuller’s Dry Goods Store, Oak Ridges, is a nusual ‘display of stuffed birds, a varâ€" iety of which ar shown in the above picture. These birds were shot by Allen Fuller, father 6f Bill who operates the store,. sixty years ago near his farm at Bolton when Mr. 'Fuller was 16 years old. Mr. Fuller, who has a large col- lection of birds, which includes five different breeds of ducks, stuffed the birds himself and made the pens in whicllthey are displayed. _ _ Personal The most outstandihg bird in the collection is an eagle which stands three feet in height. At the time the eagle was shot, the bird had just stolen a lamb and was flying away with it. in the collection there are two large horned owls, which were sitting side by side when Mr. Fuller first fired at the eagle, the one shot killing both birds. Mr. Fuller won North American, Shooting Champion- ship for several years and has won many trophies for his marksmanship. OAK RIDGES YONGE ST. TU. 4-3331 (Open Wednesday, Friday & Saturday evenings) SKIRTS, DRESSES & NYLONS BLOUSES Outlined heel or plain 89¢ a pair or 20 Per Cent 017’ 2 pairs for $1.75 FINE QUALITY MEN’S TROUSERS Regular $6.95 to $8.95 No charge for cufis $1.00 off of 2.30 pm. Everyofiéoglgll CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle. Victoria Square Telephone Stoufiville 67509 SAVE TIME and MONEY Champion Displays Birds FULLER’ S DRY GOODS VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Shop at Fuller’s At the parsonage following the ceremony, Mrs. E. A. Currey re- ceived her guests in a gown of mulberry crepe with navy ac- cessories. Mrs. Gorven, the groom’s mother chose Dresden blue faille with winter white. Also receiving was Mrs. D. M. Currey, the bride’s grandmother, wearing a honey biege suit with brown accessories and Mrs. Kyle, the groom’s grandmother, in a gown of grey with violet-toned hat. After a brief honeymoon, the young couple will reside in Tor- onto. A wedding of interest to Vic- toria Square and Thornhill dis- tricts was solemnized‘in Acton United Church on Friday even- ing, September 24, when Loretta- Mae Shirley, only daughter of the Reverend Eldridge A. Cur- rey, B.A., B.D., and Mrs. Currey. became the bride of Leslie Victor Gorven, of Toronto. Vari-coloured gladioli and lighted tapers decorated the chancel of the church. Mr. S. Floyd Davies of Willowdale, played the wedding music. Mr. Currey gave his daughter in marriage, then performed the double-ring ceremony, assisted by his sister, the Reverend Erla M. Currey, B.A. of the Orton, Mimosa and Marsville charge. For her wedding the bride wore her/ travelling costume,°a sheath dress of winter white wool, with cinnamon brown hat and accessories. She carried a white Bible on which rested a cluster of Johanna Hill roses with bronze and white pom-pom mums. Mrs. Peter Armitage was her matron of honor and she wore a wool dress of caviar grey with gold accessories and carried a nosegay of autumn toned flow- ers. Mr. Donald Drury was best man, and Mr. Peter Armitage ushered the guests. come. Weiner Roast The Married Couples Club en- tertained the Young People to a weiner roast on Saturday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr. The evening was spent playing games, followed by plenty of hot dogs, do-nuts, mar- shmallows and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee and Johnnie arrived home last week after spending the past month in Western Canada. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stickley (nee Ruth Winger) who were married Tues- day of last week. NYLONS Outlined heel or plain 89¢ a pair or 2 pairs for $1.75 Webbing GORVEN-CURREY Goods Store, birds, a varâ€" These birds operates the on when Mr. Under New Management we invite you Io inspect our Sales and Service Gentle. 5642 Yonge Street (Stop 10) Willowdale BA. 1-3441 ' BA. 1-3441 ROWAN MOTORS LIMITED fihoose From The Cleanest Stock in the District 2 O’CLOGK SHARP All Makes And Models To Choose From TERMS: YES â€"â€" TRADES: N0 ON OUR PREMISES YOUR @HEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE DEALER) Auctioneer, KEITH ARMSTRONG Make Your Own Choice ' At Your Own ‘. Price COME AS YOU ARE . . . . . .COME . . .BUY A CAR Special Feature Guarantee In event of rain auction will be held inside main shop. All REASONABLE BIDS ACCEPTED

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