This Friday night, October 15, the Jefferson School Commun- ity Club resumes its social activ- ities with a Dance and Euchre at the school at 8.15 pm. Come out and join in the fun. W.A. Meeting St. John’s W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Hanson. E1- The Hal Robertsons spent the holiday week-end at Nanticoke with Mr. Robertson’s sister, Mrs. Holland Marr and family. J.S.C.C. News Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Jefferson. Please make a note of our new telephone number (TU. 4-1396). Unfortunately we will not be listed in the new directory, just about due to be delivered, so we hope you will refer to the new number at the top of our column when you are phoning us your news items. Personals Mrs. Dickson Miller’s sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Halpenny of Ottawa, visited the Millers Thanksgiving week- end. ll CORRESPONDENT: MRS. a. G. ROBERTSON » Brookside Bond. Telephone TUrner 4â€"1396 _ . Belated birthday greetings to gm Mills, npxt wedm Jimmy Anderson who was 8 yrs. tober 20, at 2.30 pm. v old on Tuesday. October 12. cordially invited to at New Phone Number Hannv Birthdav I m LIBERAL. Hammond Hi1], Thur., Oct. 14, 1954 “‘Home paper of the District - Since 1878†W hitchurch Softball League Congratulations To â€" Oak Ridges Girls Softball Team 1954 Champions King, Vaughan and Whit- church Softball League Oak Ridges Merchants Salute Champion Girls’ Ball Team CONGRATULATIONS TO Congratulations To Oak Ridges Girls Softball Team BUNN’S MEAT MARKET OAK RIDGES ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS OAK RIDGES King, Vaughan and OAK RIDGES King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League And to the ï¬ne Sportsmanship of the Vellore Team FROM THE LIBERAL OAK MIDGES GIRLS I CONGRATULATIONS TO { OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM Oak Ridges Automotive OAK RIDGES SOFTBALL TEAM OAK RI'DGES Oak Ridges Building Supplies OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM TU. 4-1261 TU. 4-2321 CONGRATULATIONS TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS' HAWMAN’S HARDWARE Complete Line of Building Materials ALL THE BEST TO RIDGE INN FROM FROM This has been a very lucky year for one Elgin Mills resident Mrs. J. F. O’Neill has just re- ceived another prize which she won at the Canadian National Exhibition. The prize â€" a car- ton of Canada Packers canned products. Two weeks ago, Mrs. O’Neill won a year’s supply of cloï¬tg‘ln also through a trip to the I gln Mills, nmt Wednesday, 0c- tober 20, at 2.30 pm. Visitors are cordially invited to attend. Happy Birthday Mrs. E. A. Terry, chairman of the school board, said that owing to the splendid response to last year’s Parents' Night, and the valuable assistance gained by both parents and teachers, the Board feels it will be to the chil- dren’s advantage to hold this ev- ening early in the school term. The work of the children will be displayed in the new school for the three classes. Wins Again Many happy returns to Mary Lou Evison who will be two years old next We'dnesday, October 20. Parents’ Night Jeï¬erson’Public School will hold Open House and Parents' Night on Thursday, ‘October 21. K â€" V -W League C hampions â€"' lagerquist studio Coming right up from the cellar, Oak Ridges Girls’ Softball team walked away with the King-Vaughan-Whitâ€" church League Championship last week at King City Ball Park when they won ï¬nal series from Vellore 10-8. the third game of the two out of three Much 'bredit goes to team man- ager, Charlie Swan, and coach Reid Himes,. both shown with the girls in the picture above, and- to Capt E. C. Hawman who wish to extend a spec- cial thank-you to all team supporteE TU. 4-2261 TU. 4-1061 TU. 4-1912 Dave Seggie will be leaving our‘local cub pack in the near future. He regrets doing so. but he has been appointed District Cubmaster for the whole area. a nice breeiy day, and all the youngsters are to be commended on their handling of their kites. Cub News The children did a grand job in collecting baskets. A whole truck load was sent to the local market. The fruits of their efforts will surely be sweet. The mass running-around and children dashing across the school grounds, the jumping and ball throwing you’ve seen for past weeks, is not mad hysteria, but the senior pupils practicing for the School Area Field Day which was held on October 13, at Powell Road School. Hope to report a reverse from last year with Henderson in ï¬rst place. Results will be given next week. 2nd Thomhill Cub News On Saturday, October 9, great activity was noticed on the base- ball ï¬eld on the Gamble farm when many cubs and their par- ents and members of the group committee were busy flying kites of many shapes and sizes. It was Henderson Ave. School News OAK RID GES OAK RIDGES BEST WISHES FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS T0 ALL THE BEST TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM King City Girls Ball Team OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM CORRESPONDENT: MRS.\ WALTER SANDERS BUCHANAN ’S APPLIANCES DAVIS AND DAY DRUGS HIGHLAND PARK NEWS The Liberal joins with the peop- le of Oak Ridges in extending congrat- â€"ulati0ns to the local team shown above: (back row) Charlie Swan, manager; Amie Stewart, Diane Coon, Margaret Donnelly, J. Armstrong, Marion Dï¬n, and Coach Reid Himes; (front row) Mascot Larry Rose,‘ Barbara Duck, Vicky Duck, Jacky Miller, pitcher, Pat Hutchinson, and Phyllis Boyd. ’ 'Also competing in the league were teams from King and Maple. Vellore won one game in the play-off series to Oak Ridges’ two. I DISPENSING CHEMISTS ALL THE BEST TO 23 Meadowviéw Road Telephone AV. 5-2116 FROM FROM High average for the gents was taken by Harry Luckett, 236. Ladies high average was 178 by Evelyn Turnbull. High single flat for men, Keith Bunn 330. High single with handicap Max Walton 320. High single for ladies, Norma Turnbull 238, high single with handicap, Evelyn Brice, 279. High triple flat for gents, Harry Luckett, 872, handi- cap, Ivor Francis, 757. High triple with handicap, ladies Eve- lyn Brice, 701. Other good scores recorded were Harry Luckett, 872, Alec Axelson, 668, Walter Williamson, 639, Don Williams. 624. Pat Holliwell, 663, Marg Walton, 638, Evelyn Ackhurst, 228 for single and Anne Pyke, 2 5. and, when he assumes his duties there, he will be fully occupied. However we are [Sleased to an- nounce, on his leaving, we will have a willing and able cubnas- ter to take over in the person of Paul West, 55 Grandview Ave. Paul spent some time last spring with our pack and also took the leaders’ course which will be of great value to him in the work. Congratulations to both these gentlemen for the services they are rendering our community. B0wling TU. 4-2490 4-3117 'Miss Cynihia Easton spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Misses Mary Cough and Mar- garet Hood were New York visi- tors and the Aubrey Stephensons motored to the Ottawa valley. Other week-end travellers were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid, Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and Mrs. S. J. English. Mrs. English went to Kitchener to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Nan- cy MacGregor. Neighbourhood Notes Thanksgiving week - end brought much social activity with it. Guests at the Walter Craig's were Miss Lena Frazer of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraz- er of Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boying- ton entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. Duncan and family. At Dr. and Mrs. George Kel- lys home were Mrs. R. J. Rise- brough, Miss L. Risebrough, Ro- bert Risebrough, Mrs. Mae Sau- nders, Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyington and Mr. Hart. Mrs. Saunders had Kodachrome pictures of an interesting European tour from which she recently return- ed. The Musselman family celeb- rated Thanksgiving with a party at their cottage. OAK RIDGES OAK RIDGES CONGRATULATIONS TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch 'Softball League FROM Kenneth and Ross Farquh‘arson Builders é LAKE WILCOX Shirts Laundered â€" Flash Service OAK RIDGES " TU Oak Ridges BEST WISHES FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS TO REID’S CONGRATULATIONS TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM SALUTING OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS ‘ King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM 5 ALL THE BEST TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM SALUTING OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League (A. Miller, Proprietor) Located in premises formerly occupied by Mary Belle Bakery) BEST WISH ES TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM ' FROM ' MARG’S HAIR STYLING OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM OAK RIDGES SHOE STORE MYERS’ YARIETY" STORE CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF II. II. 2 Gormley â€" Ph. Agincourt 335J2 PUD’S FISH AND CHIPS FRESH FISH DAILY ARTEL COFFEE SHOP BUTTONVILLE NEWS CONNOR’S GROCERY (Mr. and‘ Mrs. Frank Myers) OAK RIDGES (Art Ryman, Prop.) OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3079 FROM Daunt. Joins Mounted Police Congratulations to Joe Easton Jr., who has been accepted as a recruit in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hord were guests at the marriage of Mrs. Hord’s niece, Miss Joan McMulâ€" len of Unionville when she be- came the bride of Mr. Bruce Curtis of Toronto. The reception was held at Tam O'Shanter Golf and Country Club. Anniversary On Tuesday of last week Miss Grace Roddick entertained for her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodiclr in ‘honour of their wedding anniversary. Am- ong the guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cowie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brumwell and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muirhead, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rodick, Mrs. Robt. Rodick, Mary and Jack, Miss Lily Tate, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Pherson and Miss Emma Thomp- son. W.I. Euchre Last riday evening saw the second successful euchre party of the season at Buttonville Hall. There were 11 tables of players present, and an enjoyable even~ ing was spent with refreshments TU. 4-2272 TU. 4-2443 TU. 4-2523 TU. 4-3058 TU. 4-1881 which had been provided by the ladies served at the close of play. Prize winners were Mrs. Della Allen, Mrs. E. Jewett and Mrs. Roy Risebrough, Mr. Up- shalt, Mr. Mizen and Mr. L. Hood. The draw prize, a box of ‘groceries was won by Miss Vel- ma Findlay of Unionville. Next party will be riday, October 22. Browns Corners Church A beautifully decorated altar made a ï¬ne setting for the Thanksgiving service at Browns Corners Church Sunday morn- ing. Rev. A. C. Huston preach- ed a splendid sermon on Grati- tude and Betty Huston’s solo had a lovely appeal. Welcome to Miss Jean How- ard of Barrie who has joined Mrs. Jas. Powell on the teach- ing staff at Buttonville school. CGIT will be held next Mon- day, October 18, at the home of Margaret Brodie, Headford. This is initiation night. You can’t at. ford to miss it. Announcements regarding next Sunday’s anniversary services were made. In the morning, Oc- tober 17, the speaker will be Rev. E. Newberry of Trinidad and there will be special music by the choir. In the evening, Rev. J. Wallens, assistant minister and Christian Education direc- tor of Timothy Eaton Memorial church will be the speaker while the Whitevale quartette, Mr. Edwin Bruce, Mr. White, Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Milne will supply the music. Come early for a good seat. CGIT OAK RIDGES SURGE SALES AND SERVICE OAK RIDGES 'I Oak Ridges OAK RIDGES FROM OAK RIDGES GLASS & MIRROR CO. FULLER’S DRY GOODS OAK RIDGES TU BEST WISHES FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS TO BEST WISHES TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM Jack Blyth Real Estate CONGRATULATIONS TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League a CONGRATULATIONS TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM 1954 CHAMPIONS King, Vaughan and Whitchurch Softball League FROM TRIPE ‘S’ CLOTHING CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO ’ BEST WISHES T0 OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM FROM BOB WOOLLEY OAK RIDGES GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM CAPTAIN S. C. SNIVELY OAKRIDGE MOTORS GENERAL REPAIRS (Stan Rule, Prop.) OAK RIDGES FROM FROM ‘For Complete Drug Service' RICHMOND HILL Clarke’ s Pharmacy . . . superstition, quack remedies were a large part of the “doctors†prescribing. Today . . . your Doctor prescribe: only scientiï¬cally prov- en drugs. For the beat in drugs . . . and in pro- fessional prescription service . . . you can de- pend on us. TU. 4-1748 TU. 4-2578 TU. 4-1901 TU. 4-2771 TU. 4-3331