RICHMOND HILL . . Mrs. N. Pollard of Richmond Hill has returned home after an enjoyable two week vacation in Florida. Executive members of the La- dies' Auxiliary of Richmond Hill Scouts met at the home of Mrs. S. Osmond. Lucas St.. on Tues- day evening. “Gadget of the Month" program is scheduled for November meeting and the Pot Luck supper in December was discussed. Nominations will take place next month and the new executive will be installed in De- cember. Mrs. F. ï¬ardner and Mrs. M. Williams were hostesses of the evening. Scouts and Cubs of Richmond Hill will tag on Saturday morn- ing for Richmond Hill Hurricane and Flood Relief Fund. Mrs. Mcllvine has returned to the home of her daughter. Mrs. D. Fettes. Lucas Street after spending several weeks in Lon- don, Ont. Bob Craigie was the winner of the lucky draw held by the Rich- mond Hill Chamber of Com- merce at Bettles Coffee Shop last Tuesday evening. The draw was made by Mrs. Clive Bettles. The members of St.-Mary’s An- glican Evening Guild met Tues- day evening and enjoyed a meeting in the Hallowe’en spirit. After a few items of business had been disposed of the mem- bers enjoyed the program ar- ranged by Mrs. W. Banks, after which refreshments followed. Those from the local Hydro of- ï¬ce who attended the Hydro Quarter-Century dinner at the Royal York Hotel last Friday ev- ening were Miss Stella Mackie, Norman Chatterley. Albert Hilla- by. Frank Tate and William Say- ers. The Mission Circle of the Rich- mond Hill United Church' is sponsoring a Bazaar Baking Sale to be held this Saturday, Octob- er 30, at 3 pm. in the Church Sunday school room. A special feature of the bazaar this year is the sale of handicrafts from In- dia. Afternoon tea will be serv- ed and all the ladies of the vill- :ged are cordially invited to at- en . Always interested in commun- ity efforts, Bing Lew, proprietor of the New Town Inn, Yonge StreeL donated halfthe proceeds of the opening day business last week to the Richmond Hill Hur- ricane and Flood Relief Fund. Iie turned over $112 to the con» mittee this week. to swell the funds. Friday 8: Saturday Only 55 Yonge St: S. SAVAGE/S COAT SALE Beautifully cut â€" high fashion coats, from Canada’s top manufacturers A large variety of colors and styles Each coat individually selected and very specially priced BUDGET PLAN -|F DESIRED JACK KELLY on: or THE LARGEST NEW AND um nucx murmurs m nu: ma. ROWAN MOTORS LTD. TRUCK OWNERS! ~ ‘llie leoral In always glad to receive nodal and pereonal items for this page endaeallb 'l'Urner 4-1261 will receive eourteous attention. T‘ih newspaper will, also welcome news reports about ehnreh organisations ,women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ao- eepted up to Wednesday of each week. it ‘3 desirable to have it in earlier it poeeible to ensure its publi- cation. President Dalton Hicks and Kinsmen John Bayley. Bernard Corless and Jack Williams of the Richmond Hill and District Kins- men Club attended the Kinsmen Fall Carnival meeting recently at Bracebridge. At this meeting the part to be played by the vKinsmen in the flood relief work was the main topic of discussion. The Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. L. Wain- wright on Thursday evening with 12 ladies in attendance. Winner’s at cards were D. Saul, F. Schurâ€" man, S. M. Murphy. A delicious and decorative lunch was served by the hostesses. M. Murphy and M. Styan. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ransom Sr. and Mr.'and Mrs. Arthur White have returned from their trip to British Columbia. Motoring to Vancouver in seven days, they spent a week in North Vancouv- er visiting with a brother and nephews of Mr. White. The re- turn trip was made in eight hours in 8 TCA Super Constell- ation. Recent baptisms at St. Mary's Anglican Church include Lawrâ€" ence Arthur Holdsworth and Ka- thryn Mae Holdsworth, children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. 'Holdsâ€" worth; Alexandra Joanna, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. Patâ€" erson of Ruggles Ave; Baron Grant and Bryan Wayne, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Loader of Oak Ave, Richvale; Deborah Di- ana and William Thomas, twins, children of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Hewitt of Carrville Rd., Rich- vale; James Steven, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Quance of Roose- velt Drive, Richmond Hill; Stevâ€" eh Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Nidale of Westwood Lane, Richmond Hill; Wayne Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Set- ter of Regent St., Richmond Hill. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbours for their kind solicitude during the illness and passing of a beloved wife and mother; also for, their words of sympathy and their many beautiful floral offerings. Es- pecially thanking Dr. Daphne Patrick, the Rev. Carl V. Farm- er, the pall bearers and Mr. Geo. Reid for their kind services. Mr. Jim Matkin and family _ clw18 The late James William Cow- ie who died of a heart seizure durinya rugby game in Varsity Stadium on October 23, was formerly of Richmond Hill and was the son of Mrs. George Cow- ie and the late Mr. Cowie who operated the Richmond Hill Dairy some years ago CARD OF THANKS 5642 Yonge Street Don’t take your troubles lo the padre. ‘ Bring them to TUrner 4- 1800 Kinsmen Hold Project Night At the Project Night held by the Richmond Hill and District Kinsmen Club on October 21. the club members put their' whole- hearted support behind the flood relief campaign. Fourteen of the local members assisted the four Toronto clubs in collecting $58,- 400 during their Marathon Tele- thon for flood relief. The two days canvassing this area brought very good returnsuthey report. .__., The erection of safety signs on the approaches to schools in the District will be erected by the club as a project. The club has expressed inter- est in the progress of the School for Retarded Childrenlin Thornâ€" hill. Any parents of retarded children living in Richmond Hill who need assistance are invited to contact the Kinsmen. ‘For Complete Drug Servic-e’ Clarke’ s Pharmacy Have you checked your medicine chest lately? Do you have any pos- sible poison item out of reach of youngsters? This is a good time to check and to ’see to it that the aids in that chest are up-to-date.‘Re- plenish yours now from our complete stock. Each pupil assisting in this work will be provided with a sealed can stamped with the school'stamp. Any other containers will not be vouched for by the Public School staï¬. Further, if the school can be useful to the parents as an agent for the collection of clothing for the unfortun- ate victims of the flood, they will be accepted at‘the Richmond Hill Public School Staff and Pupils, with the permission of the School Board, are organizing a drive on Hallowe’en night for the purpose of collecting pen- nies, nickels, dimes, etc. for the purpose of flood-relief. school Now Open Specializing In Dressmaking, Ladies’ Tailoring and Alterations to Men’s and Ladies’ Clothing We Also Feature â€" . . Ladies’ Lingerie and Children’s Wear 53 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL EDYTHE DRESSMAKING Mrs. Warwick and Mrs. Houston, proprietors Hallowe’en Proceeds For Relief EDYTHE DRISSMAKING ANNOUNCEMENT RICHMOND HILL z. N. Phone TU. 4-2671 Richmond Hill ad inter- e School :1 Thorn- retarded The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a strapless gown of applique net over taï¬eta, the skirt ending in a train. Over the gown was a lace redingote. the collar of which was trimmed with pearls, her ï¬nger-tip veil was caught to a coronet of pearls and she carried‘a cascade of red roses, fern and white Chrysan- themums. Victoria Square United Church was the scene of a beautiful fall wedding on Saturday afternoon, October 16 at 3 o'clock when Helen Bernice Boynton, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Victoria Square was united in marriage to Lloyd John Curtis Canning, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Cann- ing, Gormley. Rev. A. C. Huston performed the double-ring cere- mony amidst a setting of ferns and yellow, bronze and white chrysanthemums. . u A,,_. _..-‘, -____ The soloist. Mrs. Allan Orr, sang “0 Perfect Love" and “A Wedding Prayer.†Miss Coral Perkins was organist. The matron-ofâ€"honor was Mrs. A1. Rope of Toronto, who wore an olive green shot taffeta waltz length gown with matching jack- et, headdress and mittens. The bridesmaids were Misses Grace Boynton and Margaret Canning, sisters of the bride and groom, who wore rose and gold shot taffeta waltz-length gowns with matching jacket, headdress and mittens. The attendants carried cascades of yellow and bronze Chrysanthemums and ferns. The flower girls, Misses Carol Bilyea and Margaret Sandâ€" le, cousin and niece of the bride were gowned alike in 'floor- length rose shot taffeta dresses with matching headdress and mittens. They carried nosegays of pink roses and carnations and ferns. Thg groomsman was Nelson 'Buchanan and the ushers were David Boynton and Donald Can- ning For the reception which was held in the church parlours, the bride’s mother received the guests in a pale blue taffeta dress anning-Boynton N uptials with lace jacket and with lace inserts in the skirt, and match- ing accessories. Her corsage was of pink roses and white baby Chrysanthemums. The groom’s mother assisted her, wearing a navy blue crepe dress with navy accessories. Her corsage was pink roses and white baby chrys- anthemums. Out of town guests were pres- ent from Toronto, Port Colborne and Beeton. For travelling the bride chose a dark grey gabardine suit with pink accessories. with a dark grey top-coat. Her corsage was of red roses. On.their return Mr. and Mrs. Canning will reside in their new home they have just built on the grooms father’s farm. COWIE, James William â€" Sud- denly at Varsity Stadium, Tor- onto, on Saturday, Oct. 23, 1954, James William Cowie, dearly beloved husband of Ruth Lilly, dear father of Rob- ert, David, Charles and Mari- lyn, beloved son of Mrs. Geo. Cowie, dear brother of Mrs. W. E. Fice (Margaret). Mrs. D. L. Rumble (Gladys), C. H. Cowie (Charlie), Mrs. G. Cat- to (Agatha) and Isobel, in his 50th year. Funeral services were held at W. C. Town Fun- eral Chapel, Whitby, on Tues- day, October 26, at 2.30 pm. Interment in Groves Ceme- tery, Brooklin, Ontario. WIGHT â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Wight (Ruby Middleton), Queensville, a son, at York County Hospital, Newmarket, October 23, 1954, a brother for Stewart. *1w18 HILLIARD â€" In loving memory of our sister, Vera, who passed away October 28, 1953. â€" Ever remembered, Blanche and Mary. c1w18 In memoriams IRELAND â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Albert Ireland who passed away on October 30, 1950. The rolling stream of life goes on, but still the vacant chair, Recalls the time. the voice, the smile of him, who once sat there. Wesley M. McCauley, a resi- dent of the community for the past eight years, passed away at his home, 40 Church St. 'South, on Sunday, October 24. He was in his 615t year. Mr. McCauley had undergone a serious operation in April and had been in poor health since then. Mr. and Mrs. McCauley had moved here from Strathroy eight years ago. He was a mem- ber of Richmond Hill United Church. BOYES â€" We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the death of Mr. Frank Boyes of Langstaï¬, also for the beautiful floral trib- utes and use of automobiles. *1w18 The Family I wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbours for the kind offers of help and gifts received for our daughters in the recent floods of the marsh. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pattenden *1w18 He is survived by his widow, the former Ida Blanchard. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. C. G. Higginson at the Wright and Taylor Chapel on Wednesday and interment was in Richmond Hill cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS We would like to express our appreciation‘to Chief Ernie Bone of Vaughan Township Police, and to Eric Charity and Floyd Per- kins for their assistance during, and following last week's storm. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cornell c1w18 Pall bearers were James Peer, Robert Fraser, Edwin Boadway, Kenneth Willis, William Mc- Mun and Lloyd Bowen. CARD OF THANKS CARD 0!“ THANKS -- Wife and family. c1w18 WESLEY M. McCAULEY -â€"Photos by Iagerquist @hituarp $2M!) SUNDAY. Sunday Sc) Nursery De Morning W RIC UNI Rev. C. G. * SUNDAY. 9.45 am. â€" 11 am. â€" “A Da 7 p.m. â€" “Fightil Fi luv. A. A SUNDAY, 20th “Fear not 1 not dismay 9.45 am. - 11 am. â€"- “A Serrr Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D., Minister -SUNI)AY. OCTOBER 31, 1954 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service “A Day to Remember" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service "Fighting for a Shadow†Fireside Hour“ 20th After Trinity “Fear not for I am with thee; be not dismayed for I am thy God" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School. 11 am. -â€" The Litany “A Sermon To The Rector" Rev. A. A. Chote Junior Congregation 2 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Holy Communion Conï¬rmation Series The Rector NOTE â€" All members of the Conï¬rmation Class are to attend to Sunday ,Evening Service and also the class on Monday even- ing at 7.00 pm. in the church Basement. Behold, Christ leads the way We‘ll follow where He goes; We cannot fail to win the day, Since He our strength bestows. Corner of Elmwood and Rugglel Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Llfe Hour, CHML 9 a.m. Sunday 3 pm. â€" Sunday School 9.45 am. â€" Iï¬termediate and Sr. Sunday School ~ 11 mm. -â€" Divine Worship Baptisms SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH TRINITY ANGLICAN cm Thornhlll Minister Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. Hermon mu. ntsnnmmn omen Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1954 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Chambers, Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 The Reformation Fact and Faith 11 am. â€" The Reformation past and present 7.30 pm. â€"- Adult Bible Study in the Manse Friday, 7 p.m. â€" Happy Hour Saturday, 7.30 â€" The Young Life Club Hallowe’en Party. Home Mission Sunday Hear about the Gospel among the Indians on the Ohsweken Reserve, Brantford. Sunday School, all classes, Nursery Wed., Nov. 3, 8 pm. â€" Women’s Foreign Missionary night. Picture, “Dawn on the Bolivian Hills" .0. mu am (3 die. “I d lupin) Pastor: lav. I. J. M SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 Reformation Service .. 11 an. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 3.111 Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. “.D. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School SUNDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1954 11 am. â€" Sunday School and 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues., 8 p.m. â€" Midweek Study Group. All are welcome. W. Neeley & J. Shields, rustees SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1954 '7 p.111. â€" Gospel ServiEe Wed, 8 pm â€"- Prayer Meeting Thur-3.. 17pm. â€" quen's Mll- CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Psalm 122: 1: I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house (if the Lord. RICHMOND HILL YREE METHODIST CHURCH V Ilium meeting Tuesday. 8 ma â€"- Young Poop le’s Meeting SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street, Stop 17 Minister, Rev. Percy C. Buck. B.A., B.Th. . 5 Old Orchard Grove: Toronto SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 11 am. Amateur Photography is a great hobby, especially if carried through from photo- graphing your subject, mak- ing your own developers, processing your film to mak- ing enlargements in a home- made dark room. Mr. Rey Paul of Spruce Avenue Rich- vale has enjoyed this same hobby for many years, and for the first time entered some of his prints in a com- petition. On Wednesday, October 13, one of his ent- ries which has been accept- ed in the Hadassah amateur photo contest was published. We wish him every success in the judging of the photo- graphs submitted. Enters Photo Competition Pub! Rev. A. B. Jone. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH RICHVALE CHAPEL RICHMOND HILL (Antwan) CARBVILLE UNITED CHURCH LANGS‘I'AFI' BAPTIST CHURCH ', 11 am. â€" Bible School thugs fog- gll ages Beginners Nursery Dept. Oak Avenue . 10 a.m‘ .. 11 mm THELIBE’RAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Oct.28, 1954 5 MAPLE CEABGI UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C., Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1954 Maple 11.30 am. .... Church Service 10.15 am. Hope 10.30 a.m. 11.30 am. Edgeley 2.30 pm. 1.30 pm. Wildwood Ave.. Wilcox Lake Rev. L. R. Copeland, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 Pastor Coupland Farewell Services For 11 am. â€"- Chastening of the Lord also 12.10 â€" The Lord’s, Supper 2.30 â€" Bible ’School 7 pm. â€" The True Position of the Christless Soul Special music by Miss Una Mar- tin and Mrs. Thelma Aylett in song. Everyone welcome. Come and meet the new minis- ter, Pastor Mack. Hahn]. - Lama M “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass†SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 20th After Trinity 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School NOTICE â€" The adults and young people of the Mission who are contemplating Conï¬rmation are asked to attend the Sunday Evening Service at St. Mary's Anglican Church at 7.00 pm: God'sY‘u‘st gift â€" Life God’s best gift -â€" Christ God’s last gift â€" Heaven So use the ï¬rst That thru the Best I You may attain the last. will preach 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Rev. Sanderson of the Canadian Home Bible League will speak and show a coloured ï¬lm entitled 0a M'I‘l An. I... 1. Pub! l‘. Vaughan. I. II. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 MISSIONARY SUNDAY 10 am. â€"- Sunday School Bible Class for Adults 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Rev. Barrows of South America “Bearing Precious Seed" Prayer and Fellowship â€" ' Wednesday. 8 pm. A Bible teaching and preaching church WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Here’s a message we’d like to send to all thrifty shoppers : here you get quality plus fair prices so that you are assured value. "mmoox m CEUICI I‘l. MINABAB UNION Yonge St., Elgin Mills - For Service at it’s Best - ., Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHIOND HILL DAIRY . . . . . . . Church Service . . . . . . . Sunday School LET US SUPPLY TU. 4--2063 . . . . . Church Service . . . . . . Sunday School Hall’ 5 Service Station YOUR HEATING REQUIREMENTS With Furnace,and Space Heater Oils COLEMAN HEATING EQUIPMENT 'f. . 'S’xi’ï¬Ã©â€™Ã©y igéhbiï¬ TREPHONE TURNER-44622 (Opposite the Orange Home) Complete Oil Burner Service Sockeye Salmon 32‘: 37c SPECIALS OAK LEAF FANCY HABITANT FRENCH STYLE Pea Soup CANADA PACKERS Tulip Margarine AYLMER CHOICE Peaches INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue HALLOWE’EN Kisses Peanuts 33c 33c YORK FANCY Tomato Juice SELF POLISHING Liquid Aerowax :12. 35c FANCY GRADE McIntoshApples :53: 79c CALIFORNIA N0. 1 Iceberg Lettuce FLORIDA N0. 1 Grapefruit Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 2 ms 23c 5»- 29¢ Cartons 28M. Tins Large Heads 23c TU: 44061 31c 49c 25c