a CLASSIFIED FOR SALE 'â€"'â€"â€"â€"7' . SPACE HEATER, large Norge, $30. TU. 4-3057. c1w21 PLAYPEN, as new, $6.00. 'TU. 4- 2527. c1w21 ._A. _________.__dâ€"-â€"â€"- ACME Cook Stove, white enamel with reservoir $30, moving, like new. AV. 5-2042. c1w21 WASHING MACHINE, Eureka Barton, like new. Phone TUrner 4-2749. c1w21 “OVENETTEâ€, 2-p1ate burner with oven thermometer, $15.00. TU. 4-1700. *1w21 WET. Apply Mrs. Anderson. 4 Bridgeford SL, Rich- mond Hill. c1w21 LARGE space heater 50,000 B. T.U. Excellent condition. price $60. TU. 4â€"2481. c1w21 RCA VICTOR Mantel Radio. good Condition, $25.00. TUrner 4-3116. clw21 GIRLS’ Winter_ Coath 1_nauve, - . nnn E‘iééuii to"1'6."13hone Av. 5-1903. *1w21 DOLL PRAM, handle height 29", good condition, reasonable. Ph. TUrner 4-2483. c1w21 BALED STRAW, 50c per bale; feed oats $2.45 per cwt., $47.50 per ton. TU. 4-2143. c2w21 LARGE Quebec Heater. Perfect condition $15.00. AV. 5-1051. 4“ Mutomatlc washer, al- most new. Perfect condition, 60 cycle. Phone TU. 4-1607. c1w21 PERSONALITY PORTRAITS by lagerquist. TUrner 4â€"2791. 93 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. 0pâ€" en evenings till Christmas (ex. Wed.) Only ï¬ve weeks till Chirsté mas. c2w21 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, $50. Good condition. Mrs. Geo. Clayton, AV. 5-2504. c1w21 MIXED GRAIN, oats and barley, baled straw. Apply Harvey Mash- inter. R. R. 3 King, TUrner 4- 2577 tfc21 PEAS]? Eclypse coal burning warm air furnace, complete with pipes. Phone 156M Maple. _..n1 GILSON pipeless furnace; also boys‘ skates, size 3 and 5; doub- le bed, brown metal, spring and mattress. Maple 46R23. c1w21 HOTPOINT electric range $50; girls ’bicycle, $25. Both good condition, phone 143 Maple: 54" BEDSTEAD and springs, broadcloth dress ,size 46, man’s sleeveless sweater, size 42. Phone TUrner 4-3188. c1w21 TELEVISION SERVICE Admiral R.C.A Victor special- ists, 20 ft. rust-proof antennas, $35.00. AV. 5-1520. tfc21 A LARGE Hot Air Furnace. Suit- able for small factory, garage, etc. Apply E. Mansbridgq, _17 Yonge St: S LADY’S Electric Seal Fur Coat, #4 length, medium size. good condition. Phone TU. 4-2479. BABY PICTURES ARE PRICE- LESS when taken by the lager- quist studio. TU. 4â€"2791. 93 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. END TABLE. writing desk, ab- out ï¬ve years old, in excellent condition, dark oak ï¬nish. Phone TUrner 4-2434 after 6 pm. COOK STOVE, Quebec heater style and pipes. Rangette. Medi- cine cabinet. Moving. Sell cheap. Phone TU. 4â€"1464 after 6, all Saturday DINING SUITE, mahogany, in- cluding rectangular table, buffet and china cabinet. Set of 6 chairs to be included or sold sep- arately. TU. 4-1953. c1w21 WATER HEATER thermostats, (M-H Mercury Tube Type) 1000 watts, $4.00 each. Herridge Elec- tric, Green Lane, Thornhill. Phone AV. 5-1954. c1w21 THE UNIQUE GIFT which can- not be duplicated is YOUR POR- TRAIT. lagerquist studio, TU. 4- 2791. open evenings until-Christ- mas (ex. Wed.) 93 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. c2w21 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS Lightest weight â€" Lowest price For free demonstration call FRANCIS STARR ANTIQIE Walnut Whatnot, an- tique walnut buffet with marble top, antique walnut drop leaf dinette table, modern vanity dresser, walnut ï¬nish with full length mirror and night table and vanity chair to match; walnut ï¬nish vanity'dresser; numerous pieces antique china and glass- ware. Markham 687. c1w21 THE LIBERAI}, Richmond Hill, Thur-g, Nov. 18, 1954 CA!!! RATES, ï¬rst insertion 30 per word, min. charge .. 500 Second and subsequent insertions i! wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . .. 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . .250 COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100 min. charge 500 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 750 BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50¢ Classiï¬ed edvertisemcncs diould be in as early in the week 25 pudble but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE Newmarket 765M3 2-p1ate burner c1w21 *1w21 c1w21 1:1w21 *2w21 c2w21 c1w21 *1w21 tfc21 FURNACES cleaned and servic- ed. Banks Oil Heating. BA. 1- 2506. tfc45 AFRICAN VIOLETS, 45 varie- ties, large and small plants. L. Harding, 38 Benson Ave., Rich- ZEiRLS’ Winter Coats, size 12; Boys’ 3 pce. outï¬t, size 5. Elec- tric washing machine. TU. 4- 2216, c1w20 Save your etc mond Hill‘ Blankets also made Phone TU. 4-1804. AV. 5-1595 ATTENTION Gardeners and flor- ists. I have a large quantity of well rotted barn yard manure, reasonable. Protect your plants and shrubs through the winter. J. B. Ross, phone King 41R21. *1w21 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tail- oring Co., TU. 4-1362, Richmond Hill. tfc28 BOATS New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 it. run- abouts $65 and up. Best mater- ials used, no down payment nec- essary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc46 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish, any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St, West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tf034 USED CARS AND TRUCKS ‘ 1941 new. 1758 1934 CHEV. COACH. not run- ning. AV. 5-2323, 10 Edgar Ave.. Richvale. *1w20 1950 VANGUARD Sedan, excell- ent condition throughout, $350. Call AV. 5-1473 evenings. c1w21 1939 CHEV. COACH, with ’41 motor. Trade for small pickup or best offer. TU. 4-1113. clw21 ARTICLES FOR SALE cont. 1938 PONTIAC â€" good body 8: interior. Cheap for cash. Apply week-ends, 42 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. ‘ c2w21 1954 STUDEBAKER Champion Station Wagon, 16,000 miles, $1,000 down and take over pay- ments. TU. 4-1038. c1w21 1952 FORD Customline Tudor, A1 condition, original mileage 30,000, one owner Apply White Rose Service Station. 150 Yonge North, Richmond Hill *2w20 PULLETS for sale, 4% months. Reasonable. TU. 4-1524. *1w20 BANTIES, roosters and hens, good laying strain. AV. 5-1052. c1w21 50 HYBRID Light Sussex and New Hampshire, started to lay. Phone 31R3 Maple. c1w21 WHO WANTS daily ride from Thornhill via highways 7 and 400 to Weston Road, phone AV. 5-1940. c1w21 TRANSPORTATION available from Richmond Hill to City Lim- its, leaving 6.30 a.m., returning 5.15 pm. Phone TU. 4-2972. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted from north end of Richmond Hill arriving at Bay and Front at 9 am. and leaving at 5 pm. TU. 4-2184. *1w21 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 12 to Richmond and University district, arriving 8 a. m.. leaving 5 pm. Phone AV. 5- 1314 or BA. 1â€"4302. c1w21 __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" LOCKS REPAIRED Keyed alike or master keyed. & Door closers repaired and ser- viced. Keys cut while U wait. ROOM AND BOARD for 3 men. Auto keys cut to "Code." Craig‘s single and double room. 191 Lock and Key. Oak Ridges Spruce Ave. Richvale. e1w21 (south of The Windmill). ucsz RUGS BROADLOOM 50%. New rugs made from old rugs, carpets, woollens, CHEV. SEDAN. Tires like Mechanically good. TU. 4- **2w20 POULTRY FOR SALE BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfcl7 tfc14 tfc45 *1w21 WANTED Girl clerk with typing, 5 day week. The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Unionville. tfc21 EXPERIENCED stenographer re- quired in office of manufactur- ing plant in Richmond Hill, 5 day week. Reply giving some de- tails of experience to Box 93 The Liberal. c1w21 WE NEED high calibre men to be trained in Real Estate Sales. You may be missing your real chance. Give Ron Fenn a call right now. BA. 5-2411 or AV. 5- 1595. tfc17 AMBULUUS MAN wanted for good territories. Can easily earn from $50 to $75 per week in sell- ing for a progressive Company, a complete line such as: Toilet- ries, Culinaries, Medicines,‘Dom- estic Necessities, Tea, Coffee, etc. 2 SPECIALS FREE each month. Substantial discount. $18 needed. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. ' *4w20 DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Have openings for two real estate salesmen in their busy Thornhill office. An excellent opportunity for the right men to become as- sociated with an active, long- established ï¬rm. Experience is not necessary. A complete train- ing program is given with con- tinued office assistance. For in- terview appointment call Sales Manager S. J. Carlisle or D. H. McLean at AV. 5-1176. c1w21 MRS. SCHRETTER’S Hairdress- ing. AVenue 5-1814. tfc50 MANURE and Loam by the truckload. TU. 4-3194. tfcl4 WELL DIGGlNG, years of ex- perience. T. Jerretf, TUrner 4- 1700. c4w21 HORSES BOARDED, Box stalls ood care. Phone TU. 4-1607. AVON Christmas orders, Mark- hggg and Centre St. district. TU. 4- 618. clel HELP WANTED CARPENTRY, BUILDING, Brick Work anywhere. Contact Tom O’Reilly, King 29R3. *2w21 ERIC FISH For sand, gravel, manure, loam and ï¬ll. TU. 4-3341. ticl ANYTHING in painting, paper- ing, decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 HARDWOOD, cut for stove or ï¬replace length. Phone TUrner 4-3194. tfc15 FLAGSTONE, by the ton, $14 a ton. Phone TUrner 4-3194. 4-2342. DAMENT’S Domestic Mainten- ance service. Our specialty, bur- ner installations and cleanouts. 74Rll Maple. tic14 SAND & GRAVEL, stone, loam, manure and ï¬ll. L. Willis, TU. ALL KINDS carpenter work. trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill TUrner 4-3148. tfc40 MISCELLANEOUS BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TUrnet 4-2311. 'tlc43 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill: H NORTH YORK SODDING Rapid delivery of quantity loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. *29w44 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E} Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701 ‘ tfc42 ALL KINDS of carpenter work, kitchen cupboards a specialty. Gerry Van Beers, Richvale. TU. 4-2384. tfc13 Suburban Roofers, AV. 5-1240 or GL. 7368. Experts on shingles, flat or insul-bric siding. Free estimates. tfc50 CLEANING your basement, your windows, your floors. That’s our business. Try us for prompt, courteous service, anytime. Ph. BA. 1-6877. c1w21 CHIMNEYS Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 DCES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Call ALTERATIONS and repair work Sidewalks, cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt ser- vice, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc45 ROTOTILLING. foundation plan- ting and lawns. weed free nur- sery grown sod, evergreens and shrubs, loam and manure. flag- stone walks and rock gardens. For free estimates call Richmond Sod, TUrner 4-2741. tfc45 LEARN TO DRIVE Conveniently and safely. Dual controls. Phone TU. 4-2781; We pick you up at your home. Take advantage of the nice weather. Thompson's Driving School, Rich- vale. tfc42 and WANT ADS clw21 tfc15 ticsl tfc34 FURNACES cleaned, installed and repaired. All types and makes. Phone TU. 4-2641. tfch R. H. REID, Delivery service Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 OIL SPACE HEATERS, cleaned and repaired. Call TU. 4-2165 PLASTERING, repair work a specialty, work guaranteed, no job too small. William Faulkner, AV. '5-1932. tics ROOF, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general re- pair work of all kinds, prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfch DRESSMAKING and alterations. Draperies made to measure. Mrs. McPherson, 55 Woodward Ave, phone AV. 5-1378. c6w20 AVON Representative for Rich- mond Hill, Oak Ridges, and King districts. Order now for Christmas. Phone TU. 4-1524. * 1w20 MISCELLANEOUS (continued) ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22'A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfc13 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-3181. ALL KINDS FURNITURE re. pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CALL US for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrari and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc7 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks, cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 1424. tfc45 FOR MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE or to buy existing lst or 2nd mortgages. ’ W. W. Conroy; Broker, 56 Avon- dale Ave., Willowdale, Ontario. Phone BA. 1-7484. tfc18 FOR FAST, eï¬icient service and repairs on your washing machine. electric motors,- ranges, vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces. please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back- ï¬lling, grading, digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. D. Pickering, Victoria Square, ph. Stouffville 64012. tfc15 LARGE septic tanks installed, drain digging and tile laying, all material supplied. For estimates call between 5.30 and 7 pm. Mur- ray Baker, Eagle St., Newmarket, Phone 651. c35w40 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- CUSTOM PLOWING, Mowing, Front End Loading, discing, cul- tivating, back ï¬lling and grading. Bayview, 1/4, mile south of Mark- ham Road. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc41 RELIABLE woman wants day work. TU. 4-3015. ‘ c1w21 MOTHER would mind children while mother 22A John St., Thornhill‘ HONEST reliable woman wants day work 9-3. TU. 4-1882. CAPABLE woman wants house- work by the day. TU. 4-2896. WILL GI.VE day care for pre- school child, by day or week. TU. 4-3270. *1w21 YOUNG WOMAN desires house- work by day, also baby sitting. Phone TUrner 4-2761. c1w21 CUSTOM MADE draperies, bed- spreads and cushions to order. Phone TU. 4-1501. c3w19 MOTHER of 4 year old will give day care by day or week Mon- day to Friday. Phone TU. 4-1732}; EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. t£c18 .YOUNG WOMAN wants partâ€" time work, no housework. Home work considered. Box 98 The Liberal. *1le CAPONS. toasters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-3351. dd? EMPLOYMENT WANTED A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plulmbmg and Heating TUrner 4-1711. POULTRY WANTED c51w27 tfc18 small works. clw21 tfc13 c1w21 tfc17 c1w21 c1w20 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 2; ROOM FLAT furnished. child- ren welcome. TU. 4-1947. *1w21 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. tfc15 6 ROOMS and bath, 1 block from Yonge and main shopping. Phone TU. 4-1443. c1w20 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 3 ROOM self-contained apart- ment. Apply Box 91 The Liber- al. . c1w21 rooms with bath, reasonable. TU. 4-2407. clw21 OAK RIDGES. 4 oil heated BED SITTING ROOM. business person, located near Yonge and Centre St. TU. 4-1355. clw21 BASEMENT apartment four-p0. bath. sink, private entrance, many cupboards. 107 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill. *2w21 3-ROOM apartment with bath, available December 1. Apply Box 90, The Liberal. clw21 APARTMENT, 2 rooms and kit- chenette,’ cupboards, sink, rang- ette, suit business couple. Phone Maple 125W. c1w21 OFFICE SPACE, 400 square feet of high class space on Richmond Hill main street. For details, call Newmarket 1785. v tfc20 TYPEWRITERS by day, week, month, or longer, reasonable rates. Good selection now on hand. Call TUrner 4-1745. SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom apart- ment, private entrance, large glassed verandah, modern kit- chen. Garage available. AV. 5- 0058. tfc20 3 ROOM APARTMENT, kitchen with sink, in large modern home, suit small family, all convenien- ces. Phone TUrner 4~3066. 3 ROOM apartment with 3-pc. bathroom and separate kitchen sink, oil heated and two balcon- ies, near transportation. Business couple preferred. No children. Box 92 The Liberal. *1w21 3-ROOM APARTMENT, partially furnished if desired, oil heated, all conveniences, stove and frig supplied. Call after 5 Mon. to Fri. 159 Spruce Ave., Richvale, TU. '4-1251. tfc16 ROOM in new bungalow, with home privileges, quiet reï¬ned business person preferred, with references, a car is necessary, abstainer. Phone AV. 5-1123. TWO ROOMS suitable for one person, one who could help ar- ound building preferred. Reason- able rent. G. N. Grinnell, 8A Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. T0 RENT 6 ROOM solid brick bungalow. Fully furnished. Owner will sign 18 month lease to a reliable par- ty. Two school age children wel- come, $150.00 a month. Two months rent in advance required. Phone TU. 4-1951. Thomas Oak- ley, Broker. c1w21 SPACIOUS LOT. 77 ft. x 390 ft approximately. near school, $20 a it. Phone TUrner 4-3039. half écre lot, wvell treea. 'Apply week-end. 190 Norfolk Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w21 5-ROOM Cottage and garage, Qn AV. 5-1595 CIRCULATING PUMP for hot water heating system. AV. 5-1726. c1w21 CHILD'S- kiddy Cay ancillarge @5Eon, good Eondition. TU. 11- 2972. *1W21 RUG 9x12, must be in good con- dition. AV. 5-1726. c1w21 4 OR 5 TONS of cod baled straw. Phone TU. 4-1 07. clw21 MY WIFE, Patricia Victoria (nee Pedersen) having left me, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. Eric Jos. Chapman. *3w21 OLD? GET PEP; FEEL YEARS YOUNGER. Full of vigor. Men. Women of 40, 50, 60! Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. “Get-ac- quainted†size only 60c. All drug- gists. '3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Rich- mond HiH by Dec. 1-15. Reliable tenants. TU. 4-0026. c1w21 LADY desires furnished b’ed- sitting room and kitchenette in Richmond Hill District. Phone TU. 4-2345. *1w20 HOUSE, 5 or 6 rooms. Thornhill, Langstaï¬. or Richmond Hill vic- inity. modern conveniences. Ap- ply Box 89 The Liberal or write PO. Box 58 Langstaï¬. *1w21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO RENT PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT WANTED BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfcl'? *3w19 c1w21 clw21 *1w21 c1w20 ONE PAIR horn-rimmed glasses in case. Please contact Mr. G. L. Lewis. TU. 4-2696. c1w21 CHILDREN’S PET DOG. Part shepherd and part chow, black. Answers to Laddie. Please phone TU. 4-2074. c1w21 BOYS’ Brown Glasses in blue leather case. last Friday, vicinity of Wright and Yonge Streets. Richmond Hill. Phone TUrner 4- 1873. , c1w21 SMALL black and white cat, vic- inity John St. and German Mills, Thornhill. Owner grateful for any information. AV. 5-2482. SAT., NOV. 13 â€" Auction sale of the residential property and household effects of the estate of the late Rose E. Perrin, the town of Newmarket. The property known as 4 Gorham St., has a frontage of 50 ft. and consists of a 2-storey frame, 6â€"room house, equipped with hot water heating, and all modern conveniences. The property will be sold, sub- ject to reserve bid. Further terms and conditions made known SALE REGISTERS at the time of sale. Terms on chattels cash. Time of sale 1 pm. J. Osmond, phone 1104, Newmarket, and J. L. Holley, ex- ecutors. F. N. Smith, auction- eer, phone 187J, Newmarket. WEEKLY SALE EVERY TUES at 7 pm. ‘ All classes of livestock, springers. calves, hogs, sheep, goats, poul- try, horses Farm Sales, household goods, livestock sales and real estate sales conducted anywhere at any time. Terms reasonable. Lloyd Turner, clerk. J. P. McDonald prop & S. D. Pollard, Licenced Auctioneers, York and Ontario Counties. c4w21 THURS, NOV. 25 â€"- Auction sale of 20 head of Registered and fully accredited, blood-tested and vaccinated Holstein Cattle; Case Tractor, DC Model No. 4, 3 years 401d; Waterloo Threshing Machine 36/48; Allis Chalmers Hay Baler, near new; a full line of power and farm implements; hay and grain, at Lot 2, Con. 4, Whitchurch Twp. at Gormley, the property oi Geo. W. Barrett. No reserve as farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farm- er, auctioneer. c4w18 . . .UXBRIDGE LIVESTOCK . .'. SAT., NOVEMBER 27 â€" Auction sale of horses, hay, grain and implements, etc., at Lot 14, Con- cession 3, King Township. The property of Douglas Wellesley. Ken 3; Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. Clerk Mervin Wilson. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. PAINTS UNDER HANDICAP Earl Bailly is a 49-year-old Canadian painter who has trium- phed over seemingly insurmount- able handicap, losing the full use of arms and legs at the age of two. Gripping the brush in his teeth, he paints the picturesque scenes of Lunenburg, Nova Sco- tia, with sure strokes and inspir- ing results. Reproductions by Earl Bailly, Currier and Ives Prints. Franz Johnston, Norman Rockwell, Manly Macdonald, Grandma Mos- es and many other leading artists may be purchased in Christmas card form at The Liberal. Cards are available, with or without name, in orders from 25 up, the personalized cards starting in price from/ 25 for $2.50. Christ- mas card books are now available for inspection at the office, 63 Yonge Street South. Res MARKHAM : Rev. R. A. Wigby, B.A., L. Th., has been appointed Rector of the Anglican Church here. Phone Sales Barn 357R12 Uxbridge as. Phone 405wR2 Uxbridge R. D. LITTLE 8c SON LTD. EM. 6-3166 LOST Place your order now for ea. 5y delivery SEE c2w21 1w21 Ford-Monarch RICHMOND HILL SAME DAY SERVICE Victor Drupér Oak Rid'ges Ontario TUNE UP! SAVE MONEY! ADD MILEAGE! Let our tune-up spe- cialists be your mile- age merchant. To every gallon of gas bill add extra miles and power. Your engine -will ‘eat’ less, run better, live longer- Our equipment is the latest. Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS Radio â€" Washer Repair Service 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION Agencies TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 TU. 4-3151 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 From 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month F. L. L'OWRIE R.0. OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. 5., ï¬rst door north of new Bank of Nova Scotln Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home Off. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre HU. 8-8949 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED A call to our office wifl bring a competent market evaluator to your property- A man trained to know what various types of real estate sell for- . How much is your proper- ty worth? The old guess system is obsolete. Our salesmen are all thor- oughly trained in measured appraisal methods. CALL AV- 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121 David McLean Ltd. Head Office, Thomhill Toronto’s Largest North Suburban Realtofl TU. 4-1116