Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Dec 1954, p. 7

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E1, cultural, practical and social ctivities. There should be some evening meetings to allow young mothers to attend. It is the president’s duty to see that a meeting is conducted snappily. Meetings must be interesting. Have each member submit an id- fil for the program, suggested rs. Armstrong. Most people Stay away from a meeting be- cause of a sense of boredom or the business is too long. The important person is the individ- ual member of the individual branch. Visitor at Kinghorn School Miss Barry, script editor for the CBC School Broadcasts vis- ited Kinghorn School on the morning of December 1, to ob- ;erve how the broadcasts are put lnto effect in rural schools. Miss Barry also wished to find out how appropriate the broadcast material is to rural school work. She told the children, what goes on behind the scenes of a broadcast. The actors and ac- tresses are at rehearsal at 8.15 mm. and rehearse until broad- E‘ast time. Sometimes men and Women assume the voice parts if children from the ages of 6 to 15. Scripts for a radio pro- gram are sometimes written two _In conclusion Mrs. Armstrong sald, “Righeousness, beauty, har- mony, order and peace are ex- _actly what groups are striving :or.” n. until 3.30 pm. to a small ga- :hering in King City United Church. Members of other or- ganizations were present along With members of King 131.1. In her talk, Mrs. Armstrong :overed the duties of each offic- er in an organization and Pro' gram planning. A meeting shquld gcludg in its program edncathn: .Mrs. Elton Armstrong, W. ‘1. Ice chairman of the Area gave 11 informative course on What flakes a Good Officer on Thurs- aY, December 2. from 10.30 a. HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK Anthes-Imperial and Pease Furnaces and Oil Burners The Rev. Gerald Gregson, M.A., Late Wing Commander & Senior Padre R.A.F. in Canada and Burma SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 AT 10 A.M. & 7 RM. MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY, 8 RM. King City Notes Senior Padre R.A.F. in Canada and Burma 540 Bayview Ava, Phone MOhawk 3587 INDUSTRIAL SITES I4ny reasonable ofiers from Bona-fide Industridlists Acceptable A PREACHING MISSION December 12-16 ALL SAINTS’, KING CITY King City, Lake Wilcox RICHMOMD HILL John A. Bailey Developments (Shop at rear of 45 Yonge St. North) Adjoining a 290 Homes N.H.A. Subdivision under construction RICHMOND HILL Phone TU. 4-2060 190 Lawrence Ave. R. C. BOSTOCK All Welcome AT The annual meeting of Laskay United Church 'W.M.S. was held on Wednesday. December 1, in the church. The president, Miss Winifred Boys presided. Rev. M. R, Jenkinson told the story of The Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke. Mrs. N. Bryson and Mrs. W Bryson rendered a piano duet. Miss Helen Hunter and Mrs. Marvin Hunter sang “Star of the East". Mrs. A .Glass and Rev. Jen- kinson were in charge of the el- ection. The officers for the coming year will be: President. Miss Winifred Boys: lst vice. Mrs. Marshall McMurchy; 2nd vice, Mrs. Marvin Hunter: sec- retary, Miss Marjorie Mchrchy; ass’t sec., Mrs. Jesse Bryson: W. M.S. treasurer, Mrs. Norman Bryson; ass’t, Mrs. Earl Scott; local treasurer. Mrs. Jas. Hun- ter; ass’t treas.. Mrs. William Bryson; pianist Mrs. JeSSe Rich- ards; ass’t Miss Helen Hunter. Convenors are: flowers, Mrs. L. Marwood; program, Mrs. A. Glass; quilt, Mrs. Scott Smeltzer; lunch, Mrs. A. McDonald; Baby Band, Mrs. Glen Dooks; supply secretary, Mrs. William Bryson; cards, Mrs. Leo. Glass. Church service in Teston Un- ited Church on Sunday. Dec. 5. was cancelled as the church could not be heated. A tempor- ary heating system will be set up for next Sunday. years in advance. They are now vorking on scripts for school )roadcasts next winter, stated Miss BarrY- _ ,. “Mb AL AVLLoO uuAA . Miss Evelyn Courtney. the teacher, gave the preparatory lessons for the school broad- cast of Scott and the Antarctic. As a follow-up work the pupils of Grade 5 and 6 made a real- istic standout cardboard scene of Scott and the Antarctic showing thc icebergs. mountains and wa- ter. The children of grades 1 to 3 listened to the broadcast of the ‘Policeman’ based on the Community-helper: series. Mr. J. 4.4 Cafiifib'éllf the ischool inspector was also present. W.M.S. The Liberal is always pleased to publish items 0! in. terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new; con-cg. pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCallum. telephone King 132M, and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. Mia Marilyn Hawman, telephone TU. 4-1912. Eversley W.A. The monthly meeting of Ever- sley Presbyterian Church W.A. was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Fred Curtis. on Tuesday. Nov. 30. The devotion- al period was taken by Mrs. Roy Bowen and Mrs. Curtis. Mrs. Charles Gordon rendered a solo “Christians Awake". Mrs. Ross Bovair gave a reading “Any Shepherds for Tea”. Mrs. 'I‘. L. Williams and Mrs. Art Bovair were delegated to take the gifts to York Manor. Mrs. Williams was the nomin- ations officer for the meeting. Elected to office were President, Mrs. Fred Curtis; lst vice, Mrs. Norman Wade; 2nd vice, Mrs. Howard Cairns; secretary. Miss Lily Anderson, ass’t sec. Mrs. Frank Armstrong, treasurer Mrs. Charles Gordon, sick convenor Mrs. Jim Ball, pianist Miss Jes- sie Gellatly, ass’t pianist Mrs. R. Styles, sewing committee con- venor Mrs. Howard Cairns, aud- itors Mrs. Howard Neill, Mrs. Ross Bovair. Approximately $245 was made at All Saints Anglican Church bazaar on Wednesday, December 1. Mrs. Alfred Gilham welcom- ed the people to the bazaar. Mrs. F. C. Ritchie, Aurora, former president of the W.A. of Church of the Redeemer. opened the ba- zaar. Mrs. Ritchie stated the pro- ceeds were for the general im- provement of the church. She mentioned the convenors of the various booths complimenting the WA. and GA. for their work for the bazaar. The Girls’ Aux- iliary had decorated the booths and the church hall in the fesâ€" tive colors. The girls made ap- proximately $20 at the candy booth. All Saints On Friday, Dec. 3, Miss Walker and her fiance, Rev. Jack Crouch attended the annual din- ner for the directors and staff of Camp Couchiching at St. Simon’s Anglican Church, Toronto. They were presented with a lace table- cloth. Social Notes Former G. A. members and the present G. A. members honored Miss Mary Jane Walker with 21 miscellaneous shower Tuesday, Nov 30. About 20 girls presented the leader of the Girls' Auxiliary with lovely gifts at the home of Mrs'. Harry Cunningham, King City. Miss Walker also receiv- ed a lovely aluminum tray from the present Girls‘ Auxiliary. Miss Shirley Rawlings has con- sented to become the new leader of the Girls’ Auxiliary. Miss Marjorie McMurchy re- turned Friday, December 3, from Cleveland, Ohio, where she had been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Larry Tankard, for nearly two weeks. Rev. Canon F. J. Nicholson, rector of St. Michael and All An- gels Church, Toronto. was the preacher at the evening service at All Saints Anglican Church. King City, on Sunday. Dec. 5. Canon Nicholson based his ser- mon on ‘Discipleshipi Mrs. Lorne Diceman is spend- ing a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. Robert Farren, King City. Mrs. Farren’s nephew George was visiting relatives and friends in Teston and King City last week. Mrs, Lorne Diceman and George Diceman are from York- ton, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of King City, returned by plane re- centy from England. They had spent a month visiting Mr. Scott’s relatives ino England. Over 20 members of All Saints W.A. attended the corporate communion Sunday. Dec. 5. Shower Toronto ELTON J. ARMSTRONG Elected by acclamation as the Reeve of King Township for 1955. The Oak Ridges Community Centre and a group of merchants from the district have arranged for Santa Claus to 'make a visit to the district. Santa will be at the Ridge Inn on December'18 from 11.30 to 1.30 to give a gift to all the children who come to visit him. The Oak Ridges Community Centre Committee recently re- ceived a cheque from the Whit- church Community Centre Board for $25. 7 n Mbthers of the Rangers met Monday night to plan a Christ- mas Party for the Rangers mem- bers. The Rangers visited Barrie last week when their Harmonica Band played. St. John’s Church There will be no morning Sun- day School for the Children of St. John's Church, Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jefferson) this Sat- urday, Dec. 12, but the whole Sunday School will attend the afternoon children’s service at All Saints Church, King, at 3 o'clock, when the Rev. Gerald Gregson, who is holding a five- day mission there will talk to the children and take the service. Mr. Gregson is very popular with young people and a happy ser- vice is anticipated. Langdon’s Bus will pick up the children and their friends 'and parents and take them to and from the service. The Bus will leave CFRB sideroad at Yonge Street at 2.20 pm. and proceed around Lake Wilcox by North Road and thence to King. Thomas Anderson Dies In 91st Year Mr. Thomas Anderson, in his 915t year, passed away at his home. third line King, on Tues- day, Nov. 30. Mr. Anderson, who was born in Yorkshire. England, worked as an engineer in King Tannery, Uxbridge Tannery and Newmarket Tannery, as a young man. He began farming 46 years ago. He was a member of the All Saints Anglican Church, King City. The December meeting of Oak Ridges Home and School Assoc- iation will be held. Monday, Dec- ember 13, when the topic will be Parent Education. Mrs. Peter Hughie, convenor of the Par- ent Education Committee will be in rcharge of the program. Special speaker will be Mrs. Olga Kayf, convenor of Parent Education for Y‘ork-Simcoe Council. who will conduct a panel and buzz session. The tea- cher who will address the meet- ing will be Mrs. Newton, who will speak on Parent, Child, Teacher understanding. Mr. Grylls will conduct carol sing- ing. Oak Ridges H &S Meets December 13 Mr. Anderson was the hus- band of the late Julia Ingledew. He is survived by his daughter, Lillie and Rose. (Mrs. A. Male) and sons Thomas and George. and granddaughter, Barbara Male. Rev. D. C. H. Michell of King City conducted the service. Mr. George Ingledew and Mr. George Davis, nephews of Mr. Anderson acted as pallbearers, with Mr. Len Shropshire. Mr. Fred Ball. Mr. Jack Whalley and Mr. Howard Neill. Interment was in King Cemetery. The “Liberal' requires a correspondent to cover the Lake Wilcox-Oak Ridges area. If you are interested in reporting the activities of your community plus the possibility of earning a little extra pin money you are likely the person whom we are looking for. If you are interested simpâ€" ply phone our office at TU. rner 4-1261 and have a chat with our Editor. Correspondent Required Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials Acclaimed 1 pick up - friends them to The Bus oad at Y up the Ids 'and to and Bus will ‘ Yonge proceed North The Rev. Gerald Gregson, M. A.. who will be holding a five- day preaching Mission at All Saints Church, King commen- cing Sunday next. December 12, was for some time Senior R.A.F,. Chaplain in Canada during the late war with the British Em- pire Air Training Scheme. with the rank of Wing Commander. Subsequently he was transferâ€" red to Burma as Senior Chap- lain. In these capacities he be- came one of the best-known Former R.A.F. Padre Holds Preaching Mission At King chaplains in the services Mr. Gregson is a graduate of Cambridge University and has held parishes in both Oxford and Cambridge, being particul- arly popular with undergradu- ates. He is now attached to Wycliffe College. University of Toronto as Missioner to the Church of England in Canada. He has travelled widely from King City firemen were called along with firemen from Schom- berg to Nobleton Saturday. Dec. 4, when a fire started in the building adjoining Nobleton General Store. The upper part of the building owned by Mr. Donald Kaake was used as a warehouse for electric wiring, lumber and tools. His daughter had her pet guinea pigs and rab- bits in the lower one. Fire At Nobleton Over $500 Damage The fire started in hay and straw near the animals, two of which were destroyed by the fire before Mr. Kaake, using a fire extinguisher, was able to put out the fire in the lower part. By that time the fire was out of control in the upper part of the building. Mr. Kaake estimated there was over $500 fire and water damage done to the building. No cause has been determined for the blaze and firemen report there were no oil stoves or hydro wir- ing near the straw which caught fire. About 20 volunteer fire- men were at the fire from King City. King City firemen were at the scene before Schomberg even though they had to take a detour to get to Nobleton. Prizes â€" Vouchers -â€" Share the Wealth â€" Door Prize Admission 35c g mussâ€"w ourm ......... s .39 a BAuERlNA ourm........s .39' o SPORIS OUTFIT..-V-.-.....$I.69 .1 RED moms "003.... “31.29! E RAIN oumr ............. use K “mum: OUTFIT ....... s ,69' STRATTON‘FG: co. TORONTO ONTARI o YOUR FAVOURITE um: cm WILl'HAVE STARS IN HER] EYES WHEN SHE TAKES HER JANIE FOR A WALK IN ONE] OF THESE WONDERFUL OUTFITSâ€"DON’T DELAYâ€"ORDERI YOURS NOW! I \ L- \V L/vw kw WWW G'FORMAL 00"". . o S .93 x \\\\ 4W§ Oak Ridges Community Centre PRE-CHRISTMAS W‘V&M® H-BAllERINA OUTFII' . S .89 ‘ f-HEIDI 0mm. . . . . SIM BRID'AI. OUTFIT. ........ SlEEPING OUTFIT. . . . . . DRESS-UP OUTFIT...” . SPORTS OUTFIT. N- m . RAIN OUTFIT . . . . . . . . . TUESDAY, DEC. 14, AT 8.30 P.M. JACKPOT SPECIAL POULTRY AND HAM m 35c Come One â€" Come All More Bingo Games in the New Year OAK RIDGES PUBLIC SCHOOL BINGO §\\§ ‘1 \\W // J IANIE'S She'll In W 3 .98 _§\\\‘\\\N /7>§ W® . xx 1% W 4/ flfl J ,/>:a E3?” g..- “"53.” ....$I.49 ....3 .1» mm.“ . . . 41.69 coast to coast, holding preaching Missions in many of the leading churche in the Dominion. and has thus become one of the best known and best loved ministers in the country, with a wide cir~ cle of friends amongst all den- ominations. In addition to Sunday servic- es at 10. 3 and 7 o‘clock and week night services from Mon- day to Thursday at 8 pm. at King. Mr. Gregson will preach at St. John's. Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jefferson) on Sunday. De- cember 12, at 11.15 am. N. GWILLIMBURY : Roy J. Pollock. a former reeve of N. Gwillimbury Township regained shat post at election: on Satur- ay. Clifford Wallwork is the only new member on the Whitchurch Township coun- cil this year. Reeve Ivan McLaughlin received an ac- clamation as did new deputy- Reeve Sid Legge who step- ped up from the 1954 Council. Councillor George Rich- ardson led the polls with 538, Clifford Wallwork 478 and Delos Graham 454. Other candidates were Frank Williams 403 and W. E. Card 292. Everyone likes to send his Christmas greetings on a card typical of himself, a card which personifies his own personality. This year, for the sportsman, The Lib- eral is carrying a great choice of Christmas cards depicting fishing and hunt- ing scenes, 25 personaliz- cards selling from $4.95. From fish flies and fishing rods to Mallard ducks in flight, the cards are of good quality and would be par- ticularly suitable ‘for any sportsman. A choice of 20 scenes is available. Greetings For The Sportsman HEIDI OUTFIT. . "o... FORMAI. OUTFIT. . . . BALLERINA OUTFIT. . RED RIDING HOOD. . FARMERET'TE OUTFIT. Whitchurch Elections ' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs” Dec. 9, 1954 .lANlE'S All EXCIIING, WONDERFUI. DOll IHAl‘ ACTUAHTWILKSQ She'll keep your favourite little girl enthralled for hours on» end._ Made like a big, expensive doll, Janie's arms, legs, head move . . . her eyes open and close . . . have real eyelashes. Her shining Saran hair can be washed, combed, curled. AND SHE'S MADE OF UNBREAKo ABLE PLASTIC for hours of sturdy play. Never before each value a! only $1.49! RICHMOND ACRES E NJI. A. RANCH BUNGALOWS Ontario’s most beautiful Subdivision completely architectural design. Sanitary Sewers, Paved Roads, Water, Transporta- tion â€"close to all schools and shopping «â€" forced air with oil, ceramic tile bathroom and kitchen. For courteous service come direct to our field ofiice, COUGHLIN, Broker RE. 1978 or MAPLE 31 R11. I do appreciate the support given to me by the voters of Markham Township in this year’s municipal election. Thanks also to all those who worked for me during my el- ection campaign. Richmond Hill [Bayview] Hurry! Order your Janie now and order any of her IO exquisite outfits. Perfect in each tiny detail, custom-made for Janie of hard- wearing materials with finished‘ seams. Special extras include miniature dress hangers, real lace and braid trim, stoles, purse, socks, shoes. Everything a well dressed doll could wish for. IO EXCITING CUSTOM MADE OUTFITS TO CHOOSE TO THE ELECTORS 0P MARKHAM TOWNSHIP BAYVIEW & CENTRE OR PHONE $1910 down NO RISKâ€"MONEY REFUNDED BY RETURN MAIL IF NOT DELIGHTED. MAIL THIS OOOPON TODAY! W. L. CLARK $1.69 E‘RAIN OUTFI‘I .. .. . 51-69

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