Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Dec 1954, p. 10

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Mdple 8: Surroundinq Districts White Gift Sunday was ob- served in all the churches of the Maple Charge of The United Church and large congregaions assembled at each appointment to share with the boys and girls. teachers and officers of the Sun- da, Schools, in a special order of service. Feature of the ser- vice was the bringing of Christ- mas gifts for the less fortunate people of the community, and those who are under the care of church institutions. Rev. A. G. Donald was in charge of the ser- vices, and he was assisted throughout the day by Miss Mar- ion Donald, who told the story, “Love Shared." Assist Minister At Hope Church, Marlene Lloyd, Cheila Orr, Verna Orr, Helen Thomas and Ethel Thom- as made fine contributions, as they read the scriptures, led in prayer and brought messages in scripture meditation or story. District Children Assist Minister At White Gift Services At Maple, M. J. Kinnee, Sup- erintendent of the Sunday School read the scripture, and Dorothy Robson, Margaret Wilt- shire and Bruce Payne were the minister‘s assistants. June Neu- feld sang a .310 “0 Master of the 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Dec.16, MADELEINE MILLINERY and ACCESSORIES 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5406 2 Bus Stops Below City Limits 7 V H Make This An Accordion Christmas In Your Home - - mm STOP 24 YONGE ST. Delivery Service BRANCH STUDIO FAIRWAY GARDENS LTD. HANDBAGS FOR XMAS Acconnron U.ACADEMY Richmond Hill â€"â€" 250 Styles To Choose From â€"â€" The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple 19J; Vellore, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Maple 1891131; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, Maple 110R3. $2.98 to $16.95 SPECIAL â€" SCARFS Ms OFF OPEN TILL 9.06 PM. UNTIL CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS TREES Includes Rent and Lesson Large Selection of Gloves and Jewellery mmmmsrmssms Weekly $2.00 SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE â€" BALSAM at PHONE TU. 4-1785 loving heart." _ At Edgeley. Dianne Fierheller, recited the verse. The Spirit of Christmas; Marjorie Young brought a scripture meditation, and Gordon Mitchell told the story, The Children‘s City. At all appointments special music was rendered by the church choirs. Baptisms At Maple, the following child- ren were received into the church through the rite of bap- tism: Gayle Irene Ingram, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ingram, Toronto; Sandra Lynn Linkister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Linkister of Map- le and Dennis Alfred Yake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake A. Yake of Maple . Christmas Service Christmas services will be held at all points on the Maple Charge next Sunday at the reg- ular hours and a special festival of Christmas praise will be held on Sunday night at 7 pm. to which all are invited. The an- nual Christmas concerts will be held at Maple Church on Wed- nesday, Dec. 22, and at Hope Church on Thurs, Dec. 24. ‘WM TU. 4-2861 118 HALL ST. ‘ Following the recital, Mrs. Peelar htanked all those who -had attended; and expressed her appreciaion to Miss Gould for her entertainment. last week‘ St. Stephen’s Sunday School, Maple, held a family Christmas party on Dec. 10. at the Parish Hall and this Sunday. Dec. 19, will take part in the White Gift Service at 11 am. at the church. Rev. D. C. H. Michell will preach. Give $100 To Comm u nity Centre, Maple District President, Mrs. E. Phillips and District Sec.-treas., Mrs. Hermanson, brought re- ports. Mrs. E. Harris, in givâ€" ing a ‘Current Events paper, read part of Miss Anna Lewis' letter to the Branches of Women's In- stitutes. Mrs. J. Leece offered to help at the Well Baby Clinic to be held in Maple' Community Cen- tre on January 6, from 1.30 to 4 pm. Members of Edgeley Woman’s Association, their families and friends, enjoyed a musical even- ing last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peelar. Mr. and Mrs. Peelar, accompanned on the violin by Miss Isobel Gould, gave an organ recital. Among the many religious and Christmas selections played were Living For Jesus, Ave Mar- ia, My Task, In A Monastery Garden, and The Spirit of Christmas, which was a medley of Christmas tunes. n'M'rglL. P. Arlett of London, 0nt., visited at the home of Mrs. I. Watson and Jackson Cook, During the regular meeting of Maple Women’s Institute. which was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Payne, on Wed- nesday, December 8, $100. was authorized to be sent to Maple Plans were made to send box- es to shut-ins and elderly friends for Christmas. The Christmas tree at the Payne home was decorated with gifts for the Home for the Aged at Newmarket, and which were brought to the meeting by each member in answer to the Roll Call. Open Home For Organ Recital Community Centre to help with the financing of its activities. Guest speaker at the meeting was Miss Marion Donald. Mrs. Avery, president of the W.A., voiced the feeling of those present in thanking the Peelars for their generosity in opening their home for the recital and for the entertainment'they pro- vided. - The entire proceeds of the ev- ening which amounted to $30. were given to the WA. LunEh was served by the lad- ies of the Association. ummmnumumuummummuummuuunmtmmummulummn mummmuummmunmnummnmmlmmmlmuumumm CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP Guest speaker at Maple Lions Club meeting, Decem- her 9, when the Lions en- tertained Maple Fire Brig- ade. was Frank Fogg, of King, who has been commis- sioned by the *Ontario Gov- ernment to compile an ill- ustrated booklet on the his- tory of the Province of On- tario. Mr. Fogg showed coloured slides to illustrate his talk on his travels in Ontario. 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION To Compile History Maple Socials Edgeley Farm Forum was di- vided in its opinion as to the need for a National Health In- surance Plan when the subject was the topic for discussion at the December meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Usher. Governments â€"â€" Dominion, Provincial and Municipal are ac- tive in the health field. Should there be a national insurance plan by which the needs of all citizens would be provided for through government action was the question for discussion, as well as, “What are the medical, hospital and other health ser- vices in your community? Are they satisfactory? If not, what are the main problems? And can voluntary programs be properly developed and expanded to meet these problems? Would these problems he met by a national insurance plan?” In this area there are the York Co-operative Medical Services and the York County Health Unit. The York Co-op Surgical plan is well under way. The forum felt that these services 'are reasonably satisfactory, but thought that the people in 'the lower income brackets \ do not use them to the best advantage. Mrs. Laver conducted business for the WA. and the following officers were elected: Past pres- ident, Mrs. L. Laver; president, Mrs. D. Jarrett, lst vice, Mrs. E. Hemphill; 2nd vice, Mrs. J. Leece, sec., Mrs. Laura Wilt- shire; treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Keffer; assistant Mrs. N. Rob- son; pianist, Mrs. M. Kinnee; press sec., Mrs. N. Wood. Recommend Educational Program Societies Hold Joint Meeting Rev. Donald presided at the election of officers for 1955, who are as follows: for' W.M.S. Mrs. Harry Jackson president, Mrs. G. Bailey lst vice-pres, Mrs. A. G .Donald, 2nd vice- president, Mrs. E. Hemphill sec., Mrs. Kinnee treas., Mrs. Lance Christian stewardship, and fin- ance, Mrs. H. Jennings, supply sec., Mrs. F. P. Rumble, assis- tant and Mrs. Ramsay temper- ance, Mrs. D. Jarrett, Corr. sec., Mrs. N. Woods press secretary. 8. Mrs. Jackson presided at the meeting. A candlelight ser- vice was led by Mrs. Jarrett, Mrs. Dyson and Mrs. Tilley, and Mrs. Kinnee was pianist. ' Edgeley Farm Forum Divided Re National Health Insurance The combined meeting of the W.M.S. and WA. of Maple Un- ited Church was held in the Sunday School room December Lorne Wells Speaks To Community'Club Lorne Wells was guest speaker at the December meeting of the Maple School where members of Hope Community Club were en- tertained for the evening. Mr. Wells was speaking on be- half of Maple‘s Recreation Cen- tre and explained in what way members could do their share for the operation of the Centre. He pointed out that Arts and Crafts, not yet taught at the Cen- tre, should be a part of the pro- gram. The First POSITIVE PROTECTION against OHRISTMAS TIIII TIRES Decorative too, apply it yourself in a few minutes ,simple easy instructions. Rush your order. Sorry no 0.0.0. or- ders. Send cheque, money order.. SPECIAL $1.98 VOLUME SHLES \, 3289 YONGE ST., TORONTO COME IN AND LOOK AROUND LAY-AWAY PLAN Dennis Snack Bar and Gift Shop STOP 22A RICHVALE Next to Richvale Post Office Every year there are Xmas Tree fires It will happen to someone - it could be You! 'sm: . 'r - Tm: IS YOUR LIFE 8. HOME' won'ru $1.98 22 Open Every Night Year Round and On Sundays Full line of Chriétmas Goods, Drug Sundries. ' Groceries A survey has shown that only one-quarter of all families with incomes under $1500. a year carry some type of health care insurance. The proportion was higher as income increased. It is the people with the greatest need who are carrying the least protection. The Forum members felt that the existing health programs are satisfactory as far as they go, but there are many expenses which they do not cover. They recommended that an education- al program be set up to better inform people of the services available. The forum groups were agreed that voluntary pro- grams can hardly be developed to reach the lower income fam- ilies. They were divided in their opinion as to whether these problems could be solved by a national health insurance plan. Mrs. James Martin was elect- ed president of St. Stephen’s Anglican W.A., Maple, at the December meeting held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Langille. Mrs. H. Bryan presided at the meeting. Vice-president is Mrs. George Miller, secretary Mrs. Clem Reeds, treasurer Mrs. Harry Taylor. literature secretary Mrs. Isaac Watson, educational sec- retary Mrs. John Martin and Mrs. Bruce Langille, Dorcas sec. Mrs. H .Hayes and convenor of bazaar Mrs. H. Bryan. « St. Stephen’s W.A. Elects Officers During the business meeting. plans were made to send Christ- mas parcels to shut-ins, and to Ernest Simon, an Indian boy at Shingwauk Residential School, Sault Ste Marie. He has been supported by St. Stephen‘s since entering the school four years ago. Appreciation was expressed by the president to members and friends, who worked and donated to the recent bazaar. Treasurer Mrs. Taylor report- ed receipts from the bazaar to- alletd. over $500. The Sunday School and congregation of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Maple, will hold their annuâ€" al Christmas Supper and en- tertainment, Saturday even- ing; December 18, in the Sunday School room of the church. Supper. will be ser- ved at 6 pm. It is hdped all will make a special effort to attend. George Diceman of Duf- ferin St., Concord, has been awarded the bronze medal of the Ontario Department of Highways for safe driving during 1954. This award is made annually at a truck rodeo held at the Ontario Department of Highways de- pot on Highway 401. 7 With the aWard went a Certificate of‘Merit and a cheque for $25.00. Annual Xmas Supper 'Awarded Bronze Medal A lucky draw was held for two Christmas cakes and a plum pudding donated by Mrs. Sal- mon and~the results were: 5 1b. Home made Xmas cake won by Mrs. Turner, King High Drive, Concord; 3 1b. Canada Bread Xmas cake won by Mrs. Helen Perry, Thornhill; Xmas Pudding won by Mrs. J. Watson, Concord. An evening of pleasant enter- tainmen: was enjoyed by those attending the Games Night spon- sored by Concord Home and School Association, Monday ev- ening, December 6. Presentations were made to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty on their 30th 'Wedding Anniversary, and to Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bagg, the longest married couple present â€"â€" 44 years; to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Poole, 31 years married; and to Mary Shankland and Warren Bailie, whose birthdays were closest to the date of the meeting. H The ladies of the Home and School Association would like to thank all who participated and contributed prizes. BOLTON : Property owners en- dorsed the installation of a $181,000 sewerage system. The vote was 229 in favour and 81 against. ‘ Lucky Draw Held For Plum Pudding AT A BIG SAVINE’ KENNETH I'll. DOYLE GENERAL INSURANCE package . 0’ for HUMEDWNERs lflSlll'aflCP On Display at H&S hMN-l fire and Extruded Coverage on your Hour fire and hauled (overogo‘ on your personal property lheh and Burflary insurance on your property ' liability Insurance Wm medical paymofls Grey Persian Lamb Richvale Av. 5-0067 Em. 6-9628 Business Men’s Xmas Draw Shopping Centre GRAND PRIZE WILLOWDALE-LANSING Now is the time to do a" your Christmas Shopping at the H.&S. Shopping Centre Ltd. where you getiiriendiy Personal Service 83 Westwood Lane 4901 YONGE ST. JV e carry a wide range of = *5? HANDBAGS , 7k INFANTS & CHILDREN’S WEAR fi LADIES’ LINGERIE AND SPORTSWEAR 'Lionel & Hornby Electric trains and accessories H&S SHOPPING CENTRE LTD. Dinky Toys and Meccano Sets Dolls and Dolls’ furniture and clothes IN OUR TOYLAND DEPARTMENT GIFTS FOR THE’ WHOLE'FAMILY $1000. Coat 71;, TOWELS AND LINENS fir GIFTS AND TOYS 1k MEN’S ACCESSORIES Come in and browse around OPEN 9 TO 9 RM, DAILY UNTIL XMAS éRichmond Theatre Grill Maple 10 Keele Street Open Wednesday and Friday evenings MAPLE COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCING every Friday night TO KEN GANAM and his Orchestra The very best'in round and square dancing Maple Beauty Salon LUCKY DRAW TO-NIGHT Admission $1.00 per person DEC. 16, at 8 RM. 21” Admiral TV Set Expert Hair Styling Operated by Joy Jensen WILLOWDALE M innibrix

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