r GRAVEL ,0 James J. \X Co. Ltd. K Clubine & Alexander Ken & Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS ulcensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture Real Estate Sales 8 specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one Millikan P.O., ph.,Agin. 52W3 Markham P.O., 9h. Markham _346 Plumblmr - Heating Maple 541'33 Painting, Paperhanging, etc. ‘Your home deserves 'P L A S T E R l N G CONTRACTORS Coarse gravel for new road or driveways. We have them on hand in on: Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office, phone How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? OAK RIDGES. ONTARIO Phone TU. 4-291] If no answer. call TU. 4-3300 Dealer for Feso Oil Burners Fairbanks - Morse pressure Systems Sheet W. J. Smith & Son Painting Raï¬Ã©Ã©fe too'lï¬g - too small: Arthur G. Broad, BUILDER Speculative or Custom Homes Bi}: "DING IRADES Paper Hanging Spray Painting A. Rollinson Phone I‘Umer 4-3191 218 Oak Ave.. Rlcnvale RICHVALE, ONTARIO 2] Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill Tl'mer 4-2062 By Appointment DECORATING 420 Elmwood Ave. Phone TU. 4-2587 CHIROPRACTIC or General Repairs TU. 4-2049 Richmond Hill Interior and Exterior DeFerrari & Muylaert Maple 541112 541-33 or AV. 5-2441 FREE ESTIMATES JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT The Liberal AU JTIONEER TUrner 4-1261 G. Chassie PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY the Best†Phone Call and “1 Work Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST 78 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill 'I'Urner 4-1511 New Work, Alterations. Repairs Free Estimates E Mil: ST ROUGH ING Sheet Metal Work For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anyWhere in North Yonge St. District .4518 Yonge St. I at St. Clements) Telephone ‘MAytair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett. Custom jobs a Spec- ialty WRIGHT AND TAYLOR TUmer 4-1701 Richmond mu Free Estimates FURNACES INSTALLED CLEANED & REPAIRED DON 8: WILI" S Leave Maple 7.15 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 a.m Leave Maple 3.30 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. Richvale Auto Body Body a; Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing If you haven't heard of oul re- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave.. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvale For appointment. ph. TU. 4-2811 Masonry & General Contractor Ambulance Service RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM H. DOCKMAN Plumbing and Heating FUNERAL DIRECIORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Anstey SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone- Funeral Directors GENERAL BUSINESS Dr. W. J. Mason RICHVALE P.O. TU. 4-2218 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 66 May Ave. Yongehurst P.O. TU. 4-2641 DENTIST 55A YONG! ST. SOUTH E. J. HANSEN Loam and Fill FREE ESTIMATES 23 GRANDVIEW AVE. AVenue 5-2090 TUrner 4-1311 1‘3. CHARITY ORDER - HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS SCHOOL DAYS: M. J. Walker Dentist Building. Yonge Street THORNHILL AVenue 5-2181 'I'Umer 4-1462 DENIAL Richmond Hill Public (Branch office of Kennedy & Ross) Office Hours 9a.m. to 5 p.m. Open evenings MacNeil Block Thornhill Phones AV. 5-2273 BA. 1-3724 EM- 6-6256 GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hafl. Accident and Sickness. Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1124 Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries i. Mathews. QC. K. Stiver, B.A‘ I. E. Lyons, B.A. Jos. Vale. QC 100 Main St.. Newmarket. Ont. Phone 12L 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone Wa. 2343-4 BRUCE M. MARTIN, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Toronto Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. J. Roy H errington Lite (Confederation Life Assoc- iatiou) Floyd E. Corner, QC- Barrister, Solicitor. and Notary Public Aurora. Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 7-5052 Residence. Aurora. PA. 7-5046 Toronto Office EM. 4-3652 Office 55A Yonge St. South Residence 19 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill TU. 4-1219 Ernie Brock & Son General Insurance R. D. M acN aughton Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire. Automobile, Plate Glass. Automobile Financing, etc. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 Fire. Automobile. Plate Glass. Liability. Burglary, Accident and Sickness Farm Inquiries Invited GENERAL BUSINESS Jack Walkington Lawn 8: Garden Equipment GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc. Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE 100 Highland Park Blvd. Box 789 Newtonbrook PHONE AV. 5-1666 LIFE AND CASUALTY K. J. Timney INSURANCE AGENCY SALES - SERVICE Complete . Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. 25 Grandview Ave. Roy V. Bick AVenue 5-1379 INSURANCE Mania 71114 (continued) Thomhill lEGAI. Richmond Hill EM. 3-0311 Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public 98 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon TUrnor 4-1551 Richmono Hill Toronto Ofl'ice â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 22 Centre St. E. Richmond $1111 By appointment TUrner 4-1422 Office hours 9 am. to 6 pm. also day 8: evenlng appointments 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1154 “HOMEWOOD HALL" Thornhil] AVenue 5-1667 85 Centre W Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh 85 Richmond Street West EM. 6-8929 Thursday morning, Richmond Hill 65 Yonge St. S. TUrner 4-1652 Thursday afternoon. Maple MAPLE Evenings: Monday to Thursday, 6 pm. - 8 pm. 01‘ by appointment. . I‘hornhill AVenue 5-1311 BALLET - l‘Al‘ Under the Instruction of LILLY AUSTEN Tap classes for boys now being formed. AVenue 5-1218 11 Arnold Avenue. Thornhlll“ Richmond Theatre Block 65 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084. I! annointment 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hm ‘ Omce TUrner 4-1271 Residence TUrner 4-1303 Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl' Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J.‘ Smith THORNHILL 1A Colborne AVenue 5-1477 J. wainowitch, BA. BY APPOINTMENT 41 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Office: TUmer 4-3121 Dr. Cameron Cowan The Thornhill School of Dancing Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public Ofï¬ce Hours: Dally 9 am. to Marguerite Boyle Plaxton & Deane Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. E. A. Crawford Estelle Koert A.L;C..\I. & A.V.C.M. TEACHER 0F PIANO CENTRE ST., THORNHILL AV. 5-1607 Barrister, Solicitor & Noun Public 55 Yonge St. South mmmona Hill, Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1863 Office Hours: 9.30-5 and by appointment Walsh and Walsh Office Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 pm. by appointment APLE PHONE a Obstetrician & Gynecologist Dr. R. J. Steele OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday Stuart P. Parker Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Deportment Dramatic An N drman A. Todd, BARRISTER. SOLICITOK NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Dr. J. P. Wilson 2 Morgan Ave., Stop 14A Evenings by Appointment Dr. R. S. Ideson Barrister, Solicitor, etc. T. C. Newman Richmond Hill Offic. TUnner 4-2071 Thornhill Office AVenue 5-1300 RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL MUSICAL MEDICAL (continued) LEGAL TUrner (-1543 TUmer 4-1432 -Richmond Hill Last week Mr. Ken Gray and Jimmy Gray of Kirkland Lake werewisiting in the neighbour- hood. Jim was en route, to Van- couver where he is studying at the University of BC. Telephone Phone 82 Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Tim Patterson were New Year's guests of‘Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boadway, Un- ionville. A guest of'Mr. Geo. Kelly last week-end was Miss Dorothy Smith of St. Thomas. We were sorry to learn that Mr. Hector Patterson is in Tor- onto Western Hospital where he was operated on just before Christmas. Mr. Mike McQuay and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones and Linda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay on New Near’s Day. Mr. Mike McQuay has sold the balance of his farm land retaining the house and a small acreage for his own use. and will spend part of the winter in Cal- ifornia visiting his sister, Rhea. Family parties were held at the homes of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelly and the Russell Boying- tons on the holidays. On Wed- nesday of last week George Kelly Jr. entertaind at a dinner party for a group of friends. REAL ESTATE Farms. Suburban Properties. etc Dr. W. Allan Ripley We were sorry to hear that Mrs. S. J. English suï¬ered a slight accident while travelling to Kirkland Lake for the holiday week. Mrs. Doris Tribbling entertain- ed at a family party on Christ- mas day. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Will- iamson of Port Huron. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lehman of Todmorden, Mr .and Mrs. Doug- las Pierce and Rickie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Johnson and Mr. By Mrs. F. H. Leaf 1954 in retrogpect was quite a year for our neighbours. There were births, deaths and marriages. The community was saddened by the passing of such old friends as Mr. A. Shenï¬eld, Mr. Joe Clayton and Mrs. James Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper welcomed ‘ their ï¬rst son-in-law, Ted Gough, and their ï¬rst grand- child, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hooper into the family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones had two weddings within six weeks, in their family when their son Bruce was married at Timmins, and their daughter Doreen be- came the bride of Mr. Gordon Vaughan last summer. Phone Liberal Ofliot TUrner 4-1261 Edythe Dressmaking Specializing in â€" Dressmak- ing, Ladies’ Tailoring, and alterations to Men’s and La- dies’ Clothing. Mr. and Mr's. Ken 'Stots were New Year‘s guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clarkson. Headford. Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Terry were with relatives at Waterford last week-nd. and ham Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller en- tertained a family group on Box- ing Day. 1954 Busy Year For Buttonville Residents There were many more ser- ious and near serious accidents to those around us than in pre- vious years, and several of our number suffered severe illness â€" to all of those we wish a happier New Year. Formerly of Gerrard Helntzman Work guaranteed, Free estimates Ladies' Lingerie & Child- ren’s Wear ' 53 Yonge St. N- Phone TU. 4-2671 Dr. J. T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON Keele St. Inâ€" this year of ’54 also, Miss PIANO TUNING VETERINARY SURG WE ALSO FEATURE and Repairing S. Hoï¬man Fire, Automobile, etc. TUruer 4-1671 REAL ESTATE VETERINARY R. H. Kane Richmond Hill INSURANCE CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Ph. Agincourt 335.12 E. Pringle of Mark- BUTTUNVILLE NEWS Centre Street Maple. Ont EON The world's ï¬rst electric cook- ing range was developed in Cana- da in 1893. Lynda Leaf, Marjorie Barber and escorts attended the High Holiday Hop at the Royal York Hotel during the holidays. October brought Hurricane Hazel, and devastation to many areas but here most of us es- caped with a ,good scare and some inconvenience. Possibly the greatest amount of damage was_ done at the service station. owned by Brigger and Moss and Jack Stephenson, at the corner of No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road. where water invaded their property. part of Stephenson‘s Mill also was flooded. But “it's an ill wind . . .55. and the roads and bridges Markham Township has had to repair in the wake of Hazel are being bolstered by sand and gravel from local pits. Gravel trucks are crowding each other on the highways. and the gash in the earth's surface made by the Markham Sand and Gravel now extends to within yards of Don Mills Road at the corner of John St. May 1955 hold greater oppor- tunity for happiness, growth and understanding for us all. On Monday night of last week Mrs. John Black entertained 34 CGIT and Explorer members at her home. It was an evening of song and games they will long remember. Previous to the party the girls had visited shut-in members of the community, tak- ing them gifts of fruit and flow- ers. On Christmas day the three Reid brothers, Norman. Wallace and Pat with their wives and embers of their families spent agi‘istmas together for the ï¬rst t e in 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Reid live in Saskatchew- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones of Timmins were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones, along with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vanghan, Mr. and Mrs. Bunker of Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bunker of Kin- sale. It was the ï¬rst time in over 40 years that the Bunker brothers had spent Christmas together. Mr. and Mrs. John Black were Christmas guests at Fergus; on New Year‘s Day they entertain- ed Mr .and Mrs. Brice Waugh and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crisp held a family party Christmas day. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crisp, Janet and David. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Rowlands were unable to attend â€" their new baby is still quite small. George Felgate returned to Queen’s University. Kingston, early this week, after spending the holidays at home. Mrs. Richard Pralet flew home for a visit to her native Jersey Island after an absence of 23 years. One week-end in the early autumn Hugh Masters, Roy Donaldson, Gordon BrumWell and Douglas Tribbling motored to Winnipeg and back, returning for work on Monday morning. New Officers Joe Easton, an RCMP recruit at Regina, was home for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hord were happy to have David with them over the Christmas holiday. We were sorry to hear that Al- ï¬e Shenï¬eld has been suffering from a fractured ankle. It will be in a cast for more ,than a month and during that time he will be unable to work. Frances Baker, who has grown up among us, and is now guiding the path of the younger genera- tion at Buttonville school, be- came the bride of Mr. James Powell on June 30 in Brown’s Corners church. Another bride was Miss Dorothy Wallen who was married to Mr. Eldon Jones. Vacations and Trips Florida vacations were popu- lar last winter and among those who enjoyed them were Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mill- er, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Steph- enson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Col- lard, Mrs Stanley Defoe. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkins and Bob. There have been a good many ï¬rsts for the community during the last 12 months. The new Markham Township offices (the ï¬rst building to be built espec- ially for this purpose) were oc- cupied early this year. at But- tonville, and in May an official opening was held, at which But- tonville W.I. members catered. School Growth For the ï¬rst time in Button- ville school history, a second tea- cher was hired, in the person of Miss Jean Howard. A sign of the times has been the general over- crowding in schools and the con- sequent shift system operating both in the public school here, and in Richmond Hill District High School. Late in November the ratepayers in this area voted in favour of a two-room addition to Buttonville school and before much longer the present situa- tion should be corrected. Discover Gas Last summer there was a slight flurry caused by the flare up of natural gas at Arnleigh Heights when crews were drilling for water, and for a time it seemed likely that the housing develop- ment there would have to be halted. This incident blighted the hopes of those who had money invested in the subdivis- ion. Markham Township inter- vened, insisting that each house must have its own water supply. Hurricane Hazel THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan- 6, 1955 New Work Plumbing & Heating Ontario’s most beautiful Subdivision completely architectural design. Sanitary Sewers, Paved Roads, Water, Transporta- tion â€"close to all schools and shopping â€"- forced air with oil, ceramic tile bathroom and kitchen. For courteous service come direct to our ï¬eld office, BAYVIEW & CENTRE 0R PHONE RICHMOND ACRES E NJLA. HOMES RANCH BUNGALOWS REAL ESTATE LIMITED 8 YONGE ST. S. PHON? MONDAY - JANUARY 10 HIGHLAND PARK ASSOCIATION "Sign of Service CARD PARTY COUGHLIN, Broker RE. 1978 or MAPLE 31 R11 0 VACANT LAND . FARMS . BUSINESSES . HOMES Richmond Hill [Bayview] HENDERSON AVE. SCHOOL ANDREWS 8 GR AY (Bridge and Court Whist) Prizes and Refreshments At 8.15 pm. Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 CANADA’S LARGEST REALTORS Offices Throughout Ontario Listing Now or Expert Appraisals For Anything Suburban â€" Call SELLING $1910 down Alterations BUYING Why shiver with the win- ter cold; when by simply di- aling TU. 4-1313 you can get immediate delivery of a load from Ramer’s. of WINTER WARMTH PHONE TU. 4-1131 Repairs