Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1955, p. 5

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" RICHMOND HILL . . Attention Mothers! Here is what you have been wait- ‘ing for. Someone to care for Junior while you shop, work, ¢or holiday, with a carefree mind. Twenty-four hour service. Reasonable hourly, daily, weekly or week-end rates. Nursery teacher in charge. For particulars, phone Mr. and Mrs. William Camp- bell and family, Powell Street. visited during the holiday with Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Carman of Robert Risebrough has return- ed to Ithaca, New York, where he is attending Cornell Univer- sity. He spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Risebrough. Ottawa V The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. H. E. Wellwood in the sudden passing last week of her sister, Mrs_. The Richmond Hill Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans held their monthly meeting on January 3 at the home of Mrs. Donald An- drews. 184 Richmond Street. W. Leatherdale of Brantford. Mrs. Leatherdale. with her hus- band. had been holidaying with Rev. and Mrs. Wellwood in Flor- ida, at the time of her death. During the business session, arrangements were made for the anniversary of the organization to be celebrated at the Febru- ary 7 meeting which will also be held at Mrs. Andrews’ home. “The eiéctibn’ of the 1955 of- ficers will also take place at the February megting. Follodring the ing refreshments Mrs. A. White White fileShgfleym. gakingqmedatlfimflesmhom,whenmew§ndcmz§nks flat under-side and it took «If like an airplane. R sailed through the air for 160 feet and landed with a crash. The wiverwssmiouslykautheisa‘fi-ve boday,avnoÂ¥dmen still working steam cars. It's amazing the dififerent phases automobiles have gone WandeveninfitelastfimlOymwehaveseenne-w trends pop up. One of the wonderful things about buying at a used car lot is the magnificent varie¢y of styles and power, from the near-new to the almost-ancient, that you can choose from. A wide variety sudh as we have on the be means betâ€" ter buys for you. This family sized cor wm give you many miles of pleasant motoring. The smart 2 tone finish and sleek sfyfing make it a ear you le be proud to drive ............................ . ........... $895. Theseareonlyafewoffivemenyeorswehave offer at 6167 Yonge St. [Bu-op in and look around 38 1953 FORD COACH lmmaculafely kept by original owher. Equipped with custom radio and heater ................ $1495.00 1952 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN ' The long 123” wheel base of fhis fine auto- mobile gives ‘rt riding qualifies normally found only in much higher priced cars. Radio and heater. ....-.... $1395.” forimeearofyooreboice. 1950 MERCURY COACH mfromfiosightdhsnnkybrofinmridbgsideby fidohigh-pmhoheuwifimmhamd HwMWmdmm,P.EmdF.0. “emu-homicide Mucho‘ihehned TheinvenfionoitbeIeH-mfocguoflrncmwu the most crippling blow to steam em. for the Stanley took as long as an hour lo warm up before you could slat . A Canadian “camera the Brooks, was made in Smlfor for several years whet the Shelley disappeared hem the market. H appyland Kiddie Centre TU. 4-3277 Mmfiémflkfidsfiwnmmdwhk LMoniyonemkgeneraflymmm, The Liberal la always glad to receive eaeial and personal items (or link me andaeallto 'l'Umer 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. M newspaper will also welcome new: report- about ohu'reh orguhflm ,women’s and men's m Iodine and oiher groups. While copy will be ao- eepted up to Wednesday 0! each week. it is desirable iodine it In earlier if poaaible to ensure it publi- ea on. were served by and Mrs. Bill business meet- Mr. and Mrs. A. Bridges and family spent New Year‘s Day at Fairfield Farm. Thornhill. with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lloyd. Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Walker and Miss Marion Dunlop of Toronto were New Year’s guests of the Misses Walker, Bridgeford Road. Mr. Albert Holt of Fort Will- iam was a guest last week with his uncle. Mr. L. W. Zuefelt and Mrs. Zuefelt. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Ross over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wren and Miss Betty Thompson of Toron- to, no: :r a: t J. E. Smith M.P.. Mrs. Smith and Miss Alverna Smith are in Ottawa for the opening of Par- liament on Friday. Mrs. R. Silcox, Yonge Street, has returned following a two weeks ‘holiday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fox. Mill Street were at home January 1. to 'a group of friends in honour of Mr. Fox, who celebrated his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fox will attend the inaugural meeting of Toronto City Council this Fri- day as guests of His Worship Mayor Nathan Phillips. The Richmond Hill District High School Board has received. with thanks, an anonymous don- ation of $25.00 to be used for the purchase of athletic equip- ment for the school. Richmond Hill Women’s In- stitute will meet on Thursday. January 13, at 1 pm. in the Presbyterian Sunday School room. It will take the form of a Pot Luck luncheon. Please bring your own plate, cup and cutlery. Mrs. Jacques will not be able to be present due to ill health but a program is being arranged. The executive of Richmond Hill Scout Mothers held its reg- ular meeting at the home of Mrs. B. Houle on Tuesday even- ing, The duties of the new ex- ecutive were outlined and com- ing programmes discussed. Lun- cheon xwas served by Mrs. S. Tinker and Mrs. A. Blackburn. Richmond Hill District High School Trustee re-appointed for a two-year term by Richmond Hill Municipal Council. Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2617 Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johns of Yongehurst Rd., spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Elgin Mills. The following day the Johns were very pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Lemon and sons from Toronto join them for the holiday. On Tuesday. Dec. 28, Mrs. Rown, Mrs. Switcher and children from Creemore. Ont., spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Johns. Mrs. M. Holmes of. Yongehurst Rd. enjoyed New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardner of Mill Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fryer and Grant spent New Year’s week- end visiting friends and relatives in St. Thomas, Ont. Mrs. M. Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Littleford, of Yonge- hurst Rd., underwent a major ope/ration in the East General Hospital on Friday, Dec. 31, and is doing as well as can be ex- pected. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wight of Mill Rd. celebrated their let wed- ding anniversary on Sunday, January 2, while visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shilling, formerly of Willowdale, now of Roches Point. They 'celebrated the New Year holiday with the Shillings. / The first propeller-turbine Vickers Viscount to operate in North America is seen from the top of a hangar at Montreal Airport, Dorval, moments after it arrived from England. Also shown is a section of the crowd of more Child Health Conferences have been located as strate- gically as possible through- out the township according to the number of babies in a given district and the avail: ability of a suitable building. Mothers are invited to bring their babies and pre-school children each month to dis- cuss diet, habit training, gen- eral health matters & weigh- ing the baby. Please note the following changes which have recently been made in an effort to improve this ser- Vice. The Newtonbrook Confer- ence which is held on the lst Wednesday of each month has been moved to the Bap- tist Church on Madawaska Ave. The Conference in the Wilson Heights district is now being held in Church A new Conference is also being planned for the Bath- urst-Lawrence area. Please Watch for future announce- ment. All other conferences will be held as formerly. If you wish to obtain informa- tion regarding the Child Health Conference in your district please call the Pub 11c Health Centre BA. 1- 3401. of the Apostles. Sheppard Ave., on the 3rd Friday of each month. A new Don Mills Conference is being épened in Norman Ingram School and will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. CARL E. HILL M.D. M.O.H‘ NORTH RICHVALE DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Child Health Conferences HARRY W. R. SAYERS I should like to express my sincere thanks to my friends, who sent me letters, cards, fruit. plants and flowers during my stay in hospital, CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Towns- end and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy in the loss of Mr. prnsend's mother, Mrs. Eliza- beth Townsend of Highway No. 7 east, Langstaff. c1w28 CARD 0F THANKS FINDLAY: We wish to express our sincere gratitude for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our friends, relatives and neighbors during our recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father (Saunders Findlay). We especially wish to thank Dr. W. R. Wesley, Rev. C. H. Chambers. Rev. Dr E. E. Kent and the members of Patterson Lodge. Mrs. Saunders Findlay and family In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to 4all our relatives and many kind and thoughtful friends and neighbors for their acts of kind- ness. We especially thank the Rev. A. A. Chote, Doctor A. Smith, The Foresters and AF. & A.M. in the recent bereave- ment in the loss of our beloved wife and mother. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Frank Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moran and Mr. and Mrs T. Horsepool. c1w28 The School Committee of the Marian Guild of St. Mary’s Ro- man Catholic 'Church and Mrs. A. Deciantis, convener, wish to thank the following merchants for donations to the Draw for the Decorated Christmas Tree. ' Armstrong Jewellers Brillinger Automotive Bob’s Smoke Shop Bettles Coffee Shop B & Y Taxi Clarke’s Pharmacy Charlton Hardware Canadian Tire Corporation Don Thurston Men’s & Boys' CARD 0F THANKS For your fuel needs ANTHRACITE Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 We also carryetile’ brick, lime, cement Wear Edythe’s Dressmaking Fabric Fair Fisher 5c to $1.00 Stores Gunnar’s Tailoring Co. Glass Meat Market Hollies Ladies’ Wear Hillcrest Marketeria Hillcrest Beauty Salon Helen's Groceteria JeanMarie Fashions Jack’s Honi-Dipt Do-nuts Joe’s Shoe Repair Lagerquist Studio Liberal Printing Co. Mansbridge Jewellers Morley’s H. W. Mortson Minerva Beauty Shoppe Mary’s Novelty Shoppe Wm. .Neal Paris Auto Supply Perkins Farm & Home Equip- ment Richmond Hill Dairy Ralph’s Hardware Richmond Hill Hardware Rice’s Flowers Richmond Theatre Reaman’s Variety Store Robt. Simpson (Toronto) Ltd Sunoco Garage Savage’s Ladies’ Wear Simpson Dry Goods Town Inn T. Eaton Co. Ltd. - Wight’s Pharmacy Wimbridge Cleaners s;sz Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS Mrs. Neil Malloy *1w28 than 200 persons who came out to wit- ness the arrival. President G. R. Mc- Gregor of TCA chats before the micro- phone with George Edwards (on his left), the designer of the aircraft and Managing Director of Vickersâ€"Arm- strongs Ltd., Aircraft Division. MAIDEN -â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maiden (nee Nora Jeanette Jackson). a daughter, 7 lbs. 9 02., at Humber Mem- orial Hospital, Weston, Tuesday, January 4, 1955. A first grand- child of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jackson Maple. c1w28 LEVISON, Joseph -â€" At his home, Temperqnceville, sud- denly on Thursday, December 30, 1954. Joseph Levison. be- loved father of Joe and Stella, both of Temperanceville, both of -fi51caowBOWLING - grandfather of Susanne, Ted- dy, David, Judith and Wayne. Funeral services were held from Thompson’s Funeral Parlours on Saturday, Janu- ary 1, 1955, with interment in Aurora Cemetery. c1w28 Mr. and Mrs. E. Garner anâ€" nounce the engagement \of their daughter Betty to Andrew Brooks son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Brooks, Campbellford, Ont. c1w28 ALLEN â€" A tribute to the mem- ory of my beloved husband, Frederick James, who passed away at St. Michael’s Hospital, January 4, 1937, from injuries received New Year's Eve 1936. His life a beautiful memory. His death a silent grief. â€"â€" Never forgetting. c1w28 The funeral of the late Mrs. E. A. Bonnick, a former well known resident of Oak Ridges was held from the Thompson Funeral Parlors, Aurora, last Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. Bonnick passed away at her home, 372 Manley St., Midland, on Tues- day, December 28‘, after an ill- ness of more than two years. iefivtrk’xewgreaAt pati'ence 5nd faith of the deceased during a long and trying illness. The Bonnicks were well known residents of the Temperanceville and Oak Ridges district for many years, previous to Mr. Bonnick’s death in 1943. Mrs. Bonnick then moved to Newmarket and in recent years has lived in Mid- land. The funera service was con- ducted by Rev. W. R. Auld,-Min- ister of the United Church, Mid- land, who paid glowing tri_b1_1te Mrs. Bonnick is survived by one daughter Merle, her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Ed- mands of Winnipeg, three sisters and two brothers. Her aged par- ents look forward to celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary in six months time. Her mother made the trip from Winnipeg to attend the funeral. Interment took place in Aur- ora cemetery. LATE MRS. E. A. BONNICK In filemuriam «Engagement Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING IF YOU NEED IT WE CAN BUILD IT 216 Essex Ave. ESTABLISHED OVER " 50 YEARS ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE @hituarg) J- A- \X/ILLOUGHBY TURNEB’S WELDING SERVICE Gov. Certified Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erection & Repairs to Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breechings, em. HEAD OFFICE: 46 Eglinton Ave. E. lissie RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1955 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am Nursery Dept. 11 mm Morning Worship . . . . . . 11 mm RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 8.1).. Minister SUNDAY. JANUARY 9. 1955 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service Preacher â€" Miss D. Sharman 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Preacher â€" The Minister Fireside Hour paths” SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1955 1st After Epiphany 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Mr. Paul Morley Junior Congregation 2 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Mr. Fred Jackson V A NEW YEAR THOUGHT Ye fearful saints. fresh courage take The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Rugqu Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML 9 5m. Sunday 3 pm. â€" Sunday School THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL - (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. B. TIL. ‘In all thy ways acknowledge Hlm andJHe shall direct thy TRINITY ANGLICAN CHOIC- Thornhlll B". S. A. R. Wood. B.A.. Rector SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1955 11 am. -â€" Holy Communion 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer 10 am. -â€" Communion 11 am. â€" Communion and Reception of members 7.30 pm. â€" Sunday Evening Fireside Sunday School 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Seniors 11 am. Nursery, Beginner, Prim- ary and Junior THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers. B.A., B.D., Minister 11 am. â€" (1) The World Mission of the Church Fri., 7 pm. â€" Happy Hour (Girls 8: Boys 6-11) Sat. 7.30 pm. -â€"- The Young Life Club THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street, Stop 17 Minister, Rev. Percy C. Buck, B.A., 8.11:. 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11 am. The Thornhill Baptist congrega- tion invites its friends to hear Rev. H. U. Trinier, Editor of “The Canadian Baptist." Anniv- ersary speaker, Mr. John Russell, Kingsway Baptist Church, Anniv- ersary soloist. (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 Church Service ........ 11 an; Sunday School 10 em: .Sunday, 11 mm. â€"- Bible School classes for all ages 1 pm. -â€" Gospel Service Wed.. 8 p.31 -â€" Prayer Meeting Thur» 27pm. â€" quen's mn- mm. - MI om This mission Sunday School meets every Sunday .morning in the Charles Howitt School. All the children of the Richvale- Langstafi area are most welcome to attend. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 ' niénu'y meeting Tuesday, 8 pm. â€" Young Poop- le’s Meeting MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C., Minisrter SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1955 Hope 10.30 am. Church Service 11.30 am. ...... Sunday School Maple 10.15 am. Sunday School 11.30 am. .... Church Service Edgeley 1.30 pm. ...... Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Church Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1955 The Answer to Man’s Cry For ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH If. WABAB m0. LANGS‘I'AF! BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. A. B. Jones lst After Epiphany 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN IF YOU BREAK IT WE CAN WELD IT TUmer 4-1591 AND SONS CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. “D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1955 2.30 pm. â€" Divine Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening _ at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Psalm 122: 1: I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan- 6, 1955 5 SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1955 9.45 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 mm. â€" Sunday School and Adult Class Speaker: Mr. R. Warren from England 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Speaker: Mr. Forbes Morgan Tues., 8 pm. â€" Bible Study Wlldwood Ave, Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY. JANUARY 9, 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 2.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. -â€" Evangelistic Service Miss Evelyn Streight. mission- ary from Haiti, will speak John McDonald, Gospel Singer. singing at all services Tuesday. January 11, 8 p.m.: Leslle Harwood. Missionary un- der E.U.S.A. to speak and show colored slides on South America Ono Block last at In. On Mun-kn An. 30-. 1. Pub! l'. Vluhn. I. II. SUNDAY. JANUARY 9. 1955 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship “A Man Jesus Trusted” â€" sec- 0nd in a series from John 6 pm. â€"â€" Young Peoples Conducted by Young People for young peoble 7 pm. -â€" Evangelistic Service “Bring, Your _ Neighbopr‘ Night” Wednesday, 8 pm. A Bible Teaching and Preaching Church â€"Music by tfie choir Sermon “The Hands of Christ" Prayer, Praise and Fellowship: STUART PAXTON WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Electrician , WIRING LINE WORK It is true that we wish to be worthy of your patron- age, friendship and even praise. (WSW nun-0mm! m it rains was in THE SAHARA DESERV Phone TUrner 4-1016 Yonge St., Elgin Mills RICHVALE CHAPEL For Service at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY LET US SUPPLY 01k Avail. TU. 4--2063 Hull’ s Service Station COLEMAN HEATING EQUIPMENT Complete Oil Burner Service YOUR HEATING REQUIREMENTS With Furnace and Space Heater Oils TELEPHONE TUR 'JER-4-16‘22 (Opposite the Orange Home) TRUE Tflfll’ SPECIALS Strawberry Jam 3:.“ 45c LIBBY'S Ck’d Spaghetti 2 ?J‘ 37c AYLMER AYLMER CHOICE Peaches AYLMER CHOICE Corn MAPLE LEAF Weiners HABITANT Pea Soup PRE-COOKED Minute Rice CANADA PACKERS Tulip Margarine ’ 3::- 27¢ FANCY GRADE McIntoshApples 23:: 75c Oranges CALIFORNIA NAVEL SUNKIST N0. 1 GRADE Cooking Onions 4 m 23c Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 220’s 2 it: 35c 1 lb. Cello Pkg. 28 oz. Tins Pku. 39c m CREAM STYLE 23c 35c TU. 4-2061 31c 33c

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