Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1955, p. 7

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Jluln v" _ -__._‘, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gordon and son Donald motored to Clearwat- .er. Florida on Saturday to re- main until the end of March. Miss Marie Ball left Thursday night to return to New York City where she is taking a course at Columbia University. ' King City Cancer meeting will be held Jan. 12 at the home of Mrs. T. L. Williams at 8 pm. St. Andrews ‘ Mr. D. Dellow, teacher at New Scotland spent his Christmas holâ€" idays at home in Clinton. This ,was his first visit home since he sta’ ted to teach at New Scotland in ctober. United Church Social Notes Fourteen friends and neighâ€" bours gathered Wednesday night Dec. 29 to charivari Mr. and Mrs. Don Hadwen of Kingsview subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Hadâ€" wen were married in mid-Octo- ber . There will be a presentation dance for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monkman King City in Laskay Hall_on Friday January 7. ‘ The annual congregational meeting Of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Strange. will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Black on Jan. 19. - Banquet At the W.I. euchre held in the Lnskay Hall on Dec. 23 winners were, Mrs. Clyde Cairns. Mrs. Geo. Forester, Mrs. R. Murdoch. Chas. Hately, Clyde Cairns and Les Glassl The travelling priz- es were won by Mrs. Walter Monkman and Herb Ross. The draw on the "Road to California" quilt made by institute members was won by Mrs. Harold Millard About 60 bus drivers and their wives attended the annual Lang- don bus lines banquet at the Ridge Inn Dec. 29. After a delic- ious turkey dinner cards were played. All Saints Communion services will he held in the United charge of King City. Laskay and Teston churches on Sunday. Jan. 9. The Mission Band of King City Un- ited will be held on Jan. 20. W. I. Euchre The Christmas Party of All Saints Anglican Church, King City, was held on Thursday ev- ening. Dec. 30. Approximately 50 attended the party. Mr. D. De- witt showed films to the gather- ing. Santa Claus made a be- lated visit to present gifts to the children. to Markham Township Residents re Debris Deposited in Stream Beds by Hurricane Hazel build your home quickly! No need to use costly. time-consuming building mlterials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE hLOCKS â€" too. you’ll find its lower maintenance returns sub- stantial savings through the years. STANDARD SIZE UNITS Gormley, Ont. It has been brought to our attention that the recent Hurricane has resulted in miscellan- eous debris being piled on private property at different places along our rivers and streams. Such debris could aggravate a flood situation during the run-off next spring and cause further property damage by blocking the normal flow and lodging at bridges. etc. ' You are thei'efore reuested to inspect your property and clear away such debris well above high water mark. If you feel that the problem is too big to handle by yourself please contact us. GORMLEY BLOCK CO. King City Notes King City, Lake Wilcox Oak Ridges The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of in- terest. regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres. pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald )lcCallum. telephone King 132M. and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Erlc Parker, telephone 'l‘l'. 4-2417. NOTICE J. A. HOWARD. B.A.Sc-. P. Eng.. Engineer and Road Superintendent, R. R. 2, Gormley, Ontario. . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE MEETS ILL A. 81". SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED Janet Buddin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buddin broke a bone in her ankle while 'tobog- ganing before Christmas. Janet is using a walking cast to get around now. of Laskay. Other winners Were Mrs. M. H. Bell. lace tablecloth. Mrs. Scott Smeltzer, bath towel set, Mrs. Lawrie Boys, lemon juicer. Mr .and Mrs. Adam Davidson and daughters Rosemary and Heather were in Bufl‘alo for New Year's. They were visiting Mr. Davidson's aunt. Mrs. Geo. Rose. Visiting Mr .and Mrs. Steve Ascott. 7th line, King, is Mrs. Arthur Millard from London. England. Mrs. Millard is a sis- ter of Mrs. Ascott. She hopes to stay in Canada until spring. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Abrahams and family spent New Year's at the home of Mrs. Abraham’s par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eagle of Weston. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ross and Mrs. Robert Port spent Saturday at Cookstown visiting their sis- ter, Mrs James McCallum. Mrs. McCallum is spending the winâ€" ter with her daughter, Mrs. Wib. McCallum, Cookstown. Mrs. Robert Farren spent New Year‘s Day with her sister-in-Iaw Mrs. John Stearne at Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Summer- feldt left Tuesday, Dec. 28, to spend a month at N§s§au. I Miss Ann Jarvis of Ottawa was a guest of Miss Suzanne Grew, King City, during the holridéi’ys. Mr .and Mrs. 'Morgan Baker entertained their son. Mr. Allen Baker and his family from Mont- real OVer the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLennan were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulholland. of Downsview on New Year’s Day. Road/Commissioner Bob Mc- Leod has had sand and calcium chloride placed near the hills in Heritage Park and Kingsview subdivision. The sand is for the use of residents when the hills are icy. As these roads are not yet under village supervision, this is the only measure which can be taken at present. There wUl be a meeting of King City village trustees on January 12. Mrs. William Hall of Youngs- town. Ohio. who is a frequent visitor to King City has rec0ver- cd from her recent illness. Mrs. Hall is the mother of Mrs. J. Keens., Mr. Len Robb was brought home from the hospital in Toron- to Dec 31. and is convalescing at home. Sand For Roads Phone Stoufiville 381W! Jim Ball. who took Len Shrop- shire‘s place as a trustee of Ev- ersley school. was elected to his first year as trustee at the annual meeting on Wednesday night. Dec. 29. Stan Roots and H. Mc- Connell are the other two trus- tees on the schol board. Gerry Walker is secretary-treasurer of Eversley school. Kinghom Richard Pring was reinstated for another three year term at the annual meeting of Kinghorn school last week. Lorne Scott and Ray Love are the other trustees on the school board. Wib. Burns is the secretary-treasurer of the board. A report was given on the work done on the floor of the school last year. Scotland King Township Rural Schools Elect Trustees Hugh Sheardown is beginning his 20th year as trustee of Scot- land school. Frank Douglas be- gins his fifth year as trustee. Jas. Morgan is the third trustee. There are 26 children enrolled at New Scotland. An oil space heater was installed last year. Ken Douglas is the caretaker. Strange Charles Hately was elected trustee of Strange school on Wednesday. Dec. 29. Mr. Hately takes the place of Geo. Forrester, who retired from office this year. Alfred Gilham begins his third year as trustee while Fergus Lawson begins his second year. About 24 people attended the annual general meeting of King City school on Wednesday, Dec. 29. Mr. James Keens was chair- man of the meeting. Mr. Law- rence Scott, chairman of the board for last year gave a re- port on the year‘s work. Mention was made of in work on the adâ€" dition to the so 001 and the pur- chase of land from Dr. John Bar- rie for the purpose of extending the playground. Mr. Lawrence Scott was re-elected to another three year term as trustee on the school board of S. S. No. 2 King. Mr. John Whalley is now serving his third year as school trustee while Mr. A. J. Gordon is serv- ing his second year. Mr. R. Burt is secretary-treasurer of S. S. 2 King. Richard G. Bull Re-Elected School Trustee Oak Ridges Lawrence Scott Re- Elected Trustee King City School In Oak Ridges Public School on Dec. 29 the ratepayers of Un- ion School Section' No. 1 King and Whitchurch held their an- nual meeting. After the audi- tor‘s report was presented and the miscellaneous business trans- acted, the election of trustees to the school took place. NEWMARKET :‘Edward Adams. 3 business man here for 45 years passed away recently. . During the meeting it was stated that although ' the past year had been a heavy respon- sibility owing to the building of the new wing, the trustees' task had been lightened considerably by the constant co-operation of the staff and the Home and School Association. Trustees of the police village of King City are interested in obtaining a village secretary and waterworks treasurer. This work entails keeping minutes. writing correspondence and all book- keeping for the waterworks sys- tem. There is an annual sal- an. Richard J. Bull was re-elected by acclamation. Trustees Jack Blyth and Robert qulley are in- cumbent members of the board. .Written applications will be received by the undersigned. W. HOOD. Secretary. Box 111 King City TUrner 4-2612 MARIO CATENAIO CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workmanship at Reasonable Prices POLICE VILLAGE 0!" KING CITY NOTICE 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND HILL Christmas Party In St. John Church hall, Rev. D. C. H. Michell and Capt. R. Prendergast and Sunday School teachers held a Christmas party for the children on Dec. 29. In spite of the driving sleet and snow, children and parents ar- rived prepared for a good time. Santa Claus was there and Mrs. L. Harnden presented the pag- eant from the Christmas Story_. Refreshments were provided and everyone agreed it was a very successful party. Church Bus Rev. D. C. H“ Michell would like more Oak Ridges people to take advantage of the free bus transportation to St. John’s Church for the Sunday. services. There is a Bible class for the younger people at the same time as the church service. Rev. Mich- ell in the. near future will or- ganize a confirmation closs. The bus starts from the CFRB sideroad at 10.55, down Yonge St., to North Rd at Wilcox Lake, circling the lake to Yonge St. again at the Log Cabin, thence to the church. Anywhere along the route, the bus may be flagâ€" ged for a lift. and will wait at the church to carry the church- goers home. On Wednesday, Dec. 29, Mrs. Leohard H. Ellins, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Oak Ridges, moved with his wife Norma and daughter to Rich- mond Hill. to take up residence on Lucas St. His daughter who has been attending the Eastern School of Commerce. now at- tends Richmond Hill District High School. Mr. Ellins son Rob- ert, employed by Frigidaire, re- mains in the city. joining the family on week-ends. St. John's Church W.A. will hold its annual meeting Janu- ary 19, at the home of Frank Legge( as guests of his sister, Mrs. Maud Capell at 2.30 pm. The year's general report will be presented at the meeting. Miss Kathleen Gunn and Mr. od Woollam attended a ball at he Royal York Hotel, Toronto. on Dec. 27. They joined several friends from Aurora and Rich- mond Hill. A skating party has been plan- ned by Mrs. M. B. Beynon at the Beynon Farm, South Temper- anceville on Saturday morning for St. John‘s Bible Class. Re- freshments will be served to the' young skaters. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rule met at the home of their daughter. Mrs. D. Barra- clough. Maple Grove, to welcome the New Year. Birthdays The exchange of gifts does not stop at Christmas in Mr. and Mrs. R. Woolley’s home for there are three birthdays during the holiday season. Mr. B. Wool- ley celebrates his on Dec. 24, and the young folks held a party in his honor at the home of Mrs. W. Greary. On Dec. 29. Master Kenneth Woolley cele- brated his 10th birthday with a party and cake and Dec. 30 Mrs. Lena Woolley celebrated hers with a small dinner party at home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Porter of Bond Ave., Oak Ridges, were one of the many couples who en- tertained at home on New Year‘s Eve. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutchin‘son. their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. G .Basten, Mr. and Mrs. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith held op- en house on New Years’ Eve. Fred Terry, a former resident of the area, now of Owen Sound, attended the funeral of Mrs..E. A. Bonnick at Aurora on Satur- day. Rent an Accordion MUNDINGER Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 ACCORDION ACADEMY $2.00 per week includes Rent and Lesson Phone TU. 4-1785 Studio: 118 Hall Street ' Richmond Hill Sanitary Contractor Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials C. STUNDEN ‘ Admiring TCA’s first prop‘eller-turbine Vickers Vis- count and the first airliner of its type to "see service in North America are TCA stewardesses Madeleine Boucher and Lou George. Captain G. R. Bryce, chief test pilot for Vickersâ€"Armstrongs Ltd., who flew the Viscount to Canada explains some of its features to the girls. gELECTRVIC WIRINGWEE ‘ AVenue 5-2211 Smith Crescent Q LOAM O CRUSHED STONE Q FILL Q SAND & GRAVEL ‘ FLAGSTON E Q LIGHT GRADING Q DISCING Q GARDEN PLOWING o I... D s M o B I lâ€" E Bill Drinkwater Motors L. W. REID Oldsmobile never stands pat .’ And once you meet this dazzling new model face to face. you’ll know that it’s truer than ever this year! For Olds is new from front to rear, roof ‘to road. inside and out ! Oldsmobile is new with all the newest, new ideas on King City look at all the in the all-around-ngwflglflgmoblles! Thornhill POO-AHEAD" lOOK .“ELYINO COLOR" STYLINO .“ROCKE'I’” 202 ENGINE . ULTRA-NEW INTERIORS . SWEEP-CUT FENDERS . HOODED NEAOLIGNTS , TUBELESS 'I’IRES ‘ PANORAMIC WINDSHIELD ‘ POWER FEATURES‘ .Opflonal 90 um: to». wheels! Power. color. styling. comfortâ€" you'll find Oldsmobile gives you far more of all four! Be sure to see and drive one of our flashing new 19.33 "Roche!" Engine cars! You’ll soon see “by Oldsmobile is way ahead . . . to stay ahead! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thurs., Jan- 6, 1955 T Get a_H the Facts about f“ \ Blatchford’s 3 Cost-Cutting CALF FEEDING PROGRAMMES PhOne King so HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK Make your choice-â€" and step-up your Profits! There's a programme for you tooâ€"to suit your own conditions! Blotchford's ofiers you ihree ways to cut costs, sove labour‘ and build thrifty calves for top profits. You owe it to yourself to get all the facts about has. three lowâ€"cast colf feeding programmes. Writeâ€"or see your dealer oboutâ€" ~ Programme 1: With New CAlF-PAB CALF-PAB is a milk type feed for y'oung calves. ll com- pletely and safely replaces milk from 4th dayâ€"and for 30 days! Supplement wilh Calf Pellels. 25 lbs. of Calf-Pub saves 250 lbs. of Milk. Then feed CALFADINE (Calf The world:fomous calf feeding programme for economy and top results. It's a money-maker . . . followed by CALFADINE (Calf Grower) for continued economical growth. Grower) plus Hay. Programme 2'5 With CALF PELLETS - using surplus milk Programme 3: With CALF MEAL-the Gruel Method Another way loiuse surplus skim milk and still build quality calves for lop meal or milk production. Followed by CALFADINE (Calf Grower) or CALF PELLETS plus Hay. For REAL Economy - REAL Convenience - REAL Proflhl Anthes-Imperial and Pease Furnaces and Oil Burners Buttonville Peed Mill I. B. 2, sonar.“ (Shop at rear of 45 Yonge St. North) RICHMOND HILL 190 Lawrence Ave. Phone TU. 4-2060 R. C. BOSTOCK Choose the Programme that wits Your Condiflom. Wrih for full information 0”

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