eThe Sports Clinic DRILLS FOR ALL ’ROUND HOCKEY SKILL Many coaches write to us asking for advice on how to solve the lack of time problem as far as practice meth- ods are concerned. Because of weather changes in many parts of the country â€"- which result in crowded and inadequate facilities, city or town league team have very little time to practice. Most teams are lucky to have one regular practice per week. Thus, it is difficult to work out a system of practice that will really pay off. The problem is to ï¬gure out a way to decide just how practice time can be used to bring the best possible re- sults. We have found a drill called “Five On Two†is probably the best all round drill that will do an excell- ent job developing hockey skills and condition for every member of the team from the goalkeeper out. In this drill you play ï¬ve men â€" two defence men and three forwards against two outside players â€" plus a goal keeper. The puck is faced off inside the blue line zone and then the ï¬ve offensive players try to pass the uck around until it is in a good scoring position at which time they try to score. The two opposing or de- fensive players try to get possession of the puck long enough to try to shoot it out and down the ice. The two defence players work as follows; one player keeps in front of the net trying to guard off any attempt to score from this ideal position while his partner acts as a chaser tearing all over the ice trying to force the of- fensive! players into a mistake or a wild pass. The ï¬ve ofl’ensiv’e players concentrate on trying to take full ad- vantagéfof their edge in manpower and pass the puck around until they build up a really good scoring chance. The moment the puck is in a good scoring position it is shot at the net. The players work in this way for two or three min- utes and then the players are changed with two other players taking up the defensive positions and those who are working on the defensive side become a part of the offensive group. This drill can be conducted at both ends of the ice if you have two goal keepers. Constant reminders will have to be made to force the players to work harder and the whistle should be blown every time a mistake is made so thatall the players will be learn- ing the proper moves as they go along. This drill kills about six birds with one stone and because the action is s‘b fast is a good conditioner. To be properly effective it must be well organized and conducted at a very fast pace with everyone really giving out with top effort. mm A n v OLE c: SALE Goodwill USED CARS The rich unmarked ï¬nish and beautiful interior indicate the ex- cellent care this one owner car has had. It is fully equipped with dynaflow transmission - radio - heater - shadelite glass - white- walls, etc. Bring your mechanic if you wish as it will pass the closest inspection. 2 DOOR SEDAN - Lic. V8116 Up-toâ€"date styling 1n sparkling green withvs motor for lots of 21p. OXFORD SEDAN - Lic. 1A5“ This large bodied British built car offers: 12 volt electrical sys- tem for easy starting; leather in- terior for long wear; excellent gas mileage for economy in oper- ation. COBONET SEDAN Lic. 788-752 If you crave big car comfort with small car economy here's the one for you. Automatic transmission and numerous-nether extras. Ser- viced in our own shop since new. 1953 Morris 1095.00 1953 Meteor 1495.00 1952 Buick 2395.00 1952 Dodge 1395.00 1950 Prefect Sedan ROADMASTER SEDAN Lic. 85118 To be sold on as is basis A one owner car. An Ofllcial Depnrtment of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. 5., ï¬rst door north of new Bank of Nova Scotl- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 From 9.30 am. to 12 noon and the 2nd E F. L. L O W R I E R. O. E and 4:]: Wednesday of each month Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repair: Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home OH. 3242 Yonxe Street Opp. Park Theatre EU. 8-8949 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED This radio equipped cream colour- ed convertible with black leather interior shows the exceptional care it has been given since new. CUSTOM HAEDTOP Lie. 186-798 A scarce model that won't hang around. Equipped with dynaflow transmission - custom radio, etc. Very clean inside and out. 2-DOOR SEDAN - Lie. 788-742 A tu-tone beige and gunmetal beauty that you'll be proud to own. Equipped with GM. heater and seat covers. A smooth driving economical cu in excellent condition. 1952 Chev. 1595.00 1951 Buick 1595.00 1951 Plymouth 995. 1950 Pontiac 895.00 CONVERTIBLE - Lic. 788-740 COACH - Lie. 788-751 295.00 Church News On January 24, the annual congregational meeting will be held in the Sunday School rooms at 8 pm. Everyone ls urged to attend. Those with reports are asked to have them on hand and to be as brief as possible so the business period will be completed in a minimum of time. The W.A. and W.M.S. will hold the first meeting of the year on Thursday, January 20. 0.A.C. Gerald Jennings spent several days the past week attending the short course on Livestock at the 0.A.C., Guelph. Gerald thorough- ly enjoyed the experience which proved most beneï¬cial and in- teresting. Personals _ . . ‘ Mrs. Stella Paxton enjoyed having as her guests at a belated New Years dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levlson and family, Mrs. Sarah Payne and Mr. Ed. Cottell. We are glad to report Mr. Herrema is up and around after his bout with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manning of Maple were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson on Sunday. Late Joseph Levison Sr. Joseph Levlson Sr.. a resident of Temperanceville, 2nd conces- sion of King, for the past 25 years, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home on Thursday, December 30, 1954. The funeral was held on January 1 from Thompson‘s Funeral Parlours, Aurora, with Rev. E. C. Moddle conducting the service. He paid great tribute to one whose pat- ience and courage had aided him through many trials in his 79 years of life. An Englishman. the deceased was born in Blythe, Northern England, and took as his bride on July 27, 1904. Elizabeth Jane Short of NewcastleoOn-Tyne, England. They settled there where their two sons were born. Before his marriage. Mr. Levison served in the Boer War and in the post war period spent seven years in Africa. Still with the spirit of adventure in his soul, he came to Canada in 1909 where his wife joined him with their son Joseph. They settled in Toronto where two daughters were born. A steamï¬tter by trade, the deceased took up farming when his son showed marked interest in this direction. The family settled on the farm formerly owned by the late Wm. Paxton. Mr. Levison's wife predeceased him on January 24, 1943. He is survived by a daughter Stella CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON. R. R. 8. KING ____â€"â€"â€" Phone TU. 4-3059 (19h warp TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Lic. 589320 Completely refinished and reconditioned in our own used car department. 1952 Chev. Sedan Delivery 995.00 30 day written guarantee on all 49 to 54 models. All cars Thoroughly reconditioned. Convenient financing arrangements to suit your needs. 1955 license plates and anti-freeze with every car. Highest trade allowance on your present car. We will guarantee to allow you the full purchase price of the car you buy on a new car within the next 90 days. Used car lot brightly lighted and open till 10 pm. nightly for your buying convenience. V, 6167 Yonge Street BA. 1-6133 BI and son Joseph, both of Tem- perancevllle. There are ï¬ve grandchildren. Susanne, Teddy and David Levison; Judith and Wayne Paxton. Those acting as pallbearers were neighbours. Mr. Victor Bond, Mr. Nelson Thompson. Mr. Maurice Beynon. Mr. Ed Cottell and Mr. Charles Hen- shaw. also Mr. Arthur Wayne of Toronto. Mrs. Edith Stobbs. a brides- maid at their wedding and a life- long friend of the family was present for the funeral. Inter- ment took place in Auror cem- etery. (Too late for last week) Personals The deepest sympathy of friends in Temperanceville is ex- tended to relatives of Mrs. Con- nors whose death occurred so close to Christmas. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Phillips on New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Man- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dibb and Mrs. Thompson. On January 2, Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips of Aurora spent the day with the E. Phillips. Misses Joan Hare and Donna Jennings spent a few days holi- daying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Orster were host and hostess to a num- ber of their friends and neigh- bours on New Year's Eve, when a most enjoyable time was had by all the guests. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Hare enter- tained on New Years Day when they had as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Breuls, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hare, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Ross, Gwen and Arlene! Breuls. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Peters, Don Phillips, Don Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Herrema and family were guests of their dau- ghter Barbara and family on New Year’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Faulkner entertained as their guests on New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jardine of Toronto. On Sunday. January 2, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner spent the day at the Faulkner home. Mrs. Wm. Ash was a guest of Mrs. Ed. Storey on Saturday, January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson and baby Shirley of Hamilton. also Ron Bonham of Pottageville spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Cunningham and Sheila. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carroll, of Markham, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin and family on January 1. Peter Simpson of Kingston Military College, spent his va- cation at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, 12. Slmpson. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cunning- ham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jenson of Brampton on New Year’s Eve. Mr. Roy Austin of Mill Road underwent an appendix opera- tion on Friday, Jan. 7, and is progressing very favourably. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kean and daughter Pat from Weston spent Monday evening visiting with Mrs. M. Holmes and Mr. F. Sin- clair. Mr. Kean and family leave on Friday for a three-month business trip in England. Mrs. E. Lambert opened her home to the Sugar and Spice Club on Thursday evening with several absentees. Winners at cards were F. Schurman, W. Car- tier. J. Wainwright. Hostesses of the evening were J. Wainwright and M. Blackburn. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Turner, father of Bill Turner of Don Beaton met with an ac- cident last week when he fell on the ice injuring his knee cap. Don will-be in a cast for sever- al weeks. No need to use costly. time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS â€" too, you’ll ï¬nd Its lower maintenance returns sub- Sténtial savings through the years. STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! Gormley, Ont. To be sold on as is basis 1947 Dodge Coupe GORMLEY BLOCK CO. Lic. 34.117 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Phone TU. 4-2617 BA. 1-9388 Q CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE users-nul’smn.spzcmcmons ' LIMITED Rumble Ave., suffered a stroke last week. which has left him partially paralyzed. Every hope is held for a complete recovery: Richvale Home and School will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 17, at 8 pm. in the school. A talk 03) “Safety†will be given by Mr. J. MacLellan of the Ontario Hy- dro. An added attraction will be “Florence†the Magician. Come and support your child and his teacher. Refreshments will be served. Skip Blackburn met with a very nasty and unfortunate ac- cident on Friday last. While sliding in Richvale schoolyard during recess, he slid into a tree smashing his mouth and losing his two front teeth. Skip is pro- crasting favoiirablv but did considerable damage to his jaw- bone anu will require several weeks of treatment. Phone Stouffville 381 W1 2-DOOR SEDAN - Lie. 788-748 An economical popular Chev. model smartly finished in tu-tone blue. - G.M. heater - excellen/c mechanical condition. 1950 Chev. 895.00 A well cared for car equipped with automatic transmission - cus- tom radio - e’w. Driven by ori- ginal owner since new. l-DOOR SEDAN - Lia. 188-745 This beautifully styled tu-tone blue car in showroom condition is an outstanding value at this price. 2-DOOR SEDAN - Lic. 58694 Driven 37,000 miles by original owner. Smart green finish and deep tread tires. 1950 Chrysler 995.00 1949 Chev. 795.00 1949 Chev. 795.00 395.00 4-DOOR SEDAN - Lie. 788-748 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 13, 1955 9 Canada has a comparatively high mortality among premature babies. One of the most effec- tive ways of preventing prema- ture birth is to ensure the moth- er has medical care during preg- nancy. She may receive this care from her own doctor or at the prenatal clinics that are es- tablished in many Canadian com- munities to provide free care and advice for the expectant mother. Mental authorities today know that there are many varieties and degrees of mental illness. Some of them are so minor that a short period of treatment at a mental health clinic or in a gen- eral hospital results in cu e. The most important point is early treatment. As soon as symp- toms of mental disturbance are noticed. the doctor should be consulted. 1954 Meteor Sedan Delivery Actual mileage 4,000 miles - equipped with _fu}1 width seat - condition air heater and smartly flmshed in black and cream. MENTAL DISTURBANCE T0 SELLâ€"RENTâ€"HIREâ€"FINDâ€"BUYâ€"SWAP Reach MOST READERS at LOWEST cost per hundred circulation in this great “liberal†WANT ADS PREMATURE BABY More people in your home community read the Liberal want ads than any other publication. Read by over 16,000 prospective customers every week. and your advertisement will receive the prompt, courteous attention of our staff. ADS RECEIVED UP UNTIL 2 PM. WEDNES- DAY WILL APPEAR IN THURSDAY’S PAPER. Charge 3c per word â€" minimum charge 50c Lie. 781-518 Classiï¬ed Super Market To place a Want Ad in the Liberal BIG SIX SEDAN - 1.1:. 788-739 Equipped with custom_ radio - heater - etc. The smart styling, excellent mac- hanical condition and deep tread tires combine to make this car fine value at this price. 1949 Pontiac 695.00 Tobesoldonasisbasis. 1950 Mercury 849.00 2-DOOR SEDAN - Lie. 788-750 1949 Eord 495.00 1947 Pontiac 595.00 COACH - Lie. 4359.2 2-DOOR SEDAN - Lie. 48.186 SIMPLY PHONE TU. 4-1261 one owner car. When You Use BY MAIL Have Your Home Paper By Mail Every Week Subscribe Today (Eb: liheral TU. 4-1261 Richmond Hill $2.50 per year: 1 595.00