Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jan 1955, p. 12

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PIANO, excellent condition. Guitar. Hawiaan, $15.00. Phone AV. 5-1708. c1w29 TABLE. drop leaf, walnut. four matching chairs. $60. TU. 4-2352. *1w29 McCLARY electri_c_ stovehlgoog GITUS white tube skates. size 6, in good condition, $5.00. Phone TUrner 4-3062. *1w29 RANGIETTE, Graham, in good condition. Reasonable. Quinnell. 44 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. *1w29 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 2 elec- tric stoves, double bed. other household articles. Reasonable. TU. 4 -1987. c1w29 WORTH $11. collapsible play pen on rollers, cheap. TUrner 4- 3169. c1w29 WOOD electric feed grinder new 60 cycle, 3 h.p. Apply J. H. E1- liott, TUrner 4-2354. c2w29 SKATES: Boy’s C.C.M., size 6. excellent condition. Girl's skates size 5, good condition. TU. 4â€" 2088. c1w29 A1 CONDITION Lloyd Space Heater. medium size, price $35. Harold Van Dyke. TU. 4-2165. JACKET HEATER with stove pipes, in good condition $5. Call TU. 4-1650. c1w28 QUEBEC HEATER, small, new pipes and damper, good condi~ tlon, $8. TUrner 4-1143. clw29 condition, réasonable. After 6 0.111. TU. 4-2390. *2W29 CORNERKvalnut cabinet, excel- lent condition, $35. End book- case, painted $5. TU. 4-1317. SNOW TIRES, complete with wheels and tubes, fit 1949 to a 1954 Ford or Meteor. best offer. TUrner 4-1102. c1w29 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish. any colour tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms. free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West. New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 poles; 4-2637. ELECTRIC ASTRAL refriger- ator, in good condition. price $50. Call TU. 4-1650. c1w28 SINGLE BED,7wa1nut. good mattress. Reasonable. AV. 5-1149. c1w29 CONNOR Thermo Tub washer with pump completely rebuilt. guaranteed. Fox Appliances. Phone TU. 4-1610. clw29 FESS OIL BURNER. Complete with 200 gallon tank and thermo- stat (used), $125.00. Phone AV. 5-1466. *1w29 FRAME BUILDING 10'x10‘ with wood floor. Situated lot 18, No. 102 Arnold Ave.. Thornhill. Make offer. MAyfair 0201. 2 PC. CHESTERFIELD Suite. $25. TU. 4-2646. 02w29 yuan”..- screen, table mcfiél. Boy‘s Ski Boots, size 11. TU. 4-2262. c1w29 65 EAR CORN for sale. Dekalb quality, $33 per ton. Baled hay and clover. We can deliver. Mel Woods, Oak Ridges, TU. 4-2528. or Agincourt 48W1. clw29 GENERAL ELECTRIC 4-burner electric stove. complete with warming oven. Apply Perkins Farm and Home Equipment, 23 Markham Road. Phone TUrner 4-1229. clw29 Save 50%. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets, woollens, etc. HAY & STRAW for sale. TUrner 4-1229. tfc28 TYPEWRITERZ good alignment. $20.00. Phone AV. 5-1167. c1w29 SINK. 16"x24"x8" strainer, $7- TU- GIRL'S white 7. AV. 5-1994 TV General Blankets also made Phone TU‘ 4-1804. QUEBEC HEATER and kitchen stove, in good condition, cheap, also G.E. washing machine, $20. TU. 44279 after 5.30 pm. 44 Church St. South, Richmond Hill. clw29 SKATES. 1 pr. girl's white fig- ure. size 4; 1 pr. girls white skates, size 41/22; 1 pr. girl's white skates, size 1; 1 pr. boy's tube skates, size 8%. TU. 4-1443. c1w29 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 13, 1955 'BASIN 12"x20". $5. TU 1650. c] CM“ RATES, first Insertion 3c per word. min. charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge. . . . . . . . .. 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 250 COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100 min. charge 500 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHR. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 756 BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Classified advertisements dlonld be in as early in the week as MIG but not later than noon on Wednesdays. HENS, winger of hydro RUGS BROADLOOM ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS no, - nun“ rangettg.“ PhoneVâ€"Tfi}fiéi- *1w29 4"x8” with basket TU. 4-1650. c1w29 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES figure skates. size c1w29 Eiéctric 9-10'f white fig- girls white pr. girl's 1 pr. boy‘s c1w29 c1w29 c1w29 tf029 tfc45 box In 1891, a scheme to utilize the New- power of Niagara Falls for gen- verse crating electricity was publicly tfc34 ridiculed. BOATS New marine plywood boats. 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts $65 and up. Best mater- ials used, no down payment nec- essary. A11 boats guaranteed not to leak. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc46 CHICKS FOR 1955 Have you ordered your chicks for the coming season. Sussex x Hamp. Cross for eggs and meat. California Gray x Leghorn Cross for lots of pure white eggs. Wilson’s Poultry Farm, Milliken. Agincourt 351W2. *4w29 USED CARS AND TRUCKS IF YOU ARE buying baby chicks this spring, try our R.I.R. x B. R. Cross, You'll like them. Blood tested, government approved. Phone Mayle 57R11. C. A. Pee- lar. c4w29 1942 CHEV. SEDAN. Must sell. Best ofi‘er. TU. 4-2539. *1w29 TOW TRUCK, 4 wheel drive, power winch. AV. 5-0002. c2w29 1949 GMC STAKE, 2 ton, single wheels, adaptable for duals, ex- cellent condition. Harvey Mash- inter, TU. 4-2577. tf028 SEWING MACHINE SALES 8: SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tall- oring Co., TU. 4â€"1362, Richmond Hill. tfc28 1946 FORD Pickup truck $100. TU. 4-2708. c1w29 1938 PONTIAC Sedan, deluxe, good inside and out. Apply Box 113 The Liberal. *1w29 SPACE HEATER, oil. heats 4 rooms. best offer. oil drum in- cluded. AV. 5-1107. tfc29 EASY WASHER, full skirt, 1954 model, with pump. Repossession. Fox Appliances TU. 44610.7 JERSEY HEIFER, fresh, with Hereford bull calf. Vaécinated and accredited. Jack Macklin. 13R3 King. c1w29 GERMAN SHEPHERD dog, fe- male, 5 months old, light colour. Apply 3rd house left side street Wood Lane (near pond) Rich- mond Hill. *1w29 AV. 5-1595 WANTED TO BUY Brick bungaow, centrally locat- ed. Terms cash. Phone TU. 4- 1697. *2w29 WANTED TO BUY GOOD six room house in Rich- mond Hill, near Yonge St.. pref- erably all on one floor. Apply Box 110 The Liberal. *1w29 FARMS WANTED Farms wanted with good build- ings and 100 acre pieces or larg- er. Please call or write T. L. Fraser at AV. 5-1176. Farm De- partment David McLean Ltd.. Realtors, Thornhill. ‘ clw29 from Richmond Hill Post Ofiice. arriving Bay and Adelaide 7.45 a.m., returning 5.10 pm. Phone TUrner 4-1530. c1w29 TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from Richmond Hill to Bay and Richmond Sts., arriving 8.30 am. returning home 4.45 p.m. Phone TU. 44531. c1w29 TRANSPORTATION \v a n t e d WANTED from Yonge and Bloor, leaving 5 p.m. AV NIAGARA FALLS RIDICULED ‘RAN SPORTATION ARTICLES FOR SALE cont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE - WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE Langstaff to arriving 8.15. 5-2133. c1w29 BA. 5-2411 tfc17 clw29 ERIC FISH For sand. gravel. manure, loam and fill. TU. 4-3341. tfcl CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrarl and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc7 MRS. SCHRETTER'S Hairdress- ing. AVenue 5-1814. tfc50 RICHVALE, ladies and child- ren's dressmaking, children’s dresses, hand smocked. TU. 4- 2562. c2w28 ALL KINDS of carpenter work, kitchen cupboards a specialty. Gerry Van Beers, Richvale. TU. 4-2384. tfc13 ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfc13 ANYTHING in painting, paper- ing. decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 HARDWOOD, cut for stove or fireplace length. Phone TUrner 4-3194. tfc15 tios, facades. Free estimates. John Dika, TU. 4â€"2843. tfc28 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. tfc27 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. t1c43 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies. Oak Ridges. TU. 4-3181: DCES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Call Suburban Roofers, AV. 5-1240 or GL. 7368. Experts on shingles, flat or insul-bric siding. Free estimates. tfc50 SAND & GRAVEL. stone, loam, manure and fill. L. Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc5l FRUIT TREES pruned and sprayed, power sprayer. Ed. Bowyer, OR. 4302. c2w29 STONE MASON, fire places, paâ€" ROOF REPAIRS Roofing and siding by experts. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. TU. 4-1479. tfc28 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701“ ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CHIMNEYS Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5â€"2526. tfcl5 FOR FAST, efiicient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors. ranges, vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces. please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 OIL SPACE HEATERS and floor furnaces should he cleaned and checked over at least once a year. For guaranteed service and repair work, phone Harold VanDyke. TU. 4-2165. tfc27 CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back- filling, grading, digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. . Pickering, Victoria Square, ph. Stouflville 64012 tfc15 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto Elv.. 3-3636 or Woodbridge GJ. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. c51w27 WANTED Tenders on cutting up trees, re- moving wood and stumps, burn- ing brush on farm (firewood free) corner Elgin Mills Rd. and 6th con. Vaughan, M0. 3345 or OR. 5579. c3w28 LEARN TO DRIVE Conveniently and safely. Dual controls. Phone TU. 4-2781. We pick you up at your home. Take advantage of the nice weather. Thompson's Driving School, Richâ€" vale. tfc42 LOCKS REPAIRED Keyed alike or master keyed. Door closers repaired and ser- viced. Keys cut whilev U wait. Auto keys cut to "Code." Craig‘s Lock and Key, Oak Ridges (south of The Windmill). tfc52 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic tanks. soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service. call Walker and Mitchell, AV. *- 2526. tfc45 WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES Window frames for brick and frame construction: cellar frames Sash. Storm Windows. Check rail sash, Casement sash, Door Frames, Octagon Window frames and sash, Combination doors, screened and glazed, Screen doors and window screens. Aubâ€" rey Nicol, Elgin Mills, TU. 4-2211. *4w29 MISCELLANEOUS J. C. Duncan, TUrner 4-2675 FULLER BRUSH DEALER tfc28 tfc42 tfc13 tfc34 ALL KINDS carpenter work. trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill TUrner 4-3148. tfc40 PLASTERING, repair work a specialty, work guaranteed. no job too small. William Faulkner, AV. 5-1932. tch ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. tfc15 FURNACES cleaned, installed and repaired. All types and makes. Phone TU. 4-2641. tfc16 R. H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 BRICK & BLOCK work. Repairs and alterations. Free estimates. Richmond construction. Phone TU. 4-3143. c3w29 CARTAGE, moving, freight pick- up and delivery, service any- where, anytime, reliable. TU. 4- 2613. c4w29 AV. 5-1595 ROOF REPAIRS ROOF, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general re- pair work of all kinds, prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc22 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5â€"2101. tfc22‘ 16MM. Motion projector for rent by day or week. TU. 4-1704. tfc25 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfclB HQUSE, 5 rqomff at OzilgiRidges OFFICE SPACE. 400 square feet of high class space on Richmond Hill main street. For details, call Newmarket 1785. tfc20 FOR CARPENTRY WORK. All kinds additions, garages, cup- boards, recreation rooms. Call J. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. *4w29 WATCHES repaired, top quality workmanship by first class watchmaker. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Estimates free. TU. 4- 2418. c4w28 CARPENTRY WORK Garages, recreation rooms, alter- ations, all kinds of cement work, exterior and interior painting, no job too small. Tom Price, AV. 5-2393. c3w29 or to buy existing lst or 2nd mortgages. W. W. Conroy, Willowdale, Ont., Phone BA. 1-7484. tfc18 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day“ week or month. TU. 4-1745. $50. a month. Phone TUrner' 4; 1638. *1w29 3 ROOM apartment on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Kitchen with sink. Must be abstainers. TU. 4-2830. *1w29 2 ROOM flat, outside entrance, centre of Maple. Mr. Yake, lst north of Bank of Commerce, Maple 93. c1w29 FURNISHED housekeeping room for a lady pensioner or widow in return for light duties. Apply P. O. Box Maple 233. c1w39 2 ROOMS, self-contained base- ment apartment, with private en- trance. in a quiet home, suitable for adult abstainers. Call TU. 4-2434 after 6 pm. c1w29 APARTMENTS TO RENT, 3 and 4 room heated apartments with bath. Apply W. S. Hare & Son. Temperanceville, phone King 1341112. c1w29 OFFICE SPACE available Jan. 1. Anstey Building, Thornhill, suitable for doctor, lawyer, or small business. Lyndhurst 9733. tfc26 ROOM and garage, aged couple or convalescent couple prefer- red, laborers accepted. Home privileges in oil heated bunga- low, quiet home. Write Box 112 The Liberal. c2w38 Painter -- Decorator AW. HEARD MISCELLANEOUS Sunworthy & Suntested Established 1935 87 Ross St., Aurora A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbmg and Heating TUrner 4-1711. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES (continued) TO RENT WALLPAPERS PA. 7 4951 BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfc17 tfc28 t1c17 YOUNG WOMAN wants house- work. 2 days weekly. TU. 4-1936. c1w29 WE NEED high calibre men to be trained in Real Estate Sales. You may be missing your real chance. Give Ron Fenn a call right now. BA. 5-2411 01' AV. 5- 1595. tfc17 WOMAN desires typing at home. TU. 4-1230. c1w29 DOMESTIC WORK wanted by day or week, 9 to 4. Call TUrnei‘ 4-3020. c1w29 EXPERIENCED «woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfcl8 ABLE BODIED man eager for farm work. Married. Willing to do anything. Reliable. With rec- ommendations. Phone Roy Bale, King 415. c2w28 MIDDLE AGED lady companion WAITRESSES wanted, top wag- es. Apply Thornview Rest‘auranvt, Thornhill. c1w29 ELDERY COUPLE, accustomed farm life; free rent cottage and large vegetable gardens in re- turn for light farm work, No. 7 Highway at Bathurst. WAlnut 1- 9515. c1w29 PLUMBER experienced desires work. TU. 4-1936. c1w29 HANDYMAN wants work. Any type of job. AV. 5-1374. *1w29 DAY WORK 9-4.30, Tuesday and Wednesday. TU. 4-1965 af- ter 6 pm. *1w29 ACCURATE TYPING done at home. Phone Maple 189R4. CANADIAN woman wants day work, cleaning or what have you. TUrner 4-2896. c1w29 WANTED Girl clerk with typing, 5 day week. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Unionville. tfc21 STENOGRAPHER for Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone Mr. Bawden, TU. 4-1262. c1w28 OFFXCE CLEANER wanted, two mornings weekly. 8 am. to 10 a. m. Phone TU. 4-1417. c1w29 share expenses, private ’home. AV. 5-1957. c1w29 DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Have openings for two real es- tate salesmen in their busy Thornhill office. An excellent opportunity for the right men to become associated with an active, long-established firm. Experience is not necessary. A complete training program is given with continued office assistance. For interview appointment call S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. evenings TU. 4-1574. c1w29 GOOD DEALERS wanted im- mediately in good vacant terri- tories to sell our 225 well-known products, liked by public, as: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Cul- inaries. Domestic, Tea, Coffee, etc. Earn from $50 to $75 ,per week. Excellent offer. Advan- tageous commission. Free SPEC- IALS each month, $18. required. J ITO: real. Openings available for 2 or 3 Real Estate Salesmen in Richâ€" mond Hill or surrounding ter- ritory. Complete training pro- gramme provided at the head of- fice, with continued sales assist- ance. Extra high 60% rate of commission with plenty of free advertising. Call now â€" and re- verse charges to R. Carlisle, BA. 1-3487 Toronto, Ontario, or write to: D. FINLAYSON REAL ESTATE READY, willing and able to do any work, evenings and week- ends, family man, 36, can type, drive, do bookkeeping or man- ual work. Ken Seager, TUrner 4-3032. clw29 5310 Yonge St., Willowdale P.O. c2w29 GOALIE PADS wanted. For sale ’54 Chev. Tudor, brand new, won at raffle. Will accept clean trade- in. Vic Baird. TU. 4-1116. clw29 HELP WANTED SAME DAY SERVICE RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Victor Draper Agencies Radio â€" Washer Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle WANTED TELEVISION FINLAYSON 5130 St. Hubert, “Mont- c4w29 clw29 man at Elgin Mills. Phon'e TU. 4-2301. c1w29 LARGE black dog. male. 6 mos. old. last seen in Langstafi school yard, reward. Phone AV. 5-2391. c1w29 WED.. JAN. 19, 1955 â€"- Import- ant auction sale of Mâ€"H 44 Trac- tor, M-H combine, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furni- ture, pigs, etc.. on Lot 47, Con- cession 1 Markham Township at Richmond Hill, east from stop light. Property of H. Mackie. Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash, no reserve. farm sold. James Smith, clerk. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. CAPONS. toasters and fowl, highest pri‘es paid. Don't sell until contacting W. S. Appleton. Oal- Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, pin-Ace TU. 4-3351. tfcl’l ROOM AND BOARD for gentle; Auction sale of farm stock and implements, Jersey cattle. sheep, Ford tractor and equip- ment, George White Threshing machine 24-42, horses, at lot 34, Con. 7, Markham, 34 mile south of Markham and Whitchurch townline, the estate of the late Albert Hoover. Terms on chattels cash. No reserve on chattels. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Lloyd Tur- ner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auc- tioneer, phone Stouflville 67312. c2w28 SALE REGISTERS WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19 â€" Humans of all ages require a baIanced diet to keep them in normal health and to maintain their body structure and func- tions. From the baby's careful- ly calculated formula to the pro- tein-mineral-and-vitamin needs of adult and aged, the food we eat must supply the nutrients necessary to good health. Too much of one kind of food and not sufficient of another may cause malnutrition. Therefore, it is wise to keep to a balanced diet as suggested in Canada’s Food Rules. Copies of these Rules are available free of charge from your local or pro- vincial health department. We are in need of houses in both Richmond Hill and Thornhill Districts for wait- ing clients. Now is the time to list your property for the busy early Spring markets. David McLean Ltd. ROOM & BOARD CALL AV. 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121 HOUSES WANTED “RELIABLE” is the word for our mechan- ics! Their years of ex- perience and all their skill and know how go into every repair job. Day or evening work Full time or part time Top commissions TU. 4-3203 BA. 1-6801 Male or Female Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS Head Office, Thomhm Toronto’s Largest North Suburban Realtors Reliable! ! 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 SALESMEN BALANCED DIET POULTRY WANTED LOST R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD” Ford-Monarch TU. 4-1116 Richmond Hill EM. 6-3166 o HIGHEST PRICES PAID 0 SEE YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT SELL than rates charged by mosl other companies for liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage. State Farm Mutual announces APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR POSITION OF NEW RATES STATE FARM on auto insurance averaging INSURANCE YOUR CAR . FOR Write to â€" Medical Ofl'icer of Health, York County Health Unit, 126 Main Street, CASH JAMES GRAINGER 15% LESS ASSISTANT PLUMBING INSPECTOR NEWMARKET, Ont. For details call: 130 Yonge Street South RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4- 1529

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