I Some measure of man’s success In his battle against disease can be gleaned from this oft-told medical joke: 4 ~ . ~ - v' Doctor: “I can’t do anythinâ€"g for 'your cold,-but in case it develops into pngumonia, I can cure you.†The oï¬icers were installed by Mrs. E. Meuser: president. Mrs. K. Duncan; vice-presidents. Mrs. R. Tamblyn, Mrs. A. Martindale. Mrs. G. H Craig; rec sec., Miss G. Wesley; corr. sec.. Mrs. A. Budge; treasurer. Mrs. F. Simp- son: literary secretary, Mrs. F. Richardson; Christian steward- ship, Mrs. D. McCrea; temper- ance. Mrs. G. D. Dobson; friend- ship sec., Mrs. G. Kelson; Miss- ionary Monthly, Mrs. W. Rick; supply secretaries, Mrs. L. Den- 4 The common cold is still a medl- hal mystery. Pneumonia, just a generation ago a deadly killer in Canada, is now well down on the lists of causes of death. In those ï¬gures is a dramatic story â€" a story of a decade of breath-taking successes in the ï¬ght against disease and death. A host of other infectious diseasesâ€" scarlet fever, whooping cough. mastoiditis and diphtheria, to name only a fewâ€"have bowed beâ€" fore the combined skill of the physician and the research chemist. From the laboratories of univer- sities and pharmaceutical ï¬rms have come a steady succession of The evening auxiliary (WM. 5.) of the Thornhill United Church held the annual election and installation of officers at the regular meeting at the home of Mrs. K. Duncan. Arnold Ave.. on Tuesday evening, January 4. vu- ubb- -V. The Mission Circle accepted with regret the resignation of Mrs. Pady as treasurer. an office she has held for the past three years, and during the business session, Mrs. A. Kent was elected vice-president and Miss G. Ste- vens ,who had been holding that office ‘was elected treasurer. At the close of the meeting, refresh- ments were served. BaptistAChurch New; The Rev. H. U. Trinnier. edi- tor of the Canadian Baptist. and one of the foremost men in start- ing the Baptist Church in Thorn- hill. was preacher at the third anniversary service last Sunday. His inspiring sermon was based on the temptation of Christ. John-Russell of Kingsway Bap- tist Church was guest soloist. Election 01’ Officers At the annual church supper on Thursday. January 20. elec- tions of church officers for the coming year will be held. United Church W.M.S. The ladies of Thomhill Bap- tist Mission Circle braved the el- ements on Wednesday last to at- tend the ï¬rst meeting of the New Year. Miss G. Stevens pre- sided and gave the devotional entitled “Rejoice Evermore." Mrs. J. Martin gave a very in- teresting newscast of the mis- sionaries and after a solo by Mrs. Roblin. Mrs. C. Pady gave the third topic on India entitled “The Struggle to? Men’s Nlndsâ€. 1.-.: Thornhill And District News . . TELEPHONE TU. 4-1261 I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 13, 1955 161 Noriolk Street, RICHMOND HILL LINCOLN OIL-FIRED FORCED AIR UNITS BUILIJERS! HOMEOWNERS! LOOK†7 Visitors are always welcome at these meetings. Thornhill and District Horti- cultural Society will meet on Tuesday, January 18, at 8 pm. in the United Church Sunday School Hall. Mrs. Velma B. Boucher. Kingston, Ontario. con- sultant to Canadian Homes and Gardens will be guest speaker. Mrs. Boucher is widely known as a practical horticulturalist and is in great demand as a lec- turer. She is a graduate of Queen's Univrsity, B.A.. and the University of Chicago, M. Sc. Botany and has contributed ar- ticles to various magazines for the past 25 years. “All Around My Garden" will be her subject, illustrated with coloured slides showing plant materials and practices. Her travel talk will be one of the highlights of the 1955 program. At the afternoon auxiliary (W.M.S.) of Thornhill United the following officers were in- stalled by Dr. E. E. Kent at the regular meeting on January 11 in the church hall: president, Mrs. M. Balfour; vice-presidents Mrs. T. Ford, Mrs. D. Davidson; corr. sec., Mrs. E. M. Hanby; rec. sec.. Mrs. W. Stappells; treasurer Mrs. C. Johns, Chris- tian stewardship, Mrs. N. L. Morton, Mrs. E. Honey; litera- ture Mrs. N. L. Morton: com- munity Friendship, Mrs. E. Meuser; supply, Mrs. .1. Wells, Miss L. Kerfoot; Missipnary Monthly, Miss A. Boyle; assoc- iate members, Miss F. Clubine, Mrs. J. Kaiser; Christian citi- zenship, Miss ‘A. Boyle; pianist, Consultant To Canadian H&G Guest Speaker by. Mrs. B. McGhee; pianist, Mrs E. B. Hodglns._ Mrs. (3; Russell. Commenting on the opening of this new plant. Donald S. Gilmore. chairman of the board and man- aging director of The Upjohn Company. said Canada’s medical care and research programs are expanding at an unprecedented rate. allies in the war against death and disease. Best known. of course, is the British-discovered penicillinâ€" ï¬rst of the antibiotic drugs. Then there are the sulfas. the hormones and the vitamins. One of the outstanding sources of new drugs has been The Upjohn Company. one of the world's lead- ing pharmaceutical houses. Just recently. The Upjohn Company of Canada placed in operation at Toronto a modern new laboratory and plant. Although Canadian health care and research are now among the best in the world. he added, they are still improving, The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thomhill are: . . In order that your items may appear in The Liberal sim- ply phone TU. 4-1261. N0 DOWN PAYMENT - LINCOLN OIL BURNERS The Ladies’ Club held their regular meeting on Tuesday. Jan- uary 4. $50 was donated to the School for Retarded Children. The club is also buying colors for the Cubs. There were three new mem- bers. After several musical selections by Mrs. Russell. Mrs. W. Cole and Mrs. A. Bragan ser- ved lunch. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilcock. Clarke Ave.. during the week were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ellis. Recent visitors at the McIvor home on Henderson Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. E. Westacott, Tom- my and Lynda from Scarbor- ough. Mr.» and Mrs. K. Marshall and family who used to live at 133 Clarke Ave., are now living with Mrs. Marshall's parents in the South of England. In referring to reports that a Separate School will be built in Thornhill, Rev. S. P. Cirivello, parish priest, stated that the es- tablishment of 3 Separate School was under consideration. In a recent survey of a poss- ible school population in the par- ish. it was estimated approximz ately 80 children would make use of the school. thus necessio tatlng the building of a three or four room school. A meeting of the Holy Name Society was held last night when. Rev. Cirivelo stated, the matter would be discussed at this meeting. Barbara ï¬ale, Proctor Ave., spent a week with‘ her grandpar- ents in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar, Secco- moe Ave., spent the holidays with relatives in Orillia. Mr .and Mrs. R. Watterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris- on, Bonnie and Gloria. were with Mrs. Watterson’s niece and ne- phew, Mr. and Mrs. E. Clegg, Richmond_Hill on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davies, of Morgan Ave., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowdon, Carrville, for Christmas Day. and with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton. Richmond Hill for New Year's. Jacqueline Barbour, 11 Hen- derson Avenue celebrated her birthday on Saturday. Attending her party were Misses Norma Lloyd. Sally Bouquel, Rosalind Ross, Diana McPherson, Diane Barbour, Diane Wallace, Lynn Stephenson, Jackie Farr, Valer- ie Scrivener Gail Condon. Consider Separate School At Thornhill THIRD DIVISION COUR'I COUNTY OF YORK J. R. Harrington, Clerk Next Sitting January 18 10 am. in Masonic Hall 17 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill GENERAL CONTRACTOR Domestic & Industrial Alterations LINBLN HEATING COLN OIL BURNERS WW? '13?3’s“§§£§§" $265.00 0 Z4-HOUR SERVICE TO ALL OTHER MAKES O OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 DONCASTER Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mlzen 27 Seccomoe Ave‘ Phone AVenue 5-1570 FURNACE SALE NOTICE COOK The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. will be held in the Sunday School room on Wednes- day evening January 19, at 8 p. m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Startt, wife of Dr. Startt. Mrs. Startt is sister of Mrs. Dal- on Rumney. A hearty invitation is extended to all the ladies in the community to attend. Sunday School Convenion The annual Sunday School Convention will be held in the United and Lutheran Churches at Unionville on Thurs., Jan. 20. Skating Party The Sr. Women’s Institute held its annual party in the Community Hall on Tuesday ev- ening of last week. There were 13 tables of euchre. Prize win- ners were: Mrs. Reid Brumwell, Mrs. Elaine Trussell. Lloyd Beat- ty, Reid Brumwell and Rae Donaldson. Door prize Harry Barber. Spot prize, Rae oDnaldâ€" son. Following refreshments square dancing was enjoyed. On Saturday evening. the Young People held a very en- joyable skating party at Union- vllle. After the skating they re- turned \to the home of Misses Shirley and Audrey Gee, where refreshments were serv~ d. Following the refreshments a short meeting was held to have the election of officers, for 1955. President. David Boynto-n. vice- president, Denton Brumwell, secretary-treasurer, Ronald Gee. Sunday School Birthday greetings to Mr. Gor- don Mortson for Jan. 16; to Mr. Bill Sandle for Jan. 17; and to Miss Margaret Gee who will be seven on January 19. Belated birthday greetings to Miss Pat- sy Valliere who was seven years old on January 6. Neighbourhood Notes A speedy recovery is wished for all in the community who have been ill with the colds and the flu.’ Master Johnny Wilson of Tor- onto spent several days last week with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Emprlngham. HMr. and MES. 'Cecil Nichols spent the week-end with friends at Smith Falls. The annual meeting of the Sun- day School was ‘held in the Sun- day School room on Wednes- day evenlng of last week. Fol~ VMrs. Mumbex‘son of Barrie vis- ited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson. St. W. 1. Party Clarke’s Pharmacy Hannah’s Variety Store Reaman’s Variety Store Wight’s Pharmacy Mary’s Variety Store Connor’s Grocery Davison’s Store Davis & Day Drug Store Pallister’s Service Station Hawman’s Store Fred Hare’s Store Armstrong’s Store Perry’s Drug Store E. Hall’s Service Station Pridham’s Store Joe Weber’s Grocery MAPLE Perry’s Drug Store YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: RICHMOND HILL RICHVALE Iarke’s Pharmacy W. Cosfcoff’s Store [annah’s Variety Store 13- DUNGIS Varlety Store ,eaman’s Variety Store Maranï¬ S Store Vight’s Pharmacy C. Tqrnbull’s Grocery [ary’s Variety Store Dennls' Snack Bar Craigie’s Store A A 77 “'“flï¬ï¬‚ For Your Convenience TEMPERANCEVILLE CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie. Victor“ Square Telephone Stouflviflo 67509 ELGIN MILLS OAK RIDGES KING CITY VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Congratulations are extended to Mrs. J. Lunau who on January 3. celebrated her 89th birthday. Relatives and friends called on her to wish her the best of ev- erything. It is the sincere wish of all that she may be spared to see many more birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook and Flor- ence of Lansing. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band will be held in the Sunday School room on Saturday afternoon, January 15, at 2.30 pm. All the children in the community are invited to at- tend. lowing is a list of officers and teachers for 1955. Superintendent, R. F. Boyn- ton; ass't supt. Douglas Gee; sec- retaries. Nelson Boynton and Wilbur Brumwell; treas., Roy Glover; pianist Miss Coral Per- kins; assistants. Several of the young people of the Sunday School; song leader, Percy Ben- nett; assistant song-leader, Mrs. Nelson Boynton; teachers: Be- ginners Mrs. S. Soynton and Mrs. Percy Bennett; primary Miss Shirley Gee; juniors, Lawson Mumberson. assistant Ray Benâ€" nett and Harry Barber; interme- diates Mrs. Cecil Nichols, assist- ant Mrs. R. Perkins; young lad~ ies, Miss Coral Perkins. assist- ant Mrs. L. Mumberson; young men's, Douglas Gee, assistant Barry King; adult class, L. L. Nichols, assistants Percy Ben- nett and Mrs. B. F. _Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson of Headford had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. The annual meeting of the Toronto Centre Presbytery of the W.A. will be held in Fairlawn United Church. Toronto, on Fri- day, January 21, commencing at 10 am. and Mrs. Walter C ence of Lansing. Mrs. Pope of '1 several days last ‘ and Mrs. Gordon family. The installation of officers of the Sunday School will be held during the church service next Sunday, January 16, at 2.30 pm. Mr. and Mrsf P. W. Willows and Mrs. B. Plews spent Sunday with friends at Uxbridge. Canada’s electrical manufac- turing industry has an annual payroll of around $250,600,000. LAN GSTAFF Morris’ Grocery Store Donnelley’s Store DON CASTER F. Richardson’s Store Barbour’s Store HIGHLAND PARK Klimitz’s Pharmacy THORNHILL Harley’s Drug Store Thornhillfharmacy CONCORD Mrs. Lapping’s Store UNION VILLE BUTTONVILLE Jones’ Grocery Store GORMLEY Queen’s Hotel Milsted’s Store THE BIG WAGE Toronto vi: Week with n Harmon visited and We of Thornlea are glad to learn that the new school on the corner of Bayview and No. 7 {lighway will be named Thorn- ea. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Covell of Doncrest Road welcomed home their son Philip on Sunday. Phil- ip will spend a week or two with his parents having a well-earned leave from the navy, he will then proceed to England to join his submarine command. Miss Jeannette Vautiers was Miss Catherine Frazer's guest for dinner on Sunday. We urge you to consult your Family Doctor if your child is suspected of having defective hearing. gum E. HILL M.D. M.O.'I‘. As part of the Township School Health Serviceythe hearing of all pupils in Grades V and VII is tested each year by means of a ma- chine called an audiometer. This testing is at present in progress. and the parent will be notiï¬ed when it appears that a child has defective hearing. Understanding and learn- ing depend to a large extent on the ability to hear cor- rectly both what is said and the tone in which it is said. THORNLEA NEWS DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Thomhill District Lions Club I Beg Your Pardon JACKPOT LAST WEEK $325 FARMERS’ MARKET â€"â€"= THORNHILL = EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 8 RM. . 3 YEARS TO PAY No Heat Interruption GAME PRIZE $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 . $5.00 S'lver $ Spec. $20.00 _ $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 10 $5.00 Golden Lion Spec. HU‘IBWNIâ€"l £0004 SPECIAL DRAWS 200 gal. Tank, Etc. COMPLETE ORDER OE GAMES REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the internal renovation and alteration of the south end of the Richmond Hill Arena will be received by the undersigned up until 12 noon, Thursday - January 20, 1955 Plans and further information are available at the office of Pentland and Baker, architects, 490 Jarvis Street, Toronto, WAlnut 1-4435. For local en- quiry contact William Ellis, 78 Wright Street, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1868. NUMBERS CALLED 54 Top Line Lines Washing Machines, Radios, and Small Appliances PENTLAND and BAKER ‘ Architects 490 Jarvis Street, Toronto GAME 12 13 14 15 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TUmer 4-3203 BAldwin l- 6801 $479.00 LOTS OF FUN Share the Wealth $5.00 2 $5.00 2 $5.00 2 $5.00 2 Jackpot F.C. PRIZE $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Lines