Lions Club nun-u v“... The ï¬rst regular dinner meet- ing of the new year for King City Lions was held Jan. 4 in All Saints Anglican Church. The club had a visit from the Zone Chairman Jack Blyth of Oak Ridges, who was accompan- ied by Llon Stan Rule. Llon Blyth spoke on the part Lions play in the community. He also conducted a quiz on Lions ac- tivlties. ,.n4_a. .â€" [AV any“. Jack Parsons gave a report on Ladies Night which is to be held Jan. 18. On the committee for the Oyster supper in February are Lions Fergus Lawson, Mer- vyn Wilson and Don Hadwen. St. Andrew’s Church Mr. and Mrs. Don McAlpine entertained the junior choir of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Strange. at a social ev- ening, Jan. 6. Games were play- ed and refreshments served. A Fireside was organized Jan. 9 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Strange for the young people. The group is under the leadership of Bill Wishart and Donald McCallum. Mr. McCal- lum gave an address on the pur- pose of the ï¬reside. “Through this group," said Mr. McCallum, "young people can ï¬nd fellm - ship and training in leadership." Mr. Wishart conducted a mus- ic appreciation period. The group sang hymns assisted by Mrs. Robert Farren. A ï¬reside for the young people will be held every other Sunday night. Mr. Wishart also gave an interesting account of the places he visited during his service in the British Navy. Evenlcy W‘._A. ,u__ D'clu-vg " The regular monthly meeting of Eversley W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Bowen Jan. 5. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Charles Gordon and Mrs. Norman Wade. Mrs. Cora Specht gave a reading. Contests were conducted by Miss Jessie Ge1latly gng Mrs. Aubrey Wade. ,,A__u__. Y About 60 people attended the charlvari presentation dance for Mrnandr Mn. Jack. Monkman at Laskay W.I_. _H_all 91} Eriday, Jan. nu _ . _.__ V. V"? "a - ~â€" 7 _ Mrs. Fred Curtis gave a reading entitled Hold Fast the Fort. A potluck supper to be held in the King City United Church on February 11, was discussed. It was decided to hold a bazaar next fall. Annual reports were given by the secretary, Miss Lily Anderson and the treasurer, Mrs. Roy Bowen. Char-ind 7. M}. and Mrs. Monkman were married last September. Jack Walkington was captain of the charivari. He was assisted by Harold Kirby, Music for the dance was pro- vided. by Fred-’ Thompson at the piano, Duncan Watson, tenor banjo, and Bob Arbuckle, violin- ist. Fergus Lawson called off for the dances. Donald McCallum presentation address Mrs. Monkman. Mr. and Mrs. Monkman were then presented with two limed oak end tables. Mr. Monkman thanked his friends for the gift and the enjoyable evening. Mrs. Monkman added a few words of MUNDINGER Rent an Accordion ACCORDION ACADEMY $2.00 per week includes Rent and Lesson Phone TU. 4-1785 Studio: 118 Hall Street Richmond Hill OAK RIDGES GLASS & MIRROR CD. All types of Glass supplied on contract or to speciï¬- cation. Come in and browse around and make your selection in comfort from our wide range of Glass and Mirrors. AT OAK RIDGES PUBLIC SCHOOL Fancy Mirrors â€" Mirrors Re-Silvered Table Tops -â€" Anything In Glass Oak Ridges Glass 8: Mirror Co. King City Socials All interested parties are invited to attend. GENERAL MEETING OAK RIDGES BOARD OF TRADE TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 AT 8 PM. King City, Lake Wilcox TELEPHONE TU. 4-2771 (Stan Rule - Proprietor) read the to Mr. and thanks. Convening the refresh- ments were Mrs. Harold Kirby and Mrs. R. Berwick. United Church News Communion services were held in Teston, Laskay and King City United Church on Sunday, January 9. Joining the church at Laskay were Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Baker. Twelve people be- came members of King City Un- ited Church. They are Mr. and Mrs. George Armitage, Mrs. Al- lan Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. William Heaslip. Dr. and Mrs. Karl He‘ der, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Knight, Mrs. John Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker._ Teston fellowship held their annual meeting on Monday ev- ening. January 3. The follow- ing officers were elected: Presi- dent. Charles Robson; lst vice, Mary Carson; treasurer Joan Pelletier; secretary, Evelyn Hare: assistant, sec., Rita Marwood; pi- anist, Jean Williamson. The program for the evening took as its theme, The New Year. Charles Robson read an article entiled “New Year." Laskay Mission Band will hold a meeting at. 1.15 pm. on Sat- urday, January 15. Mrs. Don Barker and Mrs. Glen Books are the leaders. Children six years of age and over are invited to at- tend the meeting. Laskay United Church WM. S. held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. William Boys on Jan. 5. Mrs. Marvin Hunter took the devotional period which was based on Evangelism, the Church's Business. Mrs. Len Glass read the study book chap- ter, .Christian Contribution to India. Mrs. Scott Smeltzer gave Kin" City Library Board held a meeting at the home of Mr. J. “v evening. Jan. 8. The library building was dis- cussed. lt was decided to hold the annual "MM" “Mating on ‘w evening, January 24, in All Saints Anghcan Church, hing City. Social Notes a reading. Miss Marjory Mc- Murchy played a piano solo. Mrs. Archie McDonald and Mrs. Mar- vin Hunter were delegates ap- pointed to attend the W.M.S. meeting at Deer Park United on Jan. 25. Mrs. Jenkinson sug- gested Sunday School papers be sent to the missions in Sgsk. The annual meeting of Lasâ€" kay United Church will begin with a pot luck dinner at twelve noon on Friday, Jan. 15. Strange Presbyterian Church The annual meeting of Strange Presbyterian Church will be held at Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Black’s, Laskay, on Jan. 19. The young people of Aurora Baptist Church will be visiting the young people of Bethel Bap- tist Church, King, on Jan. 15. Library Brown Owl, Mrs. Alex Knight, enrolled Diane Glass and Sheila Bell as Brownies on Jan. 5. Miss Dorothy Armstrong re- turned Jan. 1 from a trip to Montreal where she had been visiting friends. Mr. Norman McMurchy, 6th line King. left for Florida this week. Mr. McMurchy hopes to include Mexico in his travels this year. He will return to King in April. Mrs. John Cleveland was a guest this week of her sister, Mrs. Donald McCallum. Mrs. Cleveland lives in Montreal. Private Tom Noble who has been stationed near Montreal was transferred to Camp Bor- den last week. Private Noble celebrated his 2151; birthday on January 1 at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nob- ie, King City. At the party on his birthday were Trooper and Mrs. Rowley Winters and dau- ghter Cheryl. Mrs. E. Bice. King City. fell on Hoop Street recenty, break- ing her wrist. She was treated by Dr. G. Chunn of Aurora. Mrs. Bice spent the night in the hos- pitalrat Newmarket. Oak Ridges The Liberal ls always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres« pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCalinm, telephone King 132M. and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Erie Parker, telephone TU. 4-2417. Oak Ridges Community Cen- tre Committee met at the home of Mrs. D. Gunn on January 5 to plan and discuss the program of the New Year Campaign for funds. January and February will no doubt be busy months for the active committee, also entertaining ones for the com- munity. Besides the hinges at Oak Ridges school. a Hard Time dance at the school, a play to be presented by eter Pan dancing school at St. ohn’s Hall, and an Ice Carnival to be held at Blue Spruce, are also on the schedule. Choose Carnival Queen Oak Ridges Community Centre Plans Busy Winter Season The highlight at the dance will be the choosing of the Oak Ridges Winter Carnival Queen. Candidates compete against Di- ana Manoch of Elmgrove Ave., previously chosen at the Hallow- e’en dance, and the ï¬nal judging will take place at the Winter Carnival. The winner will then be presented to the public and officially crowned and receive her prizes. The play “A Lesson in Phan- tasy†will be performed by child- ren between the ages of ï¬ve and 13, and is based on the dancing tuition they have received dur- ing the past year. The church bus will be arranged along the Socials Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham and their sons spent the New Years hoiday with Mr. Graham's peop- le in Peterborough. Guides As a special treat. because of their good attendance at the Guide meetings on Saturday mornings, Mrs. E. Clarke will take all the guides by bus to Nobleton next Saturday for a morning of skating. Northern Rangers The mothers of the boys in the Northern Rangers met at the home of Mrs. Docherty on Jan. 5. Owing to the resignation of Mrs. S. Stokes as president, Mrs. S. H. Norman has been choâ€" sen the new president The main subject discussed was the Rangers’ party in Decâ€" ember. The next meeting ln Feb. will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Norman on Bond Ave. Square Dance, An enjoyable evening was spent by all who‘attended the ï¬rst Square Dance of the New Year held at Oak Ridges school on Jan. 6 by the square dance club. It was arranged for a get- together with the Oak Ridges bowling c113 for a skating party at the Aurora Arena on Jan. 15 at 8 o’clock. The children's square dancing group held its ï¬rst class at Oak Ridges on Jan. 6. Mrs. W. Craig was quite pleased with the dan- cers who showed interest in learning the calls. This is the second season Mrs. Craig has or- ganized classes for the children. Previous to having use of the school, she held classes at her home. Mrs, Jean Hadcock is assisting her with the youthful dancers. Skating Party The skating party of St. John's Church Bible Class held at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. M. Beynon was a great success. Aided by the oil lantern and a bright moon, the party skated during the ev- ening of January- 8 uptil called The Scouts had their ï¬rst meeting of the New Year on Jan. 12, and a welcome was ex- tended to Mr. Don Anderson, the new Scout leader. Board of Trade in for refreshmests by Mrs. Beynon. About 16 children and five adults were present. Scouts The Board of Trade at Oak Ridges met to discuss future plans on January 4. Already many improvements for better business service to beneï¬t the public are under discussion. Some alterations were made to the suggested constitution, pres- ented by Donald Findlay at the previous meeting. 7 A general meeting is called for January 18 at 7 o’clock at the school. Mr. J. Wall, the presi- dent was unable to attend ow- ing to illness. Guides 8: Cubs The Guiders Club will hold meeting for all Brownies and Guide leaders on Friday, Jan. 14. at Aurora Trinity Church Hall. Mrs. D. Gunn of Oak Rid- ges as Commissionaire will take the chair, and the matter of the program of the annual Spring Rally will be discussed. Between 30 and 40 leaders are expected to be present. The annual meeting of King City Cemetery Com- pany will be held at the home of the secretary-treas- urer on SATURDAY AFTERNOON JANUARY 22 JACK WALKINGTON LAURENCE SCOTT, Secretary-treasurer Oak Ridges NOTICE President at 2 p.m. Sunday morning'route for those wishing to attend. On the after- noon of the Winter Carnival. a display of ï¬gure skating will take place, and skating races for the children, also the judging of the Winter Queen. In the ev- ening the ice will be floodlit and gnusic will be provided for skat- mg. Committees To assist the committee in this busy time, an entertainment sub- committee has been set up, con- sisting of Mr. F. Baron. Mr. C. Hind, and Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mrs. Jean Baron is now treas- urer for the committee- Mus. Jay Armstrong is the convenor for the bingos, and she is also assisting Mrs. Joan Parker on publicity. Mrs. Gunn is now the secretary and Mr. Jim Smith is the president of the committee. Oak Ridges L. A. lnstals Exceutive On Tuesday, January 4, the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the 1st Oak Ridges Boy Scouts and Girl Guides held a meeting to elect officers of the new executive. Mrs. W. Boutlier who had been acting as president since the resignation of Mrs. Jean Had- cock, thanked the ladies for past co-operation and stated owing to her many activities she prefer- red not to hold the responsible position of president. Mrs. H. Pantling is the new president. The other offices installed by Mrs. Cecil Cassidy were Mrs. M. Graham vice-president, Mrs. E. Clarke recording secertary, Mrs. D. Nash treasurer. The conven- ors are Mrs. D. C. Young, social, Mrs. E. Clarke press & public- ity, Mrs. H. Knusckey, Sunshine and birthday. Mrs. V. Piirto sew- ‘ing. Mrs. Boutlier membership. and Mrs. K. Killick program. All future meetings of the executive will be held on the third Thurs- day of each month. That big, bold Sweep-Sight Windshieldâ€" curving back to vertical corner postsâ€"is easy-to-see evidence that Chevrolet has cast aside the tradition of the past to start a whole new age of low-cost motoring. It’s smarter to look at -safer to look out of â€" and it’s only part of Chevrolet’s new outlook for ’55! This is THE MARK OF AANEW AGE! Bill Drinkwater Motors King City Firemen Hold Annual Business Meeting The ï¬rst annual meeting of King City volunteer Fire Brigade was held in the Legion Hall on January 5. Fire chief David Glass presided. Geo. Alexander. instructor of the Ontario Fire Marshall’s of- flce, Fire Service Divisions, Tor- onto. was the guest speaker. He was introduced by Fire Chief David Glass. Mr. Alexander recommended in his address the adoption of a Fire by-law based on a copy of the Aurora Fire Dept. By-law. This would give the officers and members of the Dept. legal au- thority to act in emergencies and allow for the members of the department to be covered by compensation. Mr. Alexander covered also such topics as training practices, alarms, the location of the ï¬re hall in the centre of the village, ï¬re truck driving and purchas- ing of equipment in addition to the formation of a club for mgmbers of the brigade. The annual reports were read by the secretary Bob McLeod. They were adopted. A motion was made by volunteer ï¬reman G. Urquhart, that the copy of the Aurora by-law be transposed by Mr. McLeod for the King City Fire Department and be presented to the King City trus- tees for enactment by King Township council. Mr. IfWood moved the forma- tion of the King City Firemen’s Association. The membership is Install Officers Robertson Lodge The officers of the Robertson Masonic Lodge, King City, were installed by Worshipful Master M. Beynon on Tuesday, Jan. 4. The officers are: Immediate Past Master, Douglas Wellesley; Rul- ing Master Clayton Beynon; Sen- ior Warden, Ewart Jennings; Jr. Warden, Len Shropshire; Chap- lain, George Hately; treasurer, Wib. Burns; secretary. Fred Boys; Sr. Deacon, Norman Burn- ett; Jr. Deacon. Grant McCach- en; Director of ceremonies, Roy Bowen; Sr. Steward. Charles Hately; Jr. Steward. Stephen Case; Tyler, Fred Hare, assist- ant secretary. Robert Rickward; assistant chaplain. Norm Taylor. There are 128 members in the Robertson Masonic Lodge. The ladies of the Lodge catered for the dinner at which members from visiting lodges of nearby districts were present. King City Yes, Chevrolet brings you a whole new outlook in low-cost motoring for 1955! It’s best symbolized, we think, by the sweeping expanse of windshield that widens your view of the road and lets you “see through†the corners for greater safety. Besides widening your view of the road, the Motoramic Chevrolet broadens the whole horizon of the low-priced car. It was built around the idea. that a car doesn’t have to be high-priced to look, ride and The car with the new idea! to be composed of all duly ap- pointed by council members of the King City Fire department and any others from the execu- ntive or members. The ï¬re commissioner for King City is Alex Campbell. Fire Chief David Glass, Deputy Chief Harold Kirby, lst Captain Jack Walker, 2nd Captain Glen Urquhart. The entertainment committee for this year is Mr. David Glass. Mr. Bill Riddell and Mr. V. Doner. Mr. A. R. Hooper was elected secretary- treasurer for 1955. King City Firemen's Dance is being held on Friday, January 21. in Laskay Hall. The proceeds from the dance will be used for buying equipment for the bri- gade. To “Celebrate 50th Anniversary Sunday, January 16 is another milestone in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Nesbit. when they will celebrate their golden. wedding anniversary. Both of English birth. Mr. Nesbit coming from Newcastle and Mrs. Nes- bit from Sheffield, and both came to Canada as small child- ren with their parents. In later years they met and married in Toronto. Until two years ago they made their home in the city when they moved to Oak Ridges to a house on Yonge St. A retired machinist. Mr. Nesbit and his wife have a family of three married sons Tony. James and John, and a married daugh- ter Mrs. Grayce Ahiers. At the age of 70 years, the Nesbits flnd pleasure in their ï¬ve grand- children, and a great grand- child, Lynn Ahiers. who is three years old. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Sanitary Contractor Plume King so perform like it. A lot of time and sweat went into the building. A lot of old traditions went out the win- dow because they didn’t measure up to this daring new concept. Trust Chevrolet to have the re- sources and the skillâ€"yes, and the courageâ€"to break so completely with the past. Everything’s new in Chevrolet! Everything â€" from its tubeless tires to its lower top. There’s new beauty with that long, low “let’s go†look ! New fun underfoot with the new “Turbo-Fire†V8 and the new “Blue-Flame†six! A new MORE THAN A NEW CAR..a A WHOLE NEW CONCEILI‘ OF THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Jan. 13, 1955 7 Thornhill. Ont. PROCEEDS FOR YOUR PROTECTION WEIR‘S ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENTS Admission and Draw Prizes 50c Prizes â€" Vouchers â€" Share the Wealth -â€" Door Prize Admission 35c Winners to be selected for ï¬nal judg- ing at Winter Ice Carnival in February See Love For Lovely Lumber john C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. HABDTIMES DANCE Tuesday, January 25, at 8.30 pm. Oak Ridges Community Centre BINGO Winter Queen Contest Oak Ridges Community Centre King City Firemen’s Dance mun, JANUARY 21* Bingos Will Be Held Every Two Weeks ADMISSION 50c Square & Round Dancing Door Prizes â€"â€" Spot Prizes FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 OAK RIDGES PUBLIC SCHOOL Yoqge Styeeg At Woodward Avenue (Jim North of Stee'e'l Corner!) Laskay W.I. Hall J A CKPOT choice of drivesâ€"new Overdrive, Super-Smooth Powerglide (extra- cost options), and new standard transmission! A wonderful new ride! New High-Level ventila- tion! But we can't even begin to give you the whole story here. Look who's stealing whose thunder! Chevrolet’s stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars in more ways than one! Come in, drive it, and you’ll see why the Motoramic Chevrolet starts a. new and excit- ing age of low-cost motoring. This you’re going to love! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 64559. Come One â€" Come All AVenu 5-1143