10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thurs. Jan. 20, 1955 HEATING, Builders! Home Owners! FURNACE SALE Lincoln Oil-Fired Forced Air Units $479.0 $255.00 $1324 Hour Service to all other makesâ€"$3 NO DOWN PAYMENT No Heat Interruption COMPLETE 200 GAL. TANK. ETC. 3 YEARS TO PAY 161 Norfolk Street, RICHMOND HILL Anthea-Imperial and Pease Furnaces and Oil Burners R. C. BOSTOCK 190 Lawrence Ave. (Shop at rear of 45 Yonge St. North) RICHMOND HILL Phone TU. 4-2060 Lincoln Oil Burners INSTALLED - 200 gal. Tank Controls - 1 year service Lincoln Heating Sales TUrner 4-3203 BAIdwin 1-6801v SHEET METAL WORK" LOOKI.’ ! When You Use ' “liberal†WANT ADS TO SELLâ€"RENTâ€"HIREâ€"FINDâ€"BUY-aSWAP Reach MOST READERS at LOWEST cost per hundred circulation in this great Classified Super Market * * * i More people in your home community read the Liberal want ads than any other publication. Read by over 16,000 prospective customers every week. * * * To place a Want Ad in the Liberal SIMPLY PHONE TU. 4-1261 and your advertisement will receive the prompt, Children’s Shoes .* Featuring -=-â€" SAVAGE â€" HURLBUT â€" PACKARD 3i courteous attention of our staff. n w w ADS RECEIVED UP UNTIL 2 RM. WEDNES- DAY WILL APPEAR IN THURSDAY’S PAPER. Charge 3c per word â€" minimum charge 50c OHLOREN’S Genuine Saving On Values up To Reduced to Values up To Reduced to Values up To Reduced to /. TAR WINTER FOOTWEAR “‘70 Discount "1 Off Regular Prices _,_._-â€"â€"â€"-r “Faith in the Future†-w- 4 Z. The bronze horsewoman, high on a marble-faced pedestal. is a - ( new landmark at the East River Headquarters in New York of the United Nations. The statue named “Mir†(Peace) is a gift from the Government of Yugoslavia to the United Nations. In unveiling the gift. Ambassador Joza Brilej. Yugoslavia's Perma- ncnt Representative to U.N.. said that the gift symbolized his countrymen’s devotion to the UN. Charter and their faith in the future of the Organization. The above View was taken looking westward from the United Nations gardens. In the. right back- ground New York's famous Chrysler skyscraper can be seen VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie. Victoria Square Telephone Stouf‘fville 67509 Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Emprmgâ€" ham. who on Saturday. January 22. will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. It is hoped that they may see many more wedding anniversaries. Birthday greetings Charlie Stansbury for 20. I I Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mr. William Dennie. Mr. Den- nie passed away last week in his 93rd year. Miss Olive Glover of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover and Betty. Sr. Women‘s Institute Thn .I'z“u"!"‘ meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall on Tuesâ€" day evening of last week, with a large attendance, The mem- bers of the Gormley Women‘s Institute and the Buttonville Wo- men's Institute were also pres- ent. The guest soloist was Miss Betty Huston. who was accomâ€" panied at the piano by Miss Coral Perkins. Mrs. Harstone from the T. Eaton Co.. Toronto. gave a very interesting talk on “The Origin of Chinaware and Pot- tery.†Light refreshments were served at the close of the meet- ing. W.M.S. The W. M. S. held its regular monthly meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Heber Mc- Cague. Richmond Hill. on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week with 22§ladies present. The Scripture Lessons were read by Mrs. H. Acreman and Mrs. R. Boynton. Mrs. Hickson, past president of_the Toronto Centre Presbytery W.M.S_ was present and conducted the Installation of ()Hicers service. The guest speaâ€" her was Mrs. Lewis Clement of the Richmond Hill W.M.S.. who gave an account of one of the chapters from the Study Book. which proved very interesting and helpful. Following the meet- ing. Mrs. McCague and Mrs. Joyce served refreshments. ments. to Mrs. January w The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of Toronto Centre Presby- terial will he held Tuesday. Jan- uary 25. 1955. in Deer Park Unâ€" wited Church. Toronto. It is re- quested that as many ladies at- tend as possible. WA. The annual meeting of the W. A. of Toronto Centre Presbyter- ial will be held in Fairlawn Un- ited Church, Toronto. on Friday. January 21. All the ladies wish- ing to attend please be at the Victoria Square United Church by 9.15 am. Couples’ Club The regular monthly meeting of the Couples' Club will be held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday evening. January 25. at 8 pm. The election of oHicers will take place at this meeting. All the married couples in the community are invited to attend. Church News The annual meeting of Victorâ€" ia Square United Church will take the form of a Pot Luck Sup- per 10 be held in the Sunday School room on Friday evening. January 21. Supper will be serv- ed at 6 pm. Following the suppen the business of the church will be conducted. Y. P. U. “+4 The Convenors of the Young People‘s Union for 1955 are: Misses Shirley Gee and Rose- mary March, Messrs. Nelson Bu- chanan and Ray Bennett. Local Notes Mrs. B. Plews has returned to Toronto after spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ida llvchllmurray. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt of Peterborough spent the week- end with Rev. and Mrs. A. Hus- ton and Betty. Mr. and Mrs Ray Wilson and Johnny of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. Farm Forum ‘5: The Farm Forum will meet on Monday evening. January 24, at 8 pm. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Inglis. Everyone wel- come. BUTTON ILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Connie: â€" Pb. Agincourt 335.12 â€"â€" Neighbourhood Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brumwell who were married Saturday of last week In Brown‘s Corners United Church are enjoying a Florida honeymoon. We were sorry to see the "For Sale" sign go up on the Nelson Boyington home. It means that the Boyingtons will be leaving the community this spring. Mrs. A. W. Miller is visiting friends in St. Catharmes this week. On Wednesday of last week there was a family party at the home of Mrs. Robert Rodick to honour Miss Mary Rodick on the occasion of her birthday_ Sympathy of the community" is extended to Mr. S. R. I‘atlcr- son on the loss of his mother. who died at Strathroy on Thurs- day of last week. We are sorry to report that two of our neighbours, Mrs. Ar- thur Nightingale and Mr. Rich‘ ard Pralet were taken to East General Hospital late last week. Mrs. Nightingale is suffering from pleura - pneumonia and Mr. Pralet has had a second at- tack of pleurisy. Beginning Monday of this week. the Canadian Tire Corpor- ation. Yonge and Davenport. had two new members on their staff in the persons of Gordon Brumwell and Douglas Tribbling. Buttonville school children. grades 5 to 8 joined children from Victoria Square and Lem- onville for a skating party at Unionville on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert (‘raigie and family left last. week-end on a motor trip to Nova Scotia where they will visit Mrs. Craigie's mother. W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. John Black entertained members and friends of the W.M. S. at her home on Wednesday of last week. A ï¬ne devotional by Mrs. S. R. Patterson. and a comâ€" prehensive review of study book chapters by Mrs. C. J. Russell were very worthwhile. Little Patricia Patterson sang a prayer at the conclusion of the devo- tional Mrs. Wm. Rodick occupied the chair and reports of the year's progress were given by Mrs. Black. Mrs. C. Boynton. Mrs. Douglas Hood. Mrs. A. Gardner and Mrs. A. Leaf. At the conclusion of the meet- ing Mrs. Black. Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Russell served refresh- ments. A round robin of the meeting was sent to Mrs. Walter Craig who is still conï¬ned to her bed at St. John's Convalescent Home. W. I. Caters On Wednesday of last week. W, 1. members catered at the an~ nual luncheon meeting of Ayr- shire Breeders at Buttonville Hall. Approximately 65 were present. .Davidson Mission Band Miss Ellen Boynton entertain- ed Mission Band members and friends at her home on Saturday m For your fuel needs .. ANTHRACITE we» or ’ BITUMINOUS 3 Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 Richmond Hill _â€"â€"- We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement afternoon of last week. There were 19 present and everyone (‘Il_lO_\‘(l the homc atmosphere. Church Break-In It is difficult to nnasme the sort of person who mould break into a church with intent to rob. but the fact remains that such persons exist. Periodically. Brown's Corners Church mcmhcrs ï¬nd on cnler- ing the church that someone has broken in and crcaled havoc. Last fall the Sunday School projector was stolen. as well as two dish pans. Then last week another break-in occurred. .\'o- thing of \aluc had been left at the church, so this limc nothing was missing, but a thorough search had been madc. probably for money. and furniture was or- erturned and record: scattered. This it secms to us. is the lowest form of pctty larceny and should be discouraged by police inter- \‘ention. SAND * STONE * GRAVEL EXCAVATING 1k GRADING FRONT-END LOADERS & TRUCKS FOR HIRE *** DALTON HICKS _ 61 CROSBY AVE. RICHMOND HILL BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 5 , ‘ LOAM * TOP SOIL * FILL .le' ba\\.beorl BeoltY I‘m .0 low! cast iron wn ‘he wot \ong lile 0M 'ouwsll?°5° EXACTLY AS SHOWN NEW-GUARANTEED BY THE COMPANY ,’ Elegant modern design, with chromium trim, as Shawn below. Has an all-over, top to bottom washing action, vigorous in all zones. Full size non~splash tub with sediment zone. Sofer Release Wringer. Lite lubricated mechanism. PHONE FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION has the l0m°“‘ m m ov- 0 e“millâ€"h s only FOUR 2““ an“ rlsâ€"â€"lesshichon,so ‘ m mg po I’leSS went, so a t In ....suon8°‘ “Olin lasl out “‘8 oi the was g rs i ou! / SHOP 0R PHONE TODAY Harold W. Morison YONGE STREET Richmond Hill - TU. 4-1722 For 55 years, Bealty has led the parade as Canada's most popular washer. There are more Bealty Washers in use in Canada than any other make. TO (EIEBRATE 55 YEARS or IEADERSHIP /‘-. As CANADA'S lst CHOICE A FULL SKIRTED etime “9 me: - on‘e-plecf’ her. s_)~l~ . Example CHILD’S SHEARLING CUFFED 5 WINTER OVERSHOES LADIES l l [AIRSTEP Reg. 12.95 PENALJO a. COREY BRANDS Reduced to BA. 1-4044 Sizes 4 - IO SLIPPERS SPECIALLY REDUCED STAFFORD SHOES 5257- 61 YONGE STREET REMEMBER â€" WE ONLY CARRY QUALITY BRANDED MERCHANDISE I FAMOUS BRANDS HILL & DALE OUR REGULAR 8.95 and 7.95 WILLOWDALE I LADIES YOU CAN AFFORD AN EXTRA PAIR I AT THESE Low SALE PRICES. I ! Reg. 15.95 SALE $9.95 SALE $9.95 Reg. 12.95 SALE I I $9.95. $4.95 Widths AAA - C "MEN SAVE , S $ $ $ $ $ 1 NOW . A Large ’Range Of SHOES . REDUCED TO f $7.95 & $9.95 Blacks, Browns, and Suedes s. »_. Regular Values to I5.95 INCLUDED . '0 s