x‘Wl‘hflééZ: A ladies' branch of the Kins- men Club has recently been l'formed in Richmond Hill. The Kinettes in close liaison with the Kinsmen Club and in other areas of Canada where they are 'active, are reported to be doing exceptional work in the community service ï¬eld. Kinette membership is limited to the wives of the Kinsrmenrmembers. Kin Wives Form 'VillaseKinettes JANUARY 27 9â€"- ThursdaY. Gen- eral meeting of Kingcrafts at JANUARY 25 â€"- Tuesday 8:15 pm. Burns Night at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Mr. John Cowan will speak on “The Poetry, Pity and Piety of Rob- ert Burns". Scottish music. Re- freshments. Admission 50c. JANUARY 21 â€"â€" Friday. Euchre and bridge at Buttonville Hall at 8 p.m.. proceeds for gifts to be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society Christmas Gift Cup- board. Good prizes. Draw for turkeys. Refreshments. Admis- sion 50c. Help this worthy pro- ject. ‘ c1w30 The ï¬rst project of the group will be. a local collectzon for the March of Dimes. The official canvass of the area will take place on Janual'y 31. EVERY MONDAY â€"- Bingo. $225 Jackpot. Community Hall, Spruce Ave., Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvale at 8.15 pm. c1w30 I... EVERY THURSDAY â€"- Bingo. JANUARY 21 â€" Friday. Hard Times dance at Oak Ridges School. Admission 50c. Winter Queen Contest. _ | c1w30 JANUARY 22 â€" Saturday. St. John's Bingo, Newmarket Town Hall. Jackpot $250.00, 8 pm. Admission 25c. c1w30 JANUARY .22 â€" Saturday at 8 pm. Progressive Euchre in the Edgeley Community Hall. Aus- pices lst Concord Scout and Cub Group. A A c1w30 JANUARY 24 â€"- Monday. Rich- mond Hill Community Swing in High School Auditorium 9-11 p. m. Music by the High School Orâ€" chestra. c1w30 JANUARY 25 â€"- Tuesday at 8 pm. January meeting of the Con- cord Scout and Cub Mothers’ Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Warwick. No. 7 Highway. All Scout and Cub mothers are in- vited to be present at this meet- ing. ‘ c1w30 JANUARY 25 â€" Tuesday. Sup- port the Richmond Hill Scout Mothers' Auxiliary of Scouts and Cubs Theatre night at the Rich- mond Theatre, “Man With a Million", starring Gregory Peck; January 2'7. Thursday, “Knock On Wood.†starring Danny Kaye. c1w30 JANUARY 25 â€" Tuesday 830 pm. Oak Ridges Public School, Bingo. Admission 35c, 15 games. Jackpot. c1w30 The executive for this inaug- ural season is: President. Mrs. Shirley Hicks; vice-president, Mrs. Peggy Donaidscn; secremry Mrs. Iva White; treasurer, Mrs. Laurene Swanson. thnsored Vb} 7137.0.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 3 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. He 2 NORTH YORK : Building In- spector J. Garlick reports a $14 million increase in building in 1954, Last year 3,160 permits were issued for construction val- ued at $83,866,977.00. NORTH YORK : Work on the $193,000 swimming pool at the Community Centre will begin a§ soon as Ontario Municipal Board approval for a'$150.000 deben- ture is received. The $43,000 balance is to be raised by public NORTH YORK : An explosion which wrecked the furnace of the McKee Ave. School compell- ed 450 students to take a holiday all last week. * * * * NEWMARKET : Earl Foote was elected chairman of the Toron- to and Yorks Road Commission last week. He is a former War~ den of York County and is start- ing his 5th year on the‘ commis- sion. ‘ v i 0 STOUF'FVILLE : The/local Lions Club has presented a wheel chair to the Briarbush Nursing Home. PICKERING : Township Coun~ oil has agreed that the munici- pality should not be responsible for paying ï¬re costs for the ï¬re brigade attending automobile ï¬res. * * * * News From Next Door Last week, Mrs. Sidney Hunt of Richmond Hill re- ceived a long delayed let- ter from her mother in Sus- sex, England. The letter was badly scorched and was marked “Salvage Mail. air crash 25/12/54, Prestwick, Scotland". The letter had been salvaged from the dis- astrous air crash in Decem- ber at Prestwick which took 28 lives Receives Salvaged Letter Coming Events c1w30 JANUARY 27 -â€" Thursday. 8 p. m. Richmond Hill Horticultural meeting at Lions Community Hall. Seven experts will discuss and demonstrate various phases of gardening. The public is cor- dially invited. c1w30 JANUARY 27 â€" Thursday at 8.15 pm. Thornhill Home and School. Panel discussion “Deter- mine the progress of your Child†Members of panel, David Smith, Supervising principal D. Mc- Tavish, Area Psychologist, Mrs. Ruth Budge, parent. Geo. Strat- ton, parent. Refre'shments serv- ed. c1w$0 JANUARY 31 â€"- Monday 8 pm. at Langstaff School. Games Night â€"- cards, croquinole. crib- bage. etc. Refreshments, prizes. Admission 50c. All welcome. King City United Church. Frank Fogg will speak on “Journey in- to Yesterday" at 8 pm. Open meeting, silver collection. Busi- ness meeting begins at 7.15 pm. c1w30 JANUARY 27 â€"- Thursday. York North Progressive Conservative Association annual meeting and election of officers for both Fed- eral and Provincial organizations. Canadian Legion Hall, Yonge St. 5., Aurora, at 8 pm. c2w30 FEBRUARY 1 â€" Tuesday. Oddâ€" fellows Progressive Euchre at Victoria Hall, Thornhill at 8 p. m. Valuable prizes (aggregate priz s to be announced.) Bring you overcoat for the “freeze- out." Admission 50c. c1w30 MARCH 11 â€"- Baking sale and Tea under the auspices of the W.M.S. of Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church. c1w30 FEBRUARY 18 â€" Friday. Junior Choir Concert of Richmond Hill United Church, assisted by Rich- mond Hill String Quartette. FEBRUARY 18 8.: 19 â€" The Footlights Club, Trinity Church. Thornhill. will present the three- act comedy “See How They Run†with a matinee on Saturday. FEBRUARY 2 â€" Wednesday 8 pm. Miss Jane Scott. Toronto newspaper colur'nnist. will speak to Richmond Hill Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary in school- room. Everyone welcome. 02w30 FEBRUARY 16 â€"â€" Wednesday. Valentine Luncheon Richmond Hill United Church. c1w30 Other members of the Board include Mr. C. F. T. Rounthwaite, Mr. F. Brum- well and Reeve Alfred Le- Masurier. Mr. C. J. Laï¬rin has been elected Chairman of the 1955 Markham Twp. Planning Board. Mr. Laurin, who re- sides at Box Grove, was ï¬rst appointed to the Board a year ago. Elected to serve with Mr. Laurin as vice-chairman was Dr. 1). Tanner. Dr. Tanner served as Board Chairman from 1952 up until the presâ€" ent. Seated left to right are Trustee Stan Tinker, Trustee Dick Mills, Trus- tee Mrs. Margaret Southwell_ Chairman Grouped around the Board table at their Inaugural meeting are the mem- bers of the, 1955 Richmond Hill Public School Board, as they prepare to com- mence another year’s activities. C. J. Laurin Planning Board Chairman VOLUME LXXVI. NUMBER 30 I955 R. Hill Public School Board 02w30 c5w30 clw30 School Board Protests Use Of Police As Truant Officer In a letter sent to Vaughan Township Council last Monday, the Trustees of Pine Grove pub: lic school expressed disapproval of the township system of ap- pointing a member of the town- ship police force as attendance officer. The Board’s letter stat- ed that the matter had been a subject of discussion at the re- cent annual school meeting at which time, the letter asserted, a number of parents ‘objected to a uniformed police officer call- ing at homes regarding attend- ance_ Councillor Frank Belcher said that he did not think that an officer in uniform as a truant officer was the best thing and added that he felt it made/the situation difficult for the child- ren. particularly. in many in- stances. The balance of Council agreed that wher possible, it might be better if attendance officer made his ‘- in plain- clothes. Reeve Marshall rchy re- minded council t in view of the fact that only a few calls are made annually, the township was saving a great deal of money by utilizing a member of the police force. “We might have to pay as much as $500 yearly for a truant officer if we hired an ex- tra man", concluded the reeve. No change was made for the present. New Truck Appointment to the Conserva- tion Authorities were as follows: Humber1Councillors James Reid and William Agar; Don: Deputy Albert Rutherford, Councillor Frank Belcher; Rouge: Deputy Albert Rutherford. Solicitor Council agreed to tender for a 1954 or later model truck for the road department. Council decided to pay a re- tainer fee of $1,500 annually to the firm of Grant. Grant and Fraser for the legal services of Thomas 0. Fraser. For this fee, Mr. Fraser will act in an advis- ory capacity and will handle On- tario Municipal Board Business Vaughan Township Council Clamp Down On Traffic Tie-Ups In Busy Areas On Centre Street, parking will be prohibited 150 feet, west from Yonge, on the north side, and west from Yonge to Elizabeth on the south side; east from Yonge to Church on the north side with the exception of Sun- days, and 150 feet east from Yonge on'the south side at all times. Oï¬ Arnold, parking will be pâ€"rohibited 50 feet west from Yonge on the south side, and 150 feet west from Yonge on the north side. ' « . Parking will now be prohibited on both the north and south .sides of Lorne Avenue, east from Yonge to Church. Council ointed out that there is ample space in the park area 0 handle parking needs. _ Richmond Hill council Monday night extended pres- ent by-laws prohibiting parking in congested areas on Centre_ Lorne and Arnold Streets in the village with the hope of relieving the traffic tie~ups in this a_rea dur- ing busy periods: 7 Extends Parking By-Laws "In Essentials, Unit},i In Non-essentials, liberty) In 0†Things, Charity." James Pollard, Secretary James Grain- ger and Trustee Robert Ross. Missing when the picture was tak- en is Trustee Cecil Mabley. The Board holds its regular mon- thly meetings in the public school the second Thursday of each month. â€"Photo by lagerquist for the township. However. the fee does not include the handl- ing of debentures and reserves the right to call in additional counsel. Touching briefly on claims be- ing made by farmers for fences lost or damaged during the Oc- tober hurricane, Council was ad- vised by clerk James McDonald that all farm claims were to be referred to Moflat Cockburn, Dept. of Agriculture representa- tive at Newmarket. A letter received from Crow- land Township council asked Vaughan council to endorse a resolution to the Federal govern- ment requesting a 50 per cent in- crease in unemployment insur- ance, legislatlon to embrace all unemployed people and a change in ‘the unemplovment benefit time schedule. Council took no action or the request 35 the mat- ter is already under considera- tion. Council agreed to the install- ing of a telephone at the town- ship dump. The phone will be for the use of the dump attend- ent and will make it possible to contact the township office and the police in enforcing dumping regulations. The police will be asked to investigate the smash- ing of the lock at the dump last ASAaturday afternoon. “It looks as A petition from a resident of Crestwood road regarding heavy trucks using a residential area as a depot was referred to the town- ship solicitor. Dump if we 'will have to get tough over this dump business yet" commented reeve McMurchy. NORTH YORK : Council author- ized an application to be made to the Ontario Legislature at the forthcoming Session for enabling legislation with respect to: the alteration of the Constitution of the Public School Board; permis- sion to construct and maintain swimming pools on school prop- erty; and the declaration that the Township of North York is an urban area. pursuant to the Highway Traï¬â€™ic Act RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARX 20,71,957; Ralph Corner York Warden For 1955 In the past Council reFeived delegations without prior notice and if unable to solve their problem at that time they’d refer the matter to the appropriate Committee or administrative of- ï¬cial for investigation. Road Budget The real problem facing the township is how to ï¬nance the repair work necessitated by the devastation wrought by Hurri- cane Hazel. With the approval of the Province the township has already floated a supplementary by-law for $76,000 to cover part of this work. Township Engin- eer J. Howard estimates that an additional $200,000 is required to restore the remainder of the In future any delegations wish- ing to wait on Markham town- ship Council will have to make their intentions known three days in advance. A written notice notifying Council is to be ï¬led with the township Clerk within the prescribed period. A move by Councillor V. Grif~ ï¬n to have the period of notiï¬- cation extended to seven days failed to gain the support of a majority of Council. When in~ troducing his original motion re- quiring notiï¬cation. Councillor Griffin stated that it was unfair for the members to have a pro- blem thrust on them without prior notice. Council has received word from the Department of High- ways that the Province will apâ€" prove a maximum of $150,000 for grant purposes for this year’s road expenditures. The township must have its complet- ed 1955 Road Budget into the Department by the end of March. This year’s approved ï¬gure is slightly lower than Markham’s 1954 road budget of $153,000. The Province pays 50% subsidy on all approved road costs and 80% on all bridges. Ralph Corner. the genial and popular Reeve of Georgina Twp. was the unanimous choice as York County Warden at the op- ening County Council session on Tuesday. Warden Corner was nominated by Reeve W. J. Tay- lor of Richmond Hill and second- ed by Reeve Alf. LeMasurier of Markham Township. ’ While generally accepting the principal of written notice, Reeve A. LeMasurier and Councillors A. Little and D. Deacon were op- posed to extending the required period of notiï¬cation to seven days. “I feel a week’s notice would prove too rigid and in the long run it could easilw rove more of a hindrance than. in)†stated Reeve LeMasurie Others nominated for Warden were Reeve Marshall McMurchy of Vaughan Township and Reeve lvan McLaughlin of Whitchurch Twp. Both withdrew in favor of Reeve Corner. This week, International Wa- ter Supply, has found what is hoped will be a solution to the water contamination problem in the Richvale area. The third test hole sunk has resulted in the locating of what appears to be a sufficient source of water supply for the area. The well is reported to be producing 20 gagons per minute. Deiegatibns Must Now Give Three Days Notice Locate Good Water Flow Near Richvale Public School Warden Corner is a native son of Georgina Township, and is a successful builder and contrac- tor. The test hole was sunk on the Richvale school property, Spruce Avenue about 50 feet from the school well. While the distance between the two wells Is quite close, the water in each case has been located at an entirely dif- Traditional ceremonies mark- ed the County Council session opening. mmL Loca‘ Public School Bd. To Erect New 8 Room School No Charge For Site Markham Twp. destroyed bridges. If the Province will pay only its normal rate of subsidy on this extra work then Markham will be left with $71,000 to raise as its share. Just how the mun- icipality will raise this additional ï¬gure is a matter of conjecture. It is expected the Road Commit- tee will take the matter up fur- ther with the Minister of High. ways before any ï¬nal decision is reached. Defer Decision on Subdivision Broken down the ï¬gures will cover a $100,000.00 issue for the new Bayview Ave. school in School Area No. 1 and an $85,000 addition to the Unionville school, plus $11,000 for a school addi- tion at Victoria Square. Court of Revision Mr. F. Brumwell has resigned from the Court of Revision. In light of the fact that the mem- bers of the Court recently‘re- quested a salary increase which Council so far has not granted Council will canvass the Court to see if they are willing to car- ry on in 1955. At present they are paid at the rate of $7.00 per meeting plus their mileage. ferent level Council has deferred ï¬nal ap- proval of a proposed 10-lot sub- division located on lot 27, Con- cession 1, just north of Steeles’ Ave. and fronting on Bayview Ave. The Planning Board has already given tentative approval to the project which is to be known as the Steeles Valley Ac- res. The proposed subdivision is to contain 10 two-acre «lots, each with a minimum frontage of 150 feet. The subdivider Mr. G. B. Guse has also agreed to pay the municipality $500.00 per lot for school purposes After studying the proposed development the members de- ferred decision until they had conferred further with the Plan- ning Board. Bond Issue The members have accepted the bid/of the bond house of Deacon, Findlay and Coyne, Tor- onto, for the purchase of $196,- 000 worth of debentures at $101.- 06. The interest rate will be 414%. The successful bidder was chosen from among eight tenderers. Prices ranged from as low of $99.56. Reporting to Vaughan town- ship council last Monday. Bryan Bailey said that all the money for drilling had now been spent and added that hope was almost given up when the heavy flow was located. Further reports and tests are being made before the source can be fully confirmed, Providing the water supply seems satisfactory. the next step in securing a Richvale water system will be to determine the cost of a system and to obtain another petition from residents regarding the installation of a proper system. At a recent meeting of Vaughan Township Council it was agreed to press the matter of a further TTC Seat Tax exemption. The tax which amounts to 1/20 of 1c per mile was initiated 5 years ago when the street cars were removed from the North Yonge system and re- placed by busses. Because the Department of Highways was interested in disposing of the trolleys to facilitate the widening of Yonge Street, Department officials agreed to exempt North Yonge municipalities for a period of ï¬ve years. Vaughan Councillors will now attempt to have an ex- tension of the tax exemp- tion. If the tax is reinstated this year, it will cost the townships of Vaughan and Markham and the village of Richmond Hill approximate~ ly $6.000 annually. Seek Further Seat-Tax Exemption At Thursday’s Inaugural meet- ing 'the Board interviewed two firms of architects preparatory to selecting architects for the new school. The school will be constructed in such a way as to allow the addition of extra classrooms if required. The Trustees plan to inter~ view at least two other firms of architects before reaching any final decision. Representatives attending in- cluded the firm of Jackson and Ypes architects, Willowdale and also two members of the firm of Pentland and Baker. architects in Toronto. With the building of this 8- room school in the south-east The School Board secured the school site free as the property was donated to the municipality. The Allencourt firm was only legally required to donate a total of 3,1 acres. The Province states that a subdivision must donate 5% of his proposed area for use in either school or park purpos- es. The Allencourt Subdivision contains 621/2 acres and is bound- ed by the Markham Road and Bayview Avenue. The main de- velopment will be along resi- dential lines. No Charge for School Site Both firms presented detailed layouts to the Board., Estimated cost per classroom varied from $11,500 to $13,000. 8 Rooms for $89,000 The firm of Jackson and Ypes with several radical departures in the heating system stated they could erect a new 8 room school for approximately $89,000 or a 10 room school for $108,000.00. The figures quoted by the firm of Pentland and Baker were somewhat higher. W. J. TAYLOR Richmond Hill’s Reeve, who yesterday"was unani- mously elected County Commissioner on the ï¬rst ballot. The second commissioner unanimously elected was Reeve Elton Armstrong, the Reeve of King Township. The twq Hope Two Rooms In 0. M. MacKiIlop Sch, Ready By‘ End Month Commissioners With the Warden co'nstitute the County of York Executive for the year 1955. The Warden for 1955 is Reeve Ralph Corner of Georgina Township. The Richmond Hill Public School Board hopes to have a new 8-room school ready for occupancy this coming September. The rapid growth throughout the area nec- essitates the erection of addition facilities. Present plans call for work to begin on the new school in April or May depending on weather conditions. This latest build- ing will be erected on a 6-acre site located in the Allencourt Subdivision. The actual site will front for approximately 500 feet along Markham Road. - The honour of a Commissiohership confei‘red on Reeve Taylor is the ï¬rst to come to Richmond Hill since 1923 when EX-Reeve T. H. Trench was a, County Commissioner. County Commissioner For 1955 HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 IT’S RESULTS THAT COUNT and “Eihrral†WANT ADS Bring Results JANUARY 24 IACKPOT $350 Phone TU. 4-1261 Regarding the second school the Board has under construction Chairman J. Pollard states the trustees hope to have 2 rooms of the new 10 room $200.000 Oliver M. MacKlllop Memorial School ready for occupancy by the end of this month. It ls ex- pected an additional four rooms will be ready for use by the end of February. The new MacKJl- lop school is situated at the north western limits of the village. ' part of the village the local Board will have three schools under its jurisdiction. 2 Rooms Ready End of Month At a meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Jaycees last Tues- day. Jaycee Warren Hall presented two sets of cross- ing signs to Trustee Dick Mills. Richmond Hill Pub- lic School Board and Trus- tee Wm. McQuillan. St. Mary‘s Separate School. 32113 traffic warning signs which are in the form of a life. size policemen were supplied through the courtesy of the Coca Cola Company and are to be placed on Yonge St. in front of the two 'schools during crossing hours. Directors of Richmond Hill Agricultural Society re- port that the annual meet ing of the Society will be held this year on Saturday. January 29. The 'meeting will be held as usual at the Municipal Hall and will begin at 2 pm. Present School Crossing Signs Agricultural ' Meeting