Friday evening. The monthly meeting of the Thornhlll Mothers’ Auxiliary for Scouts and Cubs will be held at the United Church Hall, Mon- day, January 24. at 8.15 pm. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Ter- Jackson. A.D.C. for North Central District. Thornhill And Dstrict News . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanley Rob- inson, Merrymount Farm, enter- tained members of St. Paul's Avenue Road Church Choir on TELEPHONE TU. 4-1261 D. E. C 0 O K GENERAL CONTRACTOR Representatives from e Shell Oil Co. met with he Vaughan Township Council last Monday to request that an amendment to an exist- ing by-Iaw be passed to per- mit the Shell Co. to erect a service station on the south corner of Thornhill Ave. and Yonge Street. Council registered no ob- jection to the plan but rec- ommended that the Shell Co. contact property owners concerned for their reaction. Deputy-Reeve Albert Ruth- erford commented that he felt it was a good idea to encourage a good clean type of commercial assessment in the township. The fourth annual presen- tation by the Footlights Club Trinity Church, Thornhill. will _be held on Friday. Feb- ruary 18, and matinee and evenlng performance Satur- day. Fehruary_ 19. The play "See How They Run" is a three-act farce, written in 1947 by Philip King and is guaranteed a worthy successor to “Quiet Week-End" with more than Its complement of laughs and chuckles. Domestic & Industrial Alterations ARNOLD FARMS Friday Night Special FIRST GRADE CBSAMERY BUTTER lb. No. 7 HIGHWAY & KENNEDY RD. Open Friday Night Till 9 O’Clock 6 till 9 o’clock THELIBERAL, Richmond‘Hill, Thgrs., Jan. 20, 11955 Seek Site For Gas Station OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 Thomhill District Lions Club Fourth Presentation JACKPOT LAST WEEK $350 FARMERS! MARKET THORNHILL % EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 8 RM. 10 $5.0( Golden Lion Spec. 1AME PRIZE $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 S'Iver 55 Spec. $20.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 OCDm-QHO‘ï¬BWLvH H SPECIAL DRAWS ORDER OF GAMES Limit 2 lbs. to a Customer Vaughan Township council has received a request for ap- proval of a 15-unit motel to be erected on No. 7 highway at the southâ€"west corner of the 6th concession on the Stephenson farm. An earlier request was turned down because of lot size, but since the owner has complied with the building reg- ulations-there is every indica- tion that approval will now be given. . A lifelong resident of Thorn- hill, Miss Ella Margaret Welsh. passed away at her home on January 8, 1955. Miss Welsh had been in ill health for some years suffering from a coronary condition. 7 A _ Born in Markham Township, Miss Welsh lived just south of Thornhill until several years ago when she moved to Centre St. A member of Thornhlll Presby- terian church, she took an active interest in the affairs of the var- ious church organizations. The funeral service on Jan. 11 was held at the home of the de- ceased and was conducted by Rev. C. H. Chambers assisted by Dr. J. Stanley Glen of Knox Colv lege. Interment was in Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. Pall Bearers were Morgan Boyle, John Cooper. Douglas Cooper. Clark Young. Oswald James and Henry Harper. Left to mourn her passing are two sisters. Miss Hazel Welsh, Thornhill and Mrs. Charles Har- per: Wlllowdale. , «r___ 11 New Motel Planned On No. The Ladies‘ Guild of the Thornhill United Church met in the Church Hall, on November 13. ELLA MARGARET WELSH The devotional period was taken by Mrs. G. H. Craig and Mrs. C. Atkinson. Mrs. E. Kent presided at the bus- iness meeting. when the Guild decided to purchase a stove, and refrigerator for the church kitchen, and to assist the minister in a sur- vey of the Ball and Thorn- view subdivisions. NUMBERS CALLED 55 Top Line Guild To Assist In Survey @hituarp The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . In order that your items may appear in The Liberal sim- ply phone TU. 4-1261. Lines 49c GAB ME Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mizen 27 Seccomoe Ave.‘ Phone AVenue 5-1570 A robin has been a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sage on Proctor Ave., it is quite time and comes for food every day. Around New Year’s a robin was seen in Mizen's flats. These birds are very bright and healthy looking. 7 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Foster, of Proctor Ave., held a wedding re- ception at their home on Satur- day for Mrs. Foster’s brother and bride, Mr. and Mrs. Kendle, who were married at Willowdale. Friends of Mrs. W. Mitchell, Clarke Ave., will be sorry to hear that she is in the hospital again. Friends of Mrs. Vaxvick gave her a surprise shower for the new baby, on Wednesday, Jan. 12. Many lovely gifts were re- ceived. Mrs. Newton entertain- --â€"-_r_., ___ The‘ regular monthly meeting of the Doncaster Ratepayers was held January 11 at Henderson Rd. School. eidthe guests with games, a very pleasant evening closed with re- freshments. Visiting at Miss Wakeley's last week, was Miss B. Banks from Toronto. Ratepayers Assoc. Those in attendance had the pleasure of hearing Vern Grif- ï¬n, councillor of Markham town- ship Ward 1 and also C. .l. Lau- rin, a member of the Markham Township Planning Board. Mr. Griffin explained to the ratepayers his reasons for nom- inating Dr. Tanner to the plan- ning Board rather than E. Shul- ver. Mr. Griffin was approached by the association at its last meeting in regard to nominat- ing Mr. Shulver. After hearing Mr. Griffin’s explanation his actions were endorsed by all present; Mr. Griffin also gave some very encouraging information in regards to water and new pro- posed ;oads fo_r D_oncast_er. Mr. Laurin held the interests of the meeting while he outlin- ed the composition of the Plan- ning Board, plans for the future and obstacles and obligations to the taxpayer. He completed his address by answering many questions concerning .the board. ‘ A11'WHo heard Mr'. Laurin will realize the great need for the planning boarq. . . It is planned‘ to have more of the men and women in public of- ï¬ce at the meetings of the Don- caster Ratepayers, so if you would like to hear any particular person, make a point to attend the regular meetings. The "Liberal" requires a correspondent to cover the Thornhill area. If you are interested in reporting the activities of your commun- ity plus the possibility of earning a little extra pin money you are likely the person for whom we are looking. u. If you are interested sim- ply phone ou; oï¬ice at TU. 4-1261 and have a chat with our Editor. Jackpot LOTS OF FUN Correspondent / Required " PRIZE $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 DONCASTER Share the Wealth $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 NLOION Lines Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. W. Jenkinson 45 Grandview Ave. who celebrated their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary on Tuesday January 18th. Powell Rd. Home and School On Monday January 24th, the meeting of Powell Rd.. Home and School should be a very lively one. The pupils of grade 7 and 8 have prepared a group of beefs against adults and with a very good panel to help members dis- cuss them. it should prove mbst With the Associations Cubs and Scouts Banquet Cub and Scout Mothers' are looking forward to working on the Father and Son banquet to be held early in February and all details will be discussed at their meeting to be held on Tues- day January 25th at the home of Mrs. Scarffc, 79 Highland Park Blvd. You try to attend. The January meeting of Lang- staff Home and Schom was held at the school on Tuesday, Jan- uary 11th with Mr. C. Evans pre- siding. The minutes were read and adopted and the treasurer’s report given. Mr. Evans report- ed that the Christmas Party was very successful and thanked the teachers for their work in pre- paring the'program. Miss Brad- ley‘s class won the picture con- test for the second month. Two lovely solos were sung by Miss Elena Nelson of Richmond Hill High School accompanied uy Mrs. Woodsat the piano. - The theme for this month was "Religion" and the guest speak- er Rev. Calvin Chamber’s. Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church, chose as his subject “Religion in the Home". He stressed the need of parents having an understanding of what religion, the Church, and their faith mean to them, in order to instill it into their child- ren. He also urged Bible Study and setting aside. time for relig- ious studies with their children. Mrs. Evans thanked Rev. Cham- bers on behalf of the meeting. Refreshments were served. Jr. W. I. The regular monthly meeting of the Langstaff Junior Women’s Institute was held at the home of Miss M. McArthur, Yongview Ave, with twelve members and one guest answering the roll ‘call “An Historical Site Nearby." lst Vice-president, Mrs. P. Morris, was in charge of the meeting. A decision was made to have tick- ets printed for a raffle for the hand made quilt. Draw to be made at a lawn tea in June. Mrs. B. Pattison held a quiz on “Cur- rent Events†which was very in- teresting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. F. Russell and E. Madeleno. Mark Vaughan Women’s Insti- tute A Mrs. C. Thirgood, Fairview Avenue. was hostess for theJan- uary meeting held on Wednes- day, January llth. 13 members answered the roll call with “A Clipping from a Local Paper". Plans were made for 3 Games Night to held at Langstaff School on January alst. An invitation was received from the Junior Institute to attend their Febru- ary meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Morris. Historical Research and Current Events Oonvenor Mrs. C. Thirgood read a paper on “The Institute Home in New Mrs. C. Thirgood : “The Institute E Brunswickâ€. Celebrates let B Congratulations Congratulations to Miss Eileen Revell who celebrated her let Birthday on Wednesday, January 12th. Miss Revell was the guest of honour at a surprise party planned for her by her co-work- ers from the Bell Telephone 00.. Main Office, Adelaide Street. The party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamblyn where Miss Revell is living at present. Among those present were Misses Eleanor Herchak. Pat and Evelyn O‘Connor, Meri- Iyn Pingle, Doreen Shorley, Lo- raine Bayford, Ethel Hamilton. Miss Revell was the recipient of many lovely presents and a large birthday cake complete with candles. Home and School The January meeting of the Carrville Home and School As- sociation was held Thursday ev- ening in the school. The child- ren were present as well as the parents and a ï¬lm was shown on Safety. While the parents dis- cussed the ï¬lm and held their meeting, the children enjoyed skating on the rink in the school yard. Then sandwiches and hot chocolate were served. School Board The annual ratepayers meeting was held recently with‘Dr. Walk- er as chairman and John Baker as secretary of the meeting. A very small number turne dout as the weather was very poor. The reports were all read and approv- ed. Mr. Reg. Macey was ap- pointed trustee for another three year term. The school board members are C. Chevis. J. Bush- ell and R. Macey_ We are very pleased to report that Miss Clive Middleton, who underwent a serious operation a while ago is steadily improving and is out around again. We hope she will continue to im- prove in health. Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130R3 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Meadowview Road Telephona AV. 5-2116 (ARRVILLE LANGSTAFF NEWS HIGHLAND PARK NEWS let Birthday CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY Miss Phone AVenue 5-2496 iss Eileen her 215t . January the guest ise party For the week of Thursday Jan. 13th; Mens high average-Harry Luckett 238. high single-Roy Cunningham 341, men‘s triple Harry Luckett 875_ Ladies high Average Ethel Farr 185. high single Elaine Ackhurst 390. La- dies triple Ethel Farr '761 flat. Helen Moffat 789 with handicap. Teams are running neck and neck with Redwings. Parrots and Wrens all having 12 points. Ori- oles and Hawks 9. Larks 7, Can- aries 5. Robins and Sparrows 2 pts.. Crows 0. interesting, Panel members will be Mrs. G. Jackson, well known authority on Family living, Dr. A. Smith. Mr. D. McTavish, area psychologist and principal of Charles Howitt school. and Mrs. J. Hill. teacher at Powell Rd.. and also mother of two grown boys. ‘ Highland Park Bowling We are sorry to report that Mrs}, McKean, Boyle Drive, had a bad fall at her home last Sat- urday and suffered several crack- ed ribs. She wlll be in bed for at least two weeks. Personals Mr. Edwards, Boyle Drive, is progressing favaurably after his recent operation but has not yet returned to work. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt, Garden Avenue. were Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Edney. Phyllis and Larry. from Bradford, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stonehous, David and Edward, of Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmer and family, No. 7 Highway. spent Sunday with relatives at Orange- ville. Over-coddling of In elderly person is 'not always good for him or her. It can also be hard on the family, if they live to- gether. Most old people would like to make their own decis- ions and to get around by them- selves. They enjoy small res- ponsibilities, if they are normal- ly healthy. With the best inten- tions, loving relatives may be mistakenly giving the old per- son an impression that he or she is past usefulness in the world. THE ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 at 8 pm. in the Library. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Mrs. G. E. L’Aventure, Secretary NEW RATES lNIUIANCI IVAY! IAIN Stop 22A Yonge Street 11m to!†charged by mos! aihorcompuniosiorliability, collision, and comprehen- sive coverage. ‘ FOR TV 8: AERIAL SERVICE Phone AIM-2149 State Farm Mutual announces NOTICE on auto insurance averaging RAISING GRANDMA AS A PET? 5% LESS PUBLIC LIBRARY RICHVALE Phone TU. 4-2644 CALL ME FOR DETAILS: of the Thomhill will be held on or BA. 1-1384 L. A.‘ "BILL Mr. Turner, father of Bill of Rumble Ave.. entered the hospi- tal on Saturday last, as the re- sult of a stroke he suffered two weeks ago. 7 Marilyn Grainger of Avenue Rd., had the misfortune of in- juring her leg last Thursday morning. when she fell on a slide in ichvale schoolyard and struck her leg on a tree. Marilyn is unable to walk as yet, but pro- gressing well. Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2617 Mr. C. ‘Wight and son Hunter of Mill Rd. spent last weekend at Roches Point on a ï¬shing trip: Mr .and Mrs. P. A. Johns of Yongehurst Rd., entertained as their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson and children from Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thompson and children from Weston. On Friday last, George Adams of Yongehurst Rd., while watch- ing the older boys play hockey. was hit accidentally with a hock- ey stick. and six stitches were required above his eye. Mrs. R. Cartier of Carrville Rd., was the winner Saturday of a 21" General Electric TV set completely installed, in a lucky draw. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wight of Mill Rd., attended Tamblyn’s staï¬ dinner and dance on January 13 at the King Edward Hotel. Kate Aitken was one of the guest speakers, An amending byâ€"law is being prepared by Vaughan Township Council to permit Petra-Fina Oil Co. to erect a service station at the corner of Helen Ave. and Yonge Street, Thornhill. The sta- tion is planned for the north- west corner and will be one of the ï¬rst stations belong- ing to this company to be erected in this area. NORTH RICHVALE To Build Service Station Theatre Block 7E HAVE Specialized FOR OVER 35 Years In WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING IN RICHMOND HILL ' In Relative Lines of Repairs We Also Give Expert Service on Silverware * Jewellery wk Shavers * Lighters Pens * Instruments * Pearl/Stringing RICHMOND HILL Clarke's Pharmacy Hannah’s Variety Store Reaman’s Variety StorP Wight’s Pharmacy Mary’s Variety Store OAK RIDGES Connor’s Grocery Davison’s Store Davis & Day Drug Store Pallister’s Service Station Hawman’s Store Fred Hare’s Store KING CITY Armstrong’s Store Perry’s Drug Store E. Hall’s Service Station Pridham’s Store Joe Weber’s Grocery MAPLE Perry's Drug Store A. J. BARRACLOUGH Frames YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 For Your Convenience TEMPERANCEVILLE King Sideroad Store Fixtures TUrner 4-1282 ELGIN MILLS Washing Machines, Radios, and Small Appliances Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES RICHVALE W. Costoff’s Store E. Durie’s Variety Store Marinof‘f’s Store C. Turnbull’s Grocery Dennis’ Snack Bar Craigie’s Store HIGHLAND PARK Klimitz’s Pharmacy THORN HILL Harley’s Drug Store Thornhillfhgrmacy LANGSTAFF Morris’ Grocery Store DonneHeyE Store DONCASTER F. Richardson’s Store Barbour’s Store CONCORD Mrs. Lapping’s Store UNIONVILLE Queen’s Hotel BUTTONVILLF GORMLEY Milsted's Store Jones’ Grocery Store Richmond Hill Sash General Woodworking TU. 4-2550 TU. 4-255.