Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Jan 1955, p. 8

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8 THE LIBER'AL', Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 20, 1955 Klngcraft 1 Members of Kingcraft are holding their general meeting on January 27 in King City United Church. The business meeting will begin at 7.15 p.m. in the basement. Mr. Frank Fogg will speak at the open meeting in the church auditorium at 8 pm. His topic will be Journey into Yes- terday. Mr. Fogg is doing histor- ical research work in Ontario. He will be compiling a booklet on his findings. Refreshments will fol- low after the meeting. A rugging demonstration was given by Mrs. J. Norris and Mrs. Gordon Wells at the King City W.I. meeting Tuesday evening. January 11. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs_ J. Nor- ris. Mrs. E. Reddick, District President of the W.I. gave an address entitled “Women of Good Will.” Mrs. Fred Hare. Dis- trict Secretary spoke to the members. thanking them for the invitation to their meeting. The current events, written by Miss Eva Denis were given by Mrs. Archie Campbell. Mrs. Cora Specht explained the motto. The roll call “How to postpone old agei'i' was well answered. _ n!A,_ The first by-law for King City W,I. was passed, That the On- tario Hydro investment bond held by King City Women's In- stitute is hereby designated for use in a community project. the character of which will be de- termined by the branch, is the text of the by-law. It was decided to send $35 to UNESCO. The members will bring 250 to establish a trust fund to send delegates to Cey- lon in 1956 for A.C.W.W. Links: WJ. ‘ ‘ _ The ‘monthly meeting of Las- kay ‘WLI. was held at the home of Miss Winifred Boys. Mrs. Norman Ethridge gave two read- ings. Miss Helen Hunter sang a solo, Miss Winifred Boys gave the motto explanation. It was decided to send $10 to UNESCO for the Ceylon project. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer when the speaker will be Mrs. E. Reddick, the District Presi- dent. W.M.S. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of St. Andrew‘s Presby- terian Church, Strange, was held at the home of Mrs, William Willoughby, King City. on Wed- nesday afternoon. January 12. Mrs, Robert Farren, presided. Mrs. Charles Black and Mrs. Whatley Finch took the devotion- al period, Mrs. Donald McCall- um read the stuck! book chapter concerning Work in India. Mrs. Willoughby gave two readings. It was decided to have alternate evening meetings whenever pos- sible. Next month the evening meeting will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. R. Farren. The W. M. S. meeting of King City United Church was held at the home of Mrs. W. Carson on Thursday afternoon. January 13. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson installed the new officers for this year. Mrs. Ross Stuart and Mrs. I. L. Scott took the devotional period. Mrs. J, Norris read the study book chapter “Christian Contrib- ution to the new India". It was decided to send $17. the birth- day money, to the building cam- paign for the Senior Citizens Home. $170 was sent to the Tor- onto Centre Presbyterial treas- urer. Pot Luck Dinner The annual meeting of King City Cemetéry Com- pany will be held at the home of the secretary-treas- urer on SATURDAY AFTERNOON JANUARY 22 at 2 p.m. President JACK WALKINGTON Secretary-treasurer Over 40 attended the potluck LAURENCE SCOTT, PROCEEDS FOR YOUR PROTECTION WEIR‘S ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENTS Admission Adults 50c Children 25: Proceeds for Oak Ridges Community Centre Com. For transportation, a bus service will be provided Notes v King City ‘ ' NOTICE presented by the Peter Pan Dancing School King City, Lake Wilcox King City Firemen’s Dance AT ST. JOHN’S CHURCH HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 Admission and Draw Prizes 50c A Lesson In Fantasy Laskay W.I. Hall at 8 pm. dinner and annual Meeting of Laskay United Church on Fri- day, January 14. Mr. Herb. Ross was re-appointed to the session. The members of the session in order are Mr. Earl Scott. Mr. J. B. Ross. Mr. Percy Forester, Mr_ Marshall McMurchy, Mr. Will- iam Bryson, Mr. Herb Ross, Mr. Don Barker is the new steward for the year. The stewards are Mr. Jesse Bryson, Mr. L. Boys, Mr. Clyde Cairns. Mr. Fergus Lawson, Mr. Les Glass. Mr. Glen Docks and Mr_ Don Barker. The general church treasurer is Mr. Jesse Bryson and assistant treas. Fergus Lawson. Superintendent of the Sunday School is Ross Folliott and assistant Marvin Hunter. Auditors for this year are Aubrey Glass and Glen Dooks. The Ushers are Chris. Johnson, Glen Dooks and Aub- rey Glass. Assistants are Ross Folliott and Duncan Marwood. The parsonage committee con- sists of Ross Folliott, Len Glass, L. Marwood and George Forester. The central treasurer of the cir- cuit is Marshall McMurchy. Sec. of Sunday school is Jim Mar- wood. The election of officers was held at the Ladies Legion Aux- iliary meeting on Monday even- ing. January 10, Officers are: president Mrs. Elias Bice; vice- president Mrs. Gordon Smith; secretary Mrs. Fred 'Gritten. treasurer, Mrs. Len Robb, Stan- dard-bearer, Mrs. Glen Urqu- hart. social committee, Mrs. Wm. Derrick and Mrs. Bob Walker. The installation of officers will take place Monday evening. Feb. Social Notes Anna Dew. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Dew. Springhill Road. had a party on Saturday, January 15, to celebrate her 9th birthday which had occurred on Friday, January 14. Among her young guests were Shirley Bow- en, Jane Walker, Lee and Lynn Scott, Carol Parker, Gail Thomp- son, Rosemary and Heather Da- vidson, Wendy Gamble. Elaine Armitage, Sheila Bell. The child- ren began the party after return- ing from skating at Nobleton Ar- ena. Mr .Adam Davidson show- ed the children three reels of movies after supper. Shirley Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowen, King St., was eight years old on Sat, January 15. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis had a euchre party on January 14, Twenty-five friends attended the social gathering. Mr. Don Finalay left for Van- couver after the village trustee meeting on Wednesday. Mr. Robert Wellington Stew- art (Red Rob) in his 87th year, passed away at his home. Lot 15. Concession 9. 'King Township on Sunday, January 9. During his lifetime Mr. Stewart farmed on the 9th line of King. He was a member of St. Paul's Presby- terian Church, West King. Mr. Stewart was a very worshipful master of the Union Lodge. Schomberg and had been a past Grand Steward of the lodge. Robert W. Stewart Passed Away At 86 "He was predeceased by his wife, the late Minnie Davis, and is survived by his daughter Edna (Mrs. Joe Boak), son Lyle and his grandchildren Ben, Stewart and Arthur Boak. Rev. G. Johnston officiated at the funer- al service at the Presbyterian Church, West King. on Wednes- day. January 12. Interment was in the church cemetery. Fire Chief David Glass and A. R, Hooper met with King City Trustees recently to discuss the question of the fire area for King City Fire Department. “We shouldn't go outside the town unless we have an agreement with the Township." stated Fire Chief Dave Glass. It was moved by trustee Alex Cam- pbell that the village trus- tees negotiate with Town- ship Council for a fire area in the township. At this mee- ting Mr. Hooper read a list of needed fire equipment, totalling $1,460. Seek Fire Area Oak Ridges The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCallum, telephone King 132M. and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Eric Parker, telephone TU. 4-2417. Miss Nancy Stephenson, form- erly of Oak Ridges. who gradu- ated from Aurora High School in 1954 will enter the Nurses Training School at the Toronto General Hospital on January 24. Mrs. C_ L. Stephenson and Miss Anne Stephenson spent the week-end in Montreal. Anne sang on the “Nos Futures Et- oiles" program on Sunday even- mg. Cubs and Scouts Donald Anderson. the new scout leader, who had been as- sisting L. Hopkins with the Oak Ridges Cubs, wishes to extend an invitation to all boys between the ages of 12 and 16 yrs., who are interested in Scouting, to the meetings to be held at the Oak Ridges School on Wednesday at 7.30 pm. The Cubs meeting is on Mondays at 6.30 pm. at the school. under the leadership of L, Hopkins, ‘assistedby Ted Clarke. Presentation One evening last week, a party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Carruthers on Lake Ave., for Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Bunn prior to their departure from Oak Ridges. They have been in the butcher business on Lake Ave. for several years, and having now sold the business to Mr, and Mrs. Kafelo. they will soon leave for California. Be- tween 50 and 60 neighbours got together to give Mr. and Mrs.’ Bunn and their 5 year old daugh- ter Brenda a grand send-off and presented them with a silver tray and a purse of money. Brownies An enrollment of Brownies is to take place on Saturday, Jan- uary 22, at Oak Ridges School, and on January 29, if possible the Brownies will be taken to Nobleton for skating. Brownies who do not skate will attend the Saturday morning meeting as usual. ' Plan Guider Rally The Guider Meeting held in Trinity Church at Aurora, un- der chairmanship of Commission- er J. Gunn of Oak Ridges. dis- cussed the Open Air Rally on May 15. About 35 leaders attend- ed. There will be nine compan- ies and 12 packs taking part in the contests and competitions. The Brownies will be presenting and acting nursery rhymes and the guides will demonstrate sig- nalling and first aid, This event will be open to the public and should prove interesting to par- ents with children. Church Parade The Jefferson Brownies and Cubs attended the morning ser- vice at St. John's Anglican. Ab- out 30 children were there under the Cubmaster E. H. Ensor and Brown Owl Mrs. Ensor. Tawny Owl Miss Little was also pres- ent. Ice Carnival Saturday morning, January 15, saw some of the Oak Ridges Community Centre Committee on the ice at Lake Wilcox, join- ing the skaters near Mr. and Mrs. S. Beamish' Home, Blue Spruce. They were there to inspect the ice and the Blue Spruce grounds in regards to the Ice Carnival being arranged for a Saturday in February. J. Smith, presi- dent, was busy deciding where lights would be needed and Mr. Norman Taylor has offered to help the committee with this matter. The Community Queen will be presened, to the public in a decorated cutter, to receive her many prizes. Happy Birthday Mr. Leonard Ross Auckland, in his 47th year. passed away suddenly with coronary throm- bosis at Scarboro on Monday, January 10. Mr. Auckland was born on a farm at Hope in Vaughan Twp. He attended Hope School. Dur- ing his lifetime he worked for a road construction company and the Acme Farmers Distributors. At the time of his death he was a foreman at the hydro plant at Islington. Mr. Auckland was a steward in Hope United Church, Danforth, Toronto. He was a past master of the Orange lodge. Peggy Ground on Lake Rd. S_, Oak Ridges celebrated her 7th birthday on January 13 with a Barty. Diane Redfern, Lillian Deary, Heather McLaren, Linda Blythe. Jenny Hopkins and Maureen Hine were the little guests. Larry Newton on January 13. had a 7th birthday and Kenny Kraglin reached the age of 3 years on Jan. 14. Mr. Auckland is survived by his wife. the former Jean Down- ey. his son Ronald, his parents Mr .and Mrs. Luke Auckland. King City. his brother Harry of Toronto, his sister Myrtle (Mrs. I. McQuarrie, Hope), his brother Stanley, Mount Albert, his sis- ter Vera (Mrs. Ed. Willett, Lang- stafl‘), his brother Harold, Toron- to, his sisters Evelyn (Mrs. Vic Jones, Aurora) and Viola (Mrs. George Maynard. Richmond Hill. Lillian Deary invited Peggy Gorund and several other little people to a birthday party on January 15. It was her 7th birth- day. Rev. C. M. Curtis of Hope Un- ited Church, Danforth, Toronto. officiated at the service. assisted by Rev. Douglas Davis of Stoufi- ville. The interment was at Pine Hill cemetery on Thursday. Jan. 13. Leonard Ross Auckland @hituarp Oak Ridges Socials ‘Christian Mission Speaker From Israel 'Addresses KingW.A. ‘ P. S. LEGGE Mr. P. S Legge, a veteran in Mumcipal affairs in both New- market and Whitchurch tdwn- ship is the new Deputyâ€"Reeve of Whitchurch township for 1955. Elected by acclamation in last December's voting Deputy-reeve Legge succeeds Mrs. Fred Tim- bers who retired from office at the end of the year. Mr. Legge will join Reeve I. McLaughlin as one 'of Whit- church's two representatives on York County Council. The Rev. Ronald Adeney of the Christian Mission for the Jews in Jaffa and Tel-Aviv vis- ited the members of the WA. of All Saints Anglican Church. at King City last week bringing greetings from their prayer part- ner Miss Katie Provart of the Christian Missions in Israel._.Re.v. Adeney who arrived in Toronto on January 7 on his way to the United States, has been preach- ing in Toronto churches. He spoke in his address to the WA. of the need for more Christian Jewish leaders in Israel. The Christian Jewish leaders can come into closer contact with the Jewish people, stated Rev. Ad- eney. Because of the lack of teachers, Rev. Adney himself taught in the schools. Mrs. R. Burt. the prayer part- ner secretaxy, introduced Rev. Adeney and Mrs. Ross Walker conveyed the thanks of the group for his enlightening ad- dress. The Devotional period of the meeting was taken by Mrs. S, Monsoon. Rev. D. C. H. Mi- chell installed the officers for this year. Plans were made for a pancake supper to be held on February 22. The W.A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Rawllngs. First Electric Toaster - North America‘s first electrict‘ turnover toaster was built in Canada in 1914. Canada was built. in Torch}; 1883 Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service ~ "“ C. STUNDEN Richmond mu TU. 4-1245 Watson Food Products plant in King City had its second break-in this year early last week. Entrance to the plant Was gained by breaking the glass in a win- dow. Only a few potato chips’ were taken. The first break-in occur- red Sunday night, January 2 when a piano accordion val- ued at $300 was taken. Some damage had been done to machinery in the plant. No money was taken as Mr. Stan Watson does not keep a safe in the King City plant. Mr_ Watson was advised at the end of that week that the accordion had been lo- cated in a pawn shop in Tor- onto. It had been pawned for $25. The Home and School As- sociation Executive met on Tuesday. January 11, at Oak Ridges School to arrange the program of Radio and Visual Aid. Also Mr. Geo. DeWitt of Aurora will show films on better understand- ing between parent and child followed by a buzz session conducted by Mr. J. D. Smith. Mr_ Jeans, princi- pal of Oak Ridges School will speak on school funcd- tions. Refreshments will be served by the committee and a welcome is extended to all parents in the district. The first ‘elegrip gailway in Sanitary Contractor Thieves Enter Watso nPlant Plan Visual 'Aid Program Brother And Sister Nuptials Create Happy Celebration Saturday, January‘ls. was an eventful‘ day for"Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rofiey of Bond Ave.. Oak Ridges when'their daughter Ed- ith Eleanor was joined in mar- riage to Ross E. DeGeer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeGeer of Oak Ridges at 3' o'clock. Then Miss Loretta Josephine Smith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Oak Ridges became the bride of Mr, _and‘Mrs. Roffey’s son, James ~. AlberthQfieyr at 5 o'clock in -_the evening. The DeGeer-Rofl'ey nuptials took place at theSalvation Army Citadel-in Aurora. officiated by Lieutenant- Marshal: Attired. in a» cocktail-z-length gown. of lace over taffeta, and carrying a bou- quet of white} sweet peas and red. rose buds. and upon her head, a finger-tip veil held in place by a hand-made tiara, the bride Edith Eleanor. was given in marriage by her father, and attended by her sister. Mrs. Betty Stuart as matronrof-honour. who wore a pink taffeta, gown and carried a bouquet of carnations, roses and 'SWeet peas. The groom’s brother Mr._Charles De- Geer acted as 'best man, and the bride’s brother Jack Rofl‘ey. and brother-in-Iaw Albert Stuart were the ushers. . Mrs. Roffey wore a beige _suit_with brown Bob McLeod Chosen Chairman Of King-City Trustees For ’55 Trustee Bob McLeod became chairman of the trustees for iKng City at the first meeting held this year at the Masonic Hall‘ on Wednesday. January 12. Mr. McLeod succeeds Mr. Donald Findlay, who has been chairman of the trustees for’the past two years. Chairman McLeod be- gins his.‘ third year as trustee for King City and, will retain his position as road commissioner. as will trustee Alex Campbell the positions o£ water commiss- ioner and Fire commissioner for this year. Mr. Ewart Patton will continue as maintenance man for street lightsand Mr. Frank Morrison foripump house and waterWorks. Fire Brigade By-law V A by-law to provide for the establishment and regulation of a volunteer Fire Department in the police village of King City passed three readings and was adopted by King City trustees. Mr. David Glass was ofi'icially appointed as fire chief in the by- law. - Dump Trustee Donald Findlay gave a report on the progress being made-on a new garbage dump in King Township. The gravel pit owned by Mr. McConnell on the Mary Lake property and land owned by Glen Aston, Lot 19, Klng- townshlp have been under consideration but no further ac- tion has been taken said Mr. Findlay. a 30 mile speed limit sign and install it on Keele St. at the northern boundary, charging the \zillage with the cost pt the sign. 1" ,_V _-a._. A proposal.that grave'rlifirucks be routed west on Evergley’ side road was referred to King Town- ship council. Trustee Findlay maved that Kit); be vregugsted to obtain KING, ONTARIO IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY I hose of us who live in the country realize the importance of a dependable (2r . one that will start easily on winter mornings, one that is- in‘thoroughly good condition, one that requires a minimum of service. Because we cater exclusively to people in this area we understand the importance of good cars and good service. We make it a point to 533mm all our used cars are inspected care- fully ,and put‘in as good condition as it is possible to get them. When we put the Bill Drinkwater Motors sticker on a car it is your assurance of a good car, backed by service that understands the problems of country driving and living. Listed below are some remarkably good values in used cars. You are welcome to come and see them in King, and drivethem. If you have no means of transportation at present we will be glad to .pick you up, without obligation. Simply telephone King 50. .And remember that for a new car too, there is nothing more important than the service and integrity of the dealer you buy from. 1953 1951 1951 1951 1950 Accessories and trimmed with ocelot and corsage of pink rose- buds. The groom's mother chose a silver blue suit. trimmed with navy blue. and wore pink roses. For travelling, the bride chose a suit of brown and yellow pic and pic and wore brown ac- cessories. After the honeymoon the happy couple will reside on Bond Ave., Oak Ridges. ' For the Wedding of Loretta Smith and Albert Rofi'ey. solem- nized in the home of the groom on Bond Ave.. the bride chose a white' taffeta long-sleeved gown With a lace yoke and a finger- tip veil held in place by a halo of roses, She carried a bouquet of sweet peas and roses and was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Betty Stuart also acted as her maid ohhonour, and Mr. Al- bert Stuart was best man. The bride’s mother chose a gown of grey corded silk with a corsage of red roses. The wedding ser- vice was conducted by Rev. J. F. Morris of Aurora. In attendance at both wed- dings were the five grandpar- ents, Mrs. Eleanor Rofiey. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hayball and Mrs. E. Taylor. all of Oak Ridges. and Mrs. DeGeer of Box Grove, Ontario. Eight meeting dates were set by the trustees for this year. It was decided to defer the ap- pointment of a secretary-treas- urer for the village until the meeting on January 31, Three applications had been received by Mr. W. Hood. More Bingo Games For Same Price At Oak Ridges Oak Ridges Community Cen- tre‘ New Year’s Bingo, January 11. was not so well attended as in the past. However, to make the bingos more interesting' 15 games will now be played for the 35c admission fee. All the spec- l‘al prizes went to Aurora players: ' Mrs. William Patrick won a towel set, a TV Stool went to Mrs. Lou Rubin, Mrs. Joe Hol- man won the door prize, a com- pact. Mrs. C. Hind of Aubrey Ave. with a full card took the $5 prize. There were also other voucher prizes that were won by local people_ The jackpot is still continuing at the next Bingo on January 25. Mr. F. Boron was again the caller. Mr. C. Hine and J. McNeil and G. Hamm assist- ed J. Smith with card selling. J. Mrs. J. Armstrong is the conven- or for these bingos to raise funds for the Community Centre, GOODWOOD : Gordon Wilson, district farmer, recently receiv- ed a fractured leg when the trac- tor he was driving slid on the icy road and turned over pinning him underneath. radio, directional signals . . . . . . . . . . Chevrolet Sedan_ Shade-lite glass . . . . . Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, automatic. v--v--v.vv .. --...-- transmission, radio, directional signals Plymouth Deluxe Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, two-tone . . . . . Meteor Deluxe Coach Mercury Deluxe Coach (LT; . . . . . . Plymouth, rautomatip tran‘smission, YOUR CAR IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT The funeral of the late Francis Alexander Legge. a highly es- teemed and lifelong resident of the district was held last Satur- day afternoon from St. John's Church, Oak Ridges and was largely attended by friends and relatives. at Mr, Legge passed away in Pri- vate Patient's Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital on Wednesday January 12th after an illness of some two months. Born August 16th, 1870 a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Legge he was throughout his life an active and public spirited citizen of the Oak Ridges community. Late Frank Legge In 84th Year Lifelong Oak Ridges Resident He was a very successful farm- er and as the owner of Bond Lake Farm was one of Ontario’s pioneer Holstein breeders. He built up a famous herd which was known as one of the best in Ontario. He made a study of the improved farming methods and was always in the lead with new and progressive ideas. 116 Year Old King City Building Is To Be Demolished Retfi‘ing from the farm some thirty years ago he continued to One of the oldest buildings in King City on the corner of King Street and Hoop Street is to be torn down in the near future to make way for a store. The frame plank, two-storey building was erected in August-of 1838 by J. Andrews, the great grand- father of Bruce Hall. Four gen- erations of the family have liv- ed in the house. Mr. Ernest Smith, Kingsview Subdivision recently purchased the Hall property which con- sists of two two-storey houses on a third of an acre of land. Mr. Smith intends to tear the build- ings down, and build a store on the site. Bruce Hall will use the front part of the store be- longing to Bill Jensen for his business. all- Free Estimates Thomhill. Ont. Specie}! Prices On Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Over IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY A DEPENDABLE DEALER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTDR IN THE CAR YOU BUY! 1. SMITH UPHOLSTERING 25 years experience in the Better Shops in Toronto Now Open For Business Yonge Street At Woodward Ave.“ (Just North of Steele’s Conan! _ $1195. $1095. $1095. $895 $1495 $1395. $2495 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 TELEPHONE; KING 50 live in the community. For some time he was associated with the Warren Paving Company and spent some time in the Mariâ€" times as a superintendent for that organization. As a boy he attended at Oak Ridges Public School, and from his retirement he gave many years of service as school trustee and chairman of the School Board. In this post he rendered outstanding service to the sec- tion during a period of growth and development. Devoted to his church he serv- ed with distinction for many years as Warden of St. John's, Since 1918 he was a member of Richmond Masonic Lodge, and for many years was an active worker in the North York Liber- al Association. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. D. C. H. Micheu and interment followed in the church yard of St. John‘s. The pall bearers were six nephews: Stuart Legge. Kenneth Legge. Horace Cappell, Jack Cappell, Cecil Gould and Harry Hill. The late Mr. Legge Is survived by one son Homer in Toronto, one daughter, (Claudia) Mrs. C. R. Davis. Toronto. one brother Ernest Legge, and two sisters, Mrs. W. R. Cappell and Mrs. O. St. George Freer of Toronto. His wife, the former Elizabeth Pal- mer predeceased him four years ago. (Including materials) 5 Year Guarantee Loses Boat In Wilcox Lake Fire Wilcox, the iceboat owned by M.. Bob McLeod. King City. was destroyed by fire Sunday night, January 9, when the Old Willow Beach dance hall was burnt to the ground at Lake Wilcox. The boat which had a 500 square foot sa'il was stored in the building. Eight people had often at one time taken rides across the lake on the iceboat. Mr. McLeod, who has two other iceboats. the Zip and the Eskimo, said he would not replace the Wilcox. 'AV. 5-1682 'AVenu 5-1143

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