Working ductlon of Sweeny as A premiere of "This Happy Breed" by Noel Coward with ten out of the cast of twelve making their stage debut. brought this comment from a reviewer: “af- ter seeing this premiere one can look forward to more good shows frth the Grosvenor Players". The Dublin Evening Mail says of the stage version of Emily Bronte's “Wuthering Heights", “High praise goes to producer (director) John P. Grosvenor." Directing the play in Toronto for the.Rapier Players three years later. John Grosvenor also play- ed the part of Hindley Earnshaw and won acclaim. A Gold Medallist at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. he re- ceived the acclaim of the Even- ing Herald of Dublin (home of the famous Abbey Players) for his role of Danny in “Night Must Fall" 3 play which he also directed. John Grosvenor’s reputation as a director is enhanced by his ability as a coach of amateurs and as an actor himself. Prior to three years sojourn in Ire- land he was very prominent as an official and instructor in the British Drama League, and or- ganized the Thames Valley Dra- matic Festival. Gold Medallist Four or five evenings a week John Grosvenor spends rehears- ing the cast of “Rebeccaâ€; build- ing up a sequence here, smooth- ing a "rough spot" there, until the players function as a team. Exits, entrances, the lighting of a cigarette, the timing on ar- ranging some flowers. each and every detail must be fashioned to exactness. In the cast of “Rebecca†are Elizabeth and Gordon Lewis, Marguerite Gos- venor, Stu‘art Parker. Paul Mor- ley, Joseph Rabinowitch, Cicely Thomson, William Ferguson, Warwick Butt. Frieda Lagerquist and A. J. McLatchy. Perhaps the most dynamic personality in the Curtain Club is that of John P. G. Grosvenor. currently directing “Rebecca†by Daphne du Maurier. to be pre. qented as the Club's premiere public performance in the Lions’ Hall February 4th and 5th. John Grosvenor Famous For Ability To Coach Amateurs Curtain Club Producer 3 B: c. with him on the pro- “Rebecca†is George stage manager. A Also unseen is Harold Mat- thews, chief electrician. But while his changing of the light- ing for the moods and time of the scenes will be so delicate as to be imperceptible to an audi- ence, the other phase of his work will not be unheard as he will be closely scanning the script of the play for "cues" for doorbells. clocks or music. When the band plays offstage. Harold Matthews will be ‘lts "conductor". John Grosvenor and George Sweeny work together to co- ordinate at least twenty persons' contributions to the play. All the cast and all the backstage staff are co-operating to form a smoothly functioning team that will bring “Rebecca†as enter- tainment to the public February 4 and 5. Before the ball when Mr. de Winter calls. “Frlth brlng in the champagne". the perfect English butler will enter carrying a sil- ver tray. on it delicate glasses of bubbling -“champagne", the champagne bottle nestled in its cooler. Jean Thomson and Mu- rlel Gillard will have supplied his “properties.†Working under the Stage Manâ€" ager and Director are assistants, each with his or her own res- ponsibilities. “Two Moroccan costumes please!" Doris Leno and Renee Parker (in charge of Wardrobe) have to be prepared to take this in their stride as well as outï¬tting the rest of the cast of eleven. At the present time George Sweeney is in charge of the con- struction of the many odd- looking frames and scaï¬oldings that suddenly and almost magic- ally will look just like the scale model stage setting designed and painted by Don Leno for "Re- beccaâ€. glimpse backstage on opening night will ï¬nd the Stage Mana- ger in charge of the whole run- ning of the play from the open- ing chords of “God Save the Queen†to the ï¬nal curtain call. As Stage Manager he not only is responsible for seeing that “the set", that is, the scenery, is complete and in place, but also for the actors being ready to come on stage at the right mom- ent. He is one of the experienced circulation auditors on the stafl‘ of the Audit Bureau of Circulations.‘ Just as a bank examiner makes a periodic check of the records of your bankâ€"so does Mr. A.B.C. visit our ofï¬ce at regular intervals to make an exacting inspection and audit of our circulation records. The circulation facts thus obtained are condensed in easy-to-read audit reports which tell our advertisers: How much circu- lation we have; where it goes; how it was obtained; and many other FACTS that tell advertisers what they get for their money when they advertise in this newspaper. He Works for our Advertise}? RICHMOND HILL PHONE TUrner 4-1261 The retarded youngsters are generally one of three types â€" mongoloid. whose characteristics are short and thick ï¬ngers, thick tongues and blunt features. These are the happiest in the world and are usually kindly and obedient. There are those who have brain damages either hv Dr. Amoss has worked with auxiliary and retarded classes for a great many years, and acts as honourary advisor to the De- partment of Education in con- nection with education for re- tarded children. Dr; Amoss started teaching in the last cen- tury and has seen many changes and advancements. He served as inspector of auxiliary classes for many years and has always shown a keen interest in all as- sociations and school work. He visited the Thornhill and district school last week and was pleased with the progress of the child- ren. Growing Concern For Children's Welfare Dr. Amoss said the most ap- parent change in his years of teaching is the growing concern for children's welfare. in all stages. and the greater tolerance of people towards all types of children. In connection with retarded children there are now 25-30 schools in Ontario estab- lished for this group with about 555 pupils enrolled. Many more of these children are growing to maturity with the advances in medicine and this education is making them useful citizens, able to take their place in society. Co- operation of home, school and community towards this group can do much. At home parents should give these children cer- tain duties to train them to ac- cept responsibility. The special schools are bringing companion- ship and training to them which is vital. Community groups and individuals should show interest in understanding the handicaps of these children and aiding them to obtain jobs. These children have a vocab- ulary average of about 300 words which can be built up to 700 or better by special training. Most of their reading is learned by attaching pictures to words and when this is accomplished, the word is much more adaptable. They are taught to count and recognize ï¬gures rather than ar- ithmetic tables and this equips them to handle money and other important items in general 11v- 1ng. Physical training plays a large part since they learn to handle their muscles and to fol- low instruction. Music also plays an important part. Guest speaker at the monthly meeting of Thornhill and District Association for Retarded Child- ren on January 20 at Charles Howitt school was Dr. H. Amoss. 3.11., B. Paed.. of Hamilton. Dr. H. Amoss Guest Speaker Sees Growing Concern For Children’s Wcl'am ' """ I brain damages either bylice association Sgt. Charles McGlade of York county police and Cons. Louis Swinghammer of Thornhill OPP, are delegates to the Ontario Po- Appointed to the executive board were Chief Byron Bur- bldge, Newmarket; Chief Will- iam Hill, father of Sgt. Hill, of North Gwillimbury and Cons. Warren Hulse of Vandorf OPP. Others elected were Chief Ar- thur VMoody, of King Township police, and cons. Edward Fores- ter, of Vandort OPP, vice-presi- dents and Sgt. William Hill of Newmarket, secretary-treasurer. Chief Clarence Wideman of Markham township police was elected president of the York County Police Association at the annual meeting held last week in Aurora. Chief Of Markham Heads Police Group Present at the January 30 meeting was Mrs. Gledhill, who taught at the Charles Howitt School last spring. Many teach- ers of the area were present and guests from the Thornhill Lions who have been strong supportrs of the work. Mrs. Swindle presided at the meeting and Mr. D. McTavish tha‘ir‘iked_pr. Amoss for his val- ,,___-~.. -v- “.9 vuA uable address to the association. Eighty years ago, Canada pas~ sed legislation establishing an agency for the protection of the public against unscrupulous or careless manufacturers of food, drugs, or drink. synce those days. cosmetics have been added to the list of products that are watched by the eagle eye of the Food and Drug Act inspection oï¬icers. In all areas of Canada. these officers are stationed to carry on rigid inspection of goods on store shelves. They examine cargoes of ships bring- ing in imported foods, drugs. drink or cosmetics, as well as investigating complaints by the individual citizen, who may have discovered pollution or adultera- tion in any of these goods sold to him, or misleading statements on their labels. The deceased w‘as an active member of St. John Chrysostom parish where the funeral service was sung by Rev. John A. Can- ï¬eld, pastor of Blessed Sacra- ment Parish, Noranda, Quebec. assisted by the pastor, Rev. T. J. McCabe. and the Rev. L. Cahill. Many relatives and friends at- tended. Mrs. Paxton was born at U):- bridge and was the eldest dau- ghter of the late Thomas J. Cauï¬eld and Margaret O'Don- nell. She is survived by her husband L. E. Paxton, one sis- ter, Mrs. Frank Mugan, Kitchen- er, and ï¬ve brothers, Thomas of Montreal, James of Cobalt, John of Noranda, Quebec, Patrick of Aurrora, and Austin of Monteith. Interment took place in the Catholic Cemetery at Newmark- et on Thursday, January 13. Mrs. Mary Paxton, beloved wife of Fred E. Paxton of New- market, died in York County hospital January 10, following a brief illness. As Councillor V. Griffin will be away Council will ask that a joint meeting requested by Thornhill Police Village and to be held with representatives of the Townships of Markham and Vaiughan, scheduled for Febru- ary 2, be postponed until a later date. Reeve A. LeMasurier will be Markham’s other representa- tive at the gathering. Mrs.M. Paxton' Dies After Brief Illness Thornhill Trustees are an- xious to hold this meeting in or- der to discuss the setting up of a ï¬re area, police protection and garbage collection within the village. to make additional provision for those children coming from Vaughan Township. At present the Board sends all the children in Vaughan Township who re- side west of Highway 400 to the Weston High School. Joint Meeting Turning to the future growth of the High School District, Trustee Dean stated that within the next four or ï¬ve years the present Richmond Hill building will be required to handle the students from Richmond Hill alone, and that within the same period the new Thornhill School will be needed to handle the stu- dents from Markham Township. Therefore, the Board will have The Board feels that the im- portant thing at present is to se- cure an entrance into the prop- erty and then to proceed at once with the erection of the school. During the year or year and a half it will take to construct the school the Board had intended to carry on negotiations for an ad- ditional entrance. Future Growth (Continued from page 1) the road will amount to approx- imately $6,000. Queried as to the Board's choice of site. Chairman McMull- en replied that the trustees had made their decision after a thor- ough investigation. Further- more, negotiations are in such an advanced state that it would not be practical to change the location of the school at this time. EAGLE EYE FOR 80 YEARS Reserves Decision If his health at peak you‘d keep. His room needs lots of good fresh air That's fundamental child health care Even; child needs lots of sleep Dept of Nalnona‘ Hoahh and Welfare HERE’S HEALTH BEDROOM SUITES w CHESTERFIELD SUITES EYER’S FERNITWRE FEATURINé THE NEW SHADES OF PINK ICE, PLATINUM, FROSTED OAK, PEARL OAK, SEA-MIST, SALEM-MAPLE, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY. 161 MAIN ST. In all the latest styles and colors â€" Dozens of suites to choose from DIRECT FROM THE CANADIAN FURNITURE MART 1665 Two hundred and ninety years ago, thousands of the citizens of old London died from the Black Death or bubonic plague. It is probable that the disease was taken into England by rats from ships. which had sailed from countries where the plague was raging. Every rat should be ex- terminated, not only because of the disease they may spread but also because of the millions of dollars worth of food and mer- chandise they destroy every year in Canada. The drug warfarin has been found an effective ex- terminator to date. It may be obtained in commercially pre- pared forms. Whitchurch Names 1955 Committees Whitchurch Township Council named the following standing committees for 1955: roads and bridges, deputyâ€"reeve Legge councillors Richardson and Gra- ham; finance, the reeve and en- tire council; bylaws and permits. councillors Richardson, Graham and Wallwork; health and wel- fare, councillor Graham, reeve McLaughlin, councillor Wallwork property and police, councillor Wallwork, deputy-reeve. Legge and reeve McLaughlin. Conservation Appointments A request and signed petition was received on behalf of Robt. Staple, pt, west half, lot 31 con. 9 Whitchurch asking for an ad- justment in school section boundaries between Mongolia Section and 8.8 No. 23 Stouff- ville, and Mr. Fred Winn was named arbitrator for the town- ship. Appointments were made by resolution to the three conser- vation authorities, Lambert Wil- son as representative on the Upper Holland River Authority; Edw. Logan, the Rouge Author- ity and L. P. Evans to the Humber Valley Authority. Communications were received from the councils of Aurora and Newmarket endorsing the res- olution recently passed by Whit- church asking that the full cost educating outside children in foster homes not be carried as a charge on the township. It is expected that the ma- ny women who enjoyed it last year will be back again for this year’s two-day ev- ent. from any member of the Club. The Richmond Hill Rot- ary Club announces that they will sponsor again this year the annual cooking school to be held February 8 and 9 in the Masonic Hall. Rotary To Sponsor Cooking School Tickets are available Priced from NEWMARKET $149.00 -, two curl. In every ham. 1 km a Coughing h .. ed by irritation somewhere in the respiratory system. But irritation itself W1“ not. make you cough. A tiny cluster of brain cells. must ï¬rst m'del the various muscles involved to provide the ex- pluruw force which causes coughing (see illustration) Selence has now developed a drug. similar to morphine but nonâ€"narcotic, which can‘control coughing that _ has no beneï¬cial value to the hu- IHUUGH man body. This drug. known as AJWR“ \‘lUCPMOIION dextrumethorphan hydrubromide. NL ‘0?†or, more simply, Romilar, appar- /\ HYPO~ 3W ently is the ï¬rst anti-cough speciï¬c ,1 THET'CI ‘ - ' . ‘ ' - - 7’ COUGP. smce codeine “a: discovered more than 100 years ago. CENTER However, Romilar. being widely used under doctors' orders for the ï¬rst time this winter. has none of the disadvantages of codeine. It is non-addictive, causes no nausea, dizziness or constipation. Months of tests on more than 775 patients in 28 hospitals and clinics show that Romilar causes no bad effects on patients. in sight of everyone. ‘.; , That was really something. because even in 1919 him out of 10 cars made were still open models. The chart above explains why you cough. Both the “irritation message" and the “order to cough" are electrical impulses carried by neryes. The cough suppressant works by stopping or slowing down the electronic switching procéss by ' The self-starter saved l. lot of broken arms, too. and made the car a friend instead of a stubborn, inhuman haul that had to be constantly battled. It helped change the wor- ld's whole attitude to the motor car. ‘ - 1 cue}: the auzomohflemaummï¬uihbï¬ " d“ .jmtabwtihomuthpmd‘w-ï¬om ‘ot :ha sou-nun: h 1911. ‘ " Like a lot of ï¬xing: In now like lo: gran on one! cu, ihe self-starter was iniroduood by Guard Mom That famous milestone followed moth» flu! in 1910, when GM started the ï¬rst closed bodies in any volume. beenqu a woman could that had“ It. and lb. “’2 have to take along a chuth. That's probably uno- 1hing you’ve never thought of Hon. that I m couldn’t take the kids to school. at go m. h the family car before the sou-mun an. on the no... AIMMMHWM‘mhflI‘.“ ltmhihomuflylhdyflhhum‘. up Why You Cough . .. i by irrxtzmon somewhere in the respiratory sysum‘ Sci‘e'HEe-Features. which the incoming signal sets 03 the cough signal. Codeine and Romilar seem to work alike. but the latter appears to nï¬ect only the “cough center." The new drug was disco_vered by scientists of Hoï¬mann-Ln Roche Inc. CALL 1250 Free Delivery