Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jan 1955, p. 10

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[0 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 27, 1955 EXACTLY AS SHOWN NEW-GUARANTEED BY THE COMPANY PHONE FOR FREE < DEMONSTRATION HEATING, SHEETiMETAL WORK Anthes-Imperial and Pease Furnaces and OViZUBurners Builders! Home Owners! L 0 0 K ! .’ COMPLETE 200 GAL. TANK, ETC. *24 Hour Service to all other makesik Lincoln Oil Burners INSTALLED - 200 gal. Tank NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 YEARS TO PAY ” No Heat Int ONLY 161 Norfolk Street, RICHMOND HILL DALTON HICKS Richmond Hill - TU. 4-1722 Elegant modern design, with chromium trim, as shown be|ow. Has an alloover, top to bottom washing action, vigorous in all zones. Full size non-splash tub with sediment zone. Safety Release Wringer. Life lubiicoted mechanism. SHOP 0R PHONE TODAY Harold W. Morison FRONT-END LOADEBS & TRUCKS FOR HIRE Lincoln Oil-Fired Forced Air Units Lincoln Heating Sales EXCAVATING * GRADING 7% ‘ . Controls - 1 year service FURNACE SALE Terms To Suit You! (Shop at rear of 45 Yonge St. North) RICHMOND HILL Phone TU. 4-2060 R. C. BOSTOCK 190 Lawrence Ave. YONGE STREET $119.5 STONE * GRAVEL TOP SOIL * FILL DI eIs Qhe ire. IVOIV TO CELEBRATE 55 YEARS OF lEADERSHIP ASCANADAKIstCHOKE A FULL SKIRTED No Heat Interruption $479.9 $265M TUrner 4-3203 BAldwin 1-6801 MWWW WASHER 24 of David Kerwin‘s class- mates from Room 11B. Richmond Hill High School, enjoyed a to- bogganing party at the former Moses farm on the Gamble side- road Thursday evening of last week. returning to David’s home afterwards to dance and partake of refreshments. lst Jefferson Mothers’ Auxiliary District'Commissioner Mrs. D. R. Gunn gave a most informative talk, outlining how the Brownie organization works. at the lst Jefferson Mothers” Auxiliary meeting held last week at the home of Mrs. John Passmore. and advised her listeners they would soon .need leaders for Guides. as Brownies grow up very fast. Many happy returns of the day to Billy Thompson for tomorrow, January ' 28; to Barbara Pullen who will be 15 years old on Sun- day, January 30 and to Janet Brown who will celebrate her birthday on February 3rd. Entertains Classmates Mrs. Gunn said the district commissioner for Guides and Brownies is responsible for all activities in the district and must see that they have moral support and a suitable meeting place. Belated birthday greetings to Carl Brown who was 16 years old on Monday January 24, and also to Pamela Threlfall who was 11 years old on Wednesday, January 26. This means that an official representative from the auxiliary will be associated with the Oak Ridges Brownie association and should attend one meeting a, month at Oak Ridges. Mrs. Ross Kerwin, Liason Officer for the Group Committee of the lst Jef- ferson Scouting group was ap- pointed to this new office at last week's meeting. The lst Jefferson Brownies have been registered at head- quarters under the jurisdiction of Oak Ridges but will be sup- ported by the lst Jefferson Mothers' Auxililary. With the present enrollment standing at 13 Brownies, the question of uniforms and equip- ment arose and the MA. decided to make the uniforms them- selves. A nominal charge will For your fuel needs Call ' JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS ANTHRACITE Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Bond. Telephone TUmer 4-1396 _ I rirthday greetings to be made to each Brownie for her who was 16 years tunic and on moving up to day January 24, and Guides, or should she leave the mela Threlfall who district. -a Brownie may sell her 3 old on Wednesday, uniform back to the Pack. Mrs. J. Fletcher moved that any money received from the Community Club for Brownies will go towards the purchase of uniforms for the two brownie leaders. Mrs. J. Hall seconded the motion and it was passed with full approval of the mem- bers. Fifty cents a year is paid by each Brownie for registration and another ten cents a year covers them against accidents. The ladies then completed ar- rangements for the Valetine Euchre and Bridge. which the Mothers' Auxiliary will sponsor at Jefferson School on Friday evening. Feb. 11. Tickets will be fifty cents each and all proceeds will be used for auxiliary work with the lst Jefferson Scouts, Cubs and Brownies. Mrs. Kerwin's motion that the Mothers’ Auxiliary sup ply Brownie scarves free of charge, as they did for the Scouts and Cubs, was seconded by Mrs. Har- ry Pridham and approved by the general meeting. The next general meeting will be held on March 15, at 8:30 pm. at the home of Mrs. H. G. Rob- ertson, Brookslde Road. The election of new officers will take place and there will be a full report on the past year by the present executive. Personals ou u . y e . . . v v . . A u u u v v u y . ‘ . . Mrs. Hal Robertson also had some of Mrs. Stockton’s friends from Brookside Road in on Mon- day last, to say goodby. Mr. and Mrs. George Stockton and baby daughter Sandra plan to leave for England early in February. Dies in ’Plane Crash Mrs. E. Ray Jackson entertain- ed some of Mrs. George Stock- ton‘s friends at a ‘bon voyage’ tea at Mariday Farms on Thurs- day afternoon last week.. A little over a year ago Fl. Comm. R. Grant Offiicer of Ed- monton was rushed to hospital for an emergency operation for a ruptured appendix, thereby cancelling a test flight he was due to make for the RCAF. The test flight went on as scheduled but crashed up in Northern On- tario killing all members of the crew. Last weekend. Mrs. G. Simon of Brookside Road, received word from her daughter, Terry, Mrs. R. G. Officer, that her husband was killed on a routine test flight as he was returning to his base at Edmonton. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mrs. Simon's daughter, and children Frances, Richard and Leslie. Mrs. Officer and her Young family were well-known in this neighbourhood. visiting at the home of her mother each sum- mer. Funeral services for the late Fl. Comm. Officer will be held in Toronto this Friday. W. A. Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of St. John’s W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. G. Beatty, Dry- noch Farms, on Wednesday af- ternoon last week. The Rev. D. C. H. Mitchell in- stalled‘ the W. A. officers for 1955 and Mrs. G. Kerswill read the scripture lesson. Following the reading and ac- ceptance of the annual financial reports the ladies discussed the bale to be sent to the Mission School at Prince Albert, Sask., and decided to gather up their supplies for the bale as quickly as possible in order to get it off at an early date. William Leach, a student at Wycliffe College, preached at St. John’s Church last Sunday morn- ing on the occasion of the obser- vance of Theological Sunday. Correspondent: Mrs. E. Mizen 27 Seccomoe Aves Phone AVenue 5-1570 The Senior hockey team at Henderson Avenue School de- feated the Powell Road boys 2-1 last week. The two goals for Henderson Ave. were scored by Michael Mackey. and Douglas Dewsbury. The boys wore their newrsweaters for this game. The line up was as follows: David Foster, Douglas Elliott, Don Scott, Douglas Dewsbury. Mich- ael Mackey and Harold Leffler. Harold was slightly injured du- ring the play. Personals A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. L. George and family who have just moved into their new home at 49 Morgan Ave., and to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bisgaard and two child- ren, 19 Morgan Avenue, who are now living in the home previous- ly occupied by -Dr. and Mrs. Fyfe and children who moved to Hamilton. The regular meeting of the Doncaster Ladies’ Club will be held at Henderson Ave. School Tuesday, February 1. This will be sewing night. Please bring thimbles and scissors. The meet- ing starts at eight o'clock. Mrs. R. Gerribn. Morgan Ave. and Mrs. W. Mitchell, Clarke Ave., are home from the hospi- tal. Dr. R. Jones was guest speaker at the Home and School meet- ing held at Henderson Ave. schol on January 19. Dr. Jones is an outstanding speaker, and was very much enjoyed by the parents of Doncarster Park. Mr. H. Flewelling and family of Glen Cameron Ave.. had a few days visit from Mr. Flewell- ing's mother from Elora. Mr. J. Walker irom Chalk Riv- er. spent a week with his daugh- ter and family, Mrs. W. Cole, Seccomoe Ave. The Doncaster Mission Sun- day School enjoyed a tobogan- ing party last Friday night at the Thornhill Golf Club. Later in the evening. refreshments were served at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. Finnemore. Elgin St. DONCASTER Mr. Roy Austin of Mill Rd who has been quite ill in New market Hospital recently. retur- ned home on Sunday and is pro- gressing nicely. , Gail Masters of Mill Rd. is confined to her home with meas- les. Mrs. W. May of Yongehurst Rd., is home from Newmarket Hospital with her new son and brother for Sandra Mr. and Mrs. E. A'Lnley were very pleased to have their son Allan and family from Toronto spend last Sunday with them at their home on Yongehurst Rd. Sorry to hear that'Ed. Good- man of Hunt‘s Lane has been on the sick list for the past week, but hopes to return to school soon. Larry Fryer of Yongehurst Rd. Journeyed to Pickering Thurs- The Telegram Car-A-Week Puzzle is an entertaining mental battle of wits. You don’t need a professor’s vocabulary or even a dictionary. The skillful use of good old-fashioned horse sense mixed with a little tricky modern logic’ puts you in the run- ning to win a fabulous prize. ’ A friendly word of adviceâ€"this puzzle is fun but it's tricky lhe Ielegram Lar-A-Weex ruZZIe Is an entertalnlng mental battle of wits. You don’t need a professor’s vocabulary or even a dictionary. The skillful use of good old-fashioned horse sense . . .m f. k . . - _ mixed With a ll e nc y modern logu.’ puts you In the run / Telegtam is Printing a new C"_A_week Punk and is . . I . I I "mg ’0 wm a fab" ous .pme . _ A ,» reprinting the puzzle each day up to and including the A friendly word of adVIceâ€"tlus puzzle Is fun but it's tricky following Wednesday. NOWâ€"USE THIS FORM TO PLAY AND WlNV‘A NEW CAR Iâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€": I HOW YOU wrN cums Acnoss: 1 ANSWER -â€" ENTRY . and requires real skill. Send as many answers as you like- in one or more envelopesâ€"40 increase your chances of winning. Each Thursday (and continuing until further notice), The n... a. .11 um. Anâ€"nnlvn (h. EVERY WEEK 12â€"h usually forthcoming when called for. Iiiâ€"What every golfer elven has. 10-Men roughing it In flu wild: won‘t be too fussy about It. I4â€"A nervous person is likely In In more deeply affected by If. 'l7â€"A football coach would probably be very annoyed at a player who happened to be this when he reported tor an important game. 20â€"At Hrsi, a man nigh! easily hold It clumsily. ISâ€"Folks sleep In them. 22â€"1’0 appreciate I! you sense of humor. 25â€"Mnny hard-headed men have no use for poetic 26â€"-In a debate, polnk may give rise to bifler argument. experience: could be ex- clflng lo a dull type. 27 28â€"Possible consequence of a dock strike. money troubles. lGâ€"Noturally M cpprodahd If heavy. 18â€"Any aflempl Qo â€"â€" a cynic may be a waste of time. IQâ€"Many a qua-rel I: in N thoughtlessness. ZIâ€"Ycu would expecf a doctor to measure if out very :crofufly. 23â€"Ar {he present moment. Hnowing a trainer may "n WP you if you want a good one. CLUES DOWN: 7â€"You way HE“ Hâ€"Just ISâ€"Ta do so I: no 4â€"Every one sepcruhly. sâ€"Necessitates consultation on who? you are doing. a 9â€"Hcmiled or operated. ‘lâ€"A country's administrath «Mn. Helm-using to aim. 3â€"Young of Hie god. ‘â€"Scramble Hie word "fined.- Sâ€"Cen Ive e measur- of wow Non ram the weaker. 7â€"You might be [Intrigued by M 1955 MODEL NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Phone TU. 4-2617 hefs' dressed. perfech or. strained. Barbara Townsend spent last .veek with her grandparents at ?eterboro, Ontario. competing in the ice carnival. Barbara did very well. placing third in her class of girls. Hugh C. Baker of Hamilton. Ont.. was the first man in the world to make use of the tele- phone in 1877. in 1883. FIRST MAN TO USE PHONE Edison installed the generator for Canada's first industrial lighting plant at Cornwall, Ont., lay with Richmond Hill District ligh School Volleyball team to >ut up a good show in competi- ion with Pickering High School .eam. EDISON HELPED CANADA THE TELEGRAM TORONTO l q .3 éELECTRIC WIRING? Telephone TU. 4-1650 NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PRUULX Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING PLYMOUTH CALL ANY TIME The prize to each winner will be a, Telegram cheque for $1,500. The Telegram has arranged that each prize winner may, if he so desires, purchase a new 1955 car to be specified by The Telegram (or $1,500, such purchase to he made within three days after the delivery of The Telegram’s cheque [or the prize money. The solution will be printed on the Friday following the dead- line for answers and the winner will be announced as soon as judging has been completed. The first answer judged correct will be declared the winner. . In the event there is no winner in any one week. ere will be two similar cash p izes of $1,500 each awarded the next week for the first two separate individual: who are judged to have the cor- rect answer. These two prizc winners may also take advantage of the arrangements made by The Telegram for the purchase of Here is all you doâ€"solvo flu. clues as you would in any ordin- u'y crossword puzzle. After you have completed the puule (or - reasonable facsimile of approxl- mately the same size), clip k along the dotted lines and mall to Car-A-Week Puzzle, 29 Melind- st.. Toronto 1. or deliver to The Telegram, Bay and Mellnda 50.3.. Toronto. All answers must arrlvo (either by mail or delivery) by 9 p.m. of the Thursday following the final publication of the puzzle. The decision of the judges in awarding priza shall be final. Upon entering The Telegram Cal'- A-Week Puzzle, the reader auto- matically accepts these rules as binding in all matters affecting the game and accepts any deci- sions arising out of them, made by the judges, as final and con- clusive. The Telegram will not enter into any correspondence or discussion with any individual re- garding any decision 01 the judges. Any reader. except employa of The Telegram and Harry E. Foster Advertising Co. Ltd. and their immediate families. is eligible to win The Telegram Car-A-Weei: Puzzle. It is not necessary t9 be a subscriber to, or to purchase The Telegram to enjoy this puzzle game. Copia of The Telegram are available for reference at The Telegram, Bay and Melinda 31.5.. Toronto, or at any Telegram agency in Ontario. The Telegram will not be re- sponsible for answers delayed or lost in the malls and will not accept delivery of answers bear- ing insufficient postage. It is essential that all answers bear sufficient postage and that the correct return address be printed :11 the outgide of the envelope gum-mg the answer or answers. 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill

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