New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts $65 and up. Best mater- ials used, no down payment nec- essary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4"â€? tfc46 PINE CUPBOARD. 2 large buf- fets, some odd chairs. hanging lanips, kitchen sink with taps. W. Bell. Yonge .St. lst house north of Orange Home. c1w31 9 CUBIC FT. Leonard refriger- ator. $100.00; 4-burner Acme range, chromalox elements. oven control. $75.00; both in excell- ent condition. Phone Maple 111 R14. c1w31 SEWING MACHINE SALES 8; SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tall- gring Co., TUI 4-1362. Richmond ONE TYPEWRITER, Under- wood, in good condition; 1 Nor- thern Electric radio, table mod- el. good. R. Harbinson. Oak Ridges. *1w31 SPY APPLES, handâ€"picked. 50C a basket, $2.50 bushel. Bring con- tainer. Earl Jackson. lot 1. con- cession 3. Vaughan Twp. Phone Maple 110R13. c1w31 DOUBLE ACTION 2 cylinder, 60 cycle water pressure pump. Practically new. Bargain for quick sale. Phone Maple 180. clw31 FURNACE, 4 yrs. old, also Iron Fireman stoker to ï¬t. Can be seen in operation at 44 Wood- ward Ave. AV. 5-1746. No rea- sonable offer refused. c1w31 2 RADIOS for sale. Table Stromberg Carlson $12.50 tinghouse Console $20.00. TUrner 4-3216. GURNEY Coal and Wood range with reservoir, in good condi- tion; also medium size coal hea- ter. Phone TU. 4-2470. *1w31 400 SQUARE FEET of glass. 10"x12†sheets Write to J. P. deKoning. Bobmar Rd., High- land Creek P.O. *1w31 IiADYfS grey Chamois lined coat Grey laxï¬b bollar. 16-18. Good condition $6.50. TU. 4-1282. BEDROOM, living and dining room funniture, nearly new, English manufacture. Owner lea- ving district. TU. 4-3164. c1w3l MILLINERY. exclusive hand- made hats of straw. flowers and felt. Custom made from your own suiting and materials. Rea- sonable. AV. 5-1181. tfcao Hill SNOW TIRES, complete with wheels and tubes. ï¬t 1949 to a 1954 Foyd or Meteor, best offer. TUrner 4-1102. clw29 MEN'S Tube Skates, size 8, nev- er been ed. $10.00; wrecking 1947 Dodg . parts for sale; office desk. Phone TU. 4-2956. c1w31 BUDGIES from talking strain. Mrs. Carter, phone TU. 4-2597. Clw31 ONE CHESTERFIELD with twq LIGHT AMBER honey in 40 1b. pails at 18c per 1b. Stouï¬ville 60414. *2w30 McLARY heavy dlity stove, $30. Phone after 6 pm. TUrner 4- 2390. *2w31 imPR. 6 FT. SKIS. 1 pr. adjus- table ski poles. Brownie Hawk- eye camera, TU. 4â€"2143. *2w31 Eh'éiâ€"rsvgnd foot stool and end table. $50. TU. 4-1650. c1w30 Eï¬inson', Bond Ave., TUrner 4-3370. KITCHEN 'EABLE, wooden, and two upholstered kitchen chairs. Phone TU. 4-1425. *1w31 UNDERWOOD typewriter $50, upright. elite type. Good condi- tion. TU. 4-1658. C2w31 YOUNG rregistered English Yorkshire gilts and boars. ser- vice age. Maple 130R24. c1w31 A1 CONDITION Lloyd Space Heater. medium size, price $35. Harold Van Dyke, TU. 4â€"2165. 2 PLATE Quebec Heater. $12. TU. 4-1873. clw31 APPROXIMATELY ’15 ton 01 baled hay, itrignothy and clover. KVenue 5-1042 PIANO, Gouleay, cheep: Iixflut- HAY & STï¬AW for sale. TUrner 4-1229. tfc28 9 PIECE ‘Dining Room $50. AV. 5-1812. BEATTY VIRONER, perfect run- ning condition, 60 cycle. TUrner 4-1734. c1w31 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, T-hursquan. 27, 1955 CASH RATES. ï¬rst insertion 3c per word. min. charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertions i! wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . . . 406 I'OR DOX'NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25o COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100 min. charge 500 CARD.q 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHB. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, per insertion 75° BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Classiï¬ed sdverflsemenis should be in as est]! in the week as Mic but not later than noon on Wednesdsys. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS BOATS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 05k Ridges, *2w31 Wes- Phone *1w31 c1w31 model Suite, c1w31 c1w31 tfc28 tfc29 2 BEDROOM accommodation. Thornhill or Richmond Hill area. Excellent references. AV. 5-1577. c1w31 family, 2 school age children. house or 3 room apartment. Phone Maple 94 or EMpire 6- 6341. ' c1w31 WANTED by a widow, unfurnish- two rooms with bathroom in Thornhill near transportation and on the ground floor. Mrs. J. T. E. Palmer. 19 Colborne St., Thornhill P.O., Box 126. *1w31 SMALL ORGAN for home. Write stating details to J. P. deKoning, Bobmar Rd.. Highland Creek P. O. *1w31 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS in Richmond Hill or Richvale, no basement rooms, 2 adults. one baby. TUrner 4-3218. c1w31 WANTED TO RENT by Dutch FARMS WANTED Farms wanted with good build- ings and 100 acre pieces or larg- er. Please call or write T. L. Fraser at AV. 5-1176. Farm De- partment David McLean Ltd.. Realtors, Thornhill. c1w29 1949 GMC STAKE, 2 ton, single wheels, adaptable for duals. ex- cellent condition. Harvey Mash- inter, TU. 4-2577. . tfc28 IF YOU ARE buying baby chicks this spring. try our R.I.R. x B. R. Cross, You’ll like them. Blood tested, government approved. Phone Mayle 57R11, C. A. Peeâ€" ]ar. c4w29 CHICKS FOR 1955 Have you ordered your chicks for the coming season. Sussex x Hamp. Cross for eggs and meat. California Gray x Leghorn Cross for lots of pure white eggs. Wilson’s Poultry Farm, Milliken. Agincourt 351W2. *4w29 CANARIES, reasonable. Phone TUrner 4â€"2111. clw30 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1938 CHRYSLER Royal, good rubber, 1949 motor. reliable fa- mily car $75. TUrner' 4â€"2421. 1938 DODGE SEDAN, good run- ning condition. Winterized. $100. or ‘best offer. Phone TU. 4-2323. ' . c1w31 WANTED to buy a lot in Rich- mond Hill about 60 feet wide. not far from Yonge St. Apply Box 119 The Liberal. *1w31 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish, any colour tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations, Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St.. West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 PIGS. 42. 8 weeks old. Gray- brook Farm. south of Eaton Hall, King 5R24 or 114. c2w31 1938 PONTIAC Sedan, deluxe, good inside and out. Apply Box 13 The Liberal. *2w31 BUGS BROADLOOM Save 50%. New rugs made from your old rags. carpets. woollens, etc. LOT FOR SALE. close to Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. TU. 4-2708. Blankets also made Phone TU. 4-1804. AV. 5-1595 éABY BUTLER. complete. like new. Reg. $46.95 for $25. TU. 4- 1838 or 76 Roseview Ave. c1w31 ARTICLES FOR SALE cont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT WANTED BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfc17 clw31 c1w31 tfc45 CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back- ï¬lling, grading, digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. D. Pickering. Victoria Square, ph. Stouffville 64012. tfc15 LEARN TO DRIVE ‘ Conveniently and safely. Dual controls. Phone TU. 4-2781. We pick you up at your home. Take advantage of the nice weather. Thompson's Driving School. Rich- vale. tfc42 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge GJ. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. c51w27 Window frames for brick and frame construction: cellar frames Sash. Storm Windows, Check rail sash, Casement sash, Door Frames. Octagon Window frames and sash, Combination doors. screened and glazed. Screen doors and window screens. Aub- rey Nicol. Elgin Mills, TU. 4-2211. *4w29 ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfc13 furnaces should be cleaned and checked over at least once a year. For guaranteed service and repair work, phone Harold VanDyke. TU. 4-2165. tfc27 Keyed alike or master keyed. Door closers repaired and ser- viced. Keys cut while U wait. Auto keys cut to "Code." Craig's Lock and Key, Oak Ridges (south of The Windmill). tfc52 ALTERATIONS and repair -work. Sidewalks, cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service. call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 2526. tfc45 MRS. SCHRETTER'S Hairdress- ing. AVenue 5-1814. tfc50 ERIC FISH For sand, gravel. manure, loam and ï¬ll. TU. 4-3341. tfcl PLASTERING, repair work a specialty, work guaranteed, no job too small. William Faulkner. AV. 5-1932. th6 ALL KINDS of carpenter work, kitchen cupboards a specialty. Gerry Van Beers, Richvale. TU. 4-2384. tfc13 FOR FAST, efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges. vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces. please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. / tfc27 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work. footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc43 TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-3181. ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CALL US for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrarl and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc7 DCES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Call Suburban Roofers. AV. 5-1240 or GL. 7368. Experts on shfngles, flat or insul-bric siding. Free estimates. tfc50 CHIMNEYS Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfcl5 OIL SPACE HEATERS and floor SAND & GRAVEL. stone. loam. manure and ï¬ll. 1/ Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc51 ANYTHING in painting. pager- ing, decorating. Phone A. Roilin~ son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 HARDWOOD, cut for stove or ï¬replace length. Phone TUrner 4-3194. tfc15 tios, facades. Free estimates. John Dika, TU. 4-2843. tfc28 Rooï¬ng and siding by experts. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. TU. 4-1479. tfc28 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. FOR CARPENTRY WORK. All kinds additions, garages, cup- boards, recreation rooms. Call J. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. *4w29 CARPENTER, alterations and repairs, kitchen cupboards and recreation rooms. No job too small. G. Carson, TU. 4-2448. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed shone. loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4~1701. STONE MASON, ï¬re places, pa- MISCELLANEOUS WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES FULLER BRUSH DEALER J. C. Duncan, TUrner 4-2675. tfc28 LOCKS REPAIRED ROOF REPAIRS SAME DAY tfc34 tfc42 tfc13 tfc31 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED Due to our expanding business in this area. we need a neat en- ergetic salesman with a late mo- del gar. experience not necessry. We will train you. Excellent wor- king conditions with no over- crowding. Call Mr. Jeffery, BA. 1-4891 or AV. 5-1211. Jack Jef- fery Real Estate, Thornhill is not necessary. A complete training program is given with continued office assistance. For interview appointment call S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176, evenings TU. 4-1574. c1w29 WE NEED high calibre men to be trained in Real Estate Sales. You may be missing your real chance. Give Ron Fenn a call right now. BA. 5-2411 or AV. 5- 1595. H017 DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Have openings for two real es- tate salesmen in their busy Thornhill office. An excellent opportunity for the right men to become associated with an active, long-established ï¬rm. Experience GOOD DEALERS wanted im- mediately in good vacant terri- tories to sell our 225 well-known products, liked by public, as: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Cul- inaries. Domestic, “Tea, Coffee, etc. Earn from $50 to $75 per week. Excellent oï¬er. Advan- tageous commission. Free SPECâ€" IALS each month. 818. required. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Mont- real. _ c4w29 BLACK & TAN cocker spaniel, reward, Steeles and Yonge. BA. 1-2817. *1w31 GIRL to do occasional secretar- ial work for lady in private Thornhill home, must be able to take shorthand and type very well. Write Box 159 Willow- dale_ (-1w21 WATCHES repaired, top quality workmanship by ï¬rst class watchmaker. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Estimates free. TU. 4- 2418. , c4w28 WANTED Girl clérk with Eyping, 5 day week. The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Unionville. tfc21 STENOGRAPHER. some ï¬ling, modern office, 5 day week. group insurance available and hospitalization. Apply A. E. Sni- der, Maple Cattle Breeders’ As- sociation, Maple 106. c2w31 FURNACES cleaned. installed and repaired. All types and makes. Phone TU. 4-2641. tfc16 CUSTOM built cupboard. cupi board doors and drawers, val- ances, etc. TU. 4-2357. c8w31 R. H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 ALL KINDS carpenter work. trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill TUrner 4-3148. tfc40 SANDY FILL, 600 loads. must be moved, ï¬ll your low lots up now before spring and half-load season. Deferrari and Muylaert. 54R12 Maple. c1w31 AV. 5-1595 ROOF REPAIRS ROOF. Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general re- pair work of all kinds. prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc22 CARPENTRY WORK Garages, recreation rooms, alter- ations, all kinds of cement work, exterior and interior painting, no job too small. Tom Price, AV. 5-2393. c3w29 Nova Scotia. Phone Mr. ‘Bawdeh: TU. 4-1262. clw31 SECRETARY wanted for busi- ness office in Richmond Hill. Must have shorthand and typ- ing. Phone TU. 4-2913. c1w31 BRICK & BLOCK work. Repairs and alterations. Free estimates. Richmond construction. Phone TU. 4-3143. c3w29 CARTAGE, moving, freight pick- up and delivery, service any- where, anytime, reliable. TU. 4- 2613. c4w29 DOMINION RENT-ALLS We buy, sell, rent and repair garden tractors and appliances, pumps. motors. Unionville Tele~ phone 53. tfc31 FLOOR and wall tile installed :4; reasonable rates. All kinds of floor tiling available and Vikon stafhless steel wall tile. Phone Eric Jensen for free estimates. Maple 188R22. *2w30 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES or to buy existing lst or 2nd morï¬gages. W. W. 'Conroy. Willowdale, Ont.. Phone BA. 1-7484. tfc18 §TENQGRAPHER for Bank of MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED Richmond Hill Plumbmg and Heating TUrner 4-1711. A. MILLS & SON (continued) BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE LOST BA. 5-2411 tfc17 c2w31 c1w31 tfc17 tfc17 We are in need of houses in both Richmond Hill and Thornhill Districts for wait- ing clients. Nowris the time to list your property for the busy early Spring markets. David McLean Ltd. NEW apartment on main floor, 3 rooms and bath, self feed oil burner, built-in cupboards, hot and cold water, no water rates, tiled and oak floors. Apply W. C. McCallum, Holland Landing, Ont., phone 678W3. c1w30 BED-SITTING room partly fur- ished, kitchen facilities option- al, shopping and buses one block away. Suit business lady. Phone TU. 4-1102. c1w31 8 LARGE ROOMS, 2 baths, oil hot water, double garage, 2 en- trances. separate services. Could be rented as duplex or large home. By appointment. HAr- grove 9230 evenings. c1w31 THURS, FEB. 24 -â€" Extensive auction sale of 44 M-H tractor, self-propelled M-H CombineiNo. 26, New Holland Pick-up Baler, near new Ford tractor, modern farm machinery, farm stock. im- plements, beeef cattle, pigs, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on lot 4, con. 10, Whitchurch Twp. on No. 447 Highway, one mile north of Stouffville, property of Ross La- moreaux, sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ,c5w30 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5â€"2101. tfc22 OFFICE SPACE. 400 square feet of high class space on Richmond Hill main street. For details, call Newmarket 1785. tfc20 LOVELY furnished apartment. living room, bedroom, equipped kitchen. private bath, large grounds. Aurora PA. 7-5597. TUES. FEB. 1 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, Mcâ€" Cormick-Deering W4 Tractor, threshing machine, hogs, poultry, etc., by H. K. Shaw, Malton, on farm 1 mile east of stoplights on the 7th line at 12 o’clock. A. P. Cheype,auctioneer. *1w31 WED.. FEB. 23 â€"- Important auction sale of Ford tractor and equipment, Dione threshing ma- chine, 28 head dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, pigs, hay, grain, roots, furniture, etc., on lot 8, con. 7 Whitchurch Twp. at Lemonville property of Harry Burns. sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. c5w30 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. thI5 APARTMENT to rent, business couple. Phone TUrner 4-3183 ev- enings. *1w31 3 ROOM COTTAGE. 60 Edgar Ave., Richvale. Phone AV. 5- 2312. clw31 rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 1y furnished. Box 235 Richï¬xond Hill P.O. *1W30 OFFICE SPACE available Jan 1. Anstey Building, Thornhill, suitable for doctor, lawyer, or small business. Lyndhurst 9733. tfc26 SALE REGISTERS 16MM. Motion projector for rent by day or week. TU. 4~1704. tfc25 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day‘ week or month. TU. 4-1745. Twp RAQOM [lathmom flat, part- ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for CALL AV. 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121 HOUSES WANTED TU. 4-2742 Head Office, Thomhlll Toronto’s Largest North Suburban Realtors Chimney . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . $28.00 20 Foot Beama $38.00 30 Foot Beama . . . . . . . . . . $48.00 We also feature a complete TV Antenna Service YEAR AND A HALF GUARANTEE TV-ANTENNA INSTALLATION TO RENT Paul Zimmerman tfc31 tf028 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 22A Richvale to Bay and College vicinity, arriving at 8.30 a.m.. leaving 5 pm. TU. ‘4- 2644. c1w31 CAPONS. toasters and fowl, highest priges paid. Don't sell until contacting W. S. Appleton. Oall Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion. pbnne TU. 4-3351. tfc17 fllllllllmlllllmmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Attention Mothers! Here is what you have been wait- ing for. Someone to care‘ for Junior while you shop, work, or holiday, with a carefree mind. ‘-Twenty-four hour service. Reasonable hourly, daily, weekly or week-end rates. Nursery teacher in charge. For particulars, phone CUT FLOWERS, FUN ERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP mnmmnIImum“mum“\mnnmmnnunummuuummmm. "mm ‘RANSPORTATION It always pays to get genuine factory parts whatever the repair job â€" and that’s exactly what we give you. Drive in! automotive service. Member Garage Oper; ators Association and Gasoline Retailers’ Assn. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Towing & Steam Clean- ing AV. 5-1535 EA. 1-1551 35 years experience in SEE Rooï¬ng, Eavestroughing Chimney Brick & Cement Work. Caulking, Painting, Drain, General Repairs of all kinds Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS HOME REPAIR For Guaranteed All Hours TU. 4-1812 H appyland Kiddie Centre WE REPLACE ONLY WITH THE BEST! 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH FLOWERS F OR EVERY OCCASION 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 In all kinds of leaks. Work Done Immediately RICHMOND HILL POULTRY WANTED TU. 4-3277 Contractor SPECIALISTS Richmond Hill Written Guarantee TU. 4-3344 Thornhill Garage Boys’ Gabardine Dress = Trousers, up to 14 years, L grey, brown, blue Boys’ 2-Buckle Cashmer- ‘ ette Overshoes, sizes 1 to 5 “ New Assortment of Cotton Prints, 36†mill ends, reg. up to 79c quality Printed Flannelette, as- sorted patterns, good qual- 2 ity, 36†wide ' H Children’s Poplin Ski g Slacks, quilted lined, is brown, navy, reg. $3.95 g Boys’ Station Wagon if] K“ ifï¬tfl 5v Coats, with zipper, fur col-r lar, up to 16 yrs. PLASTERER seeks stead}? ployment. TU. 4-1134. ( EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother's absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc18 ABLE BODIED man eager for farm work. Married. Willing to do anything. Reliable. With re- commendations. Phone Roy Bale, King 415. *2w30 RELIABLE baby sitter avail- able Monday. Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings. 50c per hour and transportation. TU. 4-1007. c1w31 ROOM board available for gentleman. or room to rent. Ap- ply 115 Baker Ave., Richmond 7n" Hill. .120th & bgard wanted for 1y lady. Forï¬praâ€"IIHEJIAE Box 354 Richmond Hill. c1w31 TUrner 4-1651 ROOM & BOARD R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. 54 Prefect Sedan Dark Green, 100 miles, up to 40 miles to the gallon 54 Ford Sedan Delivery Dark Blue, full front seat, heater, 10,000 miles, sold by us new 54 Studebaker Champion Stat’n Wagon This 2-d00r 6 passenger all metal utility ve- hicle has been driven only 10,000 miles. Has gas-saving overdrive and climatizer. 54 Meteor Rideau Convertible Black with tan top, whitewalls, chrome wheels, automatic transmission, radio, other extras, 3800 miles c'mmmca sm j 55 Chevrolet Bel Air V-8 Coach Finished in Linden Green, Air Conditioning and Directional Signals, less than 200 miles EMPLOYMENT WANTED JANUARY SALE EM. 6-3166 THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING AUTOMOBILES YOU’LL SEE AT FINAL 4 DAYS $1100 UNDER LIST UNDER LIST UNDER LIST AN OUTSTANDING BUY! $1350.00 Ford-Monarch Richmond Hill $1675.00 NEW CAR WARRANTY NEW CAR WARRANTY NEW CAR WARRANTY c1w31 c1w31 elder- OF OUR SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION TELEVISION Radio â€"- Washer Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle TU. 4-1116 on