PLEASE SEE PAGE V‘ 14 RICHMOND BILL, Ontario PHONE: TUrner 4-2091 RICHMOND HILL . . The Men’s Club of St. Mary’s Anglican Church is holding its monthly meeting tonight (Thurs- gay) in the Parish Hall. The ev. Lewis Garnsworthy of Tor- onto recently returned from Europe and Great Britain is to be the special speaker giving his Impressions gathered on this tour. A welcome is extended to the men of St. Mary’s Church and their friends to enjoy/ this meeting after which refresh- ments will be served. At the annual meeting of St. VIary’s Anglican W.A.. the foi- owing officers for 1955 were in- ;talied by the rector Rev. A. A. Shote: Hon. Pres., Mrs. A A. Shote; pres. Mrs. W. S. Pock- iell; lst vice-president, Mrs. N. Shatterley, 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. S. I. B. Johnson: rec. sec., Mrs. R. D. Little; corr. sec. Mrs. H. Waiburn; Dorcas sec. Mrs. G. Kingston; trees. Mrs. G. Bye; adlrcational sec., Miss J. Doran; Living Message sec. Miss M. B. _R0binson. 5resbyterian Women’s Associa- lon held a pot luck luncheon at be home of Mrs. H. H. MacKay, Xrnold Street, on Thursday, lanuary 20, at 1 pm. A feature )f the afternoon's program was 1 resume by Mrs. G. Yerex, of .he minutes of some of the early neetings of the association. The Sugar and ice Club net at the home of 5 Tim Saul nn Thursday evening when 12 nembers were present. Winners n cards were Mrs. M. Styan. VIrs. M. Blackburn, Miss B. Bas- tervllle. Hostesses of the even- ng were Mrs. R. Wilson and Vlrs. W. Cartier. The Richmond Hill Kinettes vlll be officially canvassing [001' to door. Monday, January if": 'ï¬niftb' 9 pm." for the IIarch of Dimes ï¬ght for Polio. To start activities for 1955, the See the ’55 Dodge with motion-design for The Year’s Big Power Choice! New V-8,Two Big New 6's FOR BARGAINS ahead in STYLE! long, low lino: hm FASHION HAIR of a big luxury curl New Horizon windshield is "Ins! word" in wrap~cround design! Glass "mm around a! top a: well a: bottom.- The Liberal ls always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. 1"“: newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations ,women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. Whlle copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it ls desirable to have it in eariler it possible to ensure its publl- cation. ig-car siyle...big-car size make the all-new'55 the best buy in the low-price ï¬eld! From Newfoundland to British Columbiaâ€"Canada'Acclaims this big-car value! WILLIAM NEAL Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. John Coutur- ier of 133 Palmer Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald Bowl- ers of MacDonalds Moving and Storage, and manager N. A. Liv- ingstone and staff of the Allied Van Lines, Head Office, Toronto, where Mr. Gunn is Claims Sup- ervisor. A Health Clinic for pre-school age children is held, the ï¬rst Monday of each month in the Lions Hall, Centre St. East, at 1.30 p.m. for immunization and vaccination purposes. The next clinic will be held on Monday, February 7. A doctor and nurse from the York County Health Unit will be in attendance. This service is for all children in the district. Dr. J. H. Wilfong. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and Miss Ethel Wilfong of Doon, Ontario, visit- ed with their sister and brother- in-law, Mr and Mrs. C. R. Tilt, Bridgeford Street. The Rev. S. Arr R. Wood. the Rural Dean of York North Dean- ery will make his annual visit to Mary’s Anglican Church on Sunday morning and will be preaching at the morning ser- vice at 11 o'clock. On Sunday evening a coloured motion pic- ture “In Fertile Soil" produced by the Episcopal Church in the United States is being shown in place of the sermon. This motion picture was awarded ï¬rst prize in its ï¬eld by the motion picture authorities in 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gunn held Open House at their new residence at 135 Palmer Avenue on January 22. Mr. and Mrs. Gunn moved to the village recently from Wood- bridge where they were victims of Hurricane Hazel. A service of Holy Baptism took place last Sunday at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. Those children bap- tized included James Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1. Williams of Oak Ridges; Lucille Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dewsbury of Richmond Hill; Da- vid James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. K. Ramsay of Richmond Hill; Stephen James, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cronkwright of Richmond Hill; Marilyn Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schell of Oxford St., Richmond Hill: Christopher Thomas, son of Mr and Mrs. Brock Blaney of Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill; George Edward, son of~Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Bunker of Mill St., Richmond Hill. . Dodge 5: neat-{y 208' long, actually longer overafl than many can cosï¬ng hundred; of dollar: Inqu 1 i i Choose from the new 157-bp. Hy-Fire -8 engine or two great G’sâ€"the 115- horsepower PowerFlow or the 125-horse- power PowerF'low Special. PowerFlite automatic transmissibn available at slight extra cost with Hy-Fire V-8 or Power- Flow Special. Dodge ix needy 208' long, aduafly longer ovelull than many can costing hundreds of dollars motel ahead in 8/25! lONGEST car in rh. low-prim ï¬eld . . . more "km a FOOT lONGER this year! Forward Look: : : of year DODGE-DE SOTO dealer’s now! District Governor Frank Stok- vis made his oflicial visit to the Richmond Hill Lions Club on January 20. Introduced by Lion Bob Little, the district governor commended the local club for its community work and expressed the hope that the members con- tinue the contribution to the community which they have car- ried on for over 17 years. Reverend Richard D. Jones, Executive Director of the Can- adian Council of Christians and Jews. spoke to the Henderson Avenue Home and School Asso- ciation at their meeting on Jan- uary 19th devoted to Citizenship. Rev. Jones, a world traveller, used various humorous incidents in his own travelling experience to illustrate how small the world now is and how necessary it is for us all to be citizens of the world. He quoted the words of his friend. Rabbi Silver, who once said, “When the world was big men could be small; but now the world is small, men must be big." Three Important Points In his discussion of how to help our children become good citizens, Rev. Jones made thx‘ee points. He emphasized the im- portance of being proud that we are Canadians and felt that much stress should be placed in both home and school on Canadian History. ' He felt that training in getting along with one’s neighbours is of utmost importance. A child’s attitude toward other people de- pends mainly upon the example set by his parents and his teach- ers. Parents can set a good ex- ample by being interested in new Canadians in their own commun- ity and helping them to feel more at home in their new coun- try. Mr. nes hopes that some- day Frenc will be taught in the lowest grades of our schools so that we may become a truly bi- lingual country and have a great- er understanding of the sections within our own population. Religious Training Basic District Governor Visits Richmond Hill Lions Club Basic to all training is a sound religious training, Rev. Jones stated. He stressed the need for a good sense of humour in our religious life. He feels we must accept the fact that there are His topic was on the word LIONS â€" Loyalty to our obligations, Indifference to nothing, Opportunity to serve our com- munity, Rev.R.DJonesAddresses H&S Citizenship Night Take your pick of a dozen all-new and beautiful body models in three linesâ€"the Ci'usader, Regent, and Mayfair. For truly luxurious style, size, and performance, see the 183-h.p. Custom Royal V-Sâ€"the extraâ€"big, extraâ€"powerful glamour car of the Dodge family. ahead in VALUE! DodgoMDESUKEABIGCAKOOdIfh bener built with extra-sums frqu . . . wider rear springs . . . Oriflow thod: absotbers . . . Safety-Rim wheels . . '. tuba less ï¬res. Plus many other quality features! Neighbourliness to all to help _ others, Sincerity in our desire for com- munity betterment. Lion Dick Edmunds thanked Lion Frank and presented him with a memento. of his visit to Richmond Hill. basic differences in the various religions in our country but that we must all work together on the many areas all religions have in common. The Thornlea Home & School Association will hold their monthly euchre at the home of Mrs. M. Ward, Green Lane on Friday evening. January 28th. The many friends of Mrs. Ed- win Bruce of Claremont will be glad to know that she is much improved after her recent hos- pitalization following a rather severe heart attack. Philip Covell of Doncrest Rd., left on Sunday night for Mon- treal where he will join other boys from the Canadian Navy who have been selected to fly to England for special submarine training. Lion Harold Thurston of the North York Lions Club inducted his son Don Thurston. as well as Doug Smith, Dr. Al. Smith and William Fahey as members. The next meeting on February 3 will be the Annual Ladies Night. Mrs. R. Heyley had a very un- fortunate accident. While at work she fell and broke her arm. Mr. A. Hunt of John Street suffered a slight relapse after a seeming recovery from his sec- ond operation and has been quite ill. Mrs. Hunt wishes to thank all her kind neighbors who have taken her to the hospital many times in their cars. Congratulations to Harold Gribble winner of the title “Courteous Driver of the Day." The award is given by the pro- gram "Talk of the Town†over station C.K.E.Y. BRAMPTON : A Physio-Therapy Department is to be added soon to the Peel Memorial Hospital. THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 In the Estate of Leonard Henry Clement, deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Leonard Hen- ry Clement, Real Estate Sales- man, late of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, in the County of York, who died on or about the 17th day of June, 1954, are here- by notiï¬ed to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March 1955, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims so ï¬led, and the undersigned will not be liable to anyone of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DIBB -â€" In loving memory of Ernest Dibb, who passed away January 29, 1952. Three years have passed, dear Ernest, Since you were called away. How well do I remember That sad and weary day. A silent thought, a secret tear Keep-his memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. â€" Ever remembered by his wife Christina, Irene, Doug. PERKINS â€"- In loving memory of a husband and father, Rolph Egerton Perkins. who passed away January 26, 1953. The golden gates slowly opened, Two years ago today, With goodbyes left unspoken He gently passed away. Mrs. I. Ouellette would like to express her heartfelt apprecia- tion to all those who extended kindness to her and for the help received in completing her home, especially thanking the Maple Lions Club, Father F. McGinn, St. Mary’s Catholic Church and Clubine and Alexander, plaster- ers. *1w31 With Neighborly News cele- brating its 15th Anniversary this year, commentator Don Fairbairn recalls it was just seven years ago that he took over the pop- ular CBC program. Don reveals that since its inception Neighbor- ly News has carried more than 30,000 items from the weekly newspapers of Ontario and Que- bec. or some million-and-a-half words. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kyle, Teston, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter Eileen, to James E. Mabley. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mabley. Richmond Hill, Ontario, the marriage to take place on Feb- ruary 19, 1955, in Teston United Church at 3 o'clock. c1w31 DIBB â€" In loving memory of a dear uncle, Ernest Dibb, who passed away January 29, 1952. The world may change from year to year, And friends from day to day But never will the one we loved From memory pass away. â€"’Eve'r i‘emembered by wife Alice and daughter Coral. *1w31 CARD 0!" THANKS KLAUKE â€"â€" Gerard and Mar- garet are happy to announce the gift of a baby girl, a sister for Leo, Bernadette and Fran- cis. Mother and baby doing well. *1w31 In memoriams â€"Ever remembered by niece Laurine and husband Everett. DATED at Richmond Hill this 27th day of January. 1955. Leonard McKnight Clement . and Reta Diceman, Executors by their solicitor, Joseph Rabinowitch. 65 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, Ontario. «Engagement In Lions Hall Richmond Hill NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS REBECCA The Curtain Club Presents directed by John P. G. Grosvenor February 4-5 -- 8.20 p.m. Daphne duMaurier’s *1w31 c1w31 CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening at 7 pm. ' Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Psalm 122: 1: I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. TRINITY ANGLXCAN CHURCH Thomhlll Rov. S. A. R. Wood. B.A., Rector SUNDAY; JANUARY 30, 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Oak Avon-o SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 9.45 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. TILD. SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY, JANUARY 30. 1955' Church Service ...... 2.30 pm. Sunday School ...... 1.30 pm. with my right hand." 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Rev. S. A. R. Wood Rural Dean Junior Congregation 2 p.m. â€" Teen-age Bible Class 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Motion Picture Sermon “In Fertile Soil" NOTE â€" Annual Vestry Meeting Jan. 31 â€"- 8 p.m. sharp God knows; He loves; He cares Nothing His truth can dim: He gives the very best to those Who leave the choice to him. Worship Service . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School, Nursery 11 am. Friday, 7 pm. â€"â€" Juniors for Song and Study. Minister Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€" Sunday Evening Fireside Sunday School 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Seniors 11 am. Nursery, Beginner, Prim- ary and Junior THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers, B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 11 a.m. â€" Church Service 7.30 pm. -â€"_ Adult Bible Study 2.30 pm. â€" Divine Worship Adult Class 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service The speaker will be Mr. Howard mum Mohnlo - bunt“! District This Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 9.45 a.m. in the Charles Howitt School. A welcome is extended to all the children of this area to attend Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 a.m Nursery Dept. . . . . . 11 am Morning Worship 11 mm RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A., 3.0.. Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Annual W.M.S. Ser- vice Principal J. W. E. Newbery 7 p.m. â€"- Evening Service â€" The Minister Congregational Fireside Hour Dr. G. K. Martin - “Health†Hour, CHML 9 aim. Sundly 3 pm. â€" Sunday School in manse Fri., 7 pm. â€" Happy Hour Hunt Tuesday, 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Visitors are welcome. Tickets $1.00 Phone TU. 4-1889 or at the door N0 RESERVED SEATS 4th After Epiphany “I will strengthen thee. I will help thee. I will uphold thee Corner of Elmwood and Buggies Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Richmond VHill. Keep room in your life for God this Mission Sunday School. ‘Hear, my children, and receive my sayings, for they are life un- to those that ï¬nd them.†SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 4th After Epiphany 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" St. Mary’s Church ST. MARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL ' (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A.. B. Th.. SUNDAY, JANUARY 30. 1955 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street, Stop 17 Minister. Rev. Percy C. Buck, 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8". BAINABAB MISSION RICHVALE CHAPEL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Jan. 27, 1955 5 MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 Hope 10.30 am. . . . . . . Church Service 11.30 am. . . . . . . Sunday School Maple ‘ 10.15 3.111. . . . . . . Sunday School 11.30 am. . . . . Church Service Edgeley 1.30 pm. . . . . . . Sunday School 2.30 pm. . . . . . . Church Service Special speaker and talent. 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Service After a brief message, Rev. C. P. Green will show beautiful col- oured slides on the land of Japan. Welcome! But when you do your buying here, you reflect credit both upon this organ- ization and yourself. SUNDAY, JANUARY 30. 1955 9.50 am. â€"- Sunday School Rev. Peter Letchford will ad- dress the Senior Department. Miss Helen Peters, Missionary candidate for Africa, will speak to the Junior Department. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship A special missionary message will be given by Rev. Letchford, secretary of the S.A.G.M. 6 p.m._-_â€"- Young Peoples Phone TUrner 4-2881 WWW Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C., Minister Sunday, 11 mm. â€"- Bible School classes for an age: 1 3mm. -â€" Gospel Service Wed.. 8 pm â€" Prayer Meeting Thur-3., 2 pm. â€" Women's Mll- Ilonm meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m. â€"- Young Peop le's Meeting WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wildwood Ave.. ' Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY. JANUARY 30, 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 2.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Bill Beaton, violinist from High Park Church providing special music for day. Midweek Prayer & Praise â€" Thursday 8 pm. All welcome. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Guest Speaker: Rev. Bruce Heise Services STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK CHURCH One Block But of You†On MIdI'ISkI Ave. Stop III Pumr F. Vlughn. B. TI. DOES ELECT ' I54: NOT stone mcnv ‘ NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST Yonge St., Elgin Mills For Service at it’s Best - ., Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND am. tum? LET US SUPPLY TU. 4--2063 Hall’s Service Station YOUR HEATING REQUIREMENTS With Furnace and Space Heater Oils COLEMAN HEATING EQUIPMENT Complete Oil Burner Service TELEPHONE TUR.\1ER-4-1'692 (Opposite the Orange Home) 3: 35c :3,â€- 63¢ Carnation Milk 2 :22: 27c KRAFTS Cheez-Whiz FANCY GRADE McIntosh Apples 75c Grapefruit 10 Large Prunes Liz" 31c EVAPORATED FOOD SAVER Wax Paper YORK FANCY Tomato Juice FIRM RIPE No. 1 FLORIDA SEEDLESS Self / Serve RICHMOND' HILl SUGAR RIPF DEMPSTER’S Sliced Bread TOP OF THE MORNING Coffee 323$- TULIP BRAND Margarine Bananas MORLEY’S SPECIALS 2 21,:- 27c $1.05 25c 100 ft. Roll 24 oz‘ Loaf 1 lb. 15c 27c 31c TU. 4-2061 49c 96's