Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1955, p. 5

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An actual Passover Supper is being presented by the Rev. \Morris Kaminsky of the Nathan- iel Institute of Toronto in St. Mary's Anglican Church on Ash Wednesday at 8 pm. The Lord's Supper came to us from the Pass- over Supper and Rev. Kaminsky will explain the relationship of the one to the other. This prom- ises to' be a service of inspiration and instruction to which an open invitation is extended to all to fihare in thisiunique service. a ‘RICHMOND HILL . . Miss Mavor Hood who is to be speaker at the St. Mary's Angli- can Evening Guild Shrove Tues- day Luncheon is the Supervisor of Household Economics for the Board of Education. The Young Adult Group of the United Church held a Box Social Wednesday night at 'the regular monthly meeting in the Sunday School Room. Host and hostess were .Morag McGruer and Mrs. Mack Clement. In the absence of Rev. F. Mc- Ginn, the home baking sale, sponsored on Saturday by St. Mary's Marian Guild will be op- ened by Rev. Reid. The sale is being convened by Mrs. Theo. Van Wieringen, assisted by Mrs. Mel Rawlinson. The Sunday School Teachers and Staff of St. Mary's Anglican Church are holding a Corporate Communion on Sunday morning :twgux-ijrfif-i‘héfltime of this Ser- vice has been moved up to 8 am. to allow the teagllerg to" have breakfast starts. Mrs. A. Ryder, formerly of Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill, suf- fered a heart attack last week, in her new home in Toronto. Mrs. Ryder's condition is not regard- ed as serious but will take sev- eral weeks of rest and quiet, be- fore she will be on her feet ag- ain. A special night of music is being presented by the Men‘s Club of St. Mary's Anglican Church for the congregation and their friends on Thursday. Feb- ruary 24. Those taking part in- clude Mr. E. Lazaar, Mrs. J. Rumney and Peer Norgaard and other singers and instrumental- ists. A group from St. Elizabeth's Church the Queensway which is the Parish Partner for St. Marâ€" y's will be paying a visit that evening. A social hour will fol- low the musicale. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 11.00 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer TheRev. T. Harpur M.A. (Rhodes Scholar) 7.00 p.m. â€"-‘EVENING SERVICE Girl Guide Church Parade Ash Wednesday â€"â€" February 23 8.00 pm. - THE PASSOVER SUPPER EXPLAINED The Rev. M. Kaminsky Nathaniel Institute A welcome awaits you at all Services. VILLAGE of RICHMOND HILL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill intends to construct as a local im- provement. the construction of Watermains on the following described highways: STREET FROM TO Markham Street Lennox Avenue Bayview Avenue Elmwood Avenue Canadian Nat- Bayview Avenue Take Notice That .° Markham Street Lennox Avenue Bayview Avenue Elmwood Avenue Canadian Nat- Bayview Avenue ional Railway, right-of-way Palmer Avenue 298‘ W. of W. Bayview Avenue S.L. Essex Ave. ‘ to north of Palmer Avenue V Essex Avenue Palmer Avenue Markham Street Norfolk Avenue Palmer Avenue Markham Street Sussex Avenue Palmer Avenue Markham Street Maple Avenue Palmer Avenue Markham Street Colborne Avenue Palmer Avenue Markham Street Bayview Avenue Palmer Avenue Markham Street and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this Notice file with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the said work will be considered. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $84,000.00 of which, $23.273.00 is to be paid by the Corporation The estimated cost per foot frontage is $2.42. The special assessment is to be paid in twenty equal an- nual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 18.60 cents. DATED at the Village of Richmond Hill this 7th day of February. 1955. . , Richmond Hill SUNDAY â€" FEBRUARY 20 Eévforvérévfih’diay School The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items (or this pole and I call to TUmer 4-1261 will receive courteous ntteniion. 1"“: newspaper will also welcome news reports about church orgnniutions ,wonlen’e and men's mien“. lodges and other groupl. While copy will be no- eepted up to Wednesday of e-eh week, It in deeinble to have it in earlier if possible to mire he pnbliv Russell Lynett, Clerk. William Dodds who is attend- ing Queens’ University, Kings- ton, spent last week-end with his family and attended Rich- mond Hill District High School At Home. St. Mary's Anglican Evening Guild held a valentine box soc- ial on February 15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Graham._ "It-Waisflvery Well attended and everyone participated in and enjoyed the games Adctioneer Norman very well auctioning gain decorated pogces Richmond Hill Scout Mothers Auxiliary held its regular mon- thly meeting in the United Church, on Thursday, February 10. At the conclusion of the busi- ness meeting, a Valentine party was held and under the able leadership of Mrs. N. Todd and her committee. the members en- joyed games, quizz contests fol- lowed by refreshments. The Girl Guides from Rich- mond Hill District will hold their annual Church Parade on “Thin- king Day" this coming Sunday evening to St. Mary's Anglican Church. The Guides will pres- ent their colours at this Service and will also be taking part in the Service by reading the Les- sons. Rev. Chote will be prea- ching at this Service on Sunday evening at 7 pm. The Rev. Tom Harpur M.A. who was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship in 1952 and is serv- ing as a tutor at present at Wy- clifie College is to be the special preacher next Sunday morning at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Rev. Harpur recently returned from Oxford taking post-gradu- ate studies and while there was selected to row for Oxford in the renowned Oxford-Cambridge sculling race. At the regular meeting of the Jaycees held Tuesday evening, guest speaker was Mr. Lawson Mumbersom. retired police in- spector of the Criminal Investi- gation Branch of the Toronto police force, who gave a very in- teresting talk on police work in all its many branches. Fred Stickley of Port Credit, vice-president of Region 5 was also a visitor and gave a pep talk on Jayceeism, pointing out the advantages of being a Jay- cee, and mentioned various pro- jects being undertaken by the clubs. Todd did off the FLOOD â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flood at Grace Hospital. Feb- ruary 5, a daughter. 9 pounds, 31/, 025. Both doing well. REIDâ€"REARDON: On February 13. 1955, in the Church of the English Martyrs. Streatham, London, England. by Rev. Father Crowley, Frances Vir- ginia Reardon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Rear- don of Richmond Hill to Ed- win Davifi Reid. son of Mr. and Mrs. John David Reid of Toronto. *1w34 In fillemuriams BARROW â€" In loving memory of our very dear son, James Henry Barrow. who was taken from us February 18. 1953. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind. For the days we do not think of YOU. Are very hard to find. If all this world were ours to give We'd give it, yes. and more. To see the face of Jimmy dear Come smiling through the door. Vt: 1365355; remémbered by Mom, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. EVANS â€" A tribute of love to the memory of a dear father. Arthur Richards Evans. who entered into rest February 18, 1951. Four years have passed away and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon his . grave May wither and decay, But the love for Dad who sleeps beneath, Shall never fade avyay Ever remefibéred by son Er- nie and daughter-in-law Evelyn. EVANS â€"- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Arthur Evans, who passed away February 18, 1951. We watched him suffer, day by day. It caused us bitter grief, To see him slowly pine away, And could not give relief. His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are passed, And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at 1g_st. â€" Evé}â€";€n1émbered by wife, family and grandchildren. c1w34 MANNING â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mary Edith Cooper, who pass- ed away February 18, 1954. Oh how patient in thy suffering, When no hand could give the ease, God. the helper of the helpless, Saw thy pain and gave thee peace. God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts. she liveth still. â€"Ever remembered by her hus- band Joshua Manning, sons Wil- fred, George, Howard, daughter Mary, her grandchildren and great grancAhildren . c1w34 CARD 0F THANKS The executive of the Edgeley Farmers’ Club wishes to thank the ladies who helped with the oyster supper and made it the success it was. Thank you. c1w34 Mr. and Mrs. J. Koning and family wish to express heartfelt thanks to their friends and neighbours for their acts of kind- ness and messages of sympathy in the passing of a dear father and Grandpa. *1w34 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thomp- son, Temperanceville, will be at home to their friends on Tues- day, February 22. from 3 to 5 pm. and 7 to 9.30 pm. on their 25th wedding anniversary. AT HOME Rent an Accordion M U N D I N G E R ACCORDION ACADEMY FOR DEMOLITION OF HOUSE On Sub Lots 25 and 26. Plan 1984 (Wm. Rush Estate. Garden Avenue) will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock'p. m.. Monday, February 21. for the demolition and removal of all buildings and materials and lev- eling of ground. J. M. McDONALD, Clerk Vaughan Towuship. $2.00 per week includes Rent and Lesson Phone TU. 4-1785 Studio: 118 Hall Street Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2612 MARIO CATENAIO CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workma'nship ‘ at Reasonable Prices filarriage TENDERS 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND HILL c1w34 Those horticulturists fortunate enough to have attended the January meeting, carried home with them a great store of new ideas and worthwhile informa- tion. Kitchen windows, decorated by Miss McLatchy and Mrs. Lam- bert, are positively a thing of beauty by day and night. from within and without. Emphasis was placed on the simpler plants, available to all, and so practical too. What a pity there is not a prize offered for the best win- dow incorporating Miss McLat- chy's ideas. From his vast store of exper- ience, Doug Boyd brought us up to date on some of the fine points in handling house plants. After watching Mrs. Holland. assisted by the deft fingers of Phil Delf, produce a full-fledged terrarium, we were anxious to hurry home and make one our- selves. Could there be any other form of gardening which pro- vides so much variety and pleas- ure at so little cost? We were truly delighted with the beauty and amazed at the in- expensiveness of Mrs. Ernst Red- elmeier’s table decorations and centrepieces. Seed catalogues will become more important and provide The members 'of the lst Jefi- erson Motheré’ Auxiliary were very gratified with the large at- tendance at the euchre and bridge party held in Jefferson School last Friday night. Mothers' Auxiliary More than 60 people turned out for cards and the auxiliary cleared approximately $25.00. which will be used for scout. cub and brownie needs as they arise in the lst Jefferson Scouting Group. Prizes for bridge were: Mrs. Hal Robertson. Mrs. Ursul Chat- terley, Mrs. Ross Kerwin, Mrs. Helen Cowling. Mrs. McCabe and Mrs. Eric Charity. Euchre prizes went to Mrs. Herrington, Mrs. Nelson Thompson. Miss Dora Little, Ted Gamble, Jack Pass- more and C. A. Henshaw. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening, during which time Miss Ella Gamble's name was drawn for the lucky door prize. The next meeting for the MA. will be on Tuesday. March 15. This will be a general business meeting and the election of new ofiicérs will take place. Personals Greetings to Mrs. E. Sam- brooke whose birthday is this Saturday, February 19. Happy birthday on February 19 to Wayne Haviland who will be nine years old. Wayne return- ed home from the Sick Child- ren’s Hospital last Sunday and is making good progress after his recent operation. Many happy returns of the day to Linda Duncan who will be four years old Monday, Feb. 21: to Donna Ford who will have her second birthday Feb. 22 and to Sandra Dick yho celebrates her 8th birthday on Tuesday, Feb. 22. The regular monthly meeting for the ladies of the Jefferson School Community Club will be held Next Wednesday, February 23, at the home of Mrs. Bill Hall, Gormley Rd. at 8.30 p.m. A warm invitation to attend is extended to all the women in his community. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson spent several days, last week, visiting in, Ohio. Overcrowding at Jefferson Attendance at Jefferson Pub- lic School has almost reached its accommodation capacity and in order to prevent the staggering of school hours for Grades 5 and 6 several changes have been made in the three classrooms. Four children from Grade 5A have been transferred from Miss A. Leary's room to Miss Dora Little’s room in the old school, while four children from Grade 2 have moved from Miss Little's room into Miss M. Crea- sey's classroom. This still puts a coniderabie strain on the senior teacher. Miss Leary, who has 45 pupils in a room built to accommodate a maximum of 35 children. Miss Creasy has 39 children in her room, 29 of whom are in Grade 1 and Miss Little has 37 Attention Mothers! Here is what you have been wait- mg for. Someone to care for Junior while you shOp,‘ work, or holiday. with a carefree mind. Twenty-four hour service. Reasonable hourly, daily, weekly or week-end rates. Nursery teacher in charge. For particulars, phone Horticultural Highlights ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS H appyland Kiddie Centre TU. ‘ 4-3277 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON _ Brookside Bond. Telephone TUmer 4-1396 ‘ at Jefferson at Jefferson Pub- almost reached its greater interest generally to those of us'who were privileged to hear Bob Keith's interesting exposition on “armchair garden- ing". ' Several people were observed taking home books from Mrs. Berry's fine selection from the Public Library. No charge for this service. If not already a member why not drop in to the library and browse around? February Meeting Be sure to come to the next meeting on February 24. in the Lions' Community Hall at 8 p. m. The all-important question of “Lawns” will be considered. Owners of new houses will find this topic of great practical val- ue. W. R. Aimers. Agronomist. anl leading authority on the sub- ject of planning, fertilizing. fee- ding and maintaining of lawn areas. will be the guest speaker. Mr. Aimers has 200 colored slides to illustrate the various points of his talk. Consultation Service It has been decided to provide a free consultation service at this and s'ucceding meetings. So bring your horticultural prob- lems. large or small, and see what the specialists can do for you. children comprised of some Grade twos, all of Grades 3 and 4 and four pupils studying Grade 5 work. Approval from the Municipal Board and the Dept. of Educa- tion on the addition planned for the new school, is still being awaited by the school board, and just as soon as this approval is forthcoming tenders will be call- ed for. The school board is hopeful that the new rooms will be ready for occupancy by Sep- tember, when a minimum of 20 new pupils will enroll in Grade Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Painter -- Decorator Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service A. W. HEARD Sanitary Contractor A. J. BARRACLOUGH Frames King Sideroad COAL [HI EAT Sunworthy & Suntested WALLPAPERS N0 FLASH FIRES N0 800” EXPlflSIflNS DOMINION COAL & woon KE. 796! GR. 2118 HU. 9-1126 LL. 3161 Established 1935 87 R655 St., Aurora Cheaper . . . Safer BEST Store Fixtures C. STUNDEN PA. 7 4.951 IS Kitchen Cabinets F. L. LOWRIE R.0. OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. 5.. first door north of new Bank of Nova Scott: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 From 9.30 mm. to 12 noon Ind the 2nd Ind 4th Wednesday of each month Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home OE. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre BU. 8-8949 OAK RIDGES RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1955 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am. Nursery Dept. . . . . . .. 11 a.m. Morning Worship 11 am. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service "The New Worship" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service and Church Parade for Richvale Guides 8: Brownies Y. P.'s Fireside (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. B. Th.. "I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up" SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1955 Quinquagesima 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Rev. T. Harpur. MA. (Rhodes Scholar) Junior Congregation 2 pm. â€"- Teen-age Bible Class 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer Girl Guide Parade Service The Rector NOTE : ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE 8.00 pm. “A PASSOVER SUPPER" The Rev. M. Kaminsky" Nathaniel Institute Jesus, be not a guest. That tarrieth but a day; Come to my longing breast. Come, and forever stay. RICHMOND HILL I'REE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruzzlel Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Lilo incur, CHML 9 im. Sunday 8 p.m. -â€"- Sunday School TRINITY ANGLICAN CHUICI Thomhlu Dov. s. A. R. Wood. B.A.. Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1955 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. 1). SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 11 a.m..â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€" Sunday Evening Fireside Sunday School 9.45 am. â€"â€" Intermediate and Seniors 11 am. Nursery, Beginner, Prim- ary and Junior THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street. Stop 17 Minlter, Rev. Percy C. Buck. 3.11.. 3.11:. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 Worship Service . . . . . . 11 a.m. Sunday School, Nursery 11 a.m. ’Teenagers’ Song and Study â€" Friday 7 pm. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers. B.A.. B.D., Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 11 a.m .â€"- Rev. T. A. Maxwell. M.A., M. Th., Professor of Sys- tematic Theology, Toronto Bible College andiretpqneg missionary (2 miles south of Maple) , SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1955 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€"- Morning Service Tues., Feb .22 â€" Couples' Club EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED 'from British Guiana 7.30 pm. â€" Adult Bible Study in the manse Friday 7 pm. â€"- Happy Hour Saturday 7.30 pm. â€" Young Life Club Sleigh Ride CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Mlnlster. Rev. E. E. Kent. 111.1). SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 LANGS'I‘AH BAPTIST CHURCH Speaker: Rev. W. S. Burke Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 p.m. â€" Gospel Service Wed.. 8 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 2.30 p.m.Vâ€"â€"- Divine Worship Thurs.. 2 p.m. â€"â€" Women's Missionary meeting Tues., 8 p.m. â€" Young Peop- le's meeting MAPLE CRARGI UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 Hope . 10.30 am. . . . . . . Church Service 11.30 am. Sunday School Maple 10.15 am. . . . . . . Sunday School 11.30 am. Church Service Edgeley 1.30 p.m. . . . . . . Sunday School 2.30 pm. . . . . . . Church Service ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. MARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sash General Woodworking TU. 4-1 TU. 4-255. 2550 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Feb. 17, 1955 5 Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 p.111. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Psalm 122: l: I was glad when they said unto me. let us go into the house of the Lord. Wildwood Ave.. Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1955 11 a.m. â€"- Mormng Worship 2.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer 8.; Praise - Thursday 8 p.m. All welcome. RICHVALE CHAPEL Oak Avenue SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 9.45 a.m.V â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Class 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Gospel Service The speaker will be Mr. Weston Neely Tuesday, 8 pm the Word Mr. Fred Peer You are cordially invited to at- tend these services l'l'. IAINABAS MISSION Anglican Mvuo - Lmzsufl 0mm: This Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 9.45 a.m. in the Charles Howitt School. A welcome is extended to all the children of this area to attend this Mission.Sunday School. ‘Hear, my children. and receive my sayings, for they are life un- to those that find them.” SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1955 Qinquagesima 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School ' 11 a.m. -â€" St. Mary’s Church Richmond ’Hill. Keep room in your life for God‘ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1955 9.50 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship The pastor will bring an exposit- ory message from John, “The Tears of Jesus” Bring the whole family. Babyland â€"â€" up to 2 years Toddlers â€" 2 to 4 years Junior Church â€" 5 to 10 years WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH All under capable supervision 6 pm. â€" Young Peoples 7 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service This is se inary night as Dean W. G. Brow preaches, and stud- ents of Central Baptist Seminary sing and assist in the service. Welcome! You never get into “hot water” when you patronize Craigie’s. We stand upon the solid rock foundation of confidence. "HONBIIOOK BAPTIST CHURCH (he Block 3m 0! I... On Madnwukl Ave” 800p III I’qu F. Vaughn. 3. TI. GLASS DOES aNOT STAND HOT WATER BETTER THAN A THIN ONE ,. .. ‘ ISEEM To BE IN HOT WATER < NOW CHURCH OF CHRIST Excavating 7f? Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire 61 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 For Service at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY " MILK {,5 Ar néifiiclou' 5557/ I" LOAMVA' TOP SOIL * FILL SAND * STONE wk GRAVEL TU. 4--2063 DALTON HICKS TELEPHONE TURJER-4~16’22 Ministry of SPECIALS SPECIAL OFFER Vel or Fab DOLES FANCY Fruit Cocktail AYLMER FANCY Wax Beans ROYAL YORK Peanut Butter Tomato Juice STOKLEY'S FANCY TOP OF THE MORNING FRESHLY Coffee DOMESTIC Shortening PARD Dog Food FIRM RIPE Bananas CALIFORNIA Oranges FANCY GRADE Sweet Potatoes 2 m- 25c Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 2°“? 29c 2 m- 25c 16 02. Ice Box Jar 1 lb. Pkg. 1 lb. Large Pkgs. 20 oz. Tins Dozen 97c 27c 35c 59c 33c 25c 59c Size 288’:

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