Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1955, p. 7

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Results 70f Maple Ladies' Bowl- ingLeasy‘e for Eebruaryy 14 61:93 High "Single, Sylvia Hemphill 267; high triple Sylvia Hemphill 598. Team standings are: Hornettes 41. Top Notchers 34. Snapper- Ittes 34, Strikettes 31. Accur- Ittes 26, Quintettes 25. Maple Buds 19, Lucky Srikes 14. M A L T B Y ’ S smvrcn smmn RICHMOND HILL TUmer 4-0001 He arrived REFRESHED bus New Orleans' $48.90 Miami . . . . . . $61.85 Los Angeles . $91.65 TICKETS and INFORMATION at You may not go in fer water skiing but you will feel fit and refreshed for any activities at your fo- vorite resort if you go by bus. Arena Official Opening On March 18 The Arena is expected to begin op- erations very early in March and the official opening will be held on March 18. A carnival will be the feature of the opening with the Toronto Skating Seen standing amongst the nine miles of refrigeration pipe at the Rich- mond Hill Arena are five of the Direc- tors of the Association, Bill Ellis, 111:1 Barrow, Bill Hall, Walt Smith and Hugh MacKay. Sightseeing and Hotel Room (Double) 8 nights Maple Bowling Ask your Agent for details of this or other Package Tours 12 Daysâ€"$117.30 W ROUND TRIP FARES vbiect to Qhange) FLORIDA Circle Tour (From Toronto) RETURN FARE Army, N a v y AirforceLeague Jack Diamond and Alex Jen- sen, the current rages of the Tag team fans at the Thornhill Farm- ers market, will be meeting some real stiff opposition next Tues- day when they collide with that very rugged pair A1 Orlando and Red Garner, former middle- weight champ. Diamond and the blonde Swede have been hav- ing it all their own way the last few weeks and some of their wins have been very unpopular to say the least and the fans have been hollering for some team to give Winner of Graystones ticket Eva Rowbottom. High singles: Ester Topp 290, Vera Dingman 237, 217, Dick Cooper 208, Bud McKee 202, Jean Cooper 217, Harold Cooper 232, Jack Rodden 236, 203, 243, Charlie Gaston 251, Russ Ding- man 219, Jack Stanway 238, 260, Bob Leece 229, Fran/Stanway 212. High Triples: Jack ~Stanway 645. Jack Rodden 682, Ester Topp 617, Vera Dingman 630. Team Standing: Kibitzers 42, Alley Cats 38, Hell Drivers 35, Top Hats 31, Goofers 30, B10 Pots 13. , - Orlando-GarnerTeamUp AgainstHamilton Toughs cats 49, Night Hawks 43. Ladies High Triple: Irene Leech 603. Men’s High Triple: Howard Bennett 654. High Single Scores: W. Hunt 232, Irene Leech 220, 231, Dorâ€" een Horner 205, A. Peters 228, G. Nash 274, Jean Nash 203, Lois Bennett 226. K. Bennett 325, R. Robbins 277, Ted Bennett 200, Betty Williams 204, 230. H. Ben- nett 227, 255, J. Atkinson 207, 307. Wrens 71, Hus'tlers 67. Lucky Strikes 54, Ramblers 52, Bear- cats 49, Night Hawks 43. Mills’ Greenhouse League Tuesday - February 22 - 8:45 pm. THORNHIILI. FARMEBS‘ MARKET Tom Sullivan Brampton Canadian Champion Sylvain Richard VS Jacques DuBois Sudbury, Ont. . “r o A F I N I s H Alex. Jensen Al Orlando and Jack Diamond Swedish Bombshell Hamilton Ace AT LAST! Toronto Club sending some of their best skat- ers. There will be many other attrac- tions that night which will entertain the entire family. 7 The Richmond Hill Arena Associa- tion is a non-profit corporation with al- most 600 members and newcomers to the Village are invited to join this As- sociation which aims at creating a greater community spirit through healthful recreation. SEMI-FINAL .11 vs. “Sf. All Seats 75c The semi-final will have two wrestlers of the same style in there when Stoney Brooks, the Campbellford Flash will test the skill of Tommy Sullivan, Cana- dian Middleweight Champion. Stoney watched Sullivan wrestle last week against Jack Diamond and feels that he will be able to give the Irish wonder a good hard-fought match. Stoney has this to say, “I feel that I should get a chance at Sullivan’s title, I think that I stand as good a chance as anyone, and one thing is sure, Sullivan will know that he has been in one of the tough- est bouts of his life." Says He Will Startle Fans Sylvain Richard, the ever-pop- ular French star who manages to look better every time out will be meeting another powerful wrestler as well as a very popu- lar one in the person of Jacques Du Bois of Sudbury. DuBois went to England last summer with Mangotich, Orlando, and C0,, and has only recently re- turned. He says he has plenty of new and sensational stuff to offer. In Richard‘ he will be giving away plenty of weight but claims that he will startle the fans out of seven years growth next Tuesday. “Burn Out” hold them a real going over. Orlando and the Langstaff wrestler have never been teamed up before but both are top men and a rug- ged type of grappler and com- bined together might be, just the medicine for the two Hamilton stars. Test Champ Billy next Tueéday Harold Van Dyke. that very tough Richmond Hill wrestler will be meeting Billy Foster who hails from Brampton and is cur- rently being coached by Gerry Sullivan, big brother of the champion. Foster figures on making a big impression locally but the fans are betting that the very rugged Mr. Van Dyke will put the squeeze on Brother Fos- ter. Van Dyke has developed a new hold called “The Burn Out." Maybe he is going to burn out Harold Van Dyke Stoney Brooks Campbellford Flash Richmond Hill vs. Bllly Foster Brampton Italian Sensation and Red Garner Langstafl’ Star A Canadian cribbage cham- pionship, sponsored by the Kins- men Club with proceeds being in aid of their charitable work. will be one of many features at the 1955 Canadian National Sportsman’s Show in the Colis- eum. Toronto. from March 11 to 19, it was learned today from Sports' Show officials. Open Competition Kinsmen Sponsor Canadian Cribbage Championship Match The tournament is open to any resident of Canada upon payâ€" ment of an entry fee of $1.00. Closing date for entries is Feb- ruary 25, and if a heavy entry is received elimination games will be run off at Canadian Legion Halls in Toronto and district. Many Prizes The Canadian cribbage cham« plon will be crowned at the Friday Morning Shift Team Standings: Orange Sr. 25, Blue Sr. 18, Orange Jr. 17, Blue Jr. 12, Green Sr. 12, Green Jr. 9. Senior: High single, Jim Cur- tis 317 with handicap. High double, Jim Curtis 317, 206, 522 with handicap. Junior: High single, Doug. Lovell 245 with handicap; high double Doug Lovell 245, 223, 568 with handicap. E. Dale turned in a splendid day’s bowling with 230. 289 and 235 for a high three flat of 754. Other good scores were: E. Carlisle 227 and 200, J. Sims 240. R. McMullen 225. V. Lawr- ie 223. A. Yule 222, B. Williams 219, J. Wainwright 219, M. Leech 208 and L. Acreman 201. High single game 244. THURSDAY NIGHTERS “‘ Team Standing Strike Outs 16, Indians 12, Bombers 12, Red Sox 12, Tigers 10, Handicappers 9, Lucky Strikes 8, Pogos 5. Graystone tickets wbn by Ruth Cowan 299 and A1 White 278. High two games: A. Taylor 438. Team standings: Orioles 11 points, Robins 9, Blue Jays 9, Wrens 8, Finches 8, Cardinals 6, Warblers 5, Swallows 0. SATURDAY MORNING BOY’S LEAGUE FEBRUARY 5 Hurricanes 41 pts., Black Hawks 36, Panthers 35. Red Sox, 34, Indians 34, Tigers 32, Hot Shots 28, Lions 20. High average: A. Taylor, D Dick. G. Charity, G. Kidd. Ladies High Flat Games: Ruth Cowan 256, Dorothy Bovaird 229, Marj. Beresford 219. Ev. Thomp- son 218, Rene White 216, 208, Shirley Broderick 207. Gents High Flat Games: A1. White 258. 252, 200; Ross Ker- win 249, 203; Alec Clarke 225, Harold Reid 225, Morley Hall 222. 207, Harold Ground 216, 214, Bud .Jones 215, Jack Hall 205. Ben Thompson 203. Floyd Pratt 201. COMBINE LEAGUE Alf Stong had the highest flat score of the season. He bowled 345 flat and had a handicap of 10 which made a total with han- dicap\ of 355 which was also a high for the season. This was not to last for long for in the next game Dave Brownlee bowled 338 flat and had a handicap of 22 which gave him 360. FRIDAY NIGHT BOWLERS R. Casement 257, B. McKee 207, S. Tinker 230, 225, W. Smith 279, 204, D. Turner 223, R. Lit- tleford 253, K. Flynn 209. D. Lawrie 213, M. Wild 228, F. Per- kins 221, 235, M. Heise 233, G. Dewsbury 226, P. Tinker 218, R. Lynett 222, M. Blackburn 204. Score 5 Goals In 5 Minutes On Wednesday night. Feb. 9. at Nobleton arena' King City Midgets scored a 16-3 victory ov- er South River Midgets in an O. M.H.A. playoff series. Five of the goals were scored in the second period in five minutes and three seconds. Larry Hill scored six times during the game, Gord Samson 4, Dick Sweeney 2, Gary Bonham 3 and Don Fry 1. The Thornhill Hockey Club went down fighting in its second game of the Round Robin series on February 9 at Unionville. with a close score of 5 to 4. They are out of the play-offs. Many of the players have shown skill and better stick handling tihs season. The outstanding star for the year is Ken Frost with Ray Lloyd a close second. High hopes for next season are expressed by members and officials. In Saturday nigh'ts game at South River. KingCity Midgets eliminated South River from the playoffs with a score of 9-2. Lar- ry Hill scored 4 goals, Gord Samson 2 and Don Fry. Gary Bonham and Dick Sweeney each Thornhill Club OutOfP layoffs one for King RICHMOND ROLLERS R.H.D.H.S. BOWLING 01‘1‘63 Sportmen’s Show and will be presented the Kinsmen Trophy together with a cash award of $150. There is a total of 116 other prizes. Entry forms for local contest- ants may be obtained by tele- phoning TU. 4-3200. TU. 4-1767 or Stoufl'ville 64022. from any local Kinsmen members or at the Liberal Office. 63 Yonge Street South. The closing date for en- tries is February 25, and elimin- ation games will be played in the Masonic Hall. Dalton Hicks is president of the Richmond Hill and District Kinsmen while Harold Mabley is chairman of the Cribbage Com- mittee. The Kinettes of Rich- mond Hill will serve coffee and doughnuts on tournament nights. Mack Clement had the high triple with scores of 258 225, 203 (686), Doug Clubine was next with scores of 226, 223, 215 (664), Dave McKenzie 212, 212, 194 l618l, Jim Barker 227, 202, 191 (620), Doreen Horner was high lady with a score of 269. Other high scores were Cameron Cow- an 266, Howard Bennett 262, Shirley Smith 272, Norm Bow- en 263, George Smith 262. Ken Bennett 243, Bert Cook 240, 228, Bob Ross 227, Bill Hunt 224, Alex Peters 222, Ted Bennett 219, Floyd Perkins 218, Jane Clement 216, Doug. Watt 213, Lawrence Boynton 223, 208, Charlie 'Chapman 206. FRIENDSHIP LEAGUE Scores Tuesday afternoon: Myrtle Littleford 240, Ev. Fer- guson 219. Jessie Wainwright 218, 200, Lucy Dickie 215, 201, Maud Benjamin 211. 211, Elean- or Lecuyer 208, 206, Eleanor Cook 208, Ruth Cowan 205, Peg- gy Burgess 205, Gladys Bennett 203, Ruth McKenzie 202. Plenty of liquids such as wat- er, and citrus fruit juices will help to combat a cold. Light meals are much better than hea- vy ones. Staying in bed, out of drafts, and avoiding changes of temperature will help to drive away the cold.‘ If there is a temperature that lasts more than a couple of days, it is best to consult the doctor. LIQUIDS VS. COLDS Remember ! ! ' Our Reputation -+ You: Look These Prices ? Lawrence Motors Ltd. 54 Ford 1/2-Ton Pick-Up $1229.00 LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW PlusMany Others At Our Richvale Location 51 Mercury 1-Ton Express REALLY GOOD 51 Ford 3-Ton Combination IN PERFECT CONDITION 52 Ford 1/2- Ton Panel SOLID IN EVERY WAY NOTE RICHVALE, ONTARIO AUTHORIZED FORD TRACTOR DEALER O. Ridges Juveniles In Quarter Finals Oak Ridges Pioneers Hockey Team is greatly improving play lately. The Juniors beat Mount Albert 12-6 on Monday. Febru- ary 7, at a game played at Queensville in the Lake Simcoe Junior League. Scoring goals for Oak Ridges were Ken Parson 5. Fred Mashinter 3, John Ob- ey 2, Jack Wright 1 and Pete Jones 1. On Monday. February 7, the Juveniles defeated Beeton 8-2 on their own ice, in the two out of three series. Don Hollings- head and Glen Boyle each scor- ed two goals. Shirley Smith, Bob Woolley one each, Captain Jim Wells scored 2. On Friday the Juveniles again defeated Beeton 5-4. The thrill- ing part of the game was in the last four seconds when Jim Wells scored the winning goal. The team is now in the Ontario Juvenile League in the Quarter Final. In the home and home series they will play Camp Bor- den on Thursday, February 17, at Nobleton, in a home game. Serves 0n Athletic Committee J. H. Jensen, a member of the staff of the Richmond Hill District High School, has recently been chosen to serve on the Department of Education Committee study- ing wrestling and other types of athletics in the sec- ondary schools. Since coming to Richmond Hill. Mr. Jensen has formed a wrestling class at the High School and has developed considerable enthusiasm om- ong the students for this sport. DISTRICT SPURT NEWS If you bring this copy of the ‘Liberal’ with you and show us our advertisement we will allow you $25.00 off your purchase. WHETHER IT BE PLANTS, TREES, SHRUBS, BULBS, PERENNIALS, ANNUALS __ 0R __ ANY KIND OF GARDEN SUPPLIES â€"â€" CONSULT â€"â€" TU. 4-3096 FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS Phone TUrner 4-1232 WAYSIDE NURSBBIES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Feb. 17, 1955 7 According to reliable re- ports received this week there is yet no basis to a news report ap- pearing in a Toronto daily stat- ing that a $6,000,000 develop- ment of homes. stores and inâ€" dustry from western Germany will locate in Markham township. $6,000,000NewDevelopment Needs Markham Approval The proposed plan which was to locate on a IOOâ€"acre farm tract at the corner of No. 7 High- way and Don Mills Road has yet never received the approval of either the Planning Board or Council. Plans for the project were sub- mitted to Markham township planning board by C. J. Mac- Charles Real Estate. and Alan Graham, vice-president of Mil- ton (Canada) Industries Ltd. who is now in Dusseldorf negotiating with German industrialists in- Free Estimates Special Prices On Commercial Work Your Guarantee ! Over 25 years experience in the Better Shops in Toronto OAK RIDGES A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING STOP 22A YONGE ST. Now Open For Business $799.00 $599.00 - $529.00 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 terested in locating in Canada. At least two of the German firms are manufacturers of armaments. Mr. McCharles said. The plan calls for 150 homes to sell for about $16,000; 30 ac- res designated for industry with a six-acre park serving as a bufc= fer between homes and factor‘ ies; and 10 acres for commercial use, including some 3,300 feet of frontage on Highway 7. The realty firm is negotiating with a large restaurant chain in- terested in building a large drivein restaurant, 2 chain stores- are negotiating for suitable fron- tage with plans for a large shopd ping centre. __The area is being planned by E. P. Fisher. town planning consultant with the real, estate firm. 5 Year Guarantee (Including materials) TU. 4-1253 AV. 5-1682

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