Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1955, p. 1

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AURORA : Providing County Council as a whole agrees, the Domestic Relations Court will probably be located here. u: t at a: NEWMARKET : The first sod was turned for the constructon of the new 52-bed wing at the York County Hospital this week. AURORA : Several new Yonge Street stores are proposed for the property adjoining the Queen’s Hotel. 4.- NEW MA RKET to re-apply for the town. NEWMARKET : W. J. Patterson. a druggist here for the past 50 years, passed away last week. t t - BRADFORD : ‘A Red Cross Branch has been re-organized here. * * * AGINCOURT : On March 12. the telephone system here will be converted to dial phones. AURORA : Council plans to spend $24,000 on streets this summer, including removal of hydro poles. Aurora Man Fined Impaited Driving I v As a result of a rear end col- lision at the Yonge - Centre St. interzection in Richmond Hill on February 14, Richard Mc- Cleary was charged $50 anchosts vumu‘, u..- - on an impaired driving charge in Magistrates Court last Tues- day. . During the hearing, it was re- vealed that McCleary had also obstructed police at the time of the accident. The case was in- vestigated by Constable Bob Hargan of the Richmond Hill Police Dept. EVERY MONDAY â€" Bingo. Held at Community Hall, Spruce Ave., Stop 22A Yonge St., Rich- vale at 8.15 pm. clw36 * i * * EVERY TUE§D_AY_â€"- Egghre in “A-_1 nix-u»; .a.v....,..._ the Legion Hall. barrvine Road West. Richvale at 8 pm. Admis- sion 35c. ‘ _ _ tfc36 EVERY THURSDAY -â€" Bingo. cnnncnrpd bv L.O.L. 2388 in the :pb‘fiébhd 693.61.. 2388 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. a t s- t “c 2 MARCH 4 â€"â€" Friday. Oyster supper. Carrville United Church. Look for ad. elsewhere in_this issue MARCH 4 â€" Friday 6 pm. An- nual Oyster Supper. Ham and Salad optiqpal._ Eggeley Com- “‘1‘”-.. .uu v ........ fiimity rHall. Auspicés Edgeley U ited Church. Adults $3.00. MARCH 4 â€"â€" Friday. Square Dance at Jefferxson Public School 8-11 pm. Admission 35c. c1w36 Children 500 MARCH 5 â€"Sa_tur_d_ay~ 2:30 _p. H7513?) Ladie‘s' Auxili- ary Canadian Legion Branch 375. Bake Sale and Bazaar, Fish Pond, Legion Hall, Carrville Rd. wi . c1w35 MARCH 5 â€" Saturday. Old time and modern dancing 9 pm. at York Farmers‘ Market, Thorn- hill. Bill McDonald and his or- chestra. 75c per person. *1w36 MARCH 5 â€"- Saturday. Benefit dance in aid of Nick Carter fa- mily. Canadian Legion Hall. Carrville Rd. Old time and mod- ern dancing, 75¢ per person. Dancing 9-12. *1w36 I 3 t 3 MARCH 5 -- Saturday. St. John's Bingo. Newmarket Town Hall. Jackpot $150. 8 pm. Admission 25C. _ clw36 MARCH '7 -â€" Monday Meeting of Markham Township Council at the municipal offices at But- tonville, 1.30 pm. c1w36 MARCH '7 â€"- Monday Meeting of Richmond Hill council at the municipal office at 7 pm. Dele- gatihns wishing to appear are requested to do so at the second meeting of the month and to notify the clerk three days in advance. c1w36 Township School Area Board No. 1 Markham and Vaughan has been given jud- gment in its favour with the approval of its original offer of $1500. per acre for the Gamble property which it expropriated for Henderson Avenue School in Thornhill. The seven acres will cost a total of $10,500. Owner of the property was asking $25,000 for the 7 acres. News From Next Door MARCH '7 â€"â€" Monday. Parents’ Night at Concord School under the auspices of the Home and School Association and with the co-operation of the trusees and staff. Parents will be invited to inspect the children‘s work, and to speak briefly to the teachers and to hear a short address by Mr. Halbert, Inspector of Public Schools. Refreshments will be served MARCH 7 â€"â€" Monday. The reg- ular monthly meeting of the B I N G 0 - R. H. Lions Hull - Mondav - 7udgment In Board’s Favour : Council plans mail delivery in Coming Events c1w35 c2w35 c1w36 Evening W.A. of Richmond Hill United Church will be held in the Sunday School Room at 8 p. m. Dr. Lillian Langstaff will be the guest speaker. The value of ahobby will be her topic and she will illustrate her own hob- by “Bird Watching” with color- ed slides. c1w36 MARCH 9 â€" Wednesday. The regular meeting of the Mothers’ Auxiliary of Scouts and Cubs in Sunday School Room. Richmond Hill United Church. Guest Spea- ker, Mrs. G. K. Martin. Home Economist. c1w36 MARCH 8 â€" Bingo. At Oak Rid- ges Public School. 35c for 15 games. Jackpot $65. Sponsored by Oak Ridges Community Cen- tre. c1w36 MARCH 8-9 â€" Thornhill Home and School Assn. annual Theatre Night at the Richmond Theatre, “Her 12 Men" with Greer Gar- son, Tuesday, and “New Faces” with Ertha Kitt on Wednesday. Tickets 60c admit one adult or 2 children. c1w36 MARCH 11 â€" Friday Junior Farmers St. Patrick’s Day Dance to be held in Vellore Hall. Dan- cing 9-1. Music by Sally and Her Musical Mates. c1w36 MARCH 11 â€"- Friday. Dance & Euchre under auspices of Carr- ville Home & School, at the school. Can-ville Rd. west of Bathurst. Prizes. Refreshments. Adults 50c, children under 12. 15c. » c1w36 MARCH 12 â€" Saturday. In Richvale area, collection of bus. baskets, papers. magazines, by Canadian Legion No. 375. c2w36 Members choir from left to right are as folâ€" lows: Front Row: M. Monroe, J. Bettridge, B. Johnson, VOLUME LXXVI. NUMBER 36 MARCH 12 â€"- Saturday. A St. Patrick‘s Tea and Baking Sale at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Sunday School room. under the auspices of the W.M.S. at 3 pm. c1w36 The Senior Choir of the Richmond Hill Public School is seen above on their return from the Kiwanis Festival in Toronto last week. The choir, which is under the direction of music teacher Herman Fowler, was awarded third place in the adjudications. The Junior Choir which also entered the competitions was also awarded third place. 7 - .-l. ... av MARCH 16 â€" Wednesday. Vau- ghan Federation of Agriculture Hot Turkey Supper, Veilore Hall. Mr. V. S. Milburn will be guest speaker. Programme and lucky prize. Tickets $2.00 each on sale now by directors. Supper served at 7 pm. c1w36 MARCH 19 â€" The official open- ing of the Richmond Hill Arena will be held on Saturday, March 19, at 8 pm. There will be en- tertainment for the whole fam- ily. Admission: Adults 50c, Chil- dren 25c. c1w36 MARCH 25 â€" Friday at 8 pm. Reserve this date for a recital by vocal and piano pupils of Her- man Fowler, Mus. Bac., R.M.T.. in Richmond Hill United Church sponsored by the Choir. An off- ering will be received. c4w36 APRIL 16 â€" Watch for the Fan- tasy Fair sponsored by the St. Mary’s Anglican Evening Guild Richmond Hill in Masonic Hall. c1w36 1;, “Unfair Burden” Says Reevg Hurricane Damage May Up Vaughan Taxes By 10 Mills - Seek More Aid “Unless there is further assistance from the Provin- cial government, the cost of repairing flood and hurricane damage in the township will cost the taxpayers 10 mills, at least, on their 1955 taxeS”, Reeve Marshall McMurchy told Vaughan Township Council last Monday afternoon. The Reeve said that continued representation was being made to the Minister of Highways in an attempt to gain further aid for flood reparation, and added that the town- ship was willing to go to the very top level to get some re- lief from the financial burden which will otherwise be borne by the Vaughan taxpayers. In an earlier engineer's survey it was revealed that the repairs to roads and bridges would cost in athe neighbourhood of $170,- 000 or more. Of this figure, ab- out $30,000 worth of work was done in 1954, but Council ex- pects there will be another $150,- 000 spent in 1955. While it is expected these figures will be eligible for 80% grants in most cases it will still leave $40,000 to be paid for by the taxes. Add- ed to this is a $20,000 road bud- get deficit left from last year when road budgets across the province were slashed by thous- ands of dollars. A recent letter from the Department of High- ways advised' Council that no more than $105,000 would be ap- proved for road purposes this year in Vaughan. In view of the proximity of Vaughan to the Metro Area, township financial obligations are being strained to the limit and Council considers that it would be an undue burden for the province to expect the Vau- ghan ratepayers to bear the whole brunt of the Hurricane damage costs. Council agreed that in view of the fact that the actual area of heavy damage covers only a very small portion of the province, it is not unrea- sonable to expect a greater pro- portion of aid than the ordinary road and bridge grants which have been offered. Buy Flooded Properties Kiwanis Festival Entry At Monday's meeting agree- ments were signed on behalf of the township for a purchase of five properties on Riverside Dr. in Pine Grove. The total amount paid for the five properties was $30,000. It may be recalled that Riverside Drive was one of the hardest hit areas in the town- ship when the flood waters com- pletely obliterated the street and swept away the houses. The pur- chase is part of a scheme to move residents to higher ground in the river valley, and although the actual purchase negotiations have been carried out by the Vaughan Township Council. the cost will be borne by the senior governments. “E Essentials, Unity; ln Non-essentials, LiBerty; ln all Things, Charity. ” Pipeline Representatives of the Trans- Canada Pipeline Co. met with Council to discuss carrying pipe- lines across township roads. Be- fore signing an agreement, Coun- cil requested that they confer with the township Road Super- intendent. I. Walsh, S. McGregor, E. Purnell, A. Hall, M. Bales, L. Harvey, S. Gillard, M. Bond; second row: J. Crack, J. Edwards, C. Higgins, J. Heise, V. Graham, M- Hull, L. Gilbert, J. Wilson, B. Bain, M. Gibson, J. Cowe, D. Turn- er, B. Harding, M. Warnica; third row, Principal Walter Scott J. Sims, B- Rlice, G. Pipher, M. Bain, D. Lewis, G. Warnica B. Wilson, G. Bradshaw, B. Cunningham, D. Ramer, B. Lyon, K. Tonner, Herman Fowler, choir lead- er and school music teacher. â€" photo by lagerquist A delegation from the North- olt Subdivisio’n near Thornhill asked Council to consider re- pairs to Roosevelt Dr. and West- wood Lane. Council agreed to meet with the delegation next Monday morning to inspect the roads in question. Engineer Services Due to the increasing amount of work to be handled by Coun- cil, the retention of the services of an engineer is being consid- ered. R. V. Anderson of R. V. Anderson Associates has been asked to submit a proposal for engineering service to the town- ship. Council passed the necessary resolutions to institute by-laws for the control of Warble Fly and Brucellosis. Campaign For Funds - Scouts To date 75 people have res- ponded to the Richmond Hill Scout Financial Campaign. and the boys extend a sincere “Scout- ing Thank You”. This brings the Scouts to the half-way mark to- wards their objective. Contributions are still needed, particularly as this is the Inter- national Jamboree year. the ga- thering to be on the Niagara Peninsula. Please mail any donations to the treasurer, Jack Brodrick P. O. Box 78. Receipts for income tax purposes will be promptly sent for all amounts over $1.00. GOODWOOD : Noted agricul- turist Howard V. Harper died at his home here recently. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 3,1955 Mr Stewart Suffers Severe Injuries On Monday S. M. Stewart, 3 hydro lineman from Richmond Hill R.O.A., was injured when he fell 25 feet with a pole which was broken off atwfche ground line. The accident obcu'rred on Garden Ave. in Langstaf‘f. Mr. Stewart had climbed the pole to cut off wires leading to a house which was being demol- ished and when he cut the wires the pole fell over toward the road. His safety belt prevented him from jumping clear and he was carried to the 'road by the pole which fell on top of him. Dr. J. Wynne gave first aid and Mr. Stewart was taken to Toron- to General HOSpital by Wright and Taylor Ambulance where it was found that he was suffering from severe head and body in- juries. Mr. Stewart has been with the Ontario Hydro over se- ven years. A resident of Rich- mond Hill he is a highly quali- fled journeyman JV..- ..__, ...__". Area Manager L. J. Roy paid tribute to the help rendered by the Vaughan township police who responded to the call under the direction of Sgt. Adams. Vaughan police also supplied a police escort for the ambulance. The neighbours close to the ac- cident very kindly assisted the injured man until the arrival of the doctor‘ Inspector Suggests Study Of Intermediate School T.S.A. Board Meets H. & S. Inspector of Public Schools for York 2, Maynard Hallman, Tues- day night suggested to a joint meeting of the Board of T. S. A. No. 1 Markham and Vaughan. its supervising staff, and represent- atives of the seven Home and School Associations in the Area, that a study he made of the pos- sibilities of establishment of an Intermediate school for the Area.. The new system, stated Mr. Hallman, recommended in a re’ port by the Royal Commission, concerns Grades 7, 8. 9. and 10. He suggested only Grades 7 8; 8‘ be considered in the area. He pointed out that in the pres- ent system, practiced today in public schools, one teacher hand- les every subject taught to the one grade. When a pupil reach- es High School, he is at sea be- cause of the sudden transition to a new system, that of a different teacher for each subject. He said that pupils of Grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 have much in common, socially, and by group- ing in an Intermediate School are prepared, more gradually, to cope with High School life and curriculum. A province - wide move is underway, he stated, to- nvards Intermediate Schools and Official Opening Arena March 19th Richmond Hill Arena Association has a varied pro- formed gram underway for its carnival Saturday night, March 19, to mark the opening of the artificial ice arena. Entertain- Inent to interest everyone has been organized and will fea- ture skating exhibitions by members of the Toronto Skat- ing Club as well as demonstrations by Richmond Hill skaters. More attractions will be announced at a later date- The remodelling of parts of the arena will be of in- terest to everyone, as well as the public skating which will be open to all age groups. ‘ ' ‘ the loc Hire IV Sinc« 1y unti decider vices c next I mainte the wc in pro ena. ii A nnr‘ c0 After the campaign last Fall, approximately $24,000 was rais- ed. From the original members. an executive committee was set up consisting of Bill Ellis, Cec. Mabley, A1 White, Bill Gilchrist, and Harry Bawden. Stuart Par- ker was engaged to work with this executive committee to- wards incorporating a company and this was completed in Jan- uary. A great deal of credit is due to this executive and to Mr. Parker. They drew up a com- pany which is a non-profit cor- poration with an objective of promotion of community recrea- tion in Richmond Hill. The company is eligible to receive a grant of $5,000 from the Com- munity Recreation Department :of the Ontario government, and only recently has been des- ignated by Qttawa as a chari- table institutlon so that any don- ation made to the association will be exempt for income tax purposes. “All detailsvof‘theorganization and incorporation of the R.H.A.A. have been completed, as well as the lease agreement with Richmond Hill council. In this work, a special vote of thanks is tendered Stuart Park- er who‘has carried on these ne- gotiations without any charge to the association. Permanent Directors Elected At the first annual meeting of the association which was held on January 20, this provisional executive withdrew. Permanent directors to carry on for the next year were elected and are: Bill Ellis, president; Elgin “Tubby” Barrow, vice-president; Walter Smith, secretary: Hugh MacKay and Bill Hall, directors; Deputy- Reeve Ken Tomlin and Council- Ior Harold Jones, directors rep- resenting council. Allan Bales, of the village, has been appointed treasurer. Mr. Parker is continuing as le- gal adviser; the firm of Pentland and Baker are the association’s architects (at a very nominal ublic Skating Rivenâ€"(mg suggestgd du‘e. cqnsideration be giy7€n t_11e "subject b..- ,,, Mr. Hallman pointed out he had taught in such a school, Grades 7, 8 and 9, for several years and found from his teach- ing experience that these schools tend to mature the pupils to the degree that they are more will- ing to accept responsibilities. .- LL_ Several representatives of the Home and School Associations were familiar with the system and voiced approval, while oth- ers questioned its feasibility for the Area regarding adequate pu- pil population and extra trans- portation costs. ‘ ‘ 1,,4 “_ Mr. Hallman stated he had no recommendations regarding these problems for the Area but en- couraged'further study of the system. , p", v“... ...... His suggestion to review fur- ther the establishment of an In- termediate School was endorged Biyflthose present at the meeting who agreed the matter was worth consideration by the B_oa_rq a§ well as the Home Association. Department Reports Items pertaining to the opera- tion of the seven schools in the Area were discussed by the (Continued an page 2) Brydon Ellis, 89 Centre Street east, has been hired by Richmond Hill council as an addition to the village of- fice staff, which will now number three plus Clerk Russell Lynett. Mr. Ellis was chosen over eight other applicants. He began his duties Mon- day morning at a salary of $50. a week. Hire Office Help itrhfiéi Hbme and School fee). and the firm of W. C. Ed~ dis & Son has been appointed as the association's auditors. A11 contributing members are known as “members” and not “shareholders” as this is a non- profit corporation. Let Contracts The provisional directors, in order to make sure the ice would be installed this Winter, went ahead with letting the contract. Canadian Ice Machine Co. was given the contract to install the ice equipment and electrical in- stallation. This action was tak- en following careful examination of the bids of four companies. To Les Hart of Gormley went the contract for the construction of the compressor building; to Marino Construction Company, for the laying of a 4-inch water- main into the arena. The heavy duty hydro line necessary for the operation is being installed by the village. The directors decided the‘ best way to find out about the} operation of an arena was to? visit other districts with similar, set-ups. Visits were made to Aurora, Barrie. Leaside, New- market, Orillia, Stouffville and Unionville. In evéry case. the managers were very ' terested in the project and gave 'reely of their advice and ideas. Canadian Ice Machine Co. was highly rec- ommended everywhere. The dir- ectors learned the dutiesof the manager, what qualifications he needed, what other staff would be necessary. what type of in- surance coverage was necessary, How they made up their sched- ules on ice time, what summer activities they promoted, how the refreshment booths were op- erated. ‘ Starting in January, the dir- ectors held regular Wednesday night meetings, at which they Committee To Interview Candidates New Position A three member committee will shortly interview prospect- ive applicants for Markham townships new position of Sup- ervisor of Planning and Build- ing. Markham‘Council Monday set up a committee composed of Reeve A. LeMasurier, Councillor V. Griffin and Planning Board Chairman C. J. Laurin to handle the selection of such an individ- ual. At last week's meeting of Coun- cil and Planning Board the Board's 1955 budget was set at $6,000. The Board had origin- ally asked for $10,000. On suggestion of Planning Board and accepted by Council the members will work along with the Metropolitan Planning Board and in particular Plann- ing Director Murray Jones in order to bring the township’s of- ficial plan and zoning by-law up to date before submitting it to the Provincial Department of Planning and Development for approval. It is felt that such a proceedure is to be preferred to submitting the present plan which is now two years old for approval and then have to amend certain sections of it in order to bring it up to date. Before pro- ceeding with any work on the official plan or zoning byâ€"law Metro wants any sources of wa- ter clearly outlined and also if the Township is contemplating the introduction of a sewer sys- tem in the built up areas. Unionville Subdivision Council and Planning Board will hold a further joint meeting next week at which time the whole matter of the proposed building of a satelite village ad- jacent to the present village of Unionville will be discussed and a decision reached. For some- time now both the Planning Board and the Unionville village trustees have been considering Markham Planning Budget $§£00 For Everything In HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Quality Workmanship â€" Moderate Cost Serving the District Since 1878 Consult your Home Paper Elbe itheral Phone TU. 4-1261 MARCH '1 IACKPOT $350 PRINTING the local arena. Hire Manager Next Fall Since ice will be available on- ly until the end of April. it was decided to do without the ser- vices of an arena manager until next Fall, but a permanent maintenance man was hired. All the work the manager would do in promoting the use of the ar- ena, in arranging for publicity and staff, making needed im-' provements in the building, ar- ranging for contracts for ice time, must be done under the supervision of the directors. It is hoped money can be saved in ‘this way. The Kinsmen Club has offer- ed to supply an ice flooding ap- paratus and Norm Stephenson is going to organize the ticket of- fice staff. Committees have been formed as follows: Building and main- tenance, E. Barrow, TU. 4-1595: W. Ellis TU. 4-1868. W. Hall TU. 4-1889; Personnel, Walter Smith, TU. 4â€"1494; Financial 8: Corporation business and oper- ating supplies, Allan Bales, TU. 4-1876, Walter Smith: Ice Sche- dule and contracting for ice time Hugh MacKay, Tubby Barrow, TU. 4-1407; publicity and organ- ization of the opening carnival. Walter Smith, B. Ellis, B. Hall. Prepare Ice Schedule The arena started with an ob- jective of providing as much skating as possible for the’ dis- trict and still have the operation self-supporting. The directors are drawing up the ice schedule and the programme activities with this in mind. The association would like to see the schools use the rink dur- ing the daytime as much as pos. sible. It is planned to have public skating' two nights a week and possibly Saturday afternoon. There are a lot of young moth- ers who would like to bring their proâ€"school age children down to learn to skate oneer two mornings or afternoons a week. There are many parents interested in having their child- ren learn figure skating. and there are a good many teen-ag- ers and adults who perhaps have enjoyed square dancing in the past. who would like to form a skating club. It is" hoped to have the service clubs promote “Pee-Wee" hock- ey onrhSartprday mornings; the proposal. Unofficial reports seem to indicate that the plan though excellent is too far ad- vanced for the present. Pipe Line to Cross Markham Three representatives of Trans Canada Pipe Lines waited on Council regarding their comp- any's natural gas line which will cross Markham on its way east to Montreal. The 24" pipe line will enter Markham in the gen- eral area of the Observatory and parallel No. 7 Highway as it crosses the municipality. The gas is being piped from the oil fields in Alberta. This part of the line running through Markham will be sur- veyed within the next two months. After this is completed land agents will approach the various property owners over which the line will pass and se- cure an easement over this prop- erty. The right of way will be 60 feet wide. The property own< ers will receive two payments. First for the easement and sec- ondly compensation for any damage caused‘ to crops during construction operations. Certain building restrictions will apply to the right of way. Although the- land along the easement can be farmed no building will be permitted with- in 25 feet of either side of the right of way. As the pipe line is a national project the company by its charter has been granted pow- ers of expropriation. If the in- dividual property owner and the company cannot agree on a iair price then the matter will be turned over to a county judge for arbitration. However, the representatives present assured Council that every reasonable effort will be made to reach a fair and equitable agreement with each property owner con- cemed (Continued on page, 3) a plan for operation of

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