Strange School Choir, grades 1 to 5, conducted by the teacher Miss Elizabeth Climpson. re- ceived a mark of 78 at the Ki- wanis Musical Festival at Ea- ton’s College Street auditorium, February 22. It was the ï¬rst time the teacher and pupils had taken part in the Kiwanis Festi- val. Competing with them was a chair from King City School, which came third. King City School, Grade 1 to 8 girls’ choir came second. Ap- proximately 82 pupils from King CityI School took part in the fes- tiva . f’hï¬ivï¬ï¬mball will give an illus- trated address. School Choirs King City school came second in The prize winning conserva- tion album of Kinghorn school will be on display at the Sport- men‘s Show in Toronto, the week of March 14. The pupils of Kinghorn school won ï¬rst prize for their album in King Town- ship, in a contest sponsored by the Federation of Ontario Nat- uralists last spring. The Fireside Group of St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church, Strange. will visit the Y.P.S. Fireside of Essa Road Presbyter- ian church. Allandale on Sunday evening. March 13.7 when Rev. She was among 17 Rosemary Davidson Derrick 8, were 3151 ition. Between 40 and 50 people at- tended the ï¬remen’s bingo in the Masonic Hall February 25. After expenses were paid over $33 was realized. In addition the ladies made $8 from sale of can- dy. Bill Willoughby was the call- er for the bingo assisted by Rus- sell Robb. Mrs. Bob Berwick and Mrs. Jack Walker looked after the sale of homemade candy. Harry Noakes and Bruce Parker were the ticket takers. Speqial winners were Miss Annie Mc- Bride, Mrs. Hadwin, Maple, Mrs. Len Robb, King City. John Glover, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris, Maple. Glen Urquhart won the cash prize donated by Jack Walkington and Del Paton of King City, Mrs. Florence Chapman, Al. LaPlant. Mrs. Ed. Harris and Mrs. Pearl Wilson were winners in the Share the Wealth Game. Display Album_ The monthly meeting of Las- kay mission band was held at Laskay United Church on Sat- urday, February 19. Mrs. D. Barker conducted the worship service. The theme was the Home and the Church. Thirteen mem- bers were present. All Saints W.A. I The ladies of All Saints Angli- can W.A. were pleased with the success of the Pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday. Supper was served to approximately 75 peop- le. Proceds were $80. Mrs. P. Burt convened the supper assist- ed by Mrs. F. Monsoon and Mrs. E. Scott. Miss May Judd and Miss Lily Anderson made the pancakes. Firemen’s Bingo The monthly meeting of King City United Church W.A. was held February 22 at the home of Mrs. Adam Davidson, Springhill Rd. Mrs. Colin Stewart, vice- president ,presided. Mrs. Clark Archibald conducted the wor- ship service. Mrs. Quentin Har- dy gave book reviews of two Canadian Books. et Ruth Finch and Janet Mary Finch gave readings. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Port on March| 9. Mrs. H. Ratclifl‘. King City, was the guest speaker. A quar- tette number was sung by Grace Glass, Nora Jane Hately, Lila Ann Forrester and Linda Cairns, accompanied by their leader, Miss Marjorie McMurchy. Miss Helen Hunter was the pianist for the service. St. Andrews 7 _ p The monthly meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian W.M.S., Strange, was held February 23 at the home of the president. Mrs. Robert Farren. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Fred Gray and Mrs. Archie Walker. Mrs. Whatley Finch gave the study bok chapter on education. Plans were made for an ice cream social to be held in March. “Fofithe program Mrs. Gray gavg a__ pill-noiseleqtiqn. Margar- World Day oi’ Prayer Approximately 60 women from neighboring churches attended the World Day of Prayer service at King City United Church on February 25. Taking part in the worship service were Mrs. M. Jenkinson, King City United, Mrs. Alfred Gillham, All Saints' Anglican Church, King City, Miss Elizabeth Fisher. Bethel Baptist Church King City, Mrs. Fred Boys, Temperancevlle Un- ted Church, Mrs. M. Beynon, St. John’s Anglcan. Oak Ridges and Mrs. Fred Curtis, Eversley Pres- byterian Church. Mrs. George Hart, wife of the minister of Bethel Baptist Church, was the guest speaker. Mrs. Adam Davidson and Mrs. Arnold Peter sang two duets. There were approximately 40 women from St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Strange. and Laskay United Church at the World Day of Prayer services on February 25. Miss Winifred Boys of Laskay and Mrs. Robert Far- ren of Strange were the leaders in the prayer service. Also tak- ing part in the service were Mrs. Wm. Bryson, Mrs. Charles Black, Mrs. Laurie Boys, Mrs. Whatley Finch, Mrs. Norman Bryson and Mrs. Donald McCall- 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., March 3, 1955 King City Notes King City, Lake Wilcox ak Ridges The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCallum, telephone King 132M. and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Eric Parker, telephone TU. 4-2417. ‘o in compet ebruary 23‘ contestants 8. Nadine King City School mill rate was set at 16 mills at a recent meet- ing. The two mill increase is caused by the increased general costs of education, the increase of the teaching staff and the ad~ dition of maintenance costs. The budget sent to township council was $6,829.04, compared with last year’s budget of $5,385.00. Pupils from Temperanceville and Strange pay fees from their School sections. The board ex. pects an enrolment of nearly 140 by next September. , "__ _.-_°‘.- Communiy Centre Committee was not dampened and the Win- ter Carnival went on as sched- uled on February 26 at Blue Spruce Park on Lake Wilcox. The carnival opened with a wel- come from J. D. Smith. presi- dent of the. committee, and in- troduction of the judges and the The monthly meeting of Kingcraft was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Borden, King. on February 23. The architect's drawing of the Kingcraft build- ing were discussed and approved by members at the meeting. The drawings show a building 26 feet by 34 feet. The drawing is to be brought before the village trustees for approval. The base- ment of the building will be built in the spring. The smacking group reported the purchase of a dot machine. There will be no Kingcraft meet- ing in March. Mr. Sandy Best will-speak on lilies at the April meeting. Social Notes Heather Crooks. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crooks, King, celebrated her 11th birthday on February 11, with a birthday party. Among her young guests were Donna and Shirley Bowen, Carolyn Parker. Jim Rutledge, Susan Davie, Margaret Richard- son, her brother Ronald and Christopher. Rosemary Davidson, 8, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam David- son, Springhill Rd., underwent an appendectomy on Feb. 27. Dr. Quentin A. Hardy. B.“ A., M.D., plans to open a medical practice in King City this month. Dr. Hardy received his early schooling in Barrie and is a graduate of McGill University and the University of Toronto. At present, he is doing post- graduate work at Sunny- brook Hospital. Dr. and‘Mrs. Hardy have one daughter and are mem- bers of the United Church. New Doctor To Open Office We Meet All City Prices EASY TERMS Pat F ullcr Winter Queen No longer can we say China is a long way away. It is only an hour or two away. No longer are we separated East and West. Anything that the Kremlin does affects the whole world. We can’t ignore it ,emphasized Mr. Millin. Thereâ€"are half a million Can- adians ready to march under the communist banner. ' Mr. Millin went on to speak of China where he had been a missionary for 20 years, and a prisoner of both the Japanese and the Communists. People Too Complacent About Communism Says Leslie Millin At All Saints Church last week. Rev. Leslie Millin spoke on “What really is going on be- hind the Iron Curtain." Mr. Millin. before coming to Toronto, had attended a mission- ary conference at Detroit where missionaries from the Far East, Italy and Russia itself had dis- cussed the same signiï¬cant thing, the encroachment of com- munism on the world. Mr. Mil~lin quoted from a let- ter written by a French com- munist, criticizing Christians. “You Christians. do not practise the gospel. You give very little money toward the church. You are afraid to soil your hands. We communists do not play with words we are realists,†stated the letter. The communists, emphasized Mr. Millin, practise the Marxist policy and the doctrine of peace. The Sermon on the Mount with- out God. They leave out the very central power." ing Donnelley. Miss Fuller, who came to Oak Ridges four years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fuller, is a Grade 8 pupil at Oak Ridges Public school. She is an enthusiastic sports- woman, and is particularly fond of skat- ing and swimming. She also enjoys playing the guitar and singing. â€" Photo by lagerquist DYER’S FURNITURE J. E. Smith, M.P., congratulat- ed the Queen and presented her with the Liberal Trophy, a love- ly silver cup. From the Com- munity Centre Committee the Queen received a jewel box. The three contestants each received many additional prizes donated by 35 local merchants. During the carnival the Queen present- ed prizes to the winners of the snow ï¬gure contest, Edward Do- cherty, Shirley Butt, Bonar Mc- Kenzie and Albert Young. Paul Fuller won the sleigh ride and the toboggan ride winner was Jimmy Hadcock. Each boy re- ceived a trophy donated by A. Patchell. The Newmarket skating club presented an attractive number called Top Hat & Tails. Unfor- tunately the poor condition of the ice made it impossible to present speed skating events and ice boat rides. The ice hockey game between the old timers and the Oak Ridges Juv. eniles was enjoyed by the and- ience and ended in a 2-31! tie. Jack Blythe acted‘as referee. kins Statistics show that if the church will rise up and face her responsibilities within 21/2 years the danger of communism in the world would be overcome. If we don’t what happened to Chi- na will happen to us, stated Mr. Millin. ‘ In conclusion, Mr. Millin said it was a hard message to speak. It is very hard to shake people out of their complacency. We are not prepared to accept the challenge. Rather would we seek to coaexist beside communism anything but war. While waiting for the Libera- tion Army to arrive the boy di- vulged to Mr. Millin the names of several people in the govern- ment and mission school who had collaborated with the com- munists. The communists kept their promises to the people for two months then began a purge, executing people ,turnlng child- ren against their parents. Young children were forced to witness the executions. Mr. Millin him- self was interrogated in the People’s Court beyond his phys- ical strength. After several blackouts he was taken to the hospital. Before the Liberation Army arrived, a little lad of 13 years of age came to the Mission com- pound as a representative of the Liberation party to act as a go- beween between the mission nd the party. He had become a communist through the teach- ing of the doctrine in the schools. During the evehiï¬Ã© glzgttigghto music under lights took place. Bingo A puppet show was presented by four boys who had made some of the puppets themselves. The narrator was D. Docherty and manipulating the‘puppets were Eric Saunder, J. McKenzie, B. also provided the puppets’ voic- also provide dthe puppets' voic- es. Jackie Ramer, Ellen Hanâ€" nan and Runi Findeisen sang two songs and Dianne Manock gave a short talk on the Mystery of Puppets. Refreshments were served and the big birthday cake baked and iced by Mrs. H. Knuckey was cut. One year old David Kirkpat- rick, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kirkpatrick, Bond Ave., was rushed to Richmond Hill by Dr. John Wynne last week after he had swallowed some shove oil. After treatment he was return- ed home and is now quite re- covered. On Tuesday, Feb. 20, the Oak Ridges Community Centre Bingo was held at Oak Ridges Public School. Mrs. McNeil was win- ner of the door prize. A player who won twice was Mrs. Amy Wearing of Bond Ave, Oak Ridâ€" ges. The special prize was won by Leslie Handy of Aurora. Mrs. Connor, Oak Ridges won $5. F. Baron, who is bingo caller and Mrs. Jaye Armstrong, both from Aubrey Ave., are convenors of the bingos, assisted by J. D. Smith, Mr. McNeil and Mr. Hind. Home 8: School A second guest speaker. intro- duced by Mrs. R. Woolley, was Mr. Burgess from Unionville, Who spoke about Founders' Day and what the Home and School Association’s creed means. Mr. Burgess is vice-president of the East Area of the York-Simcoe Home and School council. Mrs. H. Pantling read a letter received from Dr. Robert King Director and Medical Officer of Health for York County Health Unit, expressing his thanks for the wonderful co-operation the well baby clinic had received from the Home and School vol- unteers on February 8. The Monday night meeting on February 28. saw a good attend- ance at the Oak Ridges Home and School Founder’s Day meet- ing. It was also fathers' night and a great many men accomp- anied their wives to hear the in- teresting talk by Prof. J. N. Em- erson. who gave several examp- les of the role of fathers in dif- ferent native communities. Bill Drinkwater Motors How many 7zorse§ would you like! "Super Turbo-Fire V8" has all the ad- vanced engineering features of Chevrolet's V8 design . . . but multiplied by the free- bxeathing of a dual exhaust system and a four-barrel carburetortomional at extra cost. . . . and you get all this with the savings of Canada’s lowest-priced line of cars. Come drive a Chevrolet and discover the whole story! All with the ater that’s stealing the thunder from the high-“priced ears No matter which engine you choose, you get Chevrolet’s sparkling new body design, the sleekest styling on the road. You get that commanding view through the Sweep-Sight windshield. You get a “big-car" way of going that stems from the flexing ease of Glide- Ride front suspension, the stability of Outrigger rear springs. You get your pick of three modern drives, a full range of power assists C HEVROLET Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials Stealing the Thunder from the High-Priced Cars! King City molmmic The same night at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rumble, King, thieves took a wheel and two tires from an old model car behind the garage. The car was left jacked up on stones and blocks. Two cars were stripped of tires and wheels around 2.30 a. m. February 22 in King. A com. plete wheel, new spare tire, brand new jack and rim wrench were taken from the trunk of the 1954 car belonging to Brit Rid- dell. The barking of the farm dog went unheeded as the fam- ily did not get up to ï¬nd out the cause of the disturbance. Thieves Steal Tires & Wheels A barn belonging to Mr. and Mrs. J. Crooks, R. R. 3 King, was burned leaving only the foundation standing on Sunday morning Feb. 27. Rev. John Mills ,secretary of the Ontario Trustees and Ratepayers Association will be the speaker at the Open House at King City School on Friday, March 11. Par- ents, ratepayers and friends are invited to attend the op- en house which is being held during Education Week. An opportunity will be given for ratepayers to see the new classrooms and the work done to the building last fall. The ï¬re which started ar- ound 4.30 am. was ï¬rst not- iced by Bob Walker, King City. King City Fire Bri- gade and Aurora Fire Bri- gade were called to the ï¬re. The barn, which was over hundred years old was well insured. No animals were stabled in the barn, only a quantity of hay and straw which was also destroyed by the ï¬re. Mr .and Mrs. Crooks and their family were sleeping when the fire started. They were awakened by two nei- ghbors banging on the door. The hydrant near their pro- perty was frozen, hamper- ing the fire brigades. Open House. Education Week 100- Year-Old Barn Burned “Turbo-Fire V8" has an amazingly short piston stroke that cuts friction losses ’way down. Lighter. more compact than other V8's. with a superb new compression ratio of 8 to 1, and a better. sure: 12-volt electrical system. ‘Opn'onal at extra cost. P11an King so TU. 4-3331 OAK RIDGE'S Open Wednesday, Friday, Saturday evenings 216 Essex Ave. IF YOU NEED ['1‘ WE CAN BUILD IT Washing Machines, Radios, 4 and Small Appliances REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 Fuller’s Dry Goods 161 Main St., NEWMARKET FREE DELIVERY TURNEB’S WELDING SERVICE Here’s Your Chance To 8110! THE FAMILY 20% Off Gov. Certiï¬ed Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erection & Repairs to Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breechings, etc. On All Shoes At 1' ULLERS EVERY DRIVER HAS DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS. Chevrolet, with three ultra-efï¬cient new on- gines, otters the widest range in the entire industry. Powerglide â€" Synchro-Mesh or Over- drive in alH- models and with all horsepowers. Whatever you wantâ€"commanding acceleration, thrifty town driving, effortless highway cruis- ing, lowest initial cost, brilliant performance with minimum upkeep â€" you'll ï¬nd it here in a valve-in-head engine built by the valve-in-head leodorl fExcept “I50†Stotiol WGGOI. The “Blue-Flame 136†with Powcrglide‘ gives the ease of automatic shifting at lowest price â€" with Synchro-Mesh and Touch-Down Overdrive it sets new stan- dards of six-cylinder valve-in-head efï¬ci- ency. And hydraulic valve-lifters give super-quiet performance. A Gonna! Melon Valuo IF YOU BREAK IT WE CAN WELD IT TUmer 4-1591 C-HSSC