Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1955, p. 9

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Win - Dor Lumber Co., Ltd. AV. 5-2215 BA. 1-7 NO. 7 HIGHWAY WEST OF DUFFERIN AT C.N.R. TRACKS Deputy-Clerk. Vaughan Township 4’x8'x 5/16" L'nsanded Fir Ply 4’x8’x'4" GIS Fir Ply 48 Hour Delivery CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE Our salesmen will call around. measure and quote a price at your convenience. Free Estimates GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEORGE W. BAILEY MARSHALL McMURCHY 4‘x4'x '54 " Underlay Poplar Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 INSURANCE Special Prices On Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING 0m 25 year: experience in the Better Shops in Toronto Tenderers to supply truck or tractor & furnis all fuel and opeator. " Sealed Tenders will be received by the under- signed up until 12.00 o’clock Noon. Monday, March 14th. 1955, for the rental of four power sprayers on an hourly basis- Sprayers must, develop 500 lbs. pressure and be equipped with 150 gallon tank. at least, 200 feet of hose with a gauge at the nozzle end, a Warble Fly control gun. to be mounted upon a. truck or trailer hauled by a tractor. Build um Duties to commence April 1st. 1955. and May 1st, 1955 â€" two periods of approximately three weeks. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Township of Vaughan TENDERS FOR RENTAL FOUR POWER SPRAYERS A BOARD OR A CARLOAD Cupboard Doors & Drawers Station Rd., Concord, Ont. HERBERT R. BUTT MADE TO MEASURE Now Open For Business SMITH UPHOLSTERING Associated With Dependable Service 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 Telephone bin. Our rapid manner of order in our dfi'ection and we will “chute” some of our dependable coal into your delivery will please you. 5 Year Guarantee (Including materialg) “Shoot” your next coal $3.98 per sheet $4.80 per sheet $1.44 per sheet 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Reeve Vaughan Township AV. 5-1682 Toronto EMpire 4-3317 BA. 1-7008 0F DAIRY CATTLE, Near New Cockshutt 30 Tractor, New M-H Pick-up Baler, New Favorite Thresher, Modern Machinery, Farm Stock, Implements. Hay. Grain, etc. Lot 35, Can. 6 Pickering Twp. on No. 7 Highway at Green Rlver Property of ROY CARTER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1955 Cattle . Holstein Cow, fresh. calf at foot . Red Heifer, bred in Dec. . Red & White Heifer, bred in December . Holstein Heifer, bred in Jan. . Black 8: White Heifer. bred in Jan. . Holstein Heifer, 20 mos. old . Holstein Heifer, yearling . Holstein Heifer, 13 mos. old . Holstein Bull, 2 yrs. old 1 2 3 4 5 6. Holstein Heifer. 2 yrs. old 7 8 9 10 Farm Machinery 1 H Hbâ€"‘bâ€"IH Cockshutt (30) Tractor, comp- lete with pulley, lights, start- er, PTO etc. This tractor is real good and near new New Idea manure loader. al- most new, complete wlth snow blade, pump, etc. Heat Houser, new, for 80 Cockshutt Tractor Tractor Umbrella Cockshutt 70 Tractor, good Ford Tractor, good Mount Forest threshing mach- ine, complete with clover atâ€" tachment, straw shredder, grain thrower, etc. This mach- ine is almost new and on rub- ber M-H pick-up baler and straw baler, complete with motor. new. used only part of one season M-H Side Rake on rubber. new near new Case power take-off mower 7 ft. 1 McCormick-Bearing Binder. '7’ good 1 3-furrow tractor plow (IHC), ace bottom, on rubber, new 1 3-furrow ace bottom tractor plow, good new Cockshutt 10' dump rake new Cockshutt 13-disc grain & fertilizer drill. power lift. trac- tor hitch 1 new Buehler 9 ft. cultivator, on rubber for tractor set new 3-section drag barrows set near new Bissel disc har- rows 8’ ‘ new Coby 100 bus. manure spreader, PTO, on rubber New Beuhler rubber tired 5- ton capacity farm wagon gear, with flat rack corn cultivator single plow set 6-sec. drag barrows steel wheel wagon gear steel land roller, good Number of other implements Miscellaneous Articles 1 Wood’s electric grain grinder, complete with one h.p. electric motor, almost new ' 1 milking machine, 2 units De- Laval, new pump, new #4 h.p. motor with piping, motor sold “separately ~ 1 near new, small size cream separator 1 30’ extension ladder 1 heavy rubber tired traitor tor tractor 1 post drill with motor 1 emery grinder with motor 120’ threshing belt, good 1 brooder stove 1 electric broader Set fence stretchers Set electric stock clippers Set scales 2,000 lb. cap. 1 brooder house 13x24 on skids 2 wooden silos on skids with floors, used for grain 1 pile elm wood. approx. 4 cords 1000 good fence rails Several piles of wood Approx. 50 railroad ties and 50 HH r-n-t HH Hp. HHHiâ€"‘H cedar posts Several old implements Several piles of iron Mount ' Forgst thresher-feeder. 3 suitable for repel}; VVVVVVVVVV 1 Outside Toilet 20 rods wire fence Pulleys, syovels, hoes, and a large number of wrenches, tools, etc. Hay and Grain Approx. 500 bushel mixed grain Approx. 300 bus. fall wheat 2 bus. clover seed 4 bus. timothy seed Approx. 1000 bales of good mix- _.x L, ed hay Furniture 1 white enamel cook stove, good 6 kitchen chairs 1 library table 4 doz. fruit jar: 1 jacket heater Number of other articles Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms Huh Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Anyone needing implements would do well to attend this sale, as the majority of implements were all new in the last one, two and three years. Ralph Faulkner, clerk ‘KEN & C‘LABKE PRENTICE. lagerquist studio Auctioneers Markham. Ont, phone 346 Milliken, ph. AXminster 3-5987 AUCTION SALE Bolero you know it. they'n grown up. Make Inn you have a picturo ucoxd of you: baby . . . bring your child in ior I pox-hut you'll tron-um over the yam. Call {or n nppoinhnont today. babies grow 93 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TU. (-2791 used bnly part of one so fast... EXTENSIVE Heifer. 2 yrs. old Heifer, 20 mos. old Heifer. yearling Heifer, 13 mos. old Bull, 2 yrs. old Perfect weather and good roads were in order for the World Day of Prayer service held last Friday afternoon in Victoria Square Church. Mrs. Stewart Rumble was at the or- gan, and several Headford lad- ies took part in the service, at which Mrs. Fear of Unionville was the speaker. Mrs. Allan Orr was soloist. Personals Inclement weather, coupled with poor roads, kept the at- tendance at the Board Meeting of Victoria Square charge, held in Brown's Corners Church, down pretty low on Wednesday even- ing last. An invitation to stay was extended to Mr. Huston and conditionally accepted. World Day of Prayer Victoria Square United Mrs. Wm. Leuschner would like to thank those who remem- bered her 82nd birthday Sunday last. Sundhyv gliests with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman were Mr. and Mrs. Tate of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Well- man and the girls had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Well- man on Sunday. Visitors at the Acremans this past week have been Mr. & Mrs. Mel Jones of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Brown and family of Stoufiville. Headford folk were shocked to hear of the serious accident which happened to Mark Stew- art on Monday last, while carry- ing on his work with the hydro. We all wish him a speedy re- covery. Oratorical Contest Excitement is high in Head- ford School this week with both preliminaries and finals in the coming up. Eliminations will take place during school time, but the finals will be on Friday evening, March 11. Pupils work will also be on display on this Achievement Night. Achievment Day Mrs. Stan Defoe's place on her bowling team at Richmond Hill is being temporarily filled by Lorraine Acreman. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Bert Leek of Gormley. but hear he is improv- ing. Mrs. Acreman joined a busâ€" load of Victoria Square Senior Women's Institute members last Wednesday when they made a tour through Christie’s factory. Missionary Work Sunday School pupils in Head- ford saw the film strip “Our Fa- ther's Business.” showing how and where our missionary offer- ings are expended. God’s family It will be Achievement Day on Saturday for some of the Head- ford girls and will be held in Newmarket. There they will pre- sent the work they have been do- ing in the past year for judging. is a large 6ne, and embraces all colprs and socxal levels. Miss Margaret Brodie spent the week-end in Newmarket, the guest of her friend Joan Curtis, who was camp counsellor along with Margaret this past summer. automobile amount from $450 10 $600. Sunday. Marcfi 20. the'Sacra- ment of Baptism will take place in the church. ‘ _._. _ _“......~ On Saturday evening, to mark Murray’s birthday, Lorraine Ac- reman arranged a surprise party. when she took her guests to the Richmond Bowl for an evening of bowling. bringing them back for refreshments and fun at home. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ford Battler, Mr. and Mrs. A. Marinofl', Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neil. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cox of Richmond Hill. Mr, and Mrs. P. Brown of Stoufi’ville. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Folliott of Wi110wdale, Fran Davis of Toronto and Ken Wal- lace of Hamilton. Our very lovely Vacation School pictures arrived this Week. Canadian taxes on the average New 1955 Nash Canadian States- man and Ambassador models feature distinctive modern styling. Ambssador models offer a new V-8 engine develop ing 208 horsepower. Shown is the 1955 holstery and exterior colours are ofl‘er- Canadian Statesman Custom four-door sedan. For the first time in Canada this model is available in two series â€"â€" NEW 1955 STATESMAN 216 Eu Ave. IF YOU NEED IT WE CAN BUILD IT HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. H. Aoreman Correspondent: B. R. 2 Gonnley, 0M. Phone TUmer 4-2236 TURNEB’S WELDING SERVICE Gov. Certified Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erecfion 8: Repairs to Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breechings, etc‘ NASH CANADIAN FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Mrs. R. Webster, Roosevelt Drive, will be hostess for the March meeting of the auxiliary on Wednesday, March 16. Home & School Association The March meeting of the Home and School was postpon- ed from Tuesday, March 8 to Tuesday, March 15. This will be “Fathers” Night." Mr. Brown. Grade 6 teacher, will be present to show pictures of his trip to Northern Canada. Mr. H. Mar- tin. Music Supervisor of the School Area will give a demon- stration of a music class and will lead in a sing~song. Mark-Vain! Women’s Institute Cu_b_ Mothers' Auxiliary The March meeting was held on Thursday, March 3, at the home of Mrs. W. Kirby, Concord, and was well attended by mem- bers and guests. During the bus- iness period, Mrs. Kirby report- ed on the euchre held February 25; nomination committee was appointed, and Mrs. A. Morrison gave a report on the Extension Course “Program Planning" held on March 2. After the busi- ness period, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. C. Ellison, Home Economics convenor. She Iintroduced' four demonstrators from the Singer Sewin Machine Company who gave a emonstra- tion of the latest models of their machines which was very inter- esting to all present. A free sewing course was won by guest Mrs. Mary Jones who gave it to the hostess, Mrs. W. Kirby. After a short contest, refreéhments were served by the hostesses of thg J evening. . Mrs. H. Ellam and Mrs. A. Morrison attended the Board Meeting of the York East Dis- trict, Women's Institutes, Mon- day of this week at the Y.W.C.A., McGill Street, Toronto. School News Children of Grades 1 and 3 will be given forms this week to take home to their parents re- questing permission to vaccinate the children for Polio. The vac- cine is expected to become av- ailable from the Province about Aprill. York County Health Un- it reports that “While it is not definitely known that the vac- cine will adequaely prevent pol- iomyelitls, it is known that there are no harmful effects. The vac- cine is intended to protect ag- ainst three different strains of polio, and therefore, children who have previously had an at- tack of polio may still benefit from the vaccination by being possibly protected against the other two types of disease.” 1955 is expected to be an “on” year for polio, and it is to be hoped that we will all take advantage of the opportunity afforded us by__our Provincial legislation. Mr. Everist reports that the Parents’ Night held last Thurs- day was very well attended, and wishes to thank all parents for their» co-operation. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Agnes Barton; formerly of Church St. Mrs. Barton flew to England last Ap- ril after the death of her hus- band, Frank. She passed away on Christmas Day at the home of her brother in Devon. Death was due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Mrs. Greenfield. Garden Ave, is home from the Hospital. A hearty welcome to Langstafi is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood who have taken up resi- dence in “Stonehaven” former- ly occupied by Mr. A‘ Mathews and the late Mrs. Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Wood came to Canada from Muswell Hill, London. En- gland. last December. They have been living in Toronto. A daugh- ter. Jean, is working with them and is working with the CBC Television. Mr. Mathews ls liv- ing with relatives in Toronto at present. Birthday greetings to Bonnie Mountjoy. Sussex Avenue, who celebrated her tenth birthday on Wednesday, March 9. Pamela“ Newton. Fairview Ave.. celebrated her seventh birthday on Saturday last. Play- IF YOU BREAK 11‘ WE CAN WELD IT LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. 1. RO! TUrner 4-1591 deluxe and custom. A new Dual Pow- erflyte engine is offered as optional equipment on both 1955 Canadian Statesman series. It is an increased horsepower engine with a compression ratio of 8.5 to 1. The 1955 Nash Cana- dian Statesman and Ambassador mod- els feature a “Scena-Ramis” wrap-ar- ound windshield, die-cast grille with in« board headlights, and forwardthrust- ing fenders. New interior trim and up- ed in the 1955 Nash line. Phone AVenue 5-2496 mates at the party were Crystal Suter, Dianne Floyd, Caroline Iris, Brenda Lycett, Eleanor Greaves, and David and Doug- las Ament. Belated birthday greetings al- so to Judy Martin, Boyle Drive, who entertained her friends last Friday. Patricia Dickison. Bbyle Drive, celebrated her birthday March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Yonge St.. celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary with a par- ty at their home on Saturday, March 5. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. R. MacEachern, Mr. and Mrs. K. Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodings, Mr. and Mrs. W. Drew, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Webster and Mr. and Mrs. R. Brash. The host and hostess were presented with a lace table cloth, a gift from all present. Hull’ s Domestic Fuel Oils RICHMOND HILL Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters for y0ur protection. To meet the staggering cost of tratfic accidents, the automobile insurance business his year will pay out more than $80,000,000. Beyond this, influence companieswflldoevexythhzgpowibletodamfiaefisingtondaubmobflo aocidamsâ€"byoflefingflzesafedrivhq incenfivooflowar insurance premiums bracddafl-heecuownmandflnwghadetywmkandpubficeducafiondmsd atmldngdfimmemedflnpaikd‘modemday adoring. A CANADIAN CITY HA: 37,!!!)Canadiansâ€"hcnfinpopulafiondahirebed city.AhaH-nfimonm have}:de OIL BURNER PARTS & SERVICE Dxmgflaepafimyeaa,adbmabfleacddmhawhkenflzehad Au CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Mar. 10, 1955 9 Telephone TU. 4-1650 The first of generations of Bell people who have shared on din to make good telephone service even better LILLIAN CAMP was a young lady of 22 when she came to work for us in 1880, the year we started in the telephone business. She re- tired on pension in 1931 and 'can today, at 96, look .back on three quarters of a century as a member of the Bell family. Every time she drops in to our office in Montreal for a visit, she sees fresh evidence of growth and change. Yét she tells us NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS on behavan Gun 7!” Gan-marsh: mm Fm. Aafunobib mad (Ia-unity hm ROGER PROULX PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given Miss LILLMN CAMP. Bfll'x oldrxr prminner. chnlx with Anita Dz! Fetchio, 17, who has been a Ball operator [or only A In; month. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPAN! OF CANADA CALL ANY TIME ,illian eamp PHONE TU. 4-2061 there is one thing that has not changed through the yean, and that is the pleasant, interested people who continue to enter and grow up in the telephone business; men and women who have shared one aimâ€"to make good telephone service even better. That’s the way it was in Ms Camp's day. That's the way it i now, 75 years later. 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill

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