Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1955, p. 11

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6.. .onge St. S. IE SAFE AND SAY â€" "THE TORONTO LAUNDERERS’ WA)"l IN LIONS’ HALL RICHMOND HILL PH. Every Passenger Fully Insured LATE MODEL CARS Careful, Courteous Drivers Weddings, funerals, out-of-town trips Call for information about our rates Tllmel 4 - 1731 RICHMOND A C R E S â€"'-â€" RICHMOND HILL RANCH BUNGALOWS - $2020 DOW! ONTARIO’S MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBDIVISION COMPLETELY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Sanitary Sewers. Paved Roads, Water, Transporta- tion â€" close to all schools and shopping â€" forced air with oil, ceramic tile bathroom and kitchen. For. courteous service come direct to our field otfice BAYVIEW & CENTRE 100 Sérvice Lots, $3,000. each. Ask for Mr. Coughlin. COUGHLIN , Broker TUrner 4-2294 ” GASLIGHT ” 31m CABS MARCH LOCAL CALLS - 40c RICHMOND mu. \4-HOUR FAST SERVICE NEW CURTAIN CLUB PRODUCTION ‘CT YOUR TICKETS EARLY FOR 'ithin 2 mile limit of Richmond Hill We do it for LESS regardless '. H. A. HOMES 10 CENTRE STREET EAST TfiE LIBERAL ALL SEATS RESERVED HERE COMES THE FINEST DRY CLEANING IN TOWN * Phone Any Time, Day or Nighf * Pick-up and Delivery Anywhere in the #oronto Meiro area (BAYVIEW) LOCAL AGENT 8:20 P.M. TU. 4-1261 25 and 26 TICKETS $1.00 TU. 4-1733 or TU. 4-1315 Ask for Mr. Reid Maple 206 Richmond Hill l l ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS J. S. C. C. NeWS There was a very good turn- out for the regular Jefferson School Community Club square dance held in the school last Friday nigpg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chevis. now of Mount Albert. renewed old acquaintences during the even- ing and the 11001: prizes were won 4.__I m-.‘l “.5 u..â€" by Lorna fiettigfiw and Ted Gamble. Education Week _ H . _- Tonight, Thursday. March 10. from eight to ten o'clock. all parents and friends are invited to Jefferson School. This is Parents’ Night and pro- vides a splendid opportunity to discuss your children's progress and problems with the teachers and also inspect their work. Orange Home News This is just about the biggest night in the year for the child- ren. teaching staff and Home staff and the auditorium will probably be filled by visitors The Orange Home is holding ‘Open House’ next Friday. March 18. when the highlight of the evening will be the play “The Pied Piper". 2nd Thornhill Mothers’ Auxil- iary of Cubs and Scouts held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. B. Eagles, when the election of officers took place. President-Freda Dempster Vice-President-Enid Chlttenden, Secretary-Betty Eagles, Treasur- er-Mrs. C. Gatehouse, Sewing convenor-Flo Davis. Next meetâ€" ing will be on Tuesday. March will look after emer- gency repairs on household pumping equipment, 24 hour service. TU. 4-2220. mmmmmnummmmmmmmmm CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 1nuumuu“munnmmnmmmmmnmmmmmmmm MILLWRIGHT & MACHINIST | Many of the recent new developments for cars make added demands ‘6n the engine. Automatic transmission, a great ‘elp in city driving, is one example. Quite a while ago I talked about the "horsepogflér race”, the stepped up energy that has been put into cars in the last couple of years. Added horsepower doesn't appreciably raise the car’s top speed, but it does give more zip and acceleration at normal driving ranges, meaning you can get out of a tight spot easier. Power steering can take up to two percent of the power produced. Oversize, low-pressure tires. that give such 3 mar- vellously smooth ride, eat up as much as six oercent of the power turned out at 60 miles an hour. The enjoyment of inese new luxuries isn’t confined to those who ear) afford a new car. You’d be surprised how many used cars of recent years you can find with this equipment, turned in by our regular customers who trade in every year or mud year. 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 One of the chief masons £0: the added horsepower. however. has been the {cot that without it roday'l cars would actually be more sluggish than Show 0! a law yam When the engine is waking in hot-don, some iypes of automatic transmission take eight percent of the horse- power produced. New efficiencies make it no more ex- pensive !o produce this power. but the power has to be there. 7 So today's added power is being used in two ways. H is giving great“ manoeuvrability and saiety, and it is “oviding the power for the new comfort: in driving. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION CORRESPONDENT: MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Meadowview Road Telephonn AV. 5-2116 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON , Brookside Bond. Telephone TUmer 4-1396 News long before the show begins at vas a very good turn- 8:15 pm. the regular Jefferson Mothers’ Auxiliary Meeting HIG .iLAND PARK NEWS The Mothers' Auxiliary for the lst Jefferson Scouts, Cubs and Brownies will hold a general meeting and annual election of officers next Tuesday evening. March 15th, at the home of Mrs. Hal Robertson. Brookside Road. All mothers and friends are cordially invited to attend. New members welcome. Personals The children of the Orange Home were guests of the North York Kiwanis at a Minstrel Show held in Willowdale last Satur- day. Reserve March 29th and, plan to attend Parents‘ Night for the lst Jefferson Cubs. Scouts and Brownies. The children are working hard on the programme and there are many surprises and treats in store for visitors on that special night. “Happy birthday" to Sharon Gamble for her seventh birthday on Sunday. March 13 and to her little sister, Wendy Mae, who 'will be four years old March 16. 29. when Mrs. F. Gardner, Rich- mond Hill will be present to in- stall the officers. On February 25th, the ladies prepared and served 125 at the annual Fathers and Sons Banquet. Pawell Road Home and School On Monday, Feb. 28 amidst the heavy fog. Powell Rd. Home and School held its birthday meeting. when it marked four years of activity. Walter Sand- ers, immediate past president gave a brief outline of the ac- complishments of the association in early years. Mr. Warren Bail- ie. Area vice-president of York Simcoe Home and School Coun- cil spoke on Home and School over the years and pointed out that it originally started in 1895 with Alexander Graham Bell and his wife taking part in its form- ing. Then 1916 Mrs. Courtice held the first meeting in Ontar- io, from which our own groups have grown. Ontario has the greatest number of associations and members. E. Higgs, presi- dent thanked Mr. Bailie for his informative talk. Entertainment was provided under Music and Arts convenor-Doris Pollock. Margaret Patterson gave a de- lightful piano solo. Judy Hamil- ton gave us a cheery rendition of Mr. Sandman and Marnie Stev- ens delighted the audience with her lovely romantic Ballet. The meeting closed with Mr. E. Pol- lock at the piano for the Queen .and refreshments were served during the social period. The St. Johns-First Aid course is about drawing to a close and exams will be held on March 17. E. Higgs, N. Jeens and F. Sand- ers attended the meeting with the school board held on March 1 and a report on this meeting will be presented at next gener- 31 meeting on March 28. Re- member our Parcel Post Sale that night also, any item value 25c will be appreciated. Richvale School Monday March '7 was Parents’ Night at the school. This being Education week all over Canada, all the rooms were decorated with work the boys and girls do in school. and their books open for inspection. There will be no March meet- ing of the Richvale Home and School, but the members served refreshments to parents attend- ing parents' night. The teams who participated in the Tree Bee contest in Toronto on Mon- day night, were unsuccessful. but enjoyed themselves in the com- petition and have gained much worthwhile information on con- servation and reforestration dur- ing their studies. Charles Howitt Recreational Association At the meeting held a week last Wednesday. a new board of officers and directors were nom- inated to supervise and partici- pate in the_activities of the assoc- iation. The Charles Howitt Re- creational Association, is one of 4 other recreational groups, which are all a part of Vaughan Township Recreational Commit- tee. They are governed by reg- ulations in accordance with the Dept of Education Act. Mr. Tucker, Thornhill was the speaker of the evening and was most encouraging in regards to the efforts already made by the members. He gave a resume of difficulties which his group had encountered and suggestions for overcoming these obstacles. The improvement of next year‘s skating rink was discus- sed and plans made for the sum- mer programme. The Associa- tion hopes to hold baseball games three times a week for the boys and either volley-ball or soft ball for the girls. Volunteers are needed to coach the children and all help would be most we]- come. anyone interested in help- ing the children of all ages have a pleasant summer is asked to Contact the Charles Howitt Re- creational Association. Richvale Guides and Brownies The 151; Richvale Guide Co., had a bowling party last Satur- day afternoon. in place of a Val- entine party, as they were busy working on tests in February. Mrs. M. Lawson, Capt. and Mrs. H. Jarman Lt. joinedither girls. The 2nd Richvale Guide Co., accompanied by their Captain Mrs. H. Gottschalk and Mrs. Morrison, had a shopping trip and visit to Toronto last Satur- day. The girls went down by bus and subway, had lunch and divided into groups for shop- ping. They then visited City Hall, the General Post Office. Union Station and the Royal York Hotel. The Mothers’ Auxiliary of the 2nd Richvale Guide Co., held a meeting at the home of the Guide Capt. Mrs. H. Gottschalk to discuss their coming family theatre night on March 14 at Charles Hewitt school. 0f 2 International Tractors, New Favorite Thresher, Tractor, Machinery Surge Mllker & Cooler, Silo, Grain, Household Effects, etc. The property of SAM GOUGH Lot 30, Con. 3. Scarboro Twp., on Steeles Ave.. 1% miles west of Milliken 'P.o. SATURDAY, MARCH 19. 1955 Farm Machinery 1 International Farmall Super A Tractor, complete with lights, starter and hydraulic finger- tip control lift, near new 1 McCormick-Deering Cultivator power lift, for uuse on same mo- del tractor, near new near new, always pnvatesy used 1 Mc-D side delivery rake 1 Case tractor spreader 1 McC-D 15-disc tractor lertflizer drill (near new) l ,â€",_,_,_,_ 1 l l l 1 l 1 Cockghutt 3â€"furrow tractor plow ' McC-D 7 ft. grain binder, good Bissell Universal Tiller , Set Drag Harrows Steel Drum Land Roller Surge milking machine, com- plete with 2 single units pipings and fittings for 32 head Frigidaire electric milk cooler unit Cockshutt 10 in. grain grinder, new style M-H 10' Dump Rake Dril'l Plow McC-D Walking Plow Scufiler Set Farm Sleighs 2 Cutters Chatham Fanning Mill Wheelbarrow type white-wash barn sprayer Miscellaneous Articles 1 125' Goodyear endless drive belt, good ‘ 1 $9 h.p. Electric Motor 1 1/3 h.p. electric motor 1 Concrete Laundry Tub for milk house Hay Fork, pulleys 8: draw rope I Cyclone Seeder 1 Bag Truck Milk Can Trucks 1 Pile of Pine Logs 1 Pile of Elm Logs No. of 11 and 6 qt. baskeh 1 Pile of Pine Logs 1 Pile of Elm Logs No. of 11 and 6 qt. baskeh No. of barrels Pile of scrap iron, etc. Also forks, shovels, hoes. chains, tools, along with numerous other articles Silo. Grain ,etc. 1 Wooden Stave tongue” and grooved lumber silo 14x28 Approx. 1000 bus. Ajax Oats 1 Large pile barnyard manure Household Effects Sealers, Jars and other house- AUCTION SALE hold efiects, etc‘ Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham Ont. phone 346 Millikan, p11. AXminstet 8-5967 Brown Owl, Mrs. F. Bigley McCormick-Deering 7' out Tractor Mower. near new International W30 Tractor on rubber with power take-off at- tached, in good order Mount Forest (New Favorite) Threshing Machine, complete with 22 ft. high grain elevator, CORRESPONDENT: Slwéys privately RICHVALE NEWS 4-2800 would like to announce that the Brownie Pack is closed to new recruits until September; _ The mothers of the Richvale Guides and Brownies will be holding an important meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Jarman. Spruce Ave., March 17 at 8:15 to discuss Camp and the mother and daughter banquet. All moth- ers are urged to attend. Langstafl’ Cub Mothers The next meeting of the Lang- staff Cub Mothers will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Web- ster, Roosvelt Dr., on Wednes- day March 16 at 8:15 pm. Shower Prior to her marriage, which will take place on April 2, Miss Barbara Underhill was entertain- ed at a surprise shower, 3 week last Monday. Twenty-four of Miss Underhill's fellow employ- ees held a personal shower for her in Toronto. The hostess was Mrs. June Crosbie, assisted by Mrs. M. Crosfiie SI‘.. and Mrs. Dorothy Grimshaw, Mrs. Muriel Spracklin and Mrs. Marion Un- derhill poured tea. Social ~ Many happy returns to David Ince who celebrated his birthday Wednesday ‘March 2. Mrs. H. Arbon, Spruce Ave., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Steve Arbon and Gary. on a trip to Hawkestone for the week-end to visit Mrs. Arbon Jr.’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor. Happy birthday to Alan Web- ster, who was 10 years old on Sunday. Alan celebrated his birthday both Saturday and Sun- day. On Saturday afternoon he took his friends, Charlie Ellison, R. J. and John Brash, Johnnie Perry, Douglas Gordon, Robbie Spears and _his br9ther_ Dopniq to the movies and entertained them at home afterwards. On Sunday his grandmother and grandfather Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webster, and his uncle Mr. J. H. Webster and cousins Paul, John and Eileen from Richmond Hill joined Alan and his family for dinner. This was quite a special occasion as it was Mrs. Webster Sr.’s first visit since recovering from a hip injury received last fall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dawson and family. formerly of Windsor, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ince, be- fore moving to their new home in Oakville. Best wishes for a quick recov- ery to Mr. Martin Bradshaw who has mumps, and the family of Mr. and Mrs. Don Delbrocco who are suffering from measles. Richvale Chapel Mr. Leslie Hyde of Olivet Gos- pel Hall addressed an attentive audience when he spoke to a large Sunday School at Richvale Chapel on Sunday morning on the Runaway Prophet. He ac- companied his talk with colour- ed slides, pointing out that there is a price we must pay if we dare to turn our back on God. The “0akwoodaries”, a young men’s trio playing their own guitar accompaniment, sang sev- eral selections. In the evening Mr. L.V Hyde Sr. gave the address. The solo- ist during the evening was Miss Esther Serandez, from Peru, who is attending Emmaus Bible School. On Friday evening next, the second of the Happy Hours be- ing planned for the children will be held in the Chapel, on Oak Avenue, commencing at half-past seven. Boys and girls of all ages are invited to come out to enter the varied activities. â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"uâ€"â€"â€"_ â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"f muum“mumumnuuuulunuumulmmmuumuuluumunquIt\ul\ll\l\uuuuuumumuu\1\l\uuumumuuumunu1uumuunumumummu“mum\mmunnmummnmmm MRS. R. F. PAUL 085 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE AVenue 5-1344 YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER Our safety deposit boxes will keep your important pagans mdmafleamflehlmflianhadmk Rentals from $5 yeady. Inquire at our neat-out branchâ€"we have more than an to some you. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH: H. C. POWELL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Mar. 10, 1955 11 In Richmond Hill and district H arold Matthews TU rner 4-1343 VILLAGE of RICHMOND HILL Local Improvement Notice TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Villag of Richmond Hill intends to construct as a local im provement,'the construction of a sewer on the follow- ing described highways: STREET FROM 29‘ ‘ Markham Street East limit Beaverton Road Canadian National Railway ‘ right-of-way Sussex Avenue Markham Street Palmer Ave. Palmer Avenue - Essex Avenue Bayview Ave. south of Palmer Ave. and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $41,275.00 of which $20,872.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $2.60. The special assessment is to be paid in twenty equal an- naul instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 0.20c. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any Owner may within twenty-one days after the firstpublication of this Notice file with the Board his obpectionrto the said work being undertaken. 4. The said' Board may approve of the said work being undertaken but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the said work will be considered. DATED at the Village of Richmond Hill this 20th day of March, 1955. Black & McDonald Limited ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS & CONTIAE'I'ORS Established 35 Years Residential - Commercial Industrial - Electrical Construction - Alteration -' - Maintenance - - FOR 2" A DAY! THOBNHILL 'ast, Dependable Service KEEP VALUAMES o o o Reduzes feeding costs per pound of gain. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk In Toronto EM. 6-2545 MASTER MASTER PIG sunrm Pillfl‘s Builds foundation:â€" Incleases Iiveablhty PIG GROWER Develops firm flesh taster W51”

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