Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1955, p. 12

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Bell Annual Reporl Total 459 New Phones Added To R. Hill Exchange In 1954 Cattle 1. Balhaldi Hannah Monarch, 987294, born Oct. 14,1951, bred Dec. 30. 1954 2. Balhaldi Alma Monarch, 108- 4992. born April 12, 1952, bred Dec. 29, 1954 3. Kathie Pieterjl Dehol, 729- 457, born Feb. 14. 1947, bred Oct. 23, 1954 4. Isabelle Rag Apple Abbekerk 681361, born. Feb. 2, 1946, bred Oct. 28, 1954- 5. Selborne Texal Monogram May, 1009441, born Sept. 17, 1951, bred Oct. 8, 1954 8. Tuck Korndyke Carnation, 920575, born Nov. 2'7, 1950, bred Nov. 9, 1954 7. Roxy Trlune Rag Apple, 924- 073, born Dec. 25, 1950, bred Jan. 3, 1955, full flow 8. Gertrude Rag Apple B, 913- 922, born Sept. 95, 1950, bred Nbv. 7. 1954 9. O.H.B. Florence Pietje, 853- 511, born Sept. 10, 1949, bred Nov. 15, 1954 10. Patsy Baroness Dehol, 968â€" 529, born Oct. 18, 1951, bred Jan. 27, full flow 11. Jean Korndyke Hartog. 967- 643, born Nov. 30, 1947, fresh calf by side 12. Jessie Pietertji Dehol, 903- 514, born Aug. 1, 1950, bred Dec. 20, 1954 13. Louise Toitilla Padst, 837- 645, born Apr. 1, 1949, fresh calf by side. :14. Grade Cow, fresh 15. Johanna Creator Mitzi, 704- 767, born June 17, 1946, , fresh 16. .Nip Korndyke Carnation. 920576, born Nov. 27, 1950, not bred 17. Shelborne Rag Apple Posch Penny, 963022, born June 20, 1951, due April 1, 1955 18. Violet Rag Apple Shady Val. ley, 903513, born July 14, 1950, due April 13, 1955 19. Flora Korndyke Hartog, 927- 078, born Jan. 5, 1951, bred Oct. 22, 1954 20. Balhaldi Fayne Monarch, 108- 4994, heifer. born June 27, 1952, bred Nove. 18. 1954 21. Baroness Dehol Locust Cres- ‘ cent, 1028130, heifer, born Sept. 2, 1952, bred Jan. 13, 1955 22. Judy Abbekerk Locust Cres- cent, 1043800, heifer, born Dec. 14, 1952, bred Jan. 11, 1955 23. Jenny Hartog Rag Apple, 104- 3798, heifer. born Dec. 18, 1952, bred Dec. 11, 1954 24. Fern R.A. Abbekerk, 1041164, heifer, born Dec. 6, 1952, bred Dec. 2, 1954 25. Emily Rag Apple Creator, 1043799. heifer, born Nov. 30, 1952, bred Dec. 11, 1954 26. Dewdrop Toitilla Rag Apple, 1055606, heifer. born Feh. 15, 1953, bred Jan. 11. 1955 27. Dianne Rag Apple Dehol, 1081979, open, born July 28, 1953 28. Charlene Texal Hartog. 108- 1980, heifer, born July 20, 1953. not bred 29. Frankie ARag Apple, 1097437, More telephones were added in The Bell Telephone Company of Canada’s Ontario-Quebec ter- ritory last year â€" the company’s 75th year in business â€"than in any previous year, according to the4company’s annual report for 195 . During the 12 months the in- crease in telephones was 167,- 002, bringing the total in service to 2,294,458. A million of these have been added in the past sev- en years alone. A total of $103,382,705 in wages and salaries was paid to Bell employees residing in hun- dreds of Ontario and Quebec communities. At the end of 1954. the company employed 32.- 706 people â€" 20,546 women and 12.160 men. Taxes for 1950 were $31,431,000. Large Number Shareholders Expansion in telephone ser- vice locally has parallaed this overall growth. C. E. Blosdale, Bell manager for this region, said this week in commenting on the report. During 1954, 459 telephones were added in Rich- mond Hill, for a total of 2574 at the end of the year. Net income for the year am- ounted to $2.44 a share, compar- ed with $2.65 a shar/e in 1953, and an amount equivalent to 44c a share was added to sumlus. 30 31 32. 33. 34. 35. heifer. bar}: Oc't. '12. 1953; not bred v . Janet Korndyke Jewel. 1083- 569. heifer. 1953, not bred born July 27. . Beulah Kingholme Korndyke, 1085568. heifer, born July 30, 1953, not bred Nugget Triune 1106089, heifer, Rag Apple, born Nov. 15, 1953, not bred Vivian Korndyke Hartog. 1106090, born Nov. 12. 1953, not bred Mabel 1118436. 30. 1954 Iva Kingholme 1139834. heifer, 30. 1954 heifer, Kingholme Regal, born Jan. Abbekerk. born April . Terms: Cash FARMER & ATKINSON, Auctioneers th \(Gomley EKW) Phone Agincourt 201W 0" gfonffi‘ifle 3R2 Lloyd Turner. clerk 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Mar. 10, 1955 No reserve as farm sold FRESH COWS, SPRINGERS, HEIFERS, HOGS, Tractor, Threshing Machine 24x42, Hay, etc. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at The property of . I WALTER GRAY LOTS 7 & 8, CON. 7, WHITCHU’RCH TOWNSHIP TUESDAY, REGISTERED, ACCREDITED HOLSTEIN HERD AUCTION SALE at Lemonville .._u. v"... egal, 2 Wash Tubs and Wash Bench~ Jan. Steel Wardrobe, walnut 2 Rocking Chairs erk, Sam Gough on Pedigrees. ‘pril York County Sales Agent, ‘ Milliken Ph. Agincourt 30W2 W.I. will serve lunch on the grounds Sale at 12 noon sharp horse hitch Cockshutt Cabbage Planter, good Set Sloop Sleighs Set Bench Sleighs Horse Cultivator, Cockshutt IHC Cultivator, good, for tractor Buzz Saw and Frame 4 New Drive Belts, 100’ and 50' Surge Milking Machine. complete with piping and motor, outlets for 25 cows, used 1 year Electric Separator, IHC. good ‘ 2 Wooden Wheelbarrows Milk Cart, rubber tires Steel Wheelbarrow, rubber the Root Pulper 2 Steel Bushel Hampers ' rows, good Set Double Disc, Fleury, good 2 Sets 4-Sec. Drag Harrow: Steel Land Roller, 3-drum Corn Scuffler 2 Walking Scufilers Walking Plow IHC Manure Spreader, on rub- 1,4 h.p. Electric Motor Number of Good Bags ~ Large Tarpaulin, 14x18. new 3 Leather Horse Collars Set of Breechirig Harness Number of Harness Parts Set of Back Band Harness Set of Single Harness Pair of Bridles Cutter Light Wagon » Gas Barrel Pig Troughs Flexible Elbow for 6” pipe Pile of Insul Stone Siding Lawn Fence Hay Knife Pile Hardwood, cut short, approx. 13 single cords Pile Light Wood. cut short. ap- prox. 18 single cords 2 Ladders Good Chop Box Saddle 2 rolls Snow Fence Approx. 6' of Ensilage Approx. 8 tons of Hay Number of Windows and Doors Number of Molasses Barrels. Chop Barrels, Pig Troughs, Neck Yokes. Doubletrees. Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Logging Chains, Grease Guns, and ma- ny other articles too numerous to mention Hogs 16 Pigs. 10 weeks old 12 Pigs, 7 weeks old 2 White Sows. bred in Dec. White Hog. 11 months old 20 Bantams 60 Leghorn Pullets Furniture Gurney Combination Cook Stave. MARCH 15 Brown Swiss Cow, due time of seeder, 13 disg, new IHC 2-Furrow Tractor Plow. on rubber, good 3-Sec. Fleury-Bissen Lever Har- ‘ ber, tractor or horse hitch 2 Rubber Tired Wagons. good 2 Flat Racks Sliding Rack IHC Mower. 8' out, tractor or Horses Clydesdale Mare, registered Clydesdale Gelding Implements Geo. White Threshing Machine, 24x43, with grain thrower and shredder, near new W4 Tractor. good IHC Hay Loader, push bar, good IHC Cutting Box, 40' pipe, new, sale Brown Swiss Cow, full flow Jersey & Holstein. bred in Sept. (This herd is fully accredited and vaccinated, and bred by Maple Breeders' Bulls) with distributor pipes IHC Binder, 7’, near new IHC Corn Binder. near new IHC Seed Dril], fertilizer 8: yes: Shareholders total 114,782, the largest number sharing the ownâ€" ership of any Canadian company Almost 98 per cent reside in Canada â€" over 90 per cent in Ontario and Quebec. Dividend payments tptalled _$23,37,035. r...” ........ Demand for service continued at a high rate.At the year's end there were still 49,164 orders for main service unfilled and 34,- 367 unfilled orders for individ- ual service in place of party lines. Expenditure on new construc- tion last year was $105,300,000, almost $20,000,000 more than in any previous year. Additional central office equipment was in- stalled in 261 exchanges. The number of rural households will telephone service increased by five per cent to 64 per cent. Sev- eral isolated villages and mining communities were brought‘into the telephone network and ex- changes were opened in a group of northern centres previously served by single telephones only. Long distance circuits were in- creased by 65,000 miles. In view of the high level of unfilled orders for service. the very large construction programs previously projected for 1955 and 1956 will be increased con- siderably, the report states. Increase in Rural Phones wood, good 2 Bedroom Suites Radio, General Electric, good 2 Gas Lamps Toilet Sets Gas Lontfrp Ho§p}ate with oven 4" v" coal or wood &flé‘ssotane. goo‘ci McClagy qunacette, coal or Mrs. P. A. Johns of Yonge- hurst Rd.. recently visited at Stroud, Ont., where she was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Connell. Last week she spent a pleasant day with Mrs. Case and Mr. and Mrs. Eaton of Barrie. On Sunday last, she was very pleased to have as her visitors, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson from Bar- rie, J. Mallorby and Mrs. Lemon and son and daughter from Tor- onto. ' ‘Bill Dawson of Yongehurst Rd., observed his 13th birthday on March 5. and celebrated the occasion by taking four friends, Bob and Skip Blackburn, Grant Fryer and Ray Mayer to the Town Inn for dinner and later to the Richmond Theatre. Jimmie and Janice Ainley of Toronto spent Sunday visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ainley of Yongehurst Rd. Mrs. M. Fryer of Yongehurst Rd. was winner of $5 at the Bin- go held in the Community Hall, Richvale, March 7. On February 25 Mrs. Fryer attended the Bin- go in aid of the Nick Carter Fire Fund and won a gallon of paint donated by Bowden‘_s Lumber, and a vou_cher from “R” cabs. Last week after many weeks of work the Richvale Quill, school paper was published and sold by the pupils. The paper is educational, humorous, and pack- ed with good reading. Much cre- dit is due to Robin Wood. editor- in-chief. Peter Bache, business manager, Bill Dawson. news ed- itor. Barbara Brown and Grant Fryer, Sports Editors, Wayne Lambert, Laurie Taylor, cover designs, Gay Lewis, poetry, Paul- ine Paul and Sheila Miller, proof readers. The teachers and some of the parents are greatly concerned with the problem of the pupils on the school bus. where a great deal of pushing, fighting and yelling takes place. An appeal is made to the parents to impress on their children to restrain themselves until they are safely off the bus. Personals On February 26, Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens entertained five couples of the Friday Night Bowlers, the “Aces” team. of which Mrs. Stevens is a member. The Mothers’ uxiliary of Rich- vale Guides wil meet at the home of Mrs. M. Jarman, Spruce Ave., on Thursday, March 17, when they hope to discuss plans for the camp and the mother and daughter banquet. Richvale School Mr. Brown, principal of Rich- vale school was pleased with the turn-out of parents Monday night at a joint Home and School and Parents' Night. EORTH MARIfHAM : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Percy, Vc‘e-le'brated their dlamond wedding anniver- sary recently. NORTH RICHVALE Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2611 It’s only fair to admit that nearly any modern car can give you good service and good value. But no matter what trans-mission or what acces- sories you choose, probably the most important thing on your car is the signature of the dealer you buy it from. Service and dependability are always important. And if you live in the country they’re particularly important. We like to feel that when we put a Bill Drinkwater sticker on your car we’ve accepted some of the responsibility for giving you a fair deal and providing the kind of trained service that assures top perform- ance under the difficulties of country driving. We sincerely believe, of course, that when you buy a new 1955 Chev- rolet or Oldsmobile you’re getting just about the best there is in design and comfort . . . . combined with unusual new power that’s wonderful to have for steep country hills, and the rugged construction necessary to stand the punishment of rough country roads. Apart from an understanding of the cars and service you need to keep your car runing perfectly we think we can give you as good a deal as you‘re likely to find anywhere. It would certainly be worth your while to come in and find out. If you have no car at present we’ll be glad to come and pick you up without cost or obligation. [WWW/«m KIN6,0NTARIB.TELEPHONE50 GET ONE WITH is being planned, under the terms laid down by the province. About the lst of April. polio vac- cine is expected to become av- ailable from the Province. Ab- out 4000 children in this county will be eligible for vaccination under this program. but only those children will be done in grades 1 and 2 where parents' request is obtained in writing. Because many of the children are located in small country schools scattered over the coun- try, it will be very difficult to get the vaccination completely done before the polio season ar- rives at the end of May. There- fore, full co-operation of teach- ers. ,parents and school boards will "be necessary to ensure the complete series of three inocula- tions between the lst of April and the end of May. While it is not definitely known that the vaccine will ad- equater prevent poliomyelitis. it is known that there are no harmful effects. The vaccine is intended to protect against three different strains of polio, and therefore, children who have previously had an attack of polio may still benefit from the vaccin- ation by being possibly protected against the other two types of disease. Communicable Disease Polio vaccination of the child- ren in the lst and 2nd grade in public and separate schools throughout ithe County of York A minor epidemic of german measles is at its peak in this part of the country at the present time. One hundred and fifty cases have been reported to the health unit, and it may be as- sumed that many more cases have occurred as well. Generally speaking, german measles is a nuisance disease resulting in loss of time from school or from work. but not having any unfor- tunate after-effects except in the cases ' where an expectant mother contracts the disease in the first four months of pregnan- cy. In such cases the expectant mother should immediately con- tact her family doctor. If expec- tant mothers are exposed to get- man measles, they should im- mediately see their family phy- sician regarding possible preven- tion of the disease by inoculation with gamma globulin. a some- what expensive material which will, in most cases, prevent ger- man measles. School Health Service 150 Cases German Measles Organize Polio Vaccination For York School Children During the month of January, 1110 children in public and sep- arate schools had a health in- spection by the public health nurse. Included in_ this were 417, vision tests performed by us- ing‘ the proven and reliable Snellen chart testing system. The vision testing“ pfograni 1n IF YOU’RE GETTING A NEW CAR the public and separate schools in York County is based on the best medical advice obtainable at the present time. It uses the most reliable time-tested tech- niques of screening the vision of large numbers of pupils for re- ferral for eye examination by more competent eye specialists. The Snellen chart screening sys- tem is not claimed to be a com- plete eye examination, but is a screening method to detect ques- tionable visual performance and possible vision defects. Numer- ous other methods of vision test- ing are known, but none has yet proven capable of displacing the Snellen chart system in its use in the school health program. The York County Health Unit school vision testing methods are based upon recommendations of Dr. A. Lloyd Morgan. eye spec- ialist in charge of children’s eye clinic at the Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, and professor of Ophthalmology at the Univ- ersity of Toronto. - About 27% of school children have some vision defect, and re- quire attention. Of these about half already wear glasses or are under treatment and known to the parents. The remainder, when detected by observation of symptoms or by vision testing in the school, are immediately drawn to the attention of the parents for further investigat- ion. Not all children or adults with vision defects require glasses or special treatment. Contrary to the ideas of some alarmists, many vision defects in children are not progressive, and do not necessarily become worse with age. Many temporary de- fects in vision are due to disease elsewhere in the body. Therefore rather than immediately having an eye examination, a child should be seen by his family physician for general examina- tion if he has symptoms such as seeing objects double, car sick- ness, inability to remember what has been read, frequent sties, difficulty in learning to ride a bicycle, restlessness, nervous- ness, irritability. or other unac- counted for behaviour, any or all of which symptoms may be due to a multitude of common diseases. STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-2881 [we um um GflEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE a FRIBIDAIRE KING.0ITARIO.-TILEPHONI50 Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130113 The March melding of the Carrville W.A.' was held at the home of Mrs. J. Barton, in the form of a St. Patrick tea. There were 15 women present. Miss Sheppard read the scripture and explanation. Mrs. Baker led in prayer. Mrs. Oliver read a paper. The April meeting will be held at Mrs. A. Read's home and is a pot luck luncheon. Mrs. Mid- dleton will read the scripture and Mrs. Barton the paper.‘ The ladies were invited to at- tend the 19th annual meeting of the Conference of W.A.’s to be held March 15 and-16 at Alham- bra Church. After the closing hymn Dr. Kent asked the ben- ediction and a social half hour was enjoyed by all present. Oyster Supper A very successful oyster sup- per was held at the Carrville United Church WA. on Friday evening. The supper was plan- ned and served by the men and boys of the church. The tables were very attractive with roses and carnations donated by Mr. Annings and Mr. George. Dr. Walker, who was chairman for the event expressed pleas- ure with the way all' supported the efiort. About $150. was tak- en in at the door and about $70 was cleared. Tllrner 4.00M .. Rlflflfln CARRVILLE PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 A Venue 5 -2211 Smith Crescent O LOAM . CRUSHED STONE Q FILL Q SAND & GRAVEL . FLAGSTONE Q LIGHT GRADING O DISCIN G O GARDEN PLOWING Maltby’s Service Station TUrner 4.0001 .. RICHMOND mu. REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Washing Machines, Radios, and Small Appliances Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes If you live in lthe country your car is vitally important to you! ON IT .REID Thornhill

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