STOUFFVILLE : Receipts of the auction sale at the farm of Ross Lamoreux lag wgek_totalled ov- ,Lnuc :F"$?11,000.7’Chunks brought each, brood sows averaged and cattle sold for between and $130. STOUFFVILLE : The Main St. property owned by Mrs. Mary McGrogan, next to the post of- ï¬ce. has been sold and it is ex- pected it will be converted for business purposes. NEWMARKET : Mrs. Albert Oselton saved the life of 2% year old Alana More, who fell into 4 ft. of water in Bogarttown Creek last week. PICKERING : As the Toronto Humane Society will no longer accept dogs to be destroyed from the municipality, township coun- cil is considering the purchase of a killing box to solve the problem of unwanted dogs. * * It t NEWMARKET : One of the worst ï¬res in the history of the town occurred last week when the Newmarket Ice plant burn- ed down. Damage is expected to total $125,000 Library Rep’s Meet Area Bd. Constructive steps towards en- couraging children in the area to make greater use of Thornhill Public Library were taken Tues- day night when representatives of the Library Board and the trustees of School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan met to discuss operation of the library and the duties of its Board. Library Board Chairman, Mrs. Ralph M. Edwards, and Li- brary Board member. R. H. Neil. appointees of the School Area Board. expressed appreciation of the opportunity to work with the schools in promotion of [ending habits of the children. and of the interest of trustees in the work of the Library. As a result of Tuesday's meetâ€" ing. the questions of Story Hours for the junior grades du- ring school periods, recommen- dations from school principals regarding type of books desired for the children. and organized visits to the Public Library to acquaint the children with its operation, are being considered. and‘will be discussed with Lib- rary officials at a later date. Mrs. Edwards and Mr. Neil a]- so asked the support of the Board in regard to obtaining a higher yearly grant from the townships. Last year. they point- ed out, Vaughan donated $10. and no money was forthcoming from Markham. They ‘felt don- ations could be_ increased when the Library is contributing to the education of the community. The Library is in need of lar- ger quarters to accommodate a growing demand for books. the circulation last year reaching a record of gaoo. There are now more than .000 books available tor borrowing, and it has been estimated, Mr. Neil stated. that 25 per cent is juvenile circula- tion. EVERY MONDAY â€" Bingo held at Community Hall. Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale. at 8.15 pm. c1w37 EVERY TUESDAY -- Euchre in the Legion Hall, Can-ville Road West. Richvllc at 8 pm. Admis- sion 35c. - tfc36 EVERY THURSDAY â€" Bingo. sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. 0 a t o tfc 2 MARCH 10 â€" Thurs. Gormley W.l. is sponsoring a Wear-Ever party at the home of Mrs. W. C. Noble. Gormley, at 8 pm. Every- one interested is welcome. Re- freshments will be served. MARCH 12 â€" Saturday. In Richvale area. collection of bus. baskets. papers. magazines. by Canadian Legion No. 375. c2w36 MARCH 14 â€" Monday. Com- munity Swing 9 to 11 pm. Rich- mond Hill High School Audi- torium. c1w37 MARCH 14 â€" Monday 8.15 pm. Regular monthly meeting Gormâ€" ley Home & School Association will be held at the school house, S. S. No. 7 Markham. This meetâ€" ing will be open house night combining our Founders’ Day, Health Week and Education Week. A very special program is planned. All are welcome. Re- freshments will be served. c1w3'7 MARCH 14 -â€" Monday. Meeting of Thornhill L.O.L. No. 91 at the Masonic Hall, Thornhill. clw37 MARCH 15 â€"Tuesday. 8 p.m. Professor John A. Weall, O.A.C.. Guelph, will speak on “Land- scape Gardening.†Thornhill Un- ited Church Hall, Thornhill and District Horticultural Society. This will be an illustrated and very practical talk. Visitors wel- come. c1w37 MARCH 15 â€" The Richmond Hill Home and School Associa- tion meeting on Tuesday, March 15. at 8 p.m., in the High School Auditorium. A panel of School Trustees from Richmond Hill and T.S.A. No. 1 Markham and B I N G 0 - R. H. Lions Hull â€" Mondav - News From Next Door Coming Events Albert clw37 $16 $95 $80 chre last week are photographed with the Chief, Deputyâ€"Chief and the Reeve following Wed- nesday night’s entertainment at the Lions Hall. Winner of the TV set was Miss Margaret Ireland, Richmond Hill (left), shown beside Deputy- Chief Russell Lynett who mc’d during the lucky draws,'and J. Stallibrass, Richmond Hill, lst prize winner men’s euchre â€" score 91; Mrs. J. J. Brownlee, Richmond Hill, lst ladies’ eu- chre â€"â€" score 91; P. G. Savage, Richmond Hill, lst men’s bridge -â€" score 4330; Mrs. N. Chatter- ley. Richmond Hill, lst ladies’ bridge â€" score 3850; Chief Alf Prize winners at Richmond Hill Firemen’s Bridge and Euâ€" chre last week are photograph‘edA Vaughan will discuss and answer questions. The general public is invited. ‘ c1w37 MARCH 15 â€"- Tuesday. New- market High School 8.30. Gwen- neth Lloyd and her Canadian School of Ballet. Tickets $1.50 at the door. clw37 MARCH 16 â€" Wednesday. Vau- ghan Federation of Agriculture Hot Turkey Supper. Vellore Hall. Mr. V. S. Milburn will be guest speaker. Programme and lucky prize. Tickets $2.00 each on sale now by directors. Supper served at 7 p.m. clw36 MARCH 17 â€"â€" St. Patrick’s Tea. Thornhill Presbyterian Church. 2.30-4.30. Children welcome. Sil- ver offering. Sponsored by Fort- nighters. c1w37 MARCH 17 â€" Thursday‘ Rum- mage Sale and Bake Sale, 7 to 8.30 pm. Charles Howitt School, Westwood Lane. sponsored by Mothers’ Auxiliary of the lst Lamgstaff Boy Scouts Associa- tion. c}w37 MARCH 17 â€" Thursday. St. Pat- rick’s Bridge and Euchre, spon- sored by the Marian Guild of St. Mary‘s Catholic Church. Richmond Hill. Good prizes and draw for valuable electrical ap- pliances to be held at the Mas- onic Hall, Yonge St., at 8.15 p. m. 02w37 VOLUME LXXVI. NUMBER 37 MARCH 18 â€" 8.15 pm. Thorn- hilI Home and School, St. Pat- rick's Day. Speaker, Miss Janet MacLaren. librarian, Thornhill Library on “Reading for Child- ren." School Sextette will sing Irish songs. c1w37 MARCH 25 â€" Friday at 8 pm. Reserve this date for a recital by vocal and piano pupils of Her- man Fowler. Mus. Bac.. R.M.T., in Richmond Hill United Church sponsored by the Choir. An 03- ering will be received. c4w36 MARCH 26 â€" Saturday .Kindly note change of date) 3 pm. Bake sale and afternoon tea, auspices of Richmond Hill Presbyterian W.M.S.. in the Sunday School room. c1w37 The seWer line into the Bailey Subdivision. Rich- mond Hill, was completed last week by McNally con- struction. reports John A. Bailey Developments, -and the work has been passed by the village engineer. The work was completed within the sixâ€"week limit set for the job. Houses in the subdivision are practically completed and are now be- ing occupied. Roads will be improved as soon as weather permits. In the Glenbrae Heights Subdivision, contracts for sewer and water have been let to Spartan Contracting and the work is proceeding according to schedule. Sewers Laid For Subdivision rize Winners Firefighters’ Euchre Second prize in the 'lucky draw, an electric floor polisher, was won by Mrs.~Allan Rumble, Richmond Hill; 3rd suiting, Mrs. W. S. Thomson. Richmond Hill; 4th turkey, Mrs. Mel Maltby, Richmond Hill; 5th turkey. Mr. Patterson. Westeel Products: 6th car window washers. Jim Crean Sin, Richmond Hill. Tied foi- second in men's eu- chre were Charlie Ryan and R. Hillaby of Richmond Hill, both with scores of 88. Second prize ladies ’euchre went to Clarice Sharpe, R. R. 2 Newmarket with an 89 score, and 3rd Mona Burr, Buttonville, with a score of 85. Second in men’s bridge Mr. Hellendoorn, score 3970, 3rd Wilf Ball 2810. iii/IFS. Aubrey Doan won 2nd prize in ladies’ bridge with a Whitchurch Road Budget Set At $8o,ooo-For195§ A total of $80,000 was approv- ed by Whitchurch Township Council on Thursday night as road expenditures for 1955. This amount is $5,000 below the ï¬gure approved by the Dept. of Highways for subsidy during last year on original by-law. Ac- tual expenditures during 1954 amounted to approximately $95,- 000 and a supplementary by-law for $11,000 was approved later in the year. Council recognized the fact that Thursday night’s by-law for $80,000 would be far from suf- ï¬cient to meet the year's expen- ditures and expressed intention to ï¬le a second by-law later in the season for further govern- ment aid. Hurricane damage alone has amounted to $40,000, principally for new bridge con- struction. ME mmm k Will Seek Further Aid Later The $80,000 by-law passed for approval was made up as follows. Road Construction . . . . . . $7,300 Stong and Reeve W. J. Taylor. spore of 3560, and 3rd Miss Ma- , nAdL“. n:-L__A_A.1 11:" o=nn One of the “Objects of the6 Canadian Home & School Fed- eration" reads: “To give parents an understandmg of the school and its work, and to assist in in- terpreting the school in all its aspects to the public". ‘ With this in mind, the Rich- mond Hill Home and School Association has arranged a meet- ing at which representatives of the Richmond Hill Public School Board and T.S.A. No. 1 Mark- ham and Vaughan Board will act as a panel. The Association compiled a list of questions that had been submitted by the mem- bers and the two school boards readily accepted this opportun- ity to discuss some of the prob- lems of school administration. Mr. Arthur Spence. Education Reporter for the Toronto Tele- gram will act as chairman of the meeting. Local Home & School To Hold Panel On Education Because the questions sub- mitted are of interest to ratepay- ers as well as parents, the gen- eral public is invited to attend this March 15 meeting in the Richmond Hill District High School at 8 pm. The following questions are an example of those to be dis- cussed: 1. a) What are the respective school boards spending per grade pupil (kindergarten excepted) per year? i.e. â€" gross cost per pupil, including debenture costs. 5) For this amount of money what does each Board provide in 1) Music training "Tn Essentials, Unity; In Von-essentials. Liberty; In of! Things, Chrhy. was and rion Carter. Richmond Hill, 3520. One hundred and fifty prizes were given away that night to a capacity crowd of 105 tables. In charge of the bridge was Ken Blanchard and of the euchre, George Pollard. Drawing the lucky tickets were former chief, Bert Cook, Harry Jones. Aurora Fire Chief, William Neal, Sr., and Reeve Taylor, who express- ed the appreciation of the vill- age to the ï¬remen for their ser- vices during the past and com- mended their eï¬orts in raising money for ï¬re equipment. Chief Stong. in turn, expressed the gratitude of the brigade to-ev- eryone who gave support in the way of donations or by attend- ance that evening. Refreshments 'were provided by the wives of the ï¬remen. Photo by lagerquist Bridge construction . . . . 10,000 Maintenance , . . . . .. . . . -’54,500 New machinery . . . . . . . . 2,000 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 6,200 Tenders are being called for the supplying of 15,000 yards of crushed gravel and an order for dust layer will be made later. 2) Physical training, including indoor and outdoor equipment 3) Art instruction 2. a) What percentage of the total budget was spent on teach- ers’ salaries in 1953 and 1954? b) What percentage of the to- tal budget was spent on trans- portation in 1953 and 1954? What portion ,if any, of this expenditure did each Board re- cover through the Dept. of Ed- ucation grant? (Please use gross rather than net costs). 3. Will schools presently be- ing erected or planned allow for additions or will new 'schools be built as population grows? What surveys have been made by the respective Boards to keep pace with this growth? 4. Kindergartens are not a compulsory part of school sys- tems: (a) How do the respective Boards decide to include or not include kindergartens in schools_? 5. What economies can be ef- fected by co-ordinating the maintenance, caretaking and purchasing of schoolroom supâ€" plies for all schools in the area? How is this handled by the Boards here represented? 6. Without regard to the as- sessment angle, what beneï¬ts will accrue to the pupils resid- ing in the Markham portion of the Richmond Hill School sec- tion by: (al remaining as at present? 1b) withdrawing from the Rich- mond Hill School section and joining Township School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan? The well at new Thorn- lea Schol is ï¬nished. Will- iam Downing, maintenance supervisor reported Tues- day night at a meeting of the Area Board, and has a flow of approximately four gallons per minute. The well tests Aâ€"l. The school building is progressing and all inside partitions and the roof are ï¬nished. Interior work will be starting in near future. Thornlea. Well RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 Board Needs Extra $75,000 The Richmond Hill District High School Board at a special meeting last Friday awarded the contract for the construction of the new Thornhill High School to Varamae Construction Company of Toronto. The successful bid- ders’ price of $640,000 was the lowest of ten tenders re- ceived. $640,000 Contract For NewThomhillHighSchool Other prices included W. B. Sullivan ($648,406), Dell Con- struction ($665,451), Hughes Construction ($669,400), Milne & Nichols ($670,632), Bennett- Pratt ($676,724), Dalton Engin- eering ($678,000), Canada Con- struction ($680,000), A. Decian- tis ($687,400), and Russell Con- struction ($690,593). This will mark the second large school contract the Vara- mae Company has secured in this district. They are present- 13' completing the erection of the new 10-room O. M. MacKil- lop Memorial Public School in Richmond Hill. The largest sub-contract has been awarded to George Kelson, Thornhill, for $165,000 for the plumbing, heat- ing and ventilation, while the Donovan Construction Company of Canada,- Toronto, has been awarded the contract for the el- ectrical work at $58,000. At a "meeting of Vaughan Township Council last Mon- day. Building Inspector Thomas Gillings recommend- ed to Council that they alter the provisions of the motel tourists and race track by- laws to provide for suspen- sion of township-issued lic- enses in the event of convic- tion for by-law infractions. Mr. Gillings pointed out that at present an operator of a motel or tourist establish- ment could be taken to court and ï¬ned for by-law infrac- tions, after which he could continue to operate still in contravention of the by-laws until further charges were laid. Estimated time for the com- pletion of the job varied from 9 to 18 months. The successful bidder has signiï¬ed he can com- plete the building in nine months. Require Extra $75,000 Suggests By-Law Changes The Board decided to award the contract to Varamae Con- struction provided the company is willing to delay actual signing for from one to three months. The contract price is also sub- ject to the approval of. the De- partment of Education. This is necessary, the board feels, be- cause it appears desirable to ask the County of York and the .On- tario Municipal Board to increase the debentures. The issue, which has been previously giv- en' second reading, was for a to- tal of $800,000. However. the board feels that another $75,000 will be necessary to cover pur- chase'of the property and the furnishing of the school as well as construction, grading. etc. of the school and surroundings. Council agreed that such action would put teeth into the by-law and will refer the matter to the township solil.or for consideration. Council instructed the clerk to prepare a by-law to regulate the installation of driveway culverts in the township. "Timmy" To Officially Open Installation Artificial Ice ln_ Richmond Hill Arena March 19 To Launch Recreation Centre Richmond Hill VArena Associa- tion will be honoured by the presence of “Timmy†of the Crippled Children’s Society Eas- ter Seals Campaign, when on March 19, he will officially open Richmond Hill Arena with its new artiï¬cial ice surface. It is most appropriate that a young -boy should play a major part in launching a centre for commun- ity recreation which the vill- age’s youth has needed for years. The opening will feature the Toronto Skating Club in exhibi- tions that will appeal to all ages and during the evening there will be a demonstration of speed skating which many of the youn- ger generation have never wit- nessed, as well as costume con- tests for all ages, with prizes for the winners. The Pee Wee hockey players of the Public School will take on a tough op- ponent when they give a demon- stration of their ability on ar- tiï¬cial ice. Square dancing on Establish Three Classifications Water Rate Revsed Discount Eliminated After opening the tenders, the Board surveyed the alterna- tives which had been included with a view to reducing the over- ‘all price should it appear high- er than might be desirable. With this in mind, the board approv- ed the following substitutions: use of concrete block for the .foundation rather than poured concrete, a ï¬re-resistant wood deck for the roof rather than poured concrete, and possibly a more economically priced type of lighting ï¬xture if it' comes “up to the architect’s speciï¬cations. ‘With a view to reducing over- all maintenance and replacement costs, the board decided to use coppe‘r flashing, and vitrex wall covering an the lower portion of classroom alls and vinyl asbes- tos tile on he ground floor. This would mean an over-all increase in the tender price of approxi- mately $2,000, while the alterna- tives adopted that would reduce the price mean a total reduction of nearly $20,000. A breékdowri of the ï¬gures is as follows: Cost of the building, contract price .. $640,000.00 Furnishing the school $115,000. Cost of school site $55,000 Architect’s fees . . . . . . $43,000. Improvements to the grounds & playing ï¬eld .. Sodding . . . . . . . . . . . . Professional fees and contingencies Cost of entrance into the site ........ $6.000 Providing a well . . . . . . . $4.000 $540,000 Approved For Grant The Department of Education has approved for grant purposes the sum of $540,000. he build- ing will contain 27 cademic classrooms, two vocational class- rooms ,and a single gym. ,“ The vocational classrooms, the gym and administrative offices will not be eligible for a Provincial grant. In recognition of Educaâ€" tion Week, Principal Walter Scott and the staff of Rich- mond Hill Public School have planned several activ- ities. Kindergarten Open House was held on March 9- 10 and the annual Oratori- cal is planned for March 24. The Kiwanis Music Festival entries earlier were also part of the Education Week Programme. ice will be something new for local square dancing fans. Many other attractions will round out the evening with public skating afer the big opening show. The record capacity for the ar- ena was 1200 spectators back in thegood old lacrosse days. but the local interest in this open- ing seems to indicate a sell out. Education Week Activities A ’dinner York Hote meeting. Stuart Parker. president of Richmond Hill and Dis- trict Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, and Mrs. Gordon Purves, vice-presi- dent, attended the Presi- dents’ Conference and the annual meeting of the On- tario Division last Friday at headquarters in Toronto. Attend Division Meeting nner at the Royal Hotel followed the $16,000 $9,000 $7,000 Water Consumption Last Year 55 Million Gallons The members of the Municipal Council in regular session Mon- day finally passed on the rates revision which has been under consideration for many months. Effective April lst there will be an increase in rates for water in Richmond Hill Village. The increase is the first since the installaion of the service more than thirty years ago. In future water charges will be made under three classifica- tions, domestic, commercial and industrial instead of under two classifications, domestic and commercial as at present. The discount rate for prompt pay- ment has been eliminated. On a motion by Councillors W. Mid- dleton and Floyd Perkins, council unanimously voted to change the present rates to the following â€" Domestic â€" 35 cents per thousand gallons for the ï¬rst 10,000; 25 cents per thousand for any amount over the 10,000; a 10 per cent penalty charge for overdue accounts. No discount for prompt payment will be giv- en. Commercial â€" 35 cents per thousand gallons for the first 10,000; 25 cents per thousand for the second 10,000; 20 cents per thousand for any amount over 20,000; 10 per cent penalty charge; no discount. Industrial â€" 20 cents per thousâ€" and for the first 500,000; 15 cents per thousand for any amount over 500,000; a service charge of $2.00 per quarter: Up to the present time domes- tic rates had been 35 cénts per thousand gallons up to 10,000. and 25 cents per thousand for the balance of consumption, plus a service charge of $2.00 per quarter and a 20 per cent dis- count for prompt payment. A service charge of $2.00 per quar- ter plus a consumption charge of‘15 cents per thousand gal‘lon's had been charged for commer- cial service, with a prompt pay- ment discount of 20 per cent on the service charge only. The village auditor attended Monday night’s meeting and is- sued his report on cost of water production. He pointed out there was no accurate check on water consumption but had estimated the number of gallons sold in 1954 at 55 million at a cost of 25 cents per thousand gallons. At this rate, the village is selling water for one-third of what it costs to ’produce. He said the discontinuance of the discount for prompt payment would save the village $4,000 a year, and Area Board Establishes Salary Categories System The Board of Township School Area No. 1 Markham and Vau- ghan has established salary cat- egories for its teaching staff to go into effect next September. Based on training, responsibili- ties and experience, the category system provides bonuses for ap- proved summer courses. Depart- ment of Education & University, put into effect to encourage teachers to gain further training. The maximum and minimum sal- aries have been raised, although no member of the staff will reach his maximum for some time. Last year the Board paid $136,- 000 in salaries to the teaching staff of its seven schools. “Our teachers are pleased with the ad- justments,†said Trustee Stew- art Calvert. “but compared to the areas to the south, the maxi- art Calvert. “but compared to the areas to the south, the maxi- mum: set by our Board is low. The teachers favour the category system, which covers a break- down of the teachers’ qualiï¬ca- tions, and which is becoming po- pular throughout the province. We met with the teachers and discussed changes which were favourably received." The salary categories are pre- sented below -â€" Category 1: Permanent or In- terim I 52600-4200; Addition to the above for approved summer courses (Dept. of Education and University) as completed - to minimum 4 courses at $50 each, $2800.; to maximum 4 courses at $100 each $4600; Category II: B. A. or equivalent degree $3200 to HOME PAPER OF THE )ISTRICT SING 7 5 78 POLICE CALLS Alternate - TU. 4 - 1782 RICHMOND HILL TUmer - 4- 2121 MARCH 14 IACKPOT $315 that of the eight municipalities he served, Richmbnd Hill was the only one that offered the dis. count. However, he felt local water rates compared favourab- ly with those of similar munici- palities, and pointed out that the other districts have a flat rate and operate on a penalty basis. Commercial consumption last year, he estimated at 21 million gallons with revenue of $2,600. He felt commercial rates were “a little lowâ€. At present, stores not using water for business pur- poses are classed as domestic. The auditor suggested a revision to the three classifications of domestic, commercial and in- dustrial. .. Request Higher Grant Boynton Weldrick waited on council and asked that the vill- age‘s annual donation of $50 to the Agricultural Society be in- creased to $100. Council, how- ever. voted unanimously, on a motion by councillors Middleton and Perkins, to donate the cus- tomary $50 grant. Sewer Installation Council passed a resolution for the installation of sewers. on a local improvement basis. on Markham Road from the east limit of the C. N. R. right-of-way to Beaverton Road on Sussex from Markham to Palmer and on Palmer from-Essex south of Palmer to Bayview. Estimated cost of the work is $41275 of which $20,872 is to be paid by the village. Estimated cost per foot frontage is $2.60 and the special assessment is to be paid in 20 equal annual in- stalments. Estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 20 cents._ Application will be made by the village to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for its approval and any owner may, within 21 days after the ‘first publication in this week’s Liberal, file with the Boardhis objection to the work being undertaken. Draw Up Agreement Re Serv- ices Council will meet this week with subdividers of properties on Crosby Avenue to draw up an agreement regarding services for that area. Half Loads Half loads on village roads will come into effect this week. Parking Meters Chief Constable Robbins brought up the question of park ing meters and the purchasing of a speedmeter. with council de4 ferring discussion to a futurl (Continued on page 2) $5400. Addition to the above minimum and maximum for one additional approved degree $200. Clause A: Allowance for approv- ed teaching experience $200 per year up to 6 yrs. Clause B: Allâ€" owance for responsibilities add- ed to the above - 1. Special Class teachers 5200, assistant princi- pals $200. principals $800 on minimum, $1000 on maximum. Clause C: First year as teacher, assistant Principal or Principal in the area - probationary. Clause D: 1. Annual incre- ments of $200 will be received by teacher on permanent staff to the maximum. 2. The Board reserves the right to grant a bonus to any member of the tea- ching staï¬â€ whom they believe to be deserving of extra payment for outstanding service. at any time during the teaching year. Any such bonus will apply only to the year in which it is grant, Clause E: Payment of Salary: 10 month or 12 month basis, as requested by teacher. Clause F: The Board of Trustees will ad- vertise all openings on the staff as they occur. Clause G: The Board will undertake to have all matters pertaining to salaries for each ensuing year cleared with the teachers concerned pri- or to Easter of each year, and in return the Board would apprec- late the earliest possible noti- ï¬cation from any member of the staff who has decided upon re- signing or accepting a position outside the Area.