Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1955, p. 2

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msooonm “AWuuo-Idch THE LIBERAL}. Richmond Hill, Thurs.. Mar. 16, 1955 till): liberal L- M Weekly: Med 1818 ‘2,“ put you; to the United States $3.09; 5c Sigh Con Member Audit Bureau of (fircuhtiono lambs! Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association 1. I. SMITH. "a Publisher ALVERNA m AM m Telephone fill-nor 4â€"1261 nail, Pout Mice Department. Ottawa" 1 I Schools In Limelight March 6 to March 13 has been set aside this year for the observation of Education Week. During this week the spotlight will be turned upon the schools right across Canada. There is every reason why Educa- tion Week should arouse complete nat- ional interest. As the slogan states, “Education is Everybody’s Busmess . certainl is. It Diogeiies is reported to have once proclaimed: “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. That statement is no less true today than when it was made so many years ago. To put it another way. education is the investment which the Canadian citizen of today makes in the Canadian citizen of tomorrow. _ There are two things which every wise investor will do. He will. care- fully consider the size of his invest- ment and examine the returns it Will bring him. But he doesn’t stop there. He keeps a continuous watch to. make sure that his premium does not rise out of proportion to the return it gives. in other words. he makes sure that his money is employed in such a way as to give him the best value. . Therein lies the object of Educa- tion Week â€" to allow the investors in Canadian education. the Canadian peop- le themselves, to see how their invest- ment is being used. The costs of edu- cation are continually rising. School enrolment is increasing by leaps and bounds. Education Week is educa- tion’s “open house." It shows the own- ers of the schools how their business is bein run. . ' g.l‘hc number of points of View on / It's encouraging to note _ that church growth throughout the district is keeping pace with the rapid physical changes which are occurring With such regularity. In addition to numerous rumors two United Churches in this area have _al- ready announced extensive building rograms designed to enlarge the fac- Ilities available to the members of their faith. The Thornhill church is plan- ning a completely new building while at' Maple the congregation will erect an addition to the present building. . The churches of the various faiths have played an important role in the life of all our communities. From ear- . Churches Keeping Pace what is required from schools must surely be almost as great as that of our adult population. Everybody has his or her own ideas on the subject. They range from the extreme of those who think the school ought to concentrate entirely on the fundamen- tals of learning and leave citizenship and culture to the home and church to the other extreme of those who feel that the school should mould the char- acter of the child and that academic knowledge is greatly overrated anyway. On one point all are agreed. The education of our youth. whether for learning or character, is essential to the continuance of our national life. It is a poor citizen who can turn his back lon education and leave it to the other ow. Education Week is sponsored by some dozen national bodies. But these sponsoring bodies, together with the education authorities. the committees which right across the country have been working on community programs, all these can do no more than put on the show. They cannot fill the audiâ€" torium. It is up to the people of Canada to find out for themselves what is being done with their money and .to their children. It is up to them to learn the problems of our education system â€"â€" the serious shortage of teachers and equally serious, though highly encour- aging. superabundance of pupils. Everybody has a financial stake in the schools of today. Everybody has a national responsibility towards Can- ada’s citizens of tomorrow. Education is Everybody‘s Business! liest days they have administered to the spiritual wellâ€"being of our people. It is imperative that the spiritual part of our lives keep pace with the rapid strides being made in the field of material and technological endeavour. The Christian way of life is the key to man’s future growth. Thus we must bend every effort to assist our churches in their building plans. Unfortunately there is a tendency in today’s modern society to over-look the individual‘s responsibility of church membership. A busy rushing life should in no way preclude a sincere effort to support the growth- of our churches. Seal Tax Exemption Extende _ T0196OByOntaiio Government MBY Sill“ SChOOI POPUlailon To Ease Transportation Costs Richmond Hill. Markham and Vaughan Townships were notified this week by the TTC Commis~ Ilon that the Department of Highways has agreed to continue exemption of the seat tax ag- reement. which expired January 1 of this year. for another five year period to 1960. The three municipalities. as owners of the North Yonge Bus Line had ear- lier requested the Commission to continue the exemption. With -this.agreemeni. a saving of $6.- 000 for each of the municipali- ties concerned has been effected. When the operation of the ra- dial railway between Toronto and Richmond Hill was discon- tinued and replaced by buses, the Department of Highways ac- quired the ground formerly oc- cupied by the radial railway. and as part of the negotiations. ag- reed that for a five year period from 1950 to forego the seat tax of 1/20 cent per bus mile which ll charged all bus operations op- erated on provincial highways. In the same year. the TTC. agreed at the request of the four municipalities. which then own- ed the line. iRichmond Hill. Markham. Vaughan and North York Townshipsl to operate a bus line to Richmond Hill for a period of 10 years until 1960. With the advent of the Metro- politan Area. North York Town- ship is no longer party to the agreement and the T.T.C. took over North York's' share of the line. The official petition requests ing provincial approval, was signed by W. Russell. chairman of the TTC. and Reeves W. J. Taylor. Richmond Hill. Alfred LeMssurior, Markham Township and Marshall McMurchy, Vaugh- an Township. DANGER FROM THE PAST Canada. with good reason. now looks a little complacently on to- day‘s statistics regarding con- tagious diseases. Yet it would take only one ihfecied person to spread any of the mose serious communicable diseases such as diphtheria. whooping cough or smallpox among the children in a community unless those child- ren have been immunized against such diseases, The methods of prevention are so simple. so painless and so effective that ev- ery child should be given this protection. which is available in almost all parts of Canada. free of charge. Domestic Shortening . . . . . . . .. 27c lb. Culverhouse Dessert Pears, 20 oz. 19c Culverhouse Whole Beets, 20 oz. 15c ea. Culverhouse Choice Tomatoes 28 oz. 29c each Carnation Milk, tall tins . . . . 2 for 27c WE FEATURE QUALITY MEATS HILLCIES'I' NAME“th FREE DELIVERY RICHMOND HILL Tllrner 4-1531 w / BY... Ll. SIITN There was an unusual ad- journment of the House Tues- day afternoon at 5 o‘clock when Members and Senators gather- ed in the Commons Chamber to hear tributes paid to the late Miss Agnes Macpliail. the first woman ever to take her seat as a Member of the Canadian Parliament. Close relatives of Miss Mac- Phail occupied seals of honor and after the tributes her two sisters. Mrs. Mei'idilh Reany and Mrs. Hugh Bailey proceed- ed io the Parliamentary corri‘ dor and officially unveiled the memorial bronze bust. It was an impressive and de- served tribute to the crusading champion of many v worthy causes. the country school tea- cher. who at one time in her career taught near Sharon in North York. On March 8.1922. Agnes Campbell MacPhail took her seat as the first woman ever el- ected to the House of Comâ€" mons. She served here until 1940 as the representative from the riding of Grey-Bruce. She was defeated in the 1940 elec- tion by a young Markdale law~ yer. Walter Harris. who today is Canada‘s Minister of Fin- ance. After Agnes Macphail's death on February 13. 1954. sugges- tions came from members of all political parties that suitable memorial should be erected here for the Canadian school- teacher who contributed so no- tably toward the early endeav- ours of Canadian women to es- tablish their place in Canadian political life. The battle for the Federal franchise for women. first in- troduced into Parliament in 1833 was only successfully ter- minated when the Dominion By-elections Act of 1919 de< creed that any British subject. "male or female". of the full age of 21 years could be a canâ€" didate for election to the House of Commons. 0f the four greatly-daring wo- men who campaigned for seats in the following election of 1921, Agnes Macphail was the sole survivor at the polls. and from the time of her swearing- in she held her own .as a doughty debater and a formid- able champion of the caiiscs to which her life was devoted. As a daughter of the farm. the member for Grey-Bruce was primarily concerned with the improvement of living standards in rural communities and more efficient marketing of agricultural products. Her active part in the organizing of co-operaiive plants took her abroad to study the more ad- vanced methods of Scandinav- ia and other European coun- tries. As a former schooltea- cher. the extension of educa- tion. 100. was a project dear to her heart. and her work along these lines in her own riding will be long and gratefully re- membered. Penitentiary reform was an- other objective for which Ag- nes Macphail was a crusader. It was largely through her ef- forts that a rova'. commission 10 study the Canadian penal system was appointed by Par- liament in 1936. She organized the Elizabeth Fry Society in Toronto in 1952. following similar groups in Vancouver. Kingston. and 01- tawa working for the rehabili- iaiion of women convicts on their release from prison. The Agnes Macphail Memorial Scholarship Fund. set up by the Toronto society. has already raised $2.000 of its $5.000 ob- pective. and the resulting scholarships to be established for social work in Canadian schools will be a fitting tribute to one who worked indefatigab- ly to improve the lot of less for- tunate women. ~ After defeat in 1940 Miss Macphail. although disappoint- ed. was nol discouraged and entered provincial politics and for a term represented the rid- ing of East York as a C.C.F. Member. v Agnes Macphail richly deser- ved the Memorial unveiled here this week. More important still. however. she made a last- ing impression on the political life of Canada and while her views were often different to ours we are glad to join in tribute to a Canadian school teacher who served well not only the woman but all the people of Canada. . Local Institutes Attend Govt. Course On Program Planning Representatives of the Thorn- lriill ahd Richmond Hill Women's Institutes participated with members of the Mark Vaun Wo- men’s Institute Langstaff at their Extension Service Course on “Programme Planning” held on Wednesday. March 2nd. at the home of Mrs. R. McArthur. Yongeview Avenue, Langstaff. These courses are a service In Lake Wilcox Area A shift in school population from School Section 'I and 6 to SS. 13, all in the Lake Wilcox area. was discussed on ‘Thursday night before Whitchurch Town- ship Council by members of the three trustee boards. Chief rea- son for the change is to save transportation costs. This trans- portation is presently being pro- vnded by taxi and private car, some having to make as many as three trips 3 day. Some children quite close to the schools of sec- tion 6 and 'l are having to travel several miles to No. 13 school. Adbout fifty children are involv- e . S. S. No. 13 school is present- ly erecting a new addition costv mg $110.000 and a change will have to be made in the plans to accommodate two more rooms. Members of all boards agreed on Thursday night to change and final approval will now be sought from the Inspector as well as op- proval for the additional rooms required at S. S. No. 13. A somewhat similar situation was discussed by council con- cerning about seventeen children attending the Ballantrae school but who are rightfully the prop erty of the Lemonville section and their school taxes go to this 7th con. school. Council agreed that the Boards of the two schools should meet and arrange for an adjustment to be made in the laxwarrangement and the children continue attending the Ballanirae School which is close- st. About 54.300 in assessment is involved in this change. Pass School By-Laws A by-law authorizing the bor- rowing of 3110.000 in debentures for the school addition to S. S. No. 13 was given third reading and a by-law for 925.000 for an addition to the Ringwood school was given first and second read- ing. Seek Church Building Dr. Urquhart of Aurora and several other interested United Church workers visited council seeking permission to move a pro-fab church building from Ajax to Lake Wilcox and erect there as temporary quarters until such time as a new church can be financed. The council was ad- vised that there were some one hundred member: presentlv meeting each Sunday and that this number was have rapid growth as the need was great. There is a clause in the Whit- ehurch Building by~law which forbids the erection of tempor- ary buildings and the delegation asked council to waive this clause under the circumstances. The building to be moved is approximately 25'x85' and in good condition. It is the prop- erty of the United Church of Canada. Reeve Ivan McLaughlin told the delegation that he was in sympathy with what the church was trying to do in this area and promised a decision within the next few days on the matter. â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"- During 1952. 44,402 persons died in the Province of Ontario. Of this number 6.630 died of cancer. Many of these deaths could have been prevented if patients recognized the early symptoms of the disease and ap- lied for immediate treatment. provided by the Dept. of Agri- culture. Women’s institute Br. and Home Economics Service. to all institutes in Ontario. The course. Program Planning. is a one-day course and lecturer was Mrs. E. Armstrong, of Newmark- et. Although the course applied mainly to Women's Institute work. many of the suggestions were applicable to any group or organization. The essentials of a good meet- ing stressed were: 1. A regular meeting date which should nev- er be changed unless the reason is very important. 2. A pro-ar- ranged program; 3. Start on time; 4. Close on time: 5. Follow Par- liamentary procedure. ‘ Several reasons suggested why people stay away from meetings were, boredom .long wandering discus- sions, unable to hear, unfriendli- ness. With reference to Women's 1n- stitules. each meeting should have a balance of the Education- al, the Practical and Social. The aims of the program should be to raise the standard of thinking. study the needs of the commun- ity. keep a record of hobbies. etc. strive for understanding and tol- erance, keep abreast of education study the United Nations organ- izations dealing with underpriv- ileged countries such as F.A.O.. N.A.T.O.. U.N.E.S.C.0., and to develop individuality. Suggestions were made on “How to keep the business per- iod short." "How to obtain new members" “How much time should be spent on minutes. re- ports. etc." “Sample programs on various topics". Mrs. D. Morrison. president of the Mark-Vaun W.I. thanked Mrs. Armstrong on behalf of those present. Bloomington Residents Ask 30 Mile Limit On 9th (on. Residents of Bloomingion on the 9th concession are consider- ably concerned over alleged fast- drlving by trucks which travel this road in large numbers and by a fully signed petition re- quested Whiichurch Township Council on Thursday night to limit the speed there to 30 miles an hour. A deputatibn waited on council some time ago. alarm- ed over possible danger" to the school children. many of whom must cross this road, On Thursday night council in- structed the clerk to prepare a by-law to invoke the ISO-mile limit, The b_v-1aw must go to the Dept. of Highways for final approval and council expressed the opinion that it was doubtful if the Department would sanct- ion lhe speed limit as the re- quirements for a built-up area in such cases. could not be met. Assisi. Assessor Resigns Ronafd Smiih. a<<l<ianl R‘sps- expected to sor for the Township resigned lnslI the case. position on Thursday night. Mr. Smith has taken a position with Pickering Township at an in- creased salary. A new employee will be sought immediately for the position since the township is presently engaged in setting up a measured assessment sys- tem. Appeals Second Time On behalf of E. C. Lansing. Wilcox Lake raiepayer. L. C. Lee. solicitor. of Aurora, request- ed that counCil refund taxes on Mr. Lansing's property which. it was claimed. was not used dur- ing the entire period of 1954. The assessment on this partially completed dwelling is 51.200 and Court of Revision turned down Mr. Lansing's appeal for any re- duction at their last sitting in the fall. The Township Court of Revision will be called to sit aga'n shortly to determine whal action if any. I Referred To Municipal Br]. As Markham lounship and Markham village havc been unable to reach an agree- ment on the boundary for Markham village's pi‘opOsed annexation of a large area of township land adjacent to the village lhc matter has been referred back to the Municipal Board for a ruling. At the initial Municipal new" hearing: held several months ago the Board after receiving briefs from both the village and the town- ship gave the municipalities until the end of February to reach an agreement on the area to be annexed. Village Water (Continued from page 1) date (‘ouncil pomch out a request for the parkiii: meters should first come from lll(‘ bus- iness men of the village before council would take action. "When we decide in haxc meters we should lender for them." said Deputy-Reeve Toni- lin, “Meters are as good an answer as any to problem." “L‘nlil he get a petition from the business men. it's not up to us to say what the IllCl‘t‘llllllh wanl . said Councillor .loncs. ' “Parking meters have to bc supervised." said Councillor Midâ€" dleton." The police say they are already overworked. they've lllHl Rates Revised "I'm in favour 0' meters if llic merchants ask for them." find t'ouncillor Perkins. Asks For Car Mileage Builtliii: inspector Jack Holl- O\\(‘ll has requested car mileage and council dlS(LlSSed the re- quest. \iiililiolding decision un- ill a later meeting. New Canadian Class .\1r.< Dorothy Williamson. \\llll llt‘l‘ advanced class of New Canadians. who arc studying Engliin and tho Canadian system of govcrnmciii. “GIT? present at the iiiccling to study the work of municipal government. Reeve Taylor introduced the class to each member of council got no time for crossing guard and invited them to sit in on duty. A recommendation by the their meetings at any time. Six Metropolitan Planning Board They‘re ‘00 bus now but [he pdki‘ that annexation be Hmned meters would mean an extra du- nationalities were represented in to an area covered by Unâ€" t-V' l 533’ “0-” the class. ‘ ion School Section No .15 failed to gain the accept- ance of the village author- ities. Insisience by the vill~ age that they be allowed an extra 10‘ acres to protect their water supply was un- acceptable to the township. Plan New Store At Elgi'n Mills Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prid- ham of Elgin Mills met with Vaughan Township Council last Monday to discuss the building of a proposed new I.G.A. Foodliner store at Elgin Mills. Mr. Pridham has been a member of the IGA group for several years. .The proposed store is to be erected on Yonge Street. just north of the present IGA store. Plans for the $50,000 store call for a modern self-serve shopping centre with a large parking area. Mr. Pridham told Council that as soon as plans are completed work on the new store will com- mence. Telephone TUNE:- +1212 FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE . Show Times 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous from 6 p.m. Saturdays and Holidays Friday, Saturday â€" March 11, 12 2001 CE" RY~FOX GARY COOPER SUSAN HAYWARD RICHARD WIDMARK “ In the wonder of A-TRACK. HIGH-noun]!sisnropiiomcmuuo -Produced by cuAniss sucxm _ Mon., Tues., Wed. â€"- March 14, 15, 16 CINEAscOP . ' GARDEN '1‘: M has. kiosk. Ini'sut fl“ Ian. I’- not it! Imm' Hutu-fl hub, sh idem-ill- “. “'1' 4 m m Mme... *dMI MPH L WOOWOUOMI” WKIEWICZ BA 9". “_1'HE REFOOT' ' T555, 000,. l l / umm-mm-mm-Ammwmmammm AT REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Thurs.. Fri., Sat. â€" March 17, 18, 19 COMING 3 DAYS ' Ind carved an empire from the South American jungle 33‘". had only two things on earth left to master: the 7 and RANALD MACDOUGALL ’ Bond on a story by Carl Ste-phenom - A PARAMOUNT PICTURE whose hands a living horror 'twenty miles long and two miles wide . . . and the New Orleans woman he’d bought for a bride! "’ Joi'w. . : will be taken in '8'

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