Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1955, p. 6

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FRL MARCH 11 â€" Extensive auction sale of 40 Holstein Cat- tla consisting of fresh and springer cow‘s, pigs, implements, consisting of tractor, nearly new, 22” Thresher. ensilage cutter, binder. Hyâ€"Spi tooth cul- tivator with power lift. tractor spreader. 13M fertilizer drill. new side delivery rake. Surge milker. portable milk cooler, ap- prox. 800 bales of wire tied hay, 2,000 bus mixed grain, ensilage, at lot 25, con. 8 Pickering Tp., the property of Lorne Bath. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Note: This is one of the finest Holstein herds to be found anywhere. R. E. Faulkner, clerk. Sale starts at 12.30. Cattle sale 3 o'clock. Sellers & Atkinson. auctioneers, phone Stouffville 363. TUES.. MARCH )5 - Auction sale of 35 head of Registered 8: Fully Accredited Holstein Cat- tle. fresh cows and springers 8; heifers; horses; hogs; tractor W4 IHC, good; Geo. White threshing machine 24x42 with grain thrower and shredder. near new ,including full line of power equipment; Surge milk- ing machine. 2-unit. Hay and en- silage; and furniture. at Lot 7 TUESDAY, MARCH 15 â€" Auc- tion sale of dairy cattle. new 01- iver 77 tractor R.C.. farm stock, implements. hay, grain. etc. On Lot 16, Con. 3, Vaughan Twp. Property of Dan Doneral. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. & 8. Con. 7 Whitchurch, at Lem- onville. the property of Walter Gray. No reserve as farm sold. Women’s Institute will serve refreshments on the grounds. Terms cash. Sale at 12 sharp noon. Lloyd Turner. clerk. Sam Gough, Milllken P.O.. on "odi- grees, phone Agincourt 30w2. Alvin S. Farmer & Walter At- kinson, auctioneers. WED, MARCH 16 â€" Auction sale of 40 head of Fully Accred- lted Ayrshires. implements. trac- tor. horses .hogs. pigs. furniture, at Lot 14, Con. 8 East Gwillimâ€" bury, 1,4 mile north of Mount Albert. the property of Roy Stewart. No reserve. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon. R. Willbee, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer Gormley. auctioneer. phone Stoufiville 5311. WED, MARCH 16 â€"â€" Extensive auction sale of Holstein cattle. heifers. new Cockshutt tractqr with loader and live power take- 03, Cockshutt 70 tractor. new M- H pick-up baler. near new Mount Forest threshing machine. newv M-H side rake, new Coby 100- bushel spreader. milking mach- ine, farm stock, implements, hay. grain, furniture, etc.. on Lot 16. concession 6 Pickering Twp. at Green River, on No. 7 Highway. Property of Roy Carter. Sale at 12.30 noon. ,Terms cash. No re- exve, Farm sold. Ken & Clarke rentice, auctioneers. Ralph Faulkner, clerk. c4w34 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thu-3., Mar. 10, 1955 On Your Laundry, Soup, Clothing, Plumbing Equipment Etc. We can show you in your own home the facts, as to the every day waste of home products. SALES REGISTERS 161 Norfolk St. Richmond Hill FEL, MARCH 18 â€" Auction sale of dairy cattle, farm stock. implements. hay, grain, furni- ture, etc., on lot 16. con. 4 Scar- boro Twp., west from Brown's Corners. Property of R. Tomms. Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. no reserve, farm sold. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. TUES., MARCH 22 -â€" Auction sale of 41 head of registered 8; grade Holstein cattle including fresh cows, fall. springers, cal- ves. 1 W4 IHC Tractor. 1 Ford tractor new, 1 Clipper combine, 6’ cut. including full line farm implements, milking machine, Surge. 3-units, new milk cooler, 8â€"can, IHC straw, ensilage. 2000 bus. seed oats, at Lot 14, Con. 2 Markham, ’76 mile north of No. 7 Highway on Bayview Ave. The property of J. P. Symons. No re- serve as farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Jim Smith, D. Goulding, clerks. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. Gormley, Stouflville 5311. WED.. MARCH 23 â€"â€" Extensive auction sale of dairy herd, con- sisting of 30 Holstein and Jersey cows, fresh and springers. 10 Hereford Baby Beef, pigs, Cock- shutt tractor (new July 1954). IHC Automatic Baler No. 45 (new 1954) IHC Power Mower (new 1954), 15M Fertilizer drill (like new). hay. straw, grain. en- snage and furniture, at lot 12, con. 11 Reach Twp. at Green- THURS, MARCH 17 â€"- Impon- ant Auction Sale of 25 head of imported and registered red poll cattle and grade. Reg. Hamp- shire pigs and grade sows, im- plements, 3 tractors, Case forage harvester, baler, *combine, side rake. tractor spreader, forage harvester, trailers and full line of Ford ‘ implements, hammer mill, 3 furrow plow, fertilizer, seed drill, hay, straw, grain, etc. At Lot 12. Con. 5 Markham Twp. at Unionville. The property of Earl Sellers. Sale 11 o’clock. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Sellers & Atkinson. auc- tioneers. c2w36 5 Scarboro, 1%, miles west of Mllllken on Steele's Ave. Propâ€" erty of Sam Gough. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. no reserve, farm sold. Ken 8: Clarke Pren- tice. auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 19 â€"â€" Auction sale of 2 IHC tractors, threshing machine. tractor implements, Surge milking machine. electric cooler and equipment, grain, household effects, on lot 32, con. SAT., MARCH 19 â€" Auction Sale of farm stock. implements. and buildings and ham equip- ment. the property of Leonard Bishop, at W.H. Lot 6, Con. 7, King Twp., 2 miles east of No- bleton, at 1 o‘clock sharp. Settle- ment before removing. Terms: cash. Positively no reserve as proprietor has given up farm- ing. A. M. McEwen. auctioneer. 12 King Crescent, Weston. phone CHerry 1-7645. ' Home Demonstration On How To bank on Hy. '7 and 12. The prop- erty of Earl Anderson. Note if you are in the market for cattle or new implements, don't miss this sale. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Howard McMillan, clerk. The Fidelas Club, Green- bank. will have a refreshment booth on the grounds. Sale starts 12.30 Cattle sale 3 o'clock. Sellers 8; Atkinson, auctioneers. $8M” AL-.. WED., MARCH 30 â€"â€" Auction sale of 35 head Holstein cattle, 2 tractors (like new), Cockshutt No. 137 SP. Combine (cut one crop), IHC No. 45 Baler (nearly new), power mower 7-0, Side de- livery rake on rubber with PTO, new IHC Hy spring tooth culti- vator, PL. and depth control. tractor manure spreader, 3F plow on rubber, M-H 1-way disc (new), IHC 15M fertilizer drill. The property of Campbell An- thony, at Lot 30, Con. 5 Picker- ing at Whitevale. Note: Most im- plements new within the last two years. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. 2 auction rings. Sale starts at 12.30. Cattle sale at 3 o’clock. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Sellers 8; Atkinson, auctioneers. c6w34 WED. MARCH 23 â€" Auction sale of 35 head of registered & grade Holstein cattle, including fresh cows, springers & heifers, horses, hogs. Farmall M Tractor. Mc-Derring threshing machine, 22x38 and grain thrower. DeLav- al milking machine. Wood 4-can milk cooler. baled hay and grain, furniture. at Lot 12. Con. 2 King( 1% miles north of Temperance- ville. The property of Scott Bo- vair. Terms cash. Sale at 12 sharp. M. A. Wilson, Ed Red- dick, clerks. A. S. Farmer. auc- tioneer. Gormley. phone Stouff- ville 5311. THURS, MARCH 31 -â€" Auction sale of new M-H self-propelled Combine, 2 'IHC'tl'a‘ctoz‘s, New Holland pickup baler, modern THURS, MARCH 24 â€" Auction sale of 50 head of Registered Holstein Cattle. vaccinated. ac- credited and blood tested, Model D Case tractor. IHC threshing machine on rubber, power IHC drill on rubber. including full line of power implements, 12- can Aerofla Cooler. new, grain and ensilage, at Lot 8, Con. 3, Markham, 1,5 mile south of No. 7 Highway. The property of Wm. VanderBent. No reserve as farm sold. Catalogues of cattle at sale. Terms cash. Sale at 11 a.m. sharp Lunch will be served by the Women's Institute. Lloyd Turner. clerk. Sam Gough, Mill- iken, P.O. will handle pedigrees, Phone Agincourt 30W2. Alvin S. Farmer, Gormley, auctioneer, phone Stoufi'ville 5311. TUES., MARCH 29 â€" Auction sale of M-H tractor, IHC tractor, farm implements & equipment, on lot 31. concession 3, Scarboro Twp., on Birchmount Rd.. north of Lansing cut-01f, % mile West of Agincourt. Property of Dart Bros. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. farm machinery, pigs. hay, grain, poultry, furniture ,etc. On Lot 32. Con. 4 Scarborough Twp. Property of Percy Middleton. Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. No reserve .farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT.. APRIL 2 â€" Auction sale of dairy catle, horses, pigs, poul- try, Ford tractor and Ford equip- ment, farm implements. hay. grain, poultry equipment, furni- ture .antique articles, etc. On Lot 35, Con. 2 Vaughan Twp. Property of Thomas Dibb. Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. no reserve. farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED. APRIL 6 â€"â€" Extensive auction sale of M-H combine, modern farm machinery. dairy cattle, farm stock, implements. hay, grain. furniture, etc. At 1750 Victoria Park. North York Twp.. on old Dawes Road, south of Lawrence at Wexford. Property of Andrew Grant. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. farm sold. Ken 3; Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED. APRIL 6 â€" Extensive Auction Sale of M-H Combine, modern farm machinery, dairy cattle, farm stock, implements. hay, grain. furniture. etc., at 1750 Victoria Park, North York Twp., on Old Dawes Rd., south of Lawrence at Wexford. Prop- erty of Andrew Grant. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice. auctioneers. A. W. HEARD Painter -- Decorator AUCTION SALES â€" The follow- ing is a list of the Auction Sale dates we have booked for the month of March. March 4, 5. 9, 10, 11, 12. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 23. 24. 25, 26, 29, 30. Watbh for listings on the above dates. Sell- ers & Atkinson. auctioneers, ph. Stoufl'ville 363. c3w34 SAT.. APRIL 9 â€"- Auction sale of dairy cattle. M-H tractor 30. threshing machine, farm imple- ments, hay. grain. etc., on lot 7. con. 7. Markham Twp. Property of Jack Leafr Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. Sunworthy 8: Suntested Established 1935 87 Ross St., Aurora. TU. 4-3203 BA. 1-6801 WALLPAPERS PA. 7 4951 UP TO Church New; The WA. and W.M.S. will meet March 17 at 2.30 p.m., place to be announced at church. The top- ic will be taken by W. A. mem- vers who have invited as their guest Mrs. W. Finch of Laskay. Program convenor is Mrs. Wm. Turner. ' The missionary superintmd- ent. Mrs. Boys, will be on hand to tell a story to the children at Sunday School. March 13. Please bring extra collection for the M. 8: M. Fund. Work on compiling of Temper- anceville Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History. is now con- tinuing. In June 1947 the project was begun in 3 Scrap Book by Miss Millie Umehara. The com- mittee, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings. Historical Research convenor, Mrs. Nelson Thompson. presid- ent. Mrs. Clayton Beynon, Past President and Mrs. Stella Pax- ton, publicity convenor are in charge of the compilation. On Currently all the various Can- adian governments, between them. are spending one-third of the nation‘s total income on pub- lic works. Lacrosse is the national game of Canada. band flu Bombs" or! is M and duct CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. B. 3. KING Phone TU. 4-3059 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS HEATING SALES " March 2 and 4 they met at the home of Mrs. Paxton to discuss material to be used. Several pages were completed and en- tered in the book for display at the March meeting. As this is a history of the community and is people, anyone having mater- ial of historical interest, the committee will gladly co-operate in preparing it for the Tweedsâ€" muir history. Watersoitler Division Pictures ére also used where- ver possible. Personals We are very happy to report that Ruston Folliott’s hand is noy healing satisfactorily. Recently _ Roy Folliott' spent a couple of days visiting Ruston and Harvey Folliott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boys spent the week-end in Belleville. They motored. taking Mr. and Mrs. David McAllister of Toronto with them to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McAllister. On March 2, Mr. Albert Fol- liott motored to Napanee with Mr. and Mrs. Barnard. On Fri- day they went to Montreal to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil; bert Folliott where a birthday celebration was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Folliott. Miss Ruth Folliott was also pre- sent to wish her sister and bro- ther many happy returns. Average building ma- terials are things that we know nothing about â€" you‘ll like our above- average quality, priced reasonably. See us ab- out it. You are under no obligation Whatsoever. Phone or write for Free booklets to be mailed to you. We wish a speedy recovery for all our sick folks â€" Mrs. S. N. Doner, Miss Audrey Bovair. Mr. Jos. Jones. Mr. Ola Helse, and Mrs. W. Henderson. Mr. Geo. Cober has returned after spending a pleasant holi- day in Florida. Master Ivan Winger entertain- ed his friends on Saturday in honour of his birthday. Miss Annie Steckley spent last week with friends in Pennsyl- vania. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey and Joyce moved to their home inAIjIew Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Park moved into the upstair apartment at F. Harvey’s home on the 4th con- cession. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and children and Mr. and Mrs. Williams and children surprised their father, J. M. McIntyre on the occasion of his 85th birth- day. Mr. and.Mrs. Robt. Millen Reg. $245.00 21” TABLE MODEL, comp- With stand Reg. $309.95 17 INCH TABLE, complete with stand, 21” WALNUT CONSOLE TU. 4-1541 RICHMOND HILL We stock all kinds of aerial parts Reg. $329.95 Paris Auto Supply Ltd. CLEARANCE SALE v Marconi TV CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Phone Stouflvlllo 67104 GORMLEY Special spent Monday with Mrs. Geo. Barrett. A miscellaneous shower was given Mr and Mrs. Robt. Sprox- ton on Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner. Miss Maude Jones spent a few days last week with Miss Arvilla Forrester. Mrs. Pearl Warwick had Sun- day supper with Mrs. George Leary. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Moses and girls had SUnday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones, Dickson lull I.__ Y) A _ . . ‘ _ . _ A nuAL Aâ€"A Mrs. K.‘ Hoover and Ruth, and Mlss Beulah Helse had Monday dinner with Miss Eva Dennle. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherk and Mary Ann of Port Credit had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mllsted. Mr. Jack McIntyre has son to spend several weeks 111 Arl- zona for health reasons. Sale Sale $205.00 $249.95 and

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