Free Estimates Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill ‘W' \ (Including materials) /A/ 5 Year Guarantee Special Prices On Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING If you're Miami Beach bound, you'll enioy all the fabled pleas- ures of Florida ,at the ATLANTIC TOWERS. Private ocean-front beach, salt water pool, cobonus, dining terrace. All guest rooms spacious with optional air-conditioning. Newly decorated main lobby. Courteous, attentive service. Conveniently located to all sports, sightseeing and entertainment. INSURANCE Over 25 years experience Now Open For Business SMITH UPHOLSTERING HERBERT R. BUTT Dependable Associated With Service 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 in the Better Shops in Toronto Telephonn Maltby’s Service Station TUrner 4-0001 -- RICHMOND HILL 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto AV. 5-1682 Toronto EMpire 4-3317 Congratulations to Elizabeth Coult , Patsy Watters and Ka- thie right, winners in the ora- torical contest at the Iieadford School. Neighbour-11904 Nov,“ Barbara Richards and Betty Snider won prizes at the Don Mills Dominion Stone opening. Barbara won a Crossley radio, and Betty a doll. Bruce Jones. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones has recently made the All Stars in the Nor- thern Ontario Hockey League. Mr .and Mrs. Aubrey Steph- enson have returned from Balti- more, Maryland, where they vis- ited Mr. Stephenson’s sister. It is reported that the Cham- pion farm on No. 7 Highway. and 60 acres of the Arnold Farms have been purchased by the same buyer who bought the Nelson Boyington property last year. Explorers A * Mrs. John Brown and Mrs. Edgar Fuller were hostesses when Explorers on the Victoria Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2611 Mrs. Hilda Skippon and son Bobby of Yongehurst Rd., return- ed home Sunday after spending a weeks holiday in Kentucky, Jane Sluce of Pemberton Rd. observed her 7th birthday on Wednesday March 9th, and cele- brated it by having two little girls in_for a bi_rthday sugper. ‘ Susan and Joan Johnson for- merly of Richvale, now of Tor- onto, will take part in the Skat- ing Revue on Saturday March 19 at the official opening of the Richmond Hill Ice Arena. Commissioner Kay Kirk en- rolled 6 Patrol Leaders in the Markham Girl Guide Company on Thursday. March 10th. Altho Markham is a new Guide Comp- any 45 girls_have enrolled.- Garry Skippon observed his 12th birthday on Sunday March 13th. and celebrated it on Sat- urday March 12th. when he and three friends, John Moorhead and Bill and Terry Johnston en- joyed dinner at the Town Inn, followed by an evening at the Richmond Theatre. unï¬t-"Géï¬gie Vitawso'n 313.. of Yongehurst Rd., is home and around again after his recent opergtï¬pn. Adelle and Ronald Costoff, Pat Lambert. Jim Lawson. Mary Lenton and Sharon Hamilton all attended the birthday party of Judy Mayer on Saturday March 12 on the occasion of her 8th birthday. The children all at- tended the Richmond Hill Theaâ€" tre in the afternoon and return- ed for the party, complete with birthday cake and ice cream. will look after emer- gency repairs on household pumping equipment, 24 hour service. TU. 4-2220. A Odor Nowâ€" uunod u an proper phatln; fl... -â€"l Peronnlnl 33h! In“! Phil" {or IAIL! orlon. "Bu! Qnulfly Only" CHINESE ELMâ€"nu... u... m.-. mun“: :Lm hue“ “a rah“ a'°'l‘l='ln°: an. 109 hr ‘fji: 124mb flu. Ioo tor 4J0: .1... nu. too {or $5.30: 1 Inch use 100 tor $0."; 2-“. nu, 25 1.. .3_‘. ... $15-00 m 100; Mt. me. as to: 50-98 M 518.00 per 100. KU3A MULII I-Vlflâ€" m..‘"y. “can 0! In! maul-1th. bulky. Y muggmcea. as to: u.“ or 511.05 per 1-004 Kw BAKIIIKIâ€"M.r“n _ "a In nelsonâ€"$5.. 'or 13.“; 13-111., 15 (or $5.98 or ’22. 0 per 1â€. PAEON'Y ROOTSâ€" rmvu- "A-Iunu†v-rlot , mel'nm grownâ€"flu only hull II . lg-jnu as {or 31.9. or ill. 0 [or iéo. ' ‘ ' ROSA MULTIFLORAâ€" izio BARBERRYâ€" PRIVITâ€" BOWMANVILLB. ONTARIO Phone Du or lem: Murht 3-3345 Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries NORTH RICHVALE Lei, wEhe MILLWRIGHT '& MACHINIST CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF R. B. 3 Gonnle) -- Ph. Aunconn 335.12 '“‘"" ' Fflxhlhflhn an) or pl“. ! [or $1.... with Every Order Csnndn'l that Ooch and“ Gill. BUTTONVILLE NEWS Square Circuit met at Brown’s Corners Church last Monday ev- ening. Friendship Club Friendship Club members (the Young Women’s Assoc.) of the Brown’s Corners Church are busy people these days. Next Saturday afternoon, they will hold a St. Patrick's Tea at the church, with home baking, can- ‘dy. and parcel post booths. They are also making aluminum trays for sale. On Monday of this week, girls from this group. helped to make new drapes for the Sunday School room. On Thursday evening of last week they met at the home of Mrs. P. Page for their monthly meeting: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller who recently celebrated their 16111 wedding anniversary. The Doncaster ratepayers met last Tuesday at the Henderson school, with the president in the chair. After a short business meeting, euchre and court whist were enjoyed by the members and friends. Those winning prizes for euchre were Mrs. J. Aiis. Mrs. Harris; for Court Whist. Mrs. H. Mizen, E. Vautier. E. Watts. Cofl'ee and doughnuts were served by Mrs. J. Mason and her committee. A silver col- lection covered the expenses. ' Congratulations to Miss Jean- ette Vautier, Seccomoe Ave., who 'was chosen from Richmond Hill High School to attend Eat- on’s Fashion Show on Saturday. Friends attending from the park were Peggy Heaton, Joann Ise- lin, Diane Morrison. Heather Or- son, Harry Morrison, sister Bet- ty, and brother Ronnie. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the Bennett family in the loss of their father, Mr. A. Bennett who passed aw- ay on Monday, March 7; to Mr. Legault and Mrs. W. Myers of Glen Cameron Ave., in the loss of their fathers; also to Mrs. El- liot and her sister. whose father, Mr. McCutcheon, passed away at their home on Henderson Ave. last week. Mr. John Russell from Noran- da visited his brother and fam- ily on Proctor Ave. for a few days last week. Mrs. Persky from Kenora, spent a few days with her daughter and family, Mr .and Mrs. Anderton on Clarke Ave. We are glad to report that Dr. Steele is back from the hospital and seemg his patients this week. Miss K. Gée is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen, Seccomoe Ave. On March 11 at a special as- sembly. the following Hender- son Ave. graduates received school pins presented by Mrs. Lennie: Linda Bresnehan, Lou- ise Clow, Carolyn Richan, Alvin Thompson, Peter Kerslake and Janet Eflner. The Child Health Clinic will be held at Henderson Ave. School on Monday, March 21, 1.30 to 4 pm. Home 8: School The Carrville Home and School Association held a dance and euchre party on Friday ev- ening at the school. The euchre prize winners were John Barton and Mr. Bushell, Mrs. Geo. Green and Mr. Macey Sr. The door prize was won by Mr. Fred Chevis of Mount Albert, and tthe spot dance prizes were won by Mrs. Macey Sr. and Kenny Ma- cey. Bill Reid of New Toronto sup- plied the record player and am- pliï¬er. T. Stimson of North York Community Centre was caller for the dances. Dr. S. Peterkin from the Den- tal Health Dept. of the Ontario Association will speak at next week’s meeting on prevention of cavities. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker enjoyed a trip to Indianapolis 1as_t_wqu for four days. Mr. and Mrs. George Blowen of Toronto, had dinner Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams and family. Birthday greetings to Margar- et Williams who celebrated her eighth birthday on Saturday, March 12. She had a party in the afternoon and has as her guests Penny Houston, Gretta Middle- ton, Drew Wood. Ronnie and Linda Gray. Margaret's brother George looked after the games for the children. Drew Wood was 8 years old on March 13 and Jill and Jane Nunn and Scott and Tommy Hough had lunch with Drew on Sunday at noon to help him cel- ebrate his birthday. HO“ REPAIR Rooï¬ng, Eavestroughing Chimney Brick & Cement Work, Caulking. Painting. Drain, General Repairs of all kind; Correspondent: Mm Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130R3 DONCASTER Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mlzen 2'1 Seccomoe Ave“ Phone AVenue 5-1570 In all kinds of leaks. Work Done Immediately Contractor (ARRVILLE Written Guarantee TU. 4-3344 SPECIALISTS Guides and Brownies The Guides and Brownies are now taking orders for their an- nual Cookie Day. As this is the only time the girls are allowed to sell anything in connection with the movement, the groups will be very grateful for the as- sistance of the community. Their territory ranges from the south side of May Ave. to the north side of Garden, inclusive. The 2nd Richvale Guide Co. held a successful and enjoyable familyr theatre night on Mggday. At the Brownie meeting, March 9. Brown Owl. Mrs. F. Bigley presented the Golden Bar to Lil- lian Kent, Marilyn Hudson and Janet Jessom. - Mrs. J. Kirk, District Commis- sioner of Guides and Brownies enrolled six Guides at Markham last week, as Patrol Leaders in the new Markham company. Scouts and Cubs There will be an important meeting on Wed.. March 28. at 8 pm. at the Community Hall, Spruce Ave., to reâ€"organize the Mothers’ Auxiliary of Richvale Cubs and Scouts. All Mothers of the cubs and scouts are urged to attend. as their help is needed to assist the boys and‘their leaders in their work. Parent Education Group At the meeting held Monday night there was an excellent dis- cussion of gun-play â€" a subject of great interest to many par- ents. Opinions and ideas were exchanged and the importance of community recreation to sup- plement children’s interests was stressed. ‘ Social A surprise miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Bar- bara Underhlll, recently. by Mrs. Jack Lane, and her daugh~ ter, Mrs. Cliff Klinck. There wege 20 guests present. Gerald Spracklin. ï¬ance of Miss Underhlll, has left for Montreal to take a three month course with TCA. He will fly back in time for the wedding. Mrs. Wm. Webb of Long Is- land. New York, is a guest at the home of Mr .rpd Mrs. Harold Ince, Spruce Axe. Mrs. Webb is attending the Sportsman's Show this week. Mr. Geo. Bickerstafl' and Mr. Cec. Smith have both returned from hospital and are progress- 0F FARM IMPLEMENTS M-H Tractor, Cockshutt Manure Spreader, Blacksmith Tools. Hay and Grain, Household Furniturn The property of M-H Tractor, The General, pow- er take-off and pulley, also Plow Straightener M-H 2-furrow Ace Bottom Plow M-H Grain Binder, 6' good M-H Seed Drill with grass seed- er. 13-run, shon and long ton- gue Deering Mower, _oil bath, 33’, short and long tongue, good Cultivator, stiff tooth. 8 in. points Cultivator, 13 spring tooth 4 Section Harrows 3 Section Harrows 2 Section Harrows Fleury Walking Plow. new, No. 21 Walking Plow Scuï¬ler for Garden. 1-horse Scufller for Berries Potato Plow Potato Hiller Fleury Double Disc Harrow, good Hay Rake Cockshutt Manure Spreader. and pulley Platform Scales 12 cwt. Garden Tractor and short & long tongue M-H Root Pulper, good knives Chatham Fanning Mill bagger Seeder Bob Sleighs 1-H0rse Sleigh, near new Circular Saw, 30" blade ' Rubber Tired Wagon and Rack % Wagon with plank bottom 2-Wheel Trailer, good Cream Separator, bench model Wheelbarrow, good Large Pig Crate Pig Weigh Scales and Crate Heavy Block and Tackle Block and Tackle for single wire with 2 grab hooks Flexible Cable, 605. with pull- eys Cyclone Grass Seeder Antique Grass Seeder Ice Tongs Hay Knife Ensilage Fork Electric Fencer, new, and wire Paint Sprayer. new Garden Sprayer, new Fence Stretcher, good Barn Draw Rope and Sling Ropes Log Chains 3 Hay Rack Sills 2 White Ash Planks. 2x6v12 ft. Number of Elm Plank Wooden Scoop Shovel Cross Cut Sow and Bag Truck Sledge Hammers Blacksmith’s Anvil, 85 lbs. Blacksmith's Vice Blacksmith’s Power Drill 8: Bits Coal Brooder Stove and Canopy Number of Cotton Grain Bags Number of Sacks Extension Ladder. 28'; also one 15' Team‘ Harness and ' Coilars Pile of Sticks of Small Timbers Pile of Scrap Iron Box of Bolts Neckyokes. Whiffletrees and oth- er articles 90 Sussex Yearling Chickens Timothy Hay, baled 40 Bus. Fall Wheat 150 Bus. Barley 100 Bus. Oats Furniture Dining Room Extension Table & 5 chairs Clothes Wardrobe Kitchen Cupboard. glass top Dresser Quebec Heater Other Furniture, not listed Buffet, fumed oak G. E. Stove, heavy wire Terms: cash. No reserve, farm sold. Sale at l p.m. James Smith. clerk A. S. FARMER, AUCTION SALE Lot 13, Con. 4, Markham; Buttonville SATURDAY, MARCH 26 ERNEST WALTON CORRESPONDENT: Auctioneer RICHVALE NEWS Gormley 5311 Garden TU. 4-2800 ing well at home. However It will be some time before they are able to return to work. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Paul flew to Washington and New York last week, where Mr. Paul at- tended the American Congress of Surveying. All their friends hope that Elâ€" izabeth Coull. who has ben ill with laryngitis, Denny Millard with mumps and Eleanor Gotts- chalk with a severe ear infection, will soon be feeling much better and able to return to school. Legion News Mrs. F. Titshall presented the McLeod Cup for the Poppy Fund Sale to Patterson School, on be- half of the Legion Branch 375. This is the third year in succes- sion that Patterson School has won this cup. and will now re- tain it. Carrville School also was presented with a cup for its effort. This is the second time. There will be a special church service on Sunday night. March 20. at 7 pm. in St. Mary's An- glican Church. Richmond Hill. The Ladies' Auxiliary and the men of Branch 375 will join in this service for the dedication of the Ladies‘ Auxiliary standard. The ladies held a quilting a week last Wednesday at Legion Hall and finished other quilt. Tickets for same are now on sale by Legion. ‘_ A- , _ - .mmmm Learn to eat the plain foods for health â€"- cooked whole grain cereals, whole wheat bread. milk. eggs, raw and cooked vegetables and fruit, ï¬sh and various kinds of meat. Cut down on non- essential foods for two rea- sons â€" health and budget. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. To keep healthy you must have vitamins and you must have them regularly. You can't ï¬ll up on vitamins to- day and expect them to be much ood to you next week. Inclune in your daily diet one pint of milk, two veget- ables. one egg, butter, whole wheat bread. and an orange or grapefruit or tomatoes. Obesity. excessive weight. â€"- is a disease and is just as prevalent and just as dan- gerous as any of the more dramatized and better pub- licized illnesses. Obesity in- creases strain on heart, kid- neys, pancreas and liver. MRS. R. F. PAUL DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Plain and Over Eating The All New 1955 Buick 4 Door RIVIERA Hardtop SEE NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM 6167 Yonge Street Hull’ é Domestic Fuel Oils Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters for your protection. RICHMOND HILL Another First By General Motors 01L BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE bee the the the THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Mar. 17, 1955 9 Telephone TU. 4-1650 'AVenue 5-2211 Smith Crescent Q LOAM O CRUSHED STONE Q FILL O SAND & GRAVEL O FLAGSTON E O LIGHT GRADING Q DISCING O GARDEN PLOWIN G NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS L. W. REID ROGER PRDULX Free Estimates Gladuly Given PLUMBING & HEATING CALL ANY TIME PHONE TU. 4-2061 our coal is the most satis- by the way they say it that factory fuel they’ve ever burned. And you can tell they mean it. You’ll hear folks say that animus; 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill BA. 1-9388 Thornhill