Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1955, p. 2

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7. There are only a limited number of good teachersugrade B or better) graduated each year from Normal School. How do salary schedules in the areas represented compare with other school areas seeking good tea- chars? The Area Board representa- tives stated their salary schedule compared favourably in minima with other School Areas and that the maxima is quite a bit lower. For example. the prin- dnal’a maximum is North York’s ‘ Ricfiifidnd Hill Board spent 7.8 per cent of total budget on trlnsportation and recovered $554.43 in grants . , 1:,,,u.j In 1953 the Area Board recov- ered on salaries 49 per cent and on transportation 64 per cent; in 1954 45.7 and 59 per cent res- pegtjxgely. . ..... v. 1 ,,,,,L In 1953 the School Area Board spent 1.5 per cent on transpor- tation, in 1954 3.2 per cent. Cost was raised in 1954 because up until that. time the Board had used the High School buses. When the High School was put on the shift system these buses were no longer available. (b) What percentage of the to- tal budget was spent on trans- portation in 1953 and 1954? What portion of this expenditure did each Board recover through the Department of Education grant (gross cost}. ' Richmbnd Hill â€"’ for the two years (combined figure) 67.05 per: cent. 'School Area â€" in 1953 40.4 pegrcgznt; 1951150 pgr cgpt. ‘ 2 (a) What percentage of the total budget was spent on teach- ers' salaries in 1953 and 1954 (gross)? Individual instruction by the teacher is given in art and all supplies requested are provided. Pertaining to physical train- ing. it is restricted at present due to limited playground area, but instruction is given in the vill- age park in baseball, and with the opening of the arena next week. hockey instruction and skating will be allowed six hours weekly. Approximately $250 per year is spent on sports equip- ment. ‘ Richmond Hill Board employs a music teacher three and one- half days per week for 20 min- ute periods which are followed by instruction by the teacher. In regards to Art supervision. the Area Board employed the services of an Art‘ Supervisor two years and when the super- visor retired. the Board attempt- ed to find another Board which would share in the service and cost on the same basis as the Music Supervisor. Since the Board has been unable to do this. an Art Supervisor is not at present employed. The Board supplies paper. crayons. paint etc.. in fact all materials for art and crafts instruction in the schools. (Continued from page 1) arises and an allowance of 85 cents per pupil in each school budget is allocated. At present, a committee of Area Teachers is formulating a Physical Educa- tion Syllabus for 1955-56 and has been working on this since October of last year. Educational Panel' - 2 THE LIBERAIJ, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Mar. 17, 1955 These days the average person is a little more careful about handing out money. He wants to know what he’s getting in return. He wants to know how the money is being used. There's only one way of doing it -â€"- taking a look at the Red Cross Financial Cam- paign. You’ve been told that giving to Red Cross is like taking out life in- surance. When there’s trouble you're covered. And this is true . . . what- ever the trouble . . .. illness, disaster, personal tragedy . . . your Red Cross is there to give hope and help and heal- ing. What does the Red Cross do? Lots of things . . . vital things â€"- building a National Free Blood Trans- fusion Service for the benefit of all Canadians for example. Then too, the Red Cross works for the improvement of community health â€" teaches Home Some thirty years ago the present arena was built by the Municipality of Richmond Hill because the people of the then small village. believed that good healthful recreation was an impor- tant factor in community life. The arena built in 1922 at a cost of $12,000 symbolized the determination of the people of the village to provide the best 'in opportunities for its young people. Now thirty years later the public spirit and generosity of people of the district has equipped the arena with artificial ice, symbolizingthe same determina- tion- to provide young people of the area Next Saturday, March 19th the date of the ofiicial opening of the (Rich- mond Hill Arena, now equipped with artificial ice, will be a red-letter day in the history of the community. It will mark an important forward step in the progress of this growing community. W An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 fim’nm, Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c Single Copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association 1. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher ,. 000K, Editor Telephone TUmer 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Ofl’ice Department, Ottawa” the liberal Red Cross Campaign At Richmond Hill, the teach- ers assisted by the senior pupils supervise Junch hour periods. The Board pointed out, it was not a satisfactory arrangement for teachers and the Board fav~ oured a free noon hour for the stafi‘. Under existing conditions nothing could be done at the present. At one time‘the Area had some 600 pupils (about 50%) remaining at school for lunch. Last school year (’53354? the Board requested parents to vol- untarily limit the number of pu- pils remaining for lunch. This request had little effect. In September ’54 the Board decid- ed that except in special cir- cumstances all pupils should have their lunch hour at home or at some other place arranged by their parents. During February some 65 pupils were accommoda- ted in all the seven Area Sghools â€" and February is one of the worst weather months. All school supervision at the Area Schools is carried out in a co-operative way by members of the staff. To divide these res- ponsibilities fairly. a duty roster of supervision is organized. The teachers are therefore on duty both at recess and before the morning and afternoon sessions as required by the School Act. At one time‘the Area had some 600 pupils (about 50%) remaining at school for lunch. '_4L . 12. How is recess supervision and noon-hour supervision han- dlerdnin the schools? to provide accommodation for pupils who are compelled to at- tend. the Area has no kinder- gartens in operation. At a fu- ture date, conditions, the Board said may enable the Board to include 'a kindetgarten program in the schools. A'kindergarten is now oper- ated at Richmond Hill School on the shift system, and will be continued in each of the schools when the two new ones are completed (Allencourt and Lu- cas). 12. How is recess Sllnnmicinn The Area Board pointed out that due to the fact kindergar- tens are not a compulsory 'part of the school system, and the Area Board has only been able Richmond Hill Board pointed out that its salary schedule is lower than the immediate areas and therefore is in competition with Boards in the district. The only way they could attract tea- chers, they said, was to effect a compromise. The Board has tried to limit normal school graduates and Grade A and B teachers are lost to them because of their lower salary schedule. The per cent of Grade A and B Normal School graduates num- bers 5 per cent. - 9. Kindergartens are not a compulsory part of the school system. How do the respective boards decide to include or not include kindergartens in schools? The Area Board advertised rev cently for teachers and to date have received 18 applications. The a‘ppllcants are being inter- vlewed by the Principal’s Com- mittee, and so far two Grade A teachers from Teachers’ College have been engaged. minimum. This schedule was revised last month to be efieo five next September. Arena Opening Nursing, makes life more pleasant for hospitalized veterans and their dependâ€" ents. Through continuous training in First Aid, accident prevention, and swimming â€" it encourages the best in our future citizens, through the Junior Red Cross and builds a network of goodwill from Canada to other coun- tries through relief work. The Red Cross is a vital, active, alert part of all our lives â€" its services are there when- ever needed, so it is just like taking out insurance. You give through your Red Cross for your own health and safety -â€" and for that of your family. The 1955 Campaign for funds opens March 1. -â€" National objective, $5,494,100; Ontario $2,173,000. When the volunteer canvasser calls â€"â€" Give Generously. ' Sincere congratulations to Richâ€" mond Hill Arena Association and all the public spirited citizens whose gen- erosity made possible the installation of artificial ice.‘ We are sure the ex- penditure will prove a profitable and worthwhile investment in good citizen- ship and we trust that through the coming years the arena by providing facilities for healthful recreation, will contribute to the building of a better community , - Artificial ice has long been a com- munity dream. That it is now realiz- ed is due to the hard work and unfail- ing enthusiasm of a small group of pub- lic spirited citizens who over a. year ago formed the Richmond Hill Arena Assocâ€" iation. To them the community owes a debt of gratitude. with the best in recreational opportun- ity. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor In spite of the best fences in the world and the utmost care, some careless employee or cas- ual stranger may leave a gate open and a dog get out for a few minutes. But owners of pure-bred dogs â€" and most certainly breeders â€" are res- ponsible people, prepared to pay for any damage which might result. Certainly. the courteous thing would be to give them an opportunity rath- er than run for a shotgun at the first sight of a dog enjoying a irolic in an open field. A penalty, of course. is pro- vided for breaking this law and the offender can also be sued for damages which may result from his breaking it. These damages, especially in the case of a pure-bred dog could amount to a great deal of money. Therefore. to save himself from much time in court, legal fees and damage costs, as well as saving the own- er of the dog the heartbreak of losing a beloved pet, it would be wise for those who are‘ “trigger-happy" to make them- selves quite familiar with the law. However, there is also a by- law in Markham Township. No. 1369, passed April 28, .1952, which prohibits the use of fire- arms ‘for any purpose in speci- fied areas of the township. One of these areas is the territory between Yonge Street and Bay- view Avenue from lot No. 26 to No. 60 inclusive in concession These circumstanes are nec- essary even in the country or any area where shooting of any kind is permitted. If the cir- cumstances are not trué, the vi- olator is leaving himself open to prosecution and suit for da- mages. 2. It must occur at night -- “between sunset and sunrise". 3. The dog must be an habit- ual stray -â€" not one that has escaped for a few minutes. 4. He must have done dam- age to the stock to an extent of $50.00. There is a provincial law per- mitting the shooting of a dog â€" but only if all the following circumstances are true. 1: It must occur on land on which farm stock are common- ly kept. There seems to be a fairly general misapprehension, in this vicinity, regarding the cir- cumstances under which it is permissible to shoot a tres~ passing dog. I have recently had occasion to look up the laws regarding this situation, and since they are not at all as ‘commonly be- lieved, I feel that'clarifying the law, right here, might save some of those people who are so anxious to solve their minor problems with a shotgun, much future legal difficulty. Re: Shooting Trespassing Dogs Dear Mr. Editor 2-â€" “Dear Mr. Editor” 1r 1! Â¥ I Very sincerely yours, Alma Hoopingarner, AGINCOURT : The enwly 01'- 18A Yonge St, ganizgd Kiwanis Club here has Thomhiu received 11:5 charter. SCARBORO : The Scarboro Schol Board feels there is a chance for reduced school tax rates this year. reduction of very small classes. Mr. Elson advised the Board that he was receiving replies to the advertisment placed for six new teachers. Four of these tea- chers will be additions to the staff while two will be replace- ments. The Board accepted the resig- nation of Miss Mary Millard from the teaching staff. The inspector's report on school, presented to the B was quite favourable and ommended where possible reduction of very small (-1: It is expected that for the be- ginning of next year the York County Health Unit will be pro- viding a health inspection ser- vice at the Richmond Hill Dis- trict High School. In a letter read to the High School Board last Monday evening, Dr. Robert M. King recommended that two half days be given to the school each week. Principal A. S. El- son told the Board that the Health Unit planned to submit a proposal for details of a health service to the School Board with- in the next month. May Have Health Nurse 2 Half Days The initial development will begin with the 120 acre former Sellers farm, located just'west of Unionville. This first farm will contain 270 modern homes all architecturally designed. This Unionville scheme has been under deliberation for some time now. The develop- ment which will be a completely self-contained village, featuring its own schools, churches, stores, and recreation facilities. will ul- timately contain over 1,000 homes. The subdivider will supply water, sewers, and all the roads. If desired he will also supply the present village of Unionville with sewers and water. The Unionville village Trus- tees, after studying the proposal have signified they don't want any urban development at this time. General opinion was that the majority of the Unionvillo residents don't favour‘the impleâ€" mentation of the plan at present. Reeve Alfred LeMasurier sta- ted it is an excellent plan. How- ever he felt that it is too ambit- ious an undertaking at this time. Self-contained Village The plan has already received favourable comment from the Metropolitan Planning Board. Start In South-West Corner In rendering their decision Council and Planning Board both agreed that-.any major develop- ment in the municipality should start in the south-west corner of the township. It was felt that it would not e feasible to develop both the s uth-west corner and the ‘Unionville area, simultan- eously. At a joint‘ meeting of r’nunici- pal officials and representatives of the development company held last week the municipality did offer to incorporate the plan of the satellite village into the official plan of the township, and also permit present develop- ment on a limited basis. Mr. Sam Scibewras, the developer, and Dr. Alfred Bernhart, con- sulting engineer, who both at- tended the meeting are to let the Planning Board know if such a plan of stage development is acceptable tothem. Planning BvoarHâ€""cGh-e‘ii-‘rnan. C‘ '. Laurin, chair'd the meeting Although agreeing in principle with the plan of a new satellite village to be erected adjacent to the present village of Union- ville, Markham township Council and Planning Board have refus- ed to allow the whole develop- ment to begin at once. Agrées In Principle To Satelite Village (Left to right) Misses Cora-Brodie and Jean Brum- well demonstrate the art of making different kinds of tea biscuits. The girls were allowed ten minutes to complete their demonstration. ‘ Representatives from 4-H Homemaking Clubs throughout the county attended this district rally. Shown above are two leaders of the Buttonville 4-H Homemaking Club at the York County Achievement Day held last Saturday in Newmarket. “Let’s M a/ee Tea Biscuits Want Graduial Development rec- the the Here is a real opportunity' for the right type of person; Full information about pay, pension, medical and insurance benefits, can be obtained from your nearest Canadian Army Recruiting Office, or write, Assistant Adjutant General (Man-l ning), Ortona Barracks; Oakville, Ontario. You end up a qualified leader ; ; ; fit for command within Canada's Regular Army.- " I 4 For a period of forty-four weeks you will receive the Officers Training Course.- Your rank and pay will be that of an Ofl‘icer Cadet and on your succeésful completion of the course you will be granted the Queen’s Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. If you are over 18, under 27, have a grade 12, or better, education, and can pass exacting physical standards, you may beiable to take advantage of this opportunity for an interesting, responsible career. Canada’s Regular Army stands high in world opinion today. And leader- ship from the finest of Canadian youth is the Constant aim of this force; ' An Officers Training Programme is open to candidates of the right type ; : ; can you qualify? for leadership? Richmond Hill. 0ntar,io Jack Caldwell, manager of of the Richmond Bowl, Cec. Tuck and Paul Baker, were involved in a car accident last Saturday afternoon at Green River while return- ing from a day‘s skiing at Caldwell's car was side- swiped by another vehicle attempting to pull out of a line of traffic. Damage to Caldwell's car amounted to approximately $300. Cdbourg. All ihree rezeiv- ed minor injuries. Car Sideswiped 0 °. 9. ‘ ‘~ Q Q ° 0 .5 '° 0 ° ° o A o’. op 45 g o :Rbrings you th world’s most beautiful women in the big-time; I 9rand-time,‘g’reat-fime show of all time... Youiaref’engulfedlin a wonderful love story'_tl1at_takes you from Manhattan penthouses and ‘Fashion shows to silver streaked ski slopes and the great outdoors.. MON., TUES., WEDâ€"March 21, 22, 23 Telephone TUrner 4-1212 THURS., FRI., SATâ€"MARCH 17, 18, 19 2 SHOWS DAILY 777-9 pm. Saturdays & Holidays -â€" 6 pm. SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING LTD. Free estimates on soil borings and diamond drilling anywhere in Ont. HEAD OFFICE - 12A CENTRE ST. 15., Box 747. Richmond Hill OUTSIDE AREA TORONT A . 0 REA TUmer 4-2751 Dlfll 110 and ask for Richmo d mu ZENITH 3310“ Mobile Unit . J. 3-2965 E. H. WILSON, Vice-President & General Manager Free estimates on

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