é PLAN A SHADE TREE . . . LOAM 8:. MANURE "â€"and fhere's enoughlumber on if to build a house!" MASSEY-HARRIS N0. 44 DIESEL TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS NO. 44 GASOLINE TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS COLT TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS PONY TRACTORS (2) COCKSHUTT SPREADER with 4 steel wheels INTERNAT. POWER-TAKE-OFF SPREADER (2) MASSEY-HARRIS SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR, (20 teeth) To you Farmers who need your equipment repaired â€" may we suggest that you have it done now. We have mechanics who are second to none both on En- gines and machinery. We also have an expert welder, both Electric ad Acetylene. We would also like to take this opportunity of invit- ing you to drop in and talk over your requirements in new equipment. We feel we have a most complete line of equipment to offer. ‘wé also have on hand a New Clipper Grain and Seed Cleaner and Treater. BARGAIN PRICES on RECONDITIONED FARM MACHINERY MAPLES Silver Maple . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 ft. Norway Maple .... . . . . . . 8-10 ft. Schwedeler Maple. purple 8-10 ft Crimson King. red . . . . . . 5-6 ft. Hard 01‘ Sugar Maple .. .. 8-10 ft ELM American . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 8â€"10 ft GOLDEN “‘EEPING WILLOW LINDEN Bigleaf European Little Leaf . . . . . MOUNTAIN ASH Extremely hardy BIRCH Cutleaf weeping birch BEECH Dark purple leaves POPLAR MAC-NOLIA STANDARD APPLE TREES No. 1 . . $2. each in the following var- ieties: Cortland. McIntosh Red. Northern Spy. Red Astraclian, Red Delicious. Red Duchess, Red Melba, Red Spy and Yel- low Transparent. DWARF APPLE TREES ' No. 1 3-4 ft. $2.50 each in the following varieties: Red Melba. Cortland. Red De- licious, Red Duchess. McIntosh. North- ern Spy, Wealthy and Yellow Transpar- ent. - CRAB APPLES No. 1 3-4 ft. . ing varieties: candent. Order Now For Early Spring Delivery By Our Own Trucks Evergreens, Shrubs, Perennials, Bulbs, etc. TU. 4-3096 OAK RIDGES TU. Lombardy Carolina Soulangeana Nigra AT THESE VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES WAYSIDE NURSEBIES . $2. each. in the follow- Dolgo. Hyslop and Tran- 8-10 8-10 ft $3.00 $4.00 $5.50 $7.00 $4.00 $3.25 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $5.00 $5.00 $1.50 $1.50 $7.50 STANDARD PEAR TREES No. 1 4-6 ft. $2. each, in the following varieties: Anjou, Bartlett, Clapp‘s Fa- vorite, Keilfer and Sheldon. ; DWARF PEAR TREES No. 1 3-4 ft. $2.50 each. in the following varieties: Bartlett and Clapp's Favorite. PLUM TREES No. 1 4-6 ft. $2.25 each. in the following varieties: Burbank. Fellenbug (Italian Prunei, Grenville, Lombard and Reine Claude. CHERRY TREES No. 1 4-6 ft. $2.25 each. in the following varieties: Bing. Black Tartarian, Napol- eon and Windsor. MONTMORENCY CHERRY The ï¬nest 'Red Cherry. No. 1, 4-6 ft. each 5225. PEACHES No. 1 4-6 ft. $2.25 each, in the following varieties: Elberta, Golden Jubilee and Red Haven. ‘ GRAPES ALSO ALWAYS IN STOCK: Peat Moss. Fertilizer. Niagara Brand Spray and Dust, Topsoil‘ etc. APRICOT TREES No. 1 2 yr. each $0.75 in the following varieties: Concord. (black'. Fredonia (blacki. Lindley lredb, Portland (whiten ASPARAGUS ROOTS Viking (Vineland 35) 2 yr. old roots Per 10 . . . . . . . . . ......... $1.00 Per 100' . . . . . . . . . . ........ $7.00 ALSO ALWAYS IN STOCK: No. 1 4-6 ft. $2.25 each. in the following varieties: Moorpark, Montgamet and Per- fection. Herman Fowler. Music Direc- tor of Richmond Hill Public School is seen with the members of the Junior Choir who com- peted in the recent Kiwanis music festival. Seen ébove. they are as fol- lows: lfront row) Lynda Caseley. a request from the Richmond Hill District High School Board for a $75,000 increase in their original debenture figure of $80- 000.00 to cover the erection of the new Thornhill High School. Markham Twp. Agrees To Extra$75,000 Thornhill High School The extra $75,000 will be used to handle the additional expense of the 17 acre school site. the roadway, grounds, water and disposal unit. The land was pur- chased at a basic figure of $2,â€" 750 per acre with the extra sum set aside for anticipated legal expenses. The $55,000 cost of the school site is roughly twice what the Board had originally estimated. Markham will attempt through negotiations with North York to secure an adequate water supply for the new school. It is hoped water could be piped from the present water area in Highland Park. It is estimated that if such a water system could be- come a reality it would mean an initial saving of $10,000 for the Board. The Trustees have set aside $4,000 for the drilling of 2! e11. Markham township Council Monday unanimously agreed t9 Ten dollars reward will be paid in- information leading to the conviction of persons dam- aging my property at 42 Glen- cameron, Doncaster. Once the Trustees have re- ARTHUR BURSILL TU. 4-1253 Mary Ann Donald. Shelagh Rob- inson, Barbara Schroder, Mary Lou Corner, Lynda Manuel. Iva Bovaird, Beverley Lee. Elizabeth McLeod, Mary Shell, Deidre Hunt, Shirley Milligan, Anne Fletcher. Sharon Craigie. Judy Edgcumbe. Second row: Peter ceived the approval of the four municipalities (Townships of Markham and Vaughan and the villages of Richmond Hill and Woodbridge) which constitute l .ycnool district they will then approach the county re- questing them to increase the proposed debenture issue from $800,000 to $875,000. They will appear before the county next week. _ The High School Board dele- ‘nade up of Chairman V. McMullen. and frustees R. media“, it. nnuean, S. Rumble, In the first move of its kind since the setting up of the sys- tem of charging subdividers so “out†per lot towards the cost of education and municipal serv- ices Council has voted the But- tonville School Board $5,600 from the special school fund to be used for expenses incurred in securing a site for their new two r00m addition. Such expensâ€" es are not covered by a Provin- cial grant. The money was rais- ed from the Arnold subdivision located in the Buttonville school section. Approve Location Gas Station H. Chérles and H. Collard. Grant to Buttonville School Council has granted approval to the McColl-Frontenac Oil Company to erect a gas station on a 150 foot by 150 foot- lot at the corner of Meadowview Road and Yonge Street in Highland Park. The gas station also sub- ject to the approval of the De- partment of Highways. Planning Board had held up final approval of the project un- til Mr. R. C. Gamble who owns the property had outlined his plans for the commercial front- age along Yonge Street. Mr. Gamble is only leasing the site to the McCall-Frontenac Comp- any and a General Motors car agency which is reported intend- ing to locate next to the gas station. Mr. Gamble has also dedicated 33 feet to the Glen Cameron Avenue in order that the right of way may become an authorized 66 foot roadway and be absorbed into the township road system. Other Business In answer to a request by the Women’s Auxiliary of the High- land Park Association for a park area in the subdivision the town- ship has agreed to approach the National Lumber Company to ask them to consider donating part of the property they hold in the area for this very purpose. It is expected that additional park land will become available once the balance of the Gamble farm is subdivided. Council will petition the De- partment of Municipal Affairs for permission to take up the deeds on property normally put up for sale for back taxes. The municipality could then hold the property selling it at a later date at an increase in revenue for the township. Normally such lands are sold at Tax Sales. The City of Toronto has agre- ed to pay Markham the sum of $4,018 in lieu of taxes on the Hospital propefty at Langstaff. A number of residents on Sec- comoe Avenue in Doncaster have requested Council to consider changing the name of the street to Rosecliff Drive. SCARBORO : About 400 resi- dents of the Cliï¬crest area have petitioned for the installation of sewers. ublic School Junior Choir Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hiâ€, TUrner 4-1872 REPRESENTING ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY HEAD OFFICE: 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Crock. Richard Lautamus. Billy‘ Stride. Linda Hall. Lois Perkins. Jill Ruffman, Lily Dawn Agar, Sharon Sturdy, Marie Harrison, Bette Tomlin, Pat Stone. Grant Hallman, Leonard Hammond, Bob Romey. Herman Fowler. Back row: Richard Nixon. Rich- A representative of Prysicians’ Services Inc. met with the members of the Richmond Hill Public School Board last Thursday evening to present a proposed hospital and surgery beneï¬t plan for the teaching and maintenance staff of the school. Trustee Tinker pointed out that the time had come when fringe beneï¬ts had to be considered in wage negotiations with staffs. Consider Health Plan For R. H. Public School Staff Trustee Cecil Mabley suggest- ed that a wage increase might take the place of such a health plan but the balance of the Board agreed that a plan such as this would not cost the Board as much money and would have more far-reaching advantages. Trustee Tinker added that it was an important bargaining point in obtaining a high calibre of teachers. “It is fast becoming an integral part of salary sched- ules in almost every line of work." he said. The proposed comprehensive coverage suggest- ed by P.S. I. would cost the Board approximately $775 for a staff of 35. In considering the revision of the salary schedule later in the evening, the Board voted to raise the minimum wage in both teacherâ€"categories by $100. The minimum before the blanket raise was $2500 for Class A cer- tiï¬cate and $2300 for Class B ‘certiï¬cate. Chairman Jas. Pollard pointed out that the Board had invited estimates on supplying staples to see if quantity purchases of this nature would be feasible. The Board agreed that the school had grown to the point where it was no longer possible to permit tea- chers to make individual pur- chases. In line with a recent recom- mendation of the purchasing committee (Trustees Robt. Ross and Dick Mills) to consider quan- tity buying of school supplies. a school supply house representa- tive met with the Board to dis- cuss the supply of such items as exerci e books, pencils, maps, washr om supplies and cleaning materials for the school. The sales representative estimated that staples for the year would cost approximately $4,000 in- cluding $2400 for consumable it- efs such as books, pencils, etc. However. this ï¬gure does not in- clude kindergarten supplies. An application for a position on the teaching staff and an en- quiry regarding a position on the maintenance staff were ï¬led for further reference. The Board decided to meet ROXY IHEATR mnxlnn IHUDAY,SATURDAY MARCH w,19 “DESTRY†The fun riot of the year direct from extended Tor- onto run Mon., Tues., Wed. MARCH 21, 22, 23 EVENINGS noons OPEN 6.30 SAT. MAT. 1,30 “BE LLES OF ST. TRINIAN’S" with AUDIE MURPHY “GENEVIEVE†50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN s ALASTAIR SIM also Musical Comedy In Technicolor in Technicolor with AND SONS ard Meade, Ken Pentchaff. Brian Maxwell, John Stanley. Rodney Goddard, Ford Battler, Bob Sanders. Bob Giles. David Moore Bruce Teetzel, Clayton Harrison, lGordon O’Hara. Ralph Mason. A with J. R. Herrington to discuss student insurance. Mr. Pollard pointed out that the Board felt that if all possible insurance should be provided. Kindergarten . In reply to an enquiry from the Kindergarten staff regard- ing accommodation for Kinder- garten after the O. M. MacKillop School opens, the Board agreed‘ that it would be'most convenient! to retain the kindergarten class- es at the present school until the end of the school year. The enâ€" quiry also asked what provisions would be made for transporting kindergarten pupils from the new school. The Trustees em- phasized that there was no deï¬n- ite policy on transporting kinâ€" dergarten pupils. Chairman Pol- lard said that with the opening [of the new school, it was hoped :that transportation costs could ‘be reduced by at least two- thirds. “I don't see why children from the May Avenue area can’t walk to school, particularly when there is a cinder path along the highway," said Trustee Mar- garet Southwell. “I still think we: will be obliged to provide transportation on Yonge Street,†replied Trustee Tinker. The Board instructed the sec- retary to write to Richmond Hill Council to request their signa- ture on the by-law for the new school in the Allan-Court Sub- division as soon as possible. Trustee Ross said that it was re- ported that a large number of permits had been issued for homes in the eastern subdivis- ions. “If this is the case,†he said, “we‘ll need to start on the new school as soon as possible in order to keep abreast of the ac- commodation situation.†IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY - YOUR CAR IS VITALLY IMPORTANTTO YOU â€"Phdto By lagerquist “am am Mom Ne sincerely believe that â€"T if you live in the country where service is important to your car â€" the signature of the dealer you buy from is probably the most important thing on your car. - Our business has been built on that ideal of good service and the best possible deal. KING,ONTARIO-TELEPHONE5O CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILEo FRIGIDAIRI THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thurs., Mar. 17, 1955 Store Fixtures Frames King Sideroad 1000 LOVELY NEW SPRING EATS M Save $1. on a hatover $5. . J. BARRACLOUGH MADELEINE MILLINERY and ACCESSORIES 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5406 2 Bus Stops Below City Limits Open 9 am. to 6.30 pm. - Friday to 9 pm. BLUE & GOLD _ Fancy Quality Peas, 15 oz. Size 2 for 33c SWEET TREET FANCY Sliced Pineapple, 20 oz. size . . . . . . 27c CATELLI SPAGHETTI & Macaroni, 16 oz. pkg. . . . . . . . . 2 for 29c Ingersoll Cheese’Slices, 8 oz. pkg. 25c Ivory Soap, personal size . . . . 4 for 25c WE FEATURE QUALITY MEATS RICHMOND HILL Builders! Home Owners! L 0 0 K ! I COMPLETE 200 GAL. TANK, ETC. Lincoln Oil Burners INSTALLED - 200 gal. Tank Controls - 1 year service £324 Hour Service to all other makeséï¬r' N0 DOWN PAYMENT 161 Norfolk Street, RICHMOND HILL Lincoln Oil-Fired Forced Air Units CUSTOM BUILDING Langstaï¬ HILLCBEST MABKETERIA YEARS TO PAY Lincoln Heating Sales BRUCE MOUNTJOY FURNACE SALE )5! l4 anytime with this ad 100’s of HANDBAGS, Gloves. Scarfs, Costume Jewellery We also carry Girls' Hats Kitchen Cabinets FREE DELIVERY Sash General Woodworking OAK RIDGES TU. 4-255. Estimates & References Gladly Furnished No Heat Interruption AV. 5-1867 $479.00 $265.00 TUrner 4-3203 BAldwin 1-6801 TUmer 4-1531 TU. 4-2550