Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1955, p. 6

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Maple 8: Surroundinq Districts “a "u r... -__ Mrs. "Morley Kifih'eeyreturned home from Wellesley Hospital. Toronto. The Women of the Lutheran Church. Sherwood. held an all day quilting bjze ip thg church i;v-'w"."",‘ n71 'l‘]1"t‘"fiv. Mal-~11 n. and all enjoyed a box luncheon at me noon nour. "cu :1qu v.....__ Please note change of date of the Well Baby and Pre-School Children Clinic. which is held in Maple Community Centre. The date will be Thurs ay, March 31. The doctor will be present also in April and May, when needles will be given. Parents’ Night The stall of the Maple Public School â€" R. Thompson, princi- pal, Miss Phyllis Beamer, Mrs. H. Lawson and Miss Elizabeth Jackson, held Parents’ Night re- cently when the work of the pu- pils was put on display. ,,,L.__‘_J Well Baby Clinic 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Mar. 17, 71795§ If you're a convertible fan you are, indeed, a man or a woman in a hundred. Convertibles in this country make up ju:t one percent of total production. They are comparatively rare, but for the small band of convertible addicts (and the much larger number who secretly wish they had a conver- tible) they are fun. Gormley, Ont cloth so the plastic surface won’t be scratched summer. have No need to use costly. time-consuming building materials when 'you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS â€" too. you’ll find its lower maintenance returns sub- Itantinl savings through the years. STANDARD SIZE UNITS The top itself should be brushed occasionally too. When you're pulling the top down, make absolutely sure mate's nothing in the box lhe lop folds in 10. It’s such a handy place for storing odds and ends. The plastic window, when the lop is ‘going down. should fold in one meal crease lo keep ii from cracking. Ever hear of a windshield that rolled right back into :he hood of the car? That’s one of a few screwball in- ventions we want 10 tell you about next week. The grandd:ddy of the present day convertible was '13 famous and handsome car 3113: is no longer with us. 3 Cord. Before ihe Cord converiibles were rumble-seat taads’rr: a: four-doc: sedans wiih drop tops. It was the 32?: Ika: iEiroduced the :ear quarter windows that pivct- :L‘. d: , incl She icp d;s:ppeazed complaielv into a racial- GORMLEY BLOCK CO. The Liberal is always willing to publish mmresm contributed by its readers in Maple and surround in Maple is Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple Maple 110R3. love a convertible, you're going to love one hout any advice from this end. And the fact is, we often some fine, well-cared-for convertibles on the lot that will you warm and snug in winner and open to the sun in Sherwood Socials Maple Socials .011 build your home quickly! . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE MEETS‘IILL A. 8.12". SPECIFICATIONS riibie owner now, or want to be some- the convertible part of the car needs The rear plastic window, if you have ‘ushed with a dry cloth. Dampen the LIMITED willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events lers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative ald Allen. telephone Maple 19J; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. He is survived by five sons. Leslie of Humber Summit, E1- ‘wood of Weston, Alvin of Wood- lbridge, and Russell and Earl of Funeral service was held Fri- day, March 11. in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church, Maple, for James Robb, 97, who died at his farm home Tuesday. Interment was in King City cemetery. One of the oldest residents of Vaughan township. Mr. Robb was born in King Creek district. He had lived in Vaughan town- ship 53 years. Last of a family of 13, he married Elizabeth Bal- lard 71 years ago. She predeceas- ed himin 1946. He often raced his own har- ness horses in competition. and until he was 94, he had never missed the Woodbridge fall fair in 75 years. As a young man, he was a noted baseball player and a renowned fiddler at country square dances. Vaughan TWp. Resident, James Robb, 97, Dies At Farm Home Phone Stoufi‘ville 381 W1 Parents were invited to inter- view the teachers and inspect the children's work in the early part of the evening. and later met together to hear an address by H. A. Halbert. Inspector of Public Schools. Warren Baillie, president of the Home and School Association presided and R. McWhirter, principal of the schol introduced the speaker. Maple; two daughters, Mrs. Roy Fisher, Weston, and Mrs. Leslie Baker. Richmond Hill; 18 grand- children. and 18 great-grand- children. The school cup was awarded to Elizabeth Coulter for her speecu on part of her sojourn in Pakis- tan and for her impromptu “One Dark Night". A combined Home and School meeting and Parents’ Night was held recently at Concofird school. Cub and Scout News Everyone was pleased to hear of the return from hospital of Mrs. John Cruickshank, in time for her anniversary on March 3. The Lee twins, Gordie and Gloria celebrated their first birthday recently with a party at their home. The lst Concord Cub and Scout Group is planning to hold a Father and Son banquet in the near future. , Birthday greetings are in or- der for Bobby Lee on March 16, Albert Leek on March 17, and Sharon Bell on March 21. again. The senior and junior choirs sang several selections under the direction of Miss Alan, Mus- ic Supervisor for the district. Recitations were given by the juniors and speeches by the in- termediates and seniors. The panel of judges for these consisted bf Mrs. Leaf of Union- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Crutcher of Thornhill. There had been previous eliminations by Mrs. Vizely. past president of Head- ford Home and School Associa- tion. and Miss Howard. The achievements in arts and crafts. and the pupils’ work and note books were judged by Mrs. Wellman and Mrs. Deverell, who found their job very diffi- cult on account of the excellence of the exhibits. Parents’ Night Home & School e.-.‘ Friday evening Headford School held its annual Oratorical and achievement night in the school. The Mothers’ Auxiliary is stag- ing a progressive euchre in the Edgeley Community Hall later this month. There will be manv good prizes and refreshments will be served. Tickets can be pur- chased now from the auxiliary members. We are sorry to report the ill- ness of ’Cille, wife of Herb Lee, w“ has had to enter hospital Mrs. John Martin con- ducted the devotional service assisted by Mrs. Bruce Lan- gille and Mrs. Phillip Mc- Farlane. Mrs. Martin pres- ented the second chapter of a study book by Bishop Wil- kinson. Plans were made to send a bale of clothing to “Old Sun" Indian school in A1- berta. The March meeting of St. Stephen's (Anglican) W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. C. R. Reeds, Friday ev- ening, March 11. The April meeting will be held on Friday evening, March 15 at the parish hall. Dinner was held with the immediate family and many friends called during the ev- ening to extend their con- gratulations. Many gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. On- in commemoration of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orr of Hope celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary Saturday, March 12. King High Drive Com-0rd RULIFF GRASS CONSTRUCTION HEADFORD NEWS April Meeting In Parish Hall Mrs. H. Acreman Correspondent: R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 35th Anniversary Concord Personals COMPANY LIMITED General Contractors Brick Laying & Masonry Tile Beds Septic Tanks ESTIMATES AND ADVICE BAldwin 1-4451 Maple Lions Visit Patient Pictured is Kjanke Van Huis with Reg. Rouse and John Neufeld presenting Kjanke with a doll at the Hospi- tal for Sick Children where she underwent a skin graft operation for severe burns to arm and ieg. More than 200 Service Clubs throughout the province combine each year to form the Ontario Society for Crip- pled Children who annually conduct the Easter Seal Cam- paign which this year runs until April 10 and has an ob- jective of $550,000. The centre of attraction is a young girl of Maple district who was nationally helped by the efforts of members of Maple Lions Club through donations for Easter Seals. Donations may be given to any member of Maple Lions. Secondary School Place For Agricultural Training-Forum When Edgeley Farm Forums discussed ’ “Education in Farm- ing," on March 7, members were concerned with‘ the questions of "How far should young people, planning to farm, go in school, what special agricultural train- ing is necessary for modern farming and is the high school the place for agricultural edu- cation?” 1. The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township “of Vaughan has constructed as a local im- provement a Watermain on Wayman Heights Blvd. from North limit of Woodbridge vil- lage to Gamble Street. 4. An adjourned court of re- vision will be held on the 28th day of March, 1955, at 2 p.m. o’clock at the Council Chambers in Maple for the purpose of hear- ing complaints against the pro- posed assessments or the accur- acy of frontage measurements and any other complaint {vhich persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cog~ nisable by the court. Rev. Cyril Leach, minister at Elia and Downsview United Churches has tendered his res- ignation and will be leaving the circuit at the end of June. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 2. The cost of the work is $2,634.79 of which Nil is to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.73. The special assessment is to be paid in 20 annual instl- ments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is 20 years. The March meeting of the W0- men’s Association of Elia Unit- ed Church was held at the home of Mrs. Cyril Leach, the parson- age, Downsview. Mrs. Thos. Bush presided and Mrs. Leach took the topic. Plans were made to hold a parcel post sale at the church on April 15. D. E. C O O K GENERAL CONTRACTOR Rev. Ross Hilliard of Flesher- ton will be guest preacher at the 11 am. service in Downsview United Church on Sunday, March 20. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Forum members believ‘e farm Domestic & Industrial OAK RIDGES TU. 4-307 5 Elia Socials Alterations J. M. MCDONALD Postal AddreSS Thornh ill Clerk There are many things to be learned from management. farm mechanics and all the skills that are needed for modern farming. \Special training in Economics is needed most, for successful mo- dern farming, the forum decided. Four-H Clubs help to develop in boys and girls a scientific atti- tude in agricultural practices. Agricultural Short Courses de- signed to give young people a practical education in up-to-date farming methods are highly use- ful for young farmers. youth should receive as much education as his finances will permit with high school training as the basic minimum necessary. With farming being a highly spe- cialized occupation, the need for the highest degree of agricultur- al training is desirable. Harold W. Morison Phone films: 4 -l722 RICHMOND HILL The Edgeley forum believes that the high school is the place for agricultural education. Here they could receive basic train- ing in the first one or two years along with their 4-H Club work. Automatically time controlled oven. Also minute minder. Extra large oven with exclusive heat seal â€"cool<s with the power OFF 75% of the time. Broiler. Service drawer Four surface elements â€" two 6-in. and two 8-in. Pilot lights. STANDARD MODEL Regular Prue ‘239” Discount '50‘" 5‘41! PR“? Regular Price Discount 5‘4“: PRIC! Deluxe Automatic (as illunrated) “We Stand BEEWEEn You and Loss” $279.00 50.“ $229.00 $139.95 Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson on the sudden passing of Harry's mother. Mrs. Geo. Thompson on Sunday. Mrfand Mrs. Frank Lewellyn of Thornhill spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Sider. We wish a speedy 'recovery for Mrs. Arthur Coffin. Mr. Harry Kruse spent several days in Seaforth where he at- tended his brother-in-Iaw’s fun- eral. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer spent Friday evening with her sister, Mrs. Sidney Tomlinson of Bowmanville. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Sheppard and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheppard had supper with Mrs. Sproule and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moorby. Messrs. John and Geo. Cob- er have returned from a motor trip to F1orida. The men of the Missionary Fellowship of the United Miss- ionary Church enjoyed a sup- per meeting at the Windmill at Oak Ridges on Thursday night. Rev. Oshawa was the guest spea- ken Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steckley have returned from their hon- eymoon in Florida. They have taken up residence in the apart- ment at the home of Bishop Al- vin Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Jacksie visited Mrs. Sproule and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moorby on Fri- day evening. Miss Arvilla Forrester had sup- per on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newns. Mrs. Marion Kelly spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Earl Cober of Fordwich. Friends will be sorry to learn Mrs. Cober has been confined to bed for sev~ eral weeks. The Jr. Sewing Circle of the U. M. Church met on Monday night at the home of Mrs. C. E. Hunking. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Moses and girls visited on Sunday with Mrs. Moses of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knappett of Keswick and Rev. and Mrs. Newman of Harriston had Mon- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer. Sunday callers for Jos. Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sayers and family of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones and Linda of Unionville, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coupland of Toronto. Mr. add Mrs. C. E. Steckley had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Davies of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harman are holidaying in Florida. Mrs. George Leary had sup- per on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service Kenneth H. Doyle RICHVALE, ONT. AV. 5-2067 Sanitary Contractor Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted Phone Stoufiville 67104 General Insurance 83 Westwood Lane C. STUNDEN GORMLEY 24 in. size EM. 6-9628 TUrner 4-2612 RealEstateAppointments Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workmanship at Reasonable Prices REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS Specializing in Ignition Work. Electric 8.: Acetylene Welding TUNE-UPS 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE STOP 24 A YONGE ST., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1242 “Mr. and Mrs. Pearson are well known as out- standing equgstrians, and are therefore well ,,:L_L1_ ~-&L:u~~ PA“ qualifiea to 1 horse lovers." An Open Letter James P. Sterne, Realtor, takes great pleasure in announcing the appointments of William and Carol Pearson as NORTH YORK REPRE- SENTATIVES serving KING, AURORA, BAYVIEW, RICHMOND HILL, NEWMAR- KET and surrounding areas. Consult them without obligation regarding their excellent selection of exclusive listings in “affine ’range. FARMS, ESTATE SITES, TOWN HOUSES and BUSINESS PROPERTIES. To Owners of Power Lawn Mowers, Garden Tractors & Air Cooled Engines MARIO CATENARO CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR We hope that you are looking forward to a Spring and Summer of comfort and enjoyment -â€" in which your Lawn and Garden Machines will contribute greatly to your leisure and your pleasure., You can ensure this â€"- and ensure having them ready to work When you need them most, by arrang- ing NOW BEFORE SPRING (and the backlog of procrastinators!) SPRINGS! to enlist our Factory Approved Service (Briggs & Stratton. Clinton. Pow- er Products, Toro, Choremaster, Reo, Rotavator, Springfield, Lauson & others). Trained Mechanics. Original Service Parts, Special Factory Tools â€"- to But every machine that Works, WEARS; and per- iodically requires some Expert Attention â€" adjust- ing; decarbonising; cleaning; lubricating; sharpen- ing; worn, broken, or lost parts replaced; general overhaul; to assure its longer life and proper effic- Jency. ULASLIHIL LJCAVALC LGALa, Uyfl-unu; LubVUlly give you the TROUBLE-FREE SEASON féfigwiAN‘I‘ TO ENJOY. ' If it call us BUT Yonge St., 2 Miles North of Richmond Hill (Where the Big Snowman is!) Phone TUmer 4-1124 is not convenient for you to bring them in. for our pickup and delivery. DON’T LET IT WAIT - CALL US NOW! Yours very faithfully, Egnleéâ€"t'éflrhorst suitable settings for FRANK’S GARAGE 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND HILL Tclephone an-ytime _at PArkview 1-5243 3rd Con. W., KING, 8 miles North of Eaton Hall Listings Invited James P. Sterne, Realtor

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