Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1955, p. 12

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12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hi1]~ Thurs., April 14, 1955 IF YOU NEED IT WE CAN BUILD IT 216 Essex Ave. Telephone TU. 4-1650 CANADA'S “8665!, M05! RECOMMENDED CONSUMER FINANCE MMPANY » ,ousnlom FINANCE Builders! Home Owners! L 0 0 K ! .' Lincoln Oil Burners INSTALLED - 200 gal. Tank Controls - 1 year service 72(24 Hour Service to all other makesflz N0 DOWN PAYMENT 3 YEARS TO PAY No Heat Interruption COMPLETE 200 CAL. TANK, ETC. 161 Norfolk Street, RICHMOND HILL Linéoln Oil-Fired Forced Air Units Would m lend families like this $190,000,000? NEW WORK â€"‘ALTERATIONS â€"‘ REPAIRS Their weekly take-home pay is about 560. Like millions of others. they do not have assets to tide them over a money emergency. Y'et last year Household Finance Corporation of Canada lent over $190,000,000 to fami- lies like this. We provide small sums of money for emergencies and opportunities and require no bankable security. Often Household Finance and other consumer finance com- panies are the average family‘s only source of prompt money help. Today more families bon‘ow from (on- sumer finance companies than from all other forms of consumer credit companies combined. In 1959, HFC operated 15 branch offices, serving 57,000 customers. During 1954, over 607,000 customers bor- rowed from over 170 offices. Today Household Finance, and the consumer loan industry, offer the best solution to the money problems of the average family. Lincoln Heating Sales TURNEB’S WELDING SERVICE FURNACE SALE ROGER PRUULX Gov. Certified Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erection & Repairs to Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breechings, etc .ru "An PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given CALL ANY TIME 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill 'if’YOU BREAK 11' WE CAN WELD IT $479.00 $265.00 TUrner 4-3203 BAldwin 1-6801 TUmer 4-1591 0F HOLSTEIN HERD Registered - Grade - Vaccinated TRACTOR - IMPLEMENTS New McCormick-Deering Tractor Threshing Machine. Tractor Spreader and Binder (all nearly new), Horses. Furniture. etc. The property of FRED CURTIS Lot 9, Con. 4. King Township 1 mile north of King City WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 Reg. Cattle Peggy Supreme Texal, born Oct. 30, ’50. milking. bred Dec. 30. ’54 to Seiling Sovereign Ach- illes Winnie Jane Texal. born Dec. 4 ’54, milking, good, bred Feb. 24 ’55 to Locust Brae Abbe- kerk Supreme Bertha Winnie Texal. born Dec. 1 '48. milking. bred Oct. 22 '54 to Seiling Sovereign Achilles Jane Royal Texal. born Sept. 26 ‘53. bred March 25 ‘55 to Seil- ing Sovereign Achilles Donne Achilles Texal. born Aug. 27 '54 (open) Bessie Supreme Royal. born Nov. 5 '54 Dairy Equipment ‘ 2 Single Stainless Stee1_Chore Boy Milker Units (good) One-third h.p. Electric Motor Solution Rack Milk Strainer Strainer Fail 3 Milk Pails Mqâ€"Deering Power Cream Sep- arator Mofiat Electropail Harness Set Double Breeching Harness 4 Horse Collars Set Back Band Harness Horses Grey Mare (good) Gray Gelding Miscellaneous 100’ Endless Thresher Belt (like new) 80 Rods Snow Fence Number steel posts 100 gal. steel drum 200 gals. Gas Tank & Pump Number New Chain Ties for cat- tle Large Galvanized Water Trough (good) Small steel water trough Dinner Bell (antique) Number Drums 5 Gals. (1 gal tins) No. 20 Motor Oil, H.D. 4 New Sling Ropes Coal Brooder Hay Fork Crosscut Saw ' Tractor Sparkplug air pump Set Stewart Electric Clippers Electric Fencer good) 2 New Oil Filters Step Ladder Logging Chains Electric Broader. 500 chick size 3 Piles Dry Hardwood (cut stove length) Number Chick Feed Troughs Number Chick Water Fountains Grain - Potatoes Approx. 50 bus. Cornell Wheat Approx 300 bus. Mixed Grain 25_bags _Canso Potatoes bought for seed Grade Cattle Holstein Heii Holstein Co“ Holstein Co“ Holstein Co“ Holstein Covs Holstein Co“ 27 ’54 A Holstein l Guernsey 24 Holstein Cow, milking. March 17 Hal‘tein Cow. milking. Oct. 22 Holstein Cow, milking, Nov. 8 Holstein Cow, milking. bre March' Guernsey 14 Guernsey Dec. 21 Implements Mc-Deering W-6 Super Tractor, equipped with starter and lights, pulley, P.T.O., straight- ening bars, swinging drawbar, hydraulic (1 year old) Threshing Machine, Geo. White No. 6. equipped with grain thrower, straw shredder. chaff- blower (new) M-H TractOr Manure Spreader (nearly new) Mc-Deering Grain Binder 7-0. equipped with bundle carrier, oil bath ,tractor hitch (nearly new). (If you need a binder be sure to see it.) Niagara Potato Duster, power. 6- row boom (nearly new) Aspinwall Potato Planter, equip- ped with fertilizer attachment (good) M-H Potato Digger. equipped with tractor hitch and exten- sion continuous elevator (near- ly new) Mc-Deering 3F Tractor Plow with notched RC. and jointers ace bases (good) Mc-Deering Side Delivery Rake, 3 yrs. old (good) M-H Fertilizer Grain Drill, grass seeder, foot boards, equipped with power lift (good condition Robey 19-tooth Hy. Spring-tooth Cultivator, on rubber, tractor hitch ) Deering Mower, 6-0 (nearly new) Oliver Double Disc Tractor Bob Sleigh Mc-Deering Dump Rake 10-0 Set Oliver Lever Harrows 4 Section Smoothing Harrows 3-sec. Smoothing Harrows 2-Wheel Tractor Trailer Steel Wheel Wagon 3â€"Drum Land Roller Steel Wheel Trucks Furniture 16 Dining Room Chairs 3 Rocking Chairs Cellar Table Bedroom Suite ’- Large Walnut Wardrobe with two mirrors on doors mew» Wash Stand Studio Couch Gate Leg Table Small Table 9x12 Rug Bed. spring and mattress Medium size Cook Stove with reservoir and warming closet Igoodi Scales. 240 lbs. 5 gal. crock Number of Pictures Number Good Jars Quantity Odd Dishes Forks. Shovels, Brooms, many other articles too numerous to mention NOTE â€" This is a good herd of Cattle and an exceptionally good tractor and tractor im- plements. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Sale starts at 12.30 p.m. Refreshment Booth on grounds. M. A. Wil AUCTION SALE Clerks Auctioneers SEELERS_ & _A'I}(INSON. Phone Stoufivflls 368 IMPORTANT Heifer, due time of sale Cow, dry, due April 27 Cow, fresh March 12 Cow, fresh March 10 Cow, fresh March 2 Cow, milking, bred Jan. Cow, milking, bred Oct Heifer. 6 mos. old '7 Cow, milking, bred Cow, dry, bred Dec Cow. milking. bred SOD Jack Waikington bred bred bred The Easter Service at Carr- ville United Church was well at- tended on Sunday. There was a presentation of Bibles and cer- tificates to Bob Hudson, Lynn Morris, Beverley and Jim Bush. ell who joined the church on Palm Sunday.- John Oliver'was soloist at the service. The sermon topic was The Words from the Cross. The April meeting of the Carrville Woman‘s Association was held at the home of Mrs. A. Read on April 6 at noon when 20 people sat down to a pot luck luncheon. At 2 pm. Mrs. Baker. the president. presided at a short meeting and Miss Mary Read was organist. The theme of the meeting was The Resurrec- tion and The Life. The meeting opened with the W.A. chorus. Joanne Duncan who was nine years old on April 4. celebrated her birthday on the previous Saturday. Children who enjoyed the celebrations were Susie and Jane Sluse, Guy Wainwright, David Davenport. Buster Allen, Johnny Duncan, Susanne Austin, Margaret West and Jean Pottier. Personals 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Costoff and children, Adele, and Ronald, proprietors of Yongehurst Gro- ceteria and Post Office have purchaséd a new home. Mr. and Mrs. Mortson of May Ave, are now living in the quarters re- cently occupied by the Costoffs. Mrs. Middleton read the scripture and the explanation. Mrs. Barton gave a reading on the “Three Crosses. Mrs. Baker announced that the members are inivted to a meeting _at Thorn- Mrs. Harvey and her daughter and family formerly of Yonge- hurst Rd.. have moved to Lake Wilcox to their renovated home which was made inhabitable by Hurricane Hazel. Jimmy Ainley of Toronto is spending his Easter holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ainley of Yongehurst Rd. Deepest sympathy is. extended to Mr. and Mrs. Boss and Judy of Yongehurst Ed, on the death of 11-year-old Lloyd Lloyd, who passed away very suddenly Sat- urday, April 9, in the Sick Chil- dren‘s Hospital. The funeral took place at 2 pm. Tuesday, April 12, with interment in York Cem- etery, Willowdale. The service was conducted from Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill.- Mr. and Mrs. A. Speedie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. C. Fowler of Mill Rd. were among the guests attend,- ing the 70th birthday celebration of Walter Speedie of Brace- bridge. Over 200 guests attended the party, held at the Lilac Inn, Bracebridge. on April 9. Cancer Drive Mr. and Mrs. W. McLaughlin of Toronto spent Sunday visit- ing Mrs. M. Holmes and Frank Sinclair of Yongehurst Rd. 70th Birthday The Cancer Drive is now in full swing and the community is responding very well to htis ap- peal. Mrs. F. Titshall of May Ave. is the Captain of this area and Mrs. W. Adams Sr. one of the canvassers. Home & School Richvale Home and School will meet on April 20 in the school at 8 p.m. with an inter- esting program planned for the evening. Hugh Martin. music supervisor. will attend with his group. and Mrs. Buckley, school nurse will speak on the Polio Vaccine. Prizes will be awarded for the bird houses made by the stud- ents. followed by an open forum when the teachers will answer questions asked by parents. Each year more and more people are learning that the best method of cultivation Phone Bolton 2275 or TU. 4-1124 (Stan Troyer) (Rotovation Specialists) NOBLETON TOM BALDIN G & SONS is ROTAVATING â€" Be Up To Date Rotavate Try it for yourself CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Phone TU. 4-2617 CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 13033 hill on April 12 when the W.M. S. of Thornhill United Church helds a Thankofiering meeting. Dr. Winnifred Bryce will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Wood was authorized to buy two Easter Lilies for the church on Easter Sunday and then to be sent to shutins. by the Social Convener, Mrs. E J ner commltlee. W.A.. Mrs. D. bone and Miss E. McCarthy and Mrs. Barnard. a niece of Mrs. Read. It is ex. pected the May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Williams. Mrs. Bone and Mrs. Middleton are the social con- venors and devotional convenors are Mrs. Read. scripture lesson and Mrs. Wood a paper. Miss Mary Read served lunch following the meeting. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Clarence .Read of Stoufi- ville, a former member of the Mr. Lee and Eddy Armitage of Orillia visited at the BC“t Middleton’s on Friday afternoon and all had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash, Edgeley. Trip To Zoo Easter Monday. Mr. Farquhar- son of Gormley, and Sunday School teacher at the Zion Church. Steeles Ave.. picked up his pupils on Mill Rd.. and trans- ported them to the 2nd Baptist Church at Markham where they enjoyed an Easter Service. They were served lunch at the farm home of Mr. Farquharson. In the afternoon they enjoyed a trip to Riveraale Zoo, arriving home in the earlyqevening. Doug- las, Lynda and Cynthia Speedy. Jim, Stephen and Susie Fowler, Margaret and Hunter Wight, Bob Giles, Janice. Rachel, Danny and Jerrett Farquharson attended. D. E. C O O K GENERAL CONTRACTOR RICHMQND HILL, Ontario Pnfre'Jnngr‘fc “76” he gnrvnd 5‘! THE SPECIAL SHOWINGS, SPECIAL VALUES DURING CAR CARNIVAL MONTH Domestic & Industrial OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 Eye it... try it! You’ll find a new measure of value in the daring new Alterations The United Church at Thorn- hill was the setting for the Christening on Easter Sunday of Christine Lynne Ness Curtis. youngster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis of Green Lane. Rev. Kent officiated at the cere- mony. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and son from Acton visited at. the home of Mrs. Jordan‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gribble on Easter Sunday. The Doncrest Ladies Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. F. Montgomery on Wednesday afternoon Winners were Mrs. P. Warwick and Mrs. Chas. Crammer. The regular monthly meeting School Association will be held of the Thornlea Home and in Thornlea School on April 20 at 8.30 o'clock. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson who recently celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary. WILLIAM NEAL Come and join the crowds! Personals A. E. F. WRIGHT Real Estate SI’ECIALIZING IN Suburban & Country Properties WHEN BUYING 0R SELLING Call BA. 1-4343 or AV. 5-1902 THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Hall’s Domestic Fuel Oils Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters for your protection. RICHMOND HILL 01L BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE Look at the new Dodge Sportone styling! This dramatic panel along the side and rear fender is the fashion hit of the year. It provides a long, low sweep of contrasting colour that' emphasizes the big-car appearance of the ’55 Dodge. It’s. the biggest car in the low-price fieldâ€"actually one foot longer than its largewt selling competitor! And look at the new Dodge lines! They’re long and low for the sleek silhouette that spells "high style.” Look at the new Dodge colours! You can take your pick from a rainbow of smart shades, including fresh, new coloursâ€"just introduced for spring. A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates AV. 5-1682 Tenders must he on standard form which can be obtained at the office of the undersigned where plans and specifications are also available. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- Special Prices On Commercial Work Over 25 years experience in the 'Better Shops in Toronto Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will he received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, April 25th. 1955. for the construction of approximately 4185 lineal feet of open ditch and the supply and installation of culverts as required under the “Road 16 â€" Bayview Avenue” drainage scheme. ed. (. SMITH UPHOLSTERING TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Tenders For Drainage Work Now Open For Business Mflfif Engineer and Road Superintendent, Township of Markham. R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. AT YOUR DODGE-DESOTO DEALER'SI PHONE TU. 4-2061 J. A. HOWARD_ P. Eng., 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 5 Year Guarantee (Including materials)

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