Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1955, p. 2

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I THE LIBERAL. Richmond m, Thurs? April 14, 1955 To improve a practice it is first necessary to know as much as possible about it. but securing that knowledge is just the first step in the process. The second step is to disseminate the know- ledge to those who can use it. This may sound elementary. but actually it is difficult. Talking. writing, and the use of visual aids and demon- strations, are all techniques which are used for the dissemination of know- ledge but unless the learner is inter- ested these may not be successful. There is an old saying to the effect that if you wish to train a dog the first requirement is that you must know more than the dog. Ho wever. the prob- lem is more complex than that â€" as any dog trainer knows. Given adequate knowledge; the means to Ilisseminate that knowledge and learnel 3 who are sufficiently inter- ested to amimilate it, there is; still one The rapid growth of our public bodies, both municipal councils and school boards throughout the areas ad- jacent to Metropolitan Toronto has been marked by a subsequent increase in the number and authority of Administra- tive officials. Naturally the increase in legislative responsibilities has nec- essitated the delegation of more of the routine work to those administrative ofi‘icials.‘ The broad lines of general policy still remain with the people's el- ected representatives. Although satisfactory in theory this overall division of powers some- times proves unacceptable in actual practice. In most cases our democratic leg- islators are very jealous of their res- ponsibilities and position, as the direct The question to be faced by a local body is how far should this division be permitted to extend. Where is the line to be drawn? Another amendment authorizes the payment of retirement allowances to municipal employees based on length of service in any municipality defined in the Municipal Affairs Act. At pres« ent, retirement allowance can only be granted for service in the municipality wanting the allowance. Previously the afivance poll was restricted to persons whose employment required that they be absent on elec- tion day. The authority to vote at advance polls is extended to cover any person who expects to be absent from the municipality on the day of polling and covers an election officer who will be working elsewhere than in the poll in which he is entitled to vote on election day. The bill clarified procedures dealing with biennial elections and the stag- gered system of elections. Legislhtion extending advance polling privileges to all voters who ex- pect to be away from their home muni- cipalities on an election day is among 57 revisions and amendments to the On- tario Municipal ‘Act recently in- troduced into the Ontario legislature. Municipal Councillors in both Markham and Vaughan Townships have expressed alarm at sewerage waste being dumped in the area and Markham Council has already ordered one haulage company to cease dumping domestic waste on a second concession farm. Vaughan Councillors have (lir- ected that complaints regarding the waste disposal in the township should In a recent report to the York County Health Unit. Dr. Robert M. King, director of the unit, warned those present that a major sanitation problem was arising in the County. Dr. King said that the increasing num- ber of subdivisions depending on septic tank disposals was creating an acute problem. “The necessity for cleaning out septic tanks has resulted in the de- velopment of a thriving trade of pump- ing and hauling septic tank waste”, he said. CONSULT US FOR YOUR. . . JOB PRINTING REQUIREMENTS Fine Workmanship â€" Reasonable Prices “The Liberal” - TU. 4-1261 A section has been added allowing Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Increase In .Administration Authority Changes In The Municipal Act Editor Making Use 0‘ Knowledge An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 0U): liberal Meet Problem Now In this respect none of us are different from' other folks. Someone is reported to have said, “If I farmed half as well as I know how I would be farm- ing twice as well as I am.” Nearly all of us could make a similar statement about ourselves and our work and not be far from the truth. Few, if any, are taking advantage of all available information for the improvement of life and work. Getting knowledge, disseminating knowledge, assimilating knowledge and putting knowledge to work: these are all important â€" and the latter is probably the most difficult to achieve. important requirement before practice is influenced. Sometimes this is the greatest problem of all: it is to create the desire for improvement to such a. degree of intensity that something will be done about it. It is the duty of an enlightened public opinion to continually follow the activities and accomplishments of their elected representatives. Public apathy and a lack of interest in the execution of public business can only result in more and more of the powers of govern. ment being vested in the administra- tive officials and less and less in the el- ected representatives. The maximum penalty for viola- tion of a municipal by-law is raised from $50 to $300 at discretion of the municipal government. If the elected, representatives either through a lack of knowledge or misunderstanding fail to exercise their prerogatives, then the adminis- trative officials may very well find themselves making policy decisions. representatives of the people. However, there is a tendency in some quarters to shift more than a routine responsibility over to the ,ad- ministrative officials. This shift of additional responsibility is the result of varying factors depending on the in- dividuals concerned. The bill provides the maximum that a city, town, village, county or township may spend in a year toward entertainment of distinguished guests, celebrations or travelling expenses for persons on municipal business. The maximum is $50,000 for mun- icipalities with not less than 500,000 and the minimum $1,000 for those with populations less than 10,000. One amendment giVes authority to a municipality for setting up a parking authority to operate and manage park~ ing facilities. . Another new section permits n‘iun- icipalities, without consent of electors to borrow money for purchase of land for flood control, parking lots, indusc trial sites, civil defence purposes, pri- mary schools, public libraries and parks set up under agreement with another municipality. the use of composite ballots in munici- pal votes. The composite ballots may carry the names of candidates for coun- cil, board of education, public utilities commission or any other elected muni- cipal body and any question or by-Jaw. Dr. King’s recommendation should provide the impetus for immediate ac- tion on the part of municipal councils to provide suitable dumping facilities for large quantities of the waste from other municipalities and from outside truckers. Only immediate action on this question will prevent what now is only starting from becoming a serious health menace to the entire area. Random dumping of such domestic waste in any municipality or commun- ity is detrimental from both a sociolog- ical and health standpoint but unless municipalities prepare legislation to meet such a problem. indiscriminate waste disposal will continue and with the growth of the Metropolitan area and the fringe municipalities will rap- idly increase. be referred to the Health Unit until fur- ther study of the problem is made. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor /M!MIII‘ UDIT :UREAU ‘IRCULATIORS 'Not so much soop.’ Just get me clean, I don’t want to be a movie star." Garfield Yerex of Elgihritiills is the Whippet and Willys- Knight dealer in this district. Inspector W. W. A. Trench, W. Scott. Miss F. M. Brown. Miss Webb. Miss Corner and Miss Haggerty attended the York County Teachers' annual banquet at the Prince George Hotel in Toronto. FEBRUARY 12. 1948 Hydro manager Duncan Chamney is entering his 25m year as manager of the local hydro office. Excerpts from the files of The Lihetll Home paper of she Richmond am dish-lot since 1878 JANUARY 31. I929 The three members appoint- ed to an Industrial Commi sion for Richmond Hill at an ex cu- tive meeting of the Board of Trade were: Wm. Davis, presi« dent of the Board of Trade, ex- Reeve T. H. Trench and Wil- fred Thompson, president of the Ratepayers' Association. The Roman Catholic gation has organized 3 ate School Board whic to erect a school as possible. Members of t ly elected board are Maginn, Mrs. Ned Hill Dubois, Theo Van Wé and Russell Fox. Sidney Dark, English writer, says: “The rea- son there are so many discon- tented and unhappy people is because they lack a sense of proportion." They take little things too seriously and exag- gerate trifles. If they could only laugh at themselves their worries would vanish. I know a man who is a good deal in the public eye. Frequently his pic- ture was in the newspapers and the references generally flattering. One day I asked him how he kept humble. This was his reply “My dear wife keeps me humble. If publicity goes to my head she under- takes to flatten me out. When she has had her say I am as flat as a pancake.” a well-known people as: “half-baked." If you put a five-cent piece close to the eye it will shut out the sun. It would take billions and billions of nickles to equal the sun, but it can block out ev- erything because it is so close. That is what Paul meant when he wrote: “Demas hath for- saken me, having loved this present world." That is the trouble with material things. they are so present, appear so real. It is hard to know what is im- portant; to keep a sense of proâ€" portion. A lady once brought an ambitious lad to the painter Joshua Reynolds. She said: “I thought my boy might do some little things to your pictures, But it is in relation to con- duct that we get lop-sided. A dying man was going over his virtues. He said that never once in a longllfe. had be for- gotten his umbrella. He must have been a fussy man. I know a minister who asked his wife if she noticed any dif- ference in his sermons. She replied: "Yes. some are worse than others." But what about the man who isn‘t married. or worse still. the man whose wife flatter: him and thus pours oil on the flames? Disraeli's wife often said in public that he was the handsomest man alive. There is a quaint passage in the Bible which runs: “Ephri- am is a cake not turned." That is a reference to the manner of baking in the East. Sometimes a ‘cake got overdone on one side. neglected on the other. That is why we refer to some As a new resident of Rich- mond Hill I would like to as- sure your correspondent, “An Unhappy Neighbour", that I thoroughly agree with him reâ€" garding the necessity of doing something about dogs running at large. I have been a dog breeder, exhibitor and an offic- ial of a breed organization and am still very fond of dogs. but that does not mean that I do not think that dogs are unmiti- gated nuisance and dangerous. if allowed to run uncontrolled through the streets. In my section of the village I can alâ€" ways count at least half a doz- en dogs, both large and small. running around scaring the wits out of children, women and delivery men, tearing after cars, messing on lawns. upset‘ ting garbage pails, etc., etc. This situation can be and should be controlled. If our Town Council has no idea of how to solve the problem I suggest'that they contact the neighbouring village of Stouff- ville and enquire how it is handled so efficiently there. Yours truly. "Fair Play" Re: Dog Situation Dear Mr. Editor: Dear Mister Editor When c}: ay Ba Copyright 9909, in VM New” Tribune kt JOSEPHINE The Roman Catholic congre- gation has organized a Separ- ate School Board which plans to erect a school as soon as possible. Members of the new- ly elected board are Rev. 1". Maginn, Mrs. Ned Hill. Paul Dubois, Theo Van Wisringen, and Russell Fox. York County Council has vot- ed in favour of erecting a $357.- 800. county office building on Adelaide Street, Toronto. Markham Township Council has adopted the card system of asSessments. It is expected that the changeover will take about two years to complete. Last Friday, the Literary So- ciety of Richmond Hill High School presented an engraved silver tray tn former principal James Stewart. It seems to me that is the chief value of public worship. It isn't so much what we hear from the pulpit~that counts but rather that by quiet and rever- ent meditation we may get hold of ourselves. These are busy imes and we imagine we must urry. Some people get mad if they lose one turn of a revolving door. When a motor- ist passes me at seventy-five miles an hour, I wonder if what he is doing is so very important. Perhaps when he gets there he will hang around doing no- thing. Yes. a sense of proportion is necessary. The first time Ten- nyson saw stars through a tel- ecope, he said. "Perhaps our leading families are not so im- portant after all." It is hard to know what is im- portant; to keep a sense of proâ€" portion. A lady once brought an ambitious lad to the painter Joshua Reynolds. She said: “I thought my boy might do some little things to your picturev, like painting the background! Reynolds replied: “Anyone who can paint my background, can paint the whole picture." In Spring, gardens are parti- cularly vulnerable. Iwould suggest that the Dog By-Law be made effective not for the whole year. but for spring and early summer only. With this modification dog owners who now pay no attention whatso- ever to the regulations might observe the local by-law that dogs must not run at large. Gardener For small dogs I would make some allowance as they do lit- tle if any damage. But some of the great romping canines which tear about Richmond Hill are more damaging than wild horses or a herd of Buf- falo. However at this time of year I think in the first place those who own dogs should be suf- ficiently concerned about their responsibility to keep dogs tied up, and secondly that if at no other season, at least in spring the authorities should enforce the by-law. ‘ I am one person who sympa- thizes with the authorities res- ponsible for enforcing regulaâ€" tions regarding dogs running at large, and I hesitate to be crit- ical. Dear Editor â€" Objects To Big Dogs Running At Large Eiâ€"c'm'ond Hill. ontario 3 DAYS MON., TUES., WED.~â€"APRIL 18, 19, 20 Telephone 'l‘Urner 4-1212 FRIDAY, SATURDAY~APRIL 15, 16 Richmond 1 2 SHOWS DAILY 7-9 pm. Saturdays & Holidays -â€" 6 p.m. HEY KIDS! FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2 PJ Special Matinee ALL CARTOON SHOW BUGS BUNNY REVUE and Special Comedies

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