Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1955, p. 4

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Thornhill And District N eWs -. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Hill have returned to their home on Deanâ€" bank Drive after a six-months holiday in Florida. “iv-[Kwafld Mrs. G. E. L'Aventux‘e of Centre St. spent Easter week- end in New York City. Heifi'yiLak of Green Lane spent Easter} in IDgtroit. ‘IVAL_4.. fiéfiétrt and Lady Watsonâ€" Watt have moved into their new home on Colborne St. United Church News” The Evening Auxiliary mt at the home of Mrs. R. E. Fugler on Colborne St. last Tuesday even- ing. A Group Discussion on the study book on India was led by Mrs. J. R. Elliott assisted by Mrs. L. G. Blackett and Mrs. D. Mc- Rae. The hostesses for the even- ing were Mrs D. Glllles and Mrs. L. Denby. TELEPHONE AV. 5-1338 The Women’s Association met on Thursday, April 7. in the Church Hall. The subject of the devotional period was "The Resâ€" urrection and the Life” conduct- ed by Miss Boyie and Miss Bax- ter. Mrs. H. LeMasurier was the soloist and hostesses were Mrs. R. Whatley and Mrs. C. Thompson. Fifty dollars, proceeds from the recent tea and bake sale was set aside for Homes for Senior Citizens. An appeal for good us- ed clothing is being sent out. This clothing is for the needy in Europe and all items shouqld be left at the Nursery between Ap- ril 10 and 15. Layettes and can- ned goods are to be solicited for the Fred Victor Mission in the near future. A Friendship Tea is being planned sometime in June. Ten New Member- “Up from the Grave He Rose" was the theme of the morning service at Thornhill Baptist Church on Easter Sunday. The Children's Choir sang two an- thems. 'At Easter Time" and “Golden Harps are Sounding". The Senior choir sang "God so Loved the World.” At the Communion Service which followed ten new members received the hand of fellowship. Of these. five had been baptized the previous Sunday at Spring Garden Baptist Church. At the conclusioln of the Communion Service the Communion Table. the cloths and the offering plates presented by Park Rd. Baptist Church were dedicated by Rev. W. H. Moore. Cancer ranks second among the chief causes of death in On- tario for all ages. We also make RAILINGS â€" inside & out Can-ville Rd. & Yonge St. Richvale Iron Works Budget Plan VISIT OUR SHOWROOM SAVE 50% ORNAMENTAL IRON FURNITURE SEPTIC TANKS rum” and cuuzn Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service BA. 1-8000 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thurs.,m Thomhill District Lions Club INSIDE & OUT Farmers’ Market Thomhill EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 8 RM. Every Wednesday night, for all women attending Bingo. Lovely Colonial pattern. 10c service charge. FRANK PASSER B-I-N-G-O SPECIAL DRAWS JACKPOT LAST WEEK . $350 DINNERWHRE R. R. l Willowdale Mrs. William Thompson, Elgin Mills_ is shown in the picture above selling a loaf of her homemade bread which helps to attract an increasing number of customers every Saturday to York Farmers’ Market, Yonge Street, Thorn- hil]. Reaching for his purchase is E. S. Byers, 23 South Drive, Toronto. â€" photo by lagerquist Different traditions and differ- ent customs merged into a sig- nificant whole when the clergy and congregations of the Prot- testant churches in Thornhill met and worshipped together in the Anglican Church on the night of Good Friday. Part of the service was taken from the Anglican Book of Com- mon Prayer and part taken ac- cording to the tradition of the other churches. The Rector, Rev. S. A. R. Wood, officiated. One of the purposes of this ser- vice was the realization that in spite of differing traditions, and even in some cases differing viewpoints, there is still an es- sential oneness. Protestant Churches Join In Worship At Easter “There is a green hill far away," was the opening hymn, sung as a prayer, kneeling. The Rev. E. E. Kent of the United Church read the Scripture les- son from Isaiah, the Rev. Percy Buck of the Baptist Church read 58 NUMBERS CALLED A wild swan was seen by several people swimming in the marsh in the Thornbank Subdivision on the morning of April 11. For many seasons this pond has been a bird sanc- tuary and it is a mecca for local bird watchers. Families of wild ducks live there through spring and summer as well as other species of birds native to the region. Busy Time At Market The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thomhill in Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner. In order that your items may appear in The Liberal sim- ply phone AV. 5-1338. Sight White Swan MA. 1313 the scripture lesson from St. Luke and the Rev. C. H. Cham- bers of the Presbyterian Church took the prayers. The Very Rev. Dr. George Pidgeon, first Moderator of the United Church of Canada. prea- ched the sermon. His text was “Sirs. we would see Jesus,” tak- en from the 12th Chapter of John. There were stupendous spiritual issues involved in the death of Christ, Dr. Pidgeon stated. All through His trial and crucifixion, He was carrying out His law of love as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount. “Love your enemies. Do good to them that hate you.” How can we do likewise? And the Answer â€"- only when your object is the sal- vation of the man who has in- jured you. The burden and the responsibility of evil lies with the man who has sinned against you. The liar and the sinner is wholly responsible for his acts. But love is often the influence that reaches his heart. On Good Friday we celebrate Jesus fulfil- lment of the law of love. The May meeting will be de- voted to White Cross work and preparations will be made for the visit of the Baptist Choral Society on May 18. Everyone is invited and everyone is asked to keep this date open and to come and enjoy an evening of music and' song. The service drew to its close with the recessional singing of The regular monthly meeting of Thornhill Baptist Mission Cir- cle was held last Wednesday at which Mrs. P. Buck presided. The Devotional period was led by Mrs. H. Ellam and was followed by a world-wide news cast by Mrs. W. Smook. Miss Stevens spoke on Angola and touched briefly on the distress- ing conditions of the negroes in South Africa urging everyone to remember them in prayer. The members brought dime cards for their thankotfering and it is hoped the missionary allotment will be exceeded. The soloist for the evening was Mrs. C. Bow- yer. HopeTo Exceed Mission Quota Rock of Ages”. LOTS OF FUN Thornhill and District Horti- cultural Society will hold its Ap- ril meeting on the 19th at 8 p. m. in the United Church Sunday School Hall. The speaker will be W. R. Aimers, Agronomist with F. Manley and Sons. The proposal to establish a new Fire Area to provide fire protection for Thornhill and surrounding district was discus- sed at a meeting held last Wed- nesday evening. In attendance were members of the Trustee Board of Thornhill Police Vill- age. Reeve Marshall McMurchy of Vaughan Township and Maple Fire Chief George Bailey. Dav- id Lowe of the Provincial Fire Marshal‘s office also attended and outlined the procedure ne- cessary for setting up of a fire area in tic-operating municipal- ities. W. R. Aimers Guest Speaker Mr. Aimers is a graduate of Ontario Agricultural College, and studied lawn construction in the United States. He has built and maintained golf courses in Canada, the United States and South America and has a wealth of information on lawns. His sub- ject will be the “Building and Maintenance of Lawns.” In addition to Mr. Aimer's talk Joe and Don Wain of Wain‘s Florists will give a brief lecture on the new insecticides available to the home gardener. 278 Calls Handled By Markham Police Discuss Plan For New Thornhill Fire Area Markham township police an- swered 278 calls during the mo- nth of March states Police Chief Clarence Wideman in his mouth- ly report to council. Local law enforcement of- ficers investigated 10 accidents and issued 35 court summonses. Five cases of theft were handled and four warrants of committ- ment were excuted. Other vital statistics in the re- port were domestic complaints 2, false preten'cesl. dog complaints 3. malicious damage 3, fatalities 1, funerals attended 2. hockey games attended 2, and armed robbery 1. Acting on a complaint from School Area No. 1 Markham- Vaughan regarding dogs running at large on schol property. Pol- ice Chief Wideman reports that the nuisance could be far easier controled if a dog pound was av- ailable. Under present conditions the problem is difficult to deal with. YES! WE SPRAY ORCHARDS A.W. HEARD Painter -- Decorator Reserve Us Now To be sure of some good fruit. next fall Mr. Lowe advised that the le- J. BENEDICTUS CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H Sunlight is one of the best disinfectants. It kills germs as surely as the strongest of man-made solu- tions. Good citizens are thought- ful of others. Therefore, good citizens should use dis- posable handkerchiefs when coughing. sneezing or ex- pectorating and thus aid in prevention of the spread of disease. Many infections are spread from the mouth and nose. The various parts of the human body â€" which is similar to a machine â€"- are not wearproof. The only way to make the body continue to function well Is to give it a rest once in a while. Machines and Good Citizens Sunworthy & Suntested WALLPAPERS DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK MAPLE R. R. 1' Phone Maple 101R33 87 Ross St., Aurora Qqstgrp Spraying Established 1935 PA. 7-4951 The question of manning the fire equipment was discussed and the trustees will undertake to forward a list of volunteers to Chief Bailey. All volunteers must pass a physical examina- tion and will be covered by the Workmen’s Compensation Act. Possible sites for the Fire Hall were considered and the South- East corner of the Park deemed a good location. The question of the site however must be given further consideration before a decision is made. Markham Township was not represented at the meeting. vy for support of the fire protec- tion be levied on the area desig- nated by both Markham and Vaughan townships. but that Markham turn over the amount levied to Vaughan which would be the administrative body. He also advised that the proposed Thornhill Fire Department be under the supervision of the Vaughan Township Fire Chief. The proposed fire area extends from Steeles Ave. on the south to Carrvllle Sideroad on the north half-way between the sec- ond and third concessions in both Markham and Vaughan Twps. It was considered adviso able to keep the whole area within the local telephone area. Thornhill First Aid Demonstration First Thornhill Cub Packs, A and B, held a joint meet- lng recently in Thornhill Cub Hut when Col. Allen of the St. John's Ambulance Corps was guest speaker. In attendance 'were 66 Cubs Col. Allen introduced by Cubmaster Palmer. gave a talk on first aid, and dem- onstrated the Schael’fer method of artificial respira- tion with some of the Cubs. Col. Allan mentioned he was considering the organiza- of a first aid class for the Thornhlll packs. 7 Excavating 3% Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire , 6‘1 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 BRICK - BLOCK STONEWORK RICHMOND HILL LOAM * TOP SOIL * FILL SAND * STONE * GRAVEL J. FOX & SON HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned FRANK GILES ‘1 fared 90 have a doorl" DALTON HICKS All work guaranteed Over 25 Years In Business Free Estimates TU. 4-1610 Brian Thomas Dorsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Perry and grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jam- ieson, Centre St.; Karen Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr and Mrs. H. D. McCabe and granddaugh- ter of Mrs. E. K. Rouxel, Col- borne St.; Terry Arlene. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr. J. L. Jones; Paul George, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Jarrett, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George Giles of Centre St.; Brenda Ellen, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hollister and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shouldlce of Yonge St.; Shirley Gerry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Richardson. The following children were baptized Easter Sunday morning by the Rev. E. E. Kent at Thorn- hlll United Church â€" Baptisms At Easter Service Richmond Hill & District Experienced Workmanship Prompt Service Window Cleaning SERVICE The annual meeting of Thornhill Nursery School will take place on April 27 at 8 pm. in the auditorium of Thornhill Public School. There will be displays of the children's work done over past year as well as photo- graphs of them in action. Miss Janet Baldwin of the Janet Baldwin School of Bill- let will demonstrate, with I few of her younger pupils, the stages in learning the art of ballet. For further in- formation pleaSe call Mrs. Norman Bradley at AV. 5- 1476. Annual Meeting Nursery School DON GILES Phone TU. 4-2948 RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2905 Write or Phone . HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING nomhm. Ont. SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING L'I'I). Free estimates on soil borings and diamond drilling anywhere In Out. HEAD OFFICE - 5 Yonge St. 8.. Box 747. Richmond mu TORONTO AREA 0:33;];4235?‘ Dial 110 and ask for Richmond um um“ 331°“ Mobile Unit w. J. 3-2985 ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE LOAM & MANURB ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Ca” TU. 4-3192 or RU. 1-4651 See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumbet Company, Ltd. Brethour & Morris PHONES: AV. 5-1504, BA. 1-3683 J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY AND sows Appliance Specials "‘ mom HAROLD MORTSON’S I. H. WILSON. Vice-President & General Man-gar Real Estate Limited LOW DOWN PAYMENTS, NEW &RESALES. Use our trade-in plan. Information free. E ALSO WANT LISTINGS ON ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES Beatty Washer De Luxe Range Beatty Superline Washer Beatty Dryer DeLuxe 9.5 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Automatic Washer Uses only 6-9 gallons hot water. Brand new. Real Bargain I only, Real Buy by YARD or LOAD Extra Special Buy Floor sample, brand new, guaranteed Yonge Street Al. Woodwud Avenue (Just North of Steele's Con-non) or come direct to 33 YONGE ST. S. . RICHMOND HILL KIA!) OFFICI: 48 Eglinton Ave. I. Finest appliances you can own. Only One, reg. $299.50 One only Special Special Completely automatic Save All white, long skirt. $50.00 $229.00 $274.95 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN $149.50 AVenIo 5-1148

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