Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1955, p. 10

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['0 ’" THE LIBERAL}, Richmond Hill, Ontagio, Thursday, 'April 21, 1955 A large group of the boys and iirls responded to the invitation and did full justice to an ex- cellent repast, prepared by mem- bers of the Sunday School staff. following the supper. colored films were shown, through the courtesy of the Bell Telephone “Company, and M. J. Kinnee. General Superintendent of the ;school showed slides in techni- iolor of interesting parts of Canâ€" 'ada; and a number. depicting {scenes-in and-around Maple. A qpecial feature was the showing :of pictures taken at the last an- .nual Sunday School Picnic. Members of Maple United Church Sunday School were en- tertained during the Easter va- [cation period by members of the Teachers and Officers Associa- tion, when the annual supper and entertainment were held. {Mail Donations to: Richmond Hill & District Unit, iCanadian Cancer Society.- Box 106 Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. William Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Palmer have returned from a 1,600 mile motor trip to the southern Unit- ed States. They spent three weeks at Indian Rocks Beach near St. Petersburg, Florida and on the return trip they visited the famous Cypress Gardens. _-- 7L mu, "0"“..- v,. Dr. Cam McKay of Maple Cat- tle Breeders with Dr. James Henderson, Veterinary College. Guelph, Roy Snider, Waterloo. Bruce Amos, Oxford and Dis- trict Cattle Breeders, left on Saturday April 16, to attend the cattle Breeders“ Conference at :the University of Main. Maple 8: Surroundinq Districts SundaySchooI En t e rtained Gormley, Ont. No need to use costly, time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS â€" too, you'll find its lower maintenance returns sub. stantial savings through the years. STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! Roofing. Eavestroughing Chimney Brick & Cement Work, Caulking. Painting, Drain, General Repairs of all kinds King High Drive Concord HOME REPAIR RULIFF GRASS CONSTRUCTION The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting Items regarding people and events contrlbuted by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple 19.]; Edgeley. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. Maple 11033. April Is Cancer Month GORMLEY BLOCK CO. SPECIALISTS In all kinds of leaks. Work Done '5 Immediately Contractor Written Guarantee TU. 4-3344 COMPANY LIMITED General Contractors Brick Laying & Masonry Tile Beds Septic Tanks ESTIMATES AND ADVICE Maple Socials BAldwin 1-4451 . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TlLE MEETS ALI. LSJJI. SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED Mr. Norman Bagg was his brother’s best man. The ushers were Bill Moorish and Ronald Keffer. Miss Carol Keffer, flower girl, wore a blue net dress over blue taffeta. She wore pink roses as a headdress and carried a bou- quet of white gladioli centred with pink roses. ‘ Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white chantilly lace over white satin with painted basque hav- ing a scalloped portrait neckline studded with sequins and seed pearls. Her tulle illuSion veil was caught to a cloche embroid- ered with pearls and she carried a bouquet of Ophellia roses and lily-of-the-valley. ‘ Miss Beryl Milroy, 'matronLof honor and Miss Irene Harcourt, bridesmaid, were gowned alike in porcelain shrimp criptalette and wore veils fashioned with pink roses. They carried bou- quets of white gladioli, centred with pink roses. Amid a setting of gladioll and carnations in Cross St. Presby- terian Church, Weston, the mar- riage took place of Madelon Joan Milroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Milroy to Donald Locke Bagg. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bagg, Edgeley. Rev. Mr. Bogg officiated at the candlelight ceremony. Miss Con- stance McEwan, accompanied by Mrs. H. Dixon, sang “Through The Years" and “Wedding Pray- er." The regular meeting of Maple Women’s Institute was held in the Community Centre Hall on Wednesday evening, April 13, with the president, Mrs. D. Allen as chairman of the meeting. A successful financial report of the year was given enabling the W. I. to give donations to Com- munity Centre Hall and other worthy causes. The nominating committee re- port was given and those elected for the year 1955-56 were: Presi- dent, Mrs. Edward Kyle, First Vice-president, Mrs. Laurence Clarke; Secondâ€"vice president, Mrs. George Miller; Secretaryâ€" treasurer, .Mrs. John Leece, Asâ€" sistant, Mrs. Harry Jackson. Directors: Mrs. Harry Jenn- ings. Mrs. Victor Orr, Mrs. A1- fred Jones and Mrs. A.‘ Snider; D. L. 8an Weds Joan Milory At "Candelight Ceremony Mrs. E. Kyle President Women’slnstitute’55-56 After the reports of the stand- ing committees were given, Mrs. Andrew Snider acted as chair- man during the election of offi- cers and Mrs. Harry Jackson was secretary. Mrs. E. Kyle President At the reception at the Four Phone Gormley 5300 Postal Address Thornhill The Districi Annual will be held in Vellore Hall, June 8. 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 mmmnnmmunmmmmuummmmmmu Members of a panel suggested current topics for Farm Forum broadcasts at the Ontario Farm Radio Forum annual meeting held in Toronto recently. They should also be spontaneous, the panel decided. Some felt that the broadcasts “lacked some- thing,” due, they thought, to too much pre-arrangement. Under the present set up, some broad- casts are preared nearly a year in advance. I\llflillllullllllllIll.“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllll‘l!lulllll'lllllllil W. J. Buchanan, Downsview, Secretary-treasurer of York Fed- eration of Agriculture has asked to be relieved of his duties be- cause of ill health. / CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS. WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP Nominating committee. Mrs. William Noble, Mrs. George Cal- der. Mrs. Norman Payne; Stand- ing committee. Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. N. Payne; Citizenship and Educa- tion. Mrs. G. Miller, Community Activities and Public Relations. Mrs. H. Stephenson, Home Econ- omics and Health. Mrs. T. F. Jackson, Historical Research and current events, Mrs. E. Harris, resolutions Mrs. M. Palmer. Social Committee; Mrs. V. Orr, Mrs. E. Wade. Mrs. A. Jones; Pianists, Mrs. W. Noble, Mrs. E. Wade; Auditors. Mrs. G. Watson, Miss Mary Carson. A contest was conducted by Mrs. A. Snider and was won by Mrs. W. Noble. An instrument- al given by Mrs. Noble brought the meeting to a close. when re- freshments were served by the committee in charge. Winds Country Club, the bride's mother received the guests in a silver brocade dress with corsage of mauve orchids. The groom's mother assisted wearing powder blue crepe dress and a corsage of pink orchids. Rev. Foster Hilliard, who has been minister at Flesherton for the past three years, has been acalled to Downsview .United Church to replace Rev. Cyril Leach, who has asked for a change of pastoral relations. Forty dollars wés donated to the Cancer Campaign for Funds which is being held this month. For a motor trip to Florida, the bride chose a three piece en- semble of grey wool with navy blue hat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Bagg will live in Edgeley ,on their return. arow‘ngâ€"§-inc5 pile. 100 for 2.89; 12-inch size. 100 for SLSO: S-lnch size. 100 for $5.50: IB-Inch size. 100 for $6.95: 2-“. the. 25 lor $3.93 or $15.00 per 100: 34!. M12, 25 for $6.98 or $25.00 per 100. PRIVETâ€" .‘._-......-' Inulltv PLANT A HEDGE °1i$l§p§2Â¥$ proper plnnunz “me. â€"! Pergnnlal Baby Breath Plant: (or EARLY orders. â€" “Best Quality Only” Ivan MULIIernnâ€" ux-‘uew sea“ a! Hardy Roses"â€"-' B-ln.. bushy, transplnnud. 25 for $3.49 or $11.95 per 100. BARBERRYâ€"Varnnn . In! 1“ PA EONY ROOTSâ€" medium grothâ€"fifiiéic’nly hardy Hut-ii 13-0111" 25 {or $3.98 or $15.00 per ROSA MU LTI FLO RAâ€" ngnIE'l FREE c CHINESE ELMâ€"-E Hmong-In" 100 lorâ€"§i§:957;732-ln.. 25 (or $5.98 or $22.00 per 100. "‘“"" “VV'methMon the) Era. white or Pink. 3 [or $1.98. BOWMANYILLE, ONTARIO Phone Buy or Night: Mute: 3-3345 BraukdaIe-Kingsway Nurseries Next Sunday morning A- pril 24th special service will be held in Maple United Church, the occasion being the annual Women’s Mis- sionary Society service. Guest speaker will be Dr. W. J. Virgin, who spent sev- eral years on the staff of Ludhiana Medical School in India. Several of the offi- cers of the W. M. S.'will assist in the service ‘W.M.S. Service April 24 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION l3istrict Briefs "Alanna-e" v n H e t 3‘ Wlth Every Order 'uldn's Finest Colored Guden Guide :siest ind Puke“ Maroon - red 7 ll! Drainwork Emergency Service Specializing in Alterations and Repairs Funds for the proposed exten- sion of Maple United Church, for religious education purposes, were augmented by a very satis- factory amount ‘on Monday night when a fine audience heard the Ontario Hydro Singers of To- ronto in a very pleasing enter- tainment of choral and solo numbers. Stewart Laird Hollingshead and Rickey Samuel Edmond Hol- lingshead, sons of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Hollingshead, R. R. 2, Ma- ple; Linda Ellen Maiden. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Maid- en, Toronto, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Maple. Samuel Randall Baillie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bail- lie, Concord. Rev. A. G. Donald was in charge of the service and an ex- ceptionally large congregation was in attendance. Mr. Donald's theme was “Continuing Easter” and his text was from St. Mat- thew’s Gospel, “Go Ye and Bap- tize all Nations." The Maple Choir under the direction of Mrs. Roy Clegg sang the anthem, “God Is A Spirit.” Maple Welfare Group of the Canadian Cancer Society is cam- paigning for funds during April which is CANCER month in Can- ada. Instead of a house-to-house canvass, donations are being re- ceived through the churches and organizations which the members of the Group represent. A Home Baking Sale and Tea will be held Saturday, April 23, at 2.30 p.m., at Maple Masonic Hall, proceeds from which will also go to the fund. The Women’s Association of Fisherville United Church held a Farewell Party in honor of Mrs. A. Jar-rick of Concord on Monday afternoon, April 11 at the home of Mrs. A. Watts. Steel- es Ave., W., and presented her with a lazy-susan serving tray and a cup and saucer. Mrs. Jar- rick and her husband and their sons Edward and Paul are mov- ing to Torrence, Ontario. The concert,was under the au- spices of the Senior Girls Class of Maple Sunday School, Mrs. 4 Baptisms At Sunday Service United Church Building Fund Receives Substantial Gift The Sherwood-Unionville Lu- ther League annual meeting was held in Zion Lutheran Church Sherwood, Sunday evening, April 17. On Thursday evening, April 14, Mrs. Joe Boron, Concord, was hostess at a surprise fare- well party in honour of the Jar- Cancer Welfare Group Plans Tea, Bake Sale Funds are urgently needed to carry on the great humanitarian work of the Society, the money going towards RESEARCH -â€" EDUCATION â€" and SERVICES. The sacrament of infant bap- tism was observed in Maple United Church on Sunday, April 17 when the following children were received into the member- ship of the church. Chairman of the local Welfare Group is Mrs. George Miller. Farewell Presentations Held For larrick Family F. Smith President Sherwood- Unionville Luther League Maple Recreation Associa- tion sponsored a successful Easter Hop last Friday night at the Community Hall. Chairman of the Entertain- ment Committee was Dugall McCowan, who was assisted by his committee Bruce Lan- gille. Bert Newstead and Al. Godfrey. Decorations. in charge of Mrs. Bruce Langille, were an outstanding attraction of the event and music was provided by Sally and Her Musical Mates. Officers elected were: Presi- Plumbing & Heating Engine§rs M.R.A. Easter Hop BASIL FOX TUmer 4-1547 Norman Payne. teacher. The singers were welcomed by M. J. munee, General Superintendent of the Sunday School, and at the close of the concert Rev. A. G. Donald expressed the apprecia- tion of those present for an en- joyable evening. The choir was entertained in the Sunday School room by members of the girl’s class. as- slsted by the lady teachers of the Sunday School. This Friday. the League is planning to attend a Splash Par- ty and social evening at Re- deemer Lutheran Church, To- ronto. dent, Frank Smith, Unionville; lst Vice-president, Art Moore, Sherwood; 2nd Vice-president, Lionel Dawson. Unionville; sec- retary, Miss Patrica Knowles, Concord; assistant secretary,Miss Lorna Latimer. Unionville; trea- surer, Maurice Williamson, Sher- wood. Three Luther League leaders attended classes at Waterloo Col- lege last week. Miss Grace Fischer, Lorne Smith and Lionel Dawson sat in on regular class- es in session. ricks when a few of their friends presented them with a chenile bedspread. Among those who attended the party were Mrs, W. Baillie, Mrs. J. A. Whaley, Mrs. J. J. Whaley. Willowdale; Mrs. Vic. Palmer. Mrs. Vic Williamson. Mrs. G. Darling and Miss Karen Whaley. Among those who entertained for Miss Joan Milroy of Weston, prior to her marriage to Donald Bagg of Edgeley were Miss Ir- ene Harcourt of Leaside, a mis- cellaneous shower, Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Ackrow, Weston, ‘mis- cellaneous shower and Mrs. Jos. Keffer, Concord, a pantry show- er. ‘ A presentation was held at the home of Miss Constance Mc- Ewem, Weston and the Edgeley Community held a miscellaneous shower at the home of the groom’s ,parents on Tuesday ev- ening, April 12. Maple Lions held their Seventh Annual Ladies' Night, April 14, at the Com- munity Centre when over 100 Lions and their guests enjoyed a turkey dinner, ca- tered to by Lion John Neu- feld, followed by dancing to the music of Sally and Her Musical Mates. Guest speaker of the ev- ening was Dr. J. Markowitz, University of Toronto, world authority of experimental surgery, who spoke on the uses and preparation of vac- cines for ipolwio, etc. Seventh Annual Ladies’ Night Only in a branch of a chartered bank are all these and many other convenient banking services provided under one roof. A visit to the bank is the way to handle all your banking needs _-â€"simply, safely, easily. A branch of a chartered bank is much more than the best place to keep your savings. It is an all-round banking service-centre that provides services useful to everyone in the community. In every one ofi 4,000 branches in Canada, people are using all sorts of banking services. They make deposits, cash cheques, arrange loans, rent safety deposit boxes, transfer money, buy and sell foreign exchange. All under one roof Edgeley Socials THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Professor D. K. Andrews of Knox College, showed pictures and described his trip to the Holy Land. Members of neigh- rbouring societies had been invit- 3ed and pleasant social time was hadoin the Sunday School room at the close of the lecture. The regular meeting of Hope Community and School Club was held in the school on Tuesday evening April 5, with the presi- dent, Mrs. R. Baker in the chair. After the report of the year's work ‘was given the election of ofl'icers for 1955-56 was held with Mrs. Norman Payne acting as chairman. Mrs. R. Baker Re- Elected To Office The, slate of officers elected were: President. Mrs. R. Baker; First Vice-president, Mrs. Harry Jackson; Second Vice-president, Mrs. Marwood; Secretary. Mrs. Cam McKay, Assistant. Mrs. Kay Lightheart; Treas. Mrs. Gordon Ingram; Auditor, Elmer Orr; Phone Committee. Mrs. E. Sown- dy, Mrs. L. Cooper, Mrs. L. Clarke. Mrs. E. Orr; Program Committee. Mrs. L. Clarke, Mrs. France; Cancer Welfare Comâ€" mittee, Mrs. G. Calder and Mrs. G. Ingram. A donation of $22 was collect- ed for the Cancer Fund. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday evening. May 3, at the school. The Easter meeting of St. Anâ€" drew’s Presbyterian W. M. S. Maple, was held on Tuesday evening, April 5. in the church when Mrs. Eric Brice, the presi- dent, presided. Earl’e Magee sang a solo "Opén the Gates of the Temple”. with Mrs. E. Wade as accompan~ ist. Knox Professor Shows Films Lovell’s E Tee-Vee & Radio Service All Work Guaranteed Tee-Vee Service Warranty G 1 Year Year 51 HALL ST. TU. 4-32.90 ‘ REGULAR PRICE - $59.50 ~ “OUR PRICE - $49.50 MOTORIZED Tee Vee ANTENNA ~ "ROTO KING’ ROTATOR For more brilliant pictures, just push a 'button and get your Tee-Vee Station. Finger-tip-piano-control tun- ing. Panoramic dial face indicator, precise antenna position at all times. See ths magnificient Tee-Vee ROTATOR at the RICHMOND HILL Paris Auto Supply Ltd. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 nmcx - BLOCK STONEWORK ATTENTION PEOPLE OF MAPLE & SURROUNDING DISTRICTS DO NOT FORGET YOUR RICHMOND HILL AT YOUR SERVICE 24 HRS. DAILY Try our low rates. No matter where you wish to go our rates are less. Local Calls up to 1% miles 50c REPAIRED BY EXPERH‘S MAPLE TAXI Washing Machines, Radios, and Small Appliances _ LATE MODEL CARS Courteous careful driver. Call for lower rates For best service call Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes All work guaranteed LOOK! Free Estimates MAPLE 180 Saving: Accotmt: Current Accounts joint Account: Personal Loans Commercial Loan: Farm Improvement Loan N.H.A. Mortgage Loan: Home Improvement Loam Foreign dee and Market Information Buying and Selling of Foreign Excbange Commercial Colkctiotu Money Transfer: Money Orders and Bank Dmft: Travellers Cbeqne: Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services, including: SEE THE BANK ABOUT IT Letter: of Credit Safety Deposit Bord Credit Information Purchase and Sale of S ecuritie: Custody of Securities and other valuable: Bagzking b] Mail TU. 4-1541 TU. 4-2905

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